Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CUANSES THE 5YSTEM PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE - MAH'F'D By (AlllvKNIA pG YRVP(S fCSUieTAlt CRUGGiSTi FPCl SOc ftSCOTlL PKUI'LE YIIU ALL KNOW. C. V. the citv, Baker is a LaGrande visitor in Arthur Hodges is in the city from Friuuville. Bert Hoilister left finend his vacation in this morning to Portland and at thu beach. Mrs. G. C. Bl.ikeloy has been visiting her parents in Portland and returned -borne last nitflit. Miss Cavanauirh, who has been a guest of Miss Alice Lyle, left this morning for her home in Portland. Ralph Fisher will leave tomorrow for California, where he will resume his studies at Stanford university. John Sommerville Jr., came in from Hay Ureek yesterdav and spent todav with Ilia parents. He will leave for Portland tomorrow. W. Holder and three children came up from the Mom Camp at Wind river last night and spent the day in the city, leaving this evening for Moro. Mrs. E. E. Lytle came down from a visit to Moro yesterday and remained over until this afternoon's train, When alio will leave for her home in Portland. Miss Hose Buchler, having epent some time v'eiting her sister, Mis. Tibbets, in Monterey, and Mrs. P. Nichols, at Oak land, returned to her home in this city last night. Mrs. Corson left on this morning's train for The Dalles. From there she will go to her fxtensive grain farm and receive lu r share of the crop iust har vested, which amounts to several thous and bushels. Heppner Gazette. Mrs. Isabello Grav, who has been visiting fiieuds in Independence, re turned home on the boat last night. She was accjinpanied by Annie Pentland, daughter of K. C. Pentland, who will Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagious blocd poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. They may dose a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of the disease ; on the other hand, his condition will crow a n n -t . . . " steauny worse, a. a. o. is tne only cure for this terrible aflliction, because it is tho only remedy which goes direct to the cause of tho disease and forces it from the system. I was afflicted with Blood Poison, and the Best doctors did mo no good, though I took their treatment fnlth fully. In fact, I seemed to uot worso all the while. I took almost every so-callod blood remedy, but they dldnot seem to reach tho dis ease, and had no effect whatever. I was dis heartened, for It Deemed that I would never be cured. At the advice ol a friend I then took 8. 8. 8.. and began tolm- Tirove. I contlnupfl the V-O . 7 M I I I f I I IV medicine, and It cured me completely, build tog up my health and increasing uiy appetite. Although this was ten years ago, I have never yet had a tign of the disease to return. W. K. Nrwmak. Staunton, Va. It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury.; besides totally destroying the digestion, they dry up the marrow in the bones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the joints, causing tho hair to fall out, and completely wreoking the system. S.S.S.'&BIood U gtwanUed 'Puraiy'Viga table, and it ike only blood wvaMT.St from these aaagaroua minerals.' 'Book.'en aalMMatmeRt.aMt tt t Swift Sfwalle Company , Atlanta, Oa. I and Mrs. Miss Mnte Enrieht will doss thronali the city this nftornoon onher way 'to ninko her home in Portland. Sho will bo joined by her motliernt Bonneville, where she has been visfting. This morning MrsAlfred Liebe, who has spent threo moiuhs in tho city, left for hor liouie in Sa Francisco, accom panied by MiaaLenn Liebe, who will spend two uiontfis with her. Mre. Geo. Liebe went as Kir as Portland with them, and will visit relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. S. French returned home last night on the train, having spent several months at their cottaire on Loin; Ueach, Mre. French's health has been very poor during her absence from the city, but her friends trust her outing will not bo without the desired efl'ect. OUR CHURCHES. Congregational church, corner Fifth and Court streets, D. V. Poling, pastor Morning subject, "Faith in Achievement and Desire." Evening, "The Spoiled Child and the Self-Willed Man." Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. meeting at G:G0 p at 10 a. m. ui. Young people m. Sundav school Methodist church, corner Fifth and Washington streets, J. II. Wood, pastor- Sunday cchool in tho morning at 10 Services at 11 a. m., and at S p. in Class meeting at 12:20. Junior League at 3:30 p.m. Epworth League at Christian church, Ninth and Cour streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 unristian inueavor at uwo p. m Prayer meeting on Thursday evening l'ulillc School Announcement. Hie miles public schools will open Monday, Sept. llth. It is desired that as far as possible all pupib expecting to attend the fall term will be present. Examinations will be held for those pupils who were absent from school at the close of last term, for those who have been doing work through the summer, and for those who desire to enter school as new pupils, at the High School building, on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, at 9 a. m. A meeting of the teachers of Tiie Dalles schools will be held on Wednes day, Sept. 6th, at 10 a. m. J. S. L.ANDKIIS, Supt. The Ladies. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, under ail conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get I lie true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. For sale bv all druggists. A Wonl to Mothers. Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesitate to ad minister Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate nor uarcotic in any form and may be given as confldently to the babe as to an adult. The great sue cess that has attended its use in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the appioval and praise it has re ceived throughout the United States and in many foreign lands. For eale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggiste. Tiie great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints hae made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. BUSINESS .LOCALS. Latest thing in cameras proved Magazine cyclones at are Im Donnell's drug store. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stublinz, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dallee. Ml7-3m For fresh oysters go to A. Keller's. Dr.GUWW'S ONE FOR A DOBE. ems RfmoTO Plmplff, Frnreot P,.iVf "." P"r"r H Blood, f. " will mill .aDipU fnrarfSll borf?r" c Bold b druuu. OR. 905MKbfi6"mi P ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will rup every day. except Sunday. RaUi Reasonable. Tfllaphons 201. W. A. GATES. ProD. visit her aunt and uncle, Mr. I) rooks. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerline, under the firm name of Smith & Cockerline, Is tli is day dissolved by mutual consent, F. E. Cockerline retiring. C. S..Sinith will continue the business, and will collect all bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Bated August 15, 1S99. C. S. Pmitii, F. E. Cockuiimni:. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. Daut and S. D. Stoufer under tho firm name nnd stylo of Tho Daut Optical and Jewelry Company has this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut will continue the business, collect all debts due the firm and pay nil bills owing by them, the said S. D. Stoufer hereby retiiinir therefrom. Dated this Htli day of August, 1S09, P. G. Daut S. D. Stoufui Miss Huttie Maiden, who has re cently returned from Washington, D, C, where site pursued her studies in art, is now prepared to take pupils in drawin and oil painting, She mav be found nt her iiomc on West Fourth street. 2S-lw Wanted. io uorrow ifuuu at six or eight per cent. Security, a house and two lots on Ninth street, Tho Dalles. Address Rkv. A. Hoiin, aSO-wlm Goldendale, Wash. I'ur Sale. Ail S-rooni house (can be made nine rooms), also a barn and nice garden. For particulars apply to N, Whk.u.don, o2G wlm The Dalles. or ShIu. Tnentv-three city lote for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. S-23-lmo. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For eale at all fir3t-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3ui. Try Yerba Buena Hitters, the brst tonic. For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalle?. M17-3m Paint your house with paints that are Clarke A Falk fully guaranteed to last, have them. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, Tun dailks or ,) June no, lb'.iy. i Notice is herebv Riven that in compUnnc With the tir0VllflllS of the set of ronirrrsK-ii June 3, 1S7b, entitled "An act for tho Mile o Umber lands in the states ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington terrf tnrv .' riinrlos Oosson, of Tho Dille, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this nflire his .sworn statement No. 1 II, for the purchiuo of the lot i ana Hi'-x, h y, ol Sec. No. 'J'J, In Township No. 1 N. ranzu No. 12 K. ami will oIIit imuif in show that the land sought is more valuable) fru its timber or stono than for agricultural pur- lose, and to establish his claim to s lid luud be ore the register and receiver of this ofilon nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, tho 15th day of Sentomber. IMC). Ho names as witnesses. A. Tiimpr . w f'lnrl- I'cter Fagan. O. W'hltmore, all of The Dalles, Or. Any and all nelsons elHlnilnir tin. above desrribeii lands are rrminstrol to lll flit-lr claims in this olllco on or beiorc said loth day of September, 1 sua. J, i LUCAS. Jiy-li Register CONTEST NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Tiik Dalies, On. i July 11. J8VJ. A Himclent contest nllidnvit Imvh. ..,,, m.l in .mis omcu ny jariics rouiK, contestant. against honiestnid entry No. WW, made Nov. slih:i K. it in i? Htni itu'i iwfS . llll. ir'.li. lor ftUVS. IW'.'X SU lri" Ml.tnuti hip I S, It 1:1 K, by Thomas Jcll'tc'ys, contestee. io which il ii miti-un inm nn i ns nnmtn.itwwi said tract for more than li months. Said parties arc nercov lioill leu to untiear. r-iiioiil ntwl mur uvmeiiuu loiiciuiig sain allegation, at 10 ocloik a. m. on Sent. i. 1MH. before the reulster and receiver at the United States land oillecin i lie "tines, ur. mo sain contestant Mnvinir in n nrmior allldavit, fildl July 1st. 18W. set forth facts wuicn snow mat alter unu nil nrnnrc. wnmu service ol this notico can not bo made, it Is ft iieieuy uruerej ami uirecteii luaisuch notico be nen oy uuu aim proper puijiieatlon. is-ii jai v. lucah, lieguter. NOTICE, TJ. H. Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore. I . July ', 1W. i Notice Is hereby given that tho order of Do eemuer b, 1WI, temporarily wlthdrawiinr from disposal, for tho purposes of a boat railway, the ' ouiiiii siuu aim wiiniu in miles ol tho Columbia river, between The Dalles and Cclllo, has been revoked by tho president, ex ??.?." ,bu following described jmrcels: one In the NtUfof hec 111, r 2 N, K II K, containing liT ';'.:.."',' wiifinui nt-fuj, unu mo outer in thoNU U,bee'il, T a N, It 15 K, containing abfjut half an acre. On and alter September 1, ifW, we will receive iiiipiiyniions lor uny vacant lands Included '"erc'. J. I'. LU(-'Ab. OTIS I'ATTIvltSON, Iteclstir. Jtetelver. JlyO i Administrator's Notice. Notice is herehy.glven that tbo undersigned has been duly appointed by tho Hon. County Court of the the state of Oregon, tor Waco coun ty, as administrator of tbo esutouf Adolph Agldius, deceased. All arsons having claims against Mid estate are hereby notlUed to present the same properly verified to we at tbo otilco of nty attonuys, Dulur & Menefee, within six months from tho dato of this notice. Dated at The Dalles, 0reg0Jn',iuA'jJj99- Administrator of the Estate ol A itolph Agkllus. aeceasog. jtj Exeoutor's Notioe. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has beta duly appointed bv tho linn,,?M.. sent thosajae,. pro- pfflco ln Dalles fctty. Oregon, within six moulhi from toe data of this notice. vawu iuis out uar Ol JUiy, ikw. Executor of tbc esUto of 1'hebo J, llaicht, wuuu'vvmtui uivnww 01 urvgoiii lor, Wasco tponty, as exrcutor.of the sute of uLsbTj. Uaigbt, deoeasai. All per.ons havlog claims aaainit said estate are harehv tmiifiui Tie Dalles. Forllani and Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Reffulator iS Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way pnin's on both sides of tho Columbia river. lloth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt, ami hiu In excellent shape for the mushu of lS'Jj. Tim Itegiiliitor l.liu- w 111 endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Cmiirort, lOcoiuiniy and I'lfiixuro, travel by the steamers of Tim Krgulalor l.lno. Tho above steamers leave The Dalles at S a. m. and i'orllaudntT a. m., and arrivo at destina tion lu aniplv time for outgoing trains. Portland Olllcc. Tho Dalles Olllcc. Oak St. Dock-. Court Street W. 0. Allaway, Ucncra Agent. A Good Engine and Boiler For Sale on Easy Terms at this Office, BO YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE mm Trade Marks Qamvmmurm A Anrona andlng sketch and dasrlptlon m Qoleklr aaotrtaln our opinion ItZa wCiihir ?. Iiirantlon la probablr lU&li?CoDfim7iiijSL' tionsBtrltJMUitffirTlM Sdentmc flmrkai. WHOSE HSU- iteffEsSm mm nKSSL Best work at Least Possible Cost fJiinrniitt'fid to give satisfaction. effort will lie iimdo to establish n business work and consult our prices. CONSIDER Ik'Pt Crown itutl Uriilgi! work JlcHt Hilt tci'th, uuiiniiiteeil . . Ilect (oltl I'illin 22k. t;ollj, Heat fillvcr or nllov llllini: Toutli I'Xtrnuttiii witliout pain Kooius ll-12-t:;, Cliuiiiiiiin Illock, .Second St. Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? ft Kl'XOKI) tfittuli the relation to laud ertv to insure, ivu us a call. Wo are amenta for four of Urn best lire insurance, companies in tho world. If you have property for gale, list It with us and we'll ilinl a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono St. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave anil are duo to arrive nt 1'ortl.iL LKAVE. OVKKLANi) i:X-i press, Knlem, ltontj-1 1)11 IK, Ashland, Hac-1 riimunto, Onilen,Snn I Franclseo, Jlojuve, ( I.os AiiKeles.Kl l'aso. New orleuns ami Kst 1 r.00 J:V A. JI. :so A. M. Dully exfupt ijumliiy.s Hosehnrtr anil way ta tloiiH fViii Wooillnirn lorl Mt.Anirel. Hilvi-rton. I;3U I', to Dully West clo, Ilrowiik- , villc,rfprlniUeMiind Humliiys (.Natron 1 . except i 17 :S0 A. il. (OnrvalllH anil (stations INDKPKNDKNCE l-ASUKNOKK. Kxnrvsa train wuill (otceiitHunday). ISO tl.m. fl.V PlirllllTlil A r S.9A .. lijip. in. rti.,j.ciinnviiie..i.v, .'iiiOu.ra 8:ao p. in.,.iiiui.ieiiueiiccl II.'iOh. in. Dally. fDaiiy, except bunany. DINING OAUU O.N OODKN ItOUTK. I'UI.MIAN HUKFKT HLKKi'KltB AND HKOOND-(JI.A83 BI.KEI'INO CAHfc AttaclieJ to all Tlirouuli Trains. Direct connection at San franclseo with Ocei ilentul anil Oriental and l'aclllo mall steamihlp uiimciaion A 'A Brtl""K tUW " Kates Mill tickets to Kastern iiolnts anil Ku- AHTIUAl'AN' U,I,!,A, "0N0I'U,'U ' All above trnliiH nrrlvo at ami depart fron OraudOciitralHtatlon. Hlth anil Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. I'attcuKvr Dei)t, foot ol Jeflerbon street, Leiivo for Blierldan, week days, at 1:30 n. m Arrivo at I'ortland, a. in. 1 KrM5l0i?L A,!IU'IK Monday, Wednesday and Krluiiy atsam. m. Arrivo at l'ortinnd. Tuns tiav, Thursday and Satuniaj it3;05i'. m. Except fiiinday. "Except Saturday. u' KKL-LElt, , . MAKKHAM, ilanager. AssU (1. K. A I'ass. At or N. WHAl!'Iky.UK,'AM' TIck AKcnt. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tit ANSA OTA KNEKALBANKING BUHINKB Letters of Credit issued available in the ci 1 1 t, """n oiatea. bllfllt Eichinm on.l rrut i... Tranafera o ot. Louie, ban Franilacn Pr..t i..i Ftl' Ron, Seattle Wash., and various point in Oregon and Washington. orable Urm.a. mR'j8 HU PlnU 0n Notice of Filing Final Account xuW&ikT Collie1 a va"iwi illeil with Hirtnini..f .i:!. debtor, bu mmmmm Y-MhoKatVriloy" ' "Wo nrc lioro to stay; tliorcforo p. as. Jt will imy you to cxnininn . OUR PRICES: ur tooth . $4.50 $1-00 up oue up stte Portland Dental Parlors . UU YOU KUHK it iH all right? Huinniiihur it if tliu that covltiib. It la our Iiiihiiiuks to muomIh and show what thov contain in titles. If vnu contLMiiiilato hitviiii! laiul or loaniiii; iiioni'y on ri'al ustato st'curity, taku no iiian' word, but inniet unon knowing what tho record sliowa ri'trariiini; thu title. An Ahftrnut 1h iih essential hp a deed, luaist on havini: It. Wu have tho only set of Abstract ltooke in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction eiiariinteed. II vou have firuii- 2d St., oppoolto A. M. Williams &. Co. r ..GHflS. FfiaE. Batchers and Fafmeps ..Exchange.. Keeps on driiiiKht the eelehrntol (.'Ol.t'Mlll.V 11EEK, ucknotvl eilmil tlio liest beer In Thu Dulles, nt tho usual price. Come In, try It and be eonviiiccil, Alto the Finest brands of Wines, I.I imr mid Clears. Sandrjuiehes of nil Kinds always on hand. Bicycle S REPAIR SHOP. J AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Lock and Gunsmith, L nnd Maohlno work. P Charles BuraMorf.sSS: ! r n y ft n ? LiAHE BROS. (1ENEHAL m C. R V Wagsn and Carriage Work. I PlahilrAthara' Waaort. i in hi nni . k in r mi. ruuuu mi JJ A. STUHDEVANT, P6iitiat. OBoo orr Frwch A Co.'s lin l'uou. 6. TICKI)Al.I.K8,OBaW I I ...AND imsestioefs