4V Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels r.EANSES THE 5YSTEM V-" . rrrrrTIIAI IV EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JviT ' . S. HflB.TUALC0NST'PAT,ON 1 ! UAL PERMANENTLY RIIV TUP f.fNUINE-M&HT'D By (u!vRNIApGtSYRVF(2. rOS SAllEYAU DHUSGUTi PBiCt SOt rlR COTTIL rCUI'LK YOU ALL KNOW. Mrs. J. A. Bethune came in from Dufur yesterday. E. J. l'rahl and wife, of Glenwood, are in the city today. Mrs. M. I. Hensel returned to her Louie at Lyle today. J. V. Morton and V. Koss Winans are up iroui Hood River. Ernest Jensen left this morning for a trip to stoiia and the 'leach. Mrs. L. E. Gaylord and eliildren nre visiting in The Dalles from Oregon City. C. B. Stewart and wife are in the city from .Mil tun and are registered at the Umatilla. Mrs, C. E. Myers, of Oregon City, ac companied by her son, Maurice, Is visit ing her brother, C. S. "Suiitli.of this city. Mrs. Myers' son wa9 one of the Oregon The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMICA Questions are constantly comingup every day inliterature,artandscience which you wish you knew, but yo.u aon't. Make up your imind that you are not going to Fbe caught this way very of ten. Whenever a new subject is brought to your it and learn all you can about it. The U 1 P Encyclopaedia Britannicaisthe reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica fop One Dollar Gash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes vith a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when thefirs tpayment is made. The Complote Set (Thirty Large . Octavo Volumes): No. 1. New Style Buckram Cloth, Marble! Edges. Extra Quilitylllsh Machine Fin- lh Book Paper, $45 00. ' First payment, One Dollar ($1.00) and Three Dollars ($1.09) per month thereafter. No. . Halt MoroccorMarbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper. $60.00. First payment, Two Dollars ($j.oo) and Four Dollars ($.oo) per month thereafter. No. 1. Sheep. Tan Color. Marbled Edees, Extra equality High Machine Finish Book Flrstlpayment!'Tbr Dollars ($10) and Five Dollars (Ij-eo) per mos Ui thereafter. A reduction of 10 per cent. It mated by paying cart within jo day after the racelat of the work. , 0lt 8ALK BV I.0. NICK ELSE N, volunteer!, and he will take pleasure In greeting his Dallea comrades. Dr. A. P. Stowcll cruno up last night from Vancouver and left ttjls uinrntng for Goldendnle. T. A. Van Norden and daughter, Mrs. Thus. Wood, have returned from an out ing at Wind river. Mrs. W. II. Wilson and daughter, Winifred, returned on last night's train from Portland and the beach. Miss Winnie McKnight, who has been the truest of Miss Joles for the past few weeks, left this uiornini for her homo tn Portland. Major J. S. Booth came up last night from Portland and spent the day hero at tending to military business and meet ing friends. Air. and Mrs. N. Harris and family came up on the boat lost nluht, return ing from their cottage at Ocean Park, Long Beach. Jos. Hherar came in from the Bridge today. He was accompanied by Hoy Grimes, wiio has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sherar. Mr. II. Herbring started for New York on last night's train, whero ho will buy a large supply of dry goods, etc., for the'frtl! and winter trade. Mrs. D. L. De Wolf and little daughter, May, left yesterday for n six-months visit with "relatives in Louisville, Ky. Duriug her absence Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Dawson will occupy her residence on Fourth street. Dr. E. E. Ferguson, who spent the past winter at Cape Nome, Alaska, stopped m The Dalles lat Wednesday evening on his wav tcr his home in Pendleton. He was aormer classmate of Dr. Belle Rineharbf Chas. Clarey, Sr., who was appointed roppivpr fnr Mm Dalles National bank and who snent several months here two years agi, passed through last night on his way to JPrineviIlu, presumably to ex amine "the First National bank at that place. Pease & Maya' employes nre again getting down to business, mot of them having enjoyed their vacation trip. Mr. Miller returned to the dry goods depart ment a few duvB since; Mfss Henderson is again at her desk aftera short stay at Bonneville: Mr. and Mra. II. P. Lee re turned last night from' a trip to San Francifcn. and he is UL'ain at work: Thos. Gavin and W.J. Bassett, of the grocery departmeuthaye been in 1'ort iaiid and at the beach, and are now in their nlaces nt the tore: and Ed Daven- nnrt. who lias suent the nast few davs on a fishing trip, 'is today behind the counter in the clothing department. dii:i At Mosier, this mornin?, Sept. .Mrs. M. McGregor, mother of Wells, aged 78 years. 1st. Mrs Farm for Salis Price sf 1S00. .$1000 down ; balance on reasonable terms. Two hundred and eighty acres in closed, one hundred and twenty acres deeded land, good title; between fifty and sixty acres in grain and meadow; good house of seven rooms, good barn and out buildings. School house on the place; well of water on the porch ; creek runs through the place ; 400 bearing fruit trees, good gardens ; forty stands of bees ; irood assortment of small fruit. This farm is well improved, four utiles from Dufur. four miles from Endersby. Reasonable' terms. Apply to Bi:.v Southwell, on the place, on 8-Mile creek. au30-2w J. . MCOBE. JOIIK GAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Koonis 3'J and 10, over U. S. Land Ofllcc. .1ERVITA Restarts VITALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all efTects 01 sciv abuse, or excess ana lnuis cretion. Ancrvotonlcoml blood builder. Brings the pink glow to mle cheeks an restores the fire of youth By mall 50c per box; boxes lor $2.BU; with a written gimriin teo to euro or refund tlio money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson tits., CHICAGO, itl. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker anil Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co. '8 Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. A Good Engine and Boiler For Sale on Easy Terms at this Office. NOTICE. U. S. Land OrntE, The Dalle?, Orel July IB. Ih'JU. I Notice is hereby given that tlio order of De cembers, lh'jl, temporarily withdrawing trom dlsosal, forlheruriiosesof n boat railway, tlio lands on the south side and within six miles of thrs Columbia river, between The JMlle? mid Celllo, bus been revoked by Iho president, ex cept as to the following descilbed parcels: one In the NWjfof Sec 31, t' 2 N, H 1 1 K, containing about four and one-half acrci1, and tho other In thuNWU, Hcc-Sl, T 'J N, It 15 K, containing ubout hall an Here. On and after September 1. IffiW, we will receive applications lor any vacant lands Included therein. J. 1 LIJl'Atj, OTiH I'ATTKHSON, ita'istcr. Hecelver. JljVOi Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned 1ms been duly appointed by tho homnublo County Court of thoKtate of Oregon, for Wasco county, us executor of the estate of I'licbeJ. iiaight, deceased. All perrons having claims against said estato are hereby uotllkd to pre sent tho same, nronerly veilllcd, to mu at mv oilice In Indies city, Oicgon, within six mouths Horn me unto i mm nonce. Dated this Mh day of July, 1890. i-'uank .mi:nki"i:i:. Kxicutor of the estnto of l'hebc J. Ifulglit, defeated. Jly8-ll NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. U. H. L.tNii Office, Tiik iullks, On , JunuiX), IbW. f Nn'lco is herebv given Ibat In compllunco with the uroviblous of the act of congress of June i), IH't, i'litllled "An act for tho bale of timber lauds In the states ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Wellington territory," Charles (iotsoii. of Tho Htllef. county nf Watco, stito of Orrgon, bus this day flint In this otllce his sworn statement No. Ill, for the mirchasoof Iho lot 4 and bKHWU office. No.'-"J,lii Township No. 1 N, range No. Vi K, and will oiler proof to show that tho laud sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural nor. poses, and to establish his claim to a ild laud be fore tbo register and receiver of Ibis otllcu at The Dalles, Oregon, on r'rlday, thel6tbday of Htptember, im. lie names as wllnesses, A. Turner, W. Clark. Peter Kavau. O. Wkltmore. ail of Tbo Dallea. Or. Any audall.Mnons claiming Mdveraely Ibe above dekrrlbMjaads are reguestci U file their claims In this otlM on or before aald 1Mb, day of Beptember, im. J. '. J.UCAH, JD'H-ll Keglster. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvo nnrt are due to arrive at l'ortiai LEA VK. OVKItLAN'I) KX-1 burg,' Ashland, 8e- 00 1". M. L'ronrUiil. MlltrtVC. 0:1,) A. Mi Iis Aligcies,i'.i raso. New urlenna and Ka.t J Itoscburg and way a '8:30 A. M. tlnns i I: TO I. M Dully except Sundays. f Via Woodbur? fori Mt.Angel.Sllverton, West Sclo, Drowns-! I vllle.dprliiglleld and i Natron J Dally except Sundays , ., (Corvallis and way A. M. )sUlon)) j :'J0 V. M. INDEl'KNDKNCK l'ASSKNCiKll. Kxpress train Dally (except Sunday). t:.rflp. m. fl.v. ...Portland r.i :ia.m ::ju p. in, .w . ...ei inn v im;.. ... r n;fiO a, m 8:G0 p. m. i.r, .lnutpeiiuvm-i;..!... i:no a. m Dally. i Dally, except fcunilny. DINING UAIiS ON OCJDKN ItOUTK. PULLMAN UUKl'KT Sl.nil'KHS AND HECOND-CLASS BLKKl'INO CAllfc Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection ntiau l-ranclsco with Occl ilentai and Oilental and l'aclilc mall steamship ll'ii'.i for JAl'AN and CHINA. Sailing dates on ajpHeatlon. . rope. Also JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AtlSTKALIA. , .... ll HUU1U lliillin ni.i.v ... ..-("- " Grand Central Station. Filth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Fniicngcr Deiot, foot of Jcilerson street. ix-ave for Sheridan, wees days, tl:30p. m Arrive t Portland, :a0 u. m Ijave for AIl'.LIK on Monday, Wednesday and rriilllV HI iTi.., U. ill, . i. - dav, Thursday and Saturdaj it a.Oj p. ui. Except Sunday. "Kxccpt Saturday. K, Ki.K.'-.lEI., (i. H. MAHKHAM, ilanaer. Asst. (1. 1'. t'ass. Attt Through Ticket Ofllre, 13 1 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Hasten: States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. 11. KIUKLA.M), Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. Tlie Dalles, PorUand. and Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator S Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Doth of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent shape for the season of WJ0. Tlio KeKUlatiir I.lin- will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service osslble. For Comfort, Kcniiomy nml t'leaiuru, travel by tho steamers of The lUgulator J.lno. The above steamers leave Tho Dalles at 8 a. in. and Portland at 7 a. rn., and arrlvu at destina tion in anipW time for outgoing trains. Portland Oilice. The Dalles Oilice. Oak St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Allaway, (ictiern Agent. CONTEST NOTICE. U, S, Land Office, Tiik D,w.lks, On. I Ji.ly 11, lbw. i A sutllcleiit contest allldavit having been tiled In this oilice by James 1'onlk, contestant, against homestead entry No. WW, mudo Nov. UU.U'M. for.SKSW.NEKWJi.iite. ril.tonn shlpIIS. It 13 K, and NWJ.J NWlf, See, 3, town- nnp -i n, i. ill iv, iiy i nomas jeiireys, eoutestee, In which It is alleged that he bus abamloiioil said tract for more than li Months, Said parties are hcieby notified to appear, rescind and liilt eriuuiiee loiicmrig sain iiiiegniion, at ID o'clo'ik.n. in. on Sept. 1, ls'JO, hef.jru tlio register and receiver at the United Stated land oilice In The Dalles. Or. Tho said contestant having In u proper aflldavlt, (lied July 1st. isltt, ml forth facts which show that alter due diligence, personal service ot this notice can not bo made, it is nereoy oruercn ami uircciid mat sucn notice he given by duo and proper publication. Jlj 15-11 JAY 1'. LUCAS, IteglJter. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby givjn that tbo undersigned has been duly appointed by tlio Hon. County Court of tho thu State of Oregon, fur Wu.eo county, as administrator of tho estatuof Adnlph Agldlus, deccjiseil. All persons Irivlng claims ngalust said estate nro hcrtby notilled to present the same properly veillled to me t the ollleu of my attoriuys, Dufur .V. Meuefee, within six nionihs fiom tlio date of this notice Dated ut The Dalles, Oregon, lime 3, Ik'iO, .... . . J AOIIHUfe, Admlnlitrator of Iho Estato of Adolpli Agldlus, deceased. ,-. Notice of Filing Final Account Notice is herebv given that tho undersigned, the assignee of J. W. Moore, II. K. iUmu, and ".'.'i1 ! Kl Woore, Insolvent debtors, has filed with tho clerk of tho circuit court, of trie State of Oregon, for Wusco county, his Dual ac count us such assignee; tho tame will bu lieu ui and passed upou by aald circuit court on Iho 1st day of tho next regular term of said circuit court, to wlt, tbo November, lbDJ.term thereof, at the hour of ten o'c'ock u, m or as soon there, after ua tbo matter eau bo reached. JlylSIl I'OLK HL'TLKIt, Assignee. J-B UEIHalNDOHPFKH Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. est Work at beast Possible Cost Oinrnntooil to give sntisfttction, Wc nre here to stay; thoroforo every effort will lie niiido to cstulilish it business. J t will pity you to exmnlno our work mid consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Host Crown uiul llriilue work i'Jlc Roltlj, per tooth 4.50 Heat ei't teeth, guaranteed t-'-M llest (iol.l I'illink' $1.00 up Heat sliver or alloy HHliitf 0 P Teeth extruded without twin c Snnln-liiiiibeeoiuiHt. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? t iho host liru iiiHiiraneo eonipanies in tho world. II you havo property for sale, list it with ua and we'll And a buyer. Js M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. Jalony,, CUhiskey. This lirnnd nf Whiskcv is unaiaiitecd to the consumer as n PUKE HAND MADlv SOUR .MASH WHISKEY for Family anil Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - BROS (IKNKHAL 'j t' Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. i Third and JctTcroii. Piiouc 159 1 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE BSV Tbace Marks IrainHB RnoDinuTa JL r- . ww , , , , u , , , w mu, . ,ff , , , '" " n sscirii arm ooscription ma niifcklr ascerinlii our opinion free whether iivuiii Ion proliably putentab o. Coianiiinlci sent free. Olilust nuenay for securing pateuts. . 'a,ll;l'l ''le' tbrouuli iluiin & tVrecelyo jifjlat notlcr, without, clinrgo, in tbo xicmiiic n merican. A mnd-iimclf llliutratnd weolcljr. Lnrgost dr. r ilutlou of any scleniiuo lounial. Terriis. ,l a iissaiair!,0Jl "' So'tbyall nowidealenf &Co.30,d'm'.N6W York i Offlco. BM V Ht.. Washington. U.?. " tlranc FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1'ltANBACTA KN'KitALUANKINO HUB1NK8 BiacKsmiins ...AND... ksesiioeis munn tlranc Lettera ol OreUit Issued available In the nt E?,teri 8ttM. tS Ek1cJ,ne "id Telegraphic Transfers Bold on New York. OhlcJigo, Wt. Louis, ban Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash,, and varloui poiaU Fn Oregon and Waihlagten. or?bK S UMMto at M p0,nt, 0B Uy' H HE YOU- StMtH it is all right? ltenieinher it 1? tlio W KKCOUD that goveriis. It is our liushieca to tfnreli thu ii-eorilg untl show what thev contain in i elation to laud titles. K you contuniphwo buying land or loanini: iniinev on real t'stato neeurlty, taku no nian' wortl, hut Iii9lflt upon knowinjr what tho ruuord hIiows recardiiii,' tlio title. An AIMraut la uh oasimtial ns a deed. ltieUt on having it. Wo lirtve tho only pet of Abstract BookB in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction (;iiaraiite(l. II you have prop ortv to iiiHiui', tjlvo ua n call. Wo nro ngmita lor four of 2c! St., opposite A. M. WllllnmB &, Co. The Dalles, Or. ..GHflS. Butehers and Fanmeps ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated OOLUMIIIA HKIIH, acknowl edged tho best beur in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try ltimd be convinced. Alio the Finest brands of Wines, l.huor mid L'lgara. Sandrjuiehes of nil Kinds always op hand. t Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. 1 AQENT .FOR THE J ..RAMBLER. m Look and Ounamlthi rU I Z and Mnohlno work, j SchjrljsB gA. gTURDEVANT, Dentist. oaco ow rrtnoh 4 Co.'s W l'hon.0, wMU09M" aw M9m omv awoo 21 and 22, Tel. US Voft Block