The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 01, 1899, Image 3

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    We are
House Cleaning
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
Die Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SEITEMI1EU . 18ft)
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in liclbre 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will lie accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January to, 1899.
Survod In every
Stylo nt
For fresh oystors go to A. Keller'.
A crop of wheat nearwoston, which
wna threshed hiat wee, yielded 52 bush
els per acre.
Tlio Columbia Southern railway 1ms
"turned n8 eurvoyora to the lino bo
twceii Moro and Grass Viilloy.
Smith llros. havo ongaged Prof. Blrg
Jll tofiunlah iiiusiu for tholr dnnco at
w K. of 1' mH Saturday night,
The ladlcB of the Lutheran chnruh will
va on enlo at Nickelsen's storo next
trday, cakes, ,iioB-nrid rye bread.
So qulddy have tho summer months'
and wo have hnd Bo'fow real hot
'"that ono scarcely realizes today Ib
"w mat day of autumn.
Ah tho date for regular collection falls
bmi,la-v- cl as Monday la Labor day,
wviral f ti0 leatling flnna will collect
io 5th. Wo presume this rule will
be general.
"The Midnight Hell" company carrioa
ir. .7 8conoryt 1 they .aay tie scenes
wPlendld. The bunting decorations
L i .,,(!rft ,,ou, Bnd n0 wires
"1 bed across will improve the acoua,
"c Uroporties.
Miss Halt!., viu.,i
J ,10 nrBuefl bfr Tr ngrt( lB
od o! . 7 10 tftkeP" In drawing,
0' homo on West Fftrthitrwt. 28-lw
0011ntbeat all WrprJlW b h.
And getting our store ready for the reception of the
most complete and carefully selected stock of Fall and Win
tor Goods wo have ever brought to this city. While this
cleaning process is going on wo aro still offering many rare
bargains in
Summer Goods,
and wo aro always prepared to give you bargains in goods
suitable for future wear in tho line of Woolen Goods in or
der to mako room for now stock.
time their services nro again needed, the
boys will to bold tiieir beads as
high as nnybndy and Iihvo as fine a lay
out as a company would wish to own.
Gus Bonn returned yesterday from a
trip over into Klickitat county. Ho
says things aro hummhfg in their fields,
and farmers aro "making hay while the
atin shines," although the rain affected
them but little. Their yield this year
is ns good, if nyt better, than in other
Tho La Grande Advocate lias been
purchased by W. D. Dodd, formerly of
tho Pendleton Tribune, who will take
charge of that paper at once. Tho naino
of tho paper will bo changed to the La
Grand Journal, and will bo issued on
Saturdays. It will bo Republican in
The effects tho oxtonsivo advertising'
Oregon lias recently been receiving is be
ginning to ho seen, and inquiries. are bo.
ing received daily by real estate dealers
and newspapers concerning the country.
Tiik Ciiitosicu: is constantly receiving
audi letters of inquiry; enough to al
most warrant its Btarting in tho real
estate business.
'It is an ill wind that blows nobody
good," and eo, although the D. P. & A.
N. (Jo. have lost eonio by the laundry
lire, the appearance of its ofllco lias eor
tainly been improved tlioreby, for tho
damage done was aufllcient to necessitate
ropairslbeing made. Tho front office has,
therefore, been nowly papered and
painted and such excellent taste lias
been used In tho choice of shados and
blundings that it looks like some parlor.
List night about 0 o'clock at her homo
near tho fair grounds, Mrs. James Case,
aged -17, died of consumption. She bns
been a sufferer for years and with her
husband and two boyB moved to this
city from Montavilla, near Portland,
about a month ago. She leaves a hus
band, who is now at work in Shorman
county, and three sons, the eldest of
which will arrive from Portland tonight.
Word has been sent to tho .husband,
whowill also arrive aa soon as poseible.
Tho hawks in the neighborhood on
Lylo have cuuscd much trouble lately,
but farmers liavo now discovered a
moans of extirpation ; thoy set tho cat
on them. A few days smco n largo
Thomas cat was walking through a field
of high weeds, when a hawk swooped
down and carried him up about thirty
leet, tho cat howling bloody murder.
Soon Tom began to scratch, spit and
paw, and tho big bird dropped to the
earth with hor prey, when Sir Thomas
pounced on hia enemy and made quick
work of her. Tho hawk got hold of tho
wrong bird that time.
The remains of an unknown man were
found on the track, near Arlington,
Ajanday night lasf. lie had evidently
bten run over by a train after having
fallen frqm the roof of .a passenger car,
on which he wae stealing a ride, aa hia
black felt hat waa conalderabiy burned
by aparka from a locomotive. Trainmen
Pease Mays.
think bo had fallen asleep and was
pitched off as tho cars were going full
Bpeed around a curve. Deceased was
u well-built man of !!8 to AO years of age.
lie iiad blue eyes, hair and moustache
slightly gray. Ho wore a pink shirt,
blaek business euit, and was not con
sidered an ordinary tramp by the
Gilliuni county coroner, who thinks the
man came from Portland.
It is often a difficult matter for a
newspaper to determine just what to say
regarding a play which will appear in
our city, and yet, if possible, we woujd
like to prevent theater-goers miseing a
good show. It is always a pretty safe
way to judge from the opinion of reput
able residents who have.witnessed its pro
duction in other cities. In conversation
with one of our leading citizens today,
he assures us that lie had seen "A Mid
night lit-II" when produced in Portland
last year and says he wouldn't misa it
tliis time for anything. Others liavo ex
preEsed tho same opinion regarding it.
So we feel like urging our people to see
it Monday night.
Now that tho new band has been uell
organized and is getting down to busi
ness in earnest, promising us some of
tiie best music we liavo ever enjoyed in
The Dalles, it just occurs to us to inquire
wiiore the band stand, which was erected
three years ago in the school yard, is
"at." During that summer our people
were treated to tho best of music every
Sunday afternoon. No doubt the pres
ont band would occasionally give a
sacred concert wero a band stand pro
vided. While the club portico Is used
for evening concerts, .it is not the most
convenient for the musicians nor1 their
audience, tho latter having no com
fortable plao tc sit unless they perch
upon a wood pile or on top of some
China wash house. Ltit's have a band
stand, whether it's old or new.
Tho party, consisting of Hon. M. A.
Moody, of this city; Dr. Tucker, W. W.
Catlin, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Palmer, of
Portland, and tho Misses Lang, liavo re
turned from their trip to Cloud Cap Inn.
Although members of the party make the
trip every year, thoy report that they
have never found the surroundings more
pleasant. Not a vlstageof smoke can bo
seen, tho air is perfectly delightful, and
tho mountain grand beyond description,
six inches of snow having fallen recently.
Cooper's epur is well covered now, which
la not a usual thing at this time of the
year. Tho Inn has entertained more
guests this season than at any other
time, and tourists are still making their
way to that resort. If the popularity
continues, the Inn will no doubt have to
bo enlarged. No one ever vlaited the
spot without feeling a deaire each year
to again mako the trip.
Thank You.
We deaire through the columns of the
CuitoNioLK to express our sincere thanks
to those who so kindly assisted during
ho sickness and aftor the death of our
little eon. Also those who remembered
ua by aendlng such beautiful flowers,
R. E. and Violkt Williams.
Right-of-way Obtained From Menpllw
For Flume.
At tho water commissioners' meeting
last night Messrs. Seufert. Bolton. Ran-
dall, Moore, Phirman, Fish and Buchlcr
were in attendance, the former presid
After the minutes of. last meeting had
been read and approved, a deed from
Theo. Mesplie to the commission for
right-of-way over his properly for the
flume to the receiving reservoir, was read
and accepted.
On motion of Fish tho superintendent
wus instructed to purchase 100 sidewalk
plates to bo placed over the water shut
offs. The commission then determined to
chargo $2 for-making )-!nch taps: $2.50
for ?.j'-inch, and $3.50 for inch taps.
Thesuperinttndent and treasurer then
read their reports, the later being as
follows :
July 31 To balance on band . . .'$3430.48
Aug. 21 Cash, llaptistchurch. . 50.00
Aug. 31 Cash from water rent. 1288.20
. 317.67
Warrants redeemed in month.
Balance cash on hand $-1451.01
J B Crospen, supt. salary $00.00
C A Borders, helper's salary 00.00
Ned Gates, secretary 10.00
A A Urquhart, labo'r 40.50
Wm Morganfield, labor 70.50
C J Crandall, revenue stamps. . . . 1.50
Ward & Robertson, use of bugey. . . 1.50
Haneen'& Thorosen, lumber . .". .. .50
L D Odkes, hauliogl .50
J T Peters & Co, mdse 2 00
D W Mann, hauling 50
Mays & Crowe, mdse 8.90
S Bolton, recording deed - . .50
Theo Mesplie, balance on right-of-
way 10.00
The New Money Orders.
A new form of domestic money orders
will be issued September 4th, arid it is a
great improvement over the old. It may
be some weeks yet before any of the new
form reach The Dalles, as the stock of old
must be exhausted before new ones can
be procured.
The dimensions of the order are those
of the ordinary bank draft. This money
order has two udjuncts : The advice, re
produced simultaneously with the money
order through tire use of carbonized pa
per, and the receipt, which latter is de
tachably a part of the advice, repro
duced in the same manner from the
money order. The liability to mistake
is greatly lessened and time is saved by
reproducing on the advice and receipt
the essential particulars of the money
order. The only writing on the order is
the date, name of payee, sum in words,
address of postmaster at leceiving end,
and name of postmaster at remitting
end; this is all reproduced on the ad
vice, whicli has of course different print
ed matter on it. On the money order is
also written, on the right end, the sum
in figures, which is reproduced on the
advice blank, torn from it and given to
remitter as receipt. It, the advice and
the order, have the same number printed
on them. The last thing to do is for the
remitter to sign his name and the ad
dress of payee on the advico.
A stub pen, which is stiff enough to
produce a carbon copy, must be used in
writing the money order.
Advertised Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice at The Dalles un
called for August 29, 1899. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Burns, M E Griswold, C M
Bender, E Hesher, William
Beckley, Homer Harris, Henry
Bell, H M Jones, G
Bervie, John Jones, Albert (3)
Chapman, M Knight, John
Clieutliem, L M Lnriner, J P
Conger, Henry M Mathews, Albert
Dryer, J R McAllister, John
Derrellyn, Fred Mahanev, E C
Foster, WW Porry, M
Fisher, Bert Winung, Louis
Ensley & Farley Wilkins, Agness
To Cleanse till) Hjuli ni
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcomo habit
ual constipation, to awakjm the kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Working Xlght uud Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever waa made is Dr. King's New
Life Pille. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listleasncss into energy,
brain-fug into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. 3
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
becauie Its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing so, "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, N, Y.
Get your oysters at A. Keller's. o20
Latest thing in cameras aro Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. P.itton
otrictly pure liquid paints.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubllnjr, agent, The Dalies. M17-3m
Try Yerba Buena Bittere, tho beEt
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C; J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles.
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and'invigorato the entire sys'em, never
gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerline, under
the firm name of Smith & Cockerline, Is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
F. E. Cockerline retiring. C. S. Smith
will continue the business, and will
collect all bills due said firm and pay
all accounts against the same.
Dated August 15, 1899.
C. S. Smith,
F. E. Cockeuline.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between P. G.
Daut and S. D. Stoufer under the firm
name and style of The Daut Optical and
Jewelry Company lias this day been dis
solved. P. G. Daut will continue the
business, collect all debts duo the firm
and pay all bills owing by them, the said
S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom.
Dated this 14th day of August, 1899.
P. G. Daut
S. D. Stock is
A musical meeting will be given at
the Salyation army Saturday evening,
September 2nd. After the meeting ice
cream and cake will bs served, the
object being to meet all local expenses.
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Mrs. Ben. tVilson has returned from
her camping trip and is now ready to
take photographs at her gallery on Sec
ond street. Prices from $1 to $5 per
"llarmimj " Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. ' jl
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J
tublin, agent, The Dalles. M17-3ni.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
M 17.3m
To Cum a Cold 111 One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
have them.
Special sale of fruit jars at Miys &
Crowe's. Get our prices.
Wood Saw
Will run every day except Sunday.
Hates Reasonable.
1 eiepnono aui.
J W. A. CATES, Prop.
By buying your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES.
Cord Wood
At the lowest possi
. ble prices at
Hardware and
Grocrv dealers.
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper "
catches more than either. No infect
can resist its attraction and orcn within
its power the tormenting possibilities of
that insect are over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
' , ItartlflciallydlBeststliefoodandulda
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing tho exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in ettlcioncy. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
1 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
.all other resultsof imperfectdlgestion.
1 fi-e oared by E. C. OeWItt A Co.. CI)lcaro.
- rXI ATJS I A t A t ATATA 1 1 At A I A' ATA-'J 1 1 A f
& Woo