Would Open the Eye of a Potato. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CiEANSES THE 5Y5TEM EFFECTUALLY h48,TUALCONST'PAT'ONi. nf nu AMCKiTIV Btl ,T5BiciSect& DUy THE GENUINE - MAN'F D By (aui?rniaTgpSyrvp(2. The following from the Standard, of Montgomery City, Mo., whose editor waa recently in Oregon nt the national convention, will make oven a potato open its eyes: "Speaking of potatoes, this pood etory le told of a certain gentleman. Visiting an Oregon town ho was entertained by a friend. With the frankness of Western hospitality, his friend inquired what were tho Easterner's favorite dishes. 'I have never seen thu day,' he replied, 'when I couldn't eat a good baked potato and a pieco of fat and tender roast mut ton.' At dinner tho next evening a huge platter was bornu in with nine baked po tatoes, Mgiregating sixty-three pounds in weight. Tho biggest otiu fell to the lot of the Eastern guest. It weighed eleven pounds. Broken open it was mealv ami white, with a perfect flavor. 'Ard this is the first day I ever know ! when I couldn't eat one baked potato.' was tho comment of the astonished guest." BUSINESS LOCALS. lY. 9- cal. -Co 4 N.Y a PEOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. Mi$s Daisie Allaway wca a passenger for Portland today. J. Bolter and II. L. Friday ore in from Croea Kejs on busimss. J. H. ILtdley and wife and J. F. Blue came over from Glenwood yesterday. Mrs. .1. T. lleynolds, of Sprague, spent yesterday in tho city, returning on the boat this morning. Mrs. D. P. Ketchr.ni rerurueJ last n int. t'ruin a vigil in t'oullml and with r.-latives In Tacoma. s Airs. Otis Patterson, who has spent the past two months ,in Portland, re turned home yesterday afternoon. Mis3 Prudence Patterson came down from Wutc'j Tuesday, and will remain to attend school during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord'eturned on yesterday's afternoon trajn, after spend int Home week9 at Iheirytottage on Long Beach. S Mrs. S. V. Shortytrife of Capt. Short of the Dalles Citv came up from Port land yeetordi.vjuid will be t!:e guest of Mrs. ii. F. Ljrughlin for a few days. .lodge fiil Mrs. W. L. Radshaw and Mies Clfira Davis liavo .returned from their camp in Grimes' vfove on Clatsop I bea:li. ilrs. lirailelxuv has improved by lier outing, but it will take some time for her to refill her usual good health. ttie attack before leaving the city having rendered her too weak to recover in a abort lime. Ii. C. .J mi son, of industrious as well as iticlustriiu fame, came up on the boat yesterday and returned to Portland this morning. He was accompanied by Mre. Judsori, wjio is now making her home in the West. The import of his visit we diil not learn j but a 9 he expects to return perhaps Saturday, wo will de termine "what's up," for where Judson is (hero ie something on hand. Get your oysters at A. Keller's. a2G Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Clarke & Falk baye received a carload the celebrated James E. Pntton strictly pure liquid paints. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stnbling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles M17-3m Quickly cure constipation and rebuild ami invigorate me entire system, neyer gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early I Risers. Butler Drug Co. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. S. Smith and F. E. Cockerline, under the firm name of Smith & Cockerline, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. E. Cockerline retiring. C. S. Smith will continue the business, and will collect all bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated August 15, 1S99. C. S. Smith, F. E. CoCKlUILl.NK. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Doctors Can't Cure It! Contagions blood poison is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. Thoy may doso a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but he will never be rid of tho disease ; on the other hand, his condition will grow steadily worse. S. S. S. is the only cure for this terrible aflliction, because it is the only remedy which goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system. I -zs afflicted with Wood Poison, and tho best doctor did mo no Rood, though I toot tliolr treatment t at th fully. In (act, I seemed to iot worse nil the while. I took almost every go-call od blood remedy, but they did not seem to reach tho dis ease, and had no effect whatever. I was dis heartened, for It seemed that I would newer he cured. At the advice ol a friend I then took 8. 8. 8., and began tolm. lirovo. I continued Dip medicine, nnd It cured me completely, build tngupmy health and Increasing my appetite, Although this was ten years ago, I have, never yet had c sign of tho disease to return. W. B. Nkwnah. htaunton, Va. It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury; besides totally destroying tho digestion, thoy dry up the marrow in the bones, pro ducing a stiffness and swelling of the joints, causing the hair to fall out, and completely wrecking the system. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. D.uit ai.d S. D. Stoufer under the firm name and style of The Daut Optica! and Jewelry Company has this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut will continue the business, collect all debts due the firm and pay all bills owing by them, the said S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring tlierefrum. Dated this 14th day of August, 1S99. P. G. Daut S. D. Sroursit To Cure a Cold 111 One Day. Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. , .MCOKK. JOHN GAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rooms 33 and 40, over U. S. l.and Olllce. Btsiam VITALITY, LOST MGOR Afi.HO MANHOOD Cure3 Impotcncy, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all elTect3 of self- i abuse, or excess and Inui: uioou ouiKiur. iirinirs tne nlnlr rrlmv f n nnlf rliock-s nnr 1 1 - w ... .. ,. ........ SvaVWr rpstnrpo tlio fl-r nf vmttli. AVr j liy man 00c per no?:; u noses lor $u.oO; with a written gum-mi tuo to euro or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. A Good Engine and Boiler For Sale on Easy Terms at this Office. PLEASE LOOK MERE. CC Cfor a.eV. The is, guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is tie only blood remedy free from thee dangerous minerals. Book on self-treatment sent free by Swift Bpeciflo Company, Atlanta, Oa. WM. MICH ELL, and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Streot, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. tj PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. aw n omw awoo NOTICE. i s. , Lam Office, The Dalle, Ore. Jlllv ', iwrl Notice Is hereby Riven that tho order of Vc- cemberb, Ib'JI, temporarily wlthdritwitiir from dlspoml, for the purposes of a boat railway, tho ii.i uiu Buuiii eiuu Him lllllllll MX iniies 01 tin; L'oluuihU river, between 'the Dalles mid ueiuo,ias oeen rcvoxeri Dyitio firetident, ex cept ni to tho followllii! deiiClllM.'d unreels! nun In thu .NWJfof Hoc 81, T 2 N, Kill:, coiitrtlnl!i( nljout four and one-half ucro. und the other in tboNWJl.fccc-Jl, T - N, K 15 E.coutuliiliig uUjut half nil acre. On and after September 1, 16W, we will receive iimmcttiiujin lor any vHcant lands Included "-',cll. J. 1. J.UirAr:. OTIS i'ATTKRSON, KealVter. Hitvlver. Jlyc I Executor's Notice. . Notice is-hereby Klven that tho midersluiuii has been duly apjlntcd by tho honorable County Court of the Htato of Oregon. forWaten county, as executor of the estate of I'htbeJ. lialnht, deceased. All )erons bavini; claims ujiaiu are ereoy uoiiutii to pre. bent tho same, nrutiprlv vr.iltl,1 m m.. otlleoin lJalles(;ity,OreKon,withliulx months from the datocf this notice. waiea inu 5lh day of July, 1K. THANK MKNKI'KK. , hxtcutor of the ctate ofWebe J. Halirlit ueceasea. jly 8.jj EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to atrtvo at l'ortlai .00 P. M. ()VKIll.AN'I i:x-" , iiirt?, Ashland, hue- I ameiito, 0dcii,Siiii 1 1 mnclseo, MoJ.we, ( ; 0;1j A. M. 'i:S0 A. M IMlly except mnidays IOsAiiKelcs.l-.l raso. I New orieuns aim 1 I Hint lltosebiUK and w.ty tn lltons ... I ( Via Vocltmr: fori , I Mt.Anscl, Sllverton, ! West Hclo, Hrowns- I I vllle.Sprliiplleldand I Natron J 1:30 P. to Dally except Humlayh. -si ., 1 (Corvallli and way) ,..0 j. M 1 :3) A. it, jMat0Ils I i H INDKPKNIlK.VfK PASSKNOKK. Kxpicss train Dally (except sunuay, p. ni, T::s) i). m. 8:.'i0 p. m. (Ar..lmlcpcm!i (l.v. ...Portland ...Ar.i 8:25 11. m Ai..Mc.Mlunvllle.,l.v. a;f)a, m (Ar..lnilcpciideiite..I.v.) MM a. ui. Dally. IDaiiy, except similar. DlNIXd OA US ON OdDUN KOUTK. PULLMAN HUl-Ki:T SI.FKPEUS AND fiKCOND-CI.ASrf HI.KKPINti (.'A lth Attaclied to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fcan hranclsco with Orel dental and (Mental and 1'acllle mall uteamshlp lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Halllmr dates on at plication. Uates and tickets to Katcrn ilnts and Kn roiie. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU unc AlISTIt.Vi.iA. All above trains arrive at and depart Iroir (irand Central Station, Filth and Irviiuj streets YAMHILL lliVISION. I'astciiKcr Dei)t, foot of Jcilerson street. lave for Sheridan, week dayi, t 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 'J:U0 a. m U'avc for AIULIK. on .Moiulay, Wedncsdny and KrMiiy at 8:.Vi a. m. AnlV"1 at Portland, 'lun dav, Thurtday and Snturdaj it S.Oo p. in. Kxccpt Sunday. Except Satunlay. It. KKUilt, .MrtlHUCr. Throush Ticket Olt'.ce, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in tho l'.asteru State"., Canada and Kurope can be obtained nt lowest r.iteafrom J. 11. KiltKLAND, Ticket A?ent. or N. WHEALDON, Best Work at beast Possible Cost Ciimnintccd to jivo sntUfaction. Wo nro liorc to 8tny ; therefore evcrv uflfoft will lie miiile to establish n litisincss. It will piiy you to examine our work tuitl consult our prices. CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Ilcst Grown ntul llritltiu work JL'Sk. i;oltl;, ior tooth 4.50 Hunt Hi't toi'tli, unuriinlt.'fil Itt-st Ciohl Killinu' $1.00 up lieat hIIvi.t or alloy llllint: 60c tip Teuth fxtritutud without puiii Me chuplnJoliioS, seeouti st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? (i, II. MAKKHAM, Asst. (i. P. .V Pass. Aut Tlie Dalles, Maui anfl Astoria Navigation Co.' 1 mwnmiMi sirs. Keffulator Dalles City NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. U. 8. U.nd Ornce, The Dalles, On ,( Juno ISO, lb'j, j rtonee is iierhv oivn itiuf in AA...w.... with tho t.rovlioiis"bf Vlie ct of eonircsH of ?.. ! """ 01 uainorn a, Oregon. Nevada and Wmlilnoi..,. ..i?"!'.' Jo)i)f of The 1 county of VVaico, juK of Oreirnn, hai this day flksf In thli oBJee hli l? " "d lKJ4 8WU of Sc. No. 2t. in Towmhlp bow that thu land sought Is more vlublo for Its timber or (tone than for agricultural mir. poses, and establish hl.cl.lui itold lintfbe. loro the resliter ami nr 11,1. Ia,.. fie names as wltnetsei, A.Turner. W. Clark bov dwrlbed Uacbi re reouested to tile their 1 " " on or oeiore Mia 15th dy of WW llmtiter. Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way jwin's on both sides of the Columbia river. Iioth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent sIi;ik fur the reason of hw, The ItoeulHtiir l.liit- will endeavor tosivo Its patrons the best service poMlble. Kor C'omrort, KcoiHiiii) milt Pleasure, travel by the steamers of Tim iteKiilutur l.lui). The above steamers leave Tho Dalles nt 8 a. m. mid l'ortland at 7 a. m mid arrive at ilmtlna tlon In amplv time for outxolnj; trains. r UK YOU SUKH it i nil ri'lit? Kunicmlicr It 1? the W HKCOIll) that Kovorna. It in our liiiaiiiesa to bonruli tlit reuonlB niul show what thuv cnntuhi in relation to laud titles. If you contumplatu liuyini! land or loauinu' money on real e'etatc necnrity, laleu 110 man' woril, hut insist mmn knowing what thu record shows rcputllng the title. An Abntraut la ua eesuntial aa a deed. Itieidt oti huvlriK tt. Wo hnvu thu only set o( Abstract Hooka in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and entlsfuctlon jrunranteetl. II you havu prop ertv to inmire, itlve us a call. Wo nru itijiititH for four of tin' best lire iimirancu conipaniefi In thu world. 1 1 you have properly for aale, Hat it with ua and we'll 11ml n buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., oppoolto A. M. Wllllnms&Co. dlhiskey. This hraml of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a l'UKE HAND MADI- SOUK .MASH WHISKEY for Family ami .Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Portland Olllce. ua st. Dock. l hc Dalles Olllce. Court Street W. C. Allaway, (iencrn Aiteut. CONTUST -OTICK. U. S. I,an OrriCK.Tiu: Dalles, Ok. In this olllce by James t-'oulk, eontestaiit. uKiilnst homestead entry No. vxm, mudii .Nov. 4th. DW. forS'i tiW'i. M-Ji HIVU.Jsic. i I tm 11 111'! " u"ias Jtiiteys, conleitee, In which t is nlicKcd that he has nbaiiiloiioi bald tract for moro thun n months. Said irtles ,i "v,."- """ i" iipK'iir. reioiiil and uTiuciivu KMitiiiiiK sain niicKaiioii, at 10 o clo-ik n. 111. 1111 (...nt I l.i.r ... .1... ..... . nnd receiver at thu' ITnli,i U......V i. "!?'" ... ,;:n w.,(,v.j,wl, mult uiiivu 111 4 nu iiiijt'. ir, n't ...... .... inu .lam couieia 11 iinrliii; In a nroner affidavit. Ille.1 July nt, low .i forth1 7cl! which Hhnw that after duo dlllxenee. pern.111 1 wvlroot this notice can not bo inai , It Is herebv or!en,I nmi illr..ii ii. ...,.1 !...: , . . I .... 1... . ...... . '... "IIVII JltJUVU OU "' projier puiiiieallon. .J'';, JaV i I.UC.VS, ItcKliier. Administrator's Notice. J.i'MV "I'l'pl.ilwi Jy bo lion. County 1 ",' . n.lnu '". "'W'li fur VVateo t . i.iiV.l . "'"""! m wio estatool Adolph Mn.-vn.ij. aii iieisous Having c alms BKaliut mid estate ato hereby i.otlllil to prt'h" t tho same iirunerlv vnrli l.,i iA n u. ,,: ..',.. . JIILfiVJV'1' ?:":,.,'!!',.,r ''"'?. within six -"'"" wanes, i;reKOiir llllic.i, IS'J, Adml,.! . r., 1 . AUI "1JH, deceased. "W"?,! BOS. iKNi:r..vi. BiacKsmiins Horsesiioe is Notice of Filing Final Account 1 id -.; "ie, 11. r ioorc. ami iii5i,i ! c; "oofo. insolvent debtors, hs 2iS?lWl,,,0Clc.,k S! ,1,u clrcl"- court. " f tie HUto of Oregon, for Wasco county, ills final tt-. dav i7l il ., , V. i J.7.r -" on hu 1st uy 01 mo next regular term of said clrenit court, to wll, tho November, 18W,trin efwf it the hour of ten o'clock , m., or m oi) there f,"f V " watler cm be reJclic.1. rc JyU' UKISBNDOHrrKB rhysician and Surgeon. BpocUi atttnUoa (iTn to wrerr, C Wagon and Carriage Work, r Fish Brothers' Wagon. i E Third aim JciTcr'flu. Phouc 159 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ,!J,1no cn.'11 ' kelcli and description m& piilcklr lucerlaln our opinion free wJiethir i-t liirontlon s probablr imteiitabloTCViiiMuideik. sunt frou. Olilost aitencyfor securlnir patoiiu. tptctainotUt, without elianro, Intbo Scientific HmcrkaN. Hiiiimeir iiiosinuM week r. iJirgest eir. ilatlon of unr clentlllo inuriwl. vStmi. M a loe, 6K Y HU. Waihlullon, D ..GHAS. FPM- Satehers and Fapmeps ..Exchange.. Keens on draught tho "!ebrted UOI.UM1IU llKKIt, "e-j",'wl' iilgwl the lx'st beer In The Ht the usual price. Come In, try It mid be convinced. .V hi tlie Finest brands of Wliies, U ,Uor nnd Cigars, Sanckuiehes of nil Kludii always on Un- A till rear BrucLofl Brani FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TBANUACTA KNEBAIjBANKINO BUB1NBH Lettem of Credit luued available Id the u t.. t, m State, i,1s2i'H8mSrF,Lnc,,c?' -?ort.and olS.' ton, Seattle Waab., and varioua polaU rn Oregon and WMblagtoa. pw"- tx)llawHnna marl. .4 11 t Bicycle 5 REPAIR SHOP. AQCNT FOB THE ..RAMBLER- Look and Gunamlth, rK, and Machine wor iTURDEVANT, Dentist. k. J, Pn.'i I KoaUnaia, T1.W VmtBlaKk iWi Sim. " "" fBOBt 0. 111 P un