Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels aEAN5ES the System EFFECTUALLY hAB,TUALCST'ON 1 wl nrnuAkiFMTiv PERMANENTLY ,T5BE,c,ZUcT& Buy THE GENUINE - MAN'F D By (aui?rmiaTgpSyrvp(2. roa su EYiii onuascri rc-.ti sec rtRKiuL A MIDNIGHT BELL Which Will Jtluer Hern .Holiday Night lit tlio Vogt. A most elaborate presentation will be given at the Voyt by u stupendous pro puction of Hoyt's "A Midnight Bell," with all of the technic details and New England atmosphore which has made that tho only melodramatic effort of Chas. Hoyt, one of the most clever plays written, wherein the plot is based upon the delination of character. "A Midnight Bell," which was writ ten for Mr. L. R. Btockwell, received its first production in Francisco some ten years ago, and scored nil im mense hit and had n long run. It was received during the holidays and more than duplicated ita former success, the present production surpassing any ever given this beautiful comedy, in which a car of special gcenery is used. It will be dressed in entirely new sceuery, careful ly following nut tho original models in every detail, casting it to tho full (strength of a company with several ntw faces added. L. R. Btoclcwell will ap pear in his created character ot the "Deacon." "A Midnight Belt" is a mirth provok ing plcturo of New England life; the scene of tha play is a quiet village in northern New England, time of action present ; the intent of the play is to pic ture certain striking features of rural life in Yankee land and certain types of character. Tho story revolves around the home of Squire Alcott, president of the bank. It had been robbed on the evening of his nomination to tho council. He admitting that he was to his knowl edge the last one to leave the hank, nnd that he had borrowed tho keys of the safe from their cashier, I.nrabee, belcre the latter went home. Larabee was tho real criminal, stole the bonds, etc., and concealed them inside of ono of the church cushions. Evidence seemed so strong against the Squire that Larabee swore to a warrant accusing him of the robbery, and tho Boston lawyer Alcott had engaged to ferret out the crime turns upon his own client. The Squire's nephew, Ned, is informed that his uncle is to be arrested and when the warrant is about to be served, to save his uncle, he falsely confesses to tho crime, is ar rested and takeu to tho Squire's house and locked up. Ned later escapes and is traced by his footmarks in tho snow to the old school house where Nora, the teacher which he had taken into confi dence in a love nfTuir, taught school, and also where his girl, Annie, was attend ing. Ned tells Nora all, bids her not to betray his uncle and escapes to Boston on a passing train. Nora is discharged by the school committee for shielding Ned. The. Parson takes her to his iiouse, and the committee informs him at a choir rehearael that ho must give up the girl or the churcli and he resigns. Bu fore the Deacon closes the church that night he goes into the belfry to oil tho bell and is accident!- lucked in. To arouse the neighbota he rings the bell, nnd several rushing in find Larabee taking tho bonds from the cushion. All ends happily, Ned returns, mar ries Annie,and stands a hero of manhood and honor in the neighhoihood. The attorney, during the action of the play, has found a girl that at the close of the piece iie makes his own, and the parson, who is loved all the more by his flock for defending the girl, takes Nora to his heart as a woman worthy of his home i The management promises the school yard scene with its many sleds coasting down the hill, the church choir re hearsal and tho sewing society, to re veal true pictures of New England life, the most realistic ever attempted on any stage. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk havo them. Special sale of fruit jars at Mays & Crowo's. Get cur prices. Preserves t-frulta, Jellies, plcklei or cabrap art neauuiuuy gaum mm n- num. Paraffin wax tlian by any other method. Cozens of other uses will be nci ucu Paraffins Wax In every household. It Is dean, and acid proof. Oc t a pound cake of It Willi 1 3 Ul 11 WWW from your druggist or grocer. BOiu everywuere. uy (STAND AI11 OIL CO. Knowledge Concentrated boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want auicklv, and vou can relv upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannic for One Dollar Gush and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. A Good Engine and Boiler For Sale on Easy Terms at this Office, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TI1K Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd arc ilno to arrive at l'ortlai OVK111.AND KX-1 burn,' Ashland, Sac- I Ml 1 . 31. L'nmnl.ivi. MnlllVO. I i.os,iiKeies,i.i aim . J Mil- M30 l.ilt West Hcli), llniwiw it except , .. !vllle.!iirlii?lleldaiHl Suniliiys New urleatib i l Knst , ,, Itoscuurg and way A. ,,.., I f Via' Woodlmrn lor Mt.AiiKel, Sllvertnn i West Hclo, llriiwns !):13 A. M, 1:30 I'. M Dully 17:30 A. M. ICorvnllls I .stations.. ami way SiMi.l.y. I.VDKl'EXllKN'OK I'ASSKNT.HK. Express train Dally (except Bumlny). rl.v Portland ...Ar.) 8:lrii. m ,:siit,in. ai . ..i:.miiiii iiu. . i. .r ...... i.r. . iuuepeimi:iite..i.. 8::w p. in. -1:60 a. in, Dally. D:iny, except hummy. DIKING OA US ON OG11KN HOUTK. PULLMAN HUFTKT 81.KKPKUU AND HECOKU-OLAaS SLEEPING CAUfa Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection nt tan Kranclscn with Occi dental unit Oriental and Pacllle mail steamship lines for JAPAN and OHINA. Hailing dates on ni plication. Hates and tickets to Eastern points anil Eu rope. Also JAPAN, OIllNA, HONOLULU ano AltHTUALIA. All above train" nrrlve nt and depart lroir Gnmd Central Station. With and Irvine streets YAMHILL DIVISION. PakscnRcr Depot, loot of Jeilcrson "ilrceU I.cnrc for Sheridan, week days, nt 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, U:U) a. m. Leave for AlItl.IK on Monday, Wrdiic.Mlny and Krlrtnv at 8:3") a.m. Arriv n. Poithmd, Tucw dav, Thursday and Saturd.ij U 3:05 p. ui. Except Sunday. "Except Haturday. K, KuKSUCH, Jlniuuer. ThroiiRh Ticket OHIrc, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Lusterc States, Canada and Europe can bu obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KlItKLANI), Ticket Aijcut. or X. WIIEALDON. (!, II. MAKKHAM, Asst. G. K. V Pass. Aat The Dalles, Portland, and Astoria Navigation Co.' NOTICE. V. S. Lank Office, Tho Dalles Ore. July aj. im. Notice la herohv clven that tliu nrdor of 1m fomlxT 8, lb'JI. tciiiliorarilv tvlthdrauliiL' ftum ilUpovil, for tliopurio.ifs of a Ijoat railway, the iiiiiuh on uiu hoiun mue nnu uiinin tlx miles or the Columbia river, betwicn Tho D.iiles and Celllo, has been revoked by tho pretiilvnt, ex reptas to tho following described parcelH: one In the NWJfof Sec 31, T 2 N, It 1 1 E, contallilni! about four and one-half ncro. and tlio other In thoNWU.Sec'-'l, T2 N, U 10 E.coutalning about half an acre. On and after September 1, 1800, we will receive iii)iiieuiiuiis ior any vaeaiu luims luciuucu iiiuiciii. j, r. j.ucas, OTIS PATTEBSON, Hculslir. Iteceiver. Jly20 i Executor's Notice. Notice In hereby given that tho undcrtduned Ii us been duly aptoliitid by tho honorable County Cou.i of the St JtO of Oruron. for Which uouiu), as uxecuior o. wio cstaio oi rnelwJ. II night, deceased. All pennus having clulnu Hgalnit nald estalo me hereby notified to pro ken t tho name, prupcily veilded. to mo at my olllce In Dalles city. Oiexon, within tlx months finin Lie dalorif this notice. uaim tins oiu UJj- of July, Km. 1'HANK MEN'EI'EE, Executor of the estato nt I'1ii1k. .1. H.luhf deceased, ly 811 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Orrice, The Dallks, Or ,1 Juiietx), 18W. I Notice In hereby given that In compliance With the iirovlllom of the act nf rimirou nf June 3. 188, entitled "An act for tho halo of Umber lauds In the state ot California. Orrgon, Nevada and Waihlniftou te.iltory," Charles Gumoii, of Tlio Dalles, county o( Miueo state of Orron. lias this dav tiled In this nttti hlu sworn statement No. U, for tl e puiCbmo of the im js iuoiDiiin;. o ojc. ao. w,in lOWnilllp No. I Ni taiije Nii. 12 E, ;il oner proof to how.tUat tUelaudiousut Is luoie valuable (or it timber or atoiio.Uuu ,or airicullural pur poses, o,talIsn hUcljIw to stld Uud be fore the refflster and receiver of this nMlivi at The DjIUjs, b.e40n,on"Frl4ay1 the 13th day of gfPtenbsT, 1SH9. . 1 uooanrsas witnesses, a. Turner, w. Clark, Peter Fagan. a. Whltmore, all of Tbe Dulles, Or. Aujr auu an ueisuua visiuuug aavvrMir IIIO above described land are requested to tile their claim in this oDoe on or before said lith day of BepUtaber, im. J, p. luoah, Jlyull KtfUter. si. Regulator Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vanconver and Portland. TouchliiB at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Iloth of tho above steamers luivi, hwii mini lit and are in excellent khu'io for the teaion of lbVJ. Tlio Iteculatnr Line will endeavor to civo its patrons the best servlco iKjtslble. I'or Comfort. Kciiiimiiv hihI I'limmrii. travel by tho steamers of The lu-culiitor l.lno. The above steamers leave Tim Dnllfk niHn m and Portland at 7 a. 1,1., and arrive at destlna- nun in ainpi'j time tor ouixoiiib trains. Portland Olllce. The Dalles Ofilce. Oak St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Allaway, Genera Aont. Best Work at Least Possible Cost Oiinniiitoiitl to give sntisfuciion. VTo nro liorc to stay; therefore evert t ...Ml I... .....On t e natn Illicit n.liiii:innsi. 1 1, will tuiv vnn in ... ' UIIOl I " III UU IIIIIHV l v.on.....o.. ..... - ,- v , v... iu VAIIUlUirj Qy, work mill coiisnil our priuus. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Ik-sl Crown itnil Uriduo work (L'2k. Roltl), pur tooth $ 1 50 Iil'Ht Ht tl'Otll, l!lllll'lllltl!l.'li $5.1)0 Bust Hold Fillintt .00 tip Hi'Ht nllvnr or itlloy tilling .. fiOcup Ti'Oth extracted without puln 50c chnSin-iiiock', second st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? r UK YOU KUHE it is all right ? IU'inembfr it. if tiie W UKCOItl) tlmt "overiiH. It in our Imsinvea to I eeuritli llui ifco-da nnd snow what thuv contain in ruliition to land litley. If yuii contuitiilntt hiiyinp html or limi)iir' niont-y on real uBtate security, tuku no man' word, hut i'lrtiHl'tipon knowiiiK whut tho record hIiowb rcu'iirtliiiK tiie tU'o. An Ahetrnct is tta OBBOntinl as n deed. Inp'st o l huviii it. Wo hny tho only eet of Alistrnct ltooke in tiie County. All work promptly ex ecuted nnd eithfifiiutton giutruntced. II you hitvu prop ertv to iiiHiire, ulve us n cull. Wo nro mtentH for four of iln best lire iufiuriiuee compuuicH in tho world. If you linvii property for aitle, Hat it with ub nnd we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2cl St., opponlto A. M. Williams St Co. "H 66 99 armony CUhiskey. This bra nil of Whiskey is uuaraiitceil to the consumer as a I'UKB HAM) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. CONTUST NOTICE. I'. S. I.A.ND Omen, Tin: IUi.lks, On. I . . -Inly 11, Ivju. I A Milllcient contest allldavit havliiK tJcen filed In this ollico by James Poulk, eonle.itiint, HKiiliut hr.ineNieitil entry No. i'xVi, iniide .Nov. 4th, 1NI.J. for HW, M- swji.fetc. Ml.tmui (.hlpll 8. It 13 K ,a n 1 1 N W J 'fx V 14 , fc'ec, 3, town j-hlp l H. It 111 K, by Thoinut. .lelIruj-8, eoutcitee, in which t In alUired that he has abinnlono.f buld tract for more thnn ii rnontln. 811I1I purtles are heiehy notllkd to appear, refpund mid cller evidence touching uud allvciitlnu, nt 111 o c (itk 11. in. on Sept. I, Wj, bef,jro tho reahtur iccelver at the L'nlted Ktates laud ollico In mi!0 .S"'1.. c.0"te,tant Imvliiu in n proper al Idavlt, Hie. Julv Ut, et forth fm: Wlllell HhrtU- Dint nflnr ill... .till.....,.., ' 1 I I . i 11 lllllil':, 11 IH T. 1 ;v,v" miivbimi huh mien nonce mo Ti ",u "l,u l'rlr ptiuill'llllllll, J la JC-J JaV 1'. LUt.Ab, IU-Kitter. Administrator's Notice. J'.iif.K eV the lion. , Com t of too tho Ktilo of OrcKou, for Wa-eo i?iMaSw" v":!!"" 'h'" a Wlril eVtaui H.Vhi7"M " 5 Snt HIV ntiriirvH llnfiif m. Wn,,r u... !' inm.lhH7m.:Hl,o,in.e of tiiisiTotl"""1" "x ne waues, uregon, June.1. W., Admllll.lrnlnrnf l'.t...l. ' I .?,L'l9.'... decaed. " "u,,"", i ff LiAflE BfOS. ;i:ni;i!ai, BiacKsmiins 3 1 ...AND... HorsesriDers Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Flan Brothers Wagon. Notice of Filing Final Account NnttPft III liorpltv nlmm 41.- Btatoot Oregon, for Wawo county, IiIn " fliiii BC. count an nucli s gneo, tlio aino v 1 be ihoaid cpurtTto'-wIt; tiTo'Kovembe " "ij.terw tl ereof "il tho hour of ten o'clock a, in., or m oo T ther?' RMK IV ,Uo ma,,w reaobod, " lncre wmi vuuk jyu UBiasNuoHrrKu mysiciau and Surtceon, BpecUl atUnUon given lo iurry. Third anil JciTcwn. Pnoue 159 ..CHAS. FfiflHK.. Butchers and Fafmers ..Exchange.. Keeps nu draUKht the celehnttiil Ctll.UMlilA ill'. Kit, nekiiiiwl iiIkwI tho bent beer in The Halle, nt tho muni jtrlco. Coino In, try It anil he I'onvllieed. Aim III" Flnmt hrnudi of Wlnea, hi iuor and C'lKiira. Saoduiiehes of all Kind nltvayi. on hand. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRApt Marks JEIIONS Anmna -..b...V!IMeB. anlek'lr viSuCSX our opinion f Eithor, iiveiillon probaliljr pitentablo. ("imnuidc.1 teat freo. OMcst uueiiey foriecurlnir DMteiiu. 1'ntai.u takvn tfirouili lluwi ipeetolnollw, without cniw,Sntna .scicwiiK nmm. A fiandiomoly llluitrated weeklr. Tirsut elr. culatlon of anr .clontiun Journal: lrnaij N UTllUll r"lSli'' 0W "rill niw'.dl7nf FRENCH & CO., BANKFR.Q TKAN8ACTA XKRKAb BANKING BUi'lNKH UtterBofOrodU iaaued available in the Bicycle I REPAIR SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ! j ..RAMBLER. 1 4 J JJA. TURDEVANT, Dentist. 81 ad a, Tel. W voft Block (JOllactlona inula. .11 oaoeoTerKrenchditViWnJi orable UrmV. " ,uw OH w