CANNOT COME WEST. rnoi-Mc tou au know. EST WASH DIESS GOODS Trotty Wash Dress Goods will encounter Hie greatest price flurry of the sea son this week. Wo have yot a good variety of linos, but not a great many of any ono kind. Those wo have grouped into lots and put a low price on every piece. Best dimities and organdsos and other H no fabrics, value from 17c to 25c, your choice at 9c per yard Other fine fabrics that range in value from 10c to 15c, your choice at..7.c per yard BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS. Hoys' Shirt Waists in medium and dark colors, 4 to 12 years, 29c each Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, in dark blue and white percale, 7 to 12 yrs..59c each Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, plain while plaited bosoms, 5 to 12 years ....85c each Faunlloroy Blouso Waists, in dark and medium fancy percale, 2k to 8 yrs..35c each Fnuntleroy Blouse Waists, in plain white, age 2k to 8 years, that range in price from 50c to $1.85 SALE OF SUMMER HOSIERY. An exceptional good wearing "Richlieu, ribbed, drop stitch, lisle hose, colors tan and brown, regular price 75c sale price 39 cts Tan ilose in silk finish, cotton drop stitch, regular price 50c sale price 23 cts All CuoclB Marked In Plnln FIkutob. Pease & Mays. fie Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKD.VKSIUY - - AUGUST HO, lfifi) Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. fO Ol'K ADVERTISERS: All Cluugcs in Advertisements must k handed in before to o'clock A. M., as no changes will lie accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE l'UHMSHING CO. Ihc Dalles, January 10, 1899. Oysters SorvocJ In ovory Stylo nt A. KELLER'S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. r freHh oysters ro to A. Koller'e. Jt is now thought the Kfjjnlnlor will w ready t0 mako ,or UBUftj rn on MlUlJuy, F'esli mlhii, cow for sale, or will tako "'Vcjwin oxehntiKo. Inquire nt tide oa'C8or(lJ. L. Kelly noo.31 A Daiipg i,aCi.ior wus'heard to remark imenlav: "Whon you make a present a woman always leuve the cost tnc on ; will save her u trip down town." It's pretty enriy tfio to start for the n ah,9 and the seasidu again. Sun- nft 1 , 0r ia " fu,ul one n' ,l,ore 19 ooubt but that wo will yet have wnrm "Wther. J'm Dalles pooi.lo who visited Onus. ln7!' llt Good Siunarltnn hospital ! rolntl, wo learn that ho la Improv J'. M Monday an operattou was iblfcl1". uver' '"dlcatiou polnta to "'m of results. 1, reported thB Uiore Rfe dght mil ' 7 Blm,l'l'ox at the peat house Ave loclln r,!" l0,u,len. but we are always thn . 1 u Buc,, rePrtB wltu u,ore Ubmii? . of Bllo"nce, and at the 7 tlmo ll0'' they are only ruu.ora. . "fiSc.1 meetin wU1 b8 iven "nation army 8aturday evening, September 2nd. After the meeting ice cream and cake will be served, the object, being to meet all local expenses. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. , Miss Hattie Marden, who has re cently returned from Washington, I), C, where she pursued her studies in art, is now prepared to take pupils in drawing ami oil painting, She may be found at her home on West Fourth street. Ii8-lw 15. F. Iirowster, the veterinary sergeon who was badly injured by being kicked by a horse lust week, lias been taken to tho county poor farm, where ho can receive good care and tho attention which is necessary in such a case, ho being uuablu to cure for himself. Lirge 1)111 boards have been placed on the Chapman building on Washington street and the alley ut the side of Daw Hon't) store, and will lie used exclusively to advertise the Vogt opera house. While they are not an ornament, they will be a splendid means to the end in view. So popular and successful were the dances given by Smith llros. during tho winter, and so favorable tho weather at this timo for that particular pastime, tlmt they have decided to give a party next Saturday evening t the K. of P. hall. Thoso who frequent these dances will be pleased to have au opportunity I of attending. Judgo Cake has decided in tho Zan caso that neither party Is entitled to the exclusive control of tho child, over which, it seems, tho whole dillleulty has been caused. Otherwise they would have secured a divorce and been happy. Tho public has decided ere this that neither parent is a lit person to bring up a child, else for tho sake of their child they would have avoldod such newspaper notoriety. t And now that our smallpox friend, Shutt, has fully reeoverod ho is called upon to endure tho tortuio of being tho butt of various newspaper punsters, who say his was a remarkable case, that while he was Shutt In, he broke out, and now that ho lias ceased to break out, tie's Shutt out; and when ho told them to Shutt up they called him a scab printer and said his sign indicated a yellow journal. Such treatment ia any thing but fraternal. OyBter dealerB here are somewhat ex cited on account of tho Morgan Oyster Company, of San Francisco, having secured nearly the entiro output of oysters at Shoalwator bay, paying, It is said, S.GO per sack for them, and fur nlshlng the sacks required. Some deal ers here have contracts with Shoalwater bay oyeteriuen for their supply, or for a certain amount, but It Is feared that oysters will be scarce here. There are sonio oysters to be procured from Olympia for this market, but they ate not considered so good aa those from Shoalwater bay, which ia practically the only oyster-producing point on this coast. Oregonian. The American people arc. great at "biting" at anything that has the semblance of mystery. A traveling ahow was on the corner Third and Main yesterday afternoon. In a box were a Bnake oh inner and doseuB of snakes. A continuous performance was given, and every ten minutes tho "charmer" ato a snake about two feet long. Figure out how mauy snakes were eaten during the afternoon. Everyone who saw the delu sion believes the charmer ate the snakes, but no one stopped to think where the supply was coming from to feed this snake eating person. The scheme is a money making scheme for the owner of tho (makes and the people flocked to see the wonder-ful slight of hand per former. W. W. Union. JI. li. Cory, representing tho "Mid night Dell" cotnptiny, is in town today making the neeessaty arruugemeuts for tho engagement of his company at the Vogt Monda night. They are drawing crowded houses in Portland, and Sun day night it waa necessary to atop the aale of tickets, audi a reception did they receive. Tho Ciiitoxici.u has many times decided never to commit itself re garding any company which is to play in the city, giving only tho notices which are brought to us aa advertisements. However, in tills caso wo almost feel like vouching lor its merit, so compli mentary have all the notices been re garding it, and at the same time feeling our people are desirous of seeing every thing good which visits our city. To UltimiKe tho Hj'Ntriu Kill-dually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habit ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co. Kodul Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it us a master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y, "Uuruuiuy" WlUikejr. Harmony whiskey (or family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl Try Verba liuona Bitters, tho brat tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. 0. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-Sm Captain Clark Writ to tior. (leer anl KxpreAe III Gratitude. llccently Gov. T. T, (Acer sent a letter to Captain C. E. Clark, who was in command of the battleehip Oregon on her famous cruleo from San Francisco around Capo Horn to Cuba, and at tho historical battle of Santiago bay, when the Spanieh fleet under Admiral Cer vera was destroyed, notifying him of tho sword which would be presented to him by tho people of Oregon, and in viting him to come to Portland to re ceivo the same. The sword, which is to bo purchased by popular subscription, is to bo one of tho most magnificent weapons ever presented to an officer of the navy, and Governor Gecr expressed in his letter his earnest wisli that tho brave commander, wiio had made the name of Oregon famous throughout tho world, would do the state tiie honor to como here. Monday the governor re ceived a letter from Captain Clark, dated at the navy yard, League island, Pa., as follows: "My Dear Sir : Your highly esteemed letter, informing me of the great honor the people of Oregon wish to confer upon me, has been received. I am truly grateful and wish I could appropriately express my feelings for what they have dono and proposed doing for me, more especially as I shall not be able to accept your kind invitation to visit Portland and visit the friends who have already placed me under the deepest obligation. With the sincerest thanks to them and to you, I am very respectfully and grate fully yours, C. E. Clark, captain U. S. N." In view of the fact that Captain Clark can not come to Oregon to receive the handsome gift intended for him, the committee having the matter in charge will doubtless arrange to have the same presented to him, with suitable and appropriate ceremonies, at the officer's station in Pennsylvania. BY THEIR FRUITS Judge Mays returned from Portland last evening. from home Poit- Ye bhall Know Tliem-Hiwln't We Uetter Exhibit Ourt.? While so many of the Eaetern Oregon cities, many of tliem smaller than The Dalles, are yearly holding fruit fairs, and thus not only advertising themselve3 and the country about them, but givinj the people of their counties a place to spend their vacation week very pleae antly, our attention has been called to the fact that our own town should be doing something in this regard. Our buBiuess men are beginning to talk the matter up, and some substantial results may tollow. Arm again it may enu in talk as trany other rchemes have done. However, if there is any hope of such a proposition materializing, it should re ceive the Bupport ot all. In other years our people tiave looked forward to the fair which lias been held each fall ; but this had developed mostly into a racing meet instead of an agii cultural and horticultural exhibit aa was at first intended. No place in the state has a better opportunity for making a fruit fair a success than has The Dalles, surrounded by such orchards and in a position to obtain the best of exhibits. Interspersed with these could be added neat and attractive advertising exhibits by tho different business houses, which would not only be an advertisement but an attraction. Then it would be neces sary to have music eacli evening aud some specialties, either local or fiom abroad, which exp?nse could be met by charging a nominal entrance fee. Thus such an affair would be a splendid tiling for our city, bringing to it the people from all over Eastern Oregon and afford. ing them inexpensive pleasure. If managed so that it could be held in Sep tember, any who might care to attend thti exposition in Portland later could do so, going on down from iierp. To launch such an affair it would of course require a few hundred dollars,; but in time, if properly carried on, it would bo self-sustaining, and those who had placed money into tho enterprise could be repaid in part at least. Somo of our citizens have thought it might bo well to attempt a fair next month; but to our mind it is out of the question. Possibly by tho latter part of October it might be iu readiness were all to push it along. But iu no less time could it be sufficiently advertised throughout the country, and on that hinges its success. Tho preparations would not lequire so much time, but there are other matters to be considered, It would be a splendid idea and liven us up somewhat. We will surely hiber nate in a social way unless we bestir ourselves. To Cure a Cold Iu Out Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c, V . MCOBK, JOHN UAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooiui 39 aud 40, over U. 8. Lund OtHce, Miss Maud Kuhno hai returned a visit to her father at Hartland. Miss Minnie Michell arrived last night from a month's stay in land. M. Z. Donnell and wife left this after noon for a trip into tho Grass Valley country. J. H. Noleon, county clerk of Yamhill county, is in tlio city, the guest of bin brother, Ira Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jackson, of Ar lington, left this morning to snend a 8'iort tune at wapinltia Mr. and Alts. II. wytrench enmo up on last night's train Ihev have been visiting at tin Jn illiams cottage on Ulatsop beach Mr. and Mre. J. P. Lucas, who have spent the past two weeks wilh friends in Baker City, returned home on yester day's afternoon train. Miss Ida Ward went to Portland on the boat this morning to visit her sister, Miss Pearl, who has accepted a position in a millinery store there. Frank B. Sommerville and wife, who have been visiting relatives in Portland, came up last evening and left this morn ing for their homo at Hay Creek. W. H. Schmidt, who was formerly employed as druggist for the Snipes" Kinersly drug store, is in the city, hav ing arrived from Pendleton Monday. S. Nutting, of Mavs & Crowe's hard ware etore, left last night for a few days' visit in Nortli Yakima, where he was formerly employed in a hardware etore. Robert Burns, who spent a portion of his boyhood in The Dalles, but is now a resident of Pendleton, stopped over in the city last night on hiB way home from Portland, and spent the evening meeting old friends. JJobt. Mays, Jr., came in from hie ranch near Antelope yesterday. He says the late rainB have started the grass in tbat vicinity, and unless the weather should turn unusually warm, the graz ing will bo exceptionally fine. Ben Robbereon returned to his home in Piedmont yeBterday, but his wife will remain a few days longer visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robbereon left The Dalles for Portland in April of '01, and the big fire occurred in September. As tlii a is their first visit since they find the Eist End of town entirelv changed," and have noted with interest the manv improvements in the entire city; while it has been a great pleasure to meet their old friends here. Old woo 7m OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at Dla r ier & Benton Hardware and Grocary dealers. More Flies Are Caught Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga., says he suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com pletely cured him. Beware of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. 1 fa Restores VITALITY, Loan wuun AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Nitrht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and xndls cretion. Aiierve tonic ami hlcoil builder. Brings the pink glow to .-ale cheeks anr restores the fire of youth. By mail KOc per box ; bo?:es for $2.51); with a written juanm tec to euro or refund tho money. NERViTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sis., CHICAGO, SLL. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. witli molasses saying, but than vinegar, is an old ...STEAM Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist its attraction and once within its power tho tormenting possibilities of that insect are over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I Digests what you eat. ' , Itartlflclally digests the food and tuda Nature In strengthening nnd recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in ctliciency. It in- 2 Telephone 201. 5 stantly relieves and permanently cures 5 ? 1 Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburu, 5w A n A TiT7Q T3.1-.V-. 5 1 .ln,tlJlJenSe' . SoJLir Stomach, Nausea. 4 W. A. OAIEb, Prop. SIckIIeadache,Gastralgla Cramps.and f f 1 allothcr results of Imperfect digestion. 1 Pi'eoared by E. C. DcWItt & Co., Cblcano. Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday. Rates Reasonable. YOU CRfi SAVE 1 I 1 By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & CROWE. A A. A . A V A 1 ,11 Hi 1,1 3: t A ; i4 ii MS H 1 si