Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.EANSES THE 5YSTEM HaBiTualCoNST''on 1 1 UAL PERMANENTLY nnv tup r,PMUiMF - MAM'F'D By (SUIvRNIAfrGPSYRVP(2. ro su by ah csu5ot rsu sst rtRKiut. l'KIH'LG VDH ALL KNOW. G. V. McCliue is in from Boyd today. C. M. Cartwriglit is in from Hay Creek. A. R. Graham anil Geo. Ireland are over from Centerville. Howard Ross came in from Mitchell yesterday on business and returned this afternoon. Atty. W. B. Preby. 'of Goldendale, was registered at the Umatilla House yesterday. Chae. W. RoliUon and father were reiMBteml at. the Umatilla from Golden dale yesterday. The family nf Rev. J. H. Wood re turned yesterday from a camping trip at Stevenson, Wash. Archie Barnett, who lias been visiting nt home for the mt week, returned to Portland by boat today. A. Mackintosh, accompanied by Miss es Kate and .loan Mackintosh, arrived in.tho city this morning ftom Prineville. W. E. Sylvester and H. B. St. Jo'mfl, win have spent two weeks camping hi Soda eprind on the Klickitat, returned home last night. Mrs. Jus. Sutherland arrived on this morninu'p train from Spokane, and will spend a t-w weekwith lier parente, Mr. and Mrs. GeoRueh. Miss Edna Glenn returned hrst night from a three weeks stay at tbfcir cottage ou swt Beach. The remainder of the f tititly wiil return Friday G. C. Blakeley, having; apfnUfl week in Portland ami at the eeasidpfcame up o i the boat yesterday, leaiii)j Mrs. B. to visit a few days ionjter'with relatives. On board the late train last night from Portland were John Mictiell, Grant Alave. L. E. Crowe, D. S. and George Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to Scrofula can never be healthy and vigorous. This taint in the blood naturally drifts into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood disease, Swift's Specific is the only known cure for Scrofula, because it is tho only remedy which can reach the disease. Scrofula appeared on the bead of my little. Krandchlld when only 18 months old. shortly after breaking out it spread rapidly all over tier body. The scabs on tho sores would peel 3ff on the slightest touch, and the odor that would arise mauo tno at mosphere ot tho room tlcketiing and unbearable. The disease next attacked the cye3, and we feared she would lose her sight. Em inent physicians from tho surrounding country woro consulted, but could do nothing to relieve tho lit tle Innocent, and save It as their opinion that the case was hornless and lm-, possible to save the child's eyesight. It was then that we decided to try Swift's Speclflo, That medicine at once made a speedy and com plete cure, bhe is now a young lady, and tiU oarer had a sign of the disease to return. Mas. Hutu Bibkcut, Salina, Kan. Scrofula la an obstinate blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the avenge blood medicine. Swift's Specific S.S.S.rfheBl 1MHJ is the only remedy equal to such deep seated diseases; it goes down to tno very foundation and forces out every taint. It is purely vtgtlabU, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other mineral substance whatever. Books mailed free by Bwift'gpeelle Company, Atlanta, OeorgUu r r r r w i i t. TI. Worsley and C. F. Cutlt- cart. Mrs. V. W. Flovd, of KlUvllle, Wash., and her sister, Miss Ada Fulton, of 10 Mlle, arrived in the city yesterday and left ou the boat this morning for Port land. Recorder Gates and G. A. Borders left this morning for a trip to the head waters oi Doe river, the latter to look over the water works' ditches nt that place. Mrs. Davis, sister of Dr. Gelsen dorffer, who has been visiting her pirents in the Valley, spent today in the city on her way to her home in KansasCity. Mr. and Mrs. C. McReynolds enme in from their homo on 15-Mile yesterday, briniiinjr with them their little child who is BUfTerinc from liinir fever and was placed under a physician's care here. Br. O'Nih nnd brother, Thos. O'Niel, and Misses Bertha and Lena Hmckhardt, who have been camping at Trout Lake with a party from Portland, came up on the boat last evening and left for Port land this morning. Mrs. V. H. Jones and little son, Gut, enme up yesterday from Stevenson, where they have been tamping. With the family of Rev. Wood they brayed tlie rainy season longer than any of the Dalles campers, and report the weather delightful whPii they left yesterday. Dr. Ray Logan is spending a portion nf his vacation from duties as house sur geon at St. Vincent's Hospital in Port- lmii, with his father. Dr. H. Logan. He is accompanied by his friend, How ard Davis, who is a son of Napoleon Davis, formerly professor of our schools. nous. At Mt. Hood, Or., Monday. August 28th, to Prof, and Mrs. C. M. Sissons, a son. "Harmony" Whiskey. Harmony whiskoy for family and Bpecial use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl Moki Tea positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the ek'n, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. and oOcts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. "Our baby was sick for a month with severe 'cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al though we tried many remedies ehe kept getting worse, until we used One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Co. Mica lightens the . load 'Axle shortens Grease the road. helps the team. Saves wear nnd expense, bold every wnerc. IUOE ur STANDARD OIL OO. B 8 HUNTIUOTON If S WILSOH Huntington & WILSON, ATlOKNEYoiAT I. AW, THK DALLEs, (JKKliJf. Office over rst Nat. Hank JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.' liank Phone C, THE DALLE?, OREGON JQlf GKISENDOUFFKl-. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vogt Block 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm M aiiiisjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjr Tl i RACE MARKS 3ESI0N8 rrvv" Copyrights &c. Anrnnfl lendtllt n sketch and flcsorlntlnn ma' quickly ascertain our opinion free whether u invention 11 pronaDiy TmicninDio. lommunic tionsstrlctlycoiirldential. Handbook on Patent lent freo. Ulileit l'.ttei.ts taken nuencv for securing luteins, tiirouah Aluim fi Co. receive rpttlatnottce, without nour, ennrue. in tue Scientific Htnerican. A handsomely Illustrated uceklr. Jjireet fir. riilatloii nt niir scienttlio Journal. Terms, 13 a four months, fL Hold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.'-. New York Branch Office. 625 V BU Washington, V. C. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflfilallV rilo-Aafat.tiA tnnA anil alA ifoture In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or- MQS. ItiathnlmtMtfllsVRAVsiroilillcrstat. ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieved and permanently curat Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour ItoaMcb, Kauaea. BlokHeadache.OsAtrals'la OraniM.aKa1 aUotber result of tMerfaet iifaeitoa. nvnarasj y b. w. immiii at ce., . Celseae. Uufnr, J NOTICE. Nntlreis hereby Riven Hint tho city council of Dulles Citv lm determined lo rMiitillah a cwur system for all that i ortlon of siiirl city ly Inir below the blull' nmt cKt of Lincoln street, and has further ilctcrinlneti that the crwt of Mich ewer system sluiM he imosscil iiKitlust Hie prnjicrty bcnellted thereby. i-nld sewer system is to be of term cottn plpu nml tho extent ami locution thcicof to be us follows: The niiiln llnoof sniil jewer svstcm sliult ex tcuil from the low wnto.- lino nf t ho C'oliimlilrt river, where tin- wit imintlu of the innttlh of Mill eicck nt shM low water strikes snnl river; thence iiIohr theertut bank of said Mill creek CVJ fect to n stake under the north trestle of the OrcRnn Uiillrruul iV: Navigation C'ompiiny's rnll roail.thcuco nt n right ikllectlon of 10 denrees mi'l 10 minutes from the eon i so lust pin sued lSl-a-UI feet ton stnkc Od.VKW lect norlli of thu northwest corner of the stone wall bouiulliiK the K. M. Wllfon property: thence nt n left itc llcetlon from the coune Just ilescilbcil, Tii dc srees nnd :tl minutes 12.1 fcetto n point on the west lino nf Union street. ISti ! et norlh of Second street: thenco crossing Union sireet to the ren ter of the alley between Second ami Main street, thenoo along the center of snld alley, from Union to Uiughllu street! thencu conttn ulng in n straight line ou tho same course nerixs ljinghlin street, to n point on ttioeast lino of said street, lis leet north of Second street: thcitcu continuing In n straight line on the same courfc, scross blork !. Ijiuglilln's addition to Dalit s Cltv.SOO feet, to Jell'erson street, on n line .' feet frnii. nml iiarallel tn. Second street: thence continuing on said straight line, in the same -ntirc, 10 leet into Jellerson street to n point 10 leet east of the west line of Jell'erson street mill l'2i feet north of Second street. Thence at u left detlectlon from tho lino last described, : degrees and 2.1 minutes, SI-511K) feet, ton stake 2 feet west of the east lino of Jellerson street; thence at h right dcllectlon from the line last de-crlbcd 23 degrees and 15 minutes, llii-17-100 feet, ton stako; thence nt a right dellfctlou from the Hue last demrllied 27 degrees and 2U minutes llo-MCO feet to n stake 17-&2 100 feet from the southeast corner of tho lawn west of the O 11. V N'. Oil's depot; thence at a left dcllectlon fiom said line II de crees mid II minutes, 40.V9.10 feet ton point on the west line of Monroe street 13U fct north of Second street and .V7.100 feet north of the north west corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thence continuing in n stinight llnoou the course last described 1.T0 S7-1C0 fect to a point 0 feet north of the north-east corner of Moody's wooden ware house 132 ." 10 feet north of Second street and 70 feet cast of Monroe street; theneo nt n right de llcetlon ftom the last line 7-02, 2(V,-:Vloo fect, to a stake in Tnvlur street, Sy-ii-10 let north of Second street and W-7.V1W feet west of tho west end of Hie Wnseownrelioine. A branch of said sewer system shnll connect with the main line In Union street, 2J feet from tho wcat line of snld street, nt n point 12s feet north of Second street, nnd shnll run nlong snld Union street 20 feet enst of the west lino thereof, to n olut M feet south of the north line of Tenth street. Another branch line of said sewer system shall commence In the center of the nlley be tween Second and Third streets, sit n point 10 feet west of the cast lino of Lincoln street, nnd ruh thence nlong the center of said alley to n point 2U) feet east of the east Uno of Court street, connecting with the branch of snld Sewer system running up Union sireet hereinbefore described, from thoeastand west, by convenient curves of about n twenty-foot rndlus. Also, n branch of mid sewer system commenc ing in the center of the nlley between Second and Thlul streets, on tho east line of Washing ton street, and running thence easterly along the center of said alley, to n point where the center of said alley Intersects with thepttent sewer of Mux Vrgt A: Co., where it crosses snld nlley. Thence northerly nnd easterly nlong Hie llne'of s.i'd sewer us It is now located, to the point where said sewer intersects the main line nf the tcwer hereinbefore described, at u point where the main line of said so"er crosses Fed eral street, between Second nnd Thiid. Also, n brunch line of snid sewer system, com mencing nt n point In the center of said alley be tween Second nnd Third streets, 10J feet east of Federal street, mid running tlienco along the center of said alley to the west Hue of I,nugblin street; mid thence competing with the I atigh tin street sewer by n loft curve uf about a 20-foot radius, in said Lnughllu street. Also it branch Hnoof sn lower system, com mencing nt a poi'jt o'l the cast Hnoof Monroe street, 20 feet north of the south line of 'ihlid street, running thence westerly, parnllel to tho south line of Third street, and 2J leet from miI(J south line to a point 40 feet west of tho eait line of Madhon street; thence curving to the light with n curve of nbout u 20-foot radius, to it point in snld Mnilison s'reet 20 feet from the north line of Third street and 10 feet from the west line of said Madison street; thence northerly along said Madison street on n line parallel with the west line of snld street, to n point 20 feet from the west lino of said street, and 20 feet south of tho center line of thoalley between Sec ond and Third streets; thencu dcitcetfng to the left by a curve of about u 2)-font radius, ton point where the west line of Madison street in tersects the center Hue of said nlley between second and Third slreets; thence in n westerly direction along the center line of Ha d alley to it pilot 10 feet west of the cast line of Ijiugliliu street; theneo dellecting to the right by n curve of nbout it 20-foot radius, Jo connect with the branch of said sewer system running tin Luugh liti sireet, in said Laughlin street. Also a branch Hnoof said sewer system, com mencing at n point In the center of tho alley bo tween Second and Third street! , 200 feet et of lec cast line of Monroe street, tunning theuro in k westerly ilircliou along tho center of said allev to a point 10 feet west of the east line of Monroe street, thence dellecting to the right by a curve of about a twenty-foot radius, to u point opposite tho ticrthliie of the alley between said Stcond and Thiid streets, mid 20 feet east of the west line of Monroe, street; thence In n north erly direction parallel with the wot Hue ot Monroe street, and 20 feet therefrom, to within 20 feel of tho main Hue of snld sewer system hereinbefore described: thence curving to tho left with u radius of ubaut 20 feet, to coiiLect with said main line. Also u branch line of sulci sewer system, com mencing on the west line of Jellerson street. 20 feetnorth of tno south line of Fourth street; thence running weitcriy parallel with the said north Hnoof i-ourth stteet. to n nolut 20 feet west of the east line of Lnughllu street; tlienco by a cuive to the right or about twenty feet radius, to a point 20 feet cast nf the west line nf ljinghlin sireet mid 20 feet south of the north 'Ine of Fourth street: thence northerly, parallel with thoweitlliie of I.uughlln street, to con nect with the main Hnoof said toer system hereinbefore described, by a curve to the left of about twenty feet radius, where said liiiilu line of said sewer system crosses Laughlin sireet nt the alky between Second nnd Main SticeU. Also n branch line nf snld sewer .system, com ineuclugut u point 1U0 feet south of the north Hnoof Fifth street and 20 feet east of the west Hue of Mbcrtv street; thencu nlong said Liberty street parallel with said west Hue of said street, in a noitlieily direction, to connect with ihu branch of t-ewer system hcrcinbcfoiu described, running in thu alley between Second and llilul streets, by a convenient curve to thoright,wheie mid ulley sewer crosses Liberty street. Also a branch lino of said sower system, com mencing in thu center of theullevbctwceirihliil mid Fourth streets, 200 feet west of l.llrtyst., and running along the venter of said ulluv lo n point 2W feet east of aid Liberty street, nnd con iicctlug with the brunch of said sower system lo Liberty street, Irom tho east and west, by con venient curves of ubnita 20-foot rmlius, ut tho point where said alley crossts Liberty stteet. Also u branch line of said sewer system, com mencing in lliotenterof thoalley between Third and Fourth streets, 2M fect cast of Oourt street, nnd thence running along the center of said al ley in a westerly direction, to a point 20 fect west of tho east lino of Union street: thence by a curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius, to connect with the Union street branch of tut I sewer system. Also a branch of said newer system, commenc ing In tho center of thu alley between Third and Fourth streets, at a jxiiutSO fect tust of tho east line of Washington slreel, and tunning thencu along the center of said ulley to u point 200 feet east nf Jellerson street, uud connecting with tho branch of Mid sewer system running along lsuglilln street, by convenient curves of about 20-feet radius, at a point where said alley crosses said Laughlin street. Alto a branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing at u point 20 feet north of tho south lino of fourth street and U) feel east of the east Hue of Washington street: running thence In an easterly direction parallel with uid south lino of fourth strati, to connect by a conveni ent curve to the left, of about a vw-foot radius, with til Uughlln-street branch of said sewer system, at the croMlug of Jfourlb and Laugblln streets. Also a branch line of .sold Mw(r sjstetn, com. mcneltig In the center of the alley or 81x1 li s .) south of block II, nt n iK.Int whore tl c m In" of Washington street crosses ;," . 11 n fi t westerly nlong the center of said nlley to a point 3S feci west of the east line of Court street, theneo by n convenient enryu to the right ot nbout 20-fcet radius to n point 20 feel cast ' the west line of Court street: tlienco In n nrtheri dlicctlou parallel with the west I no of I .oiirt street to the south Hnoof Fourth stteet llieuro bvn curve to Hie left, nf about n 20-font raillus, pin point on tho wist llnunf Court street, feet north of the south line of Hourlh stteet; ( " uestcrlv along Fourth sticet, parallel with the icct west in iiii-eiii " " 1 .,' . .1.1.1 connecting by convenient curve to the rMit, ot about 11 20-loot Mdlus. with the brunch line of said sower system running nlong I ulon st. Also n brunch line of said sower system, com- 1 meiiclne nt a point opposite the ceutci of the n - 1 ley between Fourth nnd Ulth stieets, ai feet cast nt the west line of Washington street, and running thence in u westerly direction nlong , the center of said alloy to 11 olntjit feet west of the iMst lino of Court street, thence byiiconvc- , nlent curve lo the right of nbout a 20-lont radius to connect with the branch of said sewer system I running nlong t.ouri. street. 1 1 Also a branch line of snld sewer .system, coin- I meiiclngut 11 point 20 leet north of tho south llnool Ullh sireet. nnii I-1) leet west 01 im- -.,, line of Court stteer, tunning thencu In 1111 east 'erlydlreetlon to the west Hnoof Court strent: , thence bvn curve to thu luit, cl nbout it 20-loiit ruillus, to Intersect with the britneli uf snld sewer svstcm rminliig on Court stteet nt tho 1 crossing" of said Filth nnd Court streets. Also 11 hrnnch Hue ot said sewer system, com Mnenclng nt the center ol the nlley between ' Fourth nnd Fifth streets, nt it point 200 feet oust of the 0.1st line of Liberty sireet, running tlienco i In n westerly dliectton nlong tho lino of the ecu , lemr s.ilil alloc, to 11 lioiitt'.O feet west of the east line of Liberty street, thence by n curve to the right ol nnoui 11 -si inni rniiiu, vj naaiwi with tho Liberty-street brunch of the suld sewer system. Also 11 branch lints of said sewer system, com mcnrlngiit the center of the alley north of Main street mid 50 ftetwestof Washington st.: thence running along thu renter of said alley to ., r.ut l'nliMi wtrret: thpnnu II I'lllllkOI" ITV ..VOfc ' connecting with the mnlu sower system near me oauK 01 .uiuereei, 13 uuinu iu mv ..h about n i.Vfoot ndlus. Also it brunch line of liieuclng ut 11 point In Fourth street, 2.")0 leet west ot the wot Hue ol Liberty street, uud 20 fect north of tho south 1 no of Fourth stieet, running thence in an easterly dlieetliin aloi:g Foil 1 Ih street, ptnllcl with tho -until llnu of said street to the west lino ot Liberty sliect; thence b n couvunleut curve to the left of 20-fcet radius, to connect with thu brunch ol said sower Kvstem running up and down Lib erty street, at thu croflig of said Fourth and Liberty streets. This notice is publMicd by order ot said City Council, made ou August iim, iv.n. XKI II. tlATKS. nug3 Uecorderof Dalles City. NOTICE. V. S. Land Offici:, The Dalles, Orc.i July 23, lsyj. j Notice is hereby given tint tho order of De rcmberS, ls'.U, lenipornrlly wlthdrnwliig from disposal, for the purposes of 11 bout railway, the lands ou thu sntilh sidu mid within six miles ol the Columbia river, bctwicu Tho Dalles and Celllo, has been revoked by the president, ex cept ns to the following ilecilbed parcels: one In the NW'i of i-eo 31, V 2 N, 1! II L, cuiitainliig nbout four and one-half acre-:, and thu other in tlio:;V!i.kec21, T 2 X, It 15 li, coutalnlng about1 half nn ucre. On nnd niter September 1, lsW, we will receive nppllcutioiis tor uuy vneaut lauds Included therein. . J. 1'. LUcAu, OTIS PATTr.llSOK, ltcglster. ltecelver. lytf. I Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby givon Hint the uiiilerslgned has bit-11 duly unpointed by thu honorable County Court of thu ritnte of Oiegon, for Wasco county, us executor of tho estate of I'hebeJ. Hnlght, decensed. All per-ons hnvlng cluuns agnlust said estate lire hereby untitled to pre sent the snme, properly verified, to mu nt my otlieo In Dulles city. Oregon, within six mouths from the dutoof this notice. Dated this 5th day of July, ls!J. I'ltANK MIINF.l-KK. Kxecutor of the istute of I'hebo J. llnight. deeensed. jlyII KOTICE FOli PUHLICATIOX. U. S. Land Office, Tim:, Ou ,1 June a), law, j Nniiec is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the net of congress of June 3, hi, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lauds In the states ol California. Oregon Nevada nnd Washington territory," Charles (iosson, of The D'ille, county of Wasco, state of Ortgon, lias this day tiled in this otllee his sworn statement No, 111, for the uurcluiseof the lot I and HK!--, Hvvy, nf bee. No. 20, In Township No. 1 N, range No. 12 K, nnd will oiler proof to show that thu land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stonu than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to slid laud be forotho register and receiver of this ollicu ut The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, thu 15th day ol Kentcmber, lew. lie names as witnesses, A. Turner, W Clark. Peter Fagn:i. (1. Whitmore, all of The Dalles, Or. Any mid nil persons claiming adversely the nbove described lands are reiUeted to II lo their claims In this ollicu on or before suld 15th dny of September, IsW. J. I'. LUCAS, Jlya-H ltiglster. CON1KST .NOriUK. I'. S. Land Offick, Tub Dai.lks, On. 1 .11 ! 11, low. S A sulllclent contest nlUduvit hnvlng been filed in this nlhco by Jiirnes I'oulk, contestant, against homestead entry No. 1'J.Vi, made Nov. 1th, 1KW. for SWJ.i. NK KWi j.sec. .'Il.towri thlp i! fi. it 1.) K, and N W; NWlj, Sec, 3, town ship -I S. It 111 K, by Thomus Jcll'rcys, conlestee, In which it is Alleged that lie has nbaiiilonod said tract for more lluiti 1; mouths. Suld parties aru heicby untitled to appear, icsimud mid cller uvldeiice touching said allegation, at 10 O'cllllk II. in. Oil h!it. I. I'W. befuro till! reolsli.r nnd receiver nt the Unlleil Htatei laud ollicoin 'Hie Dalles, Or. Tho said contestant liavlng In a proper nl Iditvlt, tiled July 1st. lhW, set forth fuels which show Unit after due diligence, personal servicoot this notlco can not bo mad.;, it Is hereby ordered nnd directed Hint such notice ha given by duo mid proper publication. JljiJ-li JrtV I'. LUCAS, lltglster. Administrator's Notice. Notice U hereby gtvtn that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tho lion. County Court of thu the. ntalc of Oregon, for Wu-eo county, us administrator of the cstatuof Adolnh Agldlus, deceased. All persons having claims "gainst said citato uru hereby notified to present the sumo properly verified to meat thu ollicu of imiur jiviiuiee, Wlllllll six months from thodnlu of this notlcu Dated nt Tho Dalles, Oreg 1111105, isw. h 1 1 . . ..... J ' AfllDIUH, Administrator of the Lstnte of Adolph Agldlus, deceased. B -y.f Notice of Filing Final Account J-W. mm.1 II. K Moore, Insolent debtors l a 2 'J'f".,,'oclelc R iUo cl,wil eourt of ttie ?,nl0lHi?,iL.,i'r.W"?!' '"'" final iic- v.. HN iiitv, Bnuiu win ixi neuril and imssed ukju by said circuit court on Ihu 1st day of tho next regular term of said circuit court, to-wlt, tho November, lWJ.term thereof 'at the hour of tun o'clock n, m or us soon there after us the matter can be reached l'y " 1'OI.K HUTLKIt, Asslgme. Lost. From Leo Shuo'd placo on Mill creek, two horses. One, a roan 5 years old, branded Pon right shoulder j the other a roan, with lame leg. A reward will be given to any one returning to me at my place of business on First street. augUMtw itKK nQH(it How About Your Title? n1 1 lii: YOU RUKK I nHCOill) thitt riiiiuwiu' iiK.v ..... ..unniesa lo eeiiroli tlio rt'cords nml uliow wliat tliev unntuin in t ruintiun iu niiiM H.ii" .- ...I., im iani or InunliiK money on renl D8tnte security, tukn no iiinii' 1 l.... l....lM ........ l...iu.t .11. u.linf ruliuion to lanti tines. 11 juii uuiiiuiuiiiiiiu tuiyiiii; land WOrtl, IJllV lliait'l' ll'UII Mtwmi'S ni...v viiu lltuill SHOWS ri'ifimlltiK tliu tltln. An Abntrnct Ih ug cBst'iitinl ne it ilcetl. Innlst 011 IiiivIiik it. Wo hnvo the only of Alistrnut Unoku in t lit? County. All work promptly ex. cenlfd nml nitisdit tlon uniirnntt'etl. It you hnvu prop, t-rtv to iiimiri', tivu us n cull. Wo sro ngontH for four of 1I111 liest flro iiiHiirniH'iM'Oiiipnnlua In tlio world. If you Imvi! property for snlu, lint it Willi us nml we'll find a. buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. 1 L Phono SI 2d Best Work at beast Possible Cost 0 11:11 nnUictl to give autisrnelion, "Wc nrc horc to stay; therefore every effort will lie intulc to establish it business. It will pity you to examine our work rind consult our prices. CONSIDER Heat Crown mill JUitlu'c work ;.'2k. sold), Heat Htit teeth, ininruutcetl Ik-fit Gold Fillins: Heat nilvur nr alloy lillintr Teeth extnietetl without mill Rooms II 12 l.'i, Chupnmu llloek, .Second St. Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager. EAST and SOUTH via VT7ll'r-nTJ: The Shasta Route LtAf4E Of THK Southern Panifin Cnmn'v . r j Tratns leave and are duo to arrive ut l'ortlai tKAVK. f OVKULANI) K.X.) j nresi, haleiii, lloo- 1 iiiiik, .laiiiiiiui, nni;- 1 7.00 1' .. 1 n I riirnento, OKdeu.ljuu 1 1 hrunclsiD, Mnjiivu, f 0:l-i A. 11. Los Angeles, Kl i'aso .enp orleuuh 11111 Lust ) K'iiiCU A. M, Itoseburg mid way stn Hons I Via Woodbura for 1 lit. Angel, Hllverton, West bclo, llrowim- vllle,Sirlnnllehl mill Natron j I. SO 1'. II Dully except Buuduys. Dully except Kmi'Juy.s 17:00 A. II., jL'orvallls Istiitlons. . wn' ,3:Wl'.i:. INDKI'KNDLS'OK I'AKSKNriKll. Kxpress train Dully (except hunduy). llGOji.m. (Lv. ..I'orlluuil ...Ar. 8;2.u.m m. JfcJIInuvllle. l.v. W.'Ma.m HYM p. in. i.r .lndcieudeiice..l.v.) l:A0u. m. Dally, fDuiiy, except huuilur. DINISCJ C'AltH O.N OODK.S' HOUTK. I'ULLJIAN IIUKI'KT HLKKI'KllB AND HKCOND-CLASS HLKLI'INf. C'Allb Attached to all Tlirnusli Trains. Direct connection nthan rrunclscn with Occi ileiitul unit Oriental uud l'ucllle mull steumstilp lilies for JAI'A.N und 0II1NA. KiiIIIiik dates on ii pllcallon. Hiitcs nnd tickets to Ijntern points and Ku- A?IKTitAl'.'lAU'A ' V"1' n( All above trains arrive nt mid depart from Oruiid u-ntrul Htutlou, Fifth nnd IrvniK street YAMHILL IIIVIHION. I'un-cnKer Dei-it, foot of Jellerson sireet. Leave for Hhcrldun, week duys, tl;30p. m Arrive ut I'ortliind, u:aou. in. t. . ... . . . lA-nvc wt aikmk on Jlonduy, Wednesday nnd . n.iuy m a; u. rn. Arrtvo at l'ort nnd, 'fuea davfhiirsdiiyandHuturduj it 3:05 p. m. Kxcept Buuday. "Except Haturday. lt. Kt.KM.KK, (i, If. 1IAHK1IAM, Jliiniuer. Asst. (i. K. & l'ass. Aut Through i Ticket Olllce.l.'ll Third street, where throiiKh tickets to all points In tho Kastern hm,naeHH't,;ra Eur"" oMl or N. vnii,Al!lKji.aK,"UN"' T,Cktt A8e,,t- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHAOTA KN'KIIALIIANKINU HUHINKH Letters of Credit issued available in the (Mi wtrn States. biirllt KVltlianifD .....I ml i r,. i' foiBKrannit .Hqiuio Hum on ew jfork, Gh cago, m, fieattlo Wash and 'various wlnto ill Orncrnn and 11 s .A. I, ' omlKiZ.,n"'JUat "11,M,lnU 00 Uv' ""f ORAooirmi a It Ih nil right? Komomlior it is tlio ttovurns. It la nur liimlncgg to St., oppoalto A. M. Wllllnmn & Co. OUE PRICES: per tooth. . . H50 $1.00 up , 50c up . ..50c Portland Dental Parlors ijj' 1303. !E (IKXlvltAL i Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Thirtl autlMcr'on, Phone 159 ..GHflS. FPM.. Batehers end Fsfmers ..Exchange. Keeps nndruuKht the lelebruteil COl.UMIIIA JlliKIt. iiekiiiiwl edKiil the best beer In The Hal e, at tho usual price. Come In, try It and be couvliiccil, Aim ine Finest brands of Wine, Minor and Cigars. Sanduiiehes ofull Kinds iilwujs on baud. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. .i AQENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER Biacksmnns ...AND... Horsesnoers .- SSSS V I II Look and Ounamlthi k and Mnohlne worn Glirlii lHrolitorf.ri: