t it Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem "c-f r r r r l. i i ulli. h4BlTMCST.PAT.ON ""W"" nCDMAMtUTIV rLnriHiiuiiiii. ,T5BEHEFICECTS- Buy THE GENUINE - MAM'F'D By Gi!I?rniaTgpSyrvf. TO! SAU BY All DlSJOiCTS FSIU SCt f If! MTtlt l'KOl'LE IOU ALL KNOW. ins in the family offclk Mays in Wallowa, 'has letumejKto her home nt Dry Hollow. r Carey Jenkins hns returned from nn outing to the sea const. Gus Bonn hns returned from a short I vacation trip t) Portland and Clatsop bench. Mrs. Wilson nnd daughter, Mrs. C. W. Taylor have returned from n trip to Clatsop bench. Mr. . Hall, of Spokane, is lu the city spending n few days with Ins pnrentB, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Hall. J. Current, deputy county auditor of Klickitat, ciime over from Goldemlnle yesterday on his way tj Jsorth Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Stephenson, who have been visiting Mrs. Stephenson's mother, Mrs. M.. H. Roberts, on Dry Hollow, returned to their home at Fulton by boat today. W. F. Bynrs and P. J, MeCully, of the Goldendnle Sentinel, came over from that place yesterday. The former left for White Salmon this morning and the hitter returned home this afternoon. Miss May Sechler, who has been visit ing relatives in Iowa for some weeks, returned Saturday. She returned sooner than she would have done had she not misunderstood the date of the opening of her school nt Antelope. Wm. Michell returned Saturday after noon from a week's stay nt the soda springs on the Big Klickitat, twenty-two miles from The Dalles by direct routp, but about forty over the wagon road. He reports quite a Inrge number of camp ers there, who have explicit faith in the lieaiing properties of tho water. It is highly charged with soda, and has been proven to be n halm for stomach trou bles, as well a for derangement of the liver and kidneve. Jo doubt it will in lime become ns famous health resort. John Haight is in from Ridgeway. W. II. Putison came in from Dufur y.'sterday. L. E. Crowe went to Portland yester day afternoon. Jay Saltzmnn came in from Burnt Ranch yesterday. Miss Ethel Iiiddell, who has Roent sev eral weeks with relatives atNewport, Yaqninn bay, returned Saicrday even ing. Mies Ella Cooper, who has-been teach- Jtlsmnrck'M Iron Noivo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's 2Cow Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25s at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tie money if it fails to enre. 25c. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk have them. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD BUT UPON n At I JL B VOU CAN GET PAYMENT OF ONLY UvUknil POSSESSION OP The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. If E iL,3.w SSi ll , li ? 1 1 Zxij- gj m"m I i I laJ The ent5re set with Guide BT) and case delivered nS-i aa u . upon payment of only Balance payable in small monthly payments. . Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition of the Britannica. )' Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. I Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has sot If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only 40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay merits. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR BALM BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given tlint tho clly enmicll of Duties Cltv hit determined to establish h sower system for nil tlmt lortlmi of snld city ly lnp belotv the blull niui enst of Lincoln street, mill hns further determined that the nut of such sower system shall Dm assessed ngitlust the liroiK'rty bcnellted thereby. Said sewer system l to be of term nitta pipe and tho extent and location thereof to be as follows: The main line of said sower system shall ex tend from the low wnte.- line of tho Columbia river, where the enst mnrRln of the mouth, of Jllll creek at said low water strikes said river: thence iiIoiik the east bank of said Milt crock CM feet to 11 stake under the north trestle of the Oregon Kullroiul & Navigation Commmy's rail roml.tliencont 11 right dellectlon of 10 degrees ami 10 111 1 mi les from the omiise last pnisued 1S1-S-10 feet ton stake U13-UW leet north of the northwest corner of tho stone wait bounding the K. M. Vt llson property: thei'ce at n left de flection from the courto just describisl, 70 de green nnd si minutes I'Jsfcettoa point on the west line of t'nlon street, lRtl f et north of Second strtoti thence crossing Union slreet 10 the ren ter of the alley between Second nnd .Main street', thence nlong the center of said alley, from Union to Ijuichliu street; thence contin uing In n straight lino on the same coiirsencros Langhllu street, to a point on the east line of said street, 1 feet north of Second street: thence continuing In n straight Hue on tho same course, tcross blork S. Ijitigblln's Addition to Dalles (Jltv,:;w) feet, to JcU'erstm street, on a Hue lis feet from, and parallel to, Second street thence continuing on said straight lino, In the same course, 10 lect Into .letlerson street to n point 10 leet east of the west line of Jellerson street and 12s feet north of Second street. Thence at n left dellectlon from tho lino last described, 1 degrees mid 2.J minutes M-S-100 feet, ton staked feet west of the cast line of Jellerson street; thonco nt 11 right dellectlon from the line last de-cribid '.'3 degrees and 15 minutes, 1U'.-17-100 feet, ton stake; thence nt a right dellectlon from the lino last described '27 degrees nnd ?J niinuies 110-MCO feet to n stake 17't'J 100 feet from the southeast corner of the lawn fer.ro west of tho O li. Ac N Co.'s denot: thence ntn left dellectlon f mm said lino II de grees nnd -II minute--, bVi-y-10 feet to a point on the west line of Monroe street 1".'J fet north of Second street nnd ;-7-100 feet north of the north west corner of M jody's brick wnreliou-e: lhence continuing In a straight lineon the course lat described ISO &7-K0 feet to a point G feet north of the north-ea-it corner of Moody's wooden ware house 13J 5 10 feet north of Second street and 70 feet east of Montoo street; ihenie at n right de llectlon from the last line70.,, M-:V-10O icet, to a stake In Taylor street, fc'j-ii-10 fct north of Second street nnd lti-7."-lC-0 feet west of the west end of the Wasco warehouse. A branch of said sewer system shall connect with tho main lino in Union street, 20 feet fiom the west line of said street, at a point li$ feet north of Second stiect, nnd shall run along said Union street 'JO feet east of the west lino thereof, to n point 'JO feet south of the north lino of Tenth street. Another branch line of said sewer system shall commence in the center of tho alley be tween Second nnd Third streets, ut a point 10 feet west of the east Hue of Lincoln street, nnd run thence along the center of said nlley to a point -'00 feet east of the east ine of Court street, connecting with the branch of said Sewer system running up Union street hereinbefore tlescrlbsd, fiom theeastaiid west, by convenient curve of about n twenty-foot radius. Also a branch rA said sewer system commenc ing in the center of tho alley between Second nnd Thltd streets, on the east line of Washing ton street, nnd running thence easterly along the center of said nlley, to n point where the center of said alley intersects with thopicseut sewer of Max Vrgt .v. Co., where it crosses said nlley. Thence northerly and easterly nlong the Hue of sa'd sewer as it lb now located, to tho point where said sewer intersects the main line of the sewer hereiubefoto described, ut 11 point where the main line of said se'er crosses Fed eral street, between Second and Thltd. Also, n branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a point in tho center of said alley be tween Second nnd Third streets, 10J feet e.ist of l'edernl street, nnd running thence nlong the center of said nlley to the west line of Laughlln htrect; nud thence conn ctlug with tho 1 augh lin street sewer by a loft curve of abuut a 'JU-foot radius, in said Laughlln street. Alsoubrnnch line of sn 5d ewer system, com mencing ut n point o-: the east line of Monroe street, 'JO feet north of the south lino of Third street, running thence westerly, parallel to the south lice of Third street, nnd 'JJ feet from snld south line to n point 10 feet west of the east lino of Madison street; thence curving to tho light with n curve of nbout 11 20-foot radius, to n point In said Madison sMect 'JO feet from tho north lino of Third street nnd iu feet from tho west line of ft'!d Madison direct; thence northerly along said Mndlson struct 011 n lino parallel with the west line of said street, ton point i!0 feet from the west lino of said street, nnd JO feet south of tho center line of the alley between Sec ond and Third streets; thence delk-ollng to the left by u curve of about a 'JO-foot radius, ton point where the west line of Madison street in tersects the center line of said alloy between hecoiidand Thiid streets; thence iu a westerly direction along tho center Hue of sa d alloy to u jnint-.O feet west of the .nat lino of fjiughllu street; thence dellecting to the right bynuirvo of nbout nJO-foot radius, to connect with the branch of said sewer system running up Luugh llu street, In said Lnughlin street. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a point iu the center of tho ullev be tw een Second and Third streets, 'J00 feet 01st of. tnc cui'. line of Monroe street, running lhence In a westerly dlretlou nlong the center of said allov ton point 10 feet west of the east line of Monroo street, thence dellecting to tho right by u curve of about a twenty-foot radius, to a point opposite the north Hi o of the nlley between said b-.coud nnd Third streets, nud 'JO feet east of the west line 01 Monroe street; thence lu 11 north erly direction parallel with the west lino ol Monroe street, and 'JO feet therefrom, to within 'JO feet of the main lino of said sewer system hereinbefore described: thence curving to tho left with it radius of about M feet, to connect with said main lino. Also n brunch line of said sewer system, com mencing on the west linn of Jellerson street. 'JO feet north of the south Hue of Fourth sticet, thence running westerly parallel with the said north line of kourth street, to u point 'JO feet west of the enst line of Lnughlin street; theiice by u curve to the right 01 about twenty feet radius, to n point 20 feet east of the west line of Lnughlin street anil 20 feet south of the north 'Ineof Fourth street: thence nurtherlv, parallel with the weit Hue of lnughlin street, to con nect with the main lino of bald soer system hereinbefore described, bv a curve to the left of about twenty leet radius, whore said main Hue of said sewer system crosses Lniiglilln street ut me aiay oetwt.cu second and jiain btrteU. Alio a branch Sine of said sewer system, com nienclng nt it point l:xi feet south of the north line 01 ruin street nun jo leet cut el tho west line of Liberty street: thence hIoiib sold I.llu.rtv street parallel with said west line of said street, in u uoilherly direction, to connect with the brunch of sewer system liirciubcfoio described, runulug lu the ulley between Uccoud nnd Third streets, by u convenient curve to the right, whete tnld ulley sower crosses Liberty street. Mso n branch lino of said sewer Kvatntn. mm. inencliigiu the center of tlieallcvl.ctui-i.n -I i,ii mid Fourth streets, 230 feet west of Liberty nt., u.iu luiiiiiuj, niuMK uiu ui'lliur 01 Hiuu UllOV 10 U point '.'Mi feet east of said Liberty street, and con necting with the brunch of said sower system l'i Liberty street, Jrom tho cant and west, by con violent curves of nbout a 'JO foot radius, nt ihn point whero tnld ulley crosies Liberty street. Also a branch line of said newer system, com mencing In the center of tboullov lii-twii.,, Tliir.i and Fourth streets, 230 feet cant of Court street, and thence running nlong the center of said al ley in u westerly uirecuon, 10 it point 20 feet west of tho east fine of Union street: then I. v a curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius to connect with the Union street branch of tall sower system. Also a brnuch of tald sewer system, commenc ing In the center of the ullev between Third mid Fourth streets, at a ixiliit aa feet rast of the cost line of Washington street, and miming thence along the center of said ulley to a point 200 feet east of Jefferson street, nnd connecting with tho branch of said sewer system running along Uughlln street, by convenient curves of about JO-leet radius ut a point where said alley crosses said Laughlln street. Also n branch line of said sower system, com mencing ut u point 20 feet north of the south line of Fourth street and M feet east of the east Hue of Washington street: running thence lu an easwrly directtou parallel with said south Hue of Fourth street, to connect by a conveni ent curve to the left, of about a 'JU-foot radius, with the Uucblln-street branch of said stwer system, at tl crossing of Fourth and Uugutiu streets. Also a branch Una of .said acwtr system, com- menring In tho center of the nlley for Sixth st.) south of block II, at a point where the west lino of Washington street crimes said alley, the no westerly along the renter of said alley to n point as feet west of the east lino of Court Mrect,! thonco by a convenient curve to tho right . "i about 'JO feet radius to n point 20 feet enst of the west lino of Court street: thence Inn norllicrlj (lltccllou pnrallelwlth the west line of Court street to the south Hue of Fourth sttcet, thence bv n curve to tho left, of about n 'JO-foot radius ton point on tho wist llneof Court street, it) feet north of the south line of 1 mirth street, thence westerly along Fourth street, parallel with tin south llneof said Fourth street, to n point JO feet west of the cast Hue of Union street; thence connecting by u convenient curve to the rUhl, ofHboiitu 20-1 on t MdliiH. with the branch line of said sewer system running along Union st. Alo n brunch Hue of said sewer system, rom menciug nt a point nppntlto the center of the ul lev between Fourth and 1 lfth streets, LM feet east of the west lino of Washington street, and running thence In u westerly direction along the renter of snld nlley to n olnCW feet west of the e.ist line of Coutt street: thence by n conve nient curve to the right of nbout n 20-loot radius to connect with the branch of snld sewer system running along Court street. Alo a brunch lino of said sewer system, coin nu'iiclngntn point 20 feet north of the south line of Hfth street, nnd 120 feet west of the west line of Court street, tunning thence In mi east erly direction to tho west llneof Court street: thence bvn curve to the left, cl nbout a 20-foot radius, to intersect with the branch of said sewer svstcm running on Court street at tho croslng"of said Filth and Court streets, Aln a branch line of snld sewer system, com meuclng at tho center of the alley ln'twi-eii Fourth and Fifth streets, at a point 2i feet east of the east line of Liberty street,, running thence in a westerly direction nlong the lino of the ren ter of said nlley, to u point '.0 feet west of the east llneof Liberty street- thence by a curve to the right of about n 20 foot radius, to connect with the Liberty-street branch of the said sewer system. Also u branch llneof snlil sewer system, com mencing nt the renter of the ullev north of Mil In street nnd W) feet weU of Washington St.: thence running along the renter of said alley to n point :1I0 feet west o.' Union street: theuco connecting with the niaiii sewer system near the bank of Mill creek, by a cuive to the right of about a 23-foot rcdius. Alsoubrnnch line of snld sewer system. com mencing nt n ixiliit iu Fourth street, 2VJ feet west of the west Hue ol Liberty street, nud 20 feet north of the south 1 lie of Fourth stn et, running thenco in an easterly ditectlon alot:g Fourth street, pirillclwtth the south lino of said street to the west line of Liberty stiect; thence b n convenient curve to the left of about 20-feet radius, to oouneet with the branch o! said sewer system running up and down Lib erty street, nt'the crossing of said Fourth nud Liberty streets. This notice Is- publlshcd by order of snld City Council, made on August fitn, l-'.i'.i. NUD II. GATir-i. nug3 Itecorder of Dulles City. Wluit It Menus. How About Your Title? A UK YOU SUNK It la nil right? Itcmcmber it 1b ile IA IHC01U lht tsovernu. It la our business to ecnrcli tho rccordB nntl oliow what thev contain in rclntlun to In ml title". If you content pinto buying nmi or lonnini? money on renl estnto fccnrlty, tnkn no man' word, but Insist upon knowinu what tho record nhowg ri'Lrirdlu; tbo title. An Abstract 19 hh esseniiul nnn deed. IiinlBt on hnvliiu It. Wo hnvo tho onl not 0 Abstrnct Hooka In t he County. All work promptly ex. tcttti'd nnd fiatif-fuutlon gmirHntecd. II you htive prop. crtv to uiHiire, iivo nn n t-iiu. v nr hiuihh ior loiiro' tliti bent (lie iiiflurnnno eomrumies In tho world. I f yo j lutve property for sale, list it with us nnd we'll find buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2cl St., opposite A. M. Wllllnms & Co. Few people realize what the develop ment of n pood mine means to tho Burroundiiig country, especially the de velopment of a $1,000,000 mine, biieh its the Silver King on Trout (Jreek. It means substantial additions to tiie tux roll, additional employment for hundreds of men, increased demand for nil agri cultural products, lumber, timber, etc. The Silver King is in nn agricultural section nnd every farm will bo increased in value. It is in a large mineral belt nnd other mines will be opened there. This is not nil. Crook county is rich in minerals and precious metnls, nnd pros pecting will, lie greatly Htituulatcd. The Mayflower mine nt the bead of Oclioco creek is also on tho eve of uctive devel opment und will do for that part of the country what tho Silver King does for the Trout creek. With rich mines, good arming land, the host stock ranges and abundance of pine timber, this country h sure to come to the front. Prineville Journal. IS IT IIIQIIT For un Kit I tor to Jtocoimiioml rutont .'MtMllCIIII'S'.' From Sylvan Vulley News, lirevrud, N. C. It may be n question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publiely recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet ns n uroventive of suffering we feel it n duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Kerned ). Wo have known and used this medicino lu our familv lor twenty years and hayo nlwnys found it reliable. In'tr.nny cases n dose of tide remedy would save hours of sufferine: while a physician is nwnited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on nny medicine for n cure, but we do believe tnat if u bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Ilemedy was kept on hand and administered ut the inception of an uttnek, much sutTering might be avoided nnd in very many cases tho presence of a physician would not be rtquired. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. Your I'uom Shows the state of your feelings nnd the alnto of jour health ns well. Impure b!ood makes itself apparent in u pale and Ballow complexion, J'imples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn put and do not have a healthy nppearanco you should try Acker's Wood Elixir. It cures nil hlnrJi diseases where cheap Sarsuparillas nnd bo called purifiers fail j knowing this we soil every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Mokt Tea positively cureiTsick head ache, Indigestion and constipation. A uengnuui neru urink. Kemcves all eruptions of the ekln, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 26 cts. and 60cte. Blakeley & Iloughtou' druggists, ' Caiti lu four Chuck. Allcountv warrants registered nrlor to October 1,1805, will be paid I at 'my office. Interest ceases after July o l8W O. L. Phillips, flountyTretsnrer. Clarke k Falk hayo received a carload of the celebrated Jatnea E. ptton strictly pure liquid paiote, Best Work at Least Possible Cost Gnat antral to give satisfaction. "Wo nrc lioro to stny ; therefore every effort will he miirte to establish n business. Jt will pity you to examine out y . . It ...... a. u!.. . wont unit consult tun in ills. CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Hest Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth Host set Iceth, guaranteed Best Gold Filling Best silver or alloy filling Teeth extrncti-d without pain .. 4 50 .5.50 $1.00 np 50c tip Booms 11 12 i:;, Chapman Block, Second St. Portland Cental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. BUSINESS LOCALS. T .1 . i.iia-n i ii : ii in cameras ut fj ira- proved Magazine cyclones ut DynnellV I drug store. j j- Fresli (trucked Nebrahka corn at the i jf Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. moh2a-tf ! Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at nil first-class burs. C. J. Stnbling, agent, The Dalies. AI Yl-'Mw Try tonic. C. J. n-AH .'; A-l ATATATCTI ITATAI-A rTA- S T.nnlr- BROS (IK.VEItAL BiacRsmiifis ...AND... Horsesnoers Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Plioetlii Vnrli'i Ttmtiifi Ttttturu ilia lwn,i For side at all lirst-clasa bare. Stubling, agent, The Dalles, i ' M17.:imiE' Try Verba Bueim Bitters, tho bestifi' tonic. For sale at nil first-class bars. 5' U J. btubling, ngent, The Dalles. ' g. MiMim; Third aul Jeffcrnu. and invigorate tiie entire svHlem. never I gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Karly I Klsere. llutler Drug Co, One Minute Cough Cure ouicklv cures obstinate summer eoulis nml mliln "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Morton, .unynew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. Nutlcti tu South HIili-iH, Members of the South Side I Jose Co., ure requested to meet nt their hoee house tomorrow "'Sunday; morning at lOo'cloek without fall. By order of president. S. Boiro.v. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such' that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as n master remedy for nil disorders arising from imporfeet diges Hon." James M. Thomne, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Acker's English Bemedy will stop a uuugu ui any lime, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or inn.. refunded. 25 cts. nnd 50 cte. Blnkeloy vv ijuuiiiuu, uruggists, ..GflflS. FRfljlH.. Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange Kecim on drtuiKlit tho cflitirntetl COI.IIMIIIA HlCUIt, nuktimn ... i ..... i t I.. 11,.. fin til iJinJ l.i.U 1. .. Itl Tll I 111 lies attiiuUHUiil prleu. Cuuiu In, try It mid be roiivliii'dl. A tho Klm-Ht brntidi of Wlues, Uiuor and CIkiuh. S&oduiiehes of all Kinds nlwnys on band FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. fKANHACTA KNKItALHANKINO 11UH1NEH ItterH of Credit issued available in the hlght hxchanite and Telegraphit Trans er9 sold on New York, Icigo. tuin.oitn rrancisco, fortland Ora pn Seattle Waal, and Variou. polnU V',00 a,,d Waahington. oralna8.mRae"t1,Polnt' 00 ' mm. a?s ..".. win ::',?.''? r ELS aa. i Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. I -I AQCNT FOR THE ..RAMBLER Look and Gunsmith, k and Machine Ckirlif lMrchtorf,o-j