The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 26, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
dneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the 5ystem
cr r r
fCR SU W All CSfJGSiSTi too. SOs. f M NTtlt.
ri:tri.E you all know.
H. J. Ginn is a visitor in the city from
Neil McLeod and wife came over from
Goldendale yesterday.
Mis? Bfo Iaenlwrg came up from
Hood River yesterday.
Mrs. E. Baldwin nnd daughter. Miss
Martha, are guests of Mrs. Edith
Menefee at Dufur.
Mrs. C. N. Thornburyis up from Port
land vieitinf her daughters, Mrs. Hudson
und Mrs. Kinersly.
Will Werzweiler, Prineville'e mer
chant, came up from Portland last
uiRht and left for home this morning.
Rev. A. Blackburn and wife, of the
First Baptitt chnr.'h, of Portland, made
the trip up on the miles (Jity yesterday
returning this morning.
Misses Tena and Louise Rintoul re
turned on tlin boat last iiieht after at
tending the teachers' institute at Oregon
City and visiting in I'ortlund.
Mi? Jocelyn Foulkes, one of Bahcr
City's most popular young ladies, was
nritouc the ti.urists who came up on the
boat yesterday and returned today.
Mr. and Mrs. Bn Robberson, old
time residents of The Dalles, are up
from their home at Portland and are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesa Llakeney
Mrs. N. Wilson, of the Campbell &
Wilson Millinery Parlors, will leave on
the afternoon train for a few days' stay
in Portland attending millinery open
Mra. Sterling and her daughter, Miss
Mabel, leave tonight for a visit with
relatives in Onto and Pennsylvania
Mrs. Steriinciiae not visited her rela
tives for fifteen years and will probably
Cruel Knife!
It is absolutely usclesa to especfc n
surgical operation to euro cancer, or
any other uioou uisease. The cruelty
of such treatment is illustrated in the
alarming number of deaths which re
cult from it. The disease is in the
blood, nnd hence can not be cut out
Nino times out of ten the surgeon's
unite only hastens ueatn.
117 son had a most malignant Cancer, for
which tho doctors laid on operation was the
oniy nope, 'inuoper
ntlon was a severe
one, as It was neces
sary to cut down to
the jnwbono nnd
6crajo It. Before a
(Treat whllo the Can
cer returned, and be
pan to grow rapidly.
Wo guvu him many
remedies vlthout re-
llet. and finally
upon the advice o! a
triend, decided to
try t. b. B. (Swiff;
Bneclfio). and witl
the second bottle he
began to Improve. After twenty bottles bad
been taken, the Cancer disappeared entirely.
uim no was cureu. me care was a permanent
one, tor he is now seventeen years old, and hat
never had ft sign ot the dreadful disease to re
turn. J. N. Mubdoch,
279 Bnodgraas Bt., Dallas, Texas.
Absolutely tho only hope for Cancel
Is Swift's Specific,
as It ii the only remedy which goes
to tho very bottom of the blood and
forces out every trace of the disease.
B. 8. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable,
and contains no potash, mercury, or
other mineral.
Jteoks on Oancer will be mailed free
to any add rase by the Swift' Bpeelfk
Co., Atlanta, Oa.
remain during the winter, while Mies
Mabel will return in two months.
A. A. Morse, contracting agent for the
O. K. & N., accompanied ly his family,
and Mra. . B. Gomnu, wife of Conductor
Coninn, and her daughters, Helen and
Julia, made the trip np the river yester
day on the boat.
Congregational church, corner Fifth
nnd Court Btreets, D. V. Poling, pastor
Services nt 11 a. m. Subject, "A Great
Plan's Astonishment at His Own Suc
cess." The choir will rendsr a special
number as an ofl'ertory.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's
meeting at 0:80 p. m. Sunday school
nt 10 a. m. Subject of the morning
sermon, "The Immortality of Man."
Everybody invited.
' Methodist church, corner Fifth nnd
Washington streets, J.H. Wood, pastor
J Sunday school in the morning at 10.
Services at 11 a.m., and at 8 p. in.
Class meeting nt 12:20. Junior League
I at 3:30 p.m. Epworth League at 7.
Rev. Poling, of the Congregational
church will occupy the pulpit in the
Christian church, Xinth and Court
streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor
Preaching morning nnd evening, nt 11
a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10;
Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. m.
, Prayer meeting on Thursday evening.
Morning subject, "The Ordinance of
the Lord's Supper; What it is." In the
Evening : "The Significance of the Lord's
l'ulillc Announcement.
To my friends and former patrons : I
take pleasure in announcing that I have
arrived safe and eiund from Manila, and
have again entered civilian life, and can
hereafter be found in business with my
brother, D. S. Dufur, at the same old
etand, where I will be pleased to meet
any of my friends either for a social
chat or business proposition of any kind.
Comrades and old Vets, welcome.
Yocaromucho trabajer,
Geoiige H. Durun.
Latest thing in cameras am Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chickpii feed. mch25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at nil first-class bare. C. J.
Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. Ml7-3m
Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best
C. J.
C. J.
For sale at all first-class bars.
Stubling, agent, The D.tlles.
Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
For sale at all firet-class bars.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system, never
gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures
obstinate summer coughs and colds.
"I consider it a most wonderful medi
cine, quick and safe." W. W. Morton,
Mayhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co.
JSUmarck' Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will nnd tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeye and bowels are out of order. II
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 'J '
Hamilton Clark, of Chauncev, Ga.,
says hesuffered with itching piles twenty
years before trying DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cured him. Bewaro of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
' Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cougli nnd catarrhal fever, Al
though wo tried many remedies she kept
getting worse, until we ueed One Min
ute Cough Cure, it relieved nt once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
Clarke & Fttlk h ive a full and com
plete line of house, carriage, wagen and
barn paints manufactured by James E.
Patton, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
To Cure a .Cola in One Day,
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it falls to cuie. 25c,
Cain In tour Checks.
All countv warrants registered nrlor
to October 1.18P5, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Julv 20.
1B8U. C. L. Piiitiipa,
Countv Treasurer.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
Drink Warren's Pore Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all flrst-clsis bars, C. J
tubling, agent, The Dalles. 1179n.
Notice Is hereby given that the el'y council
of Dalles City lm determined to citnblluli a
tower system for nil that iKjttlnn of snld city ly
liiK helow the bluff nml cast of Lincoln street,
and has further determined that the nut of such
tower system shall be nsscssed nRiilust thu
ptojierty benollteil thereby.
."alii sewer system 1 to bo of terra rutin pipo
and the extent and location thereof to be as
Tho main lino of said sewer system shall ex
tend from the low wnto; Hue or the Columbia
river, where the east mure 1 11 of the mouth of
Mill creek nt said low water suites said river:
thence nloue: the east bunk of said Mill creek
CM feet to a stake under the north trestle of the
OtcRon UallrnMl & Navigation Company's rail
read.thenco at a rlKht ilcltccllou of 10 iicRree
nti't 10 minutes from the course Inst puisiictl
181-3-10 feet ton stake 9-15-hU ieet north of the
northwest corner of tho stone wnll bounding
the K. Jl. W llson property: thenrcnt a left iU
llcclluu from the courte Just described, Til He
(trees nnd r.l minute 12s feet to a point on the
west lino of I'nlnn street, 136 f et north of Second
street; thence crossing t'ulou sireet to tho cen
ter of tho alley between Second nnd Main
street, thence nlonj; thu center of said alley,
from Union to l-'iUKlilln street; thence coiitln
ulURin a straight lino on the same course ncroj
ljitiRhliu street, ton point on the east line of
said street, US :cct north of Sccoudstreet; thence
continuing In a straight line on the same
course, s cross blixk S. huugblln's addition to
Dalles Cltv.SOO feet, to JelVerson street, on a line
12S feet from, mid parallel to. Second street:
thence continuing on said straight line, In the
same course, 10 lect into Jellerson street to a
p. intlU leet cast of the west lino of Jellerson
street and 12S feet north of Second street.
Thence at a left dcllcctlou from the lino Inst
desjribeii, SI degrees and 23 minutes, Sl-S loo
feet, to a stoke 2 feet west of the east line ot
Jellerson street; thenco at a right dcltectinn
from the line last described 23 degrees and 1,
minutes, 116-17-100 feet, ton stake; thenco at a
right dcllecilon from thu lino last described 27
degrees and 20 minutes 110-MCO feet to a stake
17-S2 100 feet from the fouthenst corner of the
lawn west of the O li. A X O.'s depot;
thence at a left dellectlnn fiom said lino II de
grees and 1 minutes, IG3-U 10 feet ton polar on
the west Hue of Monroe street 1SU fet north of
Second street nnd 6-7-100 feet north of the north
vest corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thence
continuing In a strnlght lino on the course last
described ISO S7-R0 feet to n point fi feet north of
the north-east comer of Moody's wooden ware
house 132 10 feet north of Second street and 70
feet east of Monii-e street; thence at a right do
llcction from the last line 7-02, 261-M-100 feet, to
a stake in Tavlor stieet. fcy-6-10 feet north of
Second street anil bVT.Vhx) feet west of the west
end of the Wasco warehouse.
A branch of snid sower system shall connect
with the main lino in t'nlon street, 20 feet from
the west line of said street, nt a point 12s feet
north of Second street, and shnll run along snid
Union street 20 feet east of the west lino thereof,
to 11 point '."0 feet south of the north lino of
Tenth street.
Another branch line of said sower system
shall commence In the center of the alley be
tween Second nnd Third streets, at a point 10
feet west of tne e-ist line of Lincoln street, nnd
run thence along the center of said alley to a
point 2iJ fet east of the east Mne of Court
street, connecting with tho branch of said sower
sjslcm running up Union street hereinbefore
decilbed, from theenstand west, by convenient
curves of about a twenty-foot ruling.
Also n branch of said sewer system commenc
ing in the center of the alley between Second
and Thiid streets, on the lino of Washing
ton street, and running thence easterly along
the center of said alley, to a point where the
center of said alley intersects with thopitsent
sewer of Max Vrgt A: Co., where it crosses said
alley. Thence northerly and easterly along the
linecf sa'd tower ns it U now located, to the
point where said tower Intersects the main line
of the sewer hereinbefore described, at n point
where ihe main line of said tewer crosses Fed
eral street, between Second and Third.
Also, n branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing at a point In the center of said alley be
tween Second nnd Third streets, 100 feet east of
Federal street, and running thenco along the
center of said nlley to the west Hue of Laughlln
street; and thence conn, cting with tho laugh
lln street sower by a left curve of about 11 20-foot
radius, in said Laughlln street.
. Also 11 branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing at a point on the cast line of Monroe
street, 20 feet north of the south line of Third
street, running thence westerly, parallel to the
south line of Third stieet, and 20 leet from said
south line to a point 10 feet west of the east line
of Madison street; tliciiee curving to the light
with a curve of about a 20-foot radius, to a point
in said Mndisou s'reet 20 feet from the north
line of Third street nnd 20 feet from the west
Hue of said Mndl.-on street; thence northerly I
along said Madison street on a lino parallel with
thewet Hue nt said street, ton point 20 feet
from the west hue of suid street, and 20 fect
south of tho center line of thualley between etc-1
ond and Third streets: thence dellectlng to the !
left by a curve ofnbout a 20-foot radius ton
point where the west Hue of Madison street in
tersects tho renter line of said alley betwe-jn
Second ami Thiid sireels; thenco in n westerly
direction nlong the center lino of s.i d alley to a
point -.0 fect neat of the cast Hue of Lnusb.Hu
street; thence dellectlng to tho right by n curve
ofnbout u 20-foot raillm, to connect with the
brunch of said sower system running up Lausli
liu street, in said Lnughliu street.
Also it branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing at a oint in the center of tho alley bo
tweeu Second and Third streets, 200 feat eist of
too east Hue of Monroe street, running theure
In m westerly dlretlon along the center of said
alley to u point 40 feet west of the east line of
Monroe street, thenco dellectlng to the right by
a curve of about a twenty-foot rndius, to n point
opposite tho ncrth lit e of tho alley between s-dd
Steowl nnd Third sticets.nud 20 feet east of the
west line of Monroe stieet; thence in a north
erly direction p.irullel with the west line ol
Monroo street, and 2u fect therefrom, to within
20 feet of the main Hue of said sewer svstern
hereinbefore described: thence curvlug to tho
left with 11 radius of about 20 feet, to connect
with said main Hue.
Alto a branch Hue of said sewer system, com
mencing ou the west line of Jetlersoii street. 20
feel north of the south lino of Fourth street,
thence running westerly parallel with the taid
north line of t-ourth street, to a point 20 ftet
west of the east lino of Laughlln street; thenco
by u curve to the right or about twenty feet
radius, to a point 20 feet east of tho west line of
ljiughlluttrcut !iii120 feet south of the north
Mne of Fourth street; thence uorthcrlv, parallel
with the west line of l-iiighlln street, to con
nect with thu main Hue of said to or system
hereinbefore described, by a curve to the left of
about twenty feet radius, where said rnnln lino
of suld sewer system crosses Laughlln street at
theulliy betwveu Second and Main streets.
Al'o a branch line of said sewer system, com
meucingat a point 130 feet south uf the north
line of Filth street and 20 feet east of the west
lino of Liberty street; thenco along said Liberty
street parallel with said west lino of said street,
in a noitherly direction, to connect with the
branch of tewer system hercinbcfoio described,
running lu the alley between second and third
streets, by a convenient curve to theright,vhcio
said alley tewer crostts Liberty stieet.
Also a branch line of said tewer svstem. com.
mencing In the center of theulley between lhlrd
and Fourth streets, M0 feet west of Liberty st.,
and running along the center of said nlluv to a ,
point 2iij feet cast of taid Liberty street, and con
nectlug with thu branch of said tower system in
Liberty Htrcet, Jrom the east and west, by con
venient curves of abiutn 20-foot radius, at Die'
puiiii wuciu tain miry crosses i.i&vrly street.
Also a branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing In tho center of thealley between Third
and Fourth streets, Vi) feet east of Court street,
and thence running along the center of said al
ley in u westerly direction, to a point 20 feet
wtst of the east lino of Union street; thence by
a curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius, to
connect with the Union street' branch ot tad
sewer system.
Also a branch of taid tewer system, commenc
ing in the center of the alley between Third and
Fourth streets, at it polri t W fect vast of tho east
line of Washington street, and running thence
along the center of said alley to u jkjIhI 200 feet
east of Jefterson street, und connecting with tho
branch of said sewer system running along
Mugblin ttrect, by convenient curves of about
20-tect radius, at a point where said alley crottes
said Laughlln street.
Also n branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing ata point 20 feet north of thetouth
line of fourth street and W feet east of the east
Hue of Wasbliitrton street: runninv thtn- it.
an easterly direction parallel with ssld south
line of Fourth street, to connect by a convent,
nt curve to the left, of about a 2U-foot rtdlus,
with the Uughlin-ttreet branch of said sewer
system, at the crossing of Fourth and laughlln
Also branch line of said nmt system, coat-
. ... . .1... nil.,,- Inr Blrfh Kt.l
south ot block II, at n point where the west lino
of Washington street crosses sald nllej; theure
westerly along the center ot said alley to n point
IN feet west of the east line of Court street;
thenco by n ronvenlent curve to tho right . of
about 20 fect radius to n point 20 feet east ot the
west line ot Court strret; thenro In a norlherl
direction parallel with the west Hue of Court
street to thu south Hue of Fourth stieet: thenro
bv n rurve to the left, of nbnut a 20-foot ridlu.
to a point on tho wtst lino of Court street, .11 fect
north ol tho south Hue of Fourth street, tlienro
westerly along Fourth street, parallel with the
south Hue of said Fourth stieet, to a point 20
. . .1 1 ll., ..f Union vtriM.t! I li'lll'O
connecting by 11 convenient rurve to the rUI t,
ot about a 20-loot Millln, with thu branch Hue
of said sewer system running along union st.
Al-on branch Hue of snid sewer system, com
mencing at a polntopposlte the center ot the al
ley between Fourth nnd 1 Iflh stieet, 20 feet
cast of tho wo.u lino uf Washington street, and
running theure In a westerly direction iiIoiir
tho center of s.ild nlley to a ninths, feet west of
the cist line of Court street; thenro by n conve
nient curve to the rleht of about a 20-lont radliu
to connect with tho branch of said sewor system
riinnlnu along Cour street.
Alo a branch Hnu o said sewer system, com
mencing nt a point 20 loot north of the south
Hue of Fifth strret, and 120 feet west of the west
line of Court strcor, running thence in an east
erly direction to tho west Hue of Court street;
thflice bv n rurve to tho le't, Ci nbnut n 20-foot
radius, to intersect with the brunch uf said
sewer system running on Court street nt tlio
crossing of snid Filth mid Court streets.
Al'o n brunch lino ot said sower system, rom
mencing nt tho center ot the nlley between
Fotiithnnd Filth streets, nt a point 2t) feet east
ot the east line of Liberty street, running thenco
In n westerly direction along the Hue of the cen
ter of snid nlkw, to n point '.0 feet west of the
cast line of Liberty street, thence by n curve to
the right ot about n 20-foot radius, to connect
with the Liberty-street branch of the said sewer
Alo a branch line of snid sewer system, com
mencing nt the center of the alley north of
Main street and SO feet west of Washington st..
thence running nlong the renter of said alley to
it point .110 feet west of Union street, thence
connecting with tho main sewer system
tho bank of Mill creek, by a cuive to the right of
about a .'.' (01 it rcdlus.
Alsonbrnnch lino of mid sewer system, com
mencing nt n point in Fourth street, 253 feet
west of the west line ol Liberty street, and 20
feet north of the south 1 ne of Fourth stieet,
running thenco in on easterly dliectlon nlong
Fourth street, pHnllelwith the south lino ot
snid street to tho west line of Liberty stieet;
thence hj a convenient curve to the lcltof about
20-feit radius, to connect with the branch ot
snid sewer xvstem running up nnd down Lib
orty street, at'tho cro.slng of said Fourth and
Liberty streets.
This notice is published by order o suld City
Council, nuuiu on August 5tn, lsoj.
.Mil) II. fiATK'S.
augs Itecoriier of Dalles City.
Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablets are eold 011
a positive guarantee Curos lietrt-htirn,
rnisins of the food, distress after ciitius;,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet lives immediate relief. 25 eta.
and 50 eta. Hlnkeley cv Ilotisliton, drut;
gists. Moki Ten positively cures aiek liend
nclie, indigestion nml constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes nil
eruptions of the tk'n, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 eta. and TiOcts. lilakeley & Houghton,
"Harmony" Whlslty.
Harmony whiskey for fnmily and
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson,
iUlles. jl
For the results use
Camera. For sale by the
the Vive
Use Clarke & Falke Rosofoani for the
teotn. tf
Ask your yrocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated ilavorins extracts, tf
Trade Marks
CopvniCHTs &.c.
Anyone niiliiK n skctrh nnd description ni&
inicKir ascertain onr opinion rreo wncuicr K.
Inrcntlon In prohnbljr lintentntilc.
Handbook on Patents
cent free. oxemy forneairliiBpatentu
i-.iieuis lUKen inrouuii jiunn x CO.
tptttal notice, without clinnrc. In tUo
Scientific Mmmn.
A Iiandsomcly lllntratcd weekly.
Ijirircit elr
Terms, t3 u
rul.Ulim uf nnv frlontltln liiurnal.
rear: four months. fL Sold bv all nnwutpHlpn
MUNN&Co,36lD-d-" New York
Draucti Offlco. OS V HU Waslilrmton. V. U.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
jsature Id HtretiL'thening and recon
BtructlDR the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
atantly relieves and permanently cures
Dvspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
another resultsoflmperfectdlgestion.
.K.i.iSlf wnawi.
OrBce ovr
Offlco over French & Co.'s llnnk
Phone 6, THE DAI.l.KJ, OltEQON
Pliysician and Surgeon,
BpacUl atUntlon given lo mrery.
I f
1 JtMMid BO YEARS' ir
1 'mmr
How About Your Title?
A UK YOU PUKE it is nil right? Ilemember It U the
W KKCOUI) thnt Koverns. It is our business to
t enroll tho records ntu! show wliRt they coutuin In
relation to land titles. If you contuniplnte biiylne; nn,i
or loaiiitii; money on real ostnto security, tnko no man'
word, but insist upon knowing what tho record BhUW9
repiirdiiiK tho title. An Abstract Is ns osBOtitlul nsrt
deed. Insist on hiivltic It. Wo hnvo tho only set of
Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ox.
ceiited und satlfcfnctlon euurntiteed. 11 you hnvo prop
irtv to insure, elvu us n cull. Wn nre agents for fnurof
the best lire insurance companies in tho world. Ifymi
have propet ty for Halo, lim it with us and we'll fltidii
J, M. Huntington &Co.
Best Wotk at
beast Possible Cost
Guaranteed to give satisfaction, "Wo tiro here lo stny ; therefore every
effort will be niiulo to establish it business. It will pity you to examine out
work and consult our prices.
llest Crown and Iiritlnu work (22k. wi), per tooth MM
llust set teeth, irnimwiteed -$5.50
Host Gold Fillini; ?1.00tip
Hest Bilveror alloy lilline bOcup
Teeth extracted without pain 5(fc
Unonia 1112 Kl,
Chapman liiuck, Second St
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
Wagon and Carringo Work.
Fish Brothom' Wagon.
Thirrl fliirl Tnflenn Phmin ua
ri luuu uuu uuuui 'iui i 11 UUU IdJ
and Farrners
i'??JI!tn.,.,'""i'i,.l!!10 celelirnlcil
(J01.UJ IilA lli:i:it, nckiii.wl
f lKtil the bvst licer in Tlio Dulles,
nt the UHUiil price. Come In, try
if nnd be eonvliiceii. Alto the
Hiutit DmnUs ot Wlnen, U-iuor
nml t'lk'nrs.
ol till Kinds nhvny 0n lmnrl.
DlrMfflililllij I
...AND... 'i
Horsesiioeis I
I Bicycle
Look and Gurnmlth,
k and Machine work.
J Charles Burcht orf. K.?i.! 1
2cl St., opposite A. M. Wllllnmn & Co.
Portland Dental Parlors
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE-
I ! Southern Pacific Comp'y.
l rnliih leave mm are uuu to arrive nt l'ortiu
prM, Hnlein, Hosu.
lilirK, Anliluml, Hue
rnmutito, Ogilcn,Hnii 1
7,00 r. ji.
1-ruuc1nt.11, .Mninve, 1 tfDA.a.
I.OS Aliaelv
,.. tin
t.'cw urk'una
KllMt .. .
.33 A. JI. UttM
1 f Vln Womlbura lnrl
Dnllv ! Alt.AllK'Jl. Hllvertnu, .
3 U West ficlu, llriiwns.
1 .10 f. M
17:30 A. Jl.1
i.VDi:i'EXDKSCE l'AHSENGEIt. Express trtla
Dally (except Uuiulny).
liMn. m. I.v l'ortliiiui Ar.) 8:ffi.n.
7:3Ji. in. Ui..J:cJIIiiiivllle l.v.
ji. in.
1 A r. . 1 iiricie!iiieiicv., i.v,
fin Mr- At l.H it' ttvnmif umitlnr
Attached to nil Tlirmiuli Trnlm.
Direct connection nt fcnn irniichco with 0a'
(luiitnl nml Oriental Hint 1'hcIIIo iiinll "i'J,.m,J
Hues for JAl'AN und CHINA. Knllllig dat M
iinilicntlou. ,vB.
RhU-n nml tickets to Kan turn imlnts ana to
ACI8TUAUA. , , ., ,
All ntjiivo trulns nrrlvo nt nml lepit Iw
Ornud Central Utntloli, I'llth nml Irvmit trt
I'nuciiBcr Dujiot, luot ol Jelleru trccr
I-envo for Slierliinn, week dnye, at liJOp."
Arrive ut I'ortliind, 0:30 n. in.
Derive lor AIKI.1E ou Jlondny, WeUjiwdrJ
KriUHV HtSiUJ n. in. Arrlv ut i'ortland, la
dnv, Tliuriidy und Huturdni it 3:0.) I. w.
Except Buuduy. "Kxcent Hntunltt'.
H. (I, H. JIAItKlIAM;,
Jlnnaifor. At. U. r. a
Through Tickot Oflloc.lSI Third street,
throiiKh ttckotM to all point iji t f "Jrg
HtHtch.Cuimdtiand Euro cun bo outnluM"
lowcjtt rntenlroin m.t.t imt
J. II. KlitKDAM'i Ticket At
or N. WHEA1.DON.
FRENCH & 00,
Lettera of Orodit Uaued nvallttble In tb
Eaatorn States. ...
Sight Exchange and TelW.phJ
Trawler, aold on New York. TO
St. Louie, San Francincp, For t land wr
uon, Seattle WaBh,, and varioui Pn
In Oregon and Washington.
Coll"ctlon made at all po!nt on
orahle tru.
(MKrcujtsaau, lei. EM Vojt Block I