The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 26, 1899, Image 3

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Final Cloaranco Reductions in the Wash Goods Department. Lawns and
Dimitiof, 700 yards of choice patterns, were 15 and 20c, now 9c per yard
Madras Lace Yaconas, 15c per yard, now 7-i-c per yard
A great Clearance Sale of Ladies' Shirt Waists; one lot of Colored Percale.
Shirt Waists that sold up to 85c Your choice, 19c
One lol of Ladies' Whito Waists, made in yoke style, from fine Sheer Lawn,
a waist made to sell for $2.25 Your choice, 98c
Five dozen Lawn and Percale Wrappers, full sweep, rufiled yoke, and braid
trimmed For Friday and Saturday, 59c
To close them out we will sell all our Fancy Parasols and Sunshades AT COST
Ladie' Summer Underwear at about Half the regular price
All Goody Marked
In Plain FlprureB.
Pease & Mays.
Use Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
All Clinmu-i; in Aitvprticpnirntu must
k handed in before io o'clock A, M.t us
IflrhinitAL? tt;i1 I.. tn tit. ift-
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F-' freah oysters no to A. Keller's.
Ji'sUim Sncll, formerly n teacher In
c1iooIb here, Iuib been engngod to
''Ch the Olux echool this winter.
young ladies cun sectirn einnlnv.
p-;-McKiiil plums by applying to
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Me pleMd to learu that Mrs.
F. W. McCune, who it was feared was
troubled with appendicitis, and has been
confined to her bed during the week, is
improving and no eerioiiB fears arc ex
pressed concerning her condition.
Tlioee who witnessed tho demand for
all the force of water possible in order
to cope with the firo last night, realized
how neceHBary it 1b to follow the regula
tions laid down by the commission in
regard to the ubb of water for irrigation.
Governor Geor appointed Major P. G.
Kastwick. Cantata II. L. Wells, Lieu
tenant-Colonel A. J. Cofl'ee, T. M.
Gateh, J. II. Albert and 1. II. D'Arey,
who are now in San Francisco, to rep
ro8ent Oregon at the reception to the
California volunteers.
Governor Gage, of California, refuted
to declare the day tho California volun
teers return from the Philippines n legal
holiday. It would seem to be tin un
necessary proceeding, but still the
governor could bo n little bit accom
modating on such an occasion.
In spite of the rainy weather, tho fu
neral of liichard Klton, which took
place at the ChriBtian church this after
noon at 2 o'clock, was well attended by
friends in the city and neighbors from
his homu district. Itcv. Smith, of
Dufur, assisted by Itev. Hushing, con
ducted tho service.
No doubt our readers have witnessed
many weddings, some of which ended in
what might not be called exactly a
Hallelujh style, but so near that the
change of a letter might determine the
character. Tonight at the Baldwin
opera houso there is to be a genuine
Hallelujah wedding, and for an admis
sion fee of 10 cents all may witness the
The firo last night demonstrated one
fact which is greatly in favor of our
poplar trees, upon which such a war has
been waged of recent years. Had it not
been for the row of poplar trees on the
west side of the Cosmopolitan, that
building must certainly have succumbed
to the flames, or nt least have umde the
tight much more difficult. In several
instances in Tho Dalles hove we known
their presence to bo a safeguard. Their
height makes thorn the superior of any
other. tree in that regard.
' In spite of tho oft-repeatod complaints
couceruing tho carelessnoss of business
houses In allowiug scrapB of paper, de
coyed fruit, etc., to collect about the
utrAiitfl Hurroiindini! their premises, the
nuisance seems to increase instead of
abating. Another annoying thing to
puiaers by and which spoils the appear
ance of a city Is the amount of room
taken up on the aidewalk In displaying
produce and goods. Pride in the city,
If not In individual property, should
prompt each ono to "sweep before hie
own doorway."
At a meeting of the D. C. & A. C,
concert band members last evening T. J.
Lynch was elected business manager ol
the organization. It was also decided to
give, a concert on Friday evening, the 1st
of .September. Wo understand they
were bo deeply engaged in rehearsing
last night at the opera house that even
the sound of the fire bell was not heard,
bo that we may exp.ct some good music
on that occasion.
Mr. Shutt, tho doctor informs us, will
be released from his quarantine about
Wednesday of next week, when he will
again take up the quill on this notorious
journal. They having been thoroughly
vaccinated in time, and exposed for over
30 days, it is not at all likely that any
of the other members of the family will
ev n be affected with varioloid nnd after
tho house is thoroughly fumigated next
week there will be no moro danger of
contagion from that source. Mr. Shutt
will have been confined just six weeks,
and will be glad to get his liberty again.
Heppner TimeB.
It eeemB as if o good many days "must
be dark and dreary" this summer. It
wouldn't be so bad if the rain "was ever
weary," but it continues to pour, and
lias done so since about 0:30 last even
ing, and wo havo had a quarter of an
inch of rainfall. If we could confine it
to the city limits what a satisfaction it
would be; but farmers in from tho coun
try this morning say they havo had
about the same amount. Mr. Godfrey
says at his place on 5-iniIe, it didn't
commence until this morning about 5
o'clock, but in other sections it began
last evening and has continued, As the
report indicates a continuance, it really
looks as if wo will be compelled to lose
hope In regard to the grain, for In many
places It has reached a point where it
can't stand any moro moisture.
The Ciino.N'icLU is in receipt of ono of
the finest pieces of artistic work along
its Hue that we have been privileged to
view for some time. It is in the shape
of a souvenir gotten out by tho Interna
tlonal Navigation Company, of Son
Francisco, and is descriptive of the ships
of the American line and the noble work
done by them in the recent war. The
handsome lithographs of the various
ships that were transformed to armed
cruisers ore fit to adorn any parlor,
while tho allegorical sketches lire especi
ally fine, and the entire arrangement is
the work of an artist. A roll of honor of
the ships' crews is given, and well they
may bo for their patriotic loyalty is
worthy of the highest honor. The ves
sels were turned over to the United
States In fulfillment of the agreement
which gave them an American register,
but the men that sailed them wcro their
own maeters and at liberty to follow
their own dovices. They wero not men-
of-warstnen, and wcro employed, not
for strife, but for peace. Tho fact, there
fore, that they elected to "stick by their
ships;" to go with them, if need be, Into
tho jaws of donth ; to suffer, it might be,
tho fate of the gallant fellows of the un
fortunate Maine, must ever be regarded
as by far the most characteristically
Important feature of tho whole gallant
story of the merchant marine in the
Spanish-American war.
Kxcellant Work of lite Firo Pntiartment
Saved Adjoining lliillllnK-Vlll
Continue In Itunlness.
In spito of The Chronicle's asser
tion that there was no danger of fire
starting in the laundry, and tho assur
ance Mr. MacAUistcr felt against a
conflagration of that sort, the laundry
today is a mass of turns, and tho only
wonder is that the old Cosmopolitan
hotel, fifty feet east, and tho D. P. & A.
N. Co.'s office, on the west side still
At 0:30 last night the bell gave the
warning and one had but to look in that
direction to seo by the smoke about
where the fire was. The first alarm was
giveti by the Chinamen opposite, and it
was but a short time until the fire de
partment was on hand. It was as stub
born a fire to manage as one could im
agine, although the absence of the usual
Dalles wind was greatly in the firemen's
favoi. Having started upstairs in the
east building there was the greatest con
cern for fear the Cosmopolitan would
catch. Then the laundry comprises
three buildings and there was a con
stant fight to keep it from spreading on
the west side and destroying the D. P.
& A. N. office. Another difficulty was
the fact that the main building stood
about twelve feet from the ground, and
the upstairs was partitioned into small
rooms, making it doubly hard to man
ago on the east side. But never was
better work done by the fire department
and the fire was confined to the laundry
alone, the building on the west side
being lees damaged than the other two.
There wero six streams of water play
ing, five from tho city water works, with
a pressure of 100 pounds, beside the
railroad company's hose, which had a
good pressure.
Much fear was expressed by lookers
on, that some accident would happen to
the firemen, so dangerous did it appear;
but though they fought desperately and
took treat chances, no accidents oc
curred. Different opinions are expressed re
garding the origin of the fire. While
eome declare it started in tho northeast
corner upstairs, and was tho work of an
incendiary; others are of the opinion
that it originated the same place as it
did Wednesday evening, at the flue.
Thero aro circumstances which would
warrant either opinion, but nothing
certain can be determined.
The destruction of the laundry is not
only a great Iosb to Mr. MacAllister, who
has spent a large sum of money in fit
ting up and making tho plant complete,
(for it wus in good shape) but to the
city at large. Employment was given
to fifteen persons, and as the patronage
increased the force would havo bten
enlarged. A telephone message from
Mr. MacAllister, who is in Portland,
says, however, that he will continue the
business, and that ho has m3de arrange
ments to send the laundry to Portland,
until he can ugain get started in busi
ness. He will arrive homo this after
noon. There was Httlo loss in tho machinery
and the clothes being mostly ready for
delivery wero nearly all euved, although
some of them were soiled. They will bo
delivered as soon as possible.
Tun Ciiuoxici.K reporter is of tho
opinion, from a conversation with Mr.
MacAllister recently, that the business
was iu6ured,ulthough those wl.o shou'd
know think not. Tho booke and valua
able papers wero all saved. The train
building is the property of Mrs. T.
Baldwin, and was not insured. The
other two belong to the Savage estato
and we understand carried no Insurance.
The 1). P. & A. N. office was slightly
damaged by water and by furnituro be
ing removed. There was no loss to
papers nor hooks, however, and an in
surance was carried on fixtures,
Tlio 'lre iloj'H Hhoutil He Kucuuruiretl.
Upon every occasion of tiro in The
Dalles are we Impressed with the fact of
our indebtedness to the fire department.
The more bo as we witness the number
of able-bodied men who stand by, not
only refusing to lend a helping hand,
but to give those who ore doing their ut
most to battle with the flames the
credit due them. There Is a constant
murmur of complaint at the manner of
procedure and suggestions as to "how it
should be done," but few hands raited
to assist. The majority of the citizens,
however, are very grateful to the tire
boys and those who, though not mem
bers, lend assistance. Thero Is one way,
however, in which appreciation may be
substantially shown, and that is by sup
plying the needed facilities for lighting
the flames.
When wo take Into consideration that
the majority of tho members of the vol
unteer fire department of. this city con
sists of young men who have little or
nothing at stake, and on every occasion
undergo tho possibility of ruining a
good suit of clothes, which so frequently
occurs, and even risking their lives in
the act of saving tho property of others,
who often seem unconcerned, it would
seem that the community should supply
the department with such weapons as
are needed to battle against that worst
of all elements, fire.
Tho necessity of a well-equipped hook
and ladder truck was again demonstrat
ed at the firo Inst night, and it would
be a matter of much significance and
worthy of the property owners t6 seo
that a suitable outfit be procured.
Ituom for Croa Hollows.
The surveyors have just returned from
Cross Hollows having laid out the site of
the new town, Unlike the general
mushroom town, which springs into
existence helped by a boom, Cross Hol
lows is to be established on a solid basis.
Moore Bros., bankeis, who have pur-
chaled the townsite, are prepared to
back the undertaking with hard cash.
A bank, warehouse, hotel, general store,
with the terminal buildings of the Co
lumbia Southern Railwav will form the
nucleus of what is bound to be a thriv
ing western city, and the key to a vast
region hitherto handicapped by a long
haul to a railroad point. It is not our
intention to enlarge on the advantages
of Cross Hollows as a distributing point ;
its situation will speak for itself, and the
numbers of inquiries made since the
undertaking has been set on foot, goes
to show that Cross Hollows, in a few
short years, will take its place ae one of
tho leading towns in Eastern Oregon.
To Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Notice to fiouth Sifters.
Members of the South Side Hoeo Co.,
are requested to meet at their hose house
tomorrow (Sunday) morningat lOo'clock
without fail. By order of president.
S. Bolton.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2-5 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley
.S: Houghton, druggists.
Special sale of fruit jars at Mays &
Crowe's. Get our piices.
Special sa'.o of fruit jirs at Mays &'
Crowe's. Get our prices.
S com wood I
.HI tAi f
3 i
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
i Ben
Hardware and
Grocsry dealers.
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
catches more than either. No insect
can resist its attraction and once within,
its power the tormenting possibilities of
that insect are over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
fV V v v v
YOU Cflfi
By buying your FRUIT JARS
from us. GET OUR PRICES.
iTAS iiT.iT.iViT ,111
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Of.