Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEANses the System .EFFECTUALLY Habitual Const'pa"on ' 1 UMt PERMANENTLY ICIAL 0 Buy THE GEMVINE H&N'F'D By fiUI?RN!ApGfSYRVP(S KY. T CAuV'Sc, rOJ CWSiiSTi its. HRWU!. Of Iuteret to Settlers. Notice will be fund in the Weekly Cuno.viCLE aprertnining to the restora tion of the li-n-ls appropriated by the government for The Dalles hoat railway eite, with the exception of two Email trncts which are described in the notice mentioned. A great many will not understand the limits of the boat railway reservation, bo Tue Chboxicle takes pleasure in ctving the boundaries of the original tract, and trusts they will be able to un lerstand them better that) the re porter, after o perusal of the following: Beginning at The Utiles on the Cc lumbia and running eolith on the west line of Sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34 in Tp. 1 ?h R. 13 E. to base line, thence east 4 mile, thence south h mile, thence east 1 mile, thence uorth '-4' mile to base line, thence east on base line I.1?' miles, thence north '4 mile, thence east mile, thencf north J-4' mile, thence east 4 mile, thence north mile, thence east J4 mile, thence north 2 mile, thence east ?4 mile, thence north 'j mile, thence east J4 mile, tlience uorth mile, tiience eaBt l'i mile, thence north l4 mile, thence east mile, thence north mile, thence east 4' mile, thence noith mile, thence east J4' mile, thence north J4 mile, tlience east 12 mile, thence north mile, thence east 3.i miles, thence south miie, thence east 1 mile, thence south ?4 milp, t tence east mile, thence north hi mile, thence east mile, ther.ce north mile, east hi m!le, thence north hi mile, thence east J4 mile thence north on east line of Sections 17, 6 and 5 of Tp. 1 X. and Sections 32, 20 and 20 in Tp. 2 X., all in range 15 to the Co lombia river nt Celilo. A large portion of this tract lies with in the primary limits of the grant to The Dalles Military Road Co. The un even sectioiu being subject to their claim. To Cure u Cold iu One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quit.ine Tah lete. All druggists refund tie money if it fails to cure. 25i-. Hamilton Clark, cf Channcev, Ga., aaye he suffered with itching pilestwenty years before trying DeWitt'e Witch Hezel Salve, two boxes of which com pletely cured him. Beware of worthless and dangerous counterfute. Butler Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingrediente are such that it can't help doing bo. "The public can rely upon it as u master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect diges uon." James m. m nomas, ji. u., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. "DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, rouse tho torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerve, clear brain and Sutler Drug Co. a healthy appetite. Clarke & Fulk have a fall and coin- r 1 j i 1 s- i plate line of house, carriage, wagon and brn paints manufactured by James . P4tton, of Milwaukee, Wiiconain. Special aile of fruit jirs at Mayi & Crowe'a. Get our prices. Jpecial sale ul (rait jars at Mays & Ctwra's. Gat ear priest. BUSINESS LOCALS. Latest tiling in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. muli25-tf Drink Warren'e Pure Glnper Brandy, For snle nt nil first-class bars. C. J. Stublinz, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at nil first-class bare. C. , tubllng, ngent, The D.tlles. Ml c3ra. rrt , . . Try ierbn Buena Bitters, the best tonic. C. J. For eale at nil first-class bare. 1 Stublm?, ngent, The Dulles All coin ter of the nltey lietwcen Second and .Main Vrtm Runno T?iMir tlo licof street, thence along the center of said alley, lerua liuena Ultters, tlie lifst jrom Umon to Ijuishlin street; thence contln For sale nt all first-clilS" bars. , ulng In n straight line 011 the same courvjacrnss , ,. ,. ,, I ljingtitin street, ton point on the east line of Stubltng, agent, The D.ule;. saldstrcet, lwtnorthofSeeondstreet; theni.' Try tonic. C. J. mi - o. .,,!, t ,i .i.,.:t,i Viiik.vit ViUii;b.)iniiuii i.uu icuuiiu and invigornte the entire sysiem, never gripe or nauseate Dewtlt's Little Early p. H,,,!- r. r ers. butler Drug Uo. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer couphs and colds. "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lam Office at V.i::coi-vKr.. Wasii.,1 July 5, lsw. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settb rs have filed notice of their Intei.- tlon to make final proof In support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made before V. 11. Presbv, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, nt his oflice iu Golden dale, Washington, on Monday, August II, lsW, viz.: Stephen Slarlett. Homestead Entry No. 5091, for the S. 1,' X. E. h, N. K. '4 S. E. U .section la. and S. W. i X. W.l, of section 3), Township 3 North, of Uatige 1:5 East, Will. Jler. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation said land, viz: Carl Franzen, Christian Fr.inzen, Porter I.. Hardlson, Marlon Splawn.all of I.yle 1'. 0.,Wush. I'orter L. Hardlsou. Homestead Entry No. 00.31, for the S. E. li of E. M of Section 19: the S. W. of S. W. A, sentlon 20: E. '.- of N. E. of eection S), Town ship 3 North, of Ka:ige 13 East. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, end cultivation of said land, viz.: Carl Franzen, Christian Frarzon, Stephen Marlett, Marion aplawn, all of Lyle I'. O , Wash, jlys il W. K. Dl'NBAU, KcgUtcr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has Hied his final account as executor of the es tate, of sarali McAte- with t ic clerk of the count? court of thestate of Oregon, for Wasco county, and that Thursday, the 13th day of July, lt?J, at the hour of 10 o'clock n. 111 has been lixea as the time and the county o urt room In Dalles City as the p nee for the he-iring of ob jections to suld final accuut and settlemeiit of said estate. Dated July 13, 1S99. TIHJS. NOUVAI-. jun U-i Executor. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMICA SLgS Questions areconstantiy comingup every day inliterature,artandscience which you wish you knew, but you don't. Make up your Lmind that you lare not going to be caught this way very of ten. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopaedia Britannica isthe reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. , Ths CasapUU Bt (Thirty lrf Oeta.vo Volume): No. t. Nnr StyU Buckram Cloth. AUrbkd fc E4(M. Extra Quality High MacfelM Fto 0 Uh Hook Pmntr. Sa so. f Flrstpaymtat,OoIolUr(Si-oo)aadTbr wum rff ear Month tbtnMfUtt. No. Half Morocco. AUrtkd Edn. Extra Higti macoum mun hook First payamt. Two Dollars (Saxo) and Four Dollars (tVoo) pr mob tistraafkK. No. ju TimZrii TCotof. MarMad E4c. fasaf . S7 jxo. Flrat payaicnt. Tbraa Dotlars Otwoo) and RiraDolhus (Ss-oo) pwatoaMraftr. A reduction of ro par caat la grastaS by paytaf cash wMbla y days after Ihsracaias of Um work. . , ,, FOU BALK BV I. O. HICXELSEN, w asam 1 3 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that the city rouncll o( Dulles City tins oetcrnilucd tn establish sewer system tor all thut tortlnn n said city ly ing below the blutr nl cast of Lincoln street, and has further determined that the cost of such sewer system slmll ho assessed against the property benefited thereby. ' Said sewer system is to be of terra cotta pipe , and the extent mid locution thereof to be us I follows: The main llneof said sewer system shall -tend from the low watc" line of the Colutn" , river, where the east margin of the month ( i 41111 creek at said low water strikes said live : , thence nlong the cast bank of said Mill cr ; (ISO feet to a stake under the north trestle of the Oregon Hall.oad iV Navigation Coinniiny'a rail- J i road.thetiec nt a right dcllectlon of 10 dcsreo i huh iu mimues irom me eouise lasi puipum ll-3-10 feet to a stake 0 l.viui tect north of the ............ov ....... t. ... .......v. ...... ... , the U. 41. W II: on proiierty: thence nt a left .00 uonuuesi corner 01 me stone wail 00110111.1" tlectlon from U'o course Just described, 76 de crecs and is! minutes 1 l'J feet to a point on the vs. 13n I ct north : Union sireet 10 the ecu- west line of Union stree i counuuiug in a siraigiu line on ine mine course, rcross Moik s. IjiiirMIu's addition to 1 I-.llts(:ity,axHeet, to Jeller-on street. on a Hue ( from, aillt luirallel ti., Second street: tliente coiulmiliiK 1111 Miiil straight line, tn the ! p.iiut 10 tcet east of the west line of Jell'erson ame course, iu teet into jeiierson street 10 a street aim jj icei nnnu mi ffccuuu siteei. Thence nt a left dcllectlon from tho line l-t descrlbctl, 3.1 degrees and SI minutes, hl-S lOO feet, to a stake 2 feet west of the east line of Jefferson street; thence at a right dcllectlon from the Hue last decribcd St degrees and 1," i '"'"'P:. "(V171.00 to" s",,kc.: ihc"r.e '.". I right detlcctlon from the Hue last described 27 degrees and 2li mltiutes IIO-I-ICO feet to a stake! J.-52 ICO feet from the s ouiheast corner of the 1 lawn fence west of the O I.. N Co. s deot. thence at a left ttellcctlon f inm said tine 1 ilt.- crees and 11 uiinutes. M-9-10 feet o a point on the west Hue of Moniix-street U9 fe-t north of 1 second street and 5-7-10O feet north of the north-; we-t comer of Moody's brick warehouse: thence continuing In a straight Une on the course last ! described 130 hT-KO feet to a point fi feet north of , the north ea.: corner of Moody's wooden ware- I house 132 5 10 feet uorth of aei'ond street and TO I feet east of Monroe street: thence at n right de 1 flection from the last Hue 1-02. goo-ulio tect, to a stake in Taylor street, sy-0-10 lei-t north of iecond street and IiVT.i UO feet west ol the west end of the Wasco warehouse A branch of said ewer system shall connect with the nmln line in t'niiiu street, ) feet from the west ll!ie of said street, at a 1 o 1 1 1 1 l'-'i fe;l north of Second street, and shall run along said 1'nlou strict 'JO feet east of the west line thereof, to a point SY) feet south of the north line of Tenth street. Another branch lino of said sewer system shall commence In tho center of the nlley be tween second and Third streets, ut a jiolnt W ; leet wesi 01 tne east une 01 Lincoln sura, uuu run thence along the center of said alley to a polut Siw fpot east of the easl rine of Court street, counectlug with the branch of said .-ewer system running u( Union street hereinbefore described, from tliefastnnd west, hy convenient curves of about a twenty-foot ra litis. Also a branch of said cwer system commenc ing In the center of the alley between second mid Thlid streets, on the line of Washing ton street, and running thence easterly along the center of said alley, to 11 point where the center of said alley intersects with thetuesent sewer of Mux V gt .V Co., where It crosses said alley. Thence northerly und easterly nlong the llneofsa'd sewer ns It is now located, to the point wheicsaid sewer intersects the mam Hue of the sewer hereinbcfoie described, at a point where the main line of said sever crosses Fed eral street, between fcecond and Thlid. Also, a branch line of said sewer system, com mcucin; at u point tn the center of said alley be tween aecoud und Third streets, 10J feet east of center of said alley to the wit line of Laughlln street; and thence conn cting with the J nuch- linstre-.'t sewer by n left curve of ubuut a JO foot radius, in said Ijiughlin strtet. Alsoabranch line of said fewer system, com- mencing at a ilnt on the east llneof Monroe strtet, Jjfcct ; north of the south line, of Third street. lunnlnn thence westerly, narallel to the I south llneof Third stieet, and?) feet from said south line to a point 10 feet west of the eat line of Madison street; thence curving to the light with a curve of about uiJMoot radius, to 11 point in said Madison s'leet 'JO feet from the north . 1 nn.t.. 1 .... i t.-. i ...... line of said Madl-on street, thence northerly ulougsaid MuUhon street 011 a Hue parallel with the v.eit Hue of said street, ton point 20 feet from the west line of said street, and 'jd feet outh of the eclitcr Hue of the alley between Sec ond and '1 hird streets; thence delkctlng to the left by 11 curve of about a '-"i fofit radius, to a point where the west line of Madison street In tersects the center line of said nlley betncu second and Third sireets: thence In a westerly direction along the center line of Ha d alle to n p-iint'.O feetwet of the east llneof fjingblin street; thence deflecting lo the right by n curve of about nJU-foot radius, to connect with the branch of s:iid sewer system running up Laugh lin street, in said Luughlin street. Alo a branch llneof said sewer munclug at a point In the center of the alley be tween hicond and Third street!, '.ijo feet cut of lac east line of Monroe street, running theiKo in a westerly direliou nlong the center of said alley to a tioint IU feet west of the east line of Monroe street, thence deflecting to the right by a curve of about a twenty-foot radius, ton inilnt opjHMiit; 11m iiLziu iiL-e 01 ine alley b.cond arid Third streets, and in) fc opiHwItethetiLrth UIU illlt'v h.iiu 1 eet east of the west line 01 Jionroe street- thence In a north erly direction parallel with the west Hue ot Monroe street, and 10 feet therefrom, to within j 2o feet of the main line of said sower system I hereinbefore described, thence curving to the left with a radius of about i'U feet, to connect 1th said main line. Also a branch lino of said tower system, com mencing on the west line of Jetl'erson street. 'M feet uorth of the south line of Fourth street, thence running westerly parallel with the said north Hue of 1-ourth street, to a point 'JU feet wist of the enit llneof ljiughllu street; thence by a cuive to the right of ubout twenty feet radius, to u point a) feet east of the west Hue of LiiughHu slreutand W feet south of the north 'iue of rourth street, thence northerly, jirallel with the west line of l-aughlln street, to con met with the main lino of cald teer system hereinbefore described, by u curve to the left of about liventv fl.t rnnllls. whim, knlil tiiiilt, lit... ) of said K-wer system crotsex ljiughllu street ut ine amy ueiwien sccoua anu Main hticelc. Alo a branch lino of suld sewer fystem, com mcnctngiit a iHiint 130 feet south of the uorth Hue of Kllth street und 2) feet east of the west llneof 1.1 tier tv street: thence alonir nuid I.IU.rtv street parallel with said west Hue of sld street, ' In a noitherly direction, to connect with iiiui branch of sewer system litrclubcfore described. running iu the ullcy tetwee j riecond and Thitd ulrmOs. he n piiv,.tilmi, enroll, tht. .!..!. ,..l. tald alley sewer crosses Lltxirty Btreet. " Also a branch llneof said sewer system, corn- ?i,5.,'! P " " ,".(!llc.y '-'n i turd anu rouriii sireeis, leet west Of Liberty St., rnn onnmoM, li i Ii, T "-V'"xiuu and running along the center of said ullcv to a can approacll it In eftlclency. It ln ijolnt L'.'JI feet CHt of anfil I.IU-riv i, i.n.l HtanMv rnlinvna anil ui.rr.n,.l..i nectlng with tho branch ol said sewer system In Liberty Htteet, .'torn the cast and west, by con. vHiiieutcurvwof about u vo foot radius, at the jiolut where said alley crossirii Liberty utieut. i uiol.rniinh naAl ..I.I ..... menehig In Ihe center of thealley between Third Htid fourth streets. 2.V0 feet east of Court strait. ' " .......v.. . ... witu Knvi raicui, i:uui- aiid thence running along the center of said al ley in a westerly ui a westerlr direction, to a noint lni west of the east llneof Union street: thence hv a curve (o the right of about a aj foot radius, to conutct with the Union street branch of tall sewer system. Also a branch of said sewer system, commenc ing In the Center of thu alter between Third unit rourth streets, ut a point SO feet mst of the east line of Washington street, and tunning thence along the center of said alley to a polut 'JuO feet east of Jeflersnn street, and connecting with the branch of said Mswer system running along Lnugulln street, by convenient curves of about VO-leet radius, at a point where tsld alley crosses said Laugbllu street. AUoabrancti llneof said sewer system, com menclngala point 20 feet north of the south lino of fourth street and M feet east of the east lino of Washington itreet: running thence in an easterly direction parallel with said south llneof fourth street, to connect by a conveni ent curve to the left, Of about a M-foot radius, with Mia LsugkiUo-slriMt branch of said sewer system, at tae crossing of fourth aud Uughllu Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mnitnlni. In ttm filitnr nf t)lO illloV fllf Klxltl St.) south ol block II, Ht a jioliit where the west line nf Inn alrrxt lric-i nll alleV. tlll'lICO I westerly alime the center of said alley to a point 1 ; feet west of the east line of Court street, J thence by a convenient curve 10 me ngm m , alxint -O feet radius to a point it) feet east of the west line nt Court street: thence Ina northerly1 direction parallel with the wet Hue of Court , street to the south llneof Fourth stieet. thence by 11 curve to the led, of about a ".Vfoot radius, j to a point on the west llneof court street, JO feet north of the south line of Fourth street, thcui-o westerlv nlong Fourth street, parallel with the south llneof ald Fourth street, to a point !M feet wc-t of the east llneof I'nlon street: thence .nnncctlng bv a convenient curve to the rl -lit, of about a ui-loot Mdlus, with the branch Hue of said sewer system running along Union st. , Alo a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a pnititopposltc the centei of the ul-1r-tivrn l,mrtli mid Fifth stieets. CD feet cast of the west line of Washington street, and nimiliin tliiimf thf router nf ffiilil nVvy tn a 1 nlnt.S font west of : ine ceuier oi saiu iti'i'y o ii iiim,'i";i moini - 1 line of Court street, thence nyuconve - , ,.i.,. rnrve to the rliht of about a JO-foot radius (0 cr) nimi , . connect nun me onincu 01 sum acicr pjsiuiu Ine iiIoiir Court ttteut. ANon brnncli line of nld sewer system, com- mcuciURiita iotnt -0 feet north of the south line of Fifth street, and 120 feet west of the west line of Court street, ruiiiiliifr tlience iu an east erly direction to the west llneof Court street: thence bv a curve to the left, ct iibimi a iti fimt , radius, to Intersect with the hraiieh of said . sewer ystem ruiuili K on Court stteut nt ttie crosslnp of said Filth and Court streets. I Alo a branch line of said sewer system, com I menclnR at the center ol the alley between I Fourth and Kllth streets at a point 0 feet vn-t o the east Hue of Liberty street, rminiuK thence 111 11 westerly iwueumi hhiiik uic uiu- m mu u 1 ter of said alley, to a i iul .0 feet west of the east line of Liberty stteet. thence by a curve to 1 the right of about a SO foot radius, o connect with the Liberty-street branch of the said sewer system. 1 ' Also n branch Hue nf said sewcr'system, com- , , mollpi,. ... .,. r,,llt,r ()( ,1.,, nev ,,irn, f ' Mn t',cet and 50 f west of Washington st. thellC(, rm,iug mIout the center of said alley to , M,()lllt:uo fcot ,ve,, ,, t-lllim lreot: tlience, cimiifctlnsr xvltti the main sewer s)steiu near 1 thu bllIlk , M111 crock by ulll vc to ,hc rlBht 0f ,lbinlt ;5.(rtot rtnu:,.' , ,, . . , ., Also a bninch line of snfil sctycr system, com- ' meticitig at a point in I 'lnrth street, .V) feet ?'t of the west Hue ol Liberty street, and .0 fee north of the south 1 uu of Fourth stieet, 1 running thence in an easterly dltect Ion alorg , r uiu 111 nwi, tr 'ill 1 1111 iiiv iiiiiii tint; ... said street to tne wct line of Liberty sttwt; thence In a convenient curve to the left of iibjut 20-feet radius, to connect with the branch ol said sewer ytem running up and down Lib erty street, at the crosli g of said Fourth and Liberty streets. This notice is published by order of said City Council, made on August Sin, i9!i. NKU II. ti ATE i. augS liccordcr of Dalles City. Ackcr'p Dysppjieiu Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, I ruisini; of the food, distress after eutintr, j or any form nf dyspepsia.. One little 1 tablet clvc-e immediate relief. 25 ets. j and 50 cts. Ulnkeley it Houghton, drug, j t'ists. I Moki Tea positively cures pick head- ache, indigestion End constipation. A j delightful hrrb drink. Ketntvea all j eruptions of the tk'n, producing a per- feet complexion, or money refunded. ! 25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulukeley & Houghton, drugj;iste. llHriiiiiitv' Wlilskrv. Harmony wlntkoy for fatiiily Bm.(.iul ,lgp etl,l 1... n.,n U'iUrin I t ,1 ' " I80U, 1 lunea. und The )1 . r .1 1 . 1. ror the beat results use thu ivo Camnrn. Knr huIh bv fh Tnoinnlr.a j tiarmacv. 1 " ! n, , . r 1, use tiiarKe tulKS 1 teem . klt.bll tf. I'.osofoRin for the tf Ask your grocer for Clarke it Fnlk'h pure concentrated flavoring cxtructs. tf 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE lUJJ'LJJ trace marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma nulclclr ascertain our onlnion frt-u in ictlicr a- Invention Is prohnbly Datcntable. I D.ltcntnhln. f.'iini Cnnimiinlci. Handbook on Patent seni iree. uinesi airency ror securing pul r.uoius taken throuuh 31unn & Co. recelre wytciui oilier, niuiiiub ciinruu, in ino Scientific jlmerican. A handsomely lllnstratfHl woekly. I.iracst rlr filiation of any sclentinc Journal. Terms. M a rear: four months, tl. Bold byall nowadealers. MUNN&Co.36'B'. New York Uranch onico. (35 V KU Washlnston. D. U. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallVfllt?p;fjit,liofnnl .u. nr 1 Ltt!,,.t V?t Iooa nd aids XtoLUlO ID HLreritftnftnlnO' nnri vonnn BtrUCtinj? the exhausted dlKeatlve or-' KBDS. It lathe latest discovered dli'pst- ant and tonic. No nt hr rnUa,!K ,VC ' DfSDeDSla IndltfCHflnn Wo.i;.. 3 prLtViVul 7,.gc 0D' Heartburn, 't'Uence1 bour Btomacb, Kauaea. olCKHeadache,6astralKla Cramnq nnri .am.l.n.J ''m . ': ""w.uui icquiuiui lUILKJrlcCL QICfPRt inn tveporsd by E. C. OsWItt Co.. cijlcoBo. D a HUNTINCITON TTIlNTIKflT(l; A Wlloiii' H 8 WIUOM H ATTOBNEVH AVl.AW, Office or'r JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French t fo.'s Hank hone 6, THE DALLES, OREGON )K' UKIHBNUOHrrKU Physician ad Surceou, Bpeclsl atteuUon given 0 surgery. Booms and 22, Tel. V(lf , ulock How About Your Title? . have property for 1)11 1 vi J. M. Phono SI. Best Work at Least Possible Cost Cuiirunleed to give satisfaction. We nre here to stay; therefore every effort will he mudi; to establish u business. Jt will pay you to examine our work and consult our prices. CONSIDER Iteet Crown and Itridye work Hefit Fi't teeth, L'uarauteed . . Best Gold Fillin- Heat Pilver or alloy liliintr Teeth estrncled without pain 22k. gold', Koonis II 12 i::, Chapman ISIock, Second St. Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager. 1 IP. UAHE BROS a - "UUims (iKNKUAI, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothoro' Wagon. l Tbird and JefTcrnn. Phone 159 ..cfjfls. mu- Butehers and Fafmeps ..Exchange.. edged the lest beer In The li.illes, at tho usual price. Come In, try it and be convinced. Also the Untst brands of Wines, l.l-iuor and Cluurti. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds nlwuys ou hand. I W I i BiacKsmnns ...AND... Horsesnoers icycle S REPAIR SHOP. J f AGENT FOR JHC Z ..RAMBLER.. Look and Gunsmith, J t and Mttohln work. n KK YOU SI' RID It ifl all right? nomemher It io t,0 IA KIXOKD that governs. It 1b our htislnres to pcari-h the records and show what they contain in rulnlioii to land titles. If you contctnplnto buying land or loaning money on real eetato security, take no man' wont, but insist upon knowing what the record nhowg regarding the title. An Abstract ifl us essential us a deed. Insist on having It. We have tho only set of Abstract Bonks In the County. All work promptly ex touted iind satlt-fiU'tlon guaranteed. II you have prop, ertv to Insure, clvo us a call. We are agents for four of 1,.. tindt tin- insnranre cotnnnnles In tho world. If vim sale, list it with us and we'll ilndn Huntington & Co. J 2d St., opposite A. M. Wllllnms & Co. VvaVaTsa? OTJK PRICES: per tooth . 4.50 15.50 $1.00 up , fiOc n 1 5)0 Portland Dental Parlors EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or THE I 'Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave und are due to arrive at i'ortlu I 51 LKAVE. OVKKIANI) EX press, Haleui, I'.ose burg, Ashland, Mac- rameiito, Ogdcn.Hnn 1 Kmuclseo, Molave, ( y i: A.M. Uis Angeles, Kl f'aso, . New Orleans and I Kant 3 r.oo r. m. I 8:30 A. M. Hosebun' and way sta nous I Wl'.M Dally except tfiindayi- fVla WocKlbura for Mt.Angel, Ullvurtnu, Dally except Huudays vtini ncio, iirnwiis' f Ule.mirlURUelu anu Nutrou 17:30 A. 41, (Corvullls snd way l stations. . (NUCl'ENUENCE PASSEXOEK. KxprrastrtU Dally (except buudiiy. l;Mp. m. rl.v. . .Portland Ar.i 8:a.tnl ,i;Ms,n:. 1.60 a.m. :aip, m. ai. .aiouiunviuc t.v 8:S0p. in. Iiidencc..l. i.v ; 'Dally. (Dally, except bunany DININO CAltB ON OGDEN UOl'TE. l'ULL4IAN llUfFET 81.1 El'EKS AND KECONJ)-CL.tj3 BLEEl'lS'O t'ABi Attached to ull Through Trains. Direct connection ut fcan franclsco with Oal dental und Orieutul and I'aoltlc mail t!;',.m,11'S lines lor JAI'AN aud CHINA. Sailing dstes on I H Plication. , , . . nates anu tickets to eastern poinis " --. rota;. Also JAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU M4 AUriTKAI.lA. , , All alaivo triiltm nrrlvo at and depart IW Oraud Central Btutlon, fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. l'Hsscngcr Dejiot, foot of Jellcrsoii street U'nve for Bhorldnn, week days, atl:30p.B Arrive ut 1'ortlaud, V.'JO a, m. U-ave for AIHLIK on .Monday, Wednesday m riday at8:!iia. in. Arrlvn nt 1'urtlundi KrldBV dar, Thursday und Saturduj it a:iw i'. Except Hunday, Except Baturday. ! It. KOKH.1.KK, (I. H. MAI'.KIIA. j Manaaor. Asst. ti. K t !' ' I Through Ticket OBicc, m Tlilrd t'Wt. www tnrougn tickuu to an points 11 ---i Htatea, Canada and EuroiH) can be obtaluw lowest rates from .. , , .... J. 11. KlItKLAND, Ticket Aint- or N. WIIEALDON. FRENCH & BANKERS. Tit AMU ACT A KNEUAL BANKING BUBINW Letters of Credit Issued available In tb Mtern Slates. . 81ght Eieuuge nd ?'X'rk. Transfers sold on New wkiSE St. Lonls, San Francisco, PortlandUJ Kon, Seattl Wash., and varlow pow" In Oregon mad Wasin8tn' u., Oolleotioaa made at all point op w orabla terms. CO., 1