THE COUNTY IN8TITUTE I'KOPI.K SOU ALfc KNOW. WASH DPESS GOODS Final Gloarnnco Reductions in tho Wash Goods Department. Lawns and Dimities, 700 yards of choice patterns, were 15 and 20c, now 9c per yard Madras Lace Yaconas, 15c per yard, now 7.1 c per yard LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. A great Clearance Sale of Ladies' Shirt Waists; one lot of Colored Percale. Shirt Waists that sold up to 80c Your choice, 19c One lot of Ladies' White Waists, made in yoke style, from fine Sheer Lawn, a waist made to sell for $2.25 Your choice, 98c WRAPPER SALE. Five dozen Lawn and Percale Wrappers, full sweep, ruflled yoke, and braid trimmed For Friday and Saturday, 59c PARASOLS. To close them out we will sell all our Fancy Parasols and Sunshades AT COST LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Summer Underwear at about Half the regular price All Goods Marked In Plain FltfureB. Pease & Mays. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FKIDAY AUGUST 25, lSf) Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft trnoun This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January to, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Th. I...- - .1 1 1... uusiuutjt! uieuung anuonuceu 10 uu beld by tlio Epworth League tonight lias been postponed. cmr youiig ladieB can secure employ went lit packing plums by applying to Kurtz at thu I'acllle Express oHlee. Yeetarduy afternoon J.M. Heritor, one oIAntelopu'a most prominent sheepmen, obtained a marriage license from County Jerk Keleny to wed Mies II. L. Btocker, "'so of Antelope. The largest and most complete lino of Ml and inter millinery arriving dally, the Campbell & Wilson millinery More. The early fall novelties in "'eet bate are now in. d2c-wl At the miuett of llw. J. II. Wood, of ' Motho'hbt ehureb, Itev. Poling hns wnjentoj to fill Ul0 pulpit of that cl"cli Sunday evening, there being no ilmrdf arVlCU lli0 CoKreKtiounl Mr8 h'kw and children left Arllng jn 'or Chimalla on Wednesday's train. 'r. Itrisgs ia to follow them soon and . 11 lak charge of the leading dry goods w; t tlmt place. Master Ted Briggs Ollbe' frlL'"aa '" rrtllu,d---Coudon ABHonotlcaafew drops of raiu fall ""Koio press, we were inclined Omu tl,u wtmll,ur report and llnd Z m HHyH' "I'rolmbly occasional wl!niVr lonil,t and tomorrow." welcome l''ey "re nnyU,lnK but ,1!j?!'u.rcl,," published at Denver Gran 1 1 1 ,)wu" lltt8 futurned from reit ,1 , H"(1 exl,ecl" 10 be Msl.iL , lu,n,,w. He has been kindly who 1 ylhu liev' j6"Ph DForl, tosnln,,V,ar,"1,in0retu "" " Pnd Au"st with his Umlly. ftor.ET,.ti(,n wUh " numtxrof vis try a"rurt,"t actions of the coun- Urtt bii.!.0, le",n tLtt M,de ,roua 1 b'eclilng to some of the grain ttiero has been really no injury done Ly the recent rain?. This is good news. Much better than we dared expect. The Dalles had a distinguished visitor last evening in the person of Hon. Geo. II. Williams, wlio was on his way to 1'endleton where he has some important legal matters to attend to. He made the trip up from Portland on the boat and remained over until the night train. Judge Williams is always- a welcome visitor in The Dalles, where he has many friend?. The little steamer Fiver, yrnich has taken the place of tbo ltcgulator while she is dieabled, is acquiring herself in a splendid manner nmf she will yet show what she is majle of. YeBterduy she bt ought up over four ton of freight, and each day is well loaded with passengers. The Regulator will be ready to make her usual trips by Wednesday at Jeast. Goldrndale and Hood Kivor nro de termined to have a sufficient number of newspapers. There is scarcely field for one paper at the former' place, and yet they already have tw6, and will have another by the end of October, the new one to be an agricultural journal. The Hood Kiver Glacier is a neat, newsy lit tle sheet, but what in the world does a place the size of Hood River need of two newspapers? Yesterday afternoon when U. F. Brewster, tbo veterinary surgeon, was about to administer a doso of medicine to a sick horse which had just been brought In from the country to Wilson's stable, in the East Km), the animal objected and kicked him in the left arm. The arm was broken a few inches be low the shoulder, and hu was thrown against a stall near by, injuring his left aide, from which he is suffering much today. Dr. Gelsondoriler reduced the fracture aud rendered other necesaary services. Last night at the Methodist church, Rev. N. Evans, pastor of the Golden dale M. E. church, who has just returned from the National Epworth League con vention held at Indianapolis, gave a very interesting address on the work of the' convention, which was especially enjoyed by the League members. For an hour or more he held the attention of hia audience and all were disap pointed whou ho ceased speaking, bo en rapt were they by the manner of his ad dress and the idea he gave them of the good work which is being done by the League throughout the United States. H, J. Hlbbard tells us that a black bear, about half grown, called at his house Monday. Bruin at first went to the front door, but finding it closed, tited around to the back door where he met Mr. Hlbbard coming out to tee who had called. Mr. Hibbard called to his wife to come and see the bear, but it was some little time before she got to the door; the bear in the mean time looking at Mr. Hibbard as if he wbs listening to the conversation. Be fore Mr. Hibbard could procure a guu his visitor left, going over thu hill in the direction of Jos. A. Wilson's place. Glacier. Since the first of May tbe Luckiamute Mill Company, of The Dalles, has Bent out over n million feet of lumber, and about 250,000 shingles, and Btill have to keep their planes and saws humming to meet the demand. So eays tbo Tele gram, airain confusing Dallas with The Dalles. But the Telegram reporter is not the only one who insists on making tiie same erior. Few, perhaps, knew that a recruiting station for the Thirty fifth infantry wouldn't have been opened here had not the same mistake been made. Lieutenant Lewis was greatly annoyed while here because his mail, containing necessary documents and money, was not received, and upon investigation found they were sent to Dallas, where it was Intended he should go; but the names were mixed and he came here. Why don't they change the name of Dallas to Dewey or any thing except wTmt It is. Theto is more than one way of beat ing the nickle-in-tho-slot machine, and if their owners don't "look a little out" the man with an inventivo faculty will bo making the rounds of The Dallea ere long. He visited Astoria recently and in several places emptied the cofi'ers completely, aud in others ho exercised moderate discretion and left a few sequestered nieklcs to indicate that the machine was etill in condition for bar room patronage. As nearly as his method can bo determined it was found that he carries a gimlet, and affecting drunkoness, leans against the machine and perforates the casing. He Mien in serts a small wire, and applying it to certain parts of the mechanism causes a deluge of nieklcs to fall out regardless of any color ho sees lit to play, He was amazingly successful until the chief of police discovered him aud arreeted him. lie, however, was released and left the town, so that It behooves other cities to be on the lookout for him. Special sale of fruit jars at Mays A Crowe's. Get our prices, Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E, Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Will llo fluid In Tim Dull Next Men th A H)li'iillcl 1'niRram. Supt. Gilbert is now busily engaged in arranging for tlio teachers' institute to be held in the High school building lioro on Sept 7lh, 8th and tlth. The CtinoN'it'MS has just gotten out a very neat little program, which will be sent to each teacher in tbo county. Judging from the program tbe sessions are to bo exceptionally interesting, not only to teachers, but all in sympathy with school work. The evening sessions include recita tions, speeches, orations and music, the latter to be under the direct supervision of City Supt. J. S. Landers. The entire program will be published later. A committee on entertainment has been appointed as follows: Minnie U. Mlchell, chairman ; Louise Rintoul, Maggie Flinn, Salina Phirman, Etta Wrenn, Ellen D. Baldwin, Emma Roberts, Katie Roche, Ellen Cooper. A social luncheon will bo served in tho Academy Park at noon Saturday, tho 0th, for those in attendance at the institute. Tho Oregon school law has a section which reads tbusly: "Tho county super intendent shall hold annually a teachers' county institute, for a term of not less than three days, for the instruction of teachers and those desiring to teach; and all teachers in the public schools of his county shall bo required to attend, and the eounty superintendent may at hie discretion revoke tbe certificate, reduce the grade, or refuse to grant a certificate to any teacher who refuses to attend the county institute without cause." The occasions for enforcing the per.a'ty for non-attendance at these institutes are almost unknown, so interesting and instructive iiavo these meetings become An arrangement has also been made whereby teachers in attendance, whose schools are in session, are entitled to wages for tbe school days missed. The Kud Came This Morn Ids. As wbb seen to be inevitable by all who knew the serious nature of Richard Elton's condition, his deatli occurred at 7 o'clock this morning at the Union Btreet lodging house, where lie was taken when brought in from his homo in the country. Although in recent years an operation or appendicitis is not considered of so serious and fatal a nature as formerly, where peritonitis has developed a patient rarely survives, and are always consid ere J hor eleB?. Such was tho caso of the deceased, although he seemed to exper ience no excruciating pain until Sunday evening, having apparently been in per fect health until that time. When he waa told by tlio physician that his trou ble was appendicitis he Eeemed to be anxious that an operation be performed, and neither the physicians, the patient, nor the family feared any fatal reEultB until they discovered that they had to deal witli peritonitis, and from tint time on they hoped against hope, 'ind the end came this morning. Richard Franklin Elton was horn in Tho DalleB fourteen years ago the 20th of laat July, and spent hia short life in the city and at their home four miles out. He was a bright boy and bid fair to become a good, reliable man. Being the youngest son, he was naturally a favorite and is greatly mourned by his lather, mother, three brothers and four eisters. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon from the Christian church at 2 o'clock. Rev. Smith, of Dufur, will officiate assisted by Rev. Rubbing. Friends are invited to be present. l'ulillu Announcement. To my friends and former patrons : I take pleasure iu announcing that I have arrived safe and sound from Manila, and have again entered civilian life, and can hereafter be found in business with my brother, D. S. Dufur, at the same old stand, where I will be pleased to meet any of my friends either for a social chat or business proposition of any kind, Comrades and old Vets, welome. Yocaiomucho trab.ijor, GlIOIKili II, Dukuu. 24-27. lIUinurok'H Iron Nurve Was the result of hia splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, klndeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King'n New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body, Only 25c at lilakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 Nutlet). All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L, Schmidt, upon presentation, Interest ceases from this date, C. L. Schmidt, Clerk School Dist. No, 12, The Dallea Or., Aug. 14, 1800. R. N. Wood worth, of Wseco, is In the city. J. E. Williams came down from Moro yesterday. R. J. Gorman went down on the boat tiiie morning to Hood River. F. B. Sommerville came in from Hay Creek on the stage this morning. Grant Mays left on yesterdav after noon's train for u short trip to Portland. Mrfi. O J. Lewis and Mrs. R. G. Dav enport returned Iat night from their trip to Portland. Rev. and Mrs. N. Evans camo over from their home at Goldendale yester day, returning today. Robt. Bilton and sister, Miss Isabel Bolton, camo up last night from a trip to Portland, and left this morning for Goldendale. Misa Sarah Henderson will leave on tlio afternoon train to sneml tbe re mainder of her vacation with the Misfes Ricks at Bonneville. 11. C. Nielsen left this morning frr Nahcotta, Long Beach, where his family are spending the summer. They will probably return with him. During his absence Harry Fredden has charge of Iiia store. Judd S. Fish, proprietor of the Uma tilla House. Frank Fulton. B. F. Lutph- lin, J. C. Hostettler and Edward C. Pease, all prominent business men of The Dalles, arrived in tho citv yesterday and left on tho evening S." V. Ry for RobinBonville district, where they are interested in several mine properties wun jar s urauienatign, formerly editor of The Dalles Ciihoxiclk. who has been developing these mines for a year past. Baker City Democrat. The party consisting of Mr. and Mre. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Geis endorfler and Mise Henderson returned last night from their trip to Cloud Cap Inn. Although being compelled to make a hurried trip, spendinu but a day at tho Inn, they were delighted with the sur roundings aud tbe beautiful view ob tained. On account of the high wind that was blowing on the mountain the guide thought it not advisable to at tempt the summit, and the party only climbed to Cooper's Spur. To Cleanso the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habit ual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup'of Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di gests food without aid from the stomach and at the same time heals and restores the diseased digestive organs. It is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to per manently cure dvspepsia. Butler Drug Co. "Our baby wa9 sick for a month with severe cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al though o tried many remedies she kept getting worse, until wo used One Min ute Cougli Cnre, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Co. For Side. Twen tv-three city lots for sale. From $50 up. Inquire at Columbia Hotel. S-23-lmo. ora wood 1 OAK, FIR, and PINE CORD WOOD At the lowest possi ble prices at jnaler i BBnfon Hardware and Grocery dealere.. i i ! 1 j . ft More Flies Are Caught with molasses than vinegar, is an old saying, but Tanglefoot Fly Paper catches more than either. No insect can resist its attraction and once within its power the tormenting possibilities of that insect nro over. Price 5c per double sheet. Our stock contains many other prepa rations for destruction of insect life. M. Z. DONNELL, Druggist. ''vvvvvvv.vvv'VVvvVVVvvvVvVv ' YOU CAH SAVE JflOHEY By buying your FRUIT JARS from us. GET OUR PRICES. MAYS & CROWE. CJClhiskey. Tills brand of Whiskey is Guaranteed to the consumer us a PUKK HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKBY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.