The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 24, 1899, Image 4

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    nt the
' Aeency
head of the Thiel Detective
in Portland, is in The Dalles
f mcnrlnc In the center I the alley lr SI th st.
I south oi block It. nt h lnt w here tic west urn
of Washington street crosses ld alley: "'Ci ri
.te'lv along tnc renin oi sum any. i-
f.-etui-st of the east line 'i imiii .
tabllsb a,;-. " i,v . cnu-Hient purvo to tin- right of
a cny iv- , , . ,. . lkltt a) feet east l the
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
overcomes dj-ro ' rri,
Notice Is hereby given that the el'y council "c",
. . . .. .... . . . . .J , I.I.IUK
Ti-t. i t t i in I'd ill's i ur 11:1 (ivivriiunvu
...... -1 ----- 1 M'wpr svNiera it r mi timi luimui n
t piairini har fiictnr Air a CZ W Cntwlnva 1... 1 i.;.vl,n Mrt utn4 int nf t lnfiln stTrt'f. I,m,M - " . . . . .v- i ., hurl V
lnfft nn thft hfiat this mnrninc nn hnr ! mul ha fi ricrdetermlneit that the ciKt of such tI 1Miralkl with thevoM lino of ( .mrt
. . . wuwr hi-lpm vlntll h nMfHl llfaillI luC 1 V - - .v.V. . k.ih .tiiH't thniiiV
Mich. She catue est to attend the Satll ,ewt.r 8yftem Is to bot terro eotta vlvv
teachers' nesociation nt Los Anceles. nd ktie extent sua location then-oi to le b
Hamilton Campbell returned last The main Hncht snld ewcr vtera -IwU ex-,
nicht to liis duties in the 0. R. it tend from the low wate line ol the Columbia
office here, after a ten-weeks trip to ' iUl:S? l"at"L"u?Vu1
. , n ' ... Mill ctevk tit srtla lowMvater sttIKe hh1 river
Jipn and China. In company with . lni,,10); i01ic ,heet bunfc of said .Mill erecv
three Other vounp men lie made the ;cv feet to intake under the north trestle of the
trin on the Alnnmnnthshire and returned ! Oregon Kalhoud A Nnviaatton Comimny's rU--.t
a rleht rtHtection of 10 desree
on the same vessel. Hamilton renorts ,, u, miuute fiom the coute lust im'i
a delightful trip ; one that he would not . lM-C-li) fee. to a stake i.vut) teet north of tbe
han miasprl for nnvthinc northwest eorner of the ttcme wall ImundiliR
nave missea ior nn iiiui. fh vnim..n.wMi- i...,,Po,,t u :of n.-
llceiion from the courre Just de.crlboci. "6 de
crevs and ;s: tninuto lfeettoa wlut on the
wot line o' fnlon street. 1S f et north of second
street, thence crofjins I" niou 'reet to the een
ter of the nlley between .-evotid and .Main
street', thence alone the center of ald alley,
from t .lion to lJUiKhlln sttwt; thence contln
uiue In n straight line on the snmceoureacw
neighborhood are rejoieit over the de- TOSoRbSlsaU
pnrtnre of Admiral Hobson, who, like coynn? iu a straicht line on the ame
his namesake, cauchtall the "beauties, !courc. ;crlx biwt s Umcblin addition tn
?peck!el and otherwise. One dav when i J?-" ft',;,, ,0 Je?,-'-:n tn?:"a . "c
, fishtnc in company with Other Dallesites tucnteeonUnuinsoii i said straicht line. In the
same rour?c. iu lev jiiiu rfviiuisuii 41. i
ji int 10 lect east of the vest Hue of Jefterson
street ai'd feet north of second strict.
Thence at s le.'t deflection from tbe line last
described. St decrees and nilnutes. M-5100
feet, to a stake 2 feet west of the east line of
Jcrtasou street: thence at
How About Your Title?
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hobson and fam-1
ily returned lust nicht from Cascade',
where they have spent some tune in
enmp. With the family of C. E. Daw
son they were the last to letve can p
there, and 'tis said the anglers in tint
they noticed him nick up the trout by
the tails and hit their heads ncainst the
rocks. Upon beinj: questioned concein
inz it, he said they were too Elick for
him and he wanted to be dead sure that
be got credit for all he caucht.
Latest thing in cameras are Im-
from the line last de-cribeil 23 degrees and 15
uiinn'. lift-17-100 feet, to a stake; thence nt a
richt deiltctinn the Hue ljst described IT
J desrees and iuiuu'-s 1HM-K ' .'eet to a stake
I l7-t2 ICO U i. from the sou heist corner of the
I lawn feces wet of tbe O It. A- X. Co.'s depot
i rhonrfi n: n Infc ri.ilw.Inn fo.n niti line 14 d-
proved Mazazme cvclones at Donnell s ! crce- and -ti rninu' !S5-mo feet to h joiut on
, " " I the we. line o Monroe stieet 13!) it-"! north of
urnp Store. I second street a-.d ' 7 li'Oi'ect uot;h oi the north-
t- . i i -v- t i . .i ' wet cornor oi M.' xiv s oilcs vnTchoue: thence
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the . coniinuine in r stisisbt "neon the course last
Vaco vcaehone Fiue't kind of described li -7-ii0 fee. tou twint C fee: uortb of wa.enoa.e. riue.t kihi. ' J the north-e-i.t of Moody's wooden ware-
chicken feed. rueh2o-tf i house IS ? 10 .t .iot:h o" Second street and 70
feet east of llouire stieet: iuenc at arlshtde-
' Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
cai. f- n.v.
res sju r au cis;owri mi ist s smt
Winans is up from Hood River
W. R
Cbas. Stoughton, of Dafui, is in the
city on business today.
Mrs. L E. Crowe left on the boat this
mcrnin;: lor a visit in Portland.
Mrs. Wilson aud daughter, Mrs. C.
W. Taylor, left yesterday for a visit to
Seaside, Clattop u?ach.
Mrs. E. G. Dale and Mrs. Lanra Da!e
Flnvit. tourists from Centralin, 111 , were
legiste-ed at the Umatilla yesterday.
Mrs. U. fc. Dawson anil tamilv cnmei
tip from Cascades last evening. Thev I cine, quick and safe." W
t v : t.i. . "
i For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
I Stnblinsr, agent, Tbe Dulles. M17-3m
! Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
i For sale at all first-class bars. C. J
tublin?, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tbe best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubliug, agent, The Dalles.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system, never
gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures
obstinate summer eotiphs and colds.
"I consider it a most wonderful medi-
W. Merton.
have been camping with the Dalles , -vTaii.r w: T?nfir n,. fin
Misses Kathryn Sargent and R'.chel
Morgan stopped at Astoria on their way
from Clntsop beach and arrived home
last evening.
Mrs. 0. S. Vauil
np on the Duties
having spent two
and at the contt.
and childrtn came
City last evening,
weeki in Portland
Mi?s eliie
for Portland,
join her
father and sisters, at hich pluce they
will nipke their home.
C. R. Bayard, who has spnl the past
few weeks in thr Sanitarium at Port
land, returned last night greatly im
proved in health. He says he feels like
a new man.
Mrs. M. Lyle anJ daughter, Mi'B
Alice, arrived laa nn:ht Jrom an ex
tended visit in Portland. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Clifton atid Miss
Cavanaugh, who v. ill be their guests for
a ebort time.
Wm. St. M. Barnes, who was formerly
agent for tbe Pacific Express Company
in this city, but who now holds a position
All outstanding warrants against
School District No. 12, Wasco county,
Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L
Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date.
C. L. SciminT,
Clerk School Dist. Xo. 12.
The Dalles Or., Aug. 14, 1899.
Catarrh is
Not Incurable
To Cleanse the Pyatem
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken tiie kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, tu dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the utotnach
aud at the same time heals and restores
tbe diseased digestive organs. It is the
only remedy that does both of these
things and can be relied upon to per
manently cure dyspepsia. Butler Drug
'"Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al
though we tried many remedies she kept
getting worse, until we used One Mln-
bv a curve t.. tbe le:t. t tui a .-v-uhh muni-.
b. a iwir.t .in the wist :ine oi miiumTi. -north
"f t!u south line of rourth street, them e
ucsterlr fourth street, parallel utththi
south line .! said Fourth street, to a l!nt -
feet west of the cal line of fnlon treet. thenre
coin es-tuis H a comenient curve to the ti lit
ot about .Moot udiu. lth the branch line
of said sier system ruiinm; alow; I nion st.
Alo a branch line of ld sewer system, com
mencins t point opinv-ite the eentci of the nl
UvbetiM-en l.mrtb and Ktfth stuvf, 3 feet
eat of the west line of VVmhinctoli street, and
runmiij theme in a westcrl dlnvtloti alone
the rente- of said alley t" a tdnt.;ft feet west of
the eat inic of l ourt strtsit: thence by a conve
I. lent cifve to the rtrht of atmut a tSMnoi radius
t connect with the iiraneh uf said sewer system ,
riii.n: alone Colin stn-et.
V a brunch lint of ald sewer system, coin-tn-m
-u at a point M leet north ol the south
Hue o' f lfth street, and l& teet wot of the west
Inn o: .-urt stree'. ruuiiiue thence in an eust
diri"'tinn to the west tine of t onrt street
th-'n-e bv a curve to tbe le't. cf about a 'Ju-foot
radius to li.tcrsect with the hrnneh of said
s. w.-r vstm ruunli c on Court troet lit the
e.sMue'of said Kiith and Court streets.
.u a branch line of suld sewer system, com
in- -::ic ut tbe isenter of the ullry between
F.'iinh and Fi.'th str'ts, at a jmlnt aeo feet east
i. ttu east '.'re of Libei IT stteet, r.nniliit: thence
u a weslonv dim-won the line of the cell- i
ter of s.ud allei-. t a point .0 feet west of the j
east line of Liberty strt' thence b a curve to
th.. n-ht .if about a iiait reiilus. f connect
rieht detlection 1 with the Liberty-street branch oi the said sewir i
syst m i
Also a branch tine of said sesver system, roni j
mencins at the renter of the a! lev north of
Main street aud SO feet west of Washington st.
thence ruimlns alone tbe renter of said alley to
ajoltit;;ie ftwt wt .' I' nion street: ibcnco
connectinc with the main sewer system near
the bank of Mill crock, by a euive to the rleht o(
about a 5-fout ridius. i
Also a branch line of said sower system, com
meudnc at a point In Kimrth street, i50 feet
west of the west ;.ne oi Libert; street, nnd .0
feet north of the sooth 1 ne of Fourth stieet,
ruiiuuii thence in an es:erlv diivctinn aloes i
Fuurth street, ptr ..'usl with the south Hue of
said street to .newest line of liberty bUeet.
thence bj a convenient curve to the left of about
2o-feit radius, to connect with the brancb ol i
stiid sower -vjcm rnuuins up aud duwn ut?
erty street, at'thc erosli s f said Fourth and
Libarty stresjis.
This notice is jmbUshcd by order of said City
Couuci'.. made on Ausust 5tn. 1-ay.
nuci Kecorder of Dallei City.
KK YOU PURE It in nil right? Retnembur it U th.
KKCOHI) that KoveriiB. It is our mnen Ta
search tho records and show whnt thev ennt.itn t-
i-olntlon to land titles. If you contemnlato tnivln,, t.i
or lnntiing money on real estate security, lulu; no tnt,i
word, but insist upon knowinu what the record showa
rt-gnrding tho title. An Abstract In ns vssunthil as
(k'i'il. Insist on huvlng It. Wo havo tho only pot ol
Abstrnct Hookein the County. All work promptly ex.
ciMitfd nnd satltfactlon gimrnntnt'd. It you Imve prop,
ertv to itiHure, glvu lis n call. Wo are ngentn for fnur of
the lies-t tire itiHitrnnee compntilnB in tho world. If you
hnvo property for sale, Hat It with us and we'll flnda
J, M. Huntington &Co.
Phonn St. 2cl st" opposite A. M. Williams & Co.
Best Work at
Least Possible Cost
Guarunteed to ivc sntisrnotion, "Wc nrc here to stay; therefore every
effort will be made to establish a business. Jt will pay you to examine out
work and consult our prices.
Acker's Iyspeiii.t Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dysj-epsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 20 cts.
and 50 cts. Hlakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Moki Tea positively cares sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
deiighlful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a per
fect complesiou, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeley it Houghton,
Harmony" Will. key.
Harmony whiskey ior family
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson,
nnd ! -j'
For the best results
Fur sale bv
The 1 W
Postoflice ' 2-
Use Clarke & Faiks Rosofuam
for the
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extructs. tf
ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and ' '""tb ii
ll tE her - a few days." B. L. Nance,
But it can not
IVflshnc HTlfl inonlill. ,yi tvfnnc vrl.irtl.
read) onlv tiie surfucp. Tho disfnsp is Co.
in thn blood, and can only be reached ; tt0,,-, "
i ,.....i. i i,i.i t! .-- .1.. i 1 iiaini.ton
me uiiij
Clark, cf Chauncev, Ga.,
ihroiiL'h thp lilrirw! S. S. S
remedy which can have any effect upon lsaJ6 iie suffered with itching piles twenty
uuiarrn; it cures the ainease nerma
nently nnd forever rids the system of
every trace of the vile complaint.
31JS3 Joie Owen, of Montpellcr. Ohio.
writes: "I was af.
. It T st i n"ts-'
years Lefore trying ieu itt's itch
Hazel Salve, two boses1 of which com
pletely cured bim. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Hided irom Infancy
with Catarrh, and nn j , . ,
one can know the: Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
suffering it produces ( because its ingredients are such that it
better than I. The , C3ri. heln doincr no. "TIih mililin rnn
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
eprayis and washes
prescrlld by the doc.
tors rehev
flection .roi the last line 7-t.'-'. !"-a5-lC feet, to
asUke l.i lavlor street, svi-o-10 ict north of
Second stieet and tr-7.1'.e leet wct of the west
end of the Waco wurehou-e
A bi-inch o said -ewer system sbnll connect
wi. .he n-rni 'ine in Cntoa street, 20 feet from
the we.t li'-.e c' s d s.reet, at a io!nt lis feet
uor:: of decora st.eet. and shall run nlonc said
I'n'on s.ree. io fe ; east of t ae west line thereof,
to . )o ut :M feet south of the north line of
Ter i- street.
Another brunch line of snld sewer systeta
shall commence In the center of the alley be
tween H,.,,!,,! Und Third streets, at a poiut -10
fee: wcs. of the east line or Lincoln street, and
ruti thencw along the center uf said alley to a
point f-et ecstof the ccst 'Ine of Court
street, coauectius with the brunch of said ?ewer
system runnins up I nion street hereinliefore
described, from theenst aud west, by convenient
curves of about a twenty-foot raiius. !
Also a branch of said sewer system commenc
ing in the center of the alley between second
and Thl:d streets, on the east line of Washing
ton street, and running thence easterly alone
the center of said alley, to a point where tbe
center of said alley luteriects with tbeprtnt
sewer of Max Vr gt & Co., where it cros.t,- said
alley. Thence northerly and easterly alone the
line of sa'd sewer us It i now located, to the
point where said sewer intersects the masn line
of the swer hereinlxfosc ie.-cribvd. at a jifdnt
where the main line of said seer crosses Fed
eral street, between second and Tbiid.
Also, a brnnch line of said stwer system, com
mencing at a point in the center of said alley be
tween Second and Third stiosts. p, feet tit of
1-ederol street, and runniug thence ulong the '
center of said alley to the west line of Laughlin
street, and thence conn cling with the 1 aush-,
ltn strc.'t sewer by a left curve of attest a fool i
radius, in said Laughlin slrevt.
Also u branch line of said cwer fvstem. c-ora-1
mencins at a nolnt on the east line of Monrw; '
street, a) feet north of tbe south Uae of Third ! r.m
south line of 1 bird stieet. and feet f ron: said
south line to a point fevt v-i of the it !:t:e
of Madison street; tbeuce rurvicr to th nsr.t
with a curve of nbout a i : i mdius, n- a ;ii' t
in said Madison s'leet ii". from tbe i-o-tu
line of Third street and iwt from the -
line of said Madison str-sit tuehi- northerir
alonssaid Madison strt i. a 1.ih- parallel wi:r.
thee3t line of said stre-t. toB i.iat 'J le;
from the west l:ne of said strn-.t.' m.d -j. f. e:
south o.' theceutiir line of tneai.e U.-'h.s?ii
j ond mid Third streets: theni-e did-i-tmg ti.t
left by a curve of about a '.'j foot radiL- t.!
I ixilni where the west line of Madisoi. s:r: ::.
lerstcts inc renter line ot s.o a..e- :?!
second and Tbiid streets'- thence ;.. k w.srer.
direction along the center line rf . d -..ler i-i
point :0 feet west of the cost Hue of Lrg'. .
street thence deflecting to the right v. a , u
of about aJfoot radius, to connect 'tut. tbe
branch of said sower svstem ruuuii.g uy La..g
liu street, in said Luusfbiin street.
Also a blanch line of said sewer system, r om
meiu-ln'; at a point in thecentcrof th- a'.tt be
tweeu fcecond and Third atreeb, 3J0 feet eiat 3f
tnc cast line uf Monroe street, running tbenre
in a westerly direlion along tbe center of said
nllevtoaiiointl'ifeetwest uf the east line of
Minirw street, thence directing to the right by
a curve of about a lueutv-foot radius, toe p-j:'
ophite the in rth lii e uf the alley Iretwevn said
sscourt and Third stteets.and a fwt oast of the
west Hue of 51onroe street: thence in a noith
eriy direction parallel with the uest line ol
Monroe strwt, and Co leet therefrom, toi-itbln
31 feet of the mniu line of sHid sewer stem
hereinbefore described thence curving to tin
left with a radius of about i feut, to connect
with said main line.
Also a binnch line of said sciver svstem, com
rneucing on the west line of JeHersun street. Ji
leet i.ortti of tbedouth line of Fourln strct-'t
thence rucuing westerly jHirullel witn the said
niieoj rourm street, .o a iwlnt 'A feet
the cast ilue of Luuebllit sirwt ilimn.
cuive to the risht hi i.Im.ui iu..i.iv (.,.,
radius, to u iKJlnt i fet e.t of the wtsit line of
uiusniiii siruei biiu a leet s.iutn ol the north
'lue of Fourth street thence northerlv. iiraliei
with the west line of Ijoughlin street to con
nect with the main line of said teer system
hereinbefore deseribed, by a curve to the left of
nbout twenty feet radius, where said mam ilue
uf suld sewer system crosses Ijiiigblln streit at
the alHy second and Main htitcu.
Alo a brunch ilne of said sewer svstem. corn
mencingat a joint lJo feet south of the uortb
line of Mlth sl.-eetand 'M feet east of tbewtst
line uf Llbertv street, thence along said l.tb-irty
street parallel with said ucat Hue of sid street,
lit u nutiherly direction, to connect with the
binnch of tewer system iuiclnbefuic described.
iuuuiiik in uieuuey n-jineej etconu Hint Ibi d W.0 -'"7. -v.u uuu uiuo
atri-cis, byacoiivonientcurvetotheright.wheie "aiure in strengtueolng and recon-
cuiu uiiv7 sciver L-iust. i.iuvriy oircei.
Also a branch line of said sewer svstem. mm
menclnglu the center of the alley between iblid
liest Crown and Hridge work
Best set teeth, guaranteed . .
Rest Gold Filling
Best silver or alloy tilling
Teeth extracted without pain .
22k. gold;, per tooth
. .. f4.50
. $5.50
..(1.00 up
. 50c up
. . ..50c
Rooms 11 12 I.'!,
Chapman Block,
second St.
Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
T i-i -m.1 r- ?
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
i ht
Copyrights &.c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma
nulcklr ascertain our onimon fnn whether n-
iiiTeiitlon is probably patentable, f'omniunlefc.
uiouftomunfl j-;
...AND... "j I
HdrfifififiOfifo !'
m.m mm m mm mm mm mm mm m mm m .
f Southern Pacific Comp'y.
TrnltiH leave and urc due to arrive at rottm
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers Wagon.
Thiril Qlirl Tpflcn.! Dhr.nn Un
iuuu uuu UUUUi "HU, 1 UUIIU 1J3 A
. i
Handbook on 1'atcnte
tlnns strict It cimtliiHnlf;
sent ttfv. Oldest afency furiccunngoatenta.
Patents taken throuch Mann & Co. recoil
rpcciaiTiocicir, T7onou& cnarec, m loo
Scientific American.
A handsomclr lllastratert weekly. Jjinrest clr.
tulatlon of any seicnttne Journal. Terms. 13 a
rear; four months. tL ikild by all newsdealers.
MUNN&Co.36,B New York
iirancli Office. C5 V HU WaibiDuioo. 1). C.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartiflciallydlgeststhefood and aids
..cgfls. mu
end Fafmeps
edged the U-st beer In The Dulles,
at the usual price. L'omi! in, try
Itaud be convinced. AIo the
Hiiest brands of Wines, Liquor
and Cigars. 1
of all Kinds uhrays ou hand.
I nress. balem. noie
I burg, Ashland, Hue- j
I . 31. i.-.1,,,u., " IIVI. 1
I.i AligolL'h.t.u -asn. ,
New Orleans unil I
; East
... . ...... ......
Woodhura lor
iVngitl, Hilrurtou,
eat be
17:30 A. M.
f Via
', Weat helo. llrowiis
. vlllcoprlugUeM and
, tf
Natron .
j stations.
9 13 A.M.
I 30P.H
and way,
Dally (except Bunuay.
liDOp, m. Lv.. ..Portland Ar.i
j .ou p. in. ai . . .ciiiiiiiviue to.
b:so p. m. IAr..lndeeiideuc
. 1.V.J
e..l.v )
5; n, m.
Dally, iDatiy, except huiidnr
Attached to all Through Trillin.
Direct connection nt Kan r'ninclsi n with
dental mid Oriental and l'ueltlc mull teimJiJp
I lines for JAPAN mid CHINA, Balling 00
' "'.V1.'1!0.'1.- .. -ml En-
roiK.-. Also JAPAN, CHINA, IIOSOl.l'1.0 snS
All abovo triilnf arrive ut nnd depart w
urand Centrnl Htatlou, Klllh iiua irwui.
I'uiscngcr I)ei)t, loot of Jcllerson strect.
' U-ave for Hhcrldun, wcok days, at 1:30 p."1
' Arrive ut Portland, l:ao a. in,
! Ia'uvc for A 1 KM E on Monday, WedncslT
Krltiiy- at tt::K a. m. Arriv- ut Portland, iui
, day, Thurkday and Saturdai it 3:05 p. m.
Btructinethc exhausted hi
" 7 T " ! disorders urislnt- from imt.erfect dWS. 1 nd fourth stri-et.. '.VX) feet west cf Liberty "i C Z?Z y'r preparation
' ij - - - na running along the center of said Hllev to a u l'l"uai;ii tb in eniCiency. It ID
v . . j , jiu i uuu. jauicb .1. a iiifiunr, ! ut ill j jKJiui -uw iwi tast ui Kuiu i.iiM.riy siieei, uuu coil-
tnousn l used them i Americm Jfinrnnl of Iteshli. V. Y.
consiantly Ior ten years, the disease had a
Armor hold than ever. I tried a number of t "DeWitt's Little Eariv Kisers did
oiooo rememes, nut tneir mineral Ingredients , . ,, ,, d
settled in mt boon nn.i mrr r-o Fh.m.tiin mort feoju man ati utoou
1 was In a lamentable condition, ond after ex 1 other pills," writes Geo
haunting all treatment, was declared incurable. Thompson, Conn. P
oectnir a. s. t. auvertised as a cure for blood
diseases, I decided to try it. As soon as my
system was under the effect of the medicine,
1 began to Improve, and after taking It for
two months I was cured completely, the
dreadful disease was eradicated Irom my sy.
tern, and I liave had no return of It."
Muny have been taking local treat
ment for years, and find themselves
worse now than ever. A trial of
liectlnu with tbe branch of said sower sv.letn I i
Liberty street, fiom the east and west, by con
i vtnlcnt curves of nbiuta 20 foot radius, ut the
ine I"""1 "civ sum niiry crosses laouny sneet
Rtnnt.Tv rnllorna flfiit .1.. '
tZ7 i "-v Jl r """"siuny cures m
waijciinio, juuigeniion, Heartburn. mm - -
ffeulence, Sour Stomach. Vausea DlC VCl
SlckHeadaclie.GastralRla.Cramps.and W W
allnt.hnr rAaiiltjifif tmrif,.t
to be the right remedy
It will cure the mott ob-
will jirore it
for Catarrh,
atisate case.
Books mailed free to any address bl
Bwtft Specific Co,, AtlsaiU, Ga.
... . Alfi il tirrtnfh If no nf fctv.r it il.m. -rr
medicines Olid , roc,:iUB the eenteruf lllZ, llev belweeii T h Ird Preoor.d bw ?k e TnVuio a "iSV?"011- f
. II. of "d Kourth streets, 2.'u feet eust of t-otift street, WM" "Oicojjo. ,j
1 and thence riinnlne nluni. tbf. fntititr til .uliI nl. , - .
'romnt. nlensani. ' lev in a westcdv direction, to a ioiiit -jo f,i,t 1
11 6
. ,.rln. he nun. ennttii.jitnn l of the east Hue of I' nion street: thence by i
never yrlpe, tnev euro constipation, a curve to the right of about a ajfoot radius, to '
arouse the tornid liver to action and . conmct with the Union strtait branch of suit
, , , ' sewer system
give you clean uiuuu, Bieauy nerves, a
clear brnin end a healthy
Butler Dru Co.
Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned
has filed his llnal aerouut a cxoculor ot tbe es
tate nf Uarab McAfee wltb the clerk of the
county court of tbestate of Orecoii, for Wasco
county, and that Thursday, the 13111 day of July,
lM, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been
fixed as the time and the county c urt room in
Dalles City as tbe p ace for the hearing of ob
jections tosaid dual account and settlement of
said estate. '
Dated July 13, 1SS. THOS. NORVAU
Jun HI KxecBtor.
Also a brunch of said sower tvstain. mmmnnp.
ing ill the center of the alley between Third und
Fourth streets, at a point JO feet -ust of tbe east
Uuc uf Washington street, and tunning thence
along the center of said alley to a puiut 2U0 feet
east of Jeflcrsnn street, aud connecting with the
branch of said sewer system running along
Laughlin street, by convenient curve of about
VO-leet radius, at a point where said alley crosses
sold Laughlin street.
Also a branch line of said sewer system, com
rneucing at point tr) feet north of the south
line of fourth street and SO feet east of the east
line of Washington street: running thence in
an easterly direction parallel with said south
line of Fourth street, to connect by a convent,
enl curve to tbe left, of about a 'Ai-foot radius,
wltb the Laugblln-sueet branch of said sewer'
system, at the crossing of rourth and Laughlin
Also branch line of said sewer system, cost.
Office otrr
THK lilllr- in,,.',!
rst Nat. haiiit '
Office oyer French L Co,' llank
Physician and Surgeon,
Bpeclal attenUon gtveu lo surcry.
HvKwsHaod22, TeLMS Vogt Block
' at
v, ,
Except Bunday,
K, K0KH.1.EK,
Kxccpt Hiltlltday.
(1. II. MAUIvlIAM,
Asst. (I. r. A Pass.
Tlirough Ticket Ofllcc, 131 Third ktr'-,j22
througli tlckuts to all points In lJ-Z
Htiitcs, Canada and JJuroi call be oUUlnw
loncat rates from , , ,
J. 11. KIUKIND. Ticket Agent-
Lock and Gunamlth. Z
and Machine work.
SMI a -
unifies lurctarfffl:
Letters of Credit Issued available in tb
Eastern Btatee. . ,
Sight Exdliange andr 'flrffi
Transfers sold 00 New York, ,0bfi&
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland UJ
Kon, 6-attle Wash,, and various powi
In Oregon and Washington. ...
Collections made at all point IM
orable tariaa.
nil 1 k