The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 23, 1899, Image 4

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    ..anav . rrawt law.? ii r .1 p
remained in the East with relatives and
is now- at St. John's, New Brunswick.
She wilt return nbouttho middle of next
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Senfert and family
und Ii. J. Gormun urrived home Inst
evening from u camping trip near Trout
Like. They are enthuaiastic over that
tfl I section.
I Mrs. C. L. Phillips was n passenger on
the morning's train ori lier way to ptir-
(chac winter millinery goods at Snn
Franc!s:o. She will be absent some eight
or ten days.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
overcomes Xrr& ' mZ?im
t ca iAUETJu cwsiisrsi feu ssc us ecmr-
Notice Is hereby given thnt the city round!
of Dultct City tun determined to eslnhlMi a
sewer system for all thnt .ottlon of siilil city ly
ing below the bluff nnil rait uf Lincoln street,
and has further determined that the co-it of such
sewer system shall bo assessed against the
property benefited thereby.
Mm f il c,m-,.r rtlim Iv ti lw nf tirrn rntfit l!tw
I nud the extent and locution thereof to be as
I Themnln lineof said fewer system shntt ox
! tend from the low wate Hue ot the Columbia
' river, where the east margin of the mouth of
Mill creek nt said low water strikes said river.
thence alone the ejt bank of said Mill crock
I'.V) feet to n stake under the north trestle of the
Oregon liallroad A Navigation Company's rail
roaiKthence at n right ilellectiou of 10 degrees
an 1 10 minutes from the course last puisucd
1M-3-U) feet ton stake 9-15-1(0 teet north of the
northwest comer of the stone wall bounding
the K. M. W ilsott property: thence nt n left ue
llectlon from the course Just described. 76 de
grccs and :tl minutes 1S feet ton point on the
west line of Union street, ISO f ct north of Second
street; thence crossing I'ntun street to the run
tcr of the nlley between .Second and .Main
street', thence nlong the center of said ulley,
from Union to l-mmhlln street; thencu contin
tiltig in n straight Hue on the samecourseacross
ljinchlin street, to a point on the east line of
said street. 12a eetnorthof second street; thence
continuing In straight Hue on the same
course, seross bloik s. Ijiugbliit's addition to
Dalits Clty.seO feet, to Jetlerstm street, on a Hue
Its feet from, and tuirallcl P., Second street- ,
thence continuing on said straight Hue, In the
same course, 10 teet Into Jctt'erson street to a
point ID leet east of the west line of Jellerson
street nnd 12 feet north of Second street.
Thence nt n left detlcction from the lino last
described, St degrees and ill minutes, Hl-5-100
I iwi, 10 a sittKe - icci west oi ine cast line uii
Vnr onlu ,tt nil firaf nlnca i Jeitersou street; inence ui n rigni aeueciinn
t-or sale at all nrst-ciasa bare, ,'frmn tin. titn.i,ivr owrihni va iirms nmi i.v
are Im-DotineH'a
Latest tiling in cameras
. proved Magazine cvcloties nt
drug store.
1 Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stublin?, agent, The Dalles. Ml"-3m
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
' For sale at all first-class bars. C. J
tubliug, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
C. J.
Stubltng, tigeut,
C. J.
The Dalles.
Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
For sale at all first-class bars.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
I 31 17.3m
I For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
, that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the tntiru pvalem. never
(gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
J. 2C. Burpesa returned last night frr m
a visit in Portland, '
Ben Korten, a former D.illes boy
up from Portland.
Charles Aiisky, one of Portland's
"bravest," is in The Dalles today.
Misses Tens and Louise Kintoul left
this morning for a t-ip to Portland.
Miss Nettie Freddt-u returned yester
day from a visit in catnp at Cascades.
Jim Burns, the popular canductor of
the 0. R. & spent today in the city.
Prof. Birgfeld and family returned
last night f'om their camping trip to
Collin-! landing.
Miss Nona Eucli having spent a week
at Clatsop beach, returned uouie on the
Flyer last-night.
Miss Daisy Deane left yesterday to
join her parents at Portland, where "they
are to make their home.
Mrs. A. R. Byrkett, of White Salmon,
was among the passengers on the Flyer
this morning, returning home.
Thos. Gavin, of the grocery depart
ment of Peaee & Mnye. left this morn
ing tu spend his vacation at Portland j
nnd the seaside.
Id Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the stomach
and at the same time heals and restores
the diseased digestive organs. It is the
only remedy that doe3 both of these
things and can he relied upon to per-
minute.-, Uti-17-lOO feet, to n stnkc; thence nt n
right detection from the line last described 27
degrees and 2!) minutes 110-l-lCO feet to u stake
17-s2 ICO feet from the tou'heast corner of the
lawn fence west of the O It. A N Co.'s depot,
thence at a left dellectlon finm said Hue II de
crees and II minutes, lftj-o-10 feet to a point on
the west line of Monroe street IS) Iet north ot
Second street and 6-7.UWfeet north of the north
west corner of Moody's brick wurehonse; thence
continuing in a straight line on the course last
described ISO S7-1C0 feet to a point C feet north of
the north-east corner of Moody's wooden ware
house lit: 0 10 feet north of second street and 70
feet cast of Mourns: street thence at n Tight de
tlcctlon from the last Ilne7-U-'. !V26-UO feet, to
a stake in Taylor street, &9-G-10 fet north of
second itreet and IC-7.1-1CO feet west of the west
end of the Wasco warehouse
mcnclng In the center of the alley (or Sixth nt. I
south of block 11, at n point whnre the west line 1 1
of Washington street crosses sum aney, mu re
wcstetlv along the center of said nlley to n ixiltit
.is feet west of the cast line of Court street,
thence by a convenient curve to the right of .
about 20feet radius to n point 20 feet east of the
.i.-.t iinnnf r'mtrr street thence In n northerly
direction parallel with the west line of Court i
i street to the south llneol Fourth stieet. thence
I bv a curve to the led, ot about n 20-foot radius,
ton point on the wist line of Court street, ill feet ,
1 north of the south line of iMUirth street, thence
' westerlv nlong Kouith street, parallel with the
' south line of said Fourth street, to a point 20
leet ue-t of the cist lineof I'lilon street, thencu
cont cctliig bv h convenient curve to thcrwht,
I of about ii aj-loot radius, with the branch line
of said sewer system running along Cnion st. i
' Also a branch Hue of said scuer sysiem, com- I
mcucingata point opposite thccentei of theal
. lev between Fourth and Fifth stieets, SMeet
east of the west lino ot Washington street, anil '
running thence In n westerl) direction nlong !
the center of said alley to a olut.Us feet west of
i the east line of Court street; thence by a conve
nient curvu to the rluht of about n 20-loot radius
to connect with the branch of said sewer system
runnlni along Cotir' street.
Alo a branch line of Vahl sewer system, com
mencing nt it point 20 feet north of the south
line of Hfth street, and 120 feet west ot the west
line of court streer, running thence- in an east
erly direction to the west lineof Court street
thence bv a curve to the le't, ci about n 20-fnnt
ratlins, to intersect Willi the branch ot said
sewer svstcm riinnti.g on Court street nt the.
crosslngof said Filth nut! Court streets.
Alo n branch Hue of villi ewer system, com ,
ineneing nt the center ot the alley between
Fourth and Flltti street, nt n iilut 2iO feet east
of the east line of Liberty street, running thence 1
in a westerlv direction nlong the Hue of the cen-
terof said alley, to n point 0 feet we.t of the,
east line of i.llwrty strt-et thence by n curve to
the tight of about a 20 loot radius, ti connect
with the l.lberty-street branuh of the said sewer i
Alo a branch lineof said sower system, com-
nienclng at the center of the alloy north of
Main street nnd 50 fret west of Washington St..
thence running along the center of aid nlley to .
a point 310 feet west of I'nlon street: thenco .
connecting with the main sewer system near ;
the bank of Mill creek, hyu cuive to the right of '
about u 25-foot rtdius, i
Mo n branch line of said sewer system, com
How About Your Title?
88 tn
ARE YOU SURE it is nil right? Remember it
RECORD that goveniB. It is our busliie
seiircli tno records turn snow wnm thev contain in
relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying Innd
or loaning money on real estate security, take no ninn'
word, hut insiet upon knowing wltat the record Mmw
regarding the title. An Abstract la as essential nan
deed. Insist on having it. We have tho only set 0f
Abstract Rooks in the County. All work promptly ex.
u-iiU'd and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop
ertv to insure, give us a call. We arc agent b for four of
the best lire iiiHuranco companies in tho world. If you
have property for Bale, list it with us and we'll ilnj a
J, M.
Phono SI.
Huntington & Co.
2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co.
Best Work at
beast Possible Cost
Guurtintecil to give satisfaction. AVo nrc here to slny; therefore ovr.
!3S. Jt will pay you to cxiuninoni.r
l k,h nl ..1,1 ...m. -holt .n,,.u,t V") " UI..31.- HI aaiU 1,1U1U
manently cure dyspepsia.
Butler Drug
'Our baby was sick for a month with
Eevere cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al
though we tried many remedies site kept
getting worse, until we used One Min
ute Cougli Cure, it relieved at once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
Hamilton Clark, of Channcev, Ga.,
says hesufl'ered with itching piles twenty
years before trying DeWitt's Witch
Haze' Salve, two boxes of winch com-
j pletely cured him. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are 3uch thut it
can't help doing eo. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, X. Y.
"DeWitt's Little Eariy RiserB did me
I more good than all blood medicines and
' other pills," writes Geo, H. Jacobs, of
'rompt, pleasant,
ire constipation,
E. M. Williams returned yesterday'". u" V l" u m,u
afternoon tro.n a wedding trip of about ! e've -vou clean Woau, ateady nerves, a
tlx wefkp, spent in New York and clear brain and a healthy appetite,
other Eastern slates. Mrs. Williams j Butler Drug Co.
wim tne main line-in i nion street, so leet ironi i
the west ll'.ie of said street, at a jiolnt 12S leet
north of i-econd street, and shall run along sold
Union street 20 feet east ot the west line thereof, ,
to a point A) feet south of the north line of
Tenth street.
Another branch lino of said sewer system i
shall commence in Ihe center of the alley be- ,
tween .Second and Third streets, at a point 40
feet west of the east line of Lincoln street, and ,
run thence ntonjr the center of said alley to a !
point 2t) fct east of Ihe east Mne of Court,
street, counceting with the branch of said sewer
sjstem running up Union street hereinbefore
deicribid, from theeastand west, by convenient
curves of nbout n twenty-foot rultus.
AKn hrnnh nf nli1 soivnr svstini pnnimmn. '
lug in the center of the nlley 'between stcund-f Clsts
una l mid stieets, on the east lino of Mushing
ton street, and running thence easterly ulong
the center of said nlley, to a point where the
center of said nlley Intersects with thepttsent
ewer of Max Vrgt Co., where it crosses said
alley. Thence northerly nnil easterly nlong the
line of sa'd sewer as it U now located, to the
point where said sewer intersects the mam line
ot tne sewer nercinrietore uescrioeii, at
where the main line of said se"er crosses Fed
crnl stiver. liotwHii Secnnil -mil Thin!.
Also, n branch line nf said sewer system, com- druggists
meneinsut n point in the center of said alley be- 1
tween second and Third streets, 10J feet east of !
l-euerl street, nnd running tlience along the
center of said alley to the west line of Lnughlin
street; and thence conn cting with the 1 nugh
lin stree s-jwer by n left curve uf about a 20-foot
radius, iasaid I.aughlln street.
Also a branch lineof said ewer system, com-
mcueiiii nt n iioitit on the east lineof Monroe
Liberty streets.
This notice is published by order otsnMCity
Council, made on August fttn, lsii.
Ni:i) 11. (1ATK3.
ntig? llecorder of Dalles City.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets ttre sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heirt-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 1!5 cte.
and 50 cts. Blakeley it Ilutmhton, dtug-
Muki Tea positively cures nick liead
nuhe, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the ekin, producing a per
il point ' fret complexion, or money refunded.
2o cts. and 50 cts. Bhtkelev & Houghton,
work ami consult our prices.
west of the west Hue oi Liberty street, nud 20 , eftot t Will lie llltldl.' to CStalillall tl OUSIIlCaS
leer norm ot the south the oi i-ourtn nicci,
running thence in in easterly dlivellnu nlorg
Fnutlli street, pinllclwilh the south Hue ol
snld street to tne west line oi Liberty stieet;
tlience b n convunieut curve to the left of about
20-fett radius, to connect with thn branch ot
said sewer tystem running up and down
Best Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold,, per tooth. .
Best set teeth, guaranteed
Best Gold Fillip
Hest silver or alloy tilling ,
Teeth extracted without pain
.$1.00 up
, ,60c no
Rooms 11 12
Chapman Block,
second st. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
"Hurinoiiy' Whl-kt-)-.
Harmony whiskey for family
special use, eold bv lien Wilson,
5- -5
For the
H. W. French started this morning
for tho Williams cottage at Clatsop
beach, where Mrs. Freuch has been
emending some time.
Misses Edna Corrigan and Mamie
Johnson, who have been guests at the
home of P. Omeg, left yesterday for
their home in Sioux City.
Mrs. Wm. See, wife of the store
keeper nt Warm Springs, came up last
nigtit from a visit to Portland, nnd left
this morning for the agency.
Miss O'ConnslI, who has been visitintr
m Wy .i ''er 3U f?' Siunott-1 Thompson, Conn. Pr
will 1 'ave this evening for Denver, on -her
way to her homo in Chicago, i nevor enpe, they cur
. Knowledge
boiled down, pressed to
gether is what you get in
the New Werner Edition
contained therein are reli
able, the statements author
itative. The index which
accompanies each set of
books enables you to find
the information you want
quicklv. and vou can relv
upon it, for even the courts do not question its state
ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in
thirty superb octavo volumes, of the
Encydopda Britannka
for One Dollar Cash
and the balance in small monthly payments.
I . NIOKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or.
street, 20 feet north of the south line of Third Pamori
street, rnniiluR thence westerlv, parallel to the I 4'"""'",
south line of Third stieet, and 2J teet from said I narmacv
south line to n Mint 10 feet west of the east line I
of Madison street; thence curvlue; to the tight
with a curve of nbout a 2U-foot radius, to a point '
in said Madion s'reet 20 feet from the eo-th i
line of Third street nnd 10 feet from the west ,
lineof said Madl-on street' thence northerly
ulong said Maili-ou 3trect on n line parallel wttii
the west line of said street, toil point 21) feet
from the west Hue of said street, and 20 net i
south of the center line of thuallsv between See-1
omi and Third streets, thence dellectlng to the
left by 11 curve of about n 20.foot rHdius. ton
poiul where the west lineof Madl-on street In
tersects the center line of sU alley between !
fcecomtatid Thlid streets; thence in 11 westerly !
direction nlong tho center line of ia d ulley to 11 ,
point -.0 feet wot of the east lineof Lnuxhliu
street, thence delleetiiij; 10 the rlirht by 11 curve
of nbout n 20-foot radius, to connect with the
branch of said sewer system running up Laugh
Hn street, in said Laus:hlin street.
Also a branch lineof said sewer s tern, com
mencing at a point in tho center of Hit ulluy be
tween Ksttond and Third street, 200 feet ewt of
tne east line of Monroe street, running thence
In westerly dirctlon ulong the center of said
nllevtoaixjintWfeetwc-st of the east line of
jiuiiroesirtci, tlience uitlectingto the right by
u curvu of boul twenty-foot radius, to 11 iMjlnt
opposite ileucrtii lite of the ulley between snld 1
.Sseoiiil nud Third streets, nud 20 feet east of the
west lilir- nf Mnnrrw, strr..t tht.nrnln a ,i.,ii
1 erly direction parallel with the west line oi '
jionroe street, ntui 20 leet therefrom, to within 1
20 feet of the main lino of said sewer system
hereinbefore described: thence curving to the
left with a radius of about 20 feet, to connect
with said main line. (
Also n branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing on Lie west line of Jellerson street. 20
feet north of the south line of Fourth street,
thence running westerly parallel with the said
north Hue of Hmrth street, to a point 20 feet
west oi the east Hue of Luu';ullu street; thence '
byn cuive to the right ot nbout twenty feet
radius, to 11 point 3) feet east of the west line of
Luughllu street nud 20 feet south of the north
Inoof l-ourth street, thenco northerly, parallel 1
with the weit Hue of Ijiugrilln street, to con- !
liect with the main lineof said ecr system I
hereinbefore described, by u curve to the left of
about twenty feet radius. vhort tnlrt limit! 1 1 nr. I
of said tcwer system crimes Laiighlin street nt
the nlliy hem-sen fcecoud and Main HtreeU. 1
Also u branch lineof said sewer nystern, com '
menclngiit 11 point KJ0 feet south of thu north
lineof Fifth street and 20 feet east of Hip nut
best results
For Hale bv
the Vive
Use Clarke & Falks IJosofoam
for the
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
trace Marks
rrJTTV Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending n sketch nnd description ma
liilcklr ascertain our opinion free whether u
Invcntlon Is probably patentable. Communing
tlonsstrlctljrcontlileiitlal. Handbook on Patents
sent free. OMest nircncy for secunng patents.
IMtenu taken throuuh Jlunti & Co. recelre
fT'tolru)tl, without, ch.-irirc, In tho
scientific Jlmerican.
Horsesnoers I
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mnn. Phone 159
W'T y-yxiri.srjjrylrrJ.1 tj-J2
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nnd are duo to arrive at I'ortlu
r.oo p.m.
'HiOT a. y.
17:30 A. M,
i;, Atihlutid, ciac-1
euto, Ogden.Kau I
nclsen, Mojave, I 11:15 A. II
prcs Hale.,1, Hose
liurg, Atihlutid, ciac
Iaih Angeles, hi I'nso. 1
New Orleans uml I
I.oseburg and way sta-
lions , ...
I Via Woodhurc lor i
Mt. Angel, Ullvurtou,
Weit hulo, Ilrowns- '(
Natron J
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijinest elr.
nilallon of anr sctontltlc lnurnni. T..m,. tin
I-V.!.r.'Sri!10ii"JS''1, SoW brail nowsdealers.
MUNN&Co.36'Dro. New York
Dyspeosia Cure.
lineof Llbcttv street; thence along said Liberty , n -street
parallel with Mid west lineof said street, Uiae5TS wht VAII
"ouni) uiievuun, 10 connect Willi inn w j m VHh
els, byttcoiiveuientciirvetothoright.whete -""'"Jp in Btrengthenitlg and reCOtl-
in a noitherly direction, to
oiunen 01 fewer s
,! "i iieoiiveuient curve to tnorlgtit.wheie u onciiKtlieninf ana TCCOn
tuid ulley sewer cronies Liberty street. Btructlntrt he cxhnuteWZ.t L0Jt
Alton brunch lineof said sewer ytem, com- gans. It is the latest discoverer! rtlr,ncl
meneing 11 the center of the alley between Third ant and tonic Tsln rlf fllBbtr
arid tour h ctrccu, 2.') feet west of LlliertyM., ran nnnrMpu i e,r Preparation
and running along the renter of said nllev to n cn "PProacU it in efficiency. Tr, tn.
point i itct east of said Liberty Htreet.niid con. . BiantlV rellevM anrl nomnnnVti-"."
I th t in r.raimK LIJ ...... j. I "W- " . I'vi IMUUUUU V I T
lecitng with the brunch of said sewer system lu DySDebsIa Inrfll'MMnr w-rvuna
Llterty Dtreet, from tho east and west, by con-1 p&.ViE' iDaBer?0n. Heartburn,
vanlent curves of abiut a 0 foot mdius, ut the ' Si iWenSe' . Bour Stomach, NaUHea
i-o i.t wher said alley crosses Liberty utreet. . SickHeadache.Gastralgla Cramns anri
Also a branch line of said vi..m I kll nt.hnr runlii, irJil'lr?.l""8.Bull
Prepowd by E. C. DaWltt A Co., "cVcoa
rnenvini; In the center of (lioflliniriwtum.n
nd Fourth streets, 2.V) feeteaatol Court tre..r.
aua thence ruuiiliig along the coaler of mid al
ley in a westerly uirecunu, to a point 20 feet
vtof the east flue of Union atreet; thence by
u curve to the tlaht nf aluuit rti ;., mm inn uuiuii street urancn oi sail
sewer yttn.
i.,li.?."i ,.auc.lj n'.?.ld ??rer ytn. comroenc.
Irig In tho tenter of the allev between Third and
l-ourth atresia, at a point to fetmtof the out
llnfl nf w.ihliialfin . ...... ...... .
. .. v'"" iuiiiiiiik inence
along the center of ald alley to a point 2U) feet
eaat of Jellerson street, and connecting with'.Uio
i... ... ' . 'r rwer ooi running along
Uughlln street, by coiiTenlent curves o( about
D leet radius, at a uilnt whtmuM n,.
Mid UugbTm itreet. ' ,
Also a bfmnch .lino of auld itnm vn
"""' ' i'iiii ft ibci norin oi me iimtti
ne of rourth street and Wfuetewtof the east
lino of Waiblllgtotl Itrtwt: rUDIIIllr them-e In
an eaaterlr direction parallel with aald anuth
Hue of fourth Atraet. to comiFet i.v
JJ curve to tba left, of about a ao-fwit radius,
" . ... ,h. mhphimhwi uraiKjn ui aaia awer
nlriiu.' U,eoro1" 'outih and Uughllu
AUo a branch line of aald aewer ay stem, coin.
..cjifls. mu..
and Farmeps
roi'l- sni'n 1m"i!,J J!10 i'hrntcd
L UA .'"-'Kit, noknowl.
dgeil Hie best beer in The Dalles,
nt tin; usual price. Conns In, try
t and be f onvlnceil. Alio '
oi uii Minis niways on hand.
W"'J iJ:0P.V.
Dally (except Huuihiy;.
HOOp.m. (Lv I'ortlnnd Ar.i
7:.')p, m. Ai..Me.Mlnnvllle Lv.
S::i0p. in. Ar,. Independence.. I.v )
8:25 1, u
n rioint snu"
Offico or"r
r.tH.t.JJT.r"AUlKM' 0RK
Offlce over Kronen t t'o.'a IJauk
l'hone C,
Physician aud Surgeon,
BpucUl attention given 0 aurifery., uim VogUJ1(X!k
Look oncl Gunsmith. 7.
and Machine work.
Charles Buroliforf . op,,?:
Unlly. tHaily, except Huuriay
Attached to all Tliroimh Tralai.
Hirect connection nt Rn Kninclsco wllh Ocrl
dental nnd Oriental nnd I'ticlllc mall tUjamwiP
I llliea for JAI'AN nud CHINA. Balllne Mva w
i u plication.
Jinton hiiil licnets to 'tnstcrn ioini..
roiKj. Also JAI'AN, CHINA,
AUoTUALIA, , , ,
All atjovo trains urrivo ut anil ilwparC "wrr
(irutid Ceutral Btatlon. Fifth and Irvms
1'nwenKcr Deot, foot uf Jellerson itnw.
U'av for Sheridan, week days, at :S0p-
Arrive ut l'ortland, UIW n. in
U-avc or AIKLIK
Krlduf hi hill.', h in.
day, Tliumday and Baturi'nj it 3:03 P-
Kxcopt Btltiday. "Except Saturday,
ilanwcr. Asst. 0. K u tut. Af"
Through Ticket Otllcc, 131 Third 8treet,ww
through ticket .o al jilit" i 'Hfi.iiajS
Htntca, Canada and Kuroo can be obUluw
lowest rates from , ,
J, l. KIltKLAM). ilcMtAI1
or N. WHKAl.UON.
K on Monday, )Vcsl'idf?
n. Arrlvi- at rn.tir"
FRENCH & 00.,
Lettsrg of 0rdit Inned Hvallobl- In U
Km tern Statw.
flight Ekoimnge nd eIST
TrarTileri aold on New
St. Louia, 8n -Franciico, I'otZ
gon, Ke-ttk. WMh and vnrloM P"
In Oregon and WMhinifton.
orauia twua.
ia ui UaHMMMM
- - -K.'U.U .