The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 22, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
dneys, Liver
and Bowels
falls amounting from one-half to more
than one inch, remarkable for the sea
son, occurred in Washington nntl Ore
, pon, and although retarding harvesting
i in Oregon and causing eonie damage to
oats in Washington, were generally ben-
This has been another very favorable
week for corn. Except over southern
Missouri, central Kansas, and in central
and western Nebraska, where it needs
rain, the crop has generally made deci
ded advancement. It ia estimated that
early corn in the principal corn states of
the central valleys will be safe from
frost by September 15, and the late crop
by September 30.
Stacking and threshing of spring wheat
has been generally delayed by rains;
a id violent hailstorms in the lied Kiver
Valley have caused a loss estimated at
2 030,000 bushels in North Dakota and
about 50 per cent of the expected yield
of 50,000 .acres in Minnesota, while high
! winds have lodged and shelled consider
1 able ripe grain in the lirst-.iamed state.
' Oats in shock have sustained some
'damage from moisturein Missouri. Il:u
I vesting of this crop is now practically
tilttjriiNeit l.uilerd.
Notice Is herebr Riven Unit the cl'y council
of Dulles Citv hii determined to establish h
sewer sYstctn'fnr nil that ortlon ot said city ly
ing below tlic blull" anil east ot Lincoln street,
and has further determined that the cot of such
fewer system shall be ase.MHl aalust the
projierty beiiellteil thereby
Said sewer system l to tie of term cntta pipe
nmt the extent nnd location theieof to be a?
The innln llneot Mild fewer system -hall ex
tend from the low wnio line of the Columbia
mcneliis In the center of the alley (or Sixth st.)
south of block 11, at n iwilnt where the west line
of Washington street crosses said alley; thence
westeily alone the center ot said alley to a point
SS feet west of the east line ol Court street,
thence by a convenient eune to the right of
nhout aj-feet radlm to a point '20 feet cast of the
west line of Court street: thence lua northerly
direction parallel with the writ line of Court
street to the south lino of fourth stteet, thence
bv n curve to the left, ol atioui n -.n-iooi rauui, ,
ton iHihit on the wist line of Court street, .11 feet (
north of the south line of fourth street, thence
weslerlv along Fourth street, parallel with the
south line of Mild Fourth street, to a lolnt iM
feet west of the east line of t'tilon street; thence
I How About YouTTitle?
iiiiiu iiic nn nj suit. s iiiv vi-utiii'iii , i . i -!!
river, where the east margin of the motilh of , connecting by t. convenient eune to the rwtit,
Mill cteek at said low water strikes said river; i of about a '.iMoot rodlm, with the branch line
thence alone the east bank of said Mill creek 1 of said sewer system ruunliiK 11I011K l ulim st.
CM! feet to n stake under the north trestle of the
Oregon llallrof.d A- Navigation Company's rail
road,tliencent h right tletleetlou of in degrees
mi'l 10 minutes from the cnutse Inst puisiied
1M-3-I0 feet to a stake U-l.VKD lect north of the
northwest corner nf the stone wall bounding
the K. M. Wilson property: thence nt a left fie-
ueciiun irom tne cnur.-e jnsi ui-scnuti., u
Al.11 n li'iinnh line of I
nienelne at 1; point opposite the center of the nl-
lev ociwcvil ruutiu mm .-.nw,-. .- ,.. I
oust of the west line of Washington street, and .
runnlne thence In n wcsterij inreetion aioug j
the center of said alley to n olntllts feet west of
the east line of Court street; thence by a conve- (
nlcnt curve to the rleht of about a .D loot radius
grees and fit minutes 1-' fe-t to n point on the t t(, cmicet with the liraneh of said sewer system
west line of t'nlon street. ISO f et north of fecund
street: thence crosslnc I'nlon street 10 the ren-
1 ter of the alley between Second ami Main
street', thenre along the center 01 snia nney.
from t nlou to l-miclillu street: thence contin
uing In a straight line on the same courseneross
Ijwghlltl st'ect. to 11 oolnt nn thciat line of
said street, 115 feet north of Second street; thence
continuing in a straight line on the same
course, tcross blink S. ljuighlln's addition to
Dalli s C' feet, to Jell'orson street, on a line
123 feet from, and parallel to, second street
thence continuing on said straight line. In the
same course, 10 lect into Jetterson street to a
p ,'lntlt) leet eait of the west line of Jell'ersou
street and 12S feet north of Second street.
Thence at a left dellectlon from the line Inst
described, 3.5 degrees and '-VI minutes, Sl-A-tCO
feet, to a staked feet west 01 trio eni line 01
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofflce tit The Dalles un
called for August 19, 1899. Persons
ruiiutiu along Coilr' street
Also a branch Hue of said sewer system, com
mencing nt a point 20 feet north of the south
line of Hflh street, and liu feet west of the west
Hue of Court street, running thence In an east
erly direction to the west line of Court street,
thence liv a curve to the left, cl about 11 ID-foot
radius, to Intersect with the litaiieh tif said
sewer sjstcm ruiinti g on Court street lit the
crossing of said Tilth nnd Court streets.
Alo a liraneh Hue of said sewer system, com
nienclng at the center of the alley between
Fourth and Fifth streets, nt a point 21M feet east
of the cast line ot Liberty street, running thence
in 11 w citeriv directum along the line of the cen
ter of said alley, to n point '.0 feet west of the
east line of Liberty street thence by n curve to
the right of about 11 su ioot ramus, n mimed
'Phono SI.
A Ul' YOU SURE it is nil-right? Remember it is tl,
IA KECOUI) that ifoverns. It ia our bushices o
I feimih the records nnd bIiow what thov contain in
relation to land titles. If you contemplate LtiviiiK land
or loaning money on real estate security, take no ninn1
word, but insist upon knowing what the record t.0wB
regarding the title. An Abstract in as essential nsn
deed. Insist on having It. Wo have the only pot of
Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex
eentcd and satibfactlon guaranteed. It you have prop,
ertv to insure, give ui a call. Wo tire ngente for four of
the beet fire itiHuranco companies in tho world. If you
have property for Hale, list it with us and we'll flmlu
J, M. Huntington &Co.
2d St., oppo3lto A. M. Wllllnmo & Co.
Jefferson street: thence at a right dellectlon with the Liberty-street branch of the said sewer 1
de-crlbea 2: decrees and 1.1 : syst m.
from the line last
nilnutes, uo-17-100 feet, ton stake, thence nt a
right detection from the line last described '."7
degrees and 'JJ minutes 110-l-lCU feet to a stake
17-62 ICO feet from the southeast corner of the
lawn fence west of the O 11, A X Co.'s depot: I
thence at n left dellectlon fiom said line It de- ;
grces and 41 minutes, UWJ 10 feet to a point on ,
the west Hue of Monroe street 150 leet nottn 01 1
Second street and 6-7-100 feet north of the north- 1
west corner of Moody's brick warehouse: thence '
ICallitlC for the same will eive date on i continuing in a stmklit line on the course last
1 trhlnl, tl.ov rr n,K-prHB,l de'crlbed 100 87-1C0 feet to a point 0 feet north of
5 CAU . s,
oJ Vn r.
rcasAueriucwoiCTb rza jc& rtRtatiL
II. R. Blue is in from Wapinitia.
A. J. Dufur came up from Portland
last night.
Hon. M. A. Moody ami M. T. Nolan
are in Astoria attending the regatta.
Fred and George Weicel returned Iaet
night from camping at Stevenson.
Mrs. H. Gordion and daughter re
turned last evening from a visit with
relatives at Vancouver.
Mrs. J. B. Condon and grandson,
Clifion, have returned from their visit
at Seaview, Ilwuco beach
II. O.ikee, of the firm of Oakes &
Wilson, merchants of 1'rineville, is in
The Dalles ou a business trip.
Mies Gssner, a teacher in the Salem
punlie tehools, came in from Sherars'
Bridge today on Iter way home.
Mies Liura Thompson returned on
lat night'e train from a ten days' vaca
tion trip lo Seaside, Clatsop beach.
Mr, a td Mrs. John Fair an came in
from their home near Sherars' Bridge
yesterday, and returned this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Dufur and family
returned last evening from Wind river,
wh"fft they have been camping for some
v. eeks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Leonard have
been nt the hot springs near Spragni
for a few week and arrived homo ,on
yesterday's boat.
Mrs. C. W. Rice and son, Mrs. James
Pnipes nnd daughter, Bessie, and Miss
Estella Jackson returned last night from
camping at Cascades.
Rev. C. C. Poling, who is pastor of the
Congregational church in Lifayette, ar
rived on last evening!" train and is the
gnest of his brother, Rsv. D. V. Poling,
in this city.
Joe Heroux, who has been employed
in The Ohkonicle office fnrsomemonths
past, will leave this evening for Burne,
xiarnoy county, to accept a position :n
nn office tnere.
Mrs. Truman Butler and Miss Vir
ginia Marden, who have spent the past
month in SkHgwny, Juneau, and a few
dayc i i Victoria, returned home lan
evening much improved by their trip.
Miss Jeanette Williams nnd Miss Gar
trude King, of Mnro, left bv boat this
miming to visit friends in Hood River.
For the pat week they have been the
guests of Miss Josie Spink in this city.
wr. anu Mir, fc. (jerrecuten came up
jrotn roruauu yccteruay. Air. uerrecn
ten has been suftdring with
Allen, Thus
Anderson, Gust.
Brown, Edward F
Brown, S J (2;
Burke, Geo
Boyle, R L
Cohover, F F
Cook, James
Decker, Chas E
Duukin, John
Davis, R O
Ellis, E C
Evans, John
Fuput, II
French, Peter
Hanson, Jim
Howe, Wm
Kennedy, C D
Lusher, J
Logan, R C
Lehman, J C
Mult ain, Milton,
Normell, Mr
Price, Sam
Quick, Ed
Rams by, Max
Smith, M A
Swift, James,
laylor, J k.
Trefo, Arthur
Ventur, Francis
W Winnie, Eirl A
Wilson, John
Wochatz, Louis
Allen, Nellie
Albright, Mrs G A
Brown, Miss Lillie
B rnard, Mrs V J
Ciriisle, Miss Ida
French, Mrs Mant
Hearington, Lutie
HiL-giiis, Mrs M J
McArvin, Mrs Jas
Murphy, flatty
Wilson'sen, Mrs
Walker, Mrs Liura (2;
Allen, David
Ronton, E L,'2j
Brown, John F
Brown, D A
Bouney, C R
Braida, G
Citler, Geo E
Compton, J G
Dart, Chns
Davison, W A
Dodd, Lewis
Ecsola, M
Funtrht, W T
French, Harry
Hanson, P
Hite, E D
James, II S
Kincart, Frank E
Leseiur, Leonard
Lovelace, J W
MuDaniels, John
Metcalf, W H
Norton, Manuel
Oltifield, Oicar
Robinson, Al L
Simmond, Geo
Sachs, August
Spray, Mrs J C
Terpenning, Jno E
Thornton, John
Wright, Chas
Wilson, Ed
Williams, Areli V
Weimer, W E
Adaais, Emma B
Brice, Daiey (special;
Bennett, Mrs Mary
Cam bell. Mite Edr.a
Ccok, Mise DjIIic
Friedlv, Mrs A J
Hauna, Mrs Henrv
Kel'y, Mrs W D "
McReynolda, Mrs L
Xolan, Miss Nellie
Wright, Miss Dolly
Also it bninch line of said sewer system, com
mencing at the center of the alley north of j
.Main stteet ntidoO feet west of W ashlngton st. .
thence running along the center of said alley to I
a point 310 feet west of I nlou street: thence
connecting with the innln sewer system near
the bank of Mill creek, by a cm ve to the right of
about a 25-foot rtdlus.
Also a brunch line of said sewer system, com
mencing nt n point In Fourth street, 2.V) feet 1
west of the west line ot Liberty street, and 20
..,.. ..,M,,,.-. .,.i.,n ,r.,ro. i lee? liortn or rue souin i ne oi rourio uueei.
house 132 o 10 feet north of Second street nnd 70 . 'Hnu'."" 1'101,ce 1" 'j vaiterly diicc t ot i.long
feet east of Monroe street: thence at a right de- I outfit street, pr illel w'ilh the south line of
ileetlou from the last line 7-02, aiMM-llO foot, to ' nld street to tnc we.,t line of I.lliert M eet ,
astake in Tavlor street. Ki-0-lU feet north of thence bj a convenient curve o the left of about
.H.HIII lm. am r,.T.,.llO fpet M'CSt or the tto.,1 -'it" mums, n, unuminiui mv.- uiiiiiui
said sewer Hvstem running tin nnd down Lib
erty street, nt'the crossing of said Fourth and
Liberty streets.
This notice is published by order of said City
Council, made on August run,
NF.I. II. (5ATK3.
niig l'.ecorder of ILilles City.
P. M.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby gir?n that the uiidersisned
has been duly unpointed by the honorable
County Court of the atate of Oregon, for Wasco
county, as executor of the estate of I'hebeJ.
llalght, diceused. All perrons huviog claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same, properly verified, to me at my
ntlice in Dulles City, Oregon, within six mouths
from the date of tuis notice.
Dated this 5th day of July. ISM.
Executor of the estate of I'heLu J. Ilnfght.
deeeiued. Jly s-II
end of the Wasco warehou
A branch of said sewer system shall connect
with the main Hue in I'nlou street, 20 feet from
the west lltic of said street, at a point lis feet
north of Second street, and shall run along said
I'nlon street 'JO feet east of the west line thereof,
to a iKilnt 20 feet south of the north Jlne of
Tenth street.
Another branch lino of said sewer system
shall commence in the center of the alley be
tween second and Third streets, at n jKilnt 10
feet west of the eiist line of Lincoln street, and
run thenc-along the center of said alloy to a
point 2t) U-et east nf the cast Hue of Court
street, connecting with the branch of sild fewer
&1!&rim TltmilnfT It,, fulfill strmit lii.rttltilu.fitr,.
de-crlbjd, from theeastnnd west, by convenient j
curves of ubout a twenty-foot radius. I
Also n branch of said sewer system eommeno-! ,. , , n . ,
ingin thecenter of the alley between ?tcond ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyppepsia
and Third streets, on the east line of Washing-! lji.caue ito inrTL-diLnt aro audi that it
ton street, and running thence easterly along ' u(-cn-L npri.uit.iiu art aucu inai it
the center of said alley, to n point where the ' can't help doing so. "The public can
center of said alley iuteraecti with tho tireent ; , .. . , . ,,
sewer of Max Vest A Co., where it crosses said rely upon it as a master remedy for all
alley. Thence northerly and easterly along the ,iienri,a ,;a;ni, trn, imnnrint ,1ina.
Cash In liour Clu cks.
I All conntv warrants registered prior
to October 1,1895, will be paid at my
ofiice. Interest eeaMis after Julv 2G.
street hereinbefore J 18GU. C. L. PfflLLII'S,
Countv Treaaurer.
I tion." James M.
Thomas, M. D., in
To Cure a Colli Mi Dux Day.
Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tal-
lete. Ail druggists refund the money if
it Jaila to cure 2.)c.
Use Clarke & FalkE Rosofonm
for the
Copper Colored
Thoro is only one cure for Contagious
Blood Poison the disease which has
completely baffled the doctors. They
are totally unable to cure it, and direct
their efforts toward bottling tho poison
up in tho blood and concealing it from
view. S. 6. S. cures the disease posi
tively and permanently by forcing out
OUlce ov'r rst Nat. Hank
Ofllce over French i Co.'s li.utk
Pliysician and Surgeon,
BccIb1 attention given lo surgery.
Uooms 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vogt lllock
Notice ils hereby given that the undersigned
has filed hl final account as executor of the ci
tato of Sarah McAtee with t ie clerk of the
count court of thestato of Oregon, for Wheo
county, and that Thunday, the Ulth duyof July,
ipj-j, niwie nour or iu o clock a, in. has Lmmi
o u rt room in
Jectlons tosald final account and settlement of
tald estate.
Dnteil July 13, lbOO. THOS. NOIiVAL.
J"""'! l.xecutor.
,v ,uu nuui UI JU I, UJOI.'K a
fixed as tho time mid the county
Dalles City as the p ncu for tho
riieumausm mrnr .nnn t i,
. . i ...:m .... .i m luaiv
lui ruifici tlllin UIIU tll ,l y HID IJtULUUy VI
the Wind river hot springs, while "his
wifo visits with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Buchler.
Mr. and Mrs, 8. Bolton and family,
Geo. Rueh, Jr., and Miss Edna Barneit
came tin from camp at Stevenson jeslrr
day. Tho first part of their camping
expotionce this year was very enjoyable,
but the rains of the past two weeko
were anything but desirable.
I -was afflicted with a terrlhln Wnrwl ,lluniu.
Whlcli was lu spots at first, but afterwords
aprenu an over my body.
These soon broke out Into
sores, and It Is eaay to
imagine the Buttering J
endured. Jleforo I be.
came convinced that tho
doc torn could do no Kood,
I had spent a hundred
dollar, which was really
thrown away. I then
tried various patent
medicines, but they did
not reach the disease
When I had finished my
first bottle of tt. 8. 8. 1
was greatly improved
and u dfIlahtl with
chest began to gmyr paer and smaller, am
The weekly crop repot t rublished at iSLpS"" ?" ?'?o? fB8,,.0" m2
Waebingtor. D. O., eayp ; before long dUappeared enUrely. I regained
Vry favorable weather conditions 1 KitTiStfi "im"" TfSXZAK
prevailed durinu the week in the Ohio
valley, and generally in the Middle,
ont'i Atlant'c, and east Gulf fitaUs,
throufihont the central and aoutbera
Bocky Mountain dial rids and on tbe
Pacific coast. Drought prevails in tho
lower Lake region, northern New Eng
land, nnd portions of the central and
west Gulf BUtes, while the lower Mis
onri, Red Kiver of tbe North, and cen
tral MiHlsaippi valley's, have suffered
from ekfJHtJve raiasaevere and destruc
tive ,Mifa';wlKf la Wiseosaia,
Minnatota,' and North' Dakota. Rajii-
well, and my skin as elear as a piece at nlass,
n. u. MTBBS, too Mulberry St., Newark, N. J.
Don't destroy all possible chance of a
tnuro by taking the doctor's treatment
of meroury and potash. Tliese minerals
cause the hair to fall out, and will
wreck the entire system.
is pdbeiiT vbqktable, and ia the only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
potash, meraury, or oUmt niaanl.
Books od tke disease and its teat
xaent taalla jsje by jwjft gyaaiao Com
FsJi sum! vnwgit.
Hue of sa d tewer as It u now located, to the
point where said fewer Intersects the mam line
where the main line of said sever crosses Fed-I Americtn Journal of Health, . 1
cral stteet, between .Second and Thiid.
Also, n branch line of said fewer ystcm, com
mencing at a ioint in the center of said allev be
tween second and Third streets-, lOi feet east of
KederI street, and running thence alone tbe
center of said alley to the west line of LiiUKhlln
street; and thence eoniKCtinr; with the 1 niish
liu street sewer by a left curve of absut a aj fuot
radius, lu said Iau;hltu .street.
Also a branch line of
meneinjrat a point ns the cast linenf Monroe
street, UJ feet north of the .south line nf Third
street, running thence westerly, parallel to the
south Hue of Third street, and ) feet from snli!
south line to a point 10 leet west of the east line
of Madison street: thencu curving to the tight
with n curve of about a 20-foot radius, to n point
in said Maflion s'reet 11) feet from the north
line of Third street and 10 feet from tho west
Hue of said Madison street: tlii'iin- imrthnrlv
along said Madison street on a lino parallel with
the west line uf said street, to a point 3) feet
from the west line of said street, and 'JO feet
south of the center line of thuallev between .-
ond and Third street),; thence deil.ctlng to the
icu u LiavB oi aooui u '.rj-ioni ramus, ton
point where the went line of Madison street in
tersects the center Hue of said allev heiur.-n
second and Third streets: thence in a westerly
direction along the center line of a d alley to u
toiutlO feet west of the cast line of Ijoiohllo
street, thence dellectlng to tho right by a curve
of about uLM-foot radius, to connect with thu
branch of said scucr system running up taugh
lin street, in said Laughlin street.
Also a branch line of aid sewer svstcm. com.
mencing at a point iu the center of the alley be-
irai Beoiiii auu iiuru sireeir, '.-ou leer uiat OI
tac Cast line of Mouroo street, rnnnitir. Ilmnrn
ill M wcsterlv direllon aloixr the rrninr nf onlil
alley to a point feet west of the eait line of
Monroe street, thence dcllccting to the right by
a curve of about a twenty-foot radius, ton point
ophite the ticrth Ike of the alley between said
Second arid Third streets, and 'JO feet cast of the
wesuiiieni .iiouroe street; thence in a north
erly direction parallel with thu west lino ol
Monroe street, and CO feet therefrom, to within
feet of the main line of said .sewer system
hereinbefore described tlienco curving to the
left with a radius of about 20 feet, to connect
with said main line.
AUn,a branch Hue of cnfiJ sewer system, com.
mencing on the nest line of .leil'erson street. 'JO ,
feet north of tne south Hue of Fourth street;
thence running westerly parallel with the said i
north line of hourth street, to n point 'JO feet1
west of the cast lino of Ijiughlin street, thence !
by a cuive to the right ui about twenty feet'
inu.ue, iu ii jjuiiii u leet easi oi me west i.uc oi
Ijuighlln street and a) feet south of tho north
'Hie of Fourth street, thence northerlv. parallel
with the west line of Iiughllu street, to con
nect with tho main lino of said so. er system
herelubcforu described, by a curve to the left of
about twenty feet radius, where said main line
oi sam sewer system crosses ijiughllu street ut
the alky between second and Main Htteets.
Also a branch line of ald sevver system, com
incuciiigat u point ISO ftet south of tho north
lino of fifth street and iio feet east of tho west
lllioof I.lbertv street; thciicinlomrsald Liberty
street iirallcl wltii said west Hue of said street,
III M rwt'tliOf-Itt fllrffnn r i . mr.f.Ai ...1st. I. '
branch of mwer system heicinteforo descrlbeii, Lltartlflcially dllteststlie foodanrl nlrla
lWJ'h Mature In atrcnKthoE rinV nn,?n?HB
LVidTneyVcuc exhausted "dlKestlve or-
Also a branch Hue of said sewer ystcm, com- B8?8, '8 'ne latCStdlSCOVered difrest
mencing in the center of thenlley ltweeii 1 bird , ant and tonic. No Other Drcnaraf Inn
and fourth streets. 23) feet west of Mteam., it t" "Si'.V VVaTHUOD
una running along the center of said allev to a ' :rn?r"",'Y:" '."."i uniciency. It
ihjuii itei east oi raid
ueciiug Willi tho branch
Liberty stteet, Jroni the
vinletit curves of abiut
point whetu said alley crosses Liberty street.
Also a branch line of said sower system, com
mencing In the center of tho alley between Third
and f ourth streets, :) feet east of Court street,
and thence running along the center of said al
ley lu a westerly direction, to a point 20 feet
west of the east fine of Union street; thence by
a curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius, to
connect with thu Union street branch of tal i
sower system.
Also a branch of said sower system, com menc
ing In thoceuter ol the alley between Third and
f ourth streets, at a j-ilnt Mi leet vast of the out
Hue of Washington street, and running thence
along the center of said ulley ton point aw leet
cast of Jefferson street, and coniiectlnx with the
branch ol said sewer system tunning along
I.IIUhlln street, bv conTerileot cnrv. nf .i.,..r
VO-leet radius, at a point where said alley crosses
said lughllu street.
Also a branch line ol said sewer system, com
mencing at a point W leet north ol tho south
line ol fourth street and ta leet east ol the east
line ol WsshlllKtou street: runnlnv iIikiii-h in
an i easterly direction parallel ulth ssid south
Hue Of f ourth street, to connect bv h , nrivni.
cat carve ta lbs left, of about a usj-foot radius,
with tbe Uuffhlin-sUeet branch ol said sewer
system, at the crossluK of fourih ud Uughliu
Also a branch line of said sewer system, com.
Best Work at
beast Possible Cost
GimnintetHl to give sntisruetion, IVo arc here to stay; therefore every
effort will he iiiutlo to establish a business. It will pay you to examine out
work ami consult our prices.
Heat Crown anil Hriiljro work ;22k. Roltl), per tooth $4,50
HcHt set teeth, irnai anteed , . . J.50
Hest Gold Filling $1.00 up
Best pilver or alloy filling 60c np
Teeth extracted without puin 50c
Chapman Block', Second St. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager.
..chas. mM-
and Farmers
Keepi on drauKht thu celebrated
COl.t'JIHIA HKi:i:, iicUnmvI.
edited the best beer lu The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come In, try
it and be convinced. Al'o the
finest brands of Wines, Lliuor
and Clears.
of nil Kinds always on hand.
EAST and SOUTH via
;The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at i'ortlu
V.OO 1'. M.
h"ui a ! Kosebt
H.30 A. M.(tl(1IW
firess, nalcm, nose- '
lUtK, Ashland, Hue-1
rnmcnttj, OKdcn.Sau I
f'rniiclseo, Molavc, f
I.os AiiroIch.EI l'aso, I
New Orleans and
Hosebtirg and way sta
13 A.M.
fVItt Woodburr. fori
I iit.AHECi, biivcrum,
West bclo, llrowns-
Natron J
I vl
tT-tn A v i M-orvaius niiu
1 1. JO A. SI. J jBtMt(m8
wyj ,5:50 i'..
INDKl'KNDEN'nE I'ASSENGElt. KxpretJ trsis
Dally (except Huuila
laip. tn. jLv 1'ortlaud A
'JO l. Ill
H:;) p. m,
Ai .MeSllinivIlle I.v
Ar,,Iudceiideucc..l.y .
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothors Wagon.
: Third aui JciTcrn Phouc 159
tttilsru VIV'ALITt,
Cures Itnpotency, Night Emlnslons and
waHtinp diseases, all etTecta of self.
auuse, or excess and indls
cretlon. Anervc tonic unil
blood builder. Urinfis the
pink glow to nle cheeks ant
restores the fire of youth.
By mall COc nor lirivtl.v,.
tor IR2.50; with a wrlitmi
tee to caro or refund tho mouey.
0ttw.4MfcMn OMCAQO, ILL.
Bold by BLkeley & Houghton, The
D1Im, Oregon.
Look anu Ounemlth, J
nr. Machine work.
'Dally. tlliitiy, cxeojit bunnar
msiNo cAita on ocihk.n ItOUTB.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at riau f nui'lsco with Ocd
dental and Oriental and I'aclllc mall ''n,l"f
lines for JAI'A.N and CHINA. Hailing dt W
a plication. ,
Itiites and tlcltets to Kastern tinlnts
AIIHTUA1.IA. . . .
All above trains arrive at and iliTsrt irw
Grand Ceutral Htatlon. filth mid Irving Hiw"
I'asscngcr Deiiot, loot of Jederon street.
lavo fur fiherldnn, week days, at 1:80 p. m
Arrive at 1'ortlutid, UiSO a. in,
U'avc lor AMU, IE on Slnndiiy, W'ed'iesttoTWj
Kridiiy at h.-a.i a. in. Arrlvi' at l'ortliuioi nw
dav, Thursday and Saturday it 8;05 p. m.
ISxcopt Huuday, "Excopt Satnnlay.
ilnuaicr. Asst. U. f A 1 '
Through Tlcltot Ofllce, 131 Third street, irhJ
through ticket to all ilut ia JVt
States, Canada and Kuroia! call ho oblslnco
lowest rates Irom . , , ,
J. 11. KIUKI.AND, Ticket Altai-
Lettera of Credit lanued ovallable In tb
Eaatarn States, ...i.-
Bight Exchange and 'a'aTCfi
Tritnlert Kid on New V.Vrk, sfnS
St. touli, Ban Francisco, fortlMWj
gon, Seattle Waih., and vnrioui f
In Oregon and Washington. fc
Collections made at all polntt o"
orable term.