The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 22, 1899, Image 3

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    No time to write Ads. We are making extensive alterations in
order to better enable us to display goods. Big reductions in all depart
ments. Must havo room for Fall Stock.
All GoocIh Marked
In Plnln Flrurn.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST i!2, 181W
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be banded in before i o'clock A. M., as
HO cll;illi'i' will In- iirrinril iii tln rift.
ernoun This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, iSyn.
Last evening about 5 o'clock a mar
'ii!o licunsu wiia granted to Uenry Hud
wa, Jr., mid Marguerite Covey, both of
This morning ut nbout 10 o'clock the
IB-months old daughter of Mr. mid Mrs.
Ulectcr, died nt tlieir home on East
Fourth etrent.
Supt. Gilbert iB arranging for a county
inJlitiito to bo held hero on tho 7th, 8th
"'"1 Oth of next month. Slnte Supt.
Ackerimin will bo present.
Mre. U. I.. Phillips announces to tho
"dies tlmt she has just received n ship
ment of tho very latest thing in full lints,
particularly for street wear. 22-23.
Mre. lion. Wilson has returned from
w camping trip and 1h now ready to
''lie photographs nt hor gallery on Sec
ond street. Prices from $1 to $5 per
School in district No. 10, on Cheno
weth creek, will commence noxt Mon
Jty, August 28th, Miea Mnrgnrotto
bhelley, daughter of Troy Shelloy, has
wen engaged as teacher.
Tn men arrived In tho city from Port
"id Inst night and today commenced
ok on another lino for tho Oregon Tel
eplitmo Company between hero nnd Port
'a"d. Thotr buelnesB is continually im
Proving and yesterday fifty inrsaanea
were put through nt tho ofllco hero in
,e" than threo hours.
Anyono wishing to mako mi inveat-
In property, either within or wltli-
the limits of Tho Dallee, should
WMult Dad Butts, because he has
Property for sale in every quarter of
Jiecltyji,, fact ull over Wasco county.
you mvoahouw to rent or want to
wnt a house call on old Dad.
in'iT1. KummBr' wl ,00"
od to h8 (orinor po.itmu M .pprgll'er
DIm' h"8' ttnd ll J' Handrlokf, who
the W m ."lt!e i,Ur,n ,,,, bMnce ,n
m 'IU)li.e( will reiuine the practice
of law and tho editorial management of
tho Sulem Statesman, of which publi
cation ho is tLo principal owner.
The Degree of Honor aro planning to
give one of their pleasant socials Wednes
day evening in Fraternity hall. This
is good weather for dancing, and Prof.
Birgfeld has boon engaged to furnish
music, eo that will no doubt be the
principal teuturo of the evening.
Penee & Mays will never be contented
until everything in connection with
their splendid Btoie 1b faultless in its
arrangement. They aro now having the
show windows enlarged by adding two
feet nnd a half to their depth, and when
tho work in completed they will have
ample room to display their stock of
Georgo M. Weister, Portland's ecenic
photographer, nnd 0. D. Wheeler, ad
vertising agent for the Northern Pacific,
came up on tho boat yesterday, and to
day made u trip to the upper Me un
loose island for the purposo of obtaining
photographs. They will secure many
views along tho river and of Ecenery
near The Dalles. Mr. Wheeler has writ
ten much which not only advertises his
road, but Oregon in general.
"Jack," the wharf boat dog, does not
propose to allow any dog gone canine to
infringe on his rights so far as being the
only dog on the dock is concerned. So
hist night when a meaely cur mado his
uppearnnco as the Dalles City arrived,
Jack forgot hia duty, which consists in
grubbing hold of tho rope nod pulling
tho boat in, and proceeded to remove the
bark from his rival. Quito an excite
ment prevailed as a result, but Jack
camo out uhead nnd bo tho Regulator
Hue still continues in business nt tho old
stand. liavo been hoping against
the greatest odds that on the first day of
the'regatta tho euu would dare to peep
through the ever-present clouds nnd
favor that drenched community with his
smiling face. Hut although tho clay
opened auspiciously, their hopes were
dashed to the ground before the first
event was announced, for the clouds
were again lowering and tho day was a
dismal one. The coronation of the queen
was postponed until evening. A largo
crowd was in attendance but tho dismal
weather has cast a damper on the entire
All the farmers, and in fact every one
for what interest them is of vltul Im
portance to all are on tho anxious seat
concerning the outcome of the crops .and
the effect the rains will have ou the
grain. It is therefore encouraging to
have audi a call as that made at Tiik ofllce thli morning by A.
Pease Mays.
McLeod of the KingBley neighborhood.
He brought with him samples of the
wheat which Itemi Rondeau, whose
farm is on Tygh Ridge, finished thresh
ing yesterday. No one would ever dream
of n failure when examining it, and Mi.
Rondeau's crop averages forty-two bush
els to the acre, and tho bafley fifty
seven. Ho has ceased raising spring
grain and by summer fallowing half of
hia land finds that lie line u better crop
than by his former method. A few
oilier wheat growers there have finished
threshing with splendid results; but
nearly all the spring grain is etill stand
ing. Mr. McLeod says the rain has done
little if any damage on the other eide of
Dnfur, and if it censes now reaily no
damage will bo done. Last Sunday it
rained but about twenty minutes on the
Hidge. If any havo eimilar experiences,
let another brother speak.
Tux en or I'l'iiporly JIhIbciI Should lie
JWuilu it II -n 1 1 1 1 ltt'sort.
Judge Bennett returned last night
from Stevenson where he has been en
gaged trying a case which relates to the
hot springs at Wind river. It seems
tlmt on attempt was made by the county
commissioners to raiso the taxes on the
property, which is owned by St. Martin,
from $00i) to $10,000, Tina move it is
thought, has been made in the attempt
to compel the owners to dispose of it in
boiuo manner so that other parties may
secure it and thus make of it what the
healing properties of tho water would
warrant a health resort. Judge Ben
nett appeared for the defense, and suc
ceeded in preventing it being raised to
more than $1000.
While it does not seem just to at
tempt to wrench from tho proprietors
the laud which lias been theirs for nt
least twenty years, at tho same time
they should not prevent Its being used
for the greatest good to the greatest
number. Like (he dog iii the manger,
they ecem inclined to improve tho
property as little ns poseitde and prevent
others from doing bo. At difl'emt times
large euuib havo been offered them for
it, but tltoy refuse to sell.
There la this advantage to bo gained
by the present condition, and that is
people of Email means have au oppor
tunity to go there and enjoy camping
privileges by paying but a email sum to
the owners. Worn some person or
persouB to fit It up ae a summer resort,
only the wealthier class could afford to
frequent the place. A splendid way out
of the difllculty would be for some one
to lease a portion of tho grounds and
fit them up as a retort, leaving the re
mainder to be used by campers ami
charging a email euni for the use of the
There is no doubt ns to tho healing
properties of tho water, which have
been tested diffidently this year nt least.
On the boat going to Portland last Satur
day was a woman who had epent but n
few weeks there, nnd yet instead of be
ing crippled with rheumatism eo that
she could not help herself ae was the
case when she went thore, eho was
almost as spry as nny of tho other
It Is to bo hoped that many improve
ments will be mado before another
season nnd tho springs bo the blessing
ihey were designed to be.
Ileiiort That thn Coluinhla Valley tloail 1
I a Moliler I'lati. !
A tip from n direct ?ourco is to tho ef
fect that the 0. It. & N. is back of the
company that is securing rights of way
down the north side ot the Columbia riv
er. This is the talk on railroad row to
'Die company referred to is the one in
corporated by Messrs. Gerlinger and Sta
pleton, under the caption of the Colum
bia Valley railroad. Rumors have had
almost every transcontinental road on
tho continent backing the road projectod
by Mr. Gerlinger. The incorporators
maintained all along that the road would
be built as an independent line; that no
road was backing it, and that it would
be operated solely upon its merits.
But railroad men are loath to believe
that any private concern would build
such a road independently, unless upon
mere speculation. Owing to the low
grades of which the road will get tho
benefit, there is no question about it
proving a good speculative venture, as
the Northern Pacific or Great Northern
would give a good price to eecuro the
possession of such an advantageous out
let to the seaboard, but there are indica
tions that the road is pushed by the 0.
It. &. N. It is asserted that thoBe em
ployed in surveying and obtaining rights
of way aro paid in 0. It. & N. gold. If
the informant is correct it is another
evidence of Mr. Mohler's long-beaded
policy. Naturally he would understand
the advantage of controlling tho Columbia
gateway. If any other road built down
north side of the river it would play
havoc with the O. II. & N.'e traffic. By
anticipating such a thing and building a
line itself, the U. It. & N. will havo ab
solute control of the Columbia river gate
way. With such an advantage it could
ehut out the other roads from Portland
and not feel the slightest uneasiness.
While the Northern Pacific and Great
Northern wouldfbe toiling andjjstraining
and using a great deal of steam in getting
cars over steep grades, the O. It. A N.
would bo smoothly gliding down an easy
grade in less than half the time con
sumed by those of its competitors.
These facts are apparent to every rail
road man.
Not long ago Mr. Mohler remarked at
a dinner that "lie never took a blufl'in
his life,'' and once in control of tho Co
lumbia river gateway if is not likely that
he will take what railroad men call
"Mellen's biufl'." Telegram.
An Advert IkIiik Hone;.
One of the English trade journals
publishes the following parndy on "I
Don't Like You Any More," which, it
save, is going tho rounds and is likely
to prove a hit :
We don't want to buy at your place,
We don't trade there any more;
You'll bo sorry whin you see us going to
some otlier store.
You can't sell us any stale goods,
Wo have opened wide our eyes;
Wo doti't want to trade at your store be
cause you don't advertise.
To Cleaime the System
Kfl'ectually yet gmtly, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to nwuken the kidneys
and liver to n healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headache?, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Voli-anlu Kriiitlon
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of j.iy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, running and fever toiee,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pilo cur.o on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 2& cts. a box. Cure guaranteed,
Sold bv Blukeloy it Houghton, drug
gists. a
"Our baby was sick for a mouth with
severe cough and caturrhal fever, Al
though wh tried many remedies she kept
getting worse, until we used One Min
ute Cough Cure, it relieved nt once and
cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance,
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the tkln, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded,
25 ct. and 60 cts. Blukeley & Houghton, '
Kodol Dyepepsia Cure thoroughly di
gests food without aid from the stomach
and at the same time heals nnd restores
the diseased digestive organs. It is tho
only remedy that docs both of tlieee
things nnd can bo relied upon to per
manently cure dvFpepsia. Butler Drug
Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga,,
says he suffered with itching piles twenty
years before trying DoWitt'e Witch
IIbzkI Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cured him. Beware of wortlileea
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
All outstanding warrants against
School District No. 12, Wasco county,
Oriyon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L.
Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date.
C. L. Schmidt,
Clerk School Dist. No. 12.
The Dalles Or., Anc 14, 1899.
Latest tiling in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bare. C. J.
Stubling, agent, The Dallee. M17-3m
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For eale at all first-class bare. C. J
tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3rn.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For enle at all first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the beet
tonic. For eale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For eale
by Clarke & Folk. tf
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system, neyer
gripe or nnuseats Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
"Harmony" WhUkey.
Harmony whiskey for family nnd
special use, sold by Ben Wileon, The
Dallee. jl
Trace Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyono sending n sltctr-ta nnd description ma"
QiileUly ascertain our opinion frco whether a
Invention Is probably patentable. Communlcfr.
lions RtrlctlTContldenttal. Handbook on Patents
wilt free. Oldest ncency for securing patents.
Patents talien throuch Jlunn Jfc Co. receive
tptctalmtM, wimoutcuanie, mino
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.arecst clr
rnlatlon or miy sclentlBc Journal. Terms, li a
jretr: Jour months, th Soldbyull newsdealers.
WUNN & Co.3C1Broadwa New York
Branch Office. C25 I" SU Washington. 11. C.
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
j Ts now in shapo to properly
A handlo all lrinps of work
f from a puncture to building a
5i wheel.
! -
Also repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
k This department is under tho charge of Mr. J. ttirchotT.
. .
-Tills brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer ns a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Com wood
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
Diaier & Benmn
Hardware nnd
Grocory dealers.
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, is an old
saying, but
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
catches more than either. No insect
can resist its attraction niul oreo within
its power ttie tormenting possibilities of
that insect are over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contains many otlior prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
Sewing Machines and all
machinery, etc.