The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 22, 1899, Image 1

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vol. xir
NO 111
I) c Dalles
Wiiili Lite to Sec Violence Against
Filipinos Slopi.
Capable of Self-Government But they
Must First Submit to Law An
Interview Credited to the Admiral,
but Hearing Some Evidences of
Nr.w Yokk, Auk. 21. A dispatch to
tliu World from London gives nt soino
length the London Daily News' reported
interview with Admirul Dewey ut Nnplee.
According to tho eorrespondont Admirul
Dewey began by saying that he regarded
Cavito 11 h tho battle which decisively
turned tho fortunes of war in favor of tho
American:). He added:
"The Spanish ehipa were fought well,
all tho same."
The correspondent nskud him if the
Philippines were likely to be paciOed
coon. The udmirul replied:
"I have tbe question of the Philippines
more nt heart tlmn bus uny other Ameri
can, because 1 know the Filipinos inti
mately itnd they know 1 um their friend.
The recent insurrection is tho fruit of
tliu uimrchy which has lung reigned in
the islands, but the insurgents will have
to submit themeulvesto the law after bo
ing accustomed to no luw ut all. I believe
and nllirm, nevertheless, that the Phil
ippine question will be very shortly
"The Kilipinoa are capable of govern
inn themselves; they Imvo nil qualifica
tions for it. It is a question of lime, but
tin- only way to settle tho insurrection
and assure prosperity to the archipelago
is to concede self-government to the in
habitants. That would be u solution of
many questions and would satisfy all,
especially tho Filipinos, who believe
theniBclves worthy of it and are so.
"I have never boon in favor of violence
toward tho Filipinos. The islands are
at this moment blockaded by a fleet and
war rciime in the interior. This abnorm
al statu of things should cease. I should
like to Kee autonomy first conceded and
then annexation might be talked about.
This is my opinion,
"1 should like to seo violence nt once
put a stop to. According to my view,
the concession of self-government ought
to 1m the most just und logical solution."
Tim Admiral epoko with nu air of
frank conviction.
Storm In Iowa.
Ilia-man, Ia., Aug. 20. Karly this
woriung u severe wind and ruin etorm
Visited this section, and did much dam
Ki in both city and country. Trees
were blown down and uprooted, numer
ous sheds and buildings blown over. A
section of Steyor'a opera houso was
lifted oirund deposited in the Btreet half
tt block away, tearing down n number of
telephone- wires no it deicended. Tho
now lodguroom of the ElkB and the club
rooms of tho German Singing Society in
the Stover block were damaged consid
erably by water running in whero the
roof was blown off. Reports from the
country indicate that a great many wind
'"IIIh and stacks of hay and grain were
blown over.
Miss Horlockcr Will Not Be Tried (or
Attempting to Kill Mrs. Morcy.
waiia, Aug. 20. A special to tbe Bee
I mm ii it ...
Word comes from Hutinoa ti.. Miu
7 lUrloclie, who ii Bnder a (6000
nd, charged with having attempted to
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
tako tho life of Mrs. CharleB F. Morcy,
hy sending her a box of poisoned candy
on April 10 last, is now In nn insane
asylum nt Jacksonville, III. About two
months ago MissIIarlocker went to New
York city to visit her eiEter and recup
erate, but it was generally thought nt
thattiico tho would not return to Hast
ings to attend the continuance of her
hearing, which wus to come up in the
equity term of the district court, Sep
tember, aftor which she was to have
been hound over to the jury term of the
district court in December. It is the
general feeling here that Miss Horlocker
will be properly judged insane, nnd this
celebrated case will thus bo brought to
a close.
For un Editor t Itenmumeiitl l'atout
From Svlvan Valley News, Brevrud,
N. C.
It may bo a question whether the
editor of n newspaper bus the ri;ht to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as a preventive of suffering
wo feel it n duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain'e Colic, Cholera ond Diar-rhoc-n
ltemedy. We have known and
need this medicine in our family lor
twenty years and haye always found it
reliable, ln'mnny rases n dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while u physician is awnited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, b.u we do
believe that if a bottle of Ctiumberlain's
Diarrhoea Itomedy wus kept on hand
and administered at the inception of au
attack, much Buffering might be avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during the past twenty years. For eule
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Russell Harrison 111.
Santiago we Cuua, Aug. 20. Major
KubsoU Harrison, inspector-general, is
critically ill with yellow fever. Tho dis
ease has progressed for three (lave, al
though not pronounced yellow fever un
til this afternoon. The caBe is the first
to occur at Cristo, where the headquar
ters wub removed last month to escape
infection. Of lato the quarantine rules
have been relaxed, owing to the fact that
there have been no cases in the city nnd
the officers from headquarters have been
in tho liubit of coming to Santiago daily,
returning to headquarters at night. Ma
jor Harrison has been isoluted but not
brought to the fever hospital.
Valnrrli Uuiiiiot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and ucts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quock medicine
It was was prescribed by ohm ol tlio uest
pbyBlciaiiB in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the host tonics known, combined with
the hest blood wurillots, acting directly
on tho mucous Burfaces. Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredient is
nroducea such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chknkv & Co., Trops., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugglsts, price 7fic.
Hall's Family 1'UIb are the heat. 12
Two Officers Shot.
Fauih, Aug. 20. Intelligence has been
received from the French Soudan indi
cating that Lieutenant Klopp and Lieu
tenant Mounler, who wero sent to take
commaud of a column of troops there
have both hern assassinated. The assas
sinated officers were sent out to replace
Captain Voulet and Captain Ohanonine,
who wero recalled for barbarous cruel
ties to the natives.
The Figaro prints a story, according to
which tbe assassinated officers were
killed by a discharge of rifles ordered l.y
Captain Voulet out of revenge, Lieuten
ant Klopp having been the means of hie
recall by undertaking nn Inquiry into
the charges of barbarity.
Indians Kill and Scalp.
Sa.v Fkancikco, Aug. 21. A special
f om Winslow, Ariz., Bays: Two .hun
dred Indians in Foreman Mink's grading
gang at Navajo springs, Ariz., eeventy-
five miles enBt of here, nre threaten't'T;
to exterminate all the whites in tint
section. They were paid off on the 15th,
and proceeded to gamble nnd drink
heavily. A gambler named C. H. Land
redlh nfter u quarrel with some of them
assaulted one, shooting and stabbing bim
seriously. '
The tribe armed themselves with ell
tho weapons in the camp, shot tt e
.ambler seven times, Ecalped him and
mutilated his body beyond recognition.
Troops from Ft. Wingate have bet n
ordered to the scene nnd serious troub'e
is feared.
HIb Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightlul death.
In telling of it he says: "I was taken
with typhoid fever, that ran into pneu
monia. My lungs became hardened. I
wus so weak I couldn't even eit up in
bed. Nothing helped me. I expected
to Boon die of consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery.
One bottle gave great relief. I con
tinued to use it, and now am well and
strong. I can't say too much in its
praise." This mnrvellous medicine is
the surest and quickest cure in the world
for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
size 50 cents nnd sfl.00. Trial bottle
Ireo at Blakeley & Hougbtou'B drutr
store; every botile guaranteed. 2
KlHiitui ck'H Iron eive
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable wilt and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeye and bowels nre out of order. If
you want theso qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pille. They develop every power of
bruin and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's "drugstore. 2
"DeWitt'fl Little Early Risers did me
more cood than all blood medicines and
other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of
Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleaeant,
never gripe, they cure constipation,
arouse the torpid liver to action nnd
give you clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
Butler Drug Co.
EaoU day our business shows
tho people arc finding out wo
tiro pushiug to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tbe very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
kuow their business aud buy
for tho people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Has Presented a General Tone of Dull
ness Miu tbe feel
That of Other Couutrics Will Reach the
Average Russia's Hard to Com
pute. New York, Aug. 21. A dispatch to
the Herald from London EayB: The
wheat market throughout the last week
has presented a general tone of dullness.
The attendande of buyers has been
limited and the demand has been with
out revival. Operators in the face of
favorable crop reports are restricting re
quirements as much as possible. From
most parts of England, reports stite that
the wheat crop is being gathered in fine
condition. It is considered the best crop
in yearp past.
Tbe following foreign reports are given
in the Mark Lane Express: France
The Echo Agricole states that Eeveral
estimates of the crop has already been
given, varying from 110,000,000 to J 30,
000,000 he'ctols 38,000,003 to 44,700,000
quarters but does not believe any ac
curate computation can as yet be arrived
at, as tbe farmers themselves are often
uncertain of the yield of the crop before
threshing. In any pvent the crop, al
though not so large as last year's will
nevertheless exceed the average. j
Germany Under more settled weather
harvest work has made very considerable
progrese and the crop ie satisfactory on
the w hole.
Russia As is usual, it is impossible to
arrive at even the approximate truth re
garding the harvest in this vast country.
Generally speaking, the yield in eeveral
governments other than Bessarabia and
some other southern districts is fairly
satisfactory, but low prices offer no in
ducement to forward grain to the sea
board. Shippers continue to act with
extreme caution and will not buy from
the producer until western markets have
settled down to autumn business.
Wheu He Favored the Anti-Dreyfusites
Witnesses Agaiust Dreyfus.
Rennks, Auk. 21. Tho third week of
the Dreyfus court martial began this
morning. The possible reappearance of
Labori attracted a large attendance but
though he is progressing satisfactorily
his physicians deemed it best for him to
re tutu u quiet.
All the witnesses today were hostile to
Dreyfus, but none of their evidence was
The session wound up with a scene on
account of the extraordinary conduct of
Colonel Jouaust, who permitted himself
to make an unwarrantable display of
partialitv. Colonel Ficquait asked that
he be allowed to refute some of Witness
Junck'a remarks. Jouaust shouted:
"What, again?" An outburst of booing
and hissing; came from the audience ut
this display of unfairness, The judges
and gend'armes quickly suppressed the
noise but Jouaust understood well the
rebuke that had been administered to
him, turned red and adjourned the court
ten minutes later.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
railing of the food, distress after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. Que little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cte
and 60 eta. Blakeley Sc Houghton, drug'
ik your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring oxtracti. tf
For School
Yes, wo have them.
efforts in things the boys
and confidently ask all
nflTovi n rrc
Today we mention stockings. We will sell dur
ing this season our regular 25c 4-thread, heavy
ribbed, black cotton stocking, unoqualed for wear, at
pr pair
mill IlUAli VUU (JUlliU
Lot No. 435.
I A. M. Williams & Co.
ifK t aPrnfffimm "n
Id! i
Wasco Ware house Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain,
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s,ntffLwiS
Headquarters for
ton Flour.
we ten our gooqa lower tnan any nouae in fue trade, aua u you aou i iu mm
call and get cur price and be convinced,
Highest PrioM Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oata,
Boys' Wear.
We are making special
must have for school wear,
mothers to investigate our jj
pr pair
IV UIJU DHJiC, una. lu sco jg.
Job Printers.
"Byers' Best" Pendle
This Flour ia manufactured expreaaly for faulty
nan buuw mar ia ttiiara