The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 21, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts c-entiY on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
' CAL Crt
G. E. Stcvart spent yesterday in Port
land. Mrs. Chas. Atiams was a passenger on
the Flyer this morning bound for the
Miss Nellie O'Connell, of Ofitcago, is
in the city, the guest of hpr aunt, Mrs.
N. 15. Siifnott. S
Fred Tielsen, came up from Portland
on Ian evening's train, returning this
Miss Alma Schmidt returned Satur
The New Werner Edition
So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge.
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Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art.
The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America.
The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl
edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and
the NEW WERNER is the best edition
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Cheaper. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST.
S- Consider the advantage of a family
.who has this work over one which has
I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or.
day night from nil extended visit with
the family of Mre. II. ltoecoe, in Victoria.
Miss Catharine Martin left on Friday
for California, where she will spend the
remainder of her vacation with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Schenck and Mrs.
Alice Sheldon returned home Saturday,
after n two-weeks stay at Bingham
Mrs. H. Glenn returned to Seaviow to
day. She was accompanied hy Mies
.dime Voting, who will spend her vaca
tion with the Misses Glenn.
Miis Delilah Sterl'ng earns up from
Portland Saturday evening to spend
Sundny with her mother and sister be
fore their departure foi the East.
Mrs. Anna Stsvenson, neo Huberts', of
Fulton, is spending a short titno visit
ing witli her mother, brothers and sisters
nt the home place on Dry Hollow.
Archie Harnett and i4 sister, Miss
Maie, e.ime up from Portland Saturday.
Arcl ie will return to'I'ortlfliiri, while
li is sister will renmhi'in The Dalies.
Miss Hattio Hollister, of Portland, is
in the city isiting her cousin, Bert
Hollister, for a few days. She is ac
companied by Miss Maude Sutherland.
James DeMoss, father of the famous
DeMoss familv, is in The Dalleson busi
ness today. The remainder of the fam
ily are now giving concerts in Omaha,
Judge and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley went
down to Poi Hand on 'the boat yesterday.
Mis. Blakeley will visit her parents
there, while Air. Blakeley makes a trip
to Astoria.
T. P. Cru n has returned from hi;
camping trip to Wind liver. During
his stay lie received it fall which lamed
iiii somewhat, but he is now able to be
abcut again.
A. MacAdam, who has a; out his vaca
tion of ten days nt I.oiik Beach, returned
Saturday niglit, and lias resumed his
duties in the dry gcods department at
Pase & Mavs' store.
Vi f.iv'c K.-uiUIoiis
Ate gtand, hut skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bticklen's Atnic.i Salvo cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
tllee's, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises. Bmns, Scalds, Chapped
IJ.Tids, Ci-' 'Uiiii". Best Pi'e I'me on
earth. D.hes out pa;.is and aches.
O -o ct s. a hon. Cure gi'avjuieed.
."-.old by B'aUeley & Houghton, drug
gists. " -
Ask your g.'oeer for C.aiLeA Falk's
pure coucenfi.ted flavo mg extracts, t?
If you cannot send your children to
the University, bring the University to
This edition has never been sold for
less than $64.50. For a short time only
40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay
ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage
of this rare opportunity to secure this un
rivalled fund of universal knowledge.
Notice Is hereof given thnt the cly council
o! Dulles I'ttv hu determined to cfablMi m
sewer sy.teiu'for nit Unit I ortlou o( said city ly
lti?bclmv Hie bltill' anil cast of I.lnruln .street, has further determined that the cm t of Mich
ter.-er system s.m II ho assessed against tho
piopcrty bcnellteit thereby.
gti it) sewer a stein is to tic of tort i cotta pipe
ntil the extent ittiil loentlon thereof to be as
, .... ,i t . .1.1 . K.,11 Av.
4 I1U 111.' Ill IIIIIMU ffUH-l n. .iv.ii r.i.ii. i
letul from the low watc- Hue of tho Columbia '
liver, where the cast tuarsln of the month ol
Mill cteek ntfalil low water Milkw) said riven
thence iiIouk tho buik of alJ Mill creek
f.'iO feet to ojktakc uiuler tho north tieslle of the
Ore-ton HaiTioail A: Navlsatlou Comtmny's rall
load.theneont light ilellectlnn of 10 ileRrees
pii'l 10 lnlmrei from the rnutu last pursued
I '-"-HI feet 'on slake 01 j-lro lect north of tho
no.ihucst coi.'.er of the etono wall bii.tiiilln-j
me i:. M. II. o.i iiropcly: Iheneeat a left r'e-
II .on fiom Uio coune j"t ilocilbetl, ;fi tie-
and ill riiluirc' l'.'siectto n imlut on vlie
.-eM line of I'nlou sneer, li f ct nolth of Seeo.ul
sluet: liieuco Union s'rect to the rCi'
ler of foe nllev beiweea heconil and Mi'io
si -., ilicuec alont; the center of said nllev,
iio.ii L'.iloii to Iuiilln street; thence coit.'u
ulii i.. astialtht Hue on the same courtet'Cit t
I i- ".1st' .1, ton point on tho rust Hue of
t Id , - l'S feetnorthofSecondslK't: tiieiiee
toot' ivi- lu ii straight lino on the -me
cou. rp.o s ijo(!; S. I. li'thlln s pildlu'ou iO
I)i)lt ' i.v a l .cel. lo .If Hon slice;, on Hue
1" fee. '.on!, and pawdlet ' ieco.ul sii'ot.
i.tence i onllnol.13 on id si Hotline, iu ioe
s no coue- 10 lectin ) Je.msoiiai vtto n
j)..'iitlO I . ".t of t jo vrcst Hue of Je'e'soii
s,i t ami 1 '!l iiouh ol S-cond stieet.
Tiieueoat a le 1 deHtx-i on . oni ihe lino last
d '.!, Cl de-Mes '- .iiinme", Sl-5100
f'-' ous ike'J i't fcst ol uo f st line of
Je.iei 0.1 ! . ;; tlieuce at 11 ihht dellectiou
,'ioj l;-st do e ibcil .'t djiees and 15
1.1 in ol v . 1KI-1T-1C3 lee.- 'o e ' ko: thence at a
lKiitdeil'c .oa i'.o.u Lie line 1.1st deteiibed 'J7
dejie?siiiiil")n)inu 1UM-10O feet to 11 stake
17-i'J 100 i-et Irc.1 ihe toulhcast corner of the
lai'n I'er.eewe-.of IheO 11. tic S. Co.'s depot;
thence a. 11 left dei!"Ctlon fiom s.'itl Illicit de-m-vsand-'luiinutcs.WV'.i-lO
met ton point on t - t of Monroe street 1S3 fet north of
Svcodit t lect and A-7-100 feet ninth of the north
west comer of Moody & brick wniehouso; thence
lou. 1 itiliii 111 n sfaltht line on the course last
do c.iL d 1"3 '7-110 feet to 11 point G feet nortli of
the 110 ii'-c i comer of Mootly's wooden ware
iiotiio ICJ o 10 ftet north of hi .ond sticetaud 70
cast of Monioe stieet; iiienec nt n rlfiht de
llccilon I'tom the last line 7-0.', toKVi-IOO feet, to
n stake 1.1 Tavlor stieet, t"-C-10 fet north of
Second stieet and -li'i-T.VlCO i"Ct est of the w et .
cud of the Waseowarehome.
A brsnch of said (ewer svstcm shall ronnect
wiih the mslu line Iu Union street, ii feet from
the we.t Hue of sjld str -;t nt n jioint lis feet
iu i i of Kecond stieet, mid sba'i 1 tin nlotiR said
Union street 'JO feet st o. vest Hue thereof,
to u point ro fi:t coiiih of the north Hue of
Tenth stccei.
Another branch lino of said sewer system
shall commence In the center of the alley be
tween Second and Third streets, lit n point 10
fectwi I of the east line of Lincoln street, and
11111 lUcnue along the center of said alley 'o n
roint "O fsjt east of the cast 'ino of Couit
sfect. eounectinK with the branch of said Sewer
sjs-e. 1 tunning up Union street hereinbefore
described, torn thecastand west, by comeniont
curves of about a twenty-foot rallus.
Also n branch of said sewer system eommenn
int in the center of the alley between Second
and Thild stieets, on tho cast line of WashiuK
ton street, and runnliiB thence easterly nlons
tho center of said alicy, to 11 point wheio the
( e rer of said alley Intersects with ihepiesent
cr of Ma:: Vcgt A: Co., where it ciosies said
al'ey. Theuce northerly and easterly along the
II .o'of sa'd sewer as it is now located, to the
' .' it where said sewer intersects the main line
o ue sever hereinbefore described, at n point
v.'Oie the iiialn Hue of said sc"er crosses Fed
c . 1 wiieet, between Secoud and Tbiid.
AKo.nbri-i eh lino of said sewer system, eom
niei'ciii't t i r 'iint in the center of said alley be
tween Se 0 d una TiJiirl streets, 10J feet east of
Fcilei. 1 s. .' and lunnlns theuce along the
center of 1 1 ' rlley to the west line of ljiughlln
sltcef I'lid iueo'0 coiuiictliig with tho 1 augh
liiib.ii. c. hv n let eurveof abuut a'JO-foot
l.'uiiii. 1 ' I. uijjliii street.
Al .in i .in h liieo s '
nieoi -lion 1 10 e at line of Monroe
si.-. . 0 1"' .'i of ue so.lUi lino of Third
s. ie ire ves 0 paiallel to the
j Mt'i i.ieof 'j .'i d sti-e;. cut '2) tcet from said
1 fj'iui .10 11. n l1 cet we.t of thoiMst Hue
in Jl 11 ! s. v....: ihenco cuiving to tl ntiit
l,l..iri ii vo of roriut indllts, to u point
d Mro vii s icet 'JO feet from the no-tii
I ''i:o ol '1 sii'-ctuml i.0 feet fiom tho west
') ti.-o." 'il i' ii .011 street; thence uoriiierly
r . ; . Ma.ii- n sti -t on n li.10 pjiallol wit.i
i.'O t. 1 Hue 01 said stieet, ton point -.1) lect
I'rc.itue wc.-it line of said street, and JO feet
soiiin 01 too center line of tiiealloy between fc'C
Oiirl mid 'i Hid streets; thence dclkctltig io tho
let by u curve of about n 'JJ-foot radios, ton
iol 11c where the west line of MuiIImiii street in-leic'-e's
tho center line of said alley iwlwe-.-n
feX'OmUiud Thiid slieeu; theneo iu n westerly
diiecliou along Ibe center lino of s.i d alley to 11
ritut'.0 feetweit of tho east line of Laughlln
stuef thence delleetlrig lo the right by n curve
of about u 23-foot radius, to connect with the
blanch of said sewer system running up Laugh
lln stieet, in wild Laughlln street.
Aho u branch lino of paid newer .system, com
mencing at a point in tho center of thu alley be
tween Second and Tblid stteeti , 'JoO feet eist of
too vast lino of Monroe stieet, miming Ihenre
la m ues ?ilv(lircliou along the center of said
alley to a po'lit 10 feet west of tho east line of
Moiiiocs theuce dcllecilug to theiwiitby
a curve o, ti out a twenty-foot rmllui, to 11 point
ojiioii0iimiir.iiiilli eof the ulley between fajM
otcomt anil liilid Micels, mid 20 lect 3 st of the
west lino of Mo, noe street; theuce in 11 uo'tli
eily direction parallel with the wot line ol
Mouiou stieet, mid 20 feet theiefiom, to within
VOiccto; the uiulii line of tiiid tev.-er system
hereinbefore ilc -cilbed: thence cuiving to the
left Willi a rniiius of iibout 20 feet, 10 connect
nun sjiu main line.
Alto a or uch line of srfil sewer system, com-1
mciiciii? on ine west line of Jellenon street. 'Ji 1
f.nt . h ih,.w,.,t., ti. ,11 ,.r f...,,.r, .1.1.
llience run.ilirr ire icily pjiallcl with "the snid j
1101 1.1 11110 01 ro, 111.1 aiieei, in it xjiut v leel
uesc of ttioc s. Iluoof Louthllii street; theneo
by u cmve to t ic lijht of ebout twenty feet
minus, 10 a jHjiiu ? ice 1 east 01 uio wen line 01
ljughlin street 111111 20 feet south of tho north
ineof I-oiirth t.eet; ihenco uortlierlv, jmrallel
with the weet line o Liii'jhllii street, to con
nect with the i.iuiu I Ino 0 bald sower s stem
hereinbefore-do cilixil, by a curvo to the left of
about twenty f"et U'dlus, wheronild uiulii line
of said sewer sys cm ciosses ljiughlln street at
tho alky second and Main ijtiecU.
Alw a brunch line of said sewer Hystem, com
meuclngat apolntian feet south of the norlli
lino of filth street and 20feettaitof the west
lino of Liberty street; thence aloiiK said Liberty
street parallel wild said west Iluoof said street,
In 11 noitherlydireclloii, to connect with tho
btuiich oi tewer system liertlnbefoie descrlUd,
running lu thu alley betweea oecond and Third
streets, by a convenient curvo to tho rlght,whcio
tuld alley sewer crosses Liberty street.
Also 11 brunch lino o. said tewer system, corn,
liieuclng 111 t ioi e.i ero.' tlieallev between 'lhlnl
and Kourth s,ie' . et we?t of Liberty st
and running aloirf center of said alley to 11
luliit 2M feet 0 lit ol '1 1 Liberty stieet, and con
necting with tho In iiic.i of said tewer system la
Lltrly street, .10 11 11-0 cast ami west, by con
vtniciit curves o.' H-'imta 20 foot redlns, nt Iho
jiolut wheiu said nlk j ciosses Liberty stieet.
A No n biaueh line of i iid sewer syilem, com
lnenem rinliiotvii r t tlioalley betwi-en Third
u.ul l''ouii 1 ' ) tt of Couit street,
mid iloi" tne center of tnid al
ley in a ivesteily cli ion to a point 20 feet
west of tlioe.itt Iluoof L'uioii stieet; theuce by
a curvo to the liglitof i'ixiitu20'foot radius, to
toiim-ct with thoUnlo.i stieet branch of tall
ten ersy item.
Also n blanch of said tewer system, commenc
ing In the center of thu alley between Third and
l-'ijililh streets, at a jiolutfjO feet astof tliu east
llneof Washiugtoii street, and iiinnliig thciico
along tho center of suld alley ton point an feet
i-jut of Jclleisriii street, aud comi:tlii,t with thu
branch of said tewer system iiinniiig along
LiiMhlln itreet, by eonieiileut eurvtiiof nbuiit
VO-Uet ruilliit, at a paint where said alley crosses
said Laiighlln street.
Also n branch Iluoof suld tower syitein, com
mencing ut 11 point 21 feet north of Ihusoulli
llnu of I'ouitli street und SO feet wist of thu east
lino of Washington street; ruunliig theuce In
an easterly direction lmrullel Willi suld south
line of Fourth street, to connect by u conveni
ent cm veto tho left, of about a 20-foot rudius,
with Die ljniuhlln-tn-et branch of said sewer
system, at the crossing ol foiulh and Uughllu
' AUo a brunch Hue of sid sewer systcin, com-
menelng In the center of tho alley (or 8lx'J,.')
Snlltll 01 010CK 11, III 11 11111111 Wliviy .. "
of Washington street orossis said alltfj ! tc
we'terly along the center of said alley to a point
,ts feet west of tho cast lino of Court "recti
thenee by n ronvenlcnt curve to the rlnlit pi
about W feet radius to a point 20 feet east of tho
wct lino of Court street; theneo Inn northctl)
direction parallel with the weit line of Court
. . ..... ........ , L-...,.,l. .1, (MM ! 1 lllllf I!
sireei 10 iue soiiin iinu wi r...,, ... ,-.., ,
by n curve to tho left, of about n rnd us,
ton point on tho west lino of Court street, JO feet ,
north of tho south line of Hmrtli Meet; t euro
westerly iilong fourth street, parallel with tin
south line of said Fourth street, to n point J1)
feet west of the line of Union street; thence
connecting bv 11 convenient rurve to the rl'ht, (
of about n Uloot mllm, with the branch Hue ,
iif said sower system runuing iiujuk . ,
Also 11 branch Hue of said sewer system, com
mencing at a pointoppo--lto tho center of the al
ley between Vourth and Fifth sttcet, 31 feet
east of the weit line of Washington street, mid
running thence lu nwesterlj direction along
tho center of said alley to n nlntllH feet west of
the cut Hue of Court street; thence by a couve
ntent curve to the. right of about n JO-loot radius
to connect with the brunch of suld sewer system
riinnliu' along Court street.
Alo n brunch line of said sower system, com
mencing ntn point JO feet north of the south
line of l lfth stieet, unit l.M feet west of the west
line of Court street, tunning thence in an east
erly iliieotion to the west lino of Court sireit:
thenee bv 11 curve to the left, cl about n jo-foot
rnillus, to intersect with tho branch of said
sewer sjstcm running on Court lioet nt the
crossing of said Filth and Court streets,
Also n branch lino of said sower system, com
mencliig at the center of the alley between
. .1 , L-im. ... .. ,ul,,r ),il fp.,r i-.lxt
of the cast line of Liberty street, running theneo
In a westerlv dlicctlon along the line of the cen
ter of said alley, to a point '0 feet west of the
east line of Liberty street: theneo by u curve to
the right of about 11 20-foot radius ti connect
with the Libert) -street branch of the said sewer
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing at the center of the alley- north of
.Main street and 60 feet west of Washington st.;
theme running along tho center of said alley to
a point 310 feet west of Union street: thence
connecting with the main sewer system near
the bank of Mill creek, by 11 euive to the right of
about n IVfoot rsdlus.
Also 11 branch lino of said sower system, com
mencing at n point lu Fourth street, JVJ feet
west of the west line of Liberty street, and JO
feet north of tho south I'ue of Fourth stieet,
running Ihenco in an easterly dlieetloii aloi:g
Foiitth street, pirdlelwlth tho south Hue ol
said street to tho west Huo of Liberty stieet;
theneo bj n convenient curve to the left of about
v-fett radius, to connect with the brunch ol
slid sewer xvstem running up and down Lib
cny street, nt the crossing of said Fourth and
Liberty stteels.
This notice is published by order of said City
Council, made on August Sin. lsw.
Nlll) II. (lATKs.
nugS Recorder of Dalles City.
Cnah In Your Clieclis.
All conntv warrants reistfred prior
to October 1,1895, will bt paid at my
office. Interest censes nftur Jnlv 1215,
1S99. 0. L. PniLLii-a,
Conntv Treasurer.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspopsia
because its ingredients are audi that it
can't help doing so. Tlie public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imnerfeet diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. T)., in
American Journnl of Health, N. Y.
To ()oi n Colli III Dim liny.
Takn Laxative Hromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund lLo money if
it fails to cure 2.V.
Use Clarke & Falks Hosofoani for the
teeth. if
Oaice nv'r rst Nat. Hunk
Office over French & Co.'s Hank
Phono C, Till: DALLE3, OlthfiON
Pliysician and Surgeon,
S)ecial attention given to surgery.
Kooms2laud2. Tel. 32S Vogt Ulcei
ntlni I llf.rl.1- irK-nn llm,
una men ins uiiai uecount a o.Tccutor of tho ci
tato of Surah JIcAto3 with t-io clerk of the
countj court of thostato of Oregon, for Wasco
county, and that Thursday, Ihe 1:1th day of July,
199, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in has been
fixed as tho time and tho county u urt nrjin In
iuiie-i i,ny as ino p aco lor tliu Hearing of of.
jeclions to said final account and settlement of
said estate.
U.ltlll .llllv 1. O-IIP.'i VIIIM. 1
J" H-t ' ' Lxcuutor.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflcially digests the food and olds
jtoturo in strenBtbenlng and recon
BtructuiK the exhausted dlirestlve or
Brans. It Is the latest discovered dlfeat
ant and ton c. No other preparation
inn nnnrnnnl, II -..i 1 . ' 1 i . . "
rr r, ,u " iuioucy. xi in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
fete'.rSih, Nausea
v 1 v CttUOU,,1,iv,l,ra'Bia,uramps,and
allother resultsoflrnperfectdlgestlon.
Prspartd by E. C. DtWItt Co , CbleaJ,a
lltalill I ft'lANO MANHOOD
Cures Impotency.NlirhtEmliwIouaniit
vaatlnp; diseases, all effecto of self-
uuuse, or excess and Inillu.
cretlon. Anurvoloiiloaua
blood builder. UrliiK'j tiie
pink i;low to.ialeclicclnaii'
restores the lire of youth.
Hv mallEOUTirr liny. It l,v,.
ur ta.w, vain u wniiou Ktmrun
teo to euro or refund tlto monoy.
Clinton Jackson eta., CHICAGO, ILU
Sold by Wakuley A Houol.inn ti,..
Dalles, Orvgon.
How About Your Title?
n UK YOU SUItE It is nil right? Itomemliar It Id the
IA KKCORI) tlmt Roverim. It 1b our Imelneea to
punriili tliu n'ctmla nml show what thov ttnutuln in
relation to land tltleB. It you uontomplato lntyinK m
or lounlni: nioni!' on ruul estato Bctinrlty, tuko no i,mni
word, hut Insist upon kiiowiiiK what tho rpeoul slums
ri-uiirdiiiK thu tltlu. An Abstract la as ussuutlat as a
di'i'd. Insist on luivluR It. Wo havo thu only Pet 0
Ahstrncl Hooks in thu County. All work promptly ex
(outi'il mid satletiiutlon puarantui'd. It ynu hnvu prop,
urtv to lii-iiri-, il vu us a call. Wu aro bruiiIh for four of
tho host tiro iiisiirancu cotnpanluB In tho world. I(yn
havo property fur Halu, Hat it with us and wu'll flad8
J, M. Huntington &Co. j
Phone 81. 2it St.( opiOBlto A. M. Williams Si Co. I
Best Work at
beast Possible Cost
j Gimrimtcuii to ivc satisraotion, ATc nrc liorc to stay ; therefore evetr
I effort will he made to eattihlish a business. Jt will pay you to examine out
! work and consult our prices.
Ilest Crown ami Hriilae work (L'2k. roUJ), pur tooth
ISisat not ti'i'tli, ijtiiir.iiitt.'cd
Meet Golil Fillin-
Heat eilvi.'r or alloy Ullinc
Teeth extrncttil wltlunil pain
Hoonis 11-12 I.'!,
Chapman lilock, Seuoud St.
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager.
CiAS. BMl-
snd Fanmers
' ccti-oTi" .iu'lit il-o cek-oiT ii'
Mii.r r.iv i:k': rt...'o.;i-
' in .ho Im- t ' e 111 Tl 0 0 lii,
i' . moil 11 I ,t e, L'o e I , y
'i i"iil oc 10 iv -Cii, ,l ) t ,0
1 1 tb . of Wi ci. LI Uo
r dCIiuia.
of all Kinds alwnvs on hand.
K Wagon and Carriage Work,
ft, Fish Brothors' Wagon.
' Third aud JclTcr'ou, Phono 159
Look nml ni.n,ui.
BlacKsmitlis j
...MID... '2
9 REPAIR shop. 5
"iiiiiii, -m
Q ntl Mnohlnowork.
. .15.50
. .$1.00 urt
. .bUctlD
Portland Dental Parlors
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are duo to urrlvc nt l'ortlu
nresM. Halem. ltose- 1
n, Hose.
lid, Sue- I
;deu,Uau 1 1
Jlolnve, ( !
burg. Ashhilii
7;oo r. ji.
ramelito, Ugdei
Kriinclseo. Mi
0:15 A.M.
T . L-l
iia jvii$ui.'ii,ri 1 fin.i.
New urleuns mid
L i.ri.ib .. . I
lioscburg and way shi
'3:31 A. JI,
Via Woodlmra for
Xlt.Angel, Kllvurtnu,
West Holo, IlrnwiiK
vlllo,riirltiKUctd ami
1:30 r. SI
17:00 A. JI.
iHtlltlllllK .
mid way(
lNDI'.l'KNDlCN'CK l'ABSKNCilHt. Kxprom tnU
Dally (except Htiiulay).
llfiOp. m. rl.v Portland ,Ar, f;''
:jp. m, ai ..i;c.Minnviue i.v.j
8:S0. m. (Ar.,Iur3eK!iidciice..Lv. i'Mii-
Dally. tDniiy, except bundar,
Attached to all Tliroitiih Tniiai.
Direct connection nt fan KrimcUcn with 01
dental mid Oriental mid l'aclllo mull 'twBMg
Hues for JAI'AN and CHINA. Kallll'K 1W 00
a plication. , . ..
iUteaniid tickets to Eastern, imlnt",
All abovo tralna nrrlvo at ami 'lI,,,"
(irand Central HUitlon, Fifth and Irvmif ""u
raisenger Deiot, toot of Jetlermn ilrMi
U-nvo for Sheridan, wcok ihiye, t 1:30 p.
Arrive nt l'ortliind, U:30 u, m.
Ieavc for AIUUK on Jlonday, jyediicd!.J
Krluiiy nt8::n. m. Arrlv- at I'nrtUMi wr
dav, Thursday and Bnturdai it 3;0j i. .
Kxccpt btinduy. "Kxcept Hatlinlny.
II. KuK'.l.KR, (I, H. MAUKHAM,
Jlaniuer. ' Asst. 11. K. A
ThroiiRh Ticket Olllco, 131 Thtril "JS
throiigli tlckou to all poluts in "1
Htiites, Coiiada aud Europe can bo obttinw
lowest rates from .. ...,, XmI
J. Jl. KIUKLAND, Ticket
Letters of Credit lesued uvnlltible In tb
Right Ekolwnge witl TfllXr
TruiiBlers sold on Now Vurk, CliicMJ
St. Louis, Ban Francisco, roftlwowj
iron, Keattlo Wnsh,, and varloue pom'
In Oreuon mid WHsblnuton. . ..
Collections mado at ull point" o
orahlo terms.
,.Hmoto Plinplts, Vfn
A im.iiniui,if lb m1i dwl' uf!p-