Chrmifcle, i3viffi,i w I - v - J aIK Ht VCF'J vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1899. NO 110 THE PACIFIC OUR PROPERTY Km Ocean Sliooll He Cawed By Miientan Sciping, SENTIMENT OF THE COAST PEOPLE Secretary Wi'soti Enthusiastic Over This ScCiion, Where the IMi'lipine Oucstion Is Understood. Wakin(Ito.v, Aug. 10. Secrutnry WilHin, of the agricultural depuittnent, is enthusiastic over the West aiiico Imb riliirn. Today ho said . "I did not meet un 'anil' west of Chi cago. Why, every man, woman tuul child in Hid West Is detui mined that we shall keep tho PhilinpincH, mid wo couldn't lut go if we wmited to. . "People of tliu Ve3t understwd this (ueatiou bettor limn do those of the East. They know Unit Dewey wiib Bent to the Philippines to protect our largo and grow ing trade with the Orient. They nlao le nli..u thut Dewey's victory and the subse quent events whieh transferred tho Phil ippuieu to tho United StaleB lmve given an vxlrnordinnry iinputua to Hie com merce of ilda country wilhlhe O'iont. Atall (liu Pacihe porta the docks uo piled up with goods awaiting elii pmtuit to tho Orient mid we hnve not bIiIib enough to cany (hum. Wo need 11 muichant imi'mo iiur- mure than anything elae. ""The cople of the West icgatd tlie Pjiilii: ua an American lake, which efioolil ho cove ed with whips car ng tho American flag, and 1 don't I now but thu uro aliotit right. "L'lu'v c.i.i linild tho snips, Tliov have answered li at quo-.tluii to thusiuisfacVon of tno wmjIo worlti wlt'i tho OM'lJUl Whenever mat magnificent battle-Hi. ip R'wa, hlio will t entity to the ekill and suli aUntial cliaiacter of tho shipbuilding in thn West. "Culiforn'a, Oregon and Washington ua this aidu nud the Philinp' nea on tho oilier aide of tho Pacllie, havoeveiything in uhuiidaii'.'o that ia needed to cover the Pacific with shipping that will ca-y the Ameiioan Unhand American com jieice. Tim people of tho West want these ships built; thoy want an Ainorlcui moichant lumiiio, uud they want tho Nicategiir. cinal without much initio delay. Thoy ee a great future opening, not only to them, hut to tho whole country across tho Pacific, and tliov believe this the gulden opportunity to strike out b ildly." DREYFUS FATE DECIDED UPON T tiOIJUTE-V UER Baking Powder cABSOLUIELY IJRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAl OAKIMl POWOm CO.. NEW VODK. having been proved the documents re lied upon to establish hia guilt ae f -rgerleB. IS IT 11IOIIT For mi Killlur tn ICrnoniiniaxl itlitillnliiwk? Talent F.otn Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. (J. it may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has tho right to publicly recommend any of tho various p opMotiu v medicines which flood the niaiker, yet as a preventive of suffering wo feel it n duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar lhoea Itemed. We have known and used this medieinu in our family lor twenty years and have always found it reliable. In'iuany cases a doBo of this lemedy would save hours of suffering while h physician is awaited. Wo do not believe in depending implicitly on anv metlictne lor a cure, out we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might be avo'ded anil in very many cases the presence of a physician would not he required. At least tills has been our experience during the past twenty yearB. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Ivlectt iciiy Put to a New Use. Ciiioacio, Aug. 30. A special to llio Timee-tJerald, from C'i.i'on, Ind., Bays: Tno old wagon loide which br.s spanned the Wabahh liver at ti point for half a i.eiitury, has heeu wrecked by elecirif- ty. The county has uon,- :t t' e i-i) f u. i Dr. liogart, iho ; ..i.r onwc, heagiecluglo rei.iovo t it, i.iuc- Wil lie Found Guilty and Sentenced for Five Years Sentence Already Served. Nkw Youk, Aug. 20. A dispatch from Kisimeo to tho Tribune says: According to Impressions juat ooaimu uicated to your correspondent from such a escuptloiiBl source us to carry with ""uuuuaiial preaumptlon of truth, tho teueo of Droyfus is already dectdod uuon. Ho will bo found guilty of dls wjdiuary Indiscretions, for which ho will aentonced to Qvo yeaie' impriaon wcrit, Aa lio hca al toady sorved this wrni of sentence, tho practical result will bo that ho will bo set free, and will uo Mb position In tho army us a captain reformed without pay or emoluments, fmiu,,ycureorinthe notivo army will "eelosod to him. Mcrcler Will Uc Arrested. nih).v, Aug. JiO. Tlio Paris coric eiMudentof the Sunday Special cava: wV 1Kovor,""en'. I underatand,' lias cJed to arrest aonoral Mercior, It ia utuqmi tlmt an order will bo given to ,u,Urw I'm eaio agulnat Droyfuf, it tutu to mttko way for u new bi 'iLse. 12 f"tto weio made lo burn ibu bidgw, Lut It war found this would iiij' e llio i ier, eo tho Bills were wired and oleelnrty ap plied. Tho current was turned on at 5 o'clock this morning and at " o'clock in the af ternoon, tho pile of limbers toppled into tho river leaving the foundnl ions unhurt. Tho electricity hud tho effect of cutting allthosflls simultaneously as with so many saws. This was tho only toll btidgo regaining in Indiana and 2000 persons sent up a mighty racer as the splintered epulis went tumbling into tho water. Ciitttrrh Cuinmt bo Cured with local applications, as thoy cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direetly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was was prefceribod by one of tho best physicians in this country for yeurs, and ia a regular prescription. It is composed of tho beat tonics known, combined with the host blood purifiers, noting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wondetl'ul results in curing Cutarrh. Send for testimonials, free. .F. J. Ciiknuy & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggiats, price 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 K'llcd While Hmniug. M.uiHiinur.o, Or., Aug. 10. Albert Newman was accidentally shot this morning whllo bear hunting on Kitchen slough. He had the but of his gun rest ing on the ground and was trying to get Ills dog to go across a uiureli, Tho dog attempted to run past him and struck the gun, discharging it. Nowmnn re ceived the full contents in his head, and died almost instantly. Newman was about 20 yeass of ago. Ho leaves a wid owed mother, of whom ho was the main support. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, utid will cure tlio worst cold III twelve hours, or money refunded. 2o eta. and &0 cte, Uiakeley k Houghton, druggists. Wants National Constitution Amended. Ciijcaoo, Aug. 10. A special to the Chronicle from Topeka, Kan., says: United States Senator Han is will fn ttodnce three amendments lo tho federal constitution at Iho nest session of con gress and ask that tliey ho submitted lo a vote of the people. Tho fltBt will pro vido that tho president ahill bo elected for a term of six years instead of 'our as at present utid lhat he shall be dis qi alifled for re-election. The second is designed to make the term of congressman four years. Tuird will provide for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. 'Senator Harris believes there no too many elections now and he wants to reduce the number. He says that a congressman no more than gets ac quainted with tne Btreets that lead lo tlie c.iyitol until ho haB to come home and fix up his fences for re-election. Your I''ucn Shows tho state of your feelings and the Btato of your health as well. Iinprre blood makeB itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and c'q,not have a healthy appearance vou should trv Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Eittkeley & Houghton, druggists. Ordered to Frisco. Wasuixc'iO.v, Aug. 10. Secretary tloot issued older louuy for tho Twe.'ity- soventh, t ii'ity-fiul rnd Th! f-fourlh r i!i)t ills, vo I'tiiecr in anfy, topioceut to fcan 1'iancf o at once. J ueso icp ir cuts will sail for Manila, when tram- ports are provided. lllmnurck'H Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Tndouiitaulo will and tremendous energy Pie not found where Blomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qiu''t'c3 and the success they brill?, use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 "DeWitt's Little Larly lasers aid me more good thau all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleaeant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give vou clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite Butler Drugo. THE AGREEMENT . IS RATIFIED Clearwater District Difficulty is About Ended. The Busy Store. Eacli day our business shows tlie peoplo tire finding out wo are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople tbo very best, nud last, but not lonst, buyers who know their business nud buy for tho people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. New Yogk, Aug. 10. The Tribune says: The d:rcc!oisof the Oregon Kail- road & Navigal:on Company have rati' Ced ihe truee recently concluded by E H. Harriman, representing the interests of that cojipany, and Presioent Mel'en. of tho Northern Pae-Sc Railway "om pany, whe'eby railtoad construction in tho Clearwater country has been sus pended for eii months. Mr. Hari nan said on Tuesdav tbat tbe'e was no basis for rumors that uov agreement as to trackage r'ghts or on any other point, had been arranged, the eo'e agreement being that tho conlioversy between the two loads, was to be 'n abeyance for the nest six months, resident Mellen, on the other hand, saiu last night : "We have done inoicthan agieeona truce for six months. We have even be gun to reach a basis of settlement. We are working on plans for a settlement light along cud theio will be no fight in if its Clearwater country. I always insist ed theie woe'd he none. We would have had far less trouble had the news papers not made so 'nuch of the trouble, which was bad enough as it was. There are many deli lis to be woiked out and c may be some i:ine before a final settle ment is accomplishes." Ills Lire Watt Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citisen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder fil deliverance from a frightlul death. In tilling of it ho saye: "I was U'cen witn typhoid fever, that ran into pneu monia. My lungs boi sine hardened. I was so wpak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expei ted to 6oo:i die of c u-.i:npliou, when I hemi of Dr. ICi's New Discovery. Oiu .o.tle gave gieat relief. I con tinued to UEe it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its pra'se." This marvellous medicine is the suiest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and Uingtrouble. Regular s'xb 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle tree at Blakeley & Houzhtou's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 2 The Palouse Country. Couux', Wash., Aug. 10. Harvest is in full swing throughout the Palouse country. Heading is progress'ng in all parts of the county, although only a few threshers are yet at work in tho grain. Reports from tho grain fields are that crops this year will average fully up to last year, and the quality of wheat will ho much better. Fears entertained In the first part of the week that tho heavy rains would greatly injure grain have. been allayed. Farmers say now that the loss from this source will be slight, while on the other hand these rains probably will greatly increase both the yield and quality of late sown grain. 'Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever, Al though wo tried many remedies she kept getting worse, until wo used One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Co. Pcudlctou Child Burned to Death. Pknolkton-, Or., Aug. 10. Frank Limehaugh, o-years-old, eon of Mr. and M's. George Limehaugh, was burned to death at noon today. Tho child was up stairs at home, the mother being at her housel" id dn' ier downstairs. When the (lie was discovered it had gained two great headway to penult rescue of the child. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets uro Eold on a potltivo guarantee. Cures heart-hum, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspopfia. Ono llttlo tablet gives immediate relief. 2o cte. and 60 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists -.. I School Opens I ffionday, Sept. 11 (A timely hint.) With that fact in mind we offer today, 7 bolts of Wool Suiting in neat, dark patterns, 40-inches wide and worth 33c yard, at 23 cents. We have selected this line as being especially nice for school dresses for little girls, and believe all mothers will appreciate our offering. When next you come to the store ask to see these goods. We are getting read' for quick selling. Some good thing in school suits for the Boys. !A. M. Williams & Co. I! i ' $ I i f I I T T 8 a rx ;i ? ? Lis' i i .K Chtfoniele, i K, .... ijjS !p f Job Ppinteirs. I ? I iseI n A as :Hii, f f ... lii? 9 i I f i i! I f ' i I 1 fl I L i 't rgg l!k-'i'JMUlJii44)---U-JMUfiUlJl.UlJU Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kins. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi rll kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o? m?li!fo sick heed-, Headquarters for "Bvers' Best" Pendle- ache, in.JIgefetlon ami constipation. A , Tl-4,, Thia Flour is manufactured exm-esslv for v xlx. UBe. every pack is guarauteeil to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower thau any house in tho trade, and if you don't think ea call aud get cur prices and be convinced. delightful herb ill ink. Removes all eruptions of tho tk'n, producing a per fect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton, druggists, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.