VMM ! Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels rLEAN5ES THE 5YSTEM , EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES &30 ' ."r UMU PERMANENTLY ,TSB,c,;tEfFEcT& nuy the genuine - m ahT'o By (auivrnia JTg Syrvp(s anil N. J. Sinnott returned home last I nijjht from a camping trip at Trout Lake. Tliey report fishing Rood, and little rain in that aection. Mrs. T. Baldnin and daughter, Miss Rosemary, returned last evening from Seaside, Clatsop beach. Kev. L. C. Martin, formerly of The Dallea, hut now of Waitaburp, is in the city, nnd will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church, tomorrow eyening. C. A. Rhea and son, Carl, arrived from Portland lnat night on thoir way to Heppner. Mr. Rhea was called to Tort land on account of thn illness of Mrs. Rhea, who is being treated there. George Dysart, who was called to this city on account of the illnes? of his little daughter, Avis, returned to his home at Cell! nil in yeeterdny. He was accom panied by Ids son, Lloyd, and Miss Car rie Butler, leaving his daughter much improved and in the care of her aunt. Miss Nellie lhitler. NOTICE. BUSINESS LOCALS. res sAit trui cmcs.jti fpu set fts ktul PKOl'LE VOU ALL KNOW. Mrs. B. Wilson returned last night from camp at Cacuies. Miss Marv Mclnerny returned !att n'ght from Clatscp beach. T. H Johnston, M. J. Ander-on an 1 W. Heisler ate in from Uutur ud.iy. Mm. J. R. Warner returned to her heme at White Salmon by boat this morning, Mrs. C. W. Taylor and family are down from Walla Walla visiting her mother, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Jos. Sherar and Miss Pearl Griines'liavH returned from a visit with friends in Huntington. Miss Nettie Fredden Tent down to Carcades tins morning .to spend a few daye with Grace Hobrfn. Mrs. H. Glenn came up from'her cot tage at Seavie-, Ilwm-o beach, last even ing, and will return Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brock arrived in t'lt-i'itv lnei iiisjht on thir nay irom Portland to their homo at Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller nnd fam ily returned Ihs: liiuht 'rum Nahcotta, Long Beach, wheie they have been ruE ticating for the past lew weeks. Mrs. John Gavin, accompanied by Miod Taylor, lelt Ttiursday evening for a trip to tiie Hist. Mrs. Gavin will visit relatives in Missouri and Illinois. Mrs. W. C. Allaway and family and Mrs. F. Clarke and family came up last night from Hamilton, on the Wash ington side of the river, where they re ere have been camping. J Mrs. Thos. Condon, of Antelope, turned last evening from Portland wh she iiad been with her little daughter, wiiom she lias been having Dr. trench treat (or throat trouble. J Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fish and family Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this in that tho remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potaah, which ul timately intansify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing i. severe aching of tho bones. B. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even tho wowt cases which seemed ulmost incurable. Cant. O.K. Hushes, tho popular railroad conductor, of Columbia. S. C had an expert- iic . i" u'ali''i wiiica conriuoed him euro (or that painful din case. Ho sayn: "I was a great sufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could fret no permanent relief from any medicine pro scribed by my physician. I took about a dozen lint. ties of your S. 8. 6., and :? now i am aa wen as I ever was inmyllfo. I cm sure that your medicine cured me, and I would recommendlt toanvone offering from, any blood tllse a." Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy Is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. mm C C CTkr The Bl befog Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tho .very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potaah. mercury or other dan gerous minerals. -Books, wailed free by Swift Speclfc Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Latest thing in cameras are Im ' proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebratka corn at the I Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tf I Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, i For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubiimr, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. I For sale at all first-class bare. C. J tublin.', agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Yerba Buena Bitters, the best For sale at all first-class bars. Stublmg, ageutj The Dalles. M17-ym Yerba Buena Bitters, the best For sale at all first-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and it-vuorate the entire sys'.em, never gripe or niuseats Dewitt's Little Early E'sers. Butler Dru ' Co. Try tonic. C. J. Try tonic. C. J. Notice Is hereby Riven Hint the city conncU of Dalles I'ltv Inn determined to establish n ewer system 'for ntl that r-ortlou of said city ly luir below tho hlair anil cnt of I-liicoln street, anil has further determined that the con of such sower system hnll be assessed ngiilust the property benelltod thereby. Sat.l sewer sjstcm Is lo lie of terra cottn pipe and tho extent mid location thereof to Ik; as follows. The main llneof said sewer system shall ex tend from the low WMtc4 line of the Columbia river, where the eat marsln of the nioulh of .Mllletcek at sabl low wator sttlkes said river, thenco tilling thceist b ulk of Mid Mill creek (M leet to stake under the notth trestle of the Oregon lUIIrrwd .: Nnvlir.itlon Company's rail roail.thcnccnt ti rifjht dt-llectluii of 1U tteurivs anil 10 minutes from the com so last puiMieit 131-3-10 feet ton stake ti lo-KU teet north of the mirlhwrst corner of the stone wall botiuillnsr the K. JI. Wilson pro)ierty: theiieeat a left He llectlon from the courte Just described, 7t de crees and :tl minutes 12s feet ton point on the west line of Union street, lSiif ct north of Second street; thence crossing I' niou street to the ren ter of the alley between Second unit Main streets, thence along tho center of said alley, from Union to l.-iushllu street; thence coullu Mug In a straight line on the .imo coursoacross ljtiighlln street, ton ilnt on the east lino of said street, 125 (eetnortbofSi-oondstreet; theuue continuing In a straight line on the Mime course, tcross blo'k S. Ijiuglilln's addition to Dnllf s Cttv,.HW feet, to Jellerson street, on a line 123 feet from, mid parallel t(., Second street thence continuing on said straight line. In the same course, 10 leet Into Jellerson streetto a pliitll) leet east of the west line of JciTeron street and 12 feet north of Second street. Theiieeat a left dellcction from the line l.t described, 3.1 d-.-grecs and mtnntes, 8t-A loo feet, to a stake 2 feet west of the east line of Jeiler-ou street; thence at right dellcction from the Hue last decrlbod V:l degrees and 1 minutes, mi-17-109 feet, to a stake; thence at a right dellcction from the line last described 27 desrees and 29 minutes llu-l-ltO feet to a stake 17-S2 100 feet from the souiheast corner of the lawn fence west of the t) It. A N" Co. 'a depot; theiieeat a left dellcction firm said line 11 de grees and II minutes, 46.V9 10 feet to a point on the west line of Jlonroe street 130 ftt north of Second street and 5-7-liifeet north of the north west corner of Jlxsiy's brick warehouse; thence continuing In n straight Pile on the course last described IC s7-100 feet to a point 6 feet north of the iiorth eat corner of .Moody's wooden ware house 132 .') 10 ftet north of Second street and 70 feet east of Monroe street; iheiice at arlgntde mcncItiK In tbo center of tho alley (or Sixth M.) south of block 11, at a point where the ves line ..f waiii,,i,m ktnvtpriMsm said alloy, inenio ... ........ ......... - ...... .. twt tit westeily alotig me cemcr o s:mi miyj ,ts feet west of tho cast lino of l.outt "'reel, thence by a convenient curve to the right . of about 20 feet radius to n ilnt 20 feet cast of the t niivuM .tr,-..f iiiiMice iia northerly .ii. ..,i,, .....aiiKi tvlili the west 1 lie ol l.onri street to the south line of fourth trct. tbcuco bv a curve to the left, of about a 20-foot raillux. .minimi the wrst iinutif Court street, 20 feet north of the south line of I'ourth s reel; thenco westerly along Kouith street, parallel with the south Hue of said Fourth Mieol, to a point 20' t tt,.,.ii n,.ii' I'nioti street, t heme counectiug bv it cotieiilent curve tu Iho rliht, olabouta ill-loot Mitlii. with tho braneh line, of said sewer system running along I tilou st. Atson branch line of said sewer system, com- , nicuciugntii point opposite the ceutei of the at levbctutvn Fourth and Filth stiectf, i feet east of the west line of Washington stieet. aiidj running thence In nwestcrli dltectlim along the editor of tald alley to a olut;:M feet west in theeist llneof Court street; thence by u coiim1 , nlent curve to the right of about a 20-loot radius to connect with the branch of said sewer system ruunliu along Court street. Al'tt a branch line of said sewer system, com m-nclngata point 20 feet north of the south i line of Ullh stieet, and 120 feet west of the West I llneof Court street, iiiiiulug thence In tin vast crlv dliectton to tho west line of Court slre-it tlienee bv a curve to the left, cl about a 20-foot j radius, to it.tei-oct wim mo oraiicu oi smiu ewer sstcm tunning on Court stieet at the cr..!lng oi said Filth ami Cotirc stieets. AImi a branch Hue ot said sewer system, com mciiilug at the center oi the alley between Fourth and Filth streets, at a iolut 2U) feel east oi the cast Hue ot l.llierly street, running thence lu a westerly direction along the line of the cen ter of Mild alley, to a point mi feet west of the e.it line of Liberty street thence by a curve to the right of about a so foot radius, tj connect with the Liberty-street branch of the said sewer -jst.m. Aln n branch llneof said sewer system, com mencing at the center ot the ullov north of Main street and Ml feet west of Washington st.; thence running along the center of s.nld alley to a point 310 feet west of I'uiou street: thciica connecting with the main secr system near the bank of Mill creek, by a euive to the right of about a 2." foot rtdins. Alo a branch line of said ewer system, com menclngat a jKilnt lu Fourth street, 2.VI feet west of the west line ol Liberty trevt, and 20 feet nortli of the south Pne of Fourth stieet, running thence In an easterly dlicctlon aloi g Fouilh stn-ot, lurdk-lwllh the Miuth line of said street to thewe-,t Hue oi Liberty slteet Knowledge Concentrated boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get jn the New Werner Edition nniT MMtr. a . " ihe facts contained therein are reli. able, the statements itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can relv upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY t r -fTTOT7"TPT GTTTvT TVio Tnllnn r. a Make' in Tayior MreeU -To 7t north' of ! b) J' eonveiilent curve to U- left nf about Second i trcet and ps-rs-uo icct west of the eii .: .vi .i ..... t n. To Cure u Cold in tine liny. Take Las ttive Bromo Quinine Tol Iete. All druggists refunil the money if it fails to cure. 2c. Koilol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are such that it can't help doing eo. "The public can rely upon it as n tn-tster remedy for all disorders arisinc from imnerfect diges tion. "James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA gar Questions areconstantly comingup every day inliterature,artandscience which you wish you knew, but you don't. Make up your .mind that you lare not going to be caught this way very often. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopaedia Britannica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. The Complote Sot (Thirty Lars Octavo Volumw): No. r. Nw Styk Buckrara Cloth. AUrbkd . Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Fia r Ish Book Paper. $4 j 00. I First payment. One Dollar(Si.oo)aniJThr DollarsfSi-oo) pr month thereafter. No. . Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, Extra , Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper. $6000. First payment, Two Dollars (Jj.oo) and Four Dollars ($4.00) per month thereafter. No. 1. Sheep. Tan Color. Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, Srs-oo. First paVawit, Three Dollars (Sue) and , Five Dollars (Ss-oo) per Booth thereafter. A reduction of 10 per cant is granted by paying cash within y day aMer tha receipt of the work. roil BALK ll V I. C. NICKELSEN, end of the V.'nseowiirehoutc A brunch of .-ilil fewer i-y-itcm shall connect with the main line in I'utun street, ) feet from the weit llneof tiilrt street, t h point l:i leet north of Heconil street, and shall run nlons all I'lilon street .-0 feeleat of the west line thereof, to a iolnt :v feet south of the north line of Ic-nth street. Another branch line of sahl sewer system shall commence In the center of the alley be tween Second aiuntilnl streets, at 11 ;oint 401 feet west of the east line of Lincoln street, and ' run thencjiilous the center of said alley to a tolnt .to f-ct east of ihe cut 'ine of Court street, ctiutiectinK with the branch of snld sewer system running up Union street hereinbefore ' described, from theeastand west, by convenient curves of about n twenty.foot rn litis. Also ti branch of tahl cwcrytera commenn- , Inirln the center of the alley between second I and Thlnl street", on the east line of Washing ton street, and running tfcence ea-terly aloni: the center of said alley, to a nolnt where the 1 ecnlerof said alley Intersect with the prtsent sewer of Max Vr Rt A Co., where it crosses said j alley. Thence northerly and easterly aloni? the ' line of sa d sewer as it Is now located, to the 1 nolnt where said fewer intersect? the mam line ! of the sewer hereinbefore described, at n point! roi- , - said ewer vtent ruimlnc 1111 ami down I.lb erty street, at'the cro.siiiR of said fourth and Liberty streets. This notice n publi-hcd by onlcr ot said City Council, made on Atisust ."itn, lw. Ni:i II. (l.VTl! s. nug llecorder of Dalles City. How About Your Title? EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route i ! OK T1IK I Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains letive and are due to arrive nt l'ortlaL OVKIiLANl) KX ! press, Salem, KosC' I bun:, Ashland .00 I". JI. . JI. Dally except aundayi 17:30 A. JI. nl, Kac-1 1 I ramcnto, 0)?dcii,s'an II ) Kraiiciseo, Mojave, ! 0:15 Ixis Angeles, Kl l'aso, I .ev Orleans am: U-ast lioseburi: and way sta tions fVia Woodbura for"! ' JIt.An(tel,SIlvurton, ; West aclo, llrowns- villcRprlUKileld and I . Natron J , (;orvallls (stations.. A.M. where the main Hue of said sei'er crosses eral street, between second and Thlnl. Also, n branch line of said tower system, com- menclngat a )lnt in the center of s.ild alley be- 1 tween second and Third streets, loj feet east of ' l-cderal street, nnd running iheiice alons the ) a;3j , center 01 saiu aiiey ro ine west line 0: Katigniin ' street: and thence conn clinc with the 1 aush lin street sewer by n lelt curve uf ab.ut 11 '.sj-foot radius, in said Iiu;hlin street. Also u branch lino of said tcwer syslem. coni meuclns at a point oi the east llneof Monroe itrccr, '-M feet north of the south line oflhlrd street, running thence westerlv, parallel to the south llneof '1 bird street, and L'J feet from ald suutuiiin.-ujn -.urn vj ieei tesvoi ine e:tt line i t viivtt'v-t.t-v.L i. c -t-v'-T.-.. t-- ... of Madison street, thence curving to the iK'ht IM)tl t-NDtN ;K I 'ASh.NGI-.i:. hxpress train with n curve of about 11 tfMoot radius, to a point I 1 all (racept Sunday), in said JIadion street -.1) feet from the north I ltf"p, m. (I.v. ..rortIand....Ar.) 8:Sa.m line ot Third street and 10 feet from the west I '- P- m. . .JIcMlnnvllle. .l.v.J 5:ffla, rn. llneof said Madison street: thence northerly -s) P- n. Ar..Ir:de;Udence..I.v.) l:j0n. m. I along s.tta jiadl-on street nu n line tara He with : , a. UK YOU SUKE it is nil right? Iiuinumlior it if the M IvKCOUI) that iroverna. It is our Imaim-as to I ecnrcli tliu rt'conlH null ehow what thev i-ontuin in relation to luiul titlt'i'. If you cuntumplnto hu yitin laml or limniiic nullify on rnl estulo security, tuko no man' wunl, Inn insist Umii knowint; wtuit tliu record aliaiva rej.'iuiliii the title. An Abstruut Is as U8entiil .18 a ileed. Innist on hiivinu it. Wo hnvo tho only set ol Almruet HookH in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted nnd Biitlsfiiutlon irunnuitced. It you huvo prop. ertv to iiifiure, ifive us n call. Wo tiro ugunte for four ol tliu he-t lire inauriincu compunies in thu world. If yon have property for uale, list It with us and wu'll tlnda huyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. I; JO l'. M Dally except Sundays. 'Phono 81. 2d St., opposite A Wlllinmn&Co. the west line of said street, ton point J) ftet from the west line of slid street, nnd '.11 f.-t south of the center line of tbeallev Iwtween Sec- ! ond and Third streets: thence dcll.cting to the 1 left by it curve of about n iM-foot radius, toai point where the west llneof Jladhon street in- I tersects the renter line of said allev between I stcondand Thlid slreets; thence lu h westerly , direction along the center line of m d alley ro a I Wlutvu feet west of the east line nf Iviii.-lilln I street: thence deliecllng to the right by a turvo of about a.'J.foot radius, to connect with the brunch of s.ild sewer system running up Laujh Hn street, la said Ijiughlln street. Alko a branch lino of said sewer ytem, com mencing Jtn point In tho center of the alley be twten second and Third Strectt, 'Jim feet etst of lac wit line of Jlonroe street, running theme In k westerly dlrellon along the center of said allev to a point V) feet west of the east line of Jlonroe street, thence dillectlinr to the rleht lir a curve of about a twenty-foot rudlus, to a point OMrfiStte the tir.rth lit t- .if tlto nlluv itpn ...i.t Btconn aim J nirtl streets, and 20 feet aist of the ' west llneof Monro.; street- Ihcnn. In n n,,th. 1 ejly direction pirallel with the wot llneof MonriA! street, and SO ftet therefrom, to within at feet of the main line of said sewer sstetn hereinbefore ilescrlhfl thi.nc.. r.iiri.(,,.. ,.. ,i... j left with n radius of ubout sm feet, to conscct I ,4.ji saiu i.jaui line. ! Also a branch line of said sower system, com mencing on the west line of Jellerson street. "JO feet north 01 trie smith lltu. ot K,.nriii -i...... , thence running we. terly parallel with the nild 1 north Hue of ourth stri.'t, to ti point 'jn feet1 1 west of tbeeast lluoof biughiiu street; thenco' ,hyu cuivo to the right ot about twenty feet1 ; radius, to u point SJ feet east of the west lino of , 1-aughlln street and a) feet south of the north ' . ,lrl-1- "'eiico nortncriv, parallel with the wet line of lughlin street, to con- 1 ivci wiiu mo mam iKiooi said seer system liereilibeforudescrllxfd. hv n enn-o t,. ih ..( iioout twenty fe!t radius, where said main line in earn sewer sysicm croste uiughlln street at the nlliy between second and Jlaln hticels. Also n branch ilne of said sewer svntom. com ' menclngat 11 ioiutlJ) lent south of the north ilnuof filth street and JDfeeteaiti'f the west! llneof Liberty street, tlieucu along snld l.lbrty Mreet parallel wilh tald nest line of .IU utreet, 1 in a noitherly diruMlon, to connect with ih bmnch of sewer system htreinbefoie descrlbetl. I luutilng In the alley U-tveej eteotid r,it ti,ii ' ""'li by " t'c"v,;,i,-" curve 10 thorlght.where it.tcj c-.t.vj uiusiei j,nj..riy sireei. Alton branch llneof said sower ar-item.com-1 menelngJn Iho center of Ihealley between Ihlrd and rourth atrcvLs, 2W) feet west of Liberty at., and runnlog along the center of said allev to a point frct east nf said I.ilrlv .tt ...... j ncctlng wllh the branch ol snlrj sower aystern 1 1 , I Liberty stteet, from the edit and west, by con , vonicnt curves of abmt a fimt rdlu. at ihe I point v,fcere sail alley itosk- Uberty slieet 1 I Alto a branch line of nlrt sparer rt.-m menclng In the center of thealley between Third ' nnd rourth trecu,2V) feetenstof uourtalrmi, and thence running along the center of snld m! Hy In wt-sterly dlrcllon, to a jxttut 'jj fwi west of the east line of t.'nlon street; thence by . a curve to the riitht of about a a-frxit radius, to 1 connect with the Union street braueti of tal 1 s jnteiii. Alto n branch of said sewer nyatem, t-ommMic-Ing In the center of the alley between Third and Fourth ttrce s, nt a point U) feet mt of the but llneof Washington street, and running thet.ee along the center of tald alley to u poliil auj ftet eatt of Jcflerf iii atreet, and connecting with the branch of said sewer yttom riiiniTriK along liughlln ttreet. bycorireriIcntcurveof about aHeet mdlui, at a point where tald alley crosses tald Laughllu ttreet. Alto h branch lino of tald sewer syttem.com. roeiiclnirata point j feet north of the south tioof ourthttrvetand Wfeetea.tof fheeatt line of Wath ngion street: runnliig iheiice In an easterly direction imrallel wllh aalil aouth lluoof Kourlh street, to connect by a convenl. iJi.furve to the left, of about u 'foot radius, with Ihe UuKhlln-ttreet branch of tald sewer ratetn,t thu crossing of Kourlh and Uughlln streets, AUo a branch line of said Ktit ajitew, com- Dally. f Dally, except BUlidAy. DIKING CAUS ON O0DKN UOUTK. I't:i.I.JIAN I1UKFKT SI-FKI'IiHS AND HKCOND-CI.AS.S BI.KKl'ING C'AHb AtUchwl to all Through Trains. Direct connection atsau Kranclsco with Occi dental and Oriental and 1'acltic mail iiteamshlp Hues for JAl'A.N and CHINA. Sailing datea on uipHcatlon. Kates hud tlcketn to Eastern points and Eu rope. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU anC AIISTI'.ALIA. All abovo trains arrive at and depart Irom (irand Central HUtlon, Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Deijt, foot of JeQerson street. U-ave for Sheridan, weelt daye, atl:S0p. m Arrive ut Portland, 0:30 a. m. Leave for A1KI.IE on Jlonday, Wednesday and Friday ata.35a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturdaj it 3:05 p. in. Except feunday. "Except Saturday. K. KoKKl.EB, (I, II. JIARKHAM, -lanaier. Asst. (j. V. it Pass. Aat Through Ticket Oflice, ll Third ttreet, whore through tickets to all points In tho Eastern State, Canada and Kuropu can bo obtained at lowest rates from orN.W.,,KNJHKI'ANI)'T,CkCtAgent- Best Work at Iieast Possible Cost Guaranteed to ive satisfaction, "VVu fire here to stay: therefore evetf ; effort will he made to establish u business. Jt, will pay you to examine our j work nnd consult our prices. itttlt557iiti BLB 5aL v9 FkV CONSIDER OUE PHIOES: P i REPAIR SHOP. 9 4 AGENT FOR THE 2 ..RAMBLER. Look and Gunsmith, Z L and Machine work. Z f Charles Burchtorf.o,,,;,,.! S 4 eat Crown and Uridyl work (22k. uolil), per tooth. k-st 8a teeth, suarantued ..... . . Beet Gold Fillini? Heat silver or ullov filling Teeth uxtrautcd without imin ...150 ..t-5.50 $1.00 up .&0cnp 50c Kooiiia n-ia.i.'i, Chapman lllock, Seeond St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IHANHACTA KNKUALBANKINU JIUIilNEB Letters ol Credit inued available in the 01 . r. Eaatern fitatea. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranilera .old on New York. cltitaSo, 6U Lgul"i,8a,FrneI. Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waih,, and varlotu potato In Oregon and Waehlngton. Collections male at ail potato on (av orsble terms. ..GflAS. FBfl.. Butehens and Fapmers ..Exchange.. edl tho best beer 1 The IMllei at the u.ual price' "imno ry' ifi","1..bc '"nvlneed. Alo tho muici1!;rr3g?,," 01 w";c". Uiuor Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. LiAHE BROS. (jKNKHAL AMI mlTT Z"m A DOM. Fill Mr la ' r ff Wagon and Carriage Work R Flah rothara Wagon. t '( , 1 Biacksmiins ...AND... iofsesH Tbim and JelTcrnn. PUciic 159 H H HUMTINOTOM " 8 HUMTINOTON & WILSON. ATIOKNBVAT, Otticoor"r nt Mat, Bank JR' UKlMSNIMlKrrstH PhyBicitn and Surueon, HpoUl alUutloo ilvu to surcrr. Keouu at aud as, Tel. v 0,1