I BUSINESS LOCALS. Acts gentlv on the DNEYS, and Bowels Cleanses the System .1 P P P I I I I v , t-' I I I k. V l wnuui; nvcornurc ' Cn I .-$ "-J h4BlTUALC0NST''N i umu PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT O by fAirioPNiA Via Cypvpto Use Clarke & Falks Rosofonm (or the teetn. tf Latest thing In cameras nre Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's ! drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wascu warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nich25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Urandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stnbline, agent, The Dulles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. 0. J tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3ui. Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. Foi sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3tn Try Yerba Buenn Bitters, the best, tonic. For sale at all llrst-class bar?. 0. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3tn For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Folk. tf Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system, neyer cripe or nauseate Dewitl's Little Early E sers. Butler Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cores obstinate summer coughs and colds. "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. fOa SAlt BY ill ORUGGiSTS PCiCt SSs. ttRCCTtlC. l'KOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. Carey Ballard is home again from his camping trip. Wm. Teuipletnn, of John Day, is registered at the Umatilla. C. A. Crabtreoand L. Hammond came in from Tygh on business yesterday. Mrs. 0. Kinersly and family returned last evening from camp at Stevenson. Hon. John Sommerviile and family arrived from Hay Creek yesterday and will make their home in The Dalles. Mrs. S. H. Nye, accompanied by Mrs. Si. Alerrtw ether, arrived last night, on their way from California to Prineville, tne home ol the former. Mtss Jo-ie Jenkins was a returning passenger from Stevenson last evening, where the has been camping with the family of Iter uncle, S. Bolton. w . tl. Moore and W. Kagsdale, citi zens of Moro. came down fiom that place yesterday on their way to join tneir lamilies at Wind luver. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Huntinsiton and family and Mr. and Mrs. UilTurd re turned on the boat list night, having fpint i ho patt month in camp about twelve miles from Hood Hiver. To Cure n Cold In (Hie Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLo money if it fails to cure. 25c and The Kates fur G. A. It. Ilnca mi meiit. For the G. A. H. National encamp ment at Phihdelphip, Pa., to be held Sept. 4th-9th the O. It. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate from The Dalles of $88.85, tickets on ealo August 29th and 30th only. Tickets will be good for return passage until Oct. 31st, stop-overs being allowed west of the Missouri river. The tickets between Philadelphia and Chicago will not bo good for return pas sage after Sept. 12th, except that ar rangement can be made at Philadelphia between the dates of Sept. 5th 9th upon the payment of 50 cents and deposit of ticket with agent at Philadelphia to have the ticket between Philadelphia ami Chicngo extended to Sept. 30th. Call on J:ts. Ireland, Agent, Tho Dalles, for further information. augS 15d DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. Daut and S. D. Htoufer under the firm name and style of Tho Daut Optical and Jewelry Company lias this day been dis solved. P. G. Daut will continuo the business, collect all dbbts due he firm and pay all billH owing by them, tho said S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom. Dated this Hth day of August, 1S99. P. G. Daut S. D. STOurm Notice. All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Watco county, Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest ceases from this djte, C. L, Schmidt, Clerk School Dlt. No. 12. x The Dalles Or,, Aug. 14, 1809. Acker's Engllih Hemedy will stop cough at any time, and will cure tht .worrit cold In twelve hour, or money refunded, 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druvtiiatr. Hamilton Clark, of Channcey, Ga., .'aye heaulTered with itching piles twenty ra before trying DeWltt'e Witch tHesel Salve,, two boxee of which com lately cured blm. 'Beware of worthies lwA -daBgerotM tcovattffalti. Hull; Drag Co. "Ilurniotiy" Whiskey. Harmony whiskey for family special use, sold bv Ben .Wilson, Dalles. NOTICE. V. S. IiAJfD Orncc, Tho Dalles, Ore.) July 23, 1MW. I Notice U hereby Riven that thu order of lie ceinberb, lb'JI, temporarily withdrawing from disposal, for tho purposes of a boat railway, the lands on tho south sido and within lx miles of the Columbia river, between ihe Dalles and Lelllo, has been revoseu bv Iho nreildtnt. e.v eentas to the following desciibcd parcels: one In the XW'H of See 31, r 2 X, K 11 K, containing nooiu lour aim one-nnii rcre-, auu ine oilier m the:;Vu,fcee21, T2X, It 15 K, containing ubout half an acre. On and after September 1, 1599, we Mill receive applications lor any vacant lands included therein. J. p. J.UCAS, OTIS PATTERSON", Kfzlster. Receiver. Jly2G 1 NOTICE. Notlrc Is hereby given that tho city council of Dalles City him determined to establish h t.ewcr system for all that ortlnn of said city ly ing below the bluff and cast of Lincoln street, and has further determined that tho cot of such sewer system shall bo assessed ngnliist tho property bcnctlted thereby. Said sewer system Is to boot terra cotta plpo and tho extent und location thereof to be us follows: tend from tho low wato: lino o'f tho Columbia1 feet c.t of the east llnonf Union street: thenro .t..n. .t.iif... , i. a. m.Mii. nr ,t... ...n.tii. .r ' ...iMtir..tiiu. In- f. fmitvmilimf rurvf! to the INtlt, Ol HDOIll 11 lMOOl rJUII,llli UIU iiinnn. ....- of said seuer system running along Union st. Also n branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at n polntopiKislte tho center of the al ley between rourth and Filth sticets, LM feet mcnr-lng In tho center of the alley (rr Sixth st.) south of block II, at a point wheru the west lino of Washington street crosses said alley; thenco westerly along the center of said alloy to a point .IS feet west of the east lino of Court street; thenco by a convenient curve to Iho right "! about MMeot radius to a olnt '.() feet east of tho west lino of Court street: thenro In u northerly direction parallel with the west line of court street to the south lino of Fourth stieet; thouru bvneurvo to tho left, of about iW-fnot radius, toapolntou thoist llnoof Court street, 'J) feet north of the south line of Fourth street: thcueu MoMerlv along Kouith street, parallel with the south Ifnenf said Fourth street, to u point -) Mill cieek at said low water strikes said river: thenco along the east bank of said Mill creek CM feet to a stake under the north trestle of the flt-niri.il tfntlrr.n.1 .1' V n vlw.i Urti, I f till nv' i!l. ronil.thenno at 11 rluht detlentlon of 10 desree.s ' and 10 minutes from the cnuise last puisucd cast of tho west lino of Washington stiect, and 1S1-3-1U feet ton stake 1-15-1(I0 tect north of tho I riinulnir thence In u westerly direction along northwest corner of tho stonewall bounding the (outer of mid alley to n folutJSS feet west of the i:. M. Wilson property: thenco nt n Ictt ite- th0 cast line of Court street; thenro by u couvc llectlon fiom tho coimo Just descrlbeii, Til do- ni011t rurvo to tho rlnht of about a 'JO-foot radius grees and :U minutes 12s feet to n point on the t connect with the branch of said sewer system west lino of Union street, 1S6 f et north of Second 1 mmilnu along Cotir'. ttieet. street: thenco crossing Union .street to the cen- I ,,,,, ,lf ., ........ .,..,,. rnm. menrine at n point -u feel north of tho south Knowledge Concentrated ter of tho alley between Second and street, thenco along the center of said Main alley, f om On e m o MuW i " " " s,Vcct' VM fL'cf WL'',t .' 1110 "l's.' irom union lo i.iu.Riiiin smu, uiiiito toiiuu- ..,,.,, ,..,,,... i,,,r t n-iwn n mi enst- uing in n straight lino on tho same course across ijnignun street, toa point on tnceast line oi mi I it street, lis feetnorthof Secondstrcet: thenuo coiitluutug In it straight lino on thu same course, tcross bloik S. I.mgliln'.s iiildltlou to Dalles Clt ,:;iX) feet, to Jell'eison street, on n lino 124 feet from, and parallel to, Second street' thenco continuing on said straight Hue, in the sumo course, 1U tect Into Jetlerson stiect to a lino of Court street, running thence In nn east erly dliectlou to tho west llnonf Court street; thenco bv a curvo to the le't, cl about n'.D foot radius, io li.lciscrt with tho brunch of said sewer sjstem running on Court street at tno crossing of said Fltth mid Court streets. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mcnclng at tho center of the alley betwien l-ouriu anil ruin sueeis, ai a pnini aw iccieusi p..int 10 lect east of the wist line of Jetlerson I of tho east line of Liberty street, tunning thence street unu jjs lect norm oi cecoini sircci. i in u wesieriy uueeiuMi juhiim uh: iiuu m- w.i UKISISNDIUtrFKIt PJiysician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Tel. Sii Vogt Block Kooms 21 and 22, w F e Boule Offers travelers choice of the following routes east. Thoy aro all famous for their scenic attraction. O. K. & N. view Ojtden and Denver. Shasta Route view Saciamento.Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Los Angeles and Alberrjuerrjue. A daily line of thrnuuh PULMIAN PALACE and TOURIST SLKEPER, from San Francisco and Los Anueles to Chicago. This is The Short Line outliern California the East. from southern California To Apply to the agents of the O. R. & N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders anr descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester. Bldir. Portland, Or. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dicresta thu fnnrl Anil nlrlo xfature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, f latulence, , Sour Stomach, Nausea. SickHeadache, Oastralgl a.Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. Preportd by E. C. OtWItt A Co.. Chicago. HERVITA BulMit VI f'ALITV. LOT VIGOR ' AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. Auervotontcand blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks ant restores the fire of youth. By mall SOo per box ; ii boxes i0r.9a.oo; with. a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEPICAL CO. cnngt nil 11 m mk, iwoii, m 8?ld by BUkthiy tt Houghton, Tfa DillM, Oregon. Thence, nt 11 left liellection Irom the lino lust described, 0.1 degrees and 2J minutes, 81-S-1U) feet, to 11 stnkoL feet vest of the east line of Jcll'erson street: thenco nt n rlsht dellectlon from thu line lust de-crlbcd 23 degrees and 15 minutes, 110-17-100 feet, ton stake; thenco at a light dellectlon from the Unu lust described 'J7 degrees iind'.tt minutes 110-I-1C0 feet to 11 stake 17-b'J 100 feet from the lotuheast comer of the lawn fence west of the O It. i: N. Co.'s dejiot; thenec at 11 left dellectlon fiom said line 11 de grees and II minutes, 1CVJ 10 feet to 11 point on the west lino of Monroe street l.'i'J fet north of Second street and .V7-100 feet north of the north west corner of Jl.wdv's brick warehouse: thence continuing in a stinight lino on the com se Inst descrlbisl 1.7) 87.10O fett to a point 0 feet north of the north-eat corner of MoiHly's wooden ware house llfJ ." 10 feet ninth of Second street mid 70 feet cast of Monroe street: thence at a right de llectlon from the last line 7-02, 6Ti-Si.100 feet, to 11 stake in 'J'nylor street, w-ti-10 feet north of iecond street anil IG-7.1-100 feet west of tho west end of tho Wasco warehouse. A blanch of said sewer system shall connect with tho main line in L'nion street, SJ feet from the we.t line of said street, nt it point 12S feet north of .Second stieet, and shall run along said L'nion street 20 feet east of the west line thereof, to a point 20 feet south of thu north Unu of Tenth street. Another branch line of said sower system shall commence in the center of tho alley be tween Second and Third streets, at 11 point 10 feet west of the east line of Lincoln street, and ran thencj along the center of said alley to a joint 200 f"ct east of Ihe east 'lno of Court street, connecting with the brunch of said sewer system running, up Union street hetclnbeforo described, from the cast and west, bv convenient curves of about a twenty-foot rallus. Also. 11 branch of ald sewer system commenc ing in the center of the alley betneen Hteond and Thitd streets, on tho east lino of Washing ton street, and running thence easterly along the center of said alley, to a point where tho center of said alley intersects with thepiesent sewer of Max Vrgt .V Co., where It eiosses said alley. Thence northerly and easterly along the line of sa d sewer as it is now located, to thu point where said sewer intersects the main linu of thu sewer hetelnbefoio descrlbeii, at 11 point where the main line of said sev er crosses Fed eral stieet, between second and Thitd. Also, 11 branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a jioint in tho center of said alley be tween Second und Third streets. 10J feet east of Federal street, and running thence along the center of said alley to the west line of l.aughlin street; and thence conn. cling with the I ninth lin street sewer by 11 left curve of about a 20-iuot radius, in said Laughlin street. Also 11 branch lino of saidiewersvslem.com meneingat npolnto-! the east line of .Monroe street, 20 feet north of tho south line of Thlid street, running thence weslerlv, parallel to tho south line of Third stieet, and 20 feet from said south line to u point JO feet west of tho east linu of Madison stiect; thenco curving to the light Willi a curve of about a 20-foot radius, to 11 point in said .Madison s'reet 20 feet from the north ui;u 01 mini sireci anu -.u leer nom tno west line of said Madison street; thenco northerly ulongsaid Madison street on ti line parallel with tho west line of said street, ton point 20 feet from tho west lino of sold street, and 20 feet south of tho center line of theallev between hi-it- ond and Third streets; thence dcllectlng to tho left by a curve of about n 20-foot radius, ton point where the west lino of Madison street In tersects tho center line of said ailev hetun-n Second and Third streets; thenco in a westerly direction along tho center lino of sa d alley to 11 (kjihi .u ice 1 west oi luu east line oi Jjiugllllll street: thenco delleetlnir to thu rluht bv a rurvo of about ii20-foot raalus, to connect 'with the branch of said sewer system running up Luugh 1 1 11 street, In said Laughlin street. Also a branch llnoof said sewer svstom.com. menciug at 11 point in tho center of thu ulluy bo- uu-cii crcuuu mm iiiiru sireeii, -vj leer oisi oi tne cast lino of Monroe street, runntner Dwmim. iii n westerly dlrellon along the center of said allevtoapoint 10 feet west of the east Hue of Monroe street, thence dcllectliiL' to tho rielithv a curvu of about a twenty-foot radius, to a tioliit opposite tho ncrthllieof tho alley between said Si court mid Thlid streets, and 20 feet east of the west line of Jlumou street; thence in a nnttli erly direction parallel with thu west linu ol Monroo stieet. and CO feet therefrom, tn within 20 feet of tho main linu of said sewer system hereinbefore described; thence curving to tho leitntthii radius of ubout 20 feet, to connect with said inula line. Also u brunch lino of said sewer syslem, com meticingon the west lino of Jell'ersou street. 20 feet north of tho south Hue of Fourth street, thence running westerly jurallet with tho said north line of Fourth street, to 11 point 20 feet w est of tho east lluo of LuiiL'hllii inie iiw.m.,, by 11 cuivc to tho right ot about twenty feet1 radius, to ti point 20 feet oast of tho west lino of jjiugnun street unu 20 leet south of tho north 'lno of Fourth street: thence northerly, parallel with thu west line of Laughlin street, to con nect with thu mulu llnonf said so iter system hereinbefore described, by a curvo to tho left of uuoui iweiny leet ramus, wnerusulil main lluu of said sewer system crosses Laughlin streU at the iilliy bctWitn Second and Main Streets. Also 11 branch ilno of said sewer system, com menclng ut 11 point W) feet south of tho north lino of Mf tu street and 20 feet eust of thu west lino of Llbertv street; theneu along said Liberty sircci puranci with said west line 01 until street, in 11 nmiheily direction, to connect with ih ter of said alley, to a point '.0 feet west of tho east Hue of Liberty street: thence by 11 curve to the right of about u 20 foot riidlu-, to connect with thu Liberty-street branch ol the said sewer system. Also 11 branch llnonf said rower system, com mencing at thu centei of the alloy noithof Main street and M feet west of Washington st.: thenco running along tho center of said alley to apolnt;no feet west of l'nion street: tlicnee connecting with the main sewer system near tho bink of Mill creek, by ueiiivo to thu right of about n 25-foot r i;us. Also 11 brunch line of saldsewersystem.com mcnclng nt u point in Fourth street, 2"J feet west of the west line ol Liberty street, and 20 feetnorthof tho south l'ne ol Fourth stieet, running thence In an easterly dliectlou along Foutlh street, prillelwlth the south line ol said stieet to the west line ol Liberty stieet. thence b a convenient curvo to tins left of about 20-(ett ladius, to eonnict with thu brunch ol said scivcr system running hp and down Lib erty street, at the cronsiig of said Fourth and Liberty streets. This notice Is published by order of said City council, mauu on August .'m, is'xj. SKI) II. (iATm. nugS ltceorder of Dulles City. boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get jn the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA.' The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can rely upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One DoDar Cash nnd the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc duu to arrive at 1'ortUi. I.KAVE. OVKltLAN'l) KX-), press, fculoui, Hove- 1 burg, Ashland, Sac-1 . -no l i ' J lauteiuu, w:ueii,oaii i Los Angeles, El Paso, 1 j New Orleans and tKast I, .x.oi 1 m Itoscburg and way sta-' Dally except Kundayj, I7:S0 A. M. fVlA WooJbura fori ! Mt.Angel.Sllverton, ', West Sclo, Hrowus ville.riprlnglicld and I Natron I 1:30 I'. M Dally except Sundays. ICorvallis I stations.. and way) i5:M !.;. INDKFE.N'DKN'fiE l'AS9E.VOKIt. ICtpress train uaiiy (except tjuuiiuy;. ",Mp. m. rl.y l'ortland....Ar.) 8:2.) a. m 1:60 u. in. t.m p. m. Ai..MeMlnnville..I.v. 3:30 p. in. (Ar.. Independence.. l.v.) Dully. IDauy, except Hundny. DINING C'AHS O.N OUIJKN KOUTK. I'DLLMAN I1UFFKT HLl'El'KUS AND HKCOND-CLASS HLEKl'lNCS OAlth Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San hranelseo with Owl dental unit Oriental ami Facitlc mall steamship lines for. lAl'AN and CHINA. Sailing dates on uf piieaiiou. Kates and tickets to Eastern points aud Eu rope. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU anS AlLSTKALlA. All above trains arrive at aud depart from Grand Central Station. Filth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIV13ION. I'asseiiKcr Deiot, foot of Jetlerson street. Iave for Sheridan, week daye, at 1:30 n. m Arrive ut I'ortland, 9:: u. m. I-evc for AIHI.IK on Monday, tVdlncsday and rrloav nt h.a.1 a. rn. Arrivo at I'ortland, lues dav, Thursday aud Saturdaj it 3:03 p. m. Except Suuduy. "Except Saturday, It, KoEh.l.EIt, (i, H. MAKKHAM, jlanoier. Asst. (i. F. a pass. Aat Thrnugh Ticket OHlcc, 131 Third street, where through tickets U all (rfjlnts in the Eastern Btatcs, Canada und Europe can be obtalnod at low est rates from orvHl!!Hi?.,lKI'AN,,TlckctAKe',t branch of tewer system htrelnbefoio described, lunnliiK In tho alloy betweua ciecoud and 'ihlnl treets, by a convenient curve to thorlKbt.whero uu unu eener crosses L.iuerty street. Also a branch lino of suld sewer system, com inenclni; in thu center of thealiey between 1 bird and hourth streets, tM feet west of Liberty t utid runnloK alonu tho center of said ullcv to u jiolut 2WJ feet cast of said Liberty street, and con iieetliic with the brunch of said sewer system H Liberty itrect, !rom the east and west, bycon. vonlent curves of about a 20 foot radius, at the !olut where sold alley crossex Liberty atreet. Also u branch lluu of said sewer system, com mencing In Iho center of the alley between Third aud Fourth streets, 250 feeteaatof Court street, uud thcuce ruunliiK along the center of said at ' ley in b westerly direction, to a point 20 feet went oftho cast line of Union afreets thenco by a curvo to the right of about a 20-foot radius, ti connect with thu Union street branch of tali sewer ytem. Also a branch of said sewer ayitem, oommenc ing in the center ot thu allev between Third aud t ourtli itreets, at a jwtnt So feet mt of tho eust llnoof ttainlngton street, aud running thence along the center 0 said alley to pol 11 200 feet cast of Jefleraon utroet, and connecting with the branch of auld sewer ayitem runnliiK aloinr ?MU$m ,ree,?"U " ",ky crokH" Also ft branch lino oi aald aewer ayitem, com. Bieuclug at u point 20 feet north o( the south '.,S0Lu,L',f.l'et,'a WetMof ihe east Hue Of Waihlllirton ttriwl! rimnlnu il..,,... i.: an eaaterly direction paralUI with aaid aout Hue of Fourth street, fo connect by a convenl. eatcutvo to the leit.ofabouta Wfoot ridluJ, with the Uuthliu-itrcet branch or t,Ll2..l llriS' UBCroM,B ' "urHi aud Uughlln Alio a branch line of aald nwtr ayitem, cow Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. 1 How About Your Title? UK YOF sritK it is all rijltt? Komuinlior it is the KKCOUI) tlutt ifovurtiH. It i9 our hualnuas to Eenreh tho records nntl eliow what thev contain in . , , . - 1 1 . riilsituni to 1:11111 lines, n you eiiiueiiiiuiiu uuyiiin 1:11111 or loniiinc irnin'v on runl untatu Hucurlty, Itiku no iiinu' word, but insist "upon knowing what tho record dhows reiinuiinc the title. An Abstract is nn uiisuiitial as a deed. Insist on liavini; it. Wo have I lie only set of Abstract Hooks in tho County. All work pioinptly t-x-ecntiil nnd eatlEiactlon giiarantoi'tl. II yon have prop erty to insure, ivo us a call. Wo uro ugente for fotiro' the best lire iiisuraui'o companies in tho world. If you havu property for sale, list it with us and we'll lluil a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., oppoBlto A. M. Williams & Co. Best Work at T isz? of Doc o i lrr tfTef iiVLA V 1 VUOIUIV VaSW?l Giiiiriuitccil to give satisfaction, A'e are hero to stay; therefore everr offort will lie made to establish a business. It will pay vou to examine our work anil consult our prices. KMFiMmlmifiM n CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Ilest Crown and Ilridu'o work (22k. uold), tier tooth ' Host Bet tooth, (fimraiilfoil Beet Gold Filling Host silver or alloy tilling leeth extracted without pain .'. ...5.50 '.,.$1.00 up ,..50cop Me Iiooins U.12-1.'!. Chapman lilock. Second t Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. r j-i.. AQENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Second HI. opp Johiuton, Charles Burchtorf, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IBAN8AGTA KNKKALUANKINO BUKINKa Lettera of Oredlt Issued avnllable in the . EMUirn SUtee. nlllllt Kiehanira an.l rr..i . W.(eni joldTn" New York 7$ wn. Battle Waib., and varlom noinS Collections uid. n aii , orable Urraa. " mM oa ' ..CfiAs. m. Buteherts and Fatmeits ..Exchange.. K;,iihoheStri;;Thoi;x: fStitut It. a-.' t, 1 " .,?"L.V'""HI''. rr ....... uianun 01 nines amlC'lifars. tlll l.-)uor Sanduiiehes ofallKlnilaUva) on hand. OKNKItAI. BiacRsmiins ...AND... Hofsesfioe is Wagon nd .Orrlgo Wtrfc Ftoh rothars' Wagon. Tiiird and Jcflcro, Flione 159 1 JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OBloe oyer French 4 Co.'" ul' . ., nntOOf I'hOIIO 0, THK VAl.u" H.I R NUMTIMQTON UNTINOTON WIIQr Hl OaUaor rat Nat. mux