The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 17, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
cleanses the System
fOa Stt BY ttl OHUSS'STi frail SCt FtR cant.
Mrs. J. A. Bettliune came in from
Dufur yesterday.
"J. T. Reynold returned to his homo
at Sptagne todny.
V. J. Harris, a mining expert from
Spokane, is in town.
Frank, tho wool buyer, came
over from Goldendale yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Long returned
yesterday from a camping trip to Trout
Miss Emily Crossen returned on the
boat last evening from Portland where
she has been visiting friends.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. B. F. Ltuehlin and fanv
lly, who hive spent a month or more in
camp at Gltnwood, came up on the boat
last nig'it.
Miss Helen Hudson, who has spent
tho M8t month with her grandmother,
Mrs. Thornbiiry. in Portland, returned
home last evening.
Mra. A. A. Jayne and family were
among the returning campers last night,
having spent several weeks a few milea
back from Sprague.
Mies Eva Wentworth, a teacher in
the Warm Springs schools, was in town
yesterday on her way to the agency
from a visit in Salem.
It. V. Hutchins, editor of the WaiU-
burg Gazette, a paper recently started
there, is in The Dulles on business today
and called at the Chronicle office.
Messrs. G. W. Phelps and Arthur
Clark passed through on the afternoon
train on their way from Heppner to
spend a few days at Clateop beach.
J. G. Edward, of Hay Creek, P. J.
Quealy.of Wyoming, and Torn Thomson,
who are among the inenporators of the
Oregon King Mining Company, came in
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more than a skin disease,
and no skin remedies can cure it. The
doctors are unable to effect a cure, and
their mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. Tho
whole trouble is in the blood, nnd
Swift's Specific is the only remedy
which can reach such deep-seated blood
Eczema brolxo out on my daughter, and con
linued to spread until
iier head was entirely
covered. She was treated
by several good dootors,
but grsyr worse, and the
dreadful disease spread
to her face. 8 ho was
taken to two celebrated
Ileal tli springs, but re
ceived no beneUt. Many
patent medicines were taken, but without re
sult, until we decided to try 8. S. 8., and by the
time the first bottle wag finished, her head be
gan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com
pletely Hinl left her skin perfectly smooth. She
Is now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent
arowlli of hair. Not a sign of the dreadful
Iseaso lias ever returned.
If. T. Shobi.
2701 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
Don't expect local applications of
soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They
reach only the surface, while tho di
sease comes 'from within. Swift's
is. the only cure and will reach the most
obstinate case. It is far ahead of all
similar remedies, because it cures oases
which are Iwyoiid tiieir reach. S, 8. S. is
purely vegetable, and is the only blood
remedy guaranteed to contain no pot
h, mercury or other mineral.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Cewpaay, Atlanta, Georgia.
from the interior yesterday and are
regtsterecrat the Umatilla House.
Mrs. C. L. Schmidt left yesterday for
Portland, where she will be joined by
her daughter, Miss Almn, and together
they will take a trip to the seaside.
F. J. Bachelder, who is called the
father of traveling men, having been on
tho road since some time hi tho sixties,
is in the city today representing Seth
Mrs. A. M. Kelsay and family, Mrs.
C. B. Cashing and family nnd Mrs.
Guthrie and family were returning
passengers from Cascades on the boat
Miss Mabel Sterling, who occupies n
position as steuocrapher in San Fran
cisco, returned home last night. She,
in company with her mother, will leave
In the course of a week for a trip to tho
Miss Sarah Henderson, the cfliclent
stenographer for Pease & Mays, is con
fined to her room. Some of the
Peaso & Mays force say it is spring
chicken, others say it le dizziness caused
by the anticipation of u trip to the
top of Mt. Hood.
All outstanding warrants against
School District No. 12, Wasco county,
Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L.
Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date.
C. L. Schmidt,
Clerk School Dist. No. 12.
The Dalles Or., Aug. 11, 1899.
"DcWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of
Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant,
never gripe, they cure constipation,
arouse the torpid liver to action and
give you clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
Butler Drug Co.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga.,
says he suffered with itching piles twenty
years before trying DeWitt's Witch
Hazsl Salve, two boxes of which com
pletely cured him. Beware of worthless
and dangerous counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are such that it
can't help doing eo. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." Jamea M. Thomas, M. D., in
Ainericin Journal of Health, N Y.
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the ekin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton,
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system, never
gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co.
Try Verba Buena Hitters, tho best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teetn. tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17 3m
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For ealo at all first-class bars. C. J
tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-clasa bare.
C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles.
M 17-3m
"Harmony" Wliltkay.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, told by Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
To Cure a Colli tu One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tali
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it falls to cure. 25c.
Latest thing in cameras are IuH
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Rttlwts VI ALITV,
Cures Itnpotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. Anervotonlcuml
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale checks ant'
restores the fire of youth.
By mall SOo per box; (I boxes
for tttt.BO; with a written guaran
tee to euro or refund tho money.
6!d by Blakeley & Houghton, The
Dalle; Oregon.
Notice U hereby given that tho city council
of Dulles Cttv tin Determined to establish n
sower system for nil that portion of snld city ly
tnjr below the blutr find cast of Lincoln street,
anil lins further determined that the am of such
tcwer svsteni shall bo assessed against tho
iro rty benefited thereby.
Said sower sjstem Is to bo of terra cottn pipe
and the extent and location thereof to be M
The main llneof said sewer system shall ex
tend from the low wntc lino of the Columbia
river, where the east niarRln of the mouth of
Mill creek at said low water strikes said river;
thenco alone tho east lunik of said Mill creek
GOO feet to a stake under tho north ttestlo of the
OreKon Uallroml A: Navigation Comtmny's rall
road,theneoat u rlRht dellcctlon of 10 degicc
and 10 minutes from the couiso last pursued
lsl-Ii-N) feet to a stake '.M3-M0 leet north of the
northwest corner of tho stone wall bounding
the K. M. VMIson property: thence at a left tie
ilorilnn from tho pnurn' lust described. 7t de
grees and :ci minutes 12t feet tun point on the
west lino of Union street. Kfi f et north of Second
street: thence crossing Union street to the cen
ter of tho alley between Second and Main
stiect. thence along tho center of said alley,
from Union to Laughllii street; thenco contin
uing In a straight Itno on tho same course across
l-anghlln street, to a point on tho cast line of
said street, Hi fcetnorlh of Second street; thenee
continuing In n straight line on the same
course, (cross blotk S. Jjiiisblin's addition to
lljllts Cttv, WW feet, to Jell'ersou street, on a Hue
1'iS feet from, and parallel tu, Second street;
thenco continuing on said straight line, in the
same course, 10 leet Into Jellerson street to a
p.dntlO tcet east of the west line of Jellerson
street and 12S feet north of Second street.
Thenco at a left dellcctlon from tho lino last
described, !il degrees and 'JJ minutes, 81-5 100
feet, to a stake'.! feet west of tho east line of
Jellerson street; theme at a right dellcctlon
from tho line last described 2.1 degrees and 15
minutes. 1UI17-100 feet, ton stake; thenee at a
right dellcctlon from the l(no last described V!7
degrees nnd '."J minutes 110-t-lCO feet to n stake
100 feet from the southeast corner of tho
lawn est of tho 0 H. : N. Oo.'s depot,
thenco nt n left dellcctlon ft mn said llnell de
grees and II minutes, -I6.VIM0 feet to a point on
the west line of .Monroe street 13J foot north of
Second street and 5-7-100 feet north of the north
west corner of Moodv's brick warehouse; thence
continuing In n sttaight lino on the course last
described 100 S7-1C0 feet to a point 0 feet north of
the north-east corner of Moody's wooden ware
house 13J o 10 feet north of Second sticct and 70
feet cast of Monroe stteot; thenco at a right de
llcctlon from the last line 7-0. Stiti-SC-lOO leet, to
u stake in Tnvlot street. Mi-ti-ll) feet north of
.Second street and lt;-7.V100 teet west of tho west
end of the Wasco warehouse.
A branch of said sewer system shall connect
with tho main lino In Union street, 'i) feet from
the uo.tline of said street, at a point l'JS feet
north of Second strret, and shall run along said
Union street 'JO feet cast of the west lino thereof,
to n point :V feet south of the north line of
Tenth street.
Another branch line of said sewer system
shall commence In the center of tho alley be
tween Second and Third streets, nt a point 10
feet west of the east line of Lincoln street, and
run thenoj along tho center of said alley to a
point 'Jtw fret east of the east 'Ino of Court
street, counecllng with tho branch of said sewer
system running up Union street hereinbefore
"described, fiom the east nnd west, by convenient
curves of about n twenty-foot ralius.
Also a branch of said sewer system commenc
ing in the center of the alley between second
and Thltd streeti, on tho cast line of Washing
ton street, and running thenee easterly along
the center of said alley, to a point where the
center of said alley Intersects with thepic-cnt
sewer of Max Vrgt t Co., where It crosses said
alley. Thenco northerly and easterly along tho
llno'of sa d sewer as it is now located, to the
point where said sewer intersects the main line
of tho sewer herclnbefoto described, nt n point
where tho mnlu lino of said sev er crosses l-'od-cral
street, between Second nnd Third.
Also, a branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing nt a point in the center of said alley be
tween Second and Third streets, 10 J feet east of
Federal street, and running thence along the
center of said alley to the west lino of Laughlln
street; and thence conn cling with the I iiuiili
liu street sewer by u loft curve of nbcut a 'JO-foot
radius, in said Laughlln street.
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing at a point o'l the east line of Monroe
street, CO feet north of the south line of Third
street, running thence westerly, parallel to tho
south Hue of '1 hlrd stieet, and 'JO foot from said
south line to a point 13 feet west of the east Hue
of Madison street; thenee curving to the light
with n curve of about a 20-foot radius, to ii point
in said Madison street 'JO feet from the north
llneof Third street and iu feet from tho west
llneof said Madison street; thence northerly
along said Madison street on a Hue parallel with
tho west lino of said street, ton point 'JO feet
from tho west lino of said street, and 'JO feet
south of tho center line of the alley between Sec
ond and Third streets; thenee dellectltig to the
left by a curve of about n 'JO foot radius, ton
iioiut where the west lino of Madison street in
tersects tho center line of said alley between
Second and Third slrcets; thenco in a westerly
direction along the tenter line of ,i it alley to u
point iO feet west of the east lino of Laughlln
street; thenco dellectltig to the right by a curve
ofabout uJO-foot radius, to connect with the
branch of said sewer system running up Laugh
lln street, In said Laughlln street.
Also n branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing at a point in tho center of tho alley be
tween Second and Third streets, 'J00 feet et of
tne east line of Monroe street, running Ihento
In a westerly dlrcllou along tho center of said
alley to a point 10 feet west of the east line of
Monroo street, thenee dtllectlngto tho right by
a curve of ebout u twenty-foot radius, to a point
opposltathoiicrthllioof tho alley between said
Stcoiut and Third sticets.aud 'JO feet east of the
west lino of Monroo street; thenee In a noith
erly direction parallel with tho west line ol
Monroo street, and CO feet therefrom, to within
CO feet of tho main Iiuu of said sewer system
hereinbefore described; thenco curving to the
left with a radius of about ) fett, to connect
with said main Hue.
Also n branch lino of said sower system, com
mencing on the west lino of Jell'ersou stieet. 'JO
feet north of tno south lino of Fourth street.
thence running westerly parallel with tho said
north lino of Fourth street, to a point CO feet
west of tho east lino of Laughlln street; thenco
by a cuive to tho right ot about twenty feet
raaius, to n Tiniu leet east oi tno west lino oi
ljiughlln street uiid CO feet south of tho north
'Ineof fourth street; thenco uortherlv, paralltl
with tho west lino of Laughlln street, to con
nect with tho main linoof said s.ocr system
hereinbefore described, by a curve to the left of
about twenty feet radius, wherosald main lino
of said sewer system crosses Ijiugtilin street at
tho nllty between Second and Main Streets.
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
mei'.clng at a point lao feet south of tho north
linoof Fifth street and CO feet cast of tho west
lino of Libertv street; thenco along said Liberty
street parallel with said west line of suld street,
in a noilherly direction, to connect with llio
blanch of sewer system bttelnbcfoie described,
running In tho alley bctweoa second and Thlid
streets, by u convenient curvo to tho right, wheio
raid alley sewer crosses Liberty street.
Also n branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing lu tho center of thunlley between Ihlid
und Fourth streets, 'iU) feet west cf Liberty St.,
and running along tho venter of said allev to a
point CM feet cast of said Liberty street, and con
necting with tho brunch oi said sower system in
Liberty street, from tho east and west, by con
v'Hilent curves of abmta CO foot radius, at the
point whero said alley crosses Liberty stieet.
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing In tho cen terof thualley between Third
ami Fourth streets, COO feet cast of Court street,
and thence running along the center of said al
ley in a westerly direction, to a tiolnt CO feet
west of tho east lino of Union street; thence by
n curvo to tho right of about a co-foot radius, to
connect with tho Union street branch of sail
sewer system.
Also a branch of said sower system, commenc
ing in tho center of tho allev between Third mid
Fourth streets, ntH point tt) fcetastof tho east
Hue of Washington street, ami running thenco
along the tenter of said alley to a point 2UQ eet
east of Jellerson street, and connecting with tho
brunch of said sewer system running along
Lsunhlln street, by convenient curves ot about
CO-leet radius, at a point whero said alley crosses
said Laugallu stroet.
Also n branch lino of said tower system, com
meiiclug at a. point CO foet north of the south
lino of fourth street and W feet cast of the east
Hue of Washington street: running thcuce lu
an easterly direction parallel with as Id south
linoof Fourth street, to connect by a convent,
ent curve to tbe left, of about CO-foot radius,
with the LaugulUi-ttreet branch of said swer
system, at the crossing of Fourth and Laughlln
Also branch lino of aald sewer system, com
mencing lu the center of tho alley (or Sixth t.)
south of block II, at a point whoro the wost lino
of Washington street crosses salii llt , J Nc"f
westerly along the center ol said alloy to n point
iW feet west of the east Iiuu of Court lreet,
thenco by a convenient curvo to thu right of
about CO feet radius to n oliit CO feet enst of tho
west lino of Court street: thenco Inn nnrthcrl,
direction parallel with the west lino of J.oiirt
street to tho south linoof Fourth sttcct; thenco
bv a curvo to tho left, of about a CO-foot radius,
ton point on thowest llneof Court street, CO feet
north of tho south Hue of Fourth street; thenco
westerly along Fourth street, parallel "llhtho
south Hue of said Fourth street, to n point J'l
feet west of tho cast lino of Union street; thenco
connecting bv i-onvciilent rurvotn tlio iUnt,
of about a CO-loot rdlu. with the branch lino
of said sewer system running along Union st.
Also n branch line of snld sewer system, com
mencing at n point opposite thu center of the al
lev between Fourth and Filth stieet", ai foot
cast of thowest lino of Washington street, and
running thenco In a wcJterly direction along
thu center of said alloy to a jolntS feet west of
tho cast line of Court street; thenco by a rotivc-
, niClll CUrVU III llll- llk-limi m,
to connect with the branch of said sower system
I runnltu along Court stieet.
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
Imencingatn point CO feet north of thu south
, llneof I'lflh street, anil ICO feet west of tho west
llneof court street, luiinlug thenco In an east
erly direction to tho west llneof Coutt streat:
1 thentobvactirvo to tho left, cf about u CO-foot
i radius, to ii.terscct with tho branch of said
i sener sstom running on Court stieet nt tho
J crosslngof said Filth and Court streets,
j Also a branch line of said sewer system, com
Imenclng at tho center of tho alley between
! Fourth and Fifth streets, at n point Cud leet east
i of the east lino of Liberty street, tunning thenco
I I ...nil l,,n (-.1 11.1.1 .if I ill. ,1.1 1 1.
terof said nlley, to a point to feet west of tho
east line of Liberty street, thence by it curve to
tho right of about a CO-foot radius tj connect
with tho Liberty-street branch of the said sower
Also n branch lino of said sower system, com
mencing at tho center ol tho alley north or
Main street and SO feet west of Washington st.;
thenco running along tho center of said alloy to
n point 310 feet west of Union street: thenco
connecting with the main sewer system near
tho bank of Mill creek, by n cuivo to the right of
about n 25-foot rcdlus.
Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com
mencing at n point In Fourth street, CV) feet
west of the west lino of Liberty street, and CO
feet north of tho south 1'no of Fourth stieet,
running thence lu an easterly dliectlou nlor.g
Fourth street, pirdlelwtlh tho south line of
said street to the west lino of Liberty sttcct;
tlrcnce b a convenient curve to tho left of about
CO-lctt radius, to connect with the branch ol
said sewer sstcm running up and down Lib
erty street, nt'tho crossing of s.iid Fourth and
Liberty streets.
This notice Is published by order of said City
Council, mado on August Sin, lsy.i.
vrn Vt c.iTir-i.
Heeorder of Dalles City.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at 1'ortlaL
nress. Salem. Hose- '
burg, Ashland, Sac
., j ramento, Ogdeu.San 1
I Francises), Mojave,
2:15 A. M,
i-os Angeies, li raso, i
New Orleans and
East I
u.m t m IHoscburg and way tta
a.j a. -.Itjoni,
1:30 I'. l
fvia Woodbur.2 fori
I Mt.Angel, Sllvcrton,
,Vest ticlo, Hrowus-
! vIllo.SprliiKlicld and
, (.Natron J
17:30 A.M.1 "r,T"'1's am! m''5:Ml'.JI
JNDKl'KNDK.VCK I'ASSF.N'GKlt. Kxpress train
Dally (except Sunday).
I; (Lv Portland. ...Ar.) 8:2.'a.m.
7:30 p. in. At..McMliinvllle..l.v. 5;W) a, m.
b:30p. m. (Ar..lndcicudcucc..Lr.) i:&0u. m.
Dally. IDauy, except butidnr.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at San Francisco with OccI
dental and Oilcntnl and Pacific mail steamship
Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
at plication.
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Ktl
All above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station, Fifth nnd Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of JeUerson street.
I -cave for Sheridan, week days, st 1:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. in,
lieave for AIKI.IK on Monday, Wednesday and
Frl'iay atH:35a. m. Arriv at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:03 p. in.
Except Sunday. "Except Saturday.
Mannacr. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Ant
Through Ticket Ofllcc, 131 Third street, where
through tickets to all points In tho F.astern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. 11. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent,
OfTerfl travnWn clinino nt tlm foil,.,,.;.,,.
routes cast. They are all fmnotm for
their ecentu attraction.
O. It. & N. view Ogilen and Denver.
Khaata lUmto view Sacramento, Ogden
and Denver.
Shaeta Route view Sacramento, Jjs
Angeles and Alberquerque.
A daily lino of through PULLMAN
from San Fraticteco und Loa Anaelea to
Chicago. This is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the agents of tho O. It. & X.
Co. or the undersigned, for folders aiir"
descriptive literature,
(Jen. jAgt. Worcester, llldg. Portland, Or.
Physiciau and Surgeon,
Bpcclal attention given to surtjery.
HoomsaiandlS, Ttl.m VogtHlock
Becond lot of September Demgners
now on sale at .Pease & Mays'.
Sap Fe Rou
Improved CYCLONE
NfclSW --y T---lliriir Si ISM ii j ii
No. 4-'slzo 3 x 4V) f 8.00
No. 5-(sizo4x5)... 10.00
Just Arrived
mi It- V..,r. J 1 1
j Camera Villi bulb shutter.
How About Your Title?
n KK YOU SUU 10 it in all right? Heniemhor It is tho
W KKCOltl) tlmt viovertiH. It 1b our biiBinuea lo
euitrnh thu records nnd show what thev contain in
relation to Iniul tltlee. If you contumplnte buying Inml
or lnnning money on real eetntii security, take no man'
word, hut insist upon knowing what tho record ehows
regarding thu tltlti. An Abstract is na essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. Wo Imvu the only pet ol
Abstract Hooka in the County. All work promptly ex.
ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop,
erty to insure, ulve us n call. We uro agents for four of
the best lire insurance companies in tho world. If you
have property for sale, list It with us und we'll find a
J, M. Huntington &Co,
'Phono 31.
Best Work at
Least Possible Cost
Guaranteed to ive satisfaction. W'c arc liorc to stay; therefore every
effort will he tntidc to establish a business. It will pity you to examine our
work and consult our prices.
Heat Crown nnd Hridge work (22k. gold;,
Hest set teeth, guaranteed
liest Gold Filling
Hest silver or alloy filling
Teeth extracted without pain
Rooms Ii-12-13,
Chapman Hlock, Second St.
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager.
..Grins. mK
and Fafmecs
JiX';?.0." ''""Kht tho colcliralcl
C01.C.MHIA IKKIt, ncUlimvl
wilted lliu best beer lu Tlie Imllen,
attliuiiMiiil prlee. Come In, try
It Mini be eorivlnced. Alto thu
Hue's branih o( Wines, l.l itwr
uudC'lKiirs. '
ol all Kinds always on band.
Letters of Credit issued avalloblo in the
ri w v La8t8rn Stntes.
hlght hvchange and Telegraphit
rransfers sold on New York, ffigo,
'nfe!lhh,"ncl,cf' Portland Ore
gon, beattle Wash,, and various poiutt
In Oregon and Washington.
w"t run A DOSE.
FOR 1899.
Ten Polnt8to Consider:
12 Ploturos In 12 Seconds,
Hliuttur Bulb Roloaao.
Shuttnr Automatic.
Shuttor Looks,
-i Aluminum Plateholtleru.
Sot stops.
Spoalnl Qulok Lons.
Automntlo noglstor.
AH parts tntorohaneonblo.
Expound platoo romovod without
disturbing unoxposod. 1
1899 CataloRuo with aom
ploto information FREE.
St., opposlto A. M. Wllllnmn &. Co.
per tooth.
. ,$1.00 op
. ,60c up
, . . . .w-
Portland Dental Parlors
Wagon and Carriage Work
nan Hrotners' wnHna i
Third and JoEqd. mum
nd aunmlth,
and Maohlna'
Biacksmiins i