The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 17, 1899, Image 3

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    Oat Clothing Dep't.
Don't Forget
Saturday next wo offer any of. our
medium weight unci Summer Suits at
Half Price.
Wo are playing hav.oc with prices,
but are dotorminod not to carry any of
these goods over, and
We must
have room
for Fall Stock.
We have
turned loose on
Pants Stock.
The patterns are exclusive, but that
does not figure with us. For bargains
in Pants
See Window.
Just a few of those Crash Hats and
Caps left at
19c and 39c each.
Bettor hurry up, not our fault if you
miss the chance. You know the regular
price on these goods range from 35c
to 75c each.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
Pease & Mays.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 17, ISfi)
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be bamlcil in before 10 o'clock A. M., ns
oo changes will lie accepted in ti:c aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
Ike Dalles, January 10, 1899.
19c anil UDc (.-ncli for ladies and ohilr
dreni hate and caps now on sale ut l'ense
& Mays.
Marriage lirense wns issued yesterday
allernoou to U. C. FitGerald and Inn
J-Marsh, of Mosiyr.
Preachers ami pollcotnun aro indis
Wnillilo adjuncts of civilisation. One
" I'airer mul tho other a peeler.
ted the article on today'e editoriul
Pie, and tlion bulge, of the impression
aiaJehy Orcuonlana on our editoriul
v"ltora lun month,
.in., u. .. .... ... ....
11 i,v,6ii(i or ifi.uu wrapper Is
I wt mum, why every lady in the land
"WW have one. You can have one
'"Jay or Saturday if you call at Pease
Jliellfuaiui adventures of Mrs. Kate
wio Spraimo throw some light on the
jm that beauty Is only skin deep.
Wy it ia not oven that deep. Some-
it cornea out m the washing,
1 F, StilllllKKll' f 41 1 .
timi 1 Ul me voinnieer rocep
.committee, rcquestslaU thoso who
leo to call t llia 8torB am, recdve
2m' nh w, eftve M
"""and time a way from htsbusiness.
UitTiu.t.,1.,.. .
teatinn.11 ' uvcn'"K some oneun'n
Chi Z I, w,,a" nrubrellas wlthJ
H.aS,!t0,0'0,by'etrpioUon. K
wniukin person win ...
thJcuJ ""''"""try PMMd through
vneonvie t, y Bftwn bound fe
S.iii.t f'r T "'."iotar Bowery
"'FillDlL Z. ucUp .doings
. , uiey wn,t be l((JId(
.ie of bminwiio tba.OrfKon
Telephone olllre here has made it neces
sary to augment the force of operators,
and Miss Minnie Bartell this afternoon
took charge of the .'ocal Bwitch board. A
number of phones will soon bo put in by
residents along the Canyon City line
who appreciate the convenience of being
thus in touch with tiie city.
The soldier boys brought home with
them many very interesting souvenirs
and pictures of the company which will
be the more valued ns the years pass by.
In Van Norden'a window is a large pho
tograph of Company L, taken at Manila,
and several Individual photographs of
the voluntecre, which are attracting
much, attention from passers-by.
Yesterday morning when little Alma
Union, the G-year-oId daughter of Win.
It men, who lives on a farm on the Wash
iugton side of the river was ruling horse
back with Iter sister, they wero thrown
from the horse and Alma's right leg was
broken at the thigh. A physician was
summoned from here anil iho fracturo
reduced. She is now getting along
The Christian church will give an Ice
cream sociol next Friday evening at 8
o'clock. One special feuturo of the en
tertainment will be talks by the soldier
boys. A question box will be at the door,
the Holdiers will answer the questions.
Admission 15 cents. The program will
be rendered in tho auditorium of the
church and the refreshments will be
served in (he basement.
Grant Mays and W. K. Walther, re
turned Inst night from a trip through
Wasco, Crook and Sherman counties in
tho interest of Mays & Crowe. They re
port the ruin as general throughout tho
country, coming too late to do damage in
Crook county and only sull'ielng to delay
harvesting in our own and Sherman
county, unless It should eoiitlnuo, which
does not seem probable from present Indications.
This time ft ia the sower on Court
street which is demanding attention,
and also money. Every few days work
men hnvo to be put to work on souio of
the Bewera in our city, making the out
lay on thorn almost continual. From
January to July of this year $211,011 was
spent on repairing. In July $8080.
Thia month .tho amount will loot up
about the sumo aa lost. While tho tax
atlon (or tho new system will work a
great hardship on property owners, at
that rate the saving In repairs would
ioou pay for the new sewere.
Two trick bicycle rjdsrs named Shaver
and Baiiden, appeared on the corner of
Second and Washington streets last
evening and gave an exhibition of their
riding, which was truly wonderlul.
OycllsU In The Dallas lve been con
tent to be ablo to sit on their wheels
and mauuge to keep going, but one of
theso experts Bin nil on his head in the
suddle and rides. It must have re
quired much practice to attain such a
proficiency on the wheel, and 'tis not
likely nny of our ridera in The Dalles
will take to that pnrticulnr et vie unless
the Btreets of the city are cleared of the
rocks which make every wheelman n
"Hough Itider." Of course these trick
riders' nre not performing for their
health and are quite ns proficient in
passing the hat us riding. They will
give another exhibition at tho Baino
corner this evening.
The musicC') of tho hand organ !b
abroad in the city and its soothing strains
fall alike upon the just and the unjust.
We have done nothing to merit such an
h miction , and surely the punishment of
tho sins of our fathers is being visited
upon us. While we cIoeo our ears to
the "grind," for grind it is, we cannot
closo our eyes to the "grinder" nor
censure one "ho cannot Bee himself as
others sea him, nor poseibly hear him
self as others hear. In the hardest
heart the feeling of sympathy must be
awakened for thoso who grope in dark
ness. With him is a woman, who is
also blind, and together they go about,
making a living hy their daily "grind."
It seems strange that husband and wife
should both be blind, and while we
have not questioned tho cause, we are
reminded that possibly as love is blind
they may have fallen too deeply In love.
Bids will bo opened at the office of
Captain Harts, United Statea engineer,
September 1, for repairing the damage
done by the great Hood of 1S9 1 to the
stone pavement or rip-rapping- on the
point of land projecting below tho en
trance to the canal and locks at the cas
cades. This point was nil paved and'
protected by a covering of largo stones,
which was torn up and displaced by the
flood, Most of the stones aro still in tho
ground, but several thousandcublc yards
will have to be provided to complete the
repairs, the cost of which will amount to
about $60,000. The pavement 011 the
laud side of the entrance to the canal
was also damaged by the flood and will
have to be repaired. Although the canal
and locks wero nominally completed,
there is still a great deal of woik to be
done there before tho job the government
undertook in finished. Walls aro to be
completed or built, slopes to be graded
and turfed over, buildings removed etc.,
and a movable dam of steel Is to be
built to protect the upper guard gate in
cse of emergency. This dam will be so
arranged as to lie on the bottom when
not in use, and to be hoisted Into posi
tion across the caoal when necessary.
The appropriation available at present
is only sufficient to repair the damages
to the stonework for the protection to
to the entrance of the canal. It will
take considerable time and money to
complete the locks and canal as pro
posed . O regon in n .
II cuv to act n reunion.
"How may such of tho returned vol
unteers ns are sick and disabled eecure
A citizen who has had experience in
that lino says it can bo done without
ono cent of expenee to tho soldier, except
for postage. It is not necjssaiy for him
to consult an attorney, he Hays.
"All that is necessary," said the citi
zen, "is for the applicant to write to tho
secretary or agent of the pension bureau
at Washington, D. C, stating the cir
cumstances by reason of which he thinks
he is entitled to a pension. By return
mail he will receive a eet of blanks.
The instructions accompanying are suf
ficiently plain, and he only needs to fill
them out as directed. As soon as the
department receives theso filled blanks,
it will Bend another set, which must be
filled out in the same manner, and so on
until all tho regulations are complied
As soon as the department obtains all
the evidence in this manner, it will pass
upon thti claim and send the money for
tho pension, which thereafter will be
paid monthly.
"If the applicant were to employ an
attorney the same process would have
to be gone through with and the soldier
would be that much out. In order to be
entitled to a pension the applicant must
have been injured in some manner that
will interfere with his earning a liveli
hood. The blanks require a physician's
signature, the seal of a notary public
and other evidences of validity." Tele
gram. Terrible Fate.
An Until n ill Experience for Dalle Camp
er Along the Columbia.
An unknown Indian woman wasfdund
Saturday on the Ahtanum by Ed Car
penter and Harold Wells, near the Car
renter ranch, three mileB from North
She had evidently Etarved to death, as
she had been there sick and unattended
for several days. She was an aged wo
man, and when found was naked, ex
cepting a band of cloth about her loins.
She had been abandoned to her fate by
relatives who camped there two weeks
ago, and went toward Toppenish, on the
The coroner did not hold an inquest,
but had her buried by the authorities.
The woman had a large tumor on her
neck, which must have weakened her
condition. She had a rope tied to a
stake and with this pulled herself to the
ditch near by for water, She must have
subsisted several days on green corn and
carrots from a garden near where she
lay. She had been dead three or four
davs when discovered.
13 IT It I OUT
Fur hii Editor to Kt'ciimiiicnil
What Hicks prophesies regarding the
weather, wo can gerernlly depend upon
explicitly. So when he says we are to
have warm weather during the following
week we are inclined to believe it;
especially while reveling in the sunshine
of today.
No more perfect weather could be de
sired, and thosejwho had the good taste
to enjoy a drive early this morning had
a'treat worth rising intuit earlier to se
cure. The rains have settled the dust
i and cleared tho atmosphere until it is
balmy and every breath eeems to give a
person renewed lease en life.
Such weather is phenomenal at this
time of tho year. Last August those
who lemained in the cities were swelter
ing, while at the beacb and along the
mountain streams the visitors wero
thronging anywhere, anywhere out of
lh3 heat. This year every boat and
train bring crowds of people returning
to escape the rain and cold. Many of
them will no doubt have causo for regret
that they did not brave it out a few days
longer, for, from all indications, we are
to have another siege of hot weather.
But tbe discomforts of camp life,
with trie rain dripping from every leaf,
working its way through the canvass
and onto the bed clothes, etc; and worst
of ell 1 1 zing the matches a dote which
excludes fire from camp until a kindly
neighbor chances that way, cause the
thoughts to turn homeward. The cure,
however is worse than the disease, for of
all unpleasant tasks that of tearing up
camp and packing in a drenching rain
is the worst.
Camping is all' right in sunshiny
weather, but from rain in camp, good
Lord deliver ns. This is, however, an
aflliction scarcely to be considered along
the banks of the Columbia this time of
the year, and our people can usually
pack their tents and steal away to re
main all eummer without being driven
home by a storm.
To Cleanse the System
Effectually yet gtntly, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of
Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
One Minute Cougli Cure quickly cures
obstinate summer coughs and colds.
"I consider it a most wonderful medi
cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton,
Mayhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co.
Wash goods, GU' cents, Friday and
Saturday at Pease & Mays. Astonish
ing. See that line of wash goods on sale
Friday and Saturday at Pease & Mays.
Per yard, 3Ja cents. Wonderful.
Do you need a wrapper for home wear?
Pease & Maya are selling 75c, 85c and
$1.00 wrappers at 59 cents.
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet aB a ureventive of suffering
we feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea ltemedy. We have known and
used th'iB medicine in our family lor
twenty years and haye always found it
reliable. In'many cases a dose of this
remedy would save tiours of suffering
while a physician ia awaited. We do
not bellcvo in depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, but we do
believe that if a bottle- of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during tho past twenty years. For sule
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
lCutea for O. A. It. Kneu uiinuciit.
For the G. A. li. National encamp
ment at Pbiladelphip, Pa., to be held
Sept. 4th-0th the O. It. A N. Co. will
make a round trip raio from The Dalies
of $88.85, tickets on sale August 20th
and 30th only. Tickets will bo good for
return passage until Oct. 31st,stop-overB
being allowed west of the Missouri river.
The tickets between Philadelphia and
Chicago will not be good for return pas
sage after Sept. 12th, except that ar
rangement can be made at Philadelphia
betweeii the dates of Sept, 6th Oth upon
the payment of 50 cents and deposit of
ticket with agent at Philadelphia to have
the ticket between Philadelphia and
Chicago extended to Sept. 30th. Call
on Jae. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles, for
further information. aug815d
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than asy
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & FaLk. tf
Cora Wooa
At the lowest possi
ble prices at
& Benfon
Hardware and
Grocery dealers.
isasa a a a a a o
More Flies
Are Caught
with molasses than vinegar, ia nn old
saying, but
Tanglefoot PJy Paper
catches more than either. No insect
can resist its attraction and once within
its power the tormenting possibilities of
that insect are over.
Price 5c per double sheet.
Our stock contnins many other prepa
rations for destruction of insect life.
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Is now in shape to properly
handle all kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
This department is under the charge of Mr. J. KirchoiT.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as u
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.