Acts gently on the and Bowels r.EANSES THE 5YSTEM , EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES Jr h4B,TUALST'PAT N 01 1 UAU v PERMANENTLY 1T5B.c.IucT& Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT'D DV fiiiRRMiA Jig $yrvp(s f ca su et u owssiiTi fbcl soi fir cant. I'KOI'LE YOU A LI, KNOW. J. X. Burgess c.itne in from Antelope yesterday. G. C. Vintess is a visitor in the city from Grass Valley. J. E. Kimeey, of Antelope, is in The Lalles on business. Hon. A. Tf. Lyle, ex-member of the lower house, is in from his Crook county home. Mrs. M. Ruiilall broke up camp at Collins Laudim: yesterday and returned homo on the Geo. Ruch, Jr., left on the boat this morning to join the campeis at Steven eon for a few days. E. B. Dufur and son, George, went down to Sprngue this illuming to join the canipeie there. Win. Glasim and family returned on the boat last nisiht from a cam pint' trip to Collins Lan iing. Jlre. F. Fisher came up last night, from Stevenson, where she has been camping for some weeks. Mieeea Anna Thompson anil Maude Gilbert were anions: the returning camp ers from Stevenson last evening. Miss A'innie MoKnight, who former ly lived in The Dalles, is up from Port land, the guest of Miss Cora ioles. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wiison and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Phillips dame up from "Campvllle" at Cascade, on last night's boat. Arthur Hodgep, county clerk of Crook county, came in from Prineville yester day arid left thn morning to spend hie vacation in San Francisco. Mrs. Jos. Sherar anil Miss Peail Grimes left Monday evening for Hunt ington, where they will epend the remainder of the week with friends. The bip four Harry Liebe, Dr. Stur (levant, Vic Marde'n and Sherman Frank who have bten on a fiehiriu ex pedition to Underwoods, cn the Little While Salmon river, letiirned home last niyht, Fish'ne was trooil, but rain wan mure plentiful. But in spito of ehovvuitt they reimrt a good lime. IIOKN Iii tliis city this morning, Ail1.'. lOih, to Mr. and Mrs, D.iu Kelsay, u sou. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby ;nven that the partner ship heretofore existing between P. G. )aiu and S. D. Stoufer under the firm ii a n m and stylo of Tho l)aut Optica! and Jewelry Company has this day been ilia eolved. P. G. D.tut will continuo the business, colhct all debts due the firm and pay all bills owing by them, the said 8. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom. Dated this 14th day of August, ISO!). P. G. r . D. Stoufi KodoT Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening und recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It is tho latent disco vered digest ant und tonic. No other preparation can approach it in etllclcncy. It in stantly relieved and permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Bloklleadache.Gastralgla.CraBjps.aBd ill other resul ts of I m perfect digestion. Ptard by E. C QWM Co., Cblcggo. Notice. All outstanding warrants against School District No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid by tho clerk, C. L. Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest ceases from this date, C. I,. SciiMtnT. Clerk School Dlst. No. 12. The Dalles Or.. Aug. 14, 1S99. "DeWltt's Little Early Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. Butler Drug Co. Acker's Dysponsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cte. and 30 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. Hamilton Clark, of Chr.uncey, Ga., says he suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com pletely cured him. Beware of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because its ingredients are sucli that it can't help doing so. "The public can rely upon it as a master remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect' diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., in American Journal of Health, N. Y. Mok't Tea positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a pei fect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts. andoOcts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Acker's English Uemedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggiets. Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system, neyer gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Butler Drug Co. Try tonic. C. J. Yerba Buena Bittere, the best For sale at all first-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3ui BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teetn. tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. njch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stnblins, agent, The Dalles. MI7-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Try Yerba Buena Bittere, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, ' Tho Dalles. M17.:im "Harmony" Wlilskey. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl To Curt! a Colli III Oun Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. For the best results use tho Vive Camera. For sale by tho Postofiice narniacy. ' tf. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug si ore. T"m rue, kdii wr: lU.tMci vi i Ai.n v, LOST V'GOR t'fi AND MANHOOD Cures Irnpotency, Nljrht Emission.1) and wasting disease, all cll'ects o self- KjBSa) abuse, or excers ana inula sCy cretion. Ancvvo tonic nisei "Jrw JilooiliJuUUor. Brings tne - ftL .1 A . 1 - 1 I - .. xt v-Jr pinK iriow xu ..aiu viiuuimuui fftrtXW restores the lire of youth. SN! By mallKOcpcr box; boxes ior $2.(H; with a written ,'Uiirau tco to euro ox- refuiul tho mouoy. NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & JacUson St3 CHICAGO, ILL Slid by Blakeley & Houghton, Tho Dalles, Oregon. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE lsssSY mm En TRADE MARKS DC8I0N8 Copyrights Ac. Aiirnno sonrlliiii n ikctcli and description oia qulelilir uic-erulu our opinion free whether a: liivenluiii It probabl imlrntablo. Cunimunlrsv. lloiiMlricljjrcoiiuueiitful. ilaudbookoii I'aitutc inifrao. IJIilvtl Kvuiicr forwscurliitr iiuleriln. I'aIoiiIh t&kuil Itmiuuli lluiill A. Cii. rf!ll recelra iptcttl notict, wlihout vumo, iu ttie scteMiiic ttmrm. A hindiornclr tllntrt(l ireeklr. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho cly council of Dulles Cttv lin (ictermliicil to cstabllli a n:vcrsysicm 'for all that (ortlnn of sM city ly liiR below tho bluir mid of Uncoln Mrcot, mid has further determined that the cost of Mich ewer nvstem shull be nsfcessed ngnlnst tho projicrty bcncllted thereby. Snld seer aj Etem Is to be of terra cotta plpo nnd tho extent und location theicol lo be as follows: The raaln lino of . ntil sewer system hall ox 050 feet to ii stnke under tho north trcstlo of tho Oregon Knllrond .V Xnvlsntton Comtuiny'x mil-i-ond.thcncont n right dillcctlon of 10 tiearc-s mi'1 11) minutes from tho couise Inst putmod 1S1.R-1U feet ton stnke (M.VKU teet north of tho northwest corner of tho stone wall boundini: the K. M. Wilson property: thenco nt n left no- llectlou irom tno couno just uescnow.. m m. Krees nnd :'.! minutes 12sfe?ttou point on tho west llnoof Union street, l."fif ct north of Second , strict: thenco crossing Union street lo the i en- I tcr of tho alley between .Second nnd Mnin street", thenco nloiiR tho center of said alley, from Union to l.tughliu stieet: thence contlu uliiir In n straight lino on tho same course across ljiuu'lillu street, ton point on tho east Hue of! point iu ect east of the west lino of le.sou street and 1'JS feet north of Second street, ten I tho low to- I no St tta Columbia feet wet of tho cast '''"fnt, river, where tho oast mnrRln of tho mouth of cminwtliiir , roiic ,"7I(: V.raneli linu ' Mill rieek nt snld low water strikes snld r vcr; o Inbuilt n 'Ju-loot rdlii.wltn tho iirnncn nut, , iVinn,. th,, st h,infe of "it Id J II creek of snld sewer system runnlnir nloni: I'nlou st. saui sireei, i.s ii-ut iiuimmm craiimsiin.,, .,, ,,. i,., kII Ii t ie hrancli o sain coutlmilnR in n stinlht Htio oil tltu , ,nli.R on Court street nt tno lVAS' S NSiSS. V 't't on S'lltiS , " " V?"" T com 12S feet from, and tminllel to, second street: Also n brunch line of snld sower system, com thento contlnuliiK on said strnlirht line, in tno lncucitiK i no cemtr in mi- j ,v I 'lhcncontn left detlcctlon trom tno lino insttcroi s.ti.i miey, " i"'" " itokfrilir.1 . .i.xvrrMtu ii, nl ' i miliums, n i-iuu feet, to a staKO J leet west 01 iuo ensi inn; ui Jell'erson street; thenco nt n ilaiht dellectlon from the line last de-crlbeil '.'.! decrees nnd 15 minutes, ltii-17-100 feet, to n Etnkc; thenco atn risht dellectlon from the lino last descrlbeil i!7 degrees nnd a) minutes 110-4-1C0 feet to n stake 17-J 10) feet from the touthcast corner of tho law n west of tho O K. .V X. Co.'s depot; thenco at a left dellcction fiom snld Illicit de ciccs nnd II minutes, lfi.VJ-10 feet to n point on tho west llnoof Monroe street 13U Iet north of Second street nnd ft-T-HJO feet north of the north west comer of Moody's brick vnrehouse; thenco continulns iu n straight lino on the course list described I.') &7-11XI feet to a point fi feet north of tho north east corner of Moody's wooden wnte house I'M ', 10 feet north of Second stieet nnd 70 ii mi rent! rhenco nt n right do - ltvin toniTtto! thn trl end of tho Nincowarcliouse A brunch of snld sewer system shnll connect with the mnin lino in Union street, S) feet fiom the wejtltnc of said street, nt n point 128 feet north of Second stieet, und shnll run nlong said Union street a) feet east of the west lino thereof, to a point '."0 feet .south of the north lino of Tenth street. Another brunch lino of said sower system shall commence In the center of tho alley be tween second nnd Third streets, at n point 10 feet west of the ciist line of Lincoln stieet, nnd run Ihenoj along the center of said alley to n point 200 feet enstof the enst Mno of Court street, connecting with the branch of snld sewer sjstcm running up Union street heieiubeforo desciibcd, fiom thocnstnnd west, by convenient curves of nbout n twenty-foot rnlius. Also n branch of snld sewer system commenc ing in the center of tho alley between Second and Thlid streets, on tho east lino of Washing ton street, und running thence easterly along the center of said alley, to n point where tho center of said nlley Intersects with thepicscnt sewer of Max Vrgt .V Co., where it crosses snld allev. Thenco northerly and easterly along tho llno'of sn'd sewer ns It is now located, to tho point where said sewer intersects- the mam line of tho sewer hereinbefore described, nt a point where the meln lino of said tewer crosses Fed eial street, between Second nnd Thiid. Also, a brnnch line of suld sew er system, com mencing nt a iolnl In the center of said alley be tween Second and Third streets, 10.) feet cast of Federal street, nnd running thenco nlong the ctnter of said nlley to tho west lino of Laughlin street; nnd thence conn cting with the 1 iiuah llu street sewer by a left curve of nbcut n 20-foot rndlus, in sold Liughlln street. Also a brnnch llnoof said icwer system, com mencing at n point at tho east llnoof Monroe street, 20 feet north of the south line of Third street, running tbenco westerly, parallel to tho south lino of '1 bird stieet, and 2) teet from snld south line to a point 10 feet west of tho east line of Mndison street, thenco curving to tho light with a curve of nbout n S)-foot rndius, to a point In said Mndison. s'reet 20 feet from the north lino of Third street nnd 10 feet from the west line of snld Mudlson street; thence northerly nlong said Mndison street on a lino parallel with tho west line of said street, ton point 20 feet from tho west lino of said street, und 20 feet south of tho center line of the alley betw een Sec ond and 'third streets; thence dellecting to the left h n curve of about n 20-foot radius, ton point where tho west llnoof Madison street in tersects the center line of snld alloy betwc-!ii Second und Thlid Directs; theuee In a westerly direction along tho center Hue of s.i d alley lo n point 20 feet west of the east lino of Ijiughlin street: thence dellecting lo the right by u curve of about uA)-fnot mollis, to connect with tho brunch of said sewer system running up ljuih lin street, iu bind Laughlin street. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com meiK iHg at n point lu tho center of tho alley be tween Second and Third streets, 200 foet out of ir.o ens', line of Monroe street, running llieuro In westerlyilfretlou along tho center of said alloy to a point 10 feet west of tho oast line of Mouroo street, thenco dillectlngto tho right b n curve of about, u twenty, foot radius, to a point opposite inentiinjiiuoiuie uney oetween sum i i.:,..!..! .....i 'i-i. i. .1 .......... .....I on r.. .... ,.r ii. I .iiiii Him iiiiiu ail vets, ii ii i ,v;t cn., wt iiiu west lino of Monioo street; thenco in u north erly direction parallel tilth tho west lino ot Monroe street, nnd 20 feet therefrom, to within 20 feet of tho main line of said setter system herelnbeforo described: thence curvlug to the left with u radius of nbout 20 feet, to connect wiin saw main line. , Also n brunch Hue of snld sewer system, com mencing on the westlliioof Jell'erson street. 20 feet north of tno south line of Fourth street thenco running westerly parallel with the s-ild north lino of l-ourlli street, to n point 20 feet, west of the enst llnoof laughlin street; thenco . b) u cuive to tho right oi ub jut twenty feet : rndlus, to a point 20 feet east ot tho west line of j Ijiughilii street and 20 feet south of tho north Inoof rourth street; thenco northerly, parallel I wiui ino west lino oi i.uugnuu street, to con met with tho uiulu llnoof said seor ststem herelnbeforo described, by u curve to the left of nbout twenty feet radius, where said main line of snld sewer system crosses Uiughllii streit at tho nlky bettv.en Second und Muiu Streets. Also n branch llnoof snld sewer sy.tein, coin nienciiig nt u point Ml feet south of the north llnoof fifth strcetiiuil 20 feet east f thowest lino of Llbertv street; tlienca along said Liberty street parallel with tnld west Hue of snld street, iu u noitheily direction, to t'oiinect with Ilii branch of setter system htrelnbefoio described, running Iu tho ulley between eeconduiid 1'hiid streets, by a convenient curve to thorlKht.whcio tald alley sotter crosses Liberty stieet. Also n bruuen lino of said sewer system, com mencing in tho center of theulley between lhlid nnd Fourth streets, 2.V) feet west cf Liberty t., und running along tho center of said allev to u point 'Si) feet east of said Liberty street, nnd con. uectiug Willi the brunch of said sewer system I i Liberty meet, fiom tho enst und west, by con venient curvcn of ubiutn 20 foot rndlus, ut tho point wiicrusuU nlky crosseu l.lbatj stieet. Also n brunch line of snld sewer system, eoss inenclr.i; lu tho center of the alloy between '1 bird und Fuiitlh strocta, 250 feet east of Court street, uud thenco running nlong the center of mid ul ley In ii tvttterly direction, to n point 20 feet wisliif tho east llnuof Union street; thenco by n curve to tho right of nbout u 20-foot rudluf, In connect with tho Union street bruueh of ul I sewer system . Also n brunch of snld sewer system, commenc ing lu the center of tbu ulley between Third mill Fourth ttrielK, ntupoliitfiO feet uist of tho cast Hue of Washington street, und running thenco along tho center of suld nlley ton imiIiii 20.) feet cast of Jeflcrsmn street, and coiineellng with tho blanch of said sewer sjHeoi miming nlong l.HiiKhllli street, by convenient curves of nbuu. vo-icet rndlus, at u point where said alley crosses sold I.uuifhltii street. Also ii brunch lino of said sewer system, com iiil'iicliisfutu Kiliit 20 feet north of the south llnoof rooiih strict and Ui feet cast of Hie east lino of itroct: running thence lu an easterly direction parallel with suld south llnoof fourth meet, to connect by it toiivenl. cut curve to tho left, of about u 20-foot Hdlut, with the IJiUKhllli-street branch of suld sewer )lein, ut ttio crossing of Fourth uud Lauuhllu streets. Also a branch line of said newer nyileiii, com. 1..- I.. It,.. .,lr nl li. nllol- for sixth south of block 11, nt n point where the oit : lino of Wiishlimton street croivos said alley: CJ westerly almiR the center of snld alley to n point IN fect'vest of the oust lino of Court street; thence by n convenient enrvo to tho '" nbout a) feet rndtm to a point M) feet east of tho west lino of Court lrret: thenco Inn iiortherl direction purnllcl lth the west lino of court street to tho south lino of Fourth Mieet: thenco by a curve to tho left, of about a SM-fnnt radius, ton point nn tho wist llnoof Court street, a) fiot north of tho south Hue of I'ourth strcut; thenco .,,i.,rU. nlnn r Kollltll street, li.'inil el Willi till' south line of snld Fourth Mieot, tit a point -u Also n brunch line of snld sower system, com- ,i ,.,iint .mi.ovlio tho center of the nl lev between tourth nnd l't f til meets ai feet cii'stof tho west lino of WnshliiRton street, and ' runnlns thenco iu uwesterH direction hIour tho center of said alloy ton olnt;:w feet weft of tho cist line of Court moot: thenco by a conve nient curve to tho rlitht of nbout n j)-loot radius to connect with tho brunch of snld sewer system runnliu nloiiR Cour'- street. Also n brunch lino of said sower system, eoni menelnsntn point M feet north of llui south lino or 1-Ifih street, nnd l'-M feet west of the west j lino of Court street, lunnliiR thenco In nn east- , crly direction to the west llnoof Court stro't. thenco ov n curvu to 1110 iok, ci aoonni ; of tho cast lino of I lbcrtv: strH, rnn"'"'; '' inn westerly direction aloni; he llnoof tin ceil- i easi 1111L' 01 i.iiui.j ain-v.. .iv.n... ......v theiiRht of nbout n Si-fiint radius, to connect i.i.ii tin. i ii.nrtv.vtrit hi niifli of tho said setter 1 I I Also a branch lino of snld sewer system, com mencing nt tho center of the nliov north on Mnin .trnt nml no. fi-otwoitof Washington st. . i thenco running along tho router of said alley In nolntniU teet west o: i nioii sireei. miiira , connecting with the main sett er s stem near the bank of Mill creek, by a ctuvo to tho right of nbout n 25-foot rmilus. Also a branch line of said sower system, com neucingat n point In I'our'.b street, 2VJ feet 1 iimurimr nt u Tiolnt in Fourth street. -J leet 1 west of the w est lino oi Liberty street, ami iu fi.nt iinrt i nr tun soul n rno OI I ourui sueei, lunuing thenco in an easterly dliection nloug 1 KoUttli Mrcct, turuie w in i r- .son i . . WMOel raoius, lo vuillivui mill tho branch ol said sewer ttem luiinliigup and down Lib erty street, at'tbo crossii g of said Fourth und Liberty streets. This notice Is published by order of snld City Council, nuiilo on August Mm, ISO.). Nl'.l). II. (iATKi. nug5 ltecorder of Dalles City. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive st 1'ortlaL OVKItLANI) KX-1 nrpss. Salem, ltose- 1 burg, Ashland, Sac-1 ' 1 M..iAti V3a,l .-fVt T J iimiviii'i, vfe"s.., . t.09 I . SI. L-rmmUm. MolrtVH. 0 A. M. Us Angeles, El Paso, ..civ Orleans am; East Hoseburg and way stn 8:30 A.M. tions fViu Woodbura for Mt.Angel, Silvertou, West scio, llrotviis ville.Sprlugilelduud (.Natron Daily except Sundays Dally except Sundays. ICorvallls (stations.. nnd wayj i5:0K.v, 17:30 A. M. l.NDKl'E.VDHNCE I'AMK ;Klt. Express train Dally (except Sunday). I;50p. m. (I.v. ...I'ottland r.) 8:2.5 a. m 7:S0i.m. Ai..M6Mfnnvlllo..I.v.5 ft;Hia, in. S;30p. m. (Ar..IndciieiiUeiit'e..I.v.) I:i'j0u. m. Dally. (Daily, except Sundny. DINING OA U3 O.N 0(1 1) UN 110 UTK. I'ULLMAN HUFFF.T SI.FKl'KltS AND S'liCOND-OLASs SLKUl'INO OAKS Attached to nil Through Trains. Direct connection nt Sun Francisco with Occi dental nnd Oiieutal nnd Fncitlu mall steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Hulling dates on aj plication. itutes and tickets to Eastern points and Kn rorie. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU uud AUSTHALIA. All above trains1 arrive nt nnd depart front (iruud Central Station, Filth mid Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Deiot, foot of Jeilerson 6trect. Leave for Sheridan, week daye, ti:30p. m Arrive nt Portland, 'J::s0 u. in, iAjave for AIItLIK on Monday, Wednesday uud Krlony at 9: 10 a. m. Arrlv ut Portland, Tiich dnv, Thursday and Saturdai it 3:09 p. in. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. It. KUJ-'w-EK, (i, If. MAItKHAM, Innaier. Asst. (i. F. & Puss. Aat Through Ticket Oillcc, 131 'fhlid street, where throuHh tlckctsi in i'" ki n'.s i,i the Eastern Stntes, Cjnudn and Europe can bo obtained ul lowest rules fiom J. II. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WIIEA I.DON. S Offers travelers choice, of tho follotviiiL' routes east. They aro all frtiiions for ; their scenic attraction. I O. H. & N. view Oden nnd Donver. ' Shitata Houlo viuw .Suctiinionto.Ojrden ' nnd Denver. I Shasta liouto view Sacramento, m i Aiitjelea and Alber(ii(rque. A daily lint) of throuuh I'ULLMAN I'ALACK and TOUHIST KLUHl'KIl, from San Krancieco and Los Anuelos to Chicago. This in The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to Hie agents of tho O. H. &. N, Co. or tho iinderBitfiied, for folders nt' deecrlptlvo literature. J. J. DKVIJHKUX, (Ion. Ant. Worcester. Wtg, I'orlliunl, Or. PROFESSIONALS. J-jll- OKISKNIMIItKlflUC Pliysiciuu and Surgeon, HKcUI Httentlon given In misery. Hooinsi 21 una ia, I'el.m Vogtlllock Second lot of September Deijiuners now on alu at l'easo & Mays'. aqia Fe He (rr Imnroyed CYCLONE !n I H f i to No. 4- slzoS', x 4i.) $S.OO No.5-(sizo4x5) .. 1O.0O Just Arrlvotl 'I he i .ii 1 nirallirt SI Camern with bulb shutter. How About Your Title? r IK YOIT StTIJK It Is till riulit? lloinutnlier It ii tf iu IA UKCOKI) tliut covernH. it Is our liuslnves to eeureli tlm records ami uliow wliut thov euntttin in relation to litiiil titles. If von contemplntu bnyltig Inml or lonniiiK iiionov on renl uptitte Heetirlty, liikc no nian' wortl, Imt insist "upon knowing whut tliti reeonl hIiows rirnriliii tlio tltl. An Abftrunt is an eaaentitil ns a dei'il. Insist on lmvitiK it. Wo lmvo tho only pet ot Ab'trnct Hooks In tlio County. All work prom, tly ex ecuted and t-utief.tctlou nuuranteeil. II you liiivo prop ertv to injure, L'lve uh a call. Wu aro nguntti for fouro' r the beat llrt' insurain'o itonipanii'H in tho world. If you liavo property for sale, list it with ns anil we'll iliiilu buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. Wllllnmu & Co. Best Work at beast Possible Cost Gunrnntoud lo givo satisfaction. Wo nrc here to sin'; tliorefore every etTort will be niitde to establish :t business. It will pay you lo examine out woilf aiitl consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Heat Crown and llriiltso work (22k. Rolily, per tootli Heat set teeth, guaranteed $5.00 llest (iold Fillini? .1.00 up lieet silver or alloy- (Wine; &0c up Teeth extracted without pain Wo 8K" uift second st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. ..ClHflS. FPJ.. and Farmer's .. Exchange. . J',M.'!,.".lr"u,?l,t ,llu eelehntteil OOLIMIIIA IlKIIlt, iiekiimvl lisel the bust bwr In The Dulles. iittheiiMiiil price Oomu In, try It mill be eoiivlneed. Al'o the MnifctbriiniH ol Wines, I.I nior itml Cljjiirs. Sandrjuiehes (if fill tv'lllll 1.1. 1 . u- . s FRENCH & OO. 1 BANKERS. rUANSAOTA H.SKItAl.llA.N'Kl.NO JIUfc'l.NKH Letters of Credit loaned aviillitble i the ui 1 1 "Hieni Dtiites. hlKht l'Achiiiiuu and TuWrnnlnt Stmin k i?" '?w rk, Chi ! J .on Z ktVTiXUdeiV 1'"rt,,"1,) Orol koii, rieattlo Wash,, and variolic points I" OrcKoi, and Waslilnulon. ' ' ora.Krr,n'V,,ittl ",Mt' " U' l. tUB . '" "" V rK A DOSE. 1 FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consldor: 12 Plcturosln 12 Soconds. Shutter Bulb Rolonso. Shutter Automatic. Shtittor Looks, I'i Aluminum Hlateholdors. Sot fitops. Unnnlnl fllllnlt I.nMn. Automntlo Ruitiotor. AM pnrto Intorohantronbln. Exttosotl nlntoB romovotl without cllaturblnfi unoxpoaocl. 1899 CntnloRUG with ootn ploto Information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. J riAT;t-A-j-ATA-rA-rrta KVATArAXAi A-r. rr. i BlOS. (IKKKItAb ...AND.. II t. ... -3 itt' WBRon and Cnrrlago worn. ijj' Floh Brothers' Wngon. j Third and Jcficrm Phone 159 Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. AQCNT FOR THE ..RAMBLER- Look and Gunsmith, k andMttohlnoWorK. I 1. Charles Burchtorf,r..'i Blacksmitus HorsesnoB 0