VKOVLK YOU ALL KNOW. Acts gently on the Cleanses the 5ystem , EFFECTUALLY 5' r i NaB,tualCoNST"t.on rcnrnMiitniLi S2 PERMANENTLY 10 G7 ICSAL Buy THE GENUINE MAH'F'O By (ausvrniaTg.Svrvf(2. Wl" "Su".e'5 roa sm etAu csuoscni race set rtRwniL Your Faco Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health m well. Impure Wood makes itself apparent in a pale and Billow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weal: and worn out and do not haven healthy appparance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparill3s and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we soil every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blfikeley & Houghton, druggists. John Malone is in from Antolopo. Mrs. F. Dronson and children returned last evening from Trout Like. Mrp. .1. 13. Hnverly and dauchtar, Miss Nellie, were in from their home near Uoyd today. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Biggs and Mrs. Keiser, of Missouri, went down to Sprague this morning. Mrs. Laura Pearce. who has been the auest of Mrs. Ruark, returned to her home in Portland today. Eugene Loony and family are in from Mitchell, on their way to spend two months with relatives in tlie East, Miss Alma Schmidt, wlxflias been in Victoria, B. C, is on jwr way homo and is now visiting JllsUlga Hewitt at Al bany. Kov. Frank Spanlding, who has been making a trip in Sherman county, left on the boat this morning for ' Hood River. Mrs. G. N. Bolton and daughter and Mrs. Or. .1. M. Smith and son are in town today on their way from Sprague to Moro. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas and Miss Lillian Shelton, of the Chronicle office, left last night for a visit with relatives and friends in Baker City. Louis Gehres, son of H. Gehrcs, for merly of The Dalles, camo down yester day from Sprague wheie lie is working, and will visit friends here. J. C. Coon, of Silver Lake, was m the city yesterday, and disposed of his wool clip t a good price to Geo. Abbott, lie left this morning for S.m Frincisco. Mrs. Jas. Ireland and Mrs. dough came up from camp at Cascades yester day. The latter will spend a short tim with Mrs. F. Bayley before returning to Arlington. Dr. and Mrs. II. Logan, returned yes terday afternoon from Bingham Springs. Mrs. Logan has spent ten davs there, and Dr. made the trip Friday to accom pany her home. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug- j gists. j For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any I other Camera on the market. For sale I bv Clarke & Falk. tf NOTICE. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD BUT UPON PAYMENT OP ONLY YOU CAN OBT POSSESSION OP ONE DOLLAR The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Notice is hereby given thntthc cltv rouncll of Dalles City him determined to oidabllsli n ewer system for nil that ortlon of sold city ly iiiK liclou- tlm bluir nnd cat of Lincoln street, urn! has further determined that the cost of Mich tower system shall bo assessed ajtalust the property benefited thereby. Said sewer system Is to boot term cottn plpo nnd the extent and location thereof to be as follows: Tho main line of said sewer syitcm shall ex tend from tho low watc.' lino of tho Columbia river, where the east margin of the mouth of Mill creek at said low water stilkes said river; thenco nlon-r tho east bank of mM Mill creek CM) feet to a stake under tho north trestle of tho OrcKOn Hnllrond .V NavliMtion Company's rall rond,thencoat a ilnht dcllectlon of 10 degrees and 10 minutes from the couiso last putmed IM-n-UI feet to a stake !M,i-lll tect north of tho northwest corner of tho stone wall bounding the K. M. Wilson property: thenco at u left ne llcctlon from the court e Just described, 7S de grees and :u minutes lisferttoa ixilnt on the west lino or Union street, 11 f. ct north of i'eeond street: thence crossing L'nlon sireet to the cen ter of the alley between .Second and Main strcctK, thenco along the center of said alley, . .. . .i n.... . auili kl.l mcnrlngin mo renter oi iiioiu.vj e smith of block 11, at a point where ti e 7. of Washington street crosses said ' f' .V westerly along the center o said al ey to a 1 1 0 i t as feet west of the east line of thence by a convenient curve to tho about W feet radius ton p,.lut 80 feet east of t I 0 west lino of Court street: thence Vi rrti 'ntt direction parallel with the west I ne of (.oil t street to tho south lino of Fourth stleet; thei (x bv a curve to the left.of about a JO-foo rn.l Ins, to a point on tho west line of Court street, fiet north of tho south lino of hourtli s rcet: westerly along l'ouith street, parallel "It " ' south lino of said IVjtittli Mieet, to a pol J feet west of the east line of Union street ; thei to conrectlngbvn convenient curve to tlie tKin, of b..ut a ju-I.H.t ridlus, with the branch lino of said sewer system running along Union st. Also a branch line of said sewer system, coin !?E'iP''..f.n J'Wr.! .'rSl Sual "feet east of ihe west lino of Washington street, ami 1 . 1 .1. In. 1 .11 rit 1 1. 1 1 11 llllll running ineiiee in iiiu-.-iui) iiiuiii-i ........ tho center of said alley ton inlntJM feet west of tho cist line of Court street; thence by a conve nlcnt curve to tho iluht of about a 'JO-loot raitlus to connect with the branch of salil sewer system itinnluv along Court, street. Also a branch line of said sewer sj stem, com tiK-ncliigata point 20 feet north of tho south .. i . Vr.r.i. ........ 1 l.m r.. unit nf thi west from Union to Lauglilln stiect; thenco contln ( "utt sireer, iiiiiidiig thence In an east uiug io a siraigiu miuii 1 1110 sai uu uu.nM-m.iu- - . ,,,, ti thu wet lieo Court stivt lighlln street, ton point on tho ens line of I ' ' 1 lt.,t cl llboiitni.D foot said street, lis feet iH)rtho heeon.l street ;thcnee I V,ui to i tt'tvect with the branch of said continuing in u straight line on he san e , .",i,, . ,V ,m,,,i, .i on Court stiect at the f cross work h. uiugnuns nuamoi to; "i,, ti,,,, ,..! i-nl,rf sirin-ts. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 fVIASSiVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. ,no.U -nK.- MM 'to" .Swt.jjii. (j.i..u " atA M m .11 I : MHm ,TUT W JWW fclJVl lrS",WI HIW I Wmljjjf JJ twji.sia..iw.,w UUi., Wl U,t ' I'l i- ctr tisvV j 11 $1.00 1Kb The entire set with Guide and case delivered upon payment of only Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best knovn to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA Is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the'NEW WERNER Is the best edition of the Britannlca. Do not put your money In old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST. 'Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only I40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantago of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FOR BALM BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. course, rcross h oik h. ljitivrli In's ndultlou IJdlli.s Cttv,:!0i) feet, to Jcilerson strict, on n lino 128 feet from, and parallel to, second stiect: thenco continuing on sniil straight lino, in the same course, 10 leet Into Jell'erson street to n p.iintlt) leet east of tho west lino nf Jell'erson street and Ills feet north of Second street. Thenco nt n lefl deilcction from tho lino last described, 3.5 dogreoi and 21 minutes, Mi-s-lUO feet, to 11 stake 2 feet west of tho east line of Jcilerson street: thence nt n right dcllectlon from tho line last de-cribed 2;l degrees nul 15 minutes, llli-17-100 feet, to a stake; thenco nta tight dcllectlon from the Hue last described 27 degrees nnd 2'J minutes 110- PICO leet to u stake 17-h2 100 feet from the southeast corner of the lawn fence west of tho O lt.it N. Co.'s depot; thenco nt 11 left dcllectlon fiom said line II de grees and II minutes, lOo-O lO feet to a point on the west lino of Monroe street lr.'J fct north of Second street nnd 6-7-lOOfect north of the north west corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thence continuing in 11 straight lino 011 the course last described 130 S7-1C0 feet to a point (1 feet north of the uorth ea.-t corner of Moody's wooden ware house 1:12 5 10 feet north of Second street nod TO feet east of .Monroe street; thenco at 11 right de ilcction from tho last lino 7-02, 2t;Mii-100 leet, to a stake in Taylor street, .S'j-fi-H) lot t north of Second street anil -IC-7.1-1CO feet west of the west end of the Wasco warehouse. A branch of said sewer system shall connect w i tli the msln line in Union street, 2J feet from the west Hue of said street, at a point 12S feet north of hecoml street, anu snail run along sain Union street 20 feet east of the w est lino thereof, to a uoliit '.U feet south of tho north Hue of Tenth street. Another branch lino of said sower system shall commence in the center of tho alley be tween Second and Third streets, at u point 10 feet west of the cost line of f.lneolii street, and run thenej nlong the center of said alley to u point 210 feet east of the cast Uno of Court street, connecting with tho branch of said sewer system running up Union street heiciubcforo descilbed, from thoenst and west, by convenient cuives of about a twenty-foot rnlius. Also n brunch of said sewer system eomincnn-1 ing In tho center of the nllcy between heeond and Third stieets, on the east lino of Washing ton street, ana running thence easterly along tho center of said alley, to a point where the center of said alley Intersects with tho piesent sewer of Max V gt it Co., where It crosses said alley. Thenco northerly and easterly along the lino of sa d sewer ns it is now located, to the point where said sewer intersects the mam lino of the sewer herclnbefoio described, at a point wnere tne main lino 01 said sewer crosses 1-cd-cral street, between Second nnd Thinl. Also, a branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing ut a jxjlnt in the center of said alley be tween Second and Third streets, 10J feet east of Federal street, end running thence nloncr the center of said alley to the west lino of Laughlin street; and thenco coinii cling with tbo I augli lin street sewer by a left curve of about a 20-foot rndlus, in said Lauglilln street. Also a branch lino of saldtewcrsystcm.com- inenclng nt 11 point on the east llnuof Monroe sireet, ieet norm 01 inc soutn lino 01 i niru street, running thence westerly, parallel to the south line of Third stiect. nnd 21 leet from said south lino to 11 oint 10 tect west of tho east line of Mndlson street; thence curving to Ihe light with 11 curve of about a 20-oot radius, to 11 point in sniu .Miu.isuu s'reet -ju ieet iroiu ino norm lino of Third street und 0 feet fiom the west lino 01 said Madison sireet; thence northerly along said Madison street on a Hue parallel with tho west line of said street, ton point 20 feet from tho west lino of suid street, nnd 20 feet soutn of tne center Hue of theallev between see. ond and Third streets; thenco delUctlng to tho icuoyn curve 01 nooui a zj-iooi radius, ton point where tho west lino of Madison street In tersects tho center line of said alley betwe;n Second amlThird streets; thenco in a westerly direction along tho center lino of uu d alley to u point 'JO feet west of tho east lino of Lauglilln street; thence dellectlng to tbo right by n curve ofnbout a2J-foot raolus, to connect with the branch of said sewer system running up Laugli lln street, In suid ljuiglilin street. Also a branch lino of raid sewer syitcm, com mencing at a oInt in tho center of tho alloy be tween Second und Third street , mm leet eist of too east line of Monroe street, tunning thenro in a westerly direllon uloug tho center of said alley to a point 10 feet west of tho east line of Mouroo street, tjience dellectlng to the light by a curvu of nbout a twenty-foot radius, to a point uiwuu uio uenii uiu oi ino alley oeiwoen said Sc eond and Third streets, and 20 teet east of the west uno 01 iuonroo sireet; tliencoln 11 north erly direction parallel with the west lino ol -sionroo sireet. ami 20 leet Herefrom, to with In i leet of the muln Hue of said sewer system heieiubeforo described; thenco curving to tho leiiwiina rndius 01 utxmt 20 leet, to connect una sa;u main line. Also 11 branch line of snld sewer system, com menclngon tho west lino of Jcilerson street. 20 leeinorm 01 ino soum lino 01 l-ourt 1 street: thence running westerly parallel with tho said not th lino of Fourth street, to a point 20 feet west of tho east lino of Lauglilln street; thenco oyu cuivu to mo right or about twenty feet radius, to 11 point !i0 feet east of tho west Hue of i-iiugiiuii Dircsiuuiiaj ieet soum 01 tho north 'ino of Fourth street; thenco northerly, parallel with the west lino of Lauglilln street, to con nect with tho main llnuof said so er system hereinbefore described, by u curve to the left of ubout twenty feet radius, where said main II uu 01 said sewer system croLses l.mighlln street ut tho ullty betwien second and Main Sticctt. Also 11 branch lino of said sower system, com inenelngnt 11 point l;w feet south of tho north lino of Filth street und 2li feet cast of tbo west lino of Liberty street; thenco along said Liberty street parallel with tuld west Hue of said street, in 11 noitberly direction, to connect with thy branch of sewer system heieinbefoiu described, running in tho alley betweoj oeeond and Thinl streets, by u convenient eurvo to thoright.w hem said alley sewer crosses Liberty street. Also n branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing In tho center of thenlley between Thlid und Fourth streets, 200 feet west of Liberty t and running along tho center of snld alley 'to 1! point 2i0 feet east of said Liberty street, and con necting with tho branch of said sewer system iu Liberty street, Jrom tho east und west, by con vonlent curves of abmtH 20 foot radius, ut tho jioliit where solo, alley crusses Liberty stieet. Also a brunch lino of said sewer system, mm. menelug In tho center of the alley between Third and F'ourth streets, 250 feet cast of Court street, and thence running uloug the center of said al ley In a westerly direction, to n point 20 feet well of tbo rust llnuof Union street: thonnn i,v a curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius, to connect with the Union street branch of sail sower system. Also a branch of said sower m-alnm. n,n ,.,,. lug in the center of tbo nllev between Third und Fourth stree 1, at a jiolnt M feet fast of the east Hue of Washington street, and running thence along the center of ssld alley tn . iiim 'hmi r.. east of Jcilerson street, und connecting with the branch of said sewer system running along Uughlln street, by convenient curve of about 20-ieet radius, at a point wtiero suid alley crosses saiu j-nugniiii street. Alwiabraueh lino of said incnclng at u point m feet north of tho south noof rout th street and W feet cast of ihueatt Hue of Washluiftoii street: ruiinitn. 11. 1.. an easterly direction parallel with ssld south Hue of Fourth street, to connect he a niincuni. cut curve tu tho left, of about u '.vfoot r4lu, With the I.MUI hlln-street branch nf tain ..; systeio, at tho crossing of Fourth and Uughlln Also branch Hue of said sewer system, coin. u,... .1 lirnnfdi 'Inn nf Mildsewcrsysteni.com menclug nt tho center ol the alley betwien Koutthnnd fifth streets, at a point 2iK) feet cast of the e.ist lino of Liberty street, running theiiee In a westerly direction along tho line of the ecu i.rnf nid "allev. to 11 point VO feet west of tho east Hue of Liberty strict: thence by a uirvc fa ' the tight of about a 20 font radius, t) connect with Hie Liberty-street branch of the said sewtr sjstan. I Also a branch line of said sewer system, nun- 1 inenciugnt the center of the til lev noithof. Main sttcct and M feet west of Washington st. . 1 thenco running along tho center of said alley to I a point 310 feet west of Union street: thin"' connecting with the main sewer system near j tho bank of Mill creek, by a cuivo to tho light of about a 2Vfoot rcdlus. , Also a branch Hue of tnld sower system, coin menclngat a point In Fourth street, 2 l feet ' west of Ihe west line nl Liberty street, nnd 20 feet north of the south l'no of Fourth stiect, running thence in an easterly diicctlon aloi g , Fourth street, punllclwlth the south line of said street to the west lino of Liberty sheet. 1 thenco bj 11 convenient curve to the left of about , 20-fett radius, to cniiiuet with the branch id . snld sewer system ntunlngup and down Lib erty street, at'the cronslt k of said Fourth and. Liberty streets. This notice is published by order of said city Council, made on August 't, lvl''. 1 Ni l) II. OATIX I nugS llecorderof Ihilles llty. jj Iminmyed No. 4- Hlzo3',, x4t,)S8.00 I No. 5 (slzo4xb 10.00 .liisit Arrlvml , 'in.-am "-' ',-, 1 4 1... ,,.r nul. hoi!. - inittrr CYCLONE fen FOR 1899. Ton Points to Conaltlon 12 Ploturoo In 12 Socoruln Hluittor Bulb Roloaao. Shuttnr Ailtomntln. 4--Shuttor Looks, n -l Aluminum Hlateholtlors O- Sot Btonc 7 Spnolnl Qtilnk Lons. U Automntlc RuKlatar. f) -A"l tmr-to IntorohnnKonblo. IO ExpoHiKl plntos romovutl wlthn illoturblnK unoxpoBoil. w,l"0iit 1899 Catalonuowlth com ploto Information FREE, M. Z. DONNELL. How About Your Title? ft 5 KH VOU HlTl!K it In nil rlRhl? Hcmumlmr It Is Ihe KKCOHI) Hint lioveriiH. It Is our lmliH'!3 to M'ardi tlio reconlu mill tliotv what tlmv contain in . .. .1 . .1.1.... t ' ...... 1 1 , . : rt.'iiuioii to iiiiiu lines. 11 sun uuiiiuiiiiiiiiiu iiiiyiiiir land or loaning money 011 runl UHtntu security, tnku no nun' wonl, inn inaiet upon knowing what tliu ruconl f-hnvrs repiiilini; tliu tltlu. An Abstract la na uescmiiit asa ileoil. Insist 011 Imvinu It. We hnvo tliu onl pet of Abitrncl Hooks in tin? Comity. All work pron pilytx. ei'iitiil mill eiitlsfnction yuiirmilni'il. II you luivo prop, crtv to insiiiro, L'ivi) hh n will. Wo uro uisuiitu lor (ojrol tlio lie9t llro instiraiii'o com (muit'H in tlio world. If you liiivo property for o.ilo, list it with 119 mid wu'll xintl n buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono Ol. 2tl Gt., oppoalto A. M. Williams Ai Co, r.inr ron Fast Mail 11:60 p. in. time schedule. From Uallkd, Salt l.aki, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, at. Ijiuts, ChlciiRu and Kast. 1 -MlKIVK Fl'.OM. Fast Mall ::Vj p m , Siioknno Fl)cr 5:!1) p. m. 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Kx.isunday Saturday 10 p.m. Walla Walla, SiKkanc,l Minneapolis. St. Paul,' uu nun, .Miiuaui.ee Chicago and Kast. Fr.OM 1'OItTL.lNI). Ocean Stenm.shlp.. For San Francisco January 'ii, and every live days thei en Iter. Columbia Kv. Steamers; o ASTOiii.i and Way Ijindings, fjrmkane Flyer. 5:oo u. 1:1 I p. m. I p. in. Kx.buuda fin. in. I Wili.aiiettk HiVEii. I:) p.m. ix.&uuduyjOreKon City,, NowberciKr.sundiiy oa.viu i tiayi.anu s. I 7 B. Ill, IWlLI.AMVTIK A Nil Y.lM- Tueslhur, and bat. IlII.I. It I VK U.S. Oregon City, Dayton, und Vay-LandliiKs, .'):; p. in, Mon.,We.l and Fri. fi a. m. Tue..Thur, ami &at, Lv liiparinl dahy I iiXAMETTf: Ilivr.r.. i:no p. m. I'ortland to Coryallls.iTue., Iliur and Vi ay-LaniIinis, and Sat, Shake Kivkr. itlparla to Lowlstou. I.kavk Li:wisto.n dally if TT ft A. 4 t sst wovk at Least Possible Cost Guaranteed to yivo satisfaetioii Wu arc hero to slny; therefore everf effort will he niatle to eitithlisli a business, it will pay you to examine oof work and consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: liest Crown and Ilridtie work (22k. Kold), per tooth lieat set teeth, uniir.inteed lieet (iold Killing liest fcilver or nllov fillint; .' .'. Teeth extracted without pain IM .. .15.M .11.00 0? . ,50c a? Kooma 11.12.1:5, Chapman Hloek, .Second St Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. r Fanles desiring in ,n in i',.i.t,,...i iTiki. v.. 1 i.... : . ,r, . '.."V'""" 1 makiiiK direct connections at Ileppner Jimctlon KeturulnKinaklUKdlrectco.inection at Hep 1 er Junction Hilh.No. J, arriving nt 'Ihe Da l",,t throucht freight, cast bou ml. (nr( tint 1 pdSht'iiRtTSi nrrivea 2;.VJ u. m.. tiuiKirts 1 No. carry 3:00 u. in No. 21, local ficisht, carries passenms. east bound : arrives I ;:s p. in., departs S:ir, p. m. 1 rV.1' west haum freiht, does not 5"!op.m. '"Km: ""'VW : 1' in- departs No. !, west bound local frt ljrht, carries ims seiiKers; arrives 8:1S p. in., departs 8::;o u. tn.' For full particulars call on O. It, it N. (jo ' agent The Dalles, or address ' " W. II. IIUItLIIUUT, Ocn I'as. Ai:t Portland, Or, Try Verba Uuetm Ulttere, tho beet tonic. For ealo at nil Urst-clasH hum. C J. Stublinc. auent. Tim n.,n M17-3m "llurmoiiy" Whlihay. Harmony whlekey for famllv Bpecial use, eold by lien Wlleon. naiie?. and Tho U F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Bliciismith Supplies, or, kmi & tiiMi Tioue w ..chjis. FHflM.. Butcherts and Fanmerts .. Exchange. . LOLIJ.VIIIIA JlfcKH iiciiiowl HkisI the best beer H. The Dulles, at tho usual pilce. l-'omo In, try laud be convlmed. AUo tho Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. 1 y r t r n 'sap n m FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1KANHAOTA KNKHAL LelterH of 0'"t iaoued Hvallablo In the ton "a8t'tl":,a"ciec?' Claire orabKlr.mn,Je8t a")0lMt8 "v. yearB bdoro trying DaWltfa Wilcfi 1 al fialvo, two Iwxea of winch com lately cured hl,. llew. 0 St , e OirerB travelora choice of tho folloW 1 routes east. Thoy art) all fatnooi W their ecema attraction. O. II. & N. view Ouden and l)enr. ShiiBta Houto vlnw aaeiainento.Ugd" and Donvor. T HhtiHta ltontn view Sacramento, w AniculeH and Alborfiuennie. ,.. A dally lino of thromrli I'UWR from San Francuco and Los Angeieiw Cliiuago. This la The Short Line from southern California To the East, Apply to the agents of tho 0. K-AJ: Co. or tho underslgnetl, for fold" t deoeriptlvo literature. J. J. DKVEREUX, Gen. Aict. Worcester. Uhlit. TorlUnW. Kodol Dyspepsia Culi DIaMta what vou eat ItrtlikUllydlgeatathofoodJjjJ 2ture tin trepgtbeplng.aM .wJ oer ir Itontcb. aa4iMlir0f