The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 15, 1899, Image 3

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    Consolidation Sale
For Tuesday, Wodnosday and Thursday wo will combino w T 1
Ihroo lines odd wash goods into ono and givo Zlim 72 yQ.
AnionR tliece uooiIh will bo founil hoiiio of tho choiccut things we have offered in UiIh de
partment during the BUiuniur. K these lines uru nlven tho iittontlon they deaerve you will
map tho bonollt, not uh.
Linos of Ladies' Whito Skirts as ono lino. Those goods are fresh and crisp,
and aro niado in three styles.
I lounce and lucks,
Three rows of tucks and threo rows of hemstitching,
Klounco and lace trimmed. These lines were 75c, iu
now 59c.
Lines of Ladies' Night "Robes which aro pretty and well made. The dis
ruption hero given will aid you in making a choice.
Tucked yoke and lace insertion trimmed,
Tucked and corded yoke,
Tucked and ru filed yoke. These were 75c lines, now 59c.
Linos of Ladies' Muslin Drawers, description as follows:
Tucked and ombroidered trimming,
Muslin tucked flounce with insertion heading, muslin with three rows of
hemstitched tucked flounce headed with narrow tucks.
These lines 75c formerly, now 59c.
Clothing Department.
Crash. Hats,
Crash Caps.
Down wont all Crash Goods in this department to
day. If you appreciate remarkable values give the
under mentioned articles your attention.
All 25r, 155c, '10c and 50c hats and caps I Our hats and caps, 50c, 59c, 05c, for
19 cents.
29 cents.
All GoocIh Marko
In I'lnln FIrutcb.
Pease Mays.
FacU Onncftrntnff Onr Daacl lleroe"
Onnlrlliutcd ly Cnpt. II. Well.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 15. 18fi)
Telephone A'o. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted iu the aft
trnoon This rule will he positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
September patterns now on sale lit
P?o& Mays'.
Tho rijjlit pitrly eun Hecuro steady om
Ploymcnt by applying ut tho Singer
Ming niaoliinu olllco in this city, on
Second street, nenr Union. iiugO lit
Soino iikmi uro ho eyiniihatlietio that
UJ aro willing to shore your last dollar
with you.
When u debtor puts on airs and tho
creditor nets wind of it, they sometimes
wmo to blows.
Wank Laltoau was nrroated yesterday
wternoon for being drunk, and thla
norniiiB forfeited hia wateli aa payinont
Hon. John Soniinorvlllo haa secured
No Weniiett eottago on Fourth atroet,
4,1,1 Mrs. If. I). MitchuU ia now iu tlio
cl'yeii'erintm,dlnK nUlnK it up, prc
Cr"elk0ry t0 tlielr ",ovll,K i from Hay
A letter received by friunda from Mrs.
AeilloAlurohlu tolla that after tlio hum.
i their grocery store in Lowiaton,
moved to North Yakima, where
Miircbio ia aKUi jKnUud in tlio liv
Cy business.
Look at this, f 400.00 will buy a good
room bouse, a good barn and two
1 . situated in tho weat end of
iffS streut 0wnep W,u ko
M.00 ami tllu bulBtC0 ,
bw d Hiitta.
Mii0Tnian BnyB t,mt Fir8t i'ieut
iu Ti 1lH,,J","eeo". who la wellknowu
motll , a w"1 ",ter vlalt to hia
clu Hialur ,n Now York, ttike
H ' 5' l,lH t,,,9k ,lt Hotol Portland.
u u in T"! Ui Su"U,,y will re
,u' to Port and ui.n..t n.,. R.t.
Mon!ln,8 mV0r ,,0,oro ' history of
"u,clua f'l'ort u greater demand
for men than they have known for years.
From every part of tlio atatu come in
quiries for workingmen. No able bodied
man who wants to work needs to look
around long for a job.
The Christian church will givo an ice
cream eoeiul next Friday evening at 8
o'clock. Ono Hpecial feu t tire of the en
tertainment will bo talks by tho soldier
boys. A question box will be at tho door,
the soldiers will answer the questions.
Adniieeion 15 cents. The program will
be rendered in the auditorium of the
church and the refreshments will bo
served iu tiie baaement.
The ordinance against cows running
at larue is being enforced strictly, as
0110 of our dairymen discovered tins
morning. Ono of bin cows hud been
put iu the pound when found running
about tlio city, and bo proceeded to that
place and took the animal out. Ho was
then arrested and compelled not only
to pay tho $ 1 for tho release of tho cow,
but tho coats of his arrest.
Some ono must have got "shot" the
uiuht the bovs came homo and fallen
against Harry Liebo'a plutc-gluss show
window from tlio appearance. In one
corner is a ernck which looks as if some
thing hud been thrown or fallen against
it. "lis lucky for Harry the full was a
light one, for' 110 clow ns to tfio cuuso of
it has been obtained and had it been but
a little worse, must have necessitated
putting iu a new glass.
And now those who wore compelled to
remain at tiomo from tho seaside ond
camping places are congratulating them
aolvi'B that they "had the good taste" to
Btay at home, while those who are pay
ing ifU week board at tho seaside aro
getting u batli without going in tho
ocean, and puyingdear for it. Tho hotel
keepers at these resorts are "sick of
livinV'und are atouts with tlio elements,
for although we will surely have another
solge of hot weather, it cannot laBt long
enough to jiiBtify gnosts remaining dur
ing the rainy season.
Those who have traveled on llio buffet
library car which waa placed on trains
No. 1 and 2 between Chicago and Fort
land on the 10th, suy. they are "beauts."
Among tho conveniences in the amoking
saloon Is a writing desk onU writing ma
terial, with thu O. 11. & ff. stamp upon
it. Tlio postal cards re especially
novel, having printed thereon five small
views along tho Columbia river. These
make splondid souveno)rB, and aro just
the thing n tourist wodld wish to send
back to friends in tho Hast. If Oregon
is not advertised it is nut tho fault of Its
trunttportutlon companies.
A year ago today tho Muys & Crowe
block unci that on the opposite side of
tho street were In ashes, presenting an
appearance that would dishearten the
most sanguine and cause them to predict
anything rather than that the desolate
place should be transformed as it is to
day. About midnight on the night of
the 14th the fare started and in the space
of a few hours the splendid hardware
storoof Mays & Crowe and all surronud
iug buildings for more than a block were
laid low. Scarcely can one realize that
but a short year bus passed fcineo the
conflagration, when upon looking around
tliov view one of the finest, (if not the
finest) hard waro store on tho coast, and
all about it good buildings, mak
ing it the center of the business portion
of tlio city. This is but another proof of
tlio aggressiveness of some of our busi
ness men and the i'licunix-Iiku procliv
ity of The Dalles.
Will Wo Continue Patriotic?
Fditju Cnnoxioix:
The people of Tho Dalles have shown
by tho hearty welcome extended to our
soldier boys Unit n genuine feeling of
true patriotism has hold of them.
Now after tho greeting is over, let
not that feeling wave, but by those littio
nets that go to muke up groat ones,
allow that tho feeling is deeper than
simply an excited greeting.
Can we not find a place here and there,
where work can be found for willing
When the uniform is laid oh" let us
still recogniza them as our soldier boys,
"Oregon's pride." While we should do
this with our own boys, that duty ex
tends farther.
Thoro !b n young "Kougli Rider," so
'lis said, within our midst, with a broken
constitution, trying to earn an honest
living by conductln0' a restaurant down
In tho East End adjoining Farley's hui
ness shop. Why sliould'ut we drop in
and take a meal with him, and encour
age his elforts. L,
I'roHuut Your 1I11U.
All those having bUls agaiiist the
volunteer reception committee are re
quested to present them to tho fiuunclal
committee before Thursday, tho 17th,
without fail.
.1. F. Mooiti:,
II, W. Fuuxoii,
Finance Com.
All outstanding warrants against
School District No. 12, Wasco county,
Oregon, will bo paid by tho clerk, O. L.
Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date.
C. L. Sciijuut,
Clerk School Diet. No. 12.
Tho Dalles Or., Aug. U, 1800.
The following facts about tlio mem-
1 under tho sod and the dew," havo bcon
supplied by the company commander:
First Sergeant Loo K. Morse was shot
and killed Jan. G, 1S09, about 11 o'clock
ot night, on tho wall at Manila, by a
sentinel who Mistook him for a prowling
native for whom Morso himself whs
searching, lid had been first lieutenant
of Company K, at Portland, but was
not in the service when the war broke
out. He camo to Portland from Eastern
Oregon and enlisted when he found he
could not get a commission. His body
was taken to Portland, wherohis parents
live, by his brother, also a member of
tho company, and waa then conveyed to
Michigan for burial.
Private William Field enlisted from
C impany G, of Tho Dalits. Ho was at
Camp McKinley detailed to the com
misary department under Lieut. Piatt.
At Cavite in July, 180S, ho was detailed
to tho regimental hospital, and in
August was transferred from tho volun
teer service to tho United States Hos
pital Corps, and when tho regiment went
to Manila he remained at the hospital
in Cavite. He soon after contracted
typhoid fever and died Sept. 5th. The
company went over to Cavite in a body
to attend his funeral. He was buried
on the marine hospital grounds and the
boys erected a good headstone at their
own expense. It can be said of Field
that his sickness was largely due to his
neglect of himself while caring for
others. He has a mother and a young
brother and sister at Centaur, Mo., to
whom his effects were eent, and a father
at Portland.
Henry O'Flaherty enlisted with Com
pany C men. His father lives near
Vancouver, Wash. Ho was an extreme
ly generous and kind-hearted boy, and
much of the time was given charge of
the feeding of tho sick men of the com
pany, whom he never neglected. He
waB in the hospital several times with
measles and fever, and contracted small
pox at a time when all his vitality had
been exhausted by fever. He died
March 9, 1899, and was buried at Manila.
Guy Millard had been a member tf
Company K a number of yeare, and
came back again when the war broke
out. He waB shot in""the breast during
the charge at Malabon. Some of the
boys helped him a little way to the rear.
When tho hospital corps found him he
was trying to aid another wounded man,
who was by no means so badly hurt as
himself. He died before they could get
him to the field hospital. He was
buried on Artillery Knoll, near Manila.
His mother, Mrs. Hislop, lives iu Port
laud. Hayes B. Taylor enlisted in Company
K u short time before the war. His
mother, sister and brother live in Jack
sonville, Or. He was killed far to the
front on the Malabon pike, dying a few
minutes after being shot in tho breast.
He was tenderly cared for by hia com
rades, though all under fire, and made
us comfortable as possible. It was
necessary to leavo tho body-on tho field
till morning, when it was recovered and
sent to Manila and buried on Artillery
Lieut. V. Strawdermau enlisted in
Company C just before it wont to Port
land. He was from Macliias, W. Va.,
where a brother and a sister are living.
He was shot and instantly killed during
one of the rushes up tho Malabon pike.
Ills body, also, had to bo left on the
field till morning. lie is buried on
Artillery knoll.
Charles R. Rubart alfo enlisted at
Tho Dalles, coming out to Manila with
tho recruit battalion. II is people live
at Ueaverley, Illinois, lie was shot in
the thigh in front of tho trenches ut
Malabon. Ilia wound was bound up
and ho was taken to the field hospital at
Culoocan station and Bent by train to
Manila. He died while waiting his
turn at the hospital to be operated upon.
He was buried on Artillery knoll.
It is tho intention of the war depart
ment to send home tho bodies of all de
ceased soldiers as soon us practicable.
Early in tlio spring 300 caskets wero sent
to Manila, accompanied by a profession
al undertaker, but it was discovered that
climatic conditions rendered it impos
sible to embalm bodies unless it was
done immediately after death, so the
matter hue been postponed until such a
time as the bodies can be safely taken up
after burial, probably six months hence.
Relations will ho officially notified
when this is doue, and the bodies will
be sent them free of expense if they de
sire. Otherwise they wilt be interred iu
u national cemetery. On last decoration
day, only a few days before the regiment
left for home, the graves of all the dead
of company L wero profuslly decorated
with flowers by their comrades.
Homo My i.oa Xliolr Job.
A Portland railroad man, who has for
many years beeu connected with the
passenger department of the O. R. &. N.
Co., is authority for the statement that
utter demoralization exists among tho
employes of the different Union Pacific
feeders and connections in that city.
Tho Union Pacific is about to obtain
control of the Oregon Short Line and
O. II. & N, which, through a part of the
system, have heietoforo been operated
under independent management.
All these lines maintain general pas
senger, freight, ticket and traveling
agents besides a large force of clerka in
their Portland offices. The result of tho
consolidation of interests will merge the
whole of each department of the several
roads into ono general department,
which is euro to result in tlio sacrifice of
no less than 40 or 50 positions by tlio
employes who have heretofore held their
positions under tho independent man
agements. Spokesman Review.
Lieutenant Ti-lfer Nelictnl Onsun
A Trent t Our Rulitler Hoya,
Those who met Lieut. Telfer during
liia visit here Sunday will be gratified to
leard that word lias been received from
M. A. Mocdy to the effect that the Ore
gon delegation this morning selected him
as censusfsupervisor for the second con-
gressional district. This has been a po
sition much souuht after, and Lieut.
Teifer has been honored in tho selection,
which waa no doubt given on account
of efficient service as an officer during
the late war, and also from a personal
knowledge of his business career before
he enlisted. For some time he was a
traveling man, then held the position as
manager for Lewis & Dryden, in Port
land. He is a native of Buffalo, N. Y.,
but for years has made his home in Portland.
Lieut. Telfer is a favorite svith the
boys of Company L, and everyone who
met him here was pleased with his
genial manner. HiB splendid tribute
to our soldier boys, if nothing else.
would endear him to the hearts of
Dalles people, who congratulate him on
the appointment.
Wa&co Tribe No. 1C, I. O. Ic. 31.
There will be a hi-u-hee meeting on
the sleep of the loth sun sturgeon moon,
G. S. D. 409 at tho wigwam. 'Several
pale faces will be scalped and a number
of adopted pale faces raised to higher
degrees. Also there will be present with
us several brothers who have just re
turned from the hunting grounds of the
Philippinos and who will exhibit the
scalps taken by them in the late war.
In honor of this auspicious occasion 1
corn and yenison will be served and the
pipe of peace smoked. All brothers arc
urgently requested to be present and as
sist in the war dance.
Today and tomorrow A. M. Williams
&Co. are giving all niemt era of Company
L, 2nd regiment O. N. G., a special dis
count of fifteen percent off tho regular
price on anything they may need to
replenish their warJrobe, in furnishing
goods, clothing, hats and shoes. Boys,
this is your chance.
To Cleanse tho System
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, to permanently overcome habit
ual constipation, to awaken tlio kidneys
and liver to a healthy activity, without
irritating or awakening them, to dispel
headaches, olds or fevers, uso Ryrup of
Flgj, made by California Fig Syrup Co.
Kodd Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia
because its ingredients are 3uch that it
can't help doing so. "Tho public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges
tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., tn
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
Standard fashions now on tale at
Pease it Mays'.
It's a real
to get the meals for the family
when you have a complete set
of needfull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. Wo fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, raisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furuiph double oven
cook stoves from .$8.00 up.
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a per-i
. i 1 1 . . '
eel cumpiexion, or money reionneo.
25 cts. and 50cts. Blakeley A Houghton,
Latest tiling in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete lino of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No moro Chicken Lice.
Cull Bt Miller t Benton's and see
tho Antiseptic Nest KjfS. With the
use of this Nest Kior j on will Imvo
no more Uec Mitts or Yernlp In
your poultry houses. Setting hens
will M:t better eggs and will hutch
better unit chickens will Hvu mnl
grow better whuto Antiseptic .Kgg is
used. Sec them ut
piaier & teiou
167 Second St.
I Our Bicycle
I Repairing Department
Ts now in shape to properly
-1 handle all kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Also repair Looks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer us a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.