The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 14, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
.rr-s r-r-r-r--T-l l Al 1
fCR SAlt BY All CR'JGWT", fr.U 50s. flRWmr.
Continued from Third page.
Oregon Volunteers," and na an encore
"Juat as the Sun Went Down."
At the o'chs the antiienee sang "Amer
ica" again and again, until it wits sung
Mrith enthusiasm befitting the occasion.
The floor was then cleared ami to the
music of Uirgfeld'e orchestra dancing
w.n induced till midnight. Theeoldier
boys have lost none of their love for
this nopular pastime, and made the
most of the opportunity.
Altoaether the reception was a great
success, nnd the Dallea hoys, as well as
their vieitors, were much pleased with
the welcome they received in The
Dalles. They will never forget it ; nor
will we, who consider this an occasion
which will go down in the history of our
Notes of thu lteceptlull.
On Fume s eternal camping ground
Their slletit tents are spread;
And Ulory Ruards.wlth solemn round,
The bivouac of the dead.
There is nothing the matter with Ore
gon and the Oregon volunteer!
Only the brave deserve t ho fair. Our
friend Gradlebaugh adds : "For only the
brave can live with them."
Hero at last the lesson has been
taught and learned that you cannot
chain the eagle, you dare not harm the
dove; but every gate barred to hate will
open wide to lovo.
The Salvation Army was prominent
ill thu parade, and wore the red, white
and blue in profusion. Among thu
volunteers were two of their number,
who made brave soldiers.
Of the many mascots which the boys
in the different companies brought home,
nonn was more a fivorit3 than that of
Company L. "Tip," a bright little pug
dog, which belongs to Chris Lowe, of
this city, and which he took to Manila
with him and left with the company
when lie returned. He was in every
skirmish, march nnd encounter, and in
thu battle at San Antonio he eaw several
chickens fly up and ran out on the firing
lines where the bullets were thickest to
cipture them, Indeed, the boys say ho
would bring them chickens when they
had nothing to eat. He knew every
member of the company and would give
no tieed to any one outside. The boys
all love him and parting with him was
like parting with a filend, who had been
with them through thick and thin.
Somehow on every auspicious occasion
and in everything of credit to our city,
our tried mid true friend, the Regulator
Hue, figures connpleiouuly nnd never
leaves ua in tlio lurch. Therefore what
more characteristic than that when the
nea reached ui the boya were on
their way home, the company should
luimed fuely Hend a tllspatch oflVsrlnir
them the hospitality of the boat and
transportation up the river, with lueali.
fnrtiMied. Thli tl.ey accepted gladly
awl ao in the hlttory of one of the great
Ml even tiin connection with our city,
the good old Regulator will All a prom
inent plu co. Not contented with that,
and deemingjit a happy idea that as many
of their company as could should ac
company them up the river and receive
a share in the welcome here, they ex
tended them the same privileges and
transportation back today, which wbb
accepted by about twonty-flve, and was
one of the most pleasing features of the
occasion. All are extremely grateful to
the D. P. & A. N. Co. for their more
than generosity in this regard.
The gaily attire of the Regulator as she
Bteamed into deck, laden with her prec
ious burden, was Detltting the occasion,
and presented a charming picture, to
those who awaited bur coming. She
was "decked in flags and streamers gay
in honor of reception day." All around
her were flying the international naval
code of signals., tho lunnera which spoke
for tho welcome of the various societies
of our city, and our own "Glory" tower-
ng over all. Inside was also draped the
colors of our country entwined about
pictures of tho battleships, our heroes
and scenes from the Held ot conflict.
Not only did the boat itself Bpeak elo
quently of our greeting, but on board
her were those who in every way possi
ble showed that their welcome was gen
erous and the trip was one of gladness
from the time they were met until they
landed here. And as every small sta
tion was reached the residents and those
who were camping'near thronged to the
beach and made all sorts of demonstra
tion, firing off fire crackers, revolvers
and everything available. In one iso
lated spot a patriotic old gentleman ap
peared on the bin IT, holding in his hand
a long pole with a flag on the end, which
he waB waiving heartily. Each sign
from the beach was answered with a sig
nal Irom the steamer.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between P. G.
Daut atid S. D. Stoufer under the firm
name nnd style of The Daut Optica! and
Jewelry Company has this day been dis
solved. P. G. Daut will continue the
business, collect all debts due the firm
and pay all bills owing by them, the eaid
S. D. Stoufer hereby retiring therefrom.
Dated this 13th day of August, 1889.
P. G. Daut
S. D. Stoufm;
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teetn. tf
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring cxtructs. tf
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcli25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all firot-class bare. C. J.
Stnbline, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J
tubling, agent, The Dallea. M17-0m.
Try Yerba Buena Bittere, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles.
Ml 7-3m
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system, neyer
gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Littlo Early
Risers. Butler Drug Co,
I'reseiit Your III1U.
All those having b'lls agaiuet the
volunteer reception committee are re
quested to present them to the financial
connnltteo before Thursday, the 17th,
without fail.
C. F. Stki'hknm,
J. F. Mooui:,
II. W. Fitu.NUit,
Finance Com.
All outstanding warrants again t
School District No. 12, Wasco count ,
Oregon, will be paid by the clerk, C. L
Schmidt, upon presentation. Interest
ceases from this date.
C. L. Schmidt,
Clerk School Diet. No. 12.
The Dalles Or., Aug. 14, 1809.
To Cure it Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 2')c
trade marks
Copyrights Ac.
A nrone tan ding a ikleh and daaerlptlon ma-
tifcklv jucarlalii our. cinlnlmiirrao whether itt
liiTenttnn it probably ivilwitahlo. Couiniunlc.
IIoim strict) conadutCal. I laud book on I'atenU
aeiit free. Oldaat ujciicf foraecurliiii poUiiu
h llunn i Co. racalTC
nvclot luttc. without aba
rcw lutte, without abam, la Ibe
A handaoaialr iUMtraU4 WMklr. Inaatjr
aalaUon of anr aetantMa journal. Term. Ha
raar i four won tin, ft Hold by all nowadaalaro.
Notice ts hereby Riven thnt tho city council
of Dalles Cttv ha urtcrmllied to establish n
sewer system 'for nil thnt i-ortlon nf sulci city ly
ilifr below the blult' nnd east ot Mni-olu street,
nml hits further itelernilneit thnt the riwt of such
sewer system shnll bis assessed uRiilust the
property benollted thereby.
Hnhl sewer system l to boot term cotta pipe
nml thu extent mill location thereof to be ns
Tho timlti llneof snlil sewer system linll cx
temt from the low wnte" line of the Coltimhiii
river, whore the cast margin of the mouth of
Mill eieek nt Fiibl low water strikes Anil river;
thence iiloiiK the east bunk of snlil Mill creek
CM feet to n stnke under tho north trestle of the
Oregon lttillroad A: Navigation Company's rn!l
roacl.thciieent u rlislit ilclleotlon of 10 decrees
nint 10 minutes from tho enuisc hist puisiied
1S1-3-1U feet to n stnke U 15-ltiO lect north ot the
northwest comer of thu stone wall hounding
the K. M. Hilton property: thence nt n Soft i'o
(lection from the course just described, 76 de
crees mill i" minutes rj feet to n point on the
wpst linn of ITiilim street. lSil f ct nnrtli of Second
street; thence erofsiuKl'nlon street to the een
ter of the alley between riecond ntul Main
street", thence nlonr: the center of snlil nlley,
from Union to 1-niislillu street; thence coiitiu
tiltiK in n straight line on the same coursuiioross
Jjiiitthllu street, ton lolnt on the east line of
snld street, lis feetnorthofSeeonilstreet; thence
co.itiuuitiK in n straight line on thu sittne
course, reross blod: S. IjitiKhlln's midltton to
Drtlhs Cltv,:i00 feet, to Jell'etson street, on n Hue
lis feet from, nnd piinillel to, teeeond street:
thence cnutltiulni; on snld straluht line, in the
snnie course, 10 lect into Jcllerson street to n
point 1U tect east of the west line of Jcllorson
street unit las feet north of Second street.
Thence nt n left dellcctlon from the lino Inst
described, a! degrees nnd 'J-J minutes, 81-5100
feet, to n stake 1! feet west of thu oust line of
Jellersou street; thenco nt n right dcllectlon
from thu line lust du-erlbeil '.':! degrees nml 15
minutes. 11C.17-100 feet, ton stnke; thence nt n
right dellcctlon from tho lino Inst described "7
degrees nnd 'JO minutes 110-I-1CU feet to it stnke
17 KJ 100 feet from the touihenst corner of the
Inwn west of the O It. A X. Cos depot;
thence ntn left dellcctlon ft out mid line II de
crees mid II minutes, KVi-y-lO leet to n point on
the west line of .Monroe street IK) fd't north of
Second street nnd 6-7-100 feet north of the north
west corner of Mnodv's brick wnrehouse; thence
continuing in a straight lino on thu course Inst
described I.7it.7-1M) feet to n point 0 feet north of
the north cn-t corner of Moody's wooden ware
house 13J-.I 10 ftet north of Second street nnd 70
feet oust of Mnutou street; thence nt n right do
Ilcelion from the last line 7-l,- SOi-SC-lOO leet, to
n stake In Tnvlor street. i'j-MU fort north of
second street nnd lii-7.V10O feet west of the west
end of tho Wnsco warehouse.
A branch of snld sewer system shnll connect
with the main line in t'nlon street, 20 feet from
tho west line of said street, at h point l'Jb feet
noi t'i of .Second street, nnd shnll run nlong snid
Union street a) feet eint of the west line thereof,
to n point '.W feet south of the north lino of
Tenth street.
Another branch line of snld rower system
shnll commence in tho center of tho nlley be
tween Second nnd 1 bird streets, at n point 40
feet west of the oust line of Lincoln street, nnd
run theni! nlong the center of said alley to n
l)lnt 'M fHjt east of tho east Mnu of Court
street, connecting with thu brunch of s.dd newer
ststem running up Union street herelnbeforu
descrlbjd, fiom theenstiind west, by convenient
curves of about n twenty-font railtii'.
Also n branch of end! sewer system commenc
ing In the center of the alley between btcond
nnd Tlilid streets, on the cist line of Washing
ton street, and running thence easterly ulotur
the center of said nlley, to it point where the
center of said nlley intersects with thu present
cver of Mnx Vrut A: Co., where It crosses said
nllev. Thenco northerly and easterly along thu
line" of sa d tower as It is now locmcd, to the
point whore said sewer intersects tho main line
of the sewer hereinbefore described, nt n point
where the main line of said sei-er crosses Fed
eral stttet, betwteu Second and Tlilid.
Also, a branch lino nf said sewer system, com
mencing nt n point in tho center of said alley be
tween Kccond and Third streets, 10) feet eait of street, nnd running thence along the
center of said nlley to the west lino of !.iughlin
street; nnd thenco conn cling with tho laugh
Hit street sewer by n lolt curve of about n 'J)-foot
nulla, in said Laughliu street.
Also ti branch line of said sower system, com
mencing nt a point o'l the oust lino of Monroo
street, -0 feet north of the south lino of Third
street, running thence westerly, parallel to the
south line of '1 hird meet, nnd ! leet from said
south Hue to u point lu feet west of the cut line
of Mndl.-on street; thence curving to the light
with ii curve of about n SM-fojt radius, to n point
In said Madison s'reet ') feet from the north
line of Third street und 10 feet from thu west
line of snld Madison street; thence northerly
along said Mmlison street uu n lino parallel with
tho west lino of snld street, ton point -Dfeut
from the west Hue of said street, nnd 'JO feet
south of tho center line of thoalley between Sec
ond nnd Third streets; thenco ilellectlng to the
left by a curve ofnbout n "J). foot radius, ton
point where thu west line of Madison street in
tersects tho renter lino of snld nlley between
Second and Third streets; thenco in a westerly
direction along the center Hue of sa d alley to a
jmlutiO feet wet of thu east line of Lnuxhliu
street; thenco dellecllng to thu right by a curve
ofnbout a ID-foot radius, to connect with the
brunch of said sewer system running up Laugh
lln .street, In stud Ijiuglilln street.
Also n branch lino of raid sewer system, com
mencing nt it point in thu neuter of tho nlluy be
tween Second and Third streeti,20O feet east of
tnu ens', line of Monroe strcot, running thenco
lu westerly dlrclion along the center of said
nlley to a point Vi feet west of tho east line of
Monroe street, thence Ucllectiug to tho right by
u curve of about n twenty-foot radius, to n iMiint
opposite the north Hi oof thu nlley between snid
Stcoiirt nnd Third streets, nnd 20 feet east of the
west lino of Monroo street; thence In u ninth
erly direction parallel with tho weit line ol
Monroe street, nud CO feet therefrom, to within
ai feet of thu main lino of said sewer system
hereinbefore described : thenco curving to tho
left with a radius ot about tt) feet, to connect
with s.Urt main line.
Also u branch line of snid sewer system, com
mencing on thu west lino uf Jellursou street. 20
feet north of tne south Huu of Fourth street;
thence running westerly parallel with the snlil
north lluoof rourth street, to u point W feet
west of the eust Hue of Jjiughllu street; thenco
by u ctttvo to tho right ot about twenty feet
radius, to n point 20 feet east of the west lino of
Ijiughlln street und 2U feet south of thu north
'Ineof Hmrth street; thenco northerly, parallel
with the west linu of Laughlin street, to con
nect with the luuiti Huu of snld tour system
hereinbefore described, by u curve to the left of
about twenty feet radius, where yard main Huu
of said sewer system crosses Uiughliu street nt
tho nlky between Second null Main Htieett. -
Alo n brunch lino of snld sower system, com
mviiciugnt ii point ); feet south of tho north
lluoof l-tlth street mill 20 feet east of tho west
lino of I.lbertv street; thence along said l.lberty
street parallel with tald west linu of snld street,
in u uotthcrly direction, to connect with thu
branch of sewer system hlieliibeforo described,
running lu tho alley betweui Second nnd Third
streets, by a convenient curve to thorlght,whero
raid alley sewer cro3u Liberty street.
Also n brunch lino of sold sewer system, com
mencing in the center of thuulley between 1 hint
und Fourth streets, 2K) feet west of Liberty st.,
und running along tho center of said uilev to a
point 2i0 feet ensl of said Liberty atieet, und con
neellng with the branch of said suiver system !
Liberty street, .'roni tho euit and west, by con
venient curves of iibuttii 20 foot radius, ut thu
point where said nlley crosses Mberty sticot
Also a branch line of said sewer system, com
mencing in the center of thualley between Third
und Fourth streets, 2.V) feet east of Court street,
and thence running along tho center of uld al
ley in a westerly direction, to u point 20 feet
west of tho east fine of Union atreot; thenco by
u curve to thu right of about a 20-foot radius, to
connect with thu Union street branch of tut I
newer system.
Also a branch of said sewer system, commenc
ing In tho center nf thu alley between Third and
Fourth streets, at a iilnt Ui feet taut of thu cast
lluoof WuililliKton street, nml ninnlm- ilu-iu-n
along the tenter of said ulluy to a iKilnl 200 feet
east of Jellerson street, and connecting wllh tho
urancn oi uni sewer tystuai tunning along
Irtimhlln itreet. by convenient corvit. r nhmii
20-leet radius, ut u point wueru said alley crossia
said Laugbllli street.
Also a branch Una of said sewer svilem. com.
rnenclng at n iotut 2) feet north of the south
lino oi roiinn street aim uo leet vtui oi llieemt
U.K. f llUI.I.I....n.. . .......1.... ...
an easterly direction parallel with said south
lluoof Fourth street, to connect bv a coiivunl.
ut curve to the left, of about a 'Ai-foot raillus,
wiiii i ne uiuaiiiiii'auvBi uraiion ui sum newer
system, nt the erosslnir of Fourlh and Uuublln
Alio branch line uf said atwer ajriteu, com.
menclng In the center of the nlley (or Sixth M.)
south ol block 11, nt n point wherp the west linu
nf Warrington street crosses said alloy; thento
westerly along the center of snld nlley to u point
!W feet west ot the east lino of Court street,
thenco by a convenient curvo to tho right ot
nbout '.o fect radius to u point 20 fect cast of the
west lluoof Court street: thenco lu n northerly
direction parallel with the west line of l.outt
street to the south lluoof Kourth sticet; thence
by a curve to the left, of nbnut u 20 foot radius,
to n point on thewrst lineof Court street, 2" feet
north of the south line of 1-ourth street; thencu
wclerly nlong Fourth street, )airnllel with the
south lineof snld Fourth sttect, to u point J)
feet wet of the can line of Union street; thencu
connecting bvn convenient curvo to the rljht,
of nbout n 2o-loot villus, with the brunch lino
of said sewer system running along Union st.
AIn n brunch line of snld sewer system, com
mencing nt n polntnpMille tho center of the nl
ley between rourth mid Fifth sttcoK 20 feet
eust of the west line of Washington street, and
running thenco lu n westerlj direction along
tho center of snld nlley to n olnt.r.S feet west of
the c-ist line of Court street; thenco by n conve
nient curve to the rltrht of nbout n 20-foot radius
to connect with the brunch of said sewer system
runnlifr nlong Court street.
Also n branch Hue of said sewer system, com
mencing nt n point 20 leet north of tho south
line of r If III street, mid 120 feet west of thu west
line of Court strcer, running thenco In an east
erly direction to tho west lluoof Court street:
thence bv n curve to tho lolt, cl about a'20-foot
radius, to Intersect with thu branch of said
sewer svstem running on (tnurt street nt the
crossing!)! said Filth und Court streets.
AIo n brunch !ino of snld sewer system, com
menctng nt the center ot thu nlley between
Fourth nnd Fifth streets, ut u point 200 feet east
of the east line of Liberty street, running thence
In u westerly dltcetiou along the line of the cen
ter of said alley, to a point '.0 feet west of the
east lineof Liberty street thenco by u curve to
the right of nbout a ayfoot radius, t? connect
with thu Liberty -street branch of the snld sewer
Aho n branch lineof snld sewer system, com
mencing nt the rentei of the nlluv north of
Main sticet mid AO feet west of Washington St..
thence running nlong the center of snlil alley to
ii point 1110 feet west of Union street; thenoe
connecting with the molu sewer system near
the bank of Mill creek, by a ouivc to the right of
about u 2-i-foot rmllus.
Also ii branch linu of mid sower system, com
mencing nt a point in Fourth street, 2.7) feet
west of the west Hue of Liberty street, und 20
feet north of thu south I ne of Fourth sticet,
running thenco In uu easterly dltcetiou ulot:g
Fourth street, psr illel with the south line of
snld street to thu west linu of Liberty slteet;
thence 1 r convenient curve to the left of about
20-feU radius, to connect with tho branch oi
snlil sewer ay-stem running up mid down Lib
erty street, at thu cro.sti'g of said Fourth and
Liberty streets.
This notice Is publMicd by order of said City
Council, mitdu on August 6t 1MT). (
nngS I'ccorder of Dalles City.
Ttttr. scnniiutx. i Aiikivk
Fnst I Salt Lakr, Denver. Ft.
Mnil I Worth, Omaha, Kan
11:50 p. m. sas City, Ht. Imis,,
Chicago und Fust.
3:15 p m
gpoknne Wnllii Wnlln, Hpokuue, Spokauo
Flyer Mltineupolls. Ht. I'nul, Flyer.
5;p.m.! jiulutti, Milwaukee, o:c0u. ni
j Chicago und Fust.
8 p. m. Fkom l'or.Ti.ANii. -I p. m.
Oceiiu Steamships.
For him Francisco
January 22,
nnd every five days
8 p.m. j l j,. m.
L'x.buiiduy:Columbin Itv. Steumcrs.Ex.huiidaj
.'To Astokia und Wuy
Saturdny Ijindlngs. !
10 p. ui.
Cn. in. ' WiiXAjtBTTE IttVF.i:. l -l:Mp. m.
Ex.HundayOregou City, Kuwberg,(Kx.sunduy
i sjiilem 5; Wuy Laud's,.
( .
, a. m, WitLAMrTiK Attn Yam- 3:50 p. m.
Tues.Thur.. mtr. KtVKRS. !Mun.,Wcd
und hat. Oregon City, )nyton, mid Frl.
and Way-Luudltigs.
c ii. m. 1 Willamette Kivkr. l:30p.m,
Tue.,Thur,lfortlanil to t.'orvallis, Tne.. I litir
und but. mid Way-Landings. und but.
Lv lilparla Klpuriu to lAjwiston. Lkwiston
daiiy dally
CSt Purlieu desiring to go to Heppner should
take No. -I, leaving '1 lie Dalles nt fi:30 p. m
making direct connections nt lleppuer Junction
Itcturiilug maklnBdlrectconiiectlon at ifeppner
Junction wltli No. 1, arriving ut Tho Dalles ut
-1:15 p. in.
No. 82, throtight freight, east bound, docs not
carry pusseiigera; urtives 2;. u. m., departs
3:t0u. m.
No. 21, local freight, eariles passengers, east
bound; urrlves l::jo p. m., departs 8:15 p. in.
No. 21, west bound through freight, dws not
carry pusscngera; arrives ;13 p in,, departs
9:)ji. m.
No. 2.1, west bound local frciglit, carries pas
icnKers; arrives 5:15 p. m departs h:ffl n. in.
For full particulars call on Q. It. & N. Co.'s
agent The Dulles, or address
(len Pas. Agt Portland. Or.
I.ANb OfFtcu at Tut: Dam.ks, OaurioNI
,,,,,, , Juno lu, loyj, j
l.otlco Is hereby given that ilio following
nitined settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to maku final proof In suiuiort of his claim, mid
thuta Hd proof will bo made before tho register
Juiy'jiW, "viz?0 UM'11'' UtVa0"' " Htttur,,"J''
1'huIh nrliimud,
vldow of Plerro (irliiiaiid, deceusisl, of Tho
llo niimes the following wltntsses to t.rovu
.Sidlnd?" R' U"'" c"ltIv"""1'
Chus. A. Hohii'tz, Kock Cary, Loulx Batulo
Andrew UriUhurt, all of Tho Dalles, Oregon
Junll-ll JA.Y P, LUCAS, Itilster.
U. 8. Lanii Ofuck, at Tub Uallks, Ohi;
July ;i, iwy, 'j
Nollco is hereby given that tho following
named settler bus filed notlto ot his lute tio to
imkol nal proof n support of his chi .1, ,
that said proof will bo made before Tho I "iu ei
ZjiTtiXl 0,vm' "
Vttry J. Vmu Uaiiiii. ufrhx Hull... ... .
Homestead Kntry, No. m, forthoWi tiwu
SwiillS!!? "toBB,M,on "UlllvntloM of
' J- AkIiIIu's, Martin Faitan, K. A. Usxuitd
mid Oliver llutvers, al of Tho Dalle ; Oregon
Improved CYCLONE Magazine
I k 1
1 1 jmsaf'n
l s uivia-SBKriK
No. 4- s!zo3';i x 4a) SS.OO
No. 5-(slzo4x5) .- 10.00
Just Arrived
The only ng'i.-in.-Caniern
with bulb shutter
How About Your Title?
n UK YOU SUHE it in nil riplil? ItiMiu-ttilicr it is the
H KKCOUI) tlmt covuriit). It Ih our tiusitu-es to
Kcttri:1! tlic records and t-htnv whnt tliev contttln in
ii'lntioii to lutiil titlcif. If ytm t:ontuiiiilntu Imyiii limit
or lounint,' iiioni'v on renl t'ctato ficcnrlty, tiiku no man'
word, lint insist upon kuowini: whut tho record ehowH
ri'L'ivrdiiiK the title. An A helmet is ns eesunthil nan
dt'fd. IntfiHt on ImviiiR it. Wo Imvn llio only pot u
Ahstrnct liooks in tho County. All work promptly ex
cciitt'd and i-utlf-fiictlon yuiiriuitecd. II yon hitvtt prop
erty to inciire, kvo ub h cull. We nre iigtintn for four of
the heat livu inftirftiifu coin puniex hi tho world, lfymi
luive property for Hiilu, lim it with ub und we'll finilii
J, M. Huntington &Co.
'Phono SI. 2d St., opponlto A. M. Williams & Co.
Best Work at
beast Possible Cost
Giinrtintcud to give sntisfnclloii We are here to stay; therefore every
effort will be tiuttle to establish u business. It will pay you to exu mine out
work and consult our prices.
Heat Crown nnd Hri(lo work (l!2k. gold), pur tooth
BuBt Bet teeth, euurnnteed ..00
Heat Ciold Fillint? 1.00d?
Heat Bilvur or alloy filling 50c up
Tenth extracted without pain 5
cttpu,a,Vifio1ek,1 second st. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager.
and Farmers
itfm,n,i1.l1,,"li!,,.:!'0 Wolunted
LOLUMI11A llKKIt, acknowl.
edittsl the best beer lu The Dalles,
at tho usual ptlce. t.'onio In, try
It and bo couvlnceil, Alto thu
l iiiest brands ot Wines, l.huor
and L'lknrs.
of all Klndsnlivavs on Immi.
Loiters of Omllt Ibhuu.I available In the
ut i . LHl,fn Stntea.
blKht iAumiiBo and Teleraphic
Bt J ouIh Rld 2" NVW Y,,rk' C
i.fin Ki o lu iir ."'""'"'" uruanti ure-
oraKr.',m'JOUt U""1,,t8 on,M'
llamilion Clark, of Oliam.cuv, Ga
era )0foro lryI,,K DoWUt'a Witch
halve, two boxea of wluel, con,.
. etfly cured ,,, Iluwan, of worthl "..
!ru V T'0" CmotM Butter
FOR 1899.
Ton Points to Consldor:
12 Ploturos In 12 Seconds.
Shutter Bulb Rolnaso.
ShuttBr Automatic
Shutter Locks.
Ui Aluminum Plntoholclors.
Sot stops.
Spoclnl Quick Lons.
Automntlo Reuristor.
AH pnrts Intorohantronblo,
ExpoHod platos removed without
disturbing unoxposcd.
1S99 Catalotruo with com
ploto Information FREE.
rotitef east. They nro all famous for
their ficeuic nttrae'tion.
O. H. A N. view OKtlun and nenver.
Shaata Kouto view riaetiiii)oiito,OgJeD
ami Dtinvor, .
ShaBta Hotite view Sacratnenlo, ua
AiikoIuh and Alberquernne. ..,,.
A duilv lino of thromrh ;'
from San I'raneieco nnd Loa Angew
Chleao. This la
The Short Line
from aouthorn California
To the East
Applv to th aironte of the 0. It.
Co. or thu underalktued, for foltleri
defleriptlve literuture,
Gun. Agt. Worceatcr. BMif. JNirihHvU
Dyspepsia Cur
Duieit what you eat
ItrtiflollIy dlgestathc toaiw
iuro Id fltrenKtbonlng and www
lotlngtho exhausted Mner
nanirn in ar.rAnirr.nnmiiii uuu
i and tonic. Uo other PP"5?S
itpproftchft Id efllcloney..Z
Saqla Fe p
til otbar mulUoflnporfectdtfN