Consolidation Sale For Tuesday, Wodnosday and Thursday wo will combine M l 1 throe linos odd wash goods into one and givo 5Ti.& 7 2 C Y)Y VQ. Among theso rooiIb will bo found some of ttio choicest thlnga wo Iibvo offered in this de- linnmimi HiiriiiK nir kuihuiui, xi uiuso lines nro given the attention they deserve von Hill reap thu buncfit, not us. ' ' 3 3 Lines of Ladios White Skirts as one line. These goods are fresh and crisp, and aro made in throe styles. Flounce and tucks, Three rows of tucks and throe rows of hemstitching, Klounco and laco trimmed. Theso lines were 75c, now , 59c. 1 ;i nes of Ladies' Night Robes which aro prclly and well made. The dis ruption hero givon will aid you in making a choice. Tucked yoko and lace insertion trimmed, Tucked and corded yoko, Tucked and ruffled yoko. Theso wore 75o lines, now 59c. Lines of Ladies' Muslin Drawers, description as follows: Tucked and embroidered trimming, Muslin tucked flounce with insertion heading, muslin with three rows of hemstitched tucked flounce headed with narrow tucks. These lines 75c formerly, now 59c. Clothing Department. Crash Hats, Crash Caps. Down went all Crash Goods in this department to day. If you appreciate remarkable values give the under mentioned articles your attention. PRICES TOUCH ROCK BOTTOM. All 2."c, Sou, 40c and 50c hats and caps 19 cents. " Our hats and caps, 50c, 59c, Goc, for 29 cents. All Guuclii Mnrko In Plain Figures. Pease & Mays. The Dalles Daily Chronicle - - AUGUST M. 18ft) MONDAY Telephone No. J. TAKE NOTICE. 10 OUR ADUlltHSIiKS: All Changes in Advertisements must be iianJcil in before io o'clock A. M., ns no chancs will lie accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will he positive. CIIUUXICM5 I'UltUSMNG CO. Ike Dalles, J.niuary iu, 1809. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. September natterim now on Halo nt Pwe & Mays'. Tliori'lit n.irtv eun secure atcadv em ployment hy applying t tliu Singer wing nmeliimt ollleo in tills city, on 8ond street, nuiir Union. uugO IH Slieriu" Kellv n r w'i"l! Wasco eonnty jiropurty wliioli was Lehl for delinquent tuxes on tlio '07 r". Tim county secured moat of the property. A eixly-fi vo horse nowor nnmne nnil Eachino for the now saw mill now being W op just above this free bridge ut tlio UeechuteP, was started out this after "on (or that n.0. Ve are oli'.nunii tn n. t..,i la again ui,I to nttond to hie JJm at tbo livery Htablu, he having "fed for sjmo limo with rhuumntlam, Wn confined to hlu room. Mrieml, of Mrs. E. Hill, whoso "e for th,i ...... . . . ilea I ' ,U" uu.v " 00011 "Paired of, will loarn with numb satia ' i0n tlmt nbo in conaidorcd much w and recounted hor husband und ttwnda morning. JVorkme,, nru engaged today in tear S clown the oi.l hmvr house, on ret Wl"'r0 S WHkoraon will J oldm reahloneea i the city: but mo ."wny for 1110 l'nnKe8 which tt needs with the growth .of n TIeGoblnh,ii,. ......,. Mr 2,:tl0J,,,ir,,U,'tl' voung on of i y Si A"'Mc. formerly of torneu ,,,,. ,nco wtls Vreity bndly "Sgli ,,robablVve him Gtn. v. c. ... ln l2 W0 p"1'11" ,n orUd " iiuu u wide ex- purlencj in teaching tint! writing abort hnud during the puet tun yuiira, ami ia thereby well qualified to givo thorough mstriH'.tioiiH In Una inturcatlng pro futiblon. A plunBivnt feuture of last eveniriK'a performance wns tlio preBentation to Mr. Slmw by the Ohicumnuguu Circle, No. 1, ladies, of tbo G. A. Ji., of n liumlaomu h ten in or, rug made nt the Pendleton woolen milla. It wua iu recognition of the oiler mude by Mr. Slmw of the services of hia band ut the court hoiiBo. E.O. Mra. Geo. St. John, who hns epent aeveral montliH In The Dalles left this morning for her homo in Southern Ore gon. She waa neconipiuiie l by her mother, Mra. 11. Luaher, who huving aold her property iu this city, will make her home with her daughter. Mis. Lusher ia one of the old residents of Th Dallod nnd it waa with dilliculty tlpt she wus persuaded to leave the city fr u new home. There ia one individual who can suc cessfully interfere with tlio liberty of the presa, nnd Mint is tbo paper carrier, who nlone know e the route and if ho takes it into hla head to go llshlng just nt the lipur when the paper should bo deliverd, the BUbscribera BUlTernu irreparable loan. Deeming it n holiday which would pro bably never come ugain, the carrier of the Oiiito.Nici.i: on the hill route Saturday evening, thought nowepapera were nn in significant matter compared with the prominent place ho filled iu the reception and so failing to show up at the ollleo ut th(ihour the pnpeiH wore out, which would give him auflicient time to be at the boat, ho nlso failed to appear nt nil. We can only regret tlio occurrence nnd thinking thoro uiny bo Boinethlng there in which our readers would even yet euro to read, wo will boo that it la de livered with tonight's issue. TIirho lttivulvti Cerllllcutes. rnlinu-lnc In tlio result of the tenchure' examination for county oertlllcntea Inst week : Second grade Goorcla llonnoy, Tygh j Kojonhi Campbell, Wauiic. Third grade L. Mnua lionediot, rori laud; Maud Strunuhnn, Kufusj Bessie Underhlll. Boyd; Emily K. Palmer, Hnnil Ulvor: Corn Wlnufield, Eudorauy; Neva E. Hurvey, Waiuio; Ohnrlotta A. Uoherts, Hood Klverj Hester ivem, Laura A. Bullock, Murtha Baldwin, Stella Brown, The Dalles. Whuoo I'rTlto No, 10,1. O. It. M, There will be a hl-u-heo meeting on tilt) sleep of the l&tli sun bturgeon moon, Ci. S. U. 400 nt tho wiani. Several pale faces will be scalped nnd a number of adopted pule luces rat6cd to higher degrees. Also there will be present with ua aeveral brothera who have just re turned from the hunting grounds of the Philippinos und who will exhibit the sculps taken by them in the late wnr. Iu honor of this auspicious occasion corn nnd yenieon will be served nnd the pipe of pence smoked. All brothers are urgently requested to be present and ns- sist in the wur dunce. I'KOri.K YOU ALL KNOW. E. C. Fitzl'utrick wns iu froip Tygh yesteidny. Will Evnns returned Inst night from cimp nt Stevenson. Dr. Pilkington, of Antelope wns in town yesterday ou his way to Portland, Chua. l' Liner, qualified today ns chief of the Dalles City lire department. ,Tho Misses Crooks are in the city re turning to their homo in Prineville, after n visit to the bench. Miss Irene Adams returned last night from n vacation trip to llivaco bench and . . . , . .1 , O.I wun roiuuves in nuieui. E. M. Wingate, who went to Portland to join in thu teceptiou there, returned on the boat Saturday evening. Misses Dorothy and Nettie Fredden accompanied the returning Portland soldier boya us fur us the Cascades today. John Knight, of Pendleton, who is in terested in mining iu the vicinity of Antelope is in tho city today on business. Mrs. J. G. Downey camo up from Vancouver Saturday nnd spent Sunday with her brother, S. L. Young, returning home today. Deputy Clerk Bolton camo up fiom Stevenson Saturday. He says tho con tinued ruins nro about to drive the Dalles people houiewurd. Mrs. II. E. Mitchell nnd little son came in yesterday from Hay Creek, where she has been visiting her parents Hon. und Mrs. Sommerville. Nell MoLeod end wife, of Goldendale, who have spent a few days in Portland, wits iu the city this morning and left ou thu afternoon stugo fur Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ilnrknoes went down to Portland today to spend tho time during Mr. Harkueos' vacation from duties in Pease & Mays' shoo depart ment. Miss Laura Thompson left ou tho early train yesterday morning for Port laud, where alio will bo joined by Miea Nona Huch und together they will viBlt Clatsop beach. Ex-Governor Burke, who tins been in The Dalles for the past week inspecting the land ollleo here, went down on the boat this morning, returning to Port laud. Ho is a moat genial gentleman and made many friends during his stay hero. Capt. and Mre. II. Wells returned home on yesterday's afternoon train. The enptufn contemplates visiting this city later and deliver a lecturo on the war us seen by him, and on the life and liublts of the people of the Islands. CONQUERING HEROES COME THEY ARE HOME AGAIN FROM A FOREIGN SHORE. He It Kycr H UtimMn Tlirrr's No l'lnco I.Ike Home Were Itccelveil With ICiitliiidlriMii. nrjTURVixa iiunoEs. rienry Itoltoti, I). J. Ilonner. XV. XV. Ilrown, A. J, Cooper, Harry Fieoclen, O. V. Kennedy, K. K. I.rmUiii), W. II. ItenvKH, T. K. Stlllwoll Henry ZltkH, H. F. FoiltM, O. V. XVugncr, A. A. Ilonner,'' XV. K. ItoiintiV, W. K. Cool .1. O. Kilt IJ-leillr i V. II. I). .T. Jtrel7.i A. Mnrtln, Cjti. Hunclerti, X. V. Ullrlcli, M. .1. limtell, J. If. imrur, Arthur Trunk. DlRlliarjTf'fl Arni'lfiiisl v lril lllllnrt. C. S. L.oivf, Wulter Dickey, John lUnna. Left In ll)riltnl at San FmncUco W. K. I. en. xy. E, Kiikvnltrll, Thou. Smiley. Those of us who have for n few months or years nt most, wandered in distance lands among the most pleasing environ ments, and than upon our return felt the thril of pleasure and the heart beat with rapture as the familiar scenes of homo sweet home hurst upon our view can have even then but a very faint con ception of what must have been the feel ing of the twenty-five brave soldier lads who stood on the upper deck of the Reg ulator last Saturday evening and caught a glimpse of the dear old hills surround ing them, the picturesque little city on the banks of the old Columbia, the sea of anxious faces ready to welcome them home again from a foreign shore and felt The Dalles breezes which wafted a welcome. True, they have received greeting upon greeting since they flist landed on the shores of our sister state; but what doea that compare with the heart-felt welcome of kindred and friends? There were tears In many eyes as our truttcd friend, the good steamer Kegu lator, warned ue of their approach, and the many whistles, anvils and bells answered back our greeting nnd told iu unmistakable tones of the welcome they were to receive. With the exception of the militia, the G. A. H., W. R. C the band and the reception committee, all others were barred from the dock, save the fifty little girls who carried flowers and banners with which to greet them, and presented every one with a boquet. But every available space near was crowded. After a abort delay iu landing the boys finally marched off the steamer, aa the struins of "Home Sweet Home" were borne to them from the band, unci cheer after cheer went up, On the dock they were greeted by relatives anil friends, und us the former clasped them nnd with eti earning eyes welcomed them the captain's wife said, ua the teara rolled down her cheeks, "I have wpt for very joy till my eyes ache over such affecting scenes ns these." s Soon the line of marcji waa formed, and the parade, led by Marshal Whealdon and his aides, followeif by Mayor Kuek audG. C. Blakeley jyoceeded on the first route which had been planned, halting at the banquet rall. Hero there was another hand-shaking; but finally, after prayer by Ilev. Wood, all were seated, and aoou the volunteers voluntarily scattered the chicken and other good things aa successfully us they did the Filipinos. The W. R. C. deserve much praise for tho splendid banquet served, and the manner in which it was dis posed of betokened appreciation. The time from that on till 8:30 waa spent with frieuus and iu general re ception. AS' Tlllt AltMOllY. Armory hall has been beautifully dec orated many times in tho past, hut upon no occasion has it been more approp riately amused than on that of the re ception, which took place nt 8:30 in tho evening. Under the skillful hands of Lieut. It. A. Splvey, nnd a squad of soldiers from Company D. the ceiling hud been draped in hunting which formed a tent, the aides being raised and displaying scenery beyond. On the sides of the hall wero hung pictures of tho battle-ships, nud heroes of the bat tles, while flags and red white nnd blue bunting were tastefully draped about the wall. Ou the stage were seated tho mayor, Capt, Welle, Lleuts. Teller and Povey, several of our own volunteers, tlio speak ers of tho evening und members of the G. A. It. After the hall was filled with an enthusiastic audience, and cheer upon cheer had been givon as Capt, Wells, Lieut. Teller, and each of the boys in turn were seated, tho program wub opened with prayer by llev. Wood. F. W. Wilson, who had promised the boys when they left that upon their return a rousing reception should bo given, was then introduced by the mayor and in a manner peculiar to him self, told of the joy at their return, the anxiety with which their every move ment was followed, and tho satisfaction their victories occasioned. His tribute to tho fallen heroes who failed to return, and whose names wero engraven on a tab!et which stood on the 6tage, thusly, "In memory of William Fleldn, Henry O'Flaherty, Charles Bubart," was elo quent and most touching. Capt. Wells, In response, told of the esteem in which ho held the members of Company L, and of tho bravery of- Tho Dalles boye; of the feeling of comradship which existed, and which he hoped would not be broken though they bo separated. Lieut. Tolfer waa called upon nnd paid a glowing tribute to our boys, say ing that he had overheard Col. Summers say that Company L could take care of itself. And at another time that Com pany L could get along without officers. He also said that a good soldier would make a good eon, a good employe a good husband, and advised the young ladies to embrace tho opportunity. Prof. Lmdere welcomed them in be half of the public, school, of which some were students. Ho recited how the puplla had watched eagerly for every line of newe concerning them, and how their victories encouraged them. He paid a high tribute to their valor and said he could but say of them, "Here they are. Match them." The greatest excitement prevailed as Walter Reayia was called for nnd after ward Earl Sanders, and they could scarcely begin speaking for the loud applause which greeted them. Each told of his joy at being home once more and of how they thought of dear ones while on that far off shore. Sargeant Edwards, of Portland, made a neat little speech, and closed by in forming the Dalles girls that if they took advantage of Lieut. Telfer'a advice, and there were not enough Dalles boys to go around, to keep those of Portland in mind. The epeechee wero interspersed with solos by Rev. Poling and Misa Myrtle Michell. The former Eang "The Roll Call," a touching selection well fitted to the occasion, while the latter sang "The Continued on Fourth page. A Trent to Our Soldier lloyn. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LansWin, 'Piioiie 167 Today and tomorrow A. M. Williams A Co. are giving all meml ers of Company L, 2nd regiment 0. N. G., a special dis count of fifteen per cent off tho regular price on anything I hey may need to replenish their wardrobe, in furnishing goods, clothing, hats and aho3S. Boys, this is vour chance. To Clemme the SyMem Effectually yet guitly, wIipii costive or bilious, to permanently overcomo habit ual constipation, to nwaken the kidneya and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, olds or fevers, ueo Syrup of Figs, made hy California Pig Syrup Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cares dyepopsia because its ingredieutB are audi that it can't help doing eo. "Thu public can rely upon it as a master remedy for all disorders arising from im perfect diges tion." JameB M. Thomas, M. D., in Americm Journal of Health, N. Y. Standard fashions now on sale at Pease &. Mays'. It's a real pleasure to get the meals for the family when you have a complete sot of needful! utensilB and have a new Garland stove or ateel range to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laisen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pnns hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8.00 up. See tbo best Range on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Cull at Mnler ik Denton's nnd bets tho Antiseptic Nest Egg. Willi the use of this Nett 'gg jou will have no moru l.lce, Mitis or Vcrnln in your poultry houses, getting hens will set better eggs nnrt will hutch better nud chickens will live nnil grow better whetu Antiseptic Egg is used. Sec them nt nil I i piaier & lew 167 Second St. vvvvv vvvvvv v vvvv vvvv v wvvv V V v v v v I Our Bicycle Repairing Department 1 Ts now in shape to properly handle all Idnps of work from a puncturo to building a wheel. i 5- Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing' Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. MAYS & CROWE, CUhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a I'UKE HANI) MADi; SOUK MASH WHISKHV for family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.