Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem . rrrrTi 11 I S EFFECTUALLY OVFRCOMFS L srr& Hab,toalConstpat.oN i umu PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE MAHT'D By Qui?rniaTgSyrvp fCa 3ALteYAlL0RUGGCTx Pff-U 50c ftRBCTUL I'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. A. K. McLeoJ is in from Kingsley. W. R. Wiuana came up from Hood River last niyht. Fred Clarke ia down from Mcro to join in the reception tonight. Miaa Edith Randall returned last night from camping at Collina Landing. Newt. Livingston, sheriff of Grant county, came in from Canyou City yes terday. Fred and Georue Weigel went down to Stevenson tcday on u Halting and ramping trip. Mrs. Malml Uannhauer, vrlio'has l:een a truest of Miss Anna Stubling returned to Iter home in Portland tjday. Mr. and Airs. L. Rorden and Misses Dorothy and Nettie Fredden returned last evening from their trip to Portlund. Hon. V. R. EIIi9 came up from Port last night and remained over today. He will leave for fleppueron the 5:30 train. Among the passengers on the Regu lator this mornim; were Mrs. Lemison and Mrs. Reavii, who an down to meet their eons, EJ and .Walter. Miss Nona Ruch left this morning for Portland. She will remain in that city until Monday, when she will leave for a short stay ai Clatsop beach. J. H. Gray, sheriff of Crook county, returned last night 'rom Salem, where be went to deliver an insane patient. He is on his way back to l'rineville. Mrs. R. E. Dean anil family left for Portland this morning to j iu Mr. Dean, who has accepted a position with Wad bams & Kerr JJros., wholesale grocers. Hon. and Mra.-Fi P. Mays and chil dren came up on the Dalles City last night from Portland. They are on their wnv to spend a fw weeks at the Maya' ranch nbou el,'! te 11 milts f; 0 a the city. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Cancer often results from an im purity in tho blood, inherited from generations back. Few people are en tirely free from sometaint in the blood, and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in tho form of dreaded Can cer. What has appeared to bo a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. "I ksd a severe Cancer which was at first only a few blotches, that I thought would soon pass away. 1 was treated by several nolo physicians, but in splto of their efforts the Can cer spread until mycon ditlon became alarming. After many months of treatment and Browing steadily worse. I de clrtod to try 8. S. S. which was eo strongly recommended. The first bottle nroduced an lm- R prqvement. ! continued MJU 'WCUIlIIll, (kit It III four months the last lit tle soab dropped off. Ten vears have clarified. (wiBiftNi!Bgi iuo uweaseiuu roturneu. It. K. Williams, GHUburjf, Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond tho skill of physicians. H. 8. 8. is tho only cure, because It is tho only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Cancer. SS.Sffh.Blood (Swift's Specific) is the only blood Mtnady guaranteed Purely Vegetable. Jill otnerxeoaUiri potaih 'ami mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books OH-Q rn id blood dlsaasaa mailed free by Swift Bfwelflc ComfBj, Uaate, Georgia. tmi xfsssssk 7wm BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falka Rosofonm for the teetn. tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated llavoring extracts, tf I.ate't thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Dounell'a drug store. , Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. iuch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J. Stublinsr, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Dm. Try Verba Iltiena Hitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M 17.3m Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system, neyer gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Butler Drug Co. Cath In lour Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to October 1,1895, will be paid nt my office. Interest eeases after Julv 2G, 1890. C. I.. Piiiluhs; Oountv Treasurer. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMCA grt Questions ' areconstantly comingup every day inliterature,artandscience which you wish you knew, but you flou t, Make up your ,mind that you kare not going to fbe caught this wayveryoften. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attention dig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopaedia Britannica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment is made. Tho Completa Set (Thirty Largo Octavo Volumes): No. r. New Style Buckram Cloth. Marbled EJeei, Extra Quality Utah Machine Fin 1 Ish Book Paper, S5 - First payment. One Dollar ($1.00) an3 Three Dollars(Sj.oo) per month thereafter. No. a. Half Morocco. Marbled Edges. Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00. First payment. Two Dollars (Sa.oo) and Four Dollars (Sj.oo) per month thereafter. No. t. Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, 75.00. First payment, Ihree Dollars ($10) and Five Dollars (5500) per month thereafter. A reduction of ro per cent, is granted by paying cash within jo days after the receipt of the work. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, r and Maimer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN, ox 3W 338 QNV 3IMOO JJ A. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Offloe orer Vrracb It C'o.' lunk THKDALUS8, ORKCJON NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven that the city council of Dalit t.Ttv ha' netcrmlned to establish h sewer system for all tlmt portion of said city ly ltij; below the blull' and east of Lincoln street, and has further determined that the Ctwt of Mich sewer svstem shall bo assessed against tho proi? rty benelltcd thereby. Said setter system It to be of term cottn pipe and the extent and location thereof to be as fullons: The iii'tlti llneof said sower system shall ex tend from the low wnto line of the Columbia ititbla th of river, where the cast marcln of the moil Mill creek nt said low water strikes said river! thence mmik thccaif bmk of said Mill creek Cull leet to n stake tinder the north trestle of the Oicjron Itailrofid V Navigation Comtmny'B lall roiitljtliciicpjtt it rlRht ditlccttun of 111 decrees niri 10 minutes from the couise last put sued lfKMII feet ton stake '. l.VUO lect north of the nortlmcst corner of tho stone wall bmimliiiR the K. M. W llson property: thence nt a left He llectlon from the coune Inst described, TO de grees and itl minutes l'is fe?t to 11 point on the ! street, theiicecrossiiiKt'nloiisircet to the ecu- ter of tho nlley butween Second nml Jliiln street', thcuec iiIoiir the center of mM alley, from Union to l.inxiilln street; thenco contiii til UK in n straight lino on the sumo course ncrosi ljtiiKhllii strett, to n point on tho cast lino of said street, lis icctnortlioCjeoonilstri'Ct; thenuo coutinuint: In 11 Mrnlgltt lti 011 tho same course, iciosi block S. biuglilln's nildltiou to DjIUs Uttr,:JUt) feet, to Jellerson Mreot, on 11 Hue Us feet from, nnd parallel tc, fcccond street j thenco continuing 011 sstd straight line, In the i same course, 1U leet nun jcueisonsirect to a p.iliu 1U leet cast 01 tne west urn: 01 jciierson street nnd li- feet nortli of eeeond street, Thence at a left dellectlon from thu line last described, at degrees mid 'JJ minutes-, S1-51U0 feet, to a stake J feet west of tho cast line of Jellerson street; thenco at a right dellectlon from thu line last de-crlbed ja degrees aud lfl minutes lli!-17-100 feet, ton stako; thenco at 11 right dellectlon from thu lino last described '.'7 degrees nnd '."J minutes U0-4-1CO feet to 11 stake 17-6- 100 feet from tho roiHheast corner of tho latvn fence west of thu O II. & X. i;n.'s depot; thenco at 11 left dellectlon f 10111 said line 11 de crees nnd II minutes, 1C.V9-1U feet to a point on the west llnoof Monroe street l.'K Kt north of Second street and 6-7-10i)fect north of the north west corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thonco continuing In n stialght lino on the course Inst described tut) S7-K0 feet to a point C feet north of the northcift comer of Moody's wooilen ware house i;."d ." 10 feet north of Second street and 70 feet east of Momou street; ihenco at n right de llectlon from the list Hue 7-0J, iV!W-10O feet, to u stake m Tavlor street, fey (V10 feu north of second ttrcet and W-7.V101) feet west of the west end of tbu Wasco wnrehoinc. A branch of said sev.-er system shall connect with the main Hue in L'nlon street, a) feet from the west llneof said street, at a iotnt lis feet north of .Second street, and shall run along said Union street '20 feet cast of the west line (hereof, to a point 'A) feet south of the north line of Tenth stieet. Another branch lino of said tower system shall commence In tliu center of the alley be tween Second nnd Third streets, at n point 10 feet west of thu enst line of Lincoln street, nnd run thencj along the center of said alley to a I oint "00 feet east of the east 'lno of Court street, counecting with tho branch of suld Sewer sjstern running up Union street hereinbefore described, from thoeastaud west, hy convenient curves of about a twcnty.foot raHii. Also n branch of said sewer system commenc ing in tho center of tho nlley between second .....I Thlul trMite nti flirtrt.ct lln.t nl U't, d h 1 ,1 ... ton street, and running thence easterly along tho center of suld alley, to a point where the' cenler of said alley intersects with thu picseut 1 sewer of Mux Vi gt A: Co., where It crosses said ' alley. Thence northerly and easterly along the linuof sa d sewer as It U now located, to thu point where said sewer intersects thu main line of the sewer hereiubefoio described, nt a joint where thu main line of said se,-er crosses fed eral street, between second unit Thlid. Also, a brnnch lino of said sewer system, com -menclng nt 11 point in thu center of said alley be tween second and Third streets, 10J feet east of l-'eder..! street, and running thenco along the center of said alley to the west lino of Lmighlln street; and thence conn cling with the 1 imah tin street sewer by a left curve of ab'jut a 'JO foot radius, in said Luughlln street. Also u branch line of snld icwcr system, com mencing at a oint 01 the cast llnoof Monrou street, 'JO feet north of thu south line of'Ihird strtct, running thence westerly, parallel to thu south line of Third stieet, and 2) lect from said south line to 11 point 10 feet west of thu east line of Madison street; thence curving to the light with a curvo of about a -"0-foot radius, to a point in said Madlsun s'reet 'JO feet from the forth lino of Third street and 10 feet from thu west llnoof said Madison street: thenco northerly along said Madison street 011 11 llnu parallel with thu west linuof snld struet, ton point 'JO feut from tho west lino of said street, and 'JO fect south of tho center llneof thuallcv between i-cc-ond and Third streets; thenco delltctlng to tho left by u curve of about a 'JJ-foot radius, ton point where the west lino of Madison strtet-Intersects the center line of said alley between Second and Third streets; thenco in a westerly direction along I lie center liuu of n.i d alley to a tiiut'.O feet wct of tho east line of Ijiughlln street; thence deflecting to thu right by a curve of about 11 JJ-foot raolus, to connect with the branch of said sewer system running ui Luugli II 11 street, in said Laughlin street. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing at a M)int in thu center of the alley be tween Second and Third street', 'JU0 feet oiat of tne east line of Monroe street, running thenre In a westerly dlrelion along tho center 01" said alley to a ioinl J) feet west of the east line of Monrou street, thence deflecting t the right bj a curve of about a twenty-foot n.dltis, to a point opislto thonf rthlli eof the allcv between mIiV Mtcoimanu 1 nird streets, and J0 feet cast of the west Hue of Monroe street, thenculn a north erly direction parallel with the west lino ol Monrou street, and E0 feet therefrom, to within 'JO feet of the main Hue of said sewer system herelnbeforu described, thenco curving to thu leltuliha radius of ub;ut i'U feet, to coiiLcct with ssld main line. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing 011 thu west lino of Jellerson street. 'JO fect north of tne south llnu of Fourth street: thence running westerly parallel with the said north lino of Fourth street, to a point 20 feut west of thoeast llnoof Ijiughlln street; thence by a eutvu to thu right or obaut twenty feet radius, to u point fect east of thu west line of ijiuglillu street mid 'JO feet south of thu north Inoof rourth street, ttieueu northerly, parallel with the west llnu of Uugtilln street, to con nect with the main llnoof bald seer system hereliibeforodescrlbcd, by u curve to the left of about twenty feet radius, wberu said main llnu ol said sewer system crosses Iviuglillti street at thu alUy betw.en second and Mmn Htiteu. Also a branch ilno of said sewer system, com mer.clngat 11 point )vi feet south of thu north linuof rilth street and at) feet cast of the west linuof l.lbertv street: thence alone said ut.-.n. i street parallel with said west llnoof sld street. ill u noMhcrly direction, to connect wltb i the , 111 t Mwjwjviit uif iTJUMii. in rniiiiwr utiri tin blanch of sewer system heieinbefoie deserllusl running in thu alley betweuj aecond and Ihlnl struts, by 11 convenient curvo to therlght.wbete tuld alley suirer crosses Liberty treet. Also a branch llnoof said sewer system, com mencing In thocenterof lliHiill( i , and rourth streets, 'JJ feet west cf Liberty St., land running along tho center of said alley to a liolnt aw fect east of said Lllwrty street, and con heeling with tho branch ol ulrl . Liberty street, .'rom the east and west, by con. vfliileut curves of ab jutit 'JO foot radius, at the ljnii Hiieru sum aney crosses uoerty stieet. I Alton branch llneof said sewer syilern, corc- ujTuuuiH in iiiuceiueroi tuuaiiey between Tlilrd and rourth streets. 2.V0 f tf i,i( i-j.i.rt .1,..., uud theuce running along the center of raid ul k) in n nt-iieriy uireciiini, to a point au est wist of thu east llneof Union treot: th a curve to the riictit of about a ao-foot rsdlus, to iVIIHIJdll .ultli .1... It. .In.. . . , . . . . ' . . .w....iv, ,i,v uiiiuii But: uraucn or un sciier system. 1 Also 0 brunch of fald sewer system , commence in in mo i-ciiier ui mo aiiev uetweeii Third aim f ourth ,trtl, at a point to twl st of the east Mucui nuui juw i street, ana liillllltig thence along tba cenk-r of ssld alley to u polrn 'JOOfeet east of Jellerson street, aud conuectiwr with tho branch of said sewer system running along l.aiohlln .ImuiI I... ...... I " ,MftHiiH.Hvi( v,iivtiiciii.i;uivm ui aooitt JO-leet radius, at a point where said alley crosses said Laughlin street. Also a branch llnoof said sewer system, com mencing at a oliit iW fect north of the south llneof fourth street and U) feet east of the east Hue of Washington itreet: running thence In au easterly direction parallel Willi ssld south Hue of Fourth street, to connect by u conveni ent curve to too left, of about a au-foot radius, with the Lauihliu-street branch of said sewer sjen, at the crowing of fourth aud Uuglillu Also a branch line ol said Kwer system, com. mcncliiR In the center of tho alley for Sixth st.) south of hlock II, nt 11 point where the west line of Washlimtoti street crosses said alley; thence westcilvalouir the center of said alley to 11 point .IS fectttest of the east lino of Court street; thence by 11 convenient curve to the rlnht . 01 about JO feet radius to 11 point 20 feet east of tho nest llneof Court street; thence Inn northerly direction parallel with thiMvcit lino of l.otut street to the south lino of Fourth stieet; thenco by a curve to tho lett, of about a '.M-foot radius, ton point on tho west llneof Court street, M feet north of tho south line of 1-ourth stieet: thence westerlv alonir Fouith street, paranei wiiutm south Hue of said Fourth street, to 11 point JO (ccl yteitof thoe:i coui.cctlui; by St Hanoi t'liinu sircei, mm nutciili'iu curve to thermit, .limit i vo.Kmt rml 11. u It 1 t ho hraiicn line, of said seucr system riiniilnx iiIoiik L'nlon st. J Also n brunch line of said sewer system, com menchiR at 11 lKilntopposlto tho center or the ill ley between rourth nnd fifth sheets, LM feet oast of tho west lino of Washington street, and ruunlnc thence In a westerly direction iiIoiik i the center of tuid alley to 11 nlnt..".s feet west 01 theiMt line of Court street; thenco by 11 eonto nleiit rnrvo to the rlulit of nhotlt a W-loOt railllls , run ilu nlon, Co.irl strec. , ,loii unioeii line in .-.tiiu fi-ii -j.u ii w.n menriiiRiitn ioint lii leet nortnoi iiiusoiuii lino of Mflh street, and IJil feet ct of the uest llniMif fourt .stroer. itinnliig thence In an cast- . crly direction to the went llnoof Cnurt street, thenco hv a curvo to tho lett.ct nhotlt a IW-fi'Ot rmllus. to li.teisect with tint hranch of said sawer jsteni runmig on Court stieet at the . crossing of said Tilth and Court sticets. A No a branch line of snl.l sewer system, com I mciieing at tho center of thu alley hetwion 1 fourth and Filth sheets, at a jiotnt 'Ml feet oast 1 of the east lino of Llhertv stteel, riluuitig tneiire In 11 n..l,irlv lilt i-ptlilll aloilL t 1" 1 lie Ot till' CO li ter nf said alley, to a point '.U feet west of the I cast llneof Liberty street: tlieueu by a curve to, thu right of about a SO foot radius, t5 connect , with thu Liberty -street brunch of the said sewer system. 1 Also a branch llnoof said sower system, com I menclngat thu center of the ullev nortli of I Main struct and .'.0 feut west of Washington si. ' thence tunning along tho center of s.ild alley to apolntaiO feet west ol Union street: thence connecting with thu main sower system the bank of Mill creek, hy a cuivo to the right ol about a J.Vfoot rcitlus. Also a branch llnu of 1 menclngat n point In Fourth street, 2V fect west of the west line of Liberty street, and JO feet north of the south 1 nu ot Fourth stieet, running thence in an easterly dlitotlou alorg ; Foiitth street, pir .llel with thu south lino of said street to the west llnu of Liberty stieet; I thenco lij a convenient curve to the left of about 'JO-feet radius, to coniuctwlth the branch ol said sewer svstem running up and down Lib j crty struct, at'tlie crosiiK of said Fourth and Liberty streets. . This notice is published hy order of said City j (Vinnril. tnniiiioll AtllTllst .Mil. ls'.IJ. I Mil) II. (iATF.j. augS ltecorder of Dalles City. Forl'ivu DoIIiim you can htiyit Caniurn that will take lurtfur pictures tliiin any other Catncrn on the market. For eale hy Clarke & Falk. tf 'Harmony" U'hlskuy. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold Hy lien Wilson, The lulius. ' )l .R.&N. r.uiT rou timk scnt:nui.E. Fkom DaLLKs. AltutVK From. Fast Mail 11:10 p. m, Salt Lukr, Denver, Ft.' Worth, Dmaha, Kan sas City, Ht. J-ouls,, Chicago and Fast. Kat Mill 3:15 p Spokane 'Walla Walla, Spokane,! Spokane Spokane Flier. Flyer Minneapolis, t-t. I'auLI 5:10 p. m. iu lu th, Milwaukee,! ."i:0U a. m Chicago aud Last. 8 p. m. l'KOM FORTHND. Ocean Steamships. For San Fraucii-co January 'JJ, and every live days thereafter. I p. rn. 8 p. m. j Ex.bundayiColumbla Itv. fitt-amers. 1 1 o AsioHiA and Way Saturday landing. 10 p. m. I p. m. Fx.buiidas 6 a.m. i Witt-AMHTTK IftVEii. i 1:3) p. m. I.x.famiday,Oregoii City. NewlArrg, Kx.sunda) j Tialcm it Way Laud's. 7 a. m, Tues.'Ihur. ami eat. W JtLAMl'TTK A.NI VAM- 3:30 p HI. IIIIX IttVKKS. Moll.,Wcd Oregon City, Dayton,' aud Fil. and Way.IjindluKs. Ca. m. , Wim.amkttk ItiVEC. I 1:00 p. in. Tuei.'Ihur.ii'ortland to (.'orvallls.'Tue., Ihur and Sat.j and Way.Laudlugs. i and sat. SNAKE P.IVF.K. Itlparia to Luwiston. i Lkavr , I.KWlhTOM 1 daily i l Lv Illp.irla, daliy 1 nFl.liiTtlv desiring to go to lleprnier should take .No. , leaving 'iho Dalles at 6:20 p. m making illri-ct winneclioiis at lleppner Jiitictlnn Juiictioii with .No. l.arrUIng at 1:15 p. rn. ..,i.,i,,,,K iiiai.iioiiiiri'ciiiiniifv.iifii) nr iii.,.r.ti,.r The Dalles at No. !W, tlirought freight. Si '"rives ;U u. in., departs .So.lJI, local freight, carries passengers, east bound t arrives ;3u p. m deparU),:15 p. in. we'1 bound through freight, d.xat not carry passengers; arrives h:iS p m dtirts Jilt??' we1l l"',' loc'al ''e'Khl. -ries pas senuers, arrives SiM p. m departs 8:ao a. in. . I!r. W I'llclirscalloii O. It. & .N. t'o.'s "isvi,, mi. (junta, ur aouress W. II. HUltLIIl'ltT. 't Pas. At I'ortland. Or. Preserves r-frulU,Jlll.plekliorcUoi ars Ml loore easily, mors quickly, mure liealthfullr oealed with lUUowl I'srsfflu Wx than by any otbtr rn method. DowoaofoUitruMawlUM W found tot . KOTincn PwiffiNWax In every uouMbcld. It Is cleso, tasttlMi and odorleas-alr, waUr and acid proof. (Jet a pound c&ksof v nun n nai or lis runny uasa from your drusiUtor crocer. BoU everywiMre. Ifsdebv TANUAJtlt MIL .. IIUMTIMriTON H WIUOX Tf UNT1NOTOH jl Ufiiunu XX ATTOJtNKYK AT LAW, improvea gviLvllC ggne. U Nn A- sizoS', x4'.,) S8.00 No. 5 (slzo 4 x 5). IO.OO Jnot Arrlvotl Thr inilv v niMln. l amera Ilh hull- shutler. J How About Your Title? UK VOlT Sl UK t ertv to injure, ittve uh a can. v e are hkhihii tor lour ot the hunt lire insurance companies in thu world. If you have property for sale, Hat It with ub and we'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 81. 2cl St., oppoalto A. M. Williams &. Co. Best Work at beast Possible Cost Guarttnteed to give salisfur'tion. We are here to stay; therefore every effort will be muck to establish it business. It will jmy you to examine out work tintl consult our prices. CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Heat Crown and Briduu work ('2k. per tootli lieHt Hut teeth, Kimraiiteed f.00 Itest tiold Fillinu $1.00 ap Hest eilver or alloy llllint? 60c tip Teeth extracted without pain , 50c ciTimii wS1, second st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.( Manager. r ..GHAS. FRANK-. Butehers and Fartmefs ..Exchange.. M,uLv',u,!r!,!i;: cdge.1 tho best bwr In Tho Dalles, at thu usual price. Come in, try IV""1 ,,)C 'oiivlneed. Also the KintJit brands of Wlnos, M inor and Cigars. ' Saoduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. F RENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHAOTA KNKKALBANK1NU IIIJhlNKH Letters of Credit isaued available in the u: i . Eaatern States. Hilftlt Exchancrn anil T.lai,...!... Transfers Bold on New York, diicigo, St. Lotiia, San Franciico, Portland Ore- wn, octtiiio waaii,, and var ouu poioti in Oregon and Wasliinuton. Collections inaJe at all rwlnts on fav orable terms. Hmnillon Clark, of Cliainicv. fi. y hesuffered with itching piles twenty ysara before tryinir DoWlttU ui.i. uaxei halve, two boxes of oh p alely cured him. Uewa nd dnieroui FOR 1899. Ten Points to Consldor: 12 Ploturos In 12 Sooontis. Shutter Bulb Relenno. Shtittrir Antomutlo. Shuttor Looks, '-t Aluminum Hlateliokloru. Sot StOflB, Spnclnl Oulnk Lons. Automntlti Ropflntor. AM pnrtB Inturohnnffonbln. ExpohhcI plates ramovatl without UlHturblnK unoxpostitl. 1899 Cataloffuo with 60m ploto information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. it In all ripltt v KfinumDiir it i llm UKCOUIJ that irovernR. it la our iiusiiu'sh to tearuh the reconlH mill chow whut thev tiontiiiti in relation to land titles. If yon contemplate Dtiyitiir Ittiiil or loanini: nioney on real entatu nutttirlty, lake no man' word, lint insist npon kiiuwinc what tho record hIiowb reifnrdini; the title. An Ahstraet is iih e8?ential iih n deed. Innirtt on liavinu' It. Wo have the only net of Abstract ltooko in the County. All work promptly ex- t'cutt'd and eattsfrtftion guaranteed. It you have prop . ,i Sanfa Fe Rouie I OdorB truvelors choice of the followinj ' routes east. They itro nil famous lor ; their eccnic attraction. I O. It. A N. view Omlon ami Dunver. j Shasta Houtti view SflUiuinento,OgJe I ami Denver. I Shasta Kontit view Sacramento, w i AiiKUlea and Alborquerrtie. A tiailv line ol tliroiiKii n PALAOI5 and TOURIST BLBKj'fcBi from Ran Francisco rind l.oa Anuelew Chiciieo. This is The Short Line from southern Ctlifornln To the East. Apply to the agents of the 0. H.&N' Co. or tho undersigned, for fnhlora id( descriptive literature. J. J. DEVICKHUX, Gen. At. Worcester. Ulr. lNirlluriih; rvuuui Dyspepsia Cur Digest what you est- I r.arf.Mtalair Am a t.h A food and Alt' ItllM Am mi .Annlhan nf nllfl TfOS" truotlMthe exhausted diKf' lM. IttotbeUtMtdiKovureddW MtDd tonic, lfp other mm . . it. A '.a.l.n.ll II W UnUy Nile vm and pcnniDentlywi" Fiiuinot, u.uvii mui "u"1 -if SlofcHtach.GaMralgla.Cra'PP'? llotlwr rtulUo?lKrfMtdlf227 Drug Co. "HUW