"Hurrah For Old Glory!" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ciucb dyspepsia because Its ingredients are audi that It can't help doing eo. "Tho public can rely upon it an a maHter remedy for all disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." Jamefl M. Thomas, M.' D., in Aniericin Journal of Health, N. Y. "A Right Royal Welcome." Vlin .Tulmny Rninrn Mnrrtilng llmno nt fisSO Tonight Ho on llunil to Wtilcnmn lllm, lie coineE the conquering herocomes. Tbo reception tonieht commences at ' O .".I ..ll. AND WE'LL ALL FEEL GAY This is our motto. Wo will rocoivo you at our sloro as wo propose to receive tho "Forty Fifihlors" on Saturday, and there shall bo nothing too good for you, and our prices are always the lowest. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Surprise Sale. Nothing like making a good beginning. First impressions go a long way. We are deter mined to make these sales a success. SEE WINDOWS. Your Klioli'i' ,)lir ''c':l,t neck wear liim for For a Starter. SEE WINDOWS. 49 cents. Ui'ljtilnr priuu 7in, $1.00 and $1.25. Of course vnit miiH lu r In ininil Uiobo prims hold ood (or tomorrow, Saturday, only. W! luivo ii rooiI full lino of medium weiRlit tindcr wimr t li fit. wj have decided mnn , Shirts or Drawers, III) cunts. Hi-Kiilnr price flOc, 7Cc, $1.00 and $1.25. We curry the tarcoat nnd bet-t selected stock inon's youths' mid boyu' clotliitiR in Eastern Oregon. of Our White Goods Sale will continue during the balance of the week as the weather lias not been as favorable for these goods as wo had anticipated. The line is very complete and we invite your attention. Special Sale of Ladies' Muslin Garments. Ladies' muslin night gowns, tucked and embroidered yoke, regular price frn 1.00; sale price UCjC Ladies' muslin and cambric skirts, embroidered flounce, regular price frr 1.00: sale price UL)C Ladies' muslin and cambric drawers, lace and insertion trimmed, regu- - ltir price 75c; sale price 5 O-" Ladies' muslin corset covers, embroidery trimmed, regular price 35c; sale price o-" All OoocIb Mnrko In Plain FlmiroH. Pease & Mays. The Dalles Daily Chfonielk SATUUDAY - AUGUST )$J8fi) Telephone Xu. 1. TAKE NOTICE. fO OCR ADM-UTISBKS: All Cliiincs in Advertisements must be tamled in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will he accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will lie positive. chuoxicle publishing co. The Dalles, January 10, iKcm. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Itiguliir sfrvieuH ut tint Methodlet clmrcli tomorrow. Tneru will lio rtnlur eorvicoa tit thu Catlioi eclmruli tomorrow. I'fj.ei i f both morning mid uveniiip t thu Uhrisiltui clntroh tutnorrow. S rvicci Iniiiorrntv uitiriiiue; lit the Cjn.ioj.iliotiiil titiurcli. liuv. Poling "'in uktt us bin Mi j ot. "l'urtnurHhlp UituMn F tith mill Smm." l'oIu iu iit ure lmpjiv. That city 'ib 10 'w pi c I on tho nihiii lino of tbo 0,0, J ,()rl ) ir,lV,ji; .y ,.,U1 rn tuiiur- f ij0!),U0O, ui.il they diwii "''Vein. Ono in ;! t .m.liio n,ifl wmh May tiny. Tin ut):tt, is -i tutlllv l-orfeot. No I'tlturcoiinl I., u-k.d.and if it cotitintiiK, Ulr llflil u i all bo ailvi'itieiiiK for T" -. for anility ttiiieliura' ''Hl!. ii,. , in ,,n,nimr finished lll"x,ini.i, i ywnurday nftoriioon llw r-,4 1 Mill bu published Monday. '''r" 'it i..j n.ilii:iuito for nta o '''t iiiBbi ,j. io;'J5 oV.lonk Cordelia 'ein.w.r. i)iimufl naaan, died ol 'I'Wil p. Isoiui' t bur lionio near the l'un. Nicmviih 21) years of m-e, anil 'mV 8 It l.ii.i. i.,. i i n i.. """" huh i.yi!.ir-oiii eon. TIid fu limit u ,11 ...i i .1 .. " '""liurii tomoirow afternoon nt Ul'loiili. 'Mel.aimoenju iwt,n curtnln iikwh lirtiitid no item to tho .llmH Unit not " 7"!"''1' w,' ' l lilre.l t i " Utlm' Hl0'' TvJ,. '"r ,,t' M,,B,lt b0 ful1 adi. BBVU" ,mm t'',,l,,,, 0,1 tllu ertilor ril!;,1,o,,,,u,,,M,,,B,u u,i"' liIJ,0H,IU,,,r",,l,,Mr,nK ,l,u wuuk hi a iomiy l,0,tr.U Mtl, ..mdftiK "tw 1!!,l"UH0,m,,lttluy t(' UtrtmiiiiiK "mtiM.ru ll( bi.j. owrtioiM thu n . e . . i . 1... I lirei oi nuxi wuuk. uriiui pui'iiib iu u butter tluui was exnoctuil, unil if tbo hot npull in July had lot it alono tbia uoution WJiilil have brokuii tbu reeurd on erojie. Dufur Dispatch. MarHhal Uught'H lious not enjoy dis turbing any onu's hIiiiiiIhti;, but whon hu flnda tho Bidi-walka obstructed by a lodger, ho Ih liable to dlHtinb tbo ppirit of hia driiiuiiB. And ho J. Grabuni, who got in tlm wrong berth yestorduy aftur noon, aoon found binisolf in jail to aober up. ilu waa fined 5, but rifiihing to pay ib now celebrating in the cooler. It is not known to what extent grain haa boon altecled by tho rain, but it ia not thought that any injury waa done. From tho fact that Htrnw in not tall or ! heavy thla year, Htandiug grain will be ablo to withstand a eontiderabli! amount of rain. Huadlug and threebing, how ever, will be delayed for a day or two until grain aullicieiitly dr.s. Of course fai mem were deeiiluiliy uneiuy for fe.ir of mure nun but ibeio phould be no further imiibu of amni'liens'iuii ua the weather ii'port for today reads "fair; warmer." W. W. Union. i It in to bu ii't-ielted that tho hot eprina at Wind liver cannot bo better utilized. Jivery ins wbocoinea up from there tells uf thu bi'aling properties of tho water and what a lilt'eeing it might boil the property were but in the hftiide of some onu who would Improve it and provide a Miitablo place for vlaltora to atay. Aa It ip, the owuera ri fuao to sell and also to make nay in., proveineiita theinsilvet'. The fare id vury poor and thubaili houuea miserable, Wo'tiruily bultevn it la ahead ol Hinghain SprliiM' aid P""" wit!l Cileiiwood were the right uieana used to utilize it. It 'a always n.ild that bad nowa f-pieail rapidly. Sue's however, waa not the ith thatof the Mitchell fiio, which uccurud a wn k ago jeaterilay. Today Uiu newa la leceived for the tliat time. Ita H'ortiu'aa in iiicounti'd for from the tact that the town ia l'JO miles from the river, which ie tbo nearest railroad uoinl. fhe lire clurted la an old barn, wbero it is nippoaed aomeehildrin were playing with uiateliep. At Hr&l it waa fotrcd that the fire waa Incendiary, Inn this liupreHHlon haa bui n removed. Ten to twelve building wero destioyed, of which four or live wero Biurets one a hotel, onu u livery atable, and aome aaloona. Ju't to ahow that Dalles people know a good thing when they ecu it and am backed by the Inlelliceut elata of othur citliiH, here ia what tho Kiwi Ore gonlftn aaya uf "I.uvj and I.iw" n pluyeil hv llm Shaw company : "It wa one of the elevBreat things ever done on the Htago in Pendleton. The word clever UBually appliea to a single actor, rath' r than to an entire play, liut, this one, in ita writing aa well ua in ita rendering by tho company, ita eiiFeinhle, may be refemd to aa clever. The members of the com puny were well east. Not one was unable to handle hie part, and this in bu red a balanced production through out. It was eomnii.iuly rematked that every actor on the etiiKe waa about as uood aa any other on this occasion, eo well adapted was eacli for the part asaigned." Honor to whom honor is due, and this beiin: our policy we desire to cor rect a miatako in retard to the com panies which were foremost in the performance of duty at yesterday's fire, inalead of Jackson company we should have eaid that the Coiiiiubias assisted tho Mt. Hood, although the former were on hand latei ; and alto that the Hook and Ladder company was on hand and did some ood woik in their lino of duty. Wo aru also informed thai the force of water was aa niucfi na could h ivo been i x peeled under the eircum ttancHH, the hose being at inched to a plii;; GjO feet down a pielty ateep grade, making it impossible to get a very powerful foiee. The force looked small totluite who aio uaed to ibe streams which are obtained below the blutT. And now the Columbia Southern bobs up ten ntsly, and, according to the Dufur Ui 'patch, The Dalles is fooii to bo a thin,! of the paM. Kioni the number of times we have Mink into oblivion and nude our appearance on tho top notch again, the name of our oily t-h'Jiild bo changed to "Pl.tu.ilx." Ify the way, that would no a uilnlion of Th. Dallef Dillaa pHiblem. Tliu Dufur Dispatch says: "Lite laft niht we burned that Mouio Urns., b. nkera of Moto, and tho C ilumbla Southern Kaihoad Company had puiohuH'd M00 uciea of laud at Crosa Hollow?, and that it was the in tention of the company to build largo fj'd yards and wnrelioufca ami make that the terminus of tho toad. If nieh inport be tine it will greatly ellect The D illeH, not only aa a shipping point but tu a trading point also." A lr ulul lull. Wed "ire to cxprcps thanks to tho llieiueii who so bravely endeavored to ftay JI.e Ibiiuea hich destroyed our property yesterday, ami for their un tiring aibl ! successful cllbrta to save our new home. Also the neighbors who as sisted ue. Wo thank you. Mk. nnd Mjih. W. Sichou. IIOHN In this ulty, Friday, Aug. nth, to Mr. mid Mrs. Kd M. Hill, daughter. Ilain, rain, etay away; little Johnny wants to play. a Johnny conies ro(rchin; home again. Hurrah! HurraKl The young ladies are requested to come prepared to join in the dancing Ibis evening. Captain nnd Mrs. Harry Wells will be ninuriE tho number who comes up from Portland with our boys. Tho kodak fiends are on parade, and as turn about is fair play, the boys will now be shot. Not by Filipinos, either. Remember, girls, the boys are not arni-lees, if they did leave their "arms" in San Francisco. All's fair in love and war. Tho city is well filled with people from the neighboring country who have come in to help us receive the returning heroes. Among tho many pretty decorations, the courthouse isvery conspicuous, and no better taste is displayed than that used by John Fitz Gerald. No small children will be admitted to the hall tonight until the older people are all seated. It is doubtful whether the crowd can be seated as it Is. The Regulator will reach the dock at about 5:30, having left- the Cascades at 1 :15. It is impose bfe to tell exactly, and she may be later, but to be safe we will say 5 :30. After a second thought the parade committee decided the line of march would be too long, and it has been con fined to Second street, where everyone will be at any rate. Second street was never decorated more beautifully nor with more taste. The sinht of eo much red, white and blue is etirring up a feelirig of patriotism today which will find vent when the boat lands at the dock tonight. Marshal Whealdon will have as aids this evening L. T. Whallen, who was one of Roosevelt's rough riders, and John McNeil, who was an orderly in the urmy and was' in the famous charge at .Sim Juan and at the takinc of Santiago. We were surprised to tee such a small crowd board the D.illes City this morn ing to take advantage of the excursion. We felt assurred tho boat would be loaaed down with those eager to j iiti in the first welcome. No doubt duties con nected witli our reception kept a iarge uuinber at home. A reception committed composed of Mayor Kuck, Judge Ma, Z. F. Moody, G. C. Ulakeley, C. F. Stephens, Mrs. IS. Lang, Mrs. G. C. Blnkyiey, Misses Louife Itucli, Nan Cooper, 15eulah Patterson, Myrtle Michell, Antia Lang and Maie lilton, will meet tile boys at the Cas cades, and with others who aro coming up from Portland, make the trip tip a glad one. The program at the hall tonight will be as fullows : Mumu D. C. & A. C. Band Prayer Rev. .1. II. Wood Mayor Kuck welcomes the volunteers and introduce M. P. Iscnberg who delivers an addrees. Ri-sponte Volunteers Addre-s N.J. Sinnott Solo '(.)! I'gun Volunteers" Myitis Michell Addiesa (behalf of Hiuh tchnol) ... Prof. J. S. Landers Solo "The Roll Call" Rev. I). V. Puling Address F. W. Wilson Ameiica Audience Miifio .; D. C. & A. C. Ran Closing with an informal dance. Ori'coii Vtiluiilt'i I.'ii(;nc infill. The l attlea and ciiiNueinonls partici pated in by tho Oregon volunteers, ilui in their stay in tho Philip) iocs, weie as folk tfr : Afiinlt and oiptiiro of Manila, Aug. Ui, 1S93. tin j. invest guard dntv from Aug. 15, ISiW, until M'.rcli 12, 180!). Rattle of Giniiaiope, Match 1.1, 1F09. Rattle of Patlg, Match 11 and 15, Ifc'J'J. Ih.tile of liictil.ui, Match ID. IMil). Rattle of M.ilabon, March 'J3, IS'J'J. Rattle of Polo, March I'G, 1SU9. Match Ii7th to April '22, 1899, occupied Maliu'.'i, vnarding i.iihvay and icouiing. Several tkirinirbea. Rattle of Santa Maria, Aptil 19, 1S9D. Assault and capture of Nanus igaray, April I'll, and 21, ISO'.). dptine i f Anirat, Apiil i'o, 18S19. Skirmish at San Rufnei, A pi 11 9, 1899. O.tpturo if Sin Rafael, May 1, 1S99. Capture of Raining, May 'J, 1809. Capture uf San llicfuifo, May 11, IFO'.), Captuio of San Itldro, May 17, 1S09. Ciipturo uf San Aiitouua, May -0, 1899. Capture of Caiuti, Atitipolo and Mo rotig, Juno il, 1K99. A. M. Williams & Co. aro prepared to supply tho demand for flags and flag huntings for decoration in honor of to morrow's event tho home-coming of our bravo soldier boys. Three cheers and a tiger; arousing welcome "For the bova in blue, Who fought so true, In Cuba and the Philippines." To dentine ttio SjMcin KflVctually yet g ntly, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habit ual constipation, to awaken tho kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co. "DeWitt'a Little Early Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. Butler Drug Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggist9 refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. It's a real pleasure 3ERVITA Rtslores VITALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. Anervotonicniul blood builder. Brings the pink glow to ;ale cheeks air restores the fire of youth. By mail CQe per hox; O boxes lor $12.50; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund tlte money. NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. Citntcn & u'ackscn Sts., CHiCACO, SLU Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trace Marks JESIGNS Copyrights &c. Anvono sending a sketch nnd description ma quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether iv: Invention la probably patentable. Comniunir. tlonsBtrlcllrconlldentlal. Handbook otul'atcnts tent iree. Oldest oecney for securing patents. l'atents taken turouuh Slunu It Co. receive nvetal notice, without cbarue, lutho amine mmmi A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.nrost clr rulallon of any Kcientltlc Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, SI. Soldbyall newsdealers. MUNN&Co.3G'Bfosd New York llruuch ORIce. U23 V Bt.. Washluitton. 1. U. to got tho meals for tiio family when you havo a complete eet of ncedfull u'.cuBlla and havo n new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nieh kitchena and can eave you money and many etepa when you want nnythin? in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our Btoek of tinware, tranitewarc, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laisen Beed ere, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8.00 up. See the best Rangoon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Call at Mnler it Benton's nnd see. tho Antiseptic Nest Kg. With the use of this Nest Krb jou will have no more Lice, Mites or Vernin in your poultry houses, getting hens will set better eggs nnd will hutch better nud chickens will live nnd grow better wheto Antiseptic Jigg Is used. See them at per & feion 167 Second St. 1 ,1 ml iil F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Secmiu & LaneMin. 'Phone 151 66 H 99 afmooy CQhiskey. This brand of Whiskev is uuiiiantced to the constiiiier as a V 1'UKI-: II AM) MAMSSOUU MASH WHISKUY for I'amily and Mulical L'sf. Sold by . y I Ben Wilson, - The DalleSj Or. rT .y--trj-M....w...ji ...i--. . 1 . .i.1, '.' 1 , ..' "jt" 'ivtrrt f. 'X fA f'A A 'A ' -V ! A ' A A " A k 1 A1 A? XTATAr3 ATAVA I A A it TA'rTXi;Xr Our Bicycle Repairing Department P Ts now in shrtpo to proporly ; handle evil kiups of work from n punoturo to building a wheel. Aloo repair Locks, Guns, Sowing" Machines and fill K kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under tho charge of Mr. J. KirchoT. 4 MAYS c& CROWE, 3