ft Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels aEAN5ES the System vwvrr p p r p i . m izji i r PERMANENTLY BUY THE GENUINE - HANTD By (AUIvRlSIAlTGfSYRVP(S. roa su er au onuGSiSTi pact soc rtn term. FKOl'LE T!OD ALL KNOW. L. E. Morse came up from While Salmon last evening. F.'W. Wilson returned last night from a short trip to Portland. B, S. Huntinaton went to Moro last night on legal business. Mrs. Ella Ball returned from camp at Collins Landing yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Hosteller and children, came up from camp at Cascades yester day. Irwin P.irkins and Rcbt. Stewart will join the boys in camp at Stevenson today. A. MacAdam, of Pease & Mays' dry Roods department, left this morninp for his vacation at Portland and the seaside. Rev. J, II. Wood returned last even ing from Stevenson, whither he went Tuesday to settle his family in camp there. Mrs. T. M. Pearce and little daughter, Winnie, of Portland, came np on the hoat lait evening and are quests of Mrs. Jessie Ruark. Mrs. G. E. Sanders and family came up from Cascades yesterday to prepare for the reception of her son, Earle, to morrow evening. Mrs. C. 0. Bunker came up from 8tcvenaon last night. She will return when the neather again shows signs of growing warmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Weigel were re turning passengers from Cascades on the hoat last evening. They visited friends in Portland during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Phillips Uit this morning for Cascades. The Chhonicle reporter is now expecting to dine sumpt uously on trout caught by this famous nlmrod. Mrs. P. Cram returned from Portland last evening, accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Bessie McNamara, of Cali fornia, who will visit at home for a few weeks. Mr, nnd Mrs. T. J. Seufert went down this morning on their way to camp at Trout Lake. They will bo joined by It. J. Gunnan at White Salmon, ho having gone down yesterday. Ed. Burchtorf, forinerlv with the Columbia Packing Co., of The Dalles, camo over last Friday and returned Sat urday. Mr. Burchtorf has accepted u position with Shelton & Co., and re turned Monday to assume his new duties. Goldendalo Sentinel. Volunteer Itcceptlon, The Volunteers will arrive at Portland a Thura Jay , the 10th inet. and will re main in Poitland Thursday and Friday, returning to The Dalles via Steamer Regulator. Excursion rates will be as follows: Dalles to Cascades and re I urn --Aug. 12, Dalles City leaves The Dalles at 8 u. iu, iiato 11.00. Tickets limited to Saturday, Aug. 12. W, C. Allaway, Gen. Agt. Dalles, Aug. 7, 1899. au7-l w KERVITA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseaai,aLU effects of self- aoutav-av .-excess ana lncit crrllar- nerve tonto anil iim.i m m ... TCrlnrra hn plnkglow to pale cheeks aw restores the fire of youth. I By nail JSOo per box: O boxes .50; with written guaraii- euro r iwiUHi tae noaey. NCRVITA MCsllCAL CO. MM Sold by Uiaktlty HfhtM, Th MB forjW MS mm IS IT niQBT Par n Kdltor to Rsonntmand I'ateut Medicines? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad It may be n question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right puniiciy recommend any ot the various proprietary medicines which flood the ninrket, yet as a preventive of suffering w feel it a duty to say a good word fo Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used this medicine in "our family lor twenty years ami hayo always found reliable. Iu many cases a dose of thi remedy would savo hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not bcliere in depending implicitly on anv medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if n bottle of Chamberlain' Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand nnd administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might bo avoided and in very many cases the presence a physician would not bo required. least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakelcy & Houghton, Druggists. Ilufl'ot Library Car. Commencing August 10th a buffet library car will be placed in service be tween Chicago and Portland, Or., on trains Nos. 1 and 2. This car has spacious smoking saloon furnished with easy chairs, writing desks, a well selected library of standard and popular books guidebooks and current periodicals, a well stocked buffet, a barber shop and an apartment for baggage. Througl: dining car service will be inaugurated on that date between Portland and Chicago both via Granger and Ogden. New chair cars of the latest pattern and new baggage and mail cars are to be added to the preseut through service of Pullman palace and Pullman tourist sleepers which have recently been placed in ser vice, when the entire train will be vesti buled, thus making trains Nos. 1 and 2 equal, if not superior to many widely advertised East. to many of the limited trains in the augS-lod BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teetn. v tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf use the the Vive Postofflce tf are Im-Donuell's For the best results Camera. For sale by harmacy. Latest thing in cameras proved Magazine cyclones at drug store. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublins, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best For sale at all first-class bars Stublmg, agent, The Dalles M17-3m Still on Deck. tonic. C. J. Dad Butts has a lot of lots in all parts of the city for sale; in fact Dad's head is full of real estate, if you don't believe it ask Parkins, the barber. Quickly euro constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire aysiem, neyer gripe or nauseate Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Butler Drug Co. One Minute Cougli Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs and coIUb. "I consider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. Butler Drug Co. Hamilton Clark, of Chanucey, Ga says ho suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve, two boxes of which coin pletely cured him. Jiewnro of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Irritating slings, biles, scratches, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by DeWitts'a Witch Hazel Salve a sure and safe application for tortured flesh Beware of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. 'Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough nnd catarrhal fever, Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse, until we used One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B. L. Nance, Prin. High School, Bluffdale, Texas. Butler Drug Cj. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di gests food without aid (rum the stomach and at tho same time heals and restores tbe diseased digestive organs. It is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to per manently cure dyspepsia. Butler Drug Co. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all firstclass bars. C. J tabling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m. JJA. sVTURDEVANT, Dentkt. 0M otk Frtseh fc Co.' lUak Paeat t, THE DALUC4, OKKOOM NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given Hint tho city council ot Dulles City hu determined to cidahllMi n newer system for nil Hint tortloti of said city ly ing below thubluir and cant of Lincoln street, nnd has furtlicrdcternilned thnt tho cost of such sower system shall bo nnscssed against tho property bcucllted thereby. Snld sewer system Is to hoof term cottn pl)c nnd the extent nnd locution thcieof to he us follows: Thoiiiatu llnoof nld sewer system hall ex tend from tho low wato" lino of tho Columbia river, where tin- cast margin of the mouth of Mill creek nt said low water sttlkes said river: thence along tho east bank of nald Mill creek CM) feet to ii stake under tho north trestle of tho Oregon Kallroad ifc Navigation Company1 rail rond,thcuco nt ii right deflection ot It) degree. Hii'l 10 minutes from tho coutse Jnst put sued 1S1-S-10 feet ton stake '. M 3-100 icet north ot tho northwest corner of tho stone wall bounding the K. M. MIkou property: thencont n left rte llcctlon from tho court o just ilcscilbed, 70 de grees nnd 33 minutes lit feetto n point on tho west llnoof Union street, I'd f. ct north of Second street; thencoorotstne Union street lo the cen ter of tho alley between .Second and Main street, thence nlons the center of said alley, irom union to i.tusniiu street; tuenco cotiiin i.. ik...i.r l Mm ,.llv nr stlxlh ft.) south of block II, at n point whe ro the wet lino of WnnhliiRtou street crosses said allay; thetico wcstoily nloiiK the center of salt! alloy to n point !H feet west of tho enit lino of Court street; thciico ly ii convenient curvo to tho right . ot about ai-fcct radius to n point 'JO feet can of the west lino of Court street; thenco Inn northerly .4ltHrii ..iMillol ivllh IhnU'PIt llllC Of COIItl street to the south llnoof fourth sticet; thenco by h curve to tlio left, oi iidoui ii ai-umi ru m, to n point on thu wet lino of Court street. SO feet iiotth of tho south lino of Fourth street; thenco .in.r.irli- niniitr fniii Hi ilrn'l. tiara Icl with the south llnoof said Fourth Mteot, to n point 2) fpt wot of tho eint lino of Union street; llicuto I ronncctltiRbyit convenient curve to the twht. I of h.nit n Lit-loot Mdltis. with the liraneh line of said sower system running uloni? Union st. Alin Kninrti 1 tin. nf Hillil wU'(r SVSleiO. COlll- nienclne at u polntopposlte tho center of the nl- ley between Fourth and fifth slicets, i feet roved CYCLONE Hgzine. , iiinl I rn.i nf iiw uput llr.n of Wnshlnaton street. runutnir thenco In n westerly direction iiIouk HmeeMti'rof said iiIImv ton lolntJH feet west of Hi., (..a Mm. of Court ktreet: thenco bv n conve nient curve to tho right of about a'JO-Ioot nidlus to connect with tho bianen of saui sewer system runnln along; Court street. Alsiin branch lino of said ewcr system, com- nu'iieltiRntn point a) Icet north of tho south, llnoof fifth sliect, nntl 1J0 feet west of tho west nil. i. In ii ctnilirlit I nnnii I Iu. umn mi r.n ncni.ss I lll'OI tollrt MTOin. mimim: IlieiU'U III nil uiim- Uinglilin street, ton point on inoensi line oi I eriy nireeuuu u uiu vv iuoi vum. "; . I ..M .ItiiAt 1 U iiirtlt ill U..nml tr.l thnlii'i. I IhrnPO hV Jl ClirVO til till) le't.Cl IUK.Hl I II .M- fllOt I continuing In n straight Hue on tho same ! radius, to Intersect with tho branch of said j course, across biotk s. i-autrtuin s nuuuton to sener sjmcui rumum; m uiuiihiwi m n.v Iijllts Ulty,u00 leet, to.ltltersou street, on n line i crossiiiBm sum mm nuu uuiii"'. i. i i 'sasnvBismar'tn 'T 'rs ! 3 12$ feet from, and narallel i. Second street: thenco continuing on said straight line, In the same course, 10 teet Into Jcilerson street to n pjlntlO teet east of the west line of Jefferson street and 12S feet north of Second street. Thenco nt n left deflection from tho lino last described, 3.1 degrees and 'ii minutes, 81-5-100 leer, to n stnKO icci west oi ino ensi nno ot Jefferson street: thento nt n light dclleetiou from tho line last decrlbed 23 degrees nnd 15 minutes, llU-l'-lOO feet, ton stake; thenco ntn rlzht dellcctlon from tho lino last described a; degrees nnd CO minutes 110-4-1CO feet to n stake ll-xl 100 feet from tho southeast corner of the lawn fence west of the O It. & N. Co.'s depot; thenco nt n left dellectloti fiom said line II de crecs nnd 1 1 minutes. JCo-O-lO feet to n tiolnt on the west llnoof .Monroe street 130 fct north of Sc-cond street nnd fi-7-lOOfeet north of tho north west corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thenco continuing In n sttnlght lino on the course last described ID0 S7-1C0 feet to n point t feet north of the north-east corner of Moody'o wooden ware house 132 o 10 feet north of Second street and TO feet east of Monioo street: thenco nt n right de ilcctlon from the last line 7-0'.', Sfifi-BC-100 feet, to a stake In Taylor street, M ti-10 fet north of cccond street and 4G-7.-100 feet west of the west end of the Wasco warehouse. A branch of said sewer system shall connect with the msln lino In Union street, 2) feet from tho west Hue of said street, at n point V2S feet north of Second street, and shall i un nlong said Union street -J0 feet cast of the westlino thereof, to a point 'M feet south of the north lino of Tenth street. Another branch lino cf said sewer system shall commence In the center of tho alley be tween Second and Third streets, at n jioint 10 feet west of tho cist line of Lincoln street and run thcnci along the center of said alley to n ioInt -JOO fet east of tho east 'ino of Court street, connecting with the branch of said Sewer s j stem running up Union street hereinbefore desctlbcd, fiom the cast and west, by convenient cut ves of about a twenty-foot rallus. Also n branch of said sewer system commenc ing In the center of the alley between becond and Thlidtreets, on tho cast line of Washing ton street, anu running tnence easterly along tho center of said alley, to n noint where tho cculerof said alley Intersects tilth thcpiesent sewer ot -Max vmt s Co.. where it crosses saw alley. Thenco northerly and easterly along the llnoof sad sewer ns it is now located, to the point where said sewer intersects tho mam line of the sewer herclnbefoto described, nt n point wuero tue main lino oi said sever crosses fed eral stuct, between Second and Third. Also, a branch llnoof said sewer system, com mencing at a point In the center of said alley be- iwveu oeconu aim mini sireeis, iu leei easi oi federal street, and runnlntr thence ulonir thu center of said alley to tho west llnoof I.aughlln street; anu tuenco conincting wiin mo i align lln street sewer by n left curve of about n 'JO-foot radius, In said Laughliu street. Also u branch llnoof saidicucrsvstcin.com- uienuiuK in ii point oi me east linuot .Monroe street, 'JO feet north of tho .south lino of Third street, running thenco westerly, parallel to tho south lino of Third stiect, and JJ lect from said south line to n point 10 feet west of tho east lino of Madison street; thenco curving to tho light wiin n curve oi bdoui ii sw-ioot ramus, to a point In said Madison s'reet 'JO feet from the north line of Third street and 0 feet from the west line of suld Madison street: thence northerly along said Madison street on n lino parallel wltii iiiuwcsi iiuo oi sum eireer, ion point joieet from tho west lino of said street, and 20 feet south of tho center line of the al lev between Sec ond and 'Ihlrd streets; thcueu dcllcctlng to the left by n curve of about n 'JO-foot radius, ton point where the west llnoof Madison street in tersects the center line of said alley between Second and Third sircets: thenco In ii westerly direction along tho center Hue of mi d alley to a point 10 feet west of tho cast lino of Ijiiil-'iIIii street; thence deflecting to the right by it curve of about u 20-foot radius, to connect with tho branch of said sewer system running up Laugh lin street, In said Luughlln street. Also u branch llnoof said sewer svttcm.com. meuelug at it point In tho center of tho alley bo tween Second and Third strectt,20J feet oist of too cast line of Monroe street, iiinnlnr: theiii n In a westerly dlrellon along tha center of said alley to a point 10 feet west of tho east line of Jionroo street, thenco iltllectliiL- to the rle it bv n curve of about it twentv-.foot radius, to i imlnr opposite tho ncrth Hi oof thu alley between s.ild Bicoiiiianii iniru streets, nnd 20 feet oast of the west llnoof Monroe street: Ihencoln n ninth. crly direction parallel with the west lino ot Jionroo street, anil so feet therefrom, mtvith n 20 feet of the main lino of said sewer system hereinbefore described: thenco curving to tho left with a radius of about SO feet, to conuect with said main line. Also a branch lino of said sewer nviicm. mm. nienclngoi) the west lino of Jell'ersou stiect. 20 leeinortn oi ino south lino of fourth street: thenco running westerly parallel with the aai.i north llnoof fourth street, to n point 20 feet west of tho cast lino rf Laughliu street; thenco u) u vuivu to tuo ngni oi auout twenty leet radius, to u point SO feet oast of tho west lino of jjiugnuu tireei ana aj leet south of tho north 'Ino.of fourth street; thenco northerly, parallel " luoiiwinuo ui j.auKuuii stiuet, to con nect with thu main llnoof said uurr minn hereinbefore described, by a curve to the leftof about twenty feet radius, whcrnsnlii imiin n..,. of suld sewer system crosses ljtughlln tlrett ut tuo uiuy uenneii cecoua ana Main atteets. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, mm ineucmirat a point l:l(l fiTtMniih .,f h... i..n. llnoof fifth street and 20 feet east of tho west llnoof Llbertv street; thenco along said Liberty street parallel with said west Hun nf toiii iimi-! in a noitheily direction, to connect with Hm brauch of sewer system bercinbeforo described, running In tho alley betweoj eccoud nmi i hir.i streets, by n convenient curvo to thorlght,wheio buiu auvj oviici viuaeus i-iuvrty Ktreet. Also a branch lino of said sewer vitvrn.vmn. inenclng in tho center of theiillcvl.eiu,.,.ii i i,ii and fourth streets, 250 feet west of Liberty St.. umu luiiiuufi aiuilK (UU VCIIUT Ui Bam UII0V 10 U IIUIUl OU It'Ct l!HB Of fHHI LllHriV Htrir. Mtlil fnn. utymiK nitu Wiu UfUIICJl 01 BttlU Vteill J Liberty street, from tho tutt mni tt'iiar lii wist. vaiileiit curves of ab jutn 20 foot rsdlus. at the unit wucru sum auey crosses WOvrty Stltt't. Also u branch lino of said sewer mvsiem. inrr tnenclDg in thu center of tliimllev iietwiwn -i hii-.i and fourth streets. 260 feet east of uourt iirwt. and tbeucc running along tho center of said il- ivjr in n ntsivrir Qirrction, to a tolnt ao feet west of tho east line of llnlon irei- iham,,. h n curve to the right of about a 20-foot radius, to .vimcv, miii iuquuiuii atrv( oraucu oi sail sewer syswm. Also n branch nf mM uwi. iviiim x,. Ing iu the center of thu alley between Third and fourth streets, at a l)int 60 feet ast of tho east llnoof Washington street, mwl tiumli,,. ,i..... aloiiK the center of said alley to h jsjlnt 200 feet tuviii aireet, aim connecting vMh Ino uraucii ui aatu aewer system ruiinlmr alonir SUIhlln I reel, bv conienlMit nirvu. nl -I.....7 20-teet radius, at a point whero said alley crosns slid Uufblln street. - ' Also a branch lino of aald snenclngata point 20 feet north of the south tiue of sou tth street and 60foctstof the east Hue of WasBlBa-iou street: runnlinr thaucu in f. MlJlrdlNeUon parallel with aald south llnoof Fourth atraat. to oounuct t,v iiii.i ww ;i iwwi wuH iii aaia atwer aMNi f Fourth and Uughlljj FOR 1899. Ton Points to Conatdor: 12 PlotttreBln 12 Sooontts. Hhuttor Bulb Releaao. -Miiuttor Auiomaito. a4-Shtittor Looks, Yt -I'J Aluminum Hlatoholdors. fj -MOl Btopu. 7 Spoolal Oulok Lens, a -Automatlo Riiftistor. O -AH parts Intorohanrronblo. tO' -Expomid plutuH romovocl wlthnns tllsturblnir unocpoaotl. ""m Also n branch lino of snl1lscwcrsy5tem.com inenclng ut the center ol tho alley between fourth and Flflli streets, at a point VU leet east of tho east lino of Liberty sttcjt, running thenco In a westerly direction nlong thu line of the cen ter of said alley, to 11 point '.0 feet west of the oast llnoof Liberty street- thence by 11 curve to the right of about 11 no-font ramus, to connect 1 with tho Liberty-street brauch of the said sower system. Also n branch lino of said sower system, com mencing nt the center of the nllov north of Main street nnd i'i0 feetwestof Washington st.; thetico running along tho center of said alley to n point 310 feet west of Union street: tlience 1 connecting with the main sencr sstcm near the bank of Mill cicelt, by 11 cuive to the light of about n 25-foot rsdlus. Also 11 branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing at a point In fourth street, 2.V) feet west of the wont Hue nf Liberty "treet, and'JO feet north nf the south fne of fourth stiect, niiintiiL' thenco In an eatcrlv dllcctlou aloug fouith street, mrillol with tho south lino of snlil sirt tn the u est lino of Liberty stiect; thenco b) a convenient curvo to tho Icltof shout 2iMott raonis, to connect witn tnu oraucii m nil.l kinvcr nvsteni riiiinlnir un and down Lib erty street, at thu cronsli'g of said fourth anil Liberty streets. This uotlco Is published by order of said City Council, mado on August Sin, l.VJO. Ni:i). II. f i.VTKs. augS Kccorder of Dalles City. For Five Dollars yon c;m buy a Cameru that will take larger picturca than any other Camera on tho market. For sule by Clarko & Fnlk. tf "lluriiinny" WliUloiy. Harmony whiskoy for family special uso, sold bv JU'ii Wilson, Uallea. No. 4'al7.o34 x 4".,) 58.00 No. 5-(8l.o 4 X 5) . 1 0.00 1899 Catalorruo with com plcto Information FREE. Just Arrlvo'l Thi'iUll) N iig'Uln fatucra with bulb shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. How About Your Title? PART TI1IK SCIIKDUI.E, Fttox Dalles. Fast ioalt Lake, Denver, Ft. Mall ; Worth. Omaha, Kan- ll:50p. m. sas city, St. Louis, uuicago nuu Last. Spokano Flyer 5:l'j p. in. 8 p. m. Walla Walla, Spoliane, Mtnneapolls. St. I'aul, j u I nth, Milwaukeo, Chicago and Kast. AttntVK From. Fnt Mull 3:15 ). SimVanu Klcr. .'i:00 a. m 8 p. m. Ex.buuday Snturday 10 p.m. I ( n. m. Ex.bunday FKOM I'ORTLAKIl. Ocean Btcamships. For San Francisco . January ir.', nnd every live days thereafter. Columbia Uv. Steamers. 10 astokia and Way landings. WllLAIIKTTK Rivhk. Oregon City, Newbcrg, baicm d: Way Laud's. I p. m. 4 p. m. Kx.rjuniliij li.TOn. m. lCx.sutiday 7 a. m, TtiesIhur, and int. I 1 Wiu.AMi;7rK anu Yam- 3:.T0 p. m. MILL IUVKH3. l011.,Weil HK YOU SUIU5 it ie all rii?htY Kfincmbor It U tlm KMC0K1) llmt uovuriiR. it la our biinliiusa to toiufb llin rt-eonla nntl t-ltow what thov contain in rolntloii to laiiil tltloe. If u ctnitniiiilalo buyinc taiitl or loaning nionoy 011 real ostati! sotiurlty, tttUo no man' wonl, but insist upon knowing what the reeonl shows ri'pnnllfii; tho titlf. An AbHtraut is its oastintial nsa tlet'd. Insist on havlni: It. Wo Iiuvb thu only put of Abstract Hooks iu tin? County. All work promptly ex er.titeil nntl satisfaction viiaranteetl. II you hiivo prop, crtv to iiisnn1, ivu 119 a call. Wo iiro njtutitH for four of tlm beat llru instiranco coiupanioH in thu world. If yon havo property for mile, list It with ua nntl we'll ilniln buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., oppoalto A. M. Wltllamo Si Co. Best Work at beast Possible Cost Guaranteed to give satisfaction, W'c arc here to stay therefore evert effort will be mtide to establish n business. It will pay you to examine our work mid consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Heat Crown ami Ilriilgu work (22k. Rolil), per tooth Hest eet teeth, uuarantoeil $5.00 Heat Gold Filling fl.OOop Hest ellver or allov HIHiil' ' Wteop Teeth extracted without pain W Hooina 1 1-12-1 :t. t- j.i .1 -w. ji i-s 1 1 Chapman Dlock, Second St. JTOTlLVLILa UeUZEiL rVLTiVM Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. j Oregon City, Uaytou, I and Way-Irfindlngs. and Fri. AlMatauMh Uuaef hUhwk sjstetn.oom- mGu-'P" . WlLLAMRTTK HlVilK. 1:30 ti. m. ue., mur, fort and to Corvallls JTm. . i hn. and Sat. and Way-Landlngs. "I" l.v Hlparla dnliy fi.AKK ItlVr.R. Illparia to Lowletou. nd Hal. Lkavk LllWlSTO.N dally Mr-.I'arllcs dcsliiugtogo to lleppner kliould tike No. . , leaving 'Iho Dalles nt 5:ao p A IlinkillL' direct riinnpriliitiu at n. ........ i...'..i.'. Ucturnlug mahingdlrectcoiitiectloii at lleppner Junction with No. 1. arriving at The Ualles it JO I, l)J, No. 8., throught freight, east bound, does not rfiOa ' ' a""K "i., departs im0,iH1, lc?al 'jcK"i csriles passengers, cast bT.1(1. , ""rJ-W P- 'lepnrtH 8:15 p ,'n. ao.'J1, west bound through freight, iocs not SSffy, Pcngers; arrives :I5 p m., departs No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas scngers; arrives 5:L1 p. m., depiTrts 8: SO i it. in. For full particulars call on o. It. (c N. Co agent Tho tttllea. or addrens ' L0' V.JI. IIUKMIUKT. wenrus. Agt., I'ortland, Or, Preserves r-frulU.Jelll-a.plclUasorcaUup ara M more easily, mora tjulckly. mora aW healthfullr oealed with bcllnad rarampa wax than by any oiber method. DoxeoaelctbarusaawlUbt WmMIWIl s At wvmhm. aWaWUal I OUMr UMM WIU Dal IH X Refined 2J rAfiffhi Wix A aWi n..V!I? bwmboU. It Is clean, M W ""H"!! d odorleas-air, watar ( mm niMAUB mil v4. mi u a WILSON HUNTIMQT0K TTtlNTIMflTnU M. Uflf onu f .ww. wm niiuHi H T10MKY Al'liAW, TiJir mi u.ri CSoa or mi Hat. itek ' u,uu r -GHAS. FRflUH.. Butehetrs and Fafmefs ..Exchange.. vNSZnMft cac&!il! edged tho best hier In Tho l)alle, at tho usual price. Coinoln.try li"u'l.b0 ''onvliiceil, Also tho Mtn-i-thrands of Wines, I.liuor and Cigars. Sandtuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. 00 YEARS' EXPFniBftirtB tvmwMt mm Trade Marks UCBIONtt pOPVRIOHTS AC. i oencnption mar lUndbookoii I', or aiAiia-i.... Wmco ware hous. wi..... . , . . Sania Fe Rouie i Oirura travoloro choice of tho followlm ironies east. They tiro till fainouj fo' ; their ecunic attraction. O. It. & N. view Option ami Henw. Shastn Itutite view Saciaiiiento.OgJw .....i 1 1.. Shasto Honte vlow Sacramento, W Anituleo nntl Alboruuorquu. .., A dallv lino of through WUiM FALAOI5 nnd TOUKI8T HLBW from San Francisco nnd Los AngeW ChieuKO. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East Apply to tho agents of tho 0. .K. A Co. or the undersiimcd. for folueri"' descriptive literature. , J.J. DliVKREUX, Oen. Ant. WorcMter. Uhlir. J'orlland.Or. Kodol Dlgestt what you ea ItapfclflilllillaMatattaofoOdlNMlV ata..- j T.i..i..i.rT ana Maw -n-tkui in vrwiijnu-i'b1"--. HrueUMtlM exbaucted dlgMti Mtftna tonlo. o otner pircry. am uiiMMh U. In ARIA ADOfi r. MloUMrNtuiyociMPcriwt