"A Right Royal Welcome; This is our niotio. Wo will receive you at our store as wo nroposo to receive tho "Forty liters' on Saturday, and there shall bo nothing too good for you, and our prices uro always tho lowest. J CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. QnrnriQP Sllp Nothing like making a good beginning. First QUli.iO impressions go a long way. We are dcter- SEE WINDOWS. Your cIidii'o nf our olrcnnt neelc wear h"" fl,r mined to make these sales a success. For a Starter. see windows. 49 cents. Regular prlc.o 7"c, $1.00 iiml $1.2.'), Of course vim mint lo r In mind thepo prices) I hi Id oud lor tomorrow, SiiMirduy, only. Wo have ii yooil full lino nf medium weight under wear tlmt we have decided mim po, SlilrtB or Draweis, 110 cento. ItcRulnr juice fiOe, 75c, $1.00 nnd If 1.25. We curry the larccst nnd bei-t telected Mock of mon'B joiiUib' nnd boyb' clothing in Eastern Oregon. Our White Goods Sale will continue during the balance of tho week as the weather has not been as favorable for theso goods as we had anticipated. The line is very complete and we invite your attention. Special Sale of Ladies' Muslin Garments. Ladies' muslin night gowns, tucked and embroidered yoke, regular price rr $1.00; sale price '. UQC Ladies' muslin and cambric skirts, embroidered flounce, regular price frr $1.00: salo price UC)L. Ladies' muslin and cambric drawers, lace and insertion trimmed, regu- - lar price Too; sale price 53-" Ladies' muslin eorset covers, embroidery .trimmed, regular price 35c; ... sale prico o" All OdoclB Marked In F'lnln FIjjuruH. Pease & Mays. 8TRAY RECEPTION SHOT8. Ltfttt-n for tlm WlilMlon Twenty-llvo Vi Hi torn U'lll Accompany Our l(o)N Other Note. The Dalles Daily Chroniele. FKIDAY - - AUGUST 11. lHfO Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OL'K ADUKTISEUS: All Cliaiies in Advertisements niitst be liamld in Itcforc hi o'clock A. M., as no changes will lie accepted in the oft trnoun This rule will he positive. CHRONIC!,!' l'UHMSIIINU CO. Ibc D.illcs, ,iiiiiary 10, iHyo. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. TowtllnL' lc nor vurd ut A. M. Wil liams & Co 'h tomorrow. Tho I). 0. iv A. O. lnwid wlil meet for rehearsal tnntisht ut 8 :!I0 o'clock. 'lev. (i, UuhIiIiil' Iiuh moved into one (l Mr. John llonn'ti holmes between Seventh nnil Eighth attests on WubIi- When yon feel inclined to enter a pro fit concerning thu now newer pyBtem, "op and think how mnch tho old one Wt8 in rejmiru. They ro to huvo un electric light Mntat Warm Springs ugoncy which boin ntitning order by Octohcr let. Tll contract Iiuh been let to F. It. AiBon.of Snlom. 1'i'St uvouiinr about f o'clcek nt the wldeuce of Mrs. U. Nelson, on Third "wt, liuv. Tollm united in innrriiiKO I'ulmiUer and Mrs. U. A. Wing, wHioITj-kI, Valley. "emi'iulmr tho excursion on tho boat tomorrow to the Cascades. Dalles City ves dock at 8 o'clock. Tho round "''J Ml. This will bo a delightful trip "'"lachiuK-Mo join in the first recop ,a Kiven the boya. oonoBcomotl to know tlmt yoster V luul mu douiurod a legal holiday , tl,,, Oregomun cumo up at fi :0 and uj about It. Then it was too late; was not generally observed ""ouRliont tho state. Tle Ii . i uo mm iiiiiu iiou ,1 00f rai tor two or threo fell !,81"' " ,'0rlio" ' U,e (,ftV rln "Wwonpun the just aud the unjust, " wmer Inehullng Dalles people, and It la loo In.. I r r .... .... did , . vull,i'y u, oi iiiB uny, it T ,,nwu t0 Ul,,0t u'u oMIw boyi , "U 11 wou,tl v seemed ' 6 HtliiK had they doao so, nnd it ' generally supjwied they would. u'Vfi Dot learned. 11 'PUo o the reports concerning the damagu to the cropn, from tho rolling lamia in Dry Hollow comes the report that on Win. Taylor's place tho spring wheat will yield twenty-three bushels lo the item aud the oats forty bushels to the acre. We call this a pretty good failure. James ttusclic, the half-breed Indian who for a time was one of the faithful soldiers in tho Salvation Army, has deserted, and now linds that "the way of tho transgressor is hard;" at least his is a rocky way at present, ho being employed on a it, el; pile worldug out a $10 tine imposed upon him by the re corder tills morning. Ho .seemed to have an nihility for rucks lust night about !) o'clock, when ho was found by Phiriuan in a drunk and disorderly con dition throwing rocks up on to Nolan's porch. So after being arrested and fail ing lo produce line, it was thought best to let him work oil' his surplus eneigy on tho streets for tho next four days. Two more soldier boys cr.me up last night David Homier and Frank I'rice. The former claims he had pressing buel ness which compelled him to come ahead of the rest; and we had a gontlo hint that in the "pressing" business mother was the other party most con cerned, aud when a knock was heard at her door during the night, Mrs. Arm strong was not a little surprised to lltul one of her throe soldier boys asking admittance, fiullice to say ho got in. 'I ho truth Is, when he readied Portland and found IiiB mother not there he enjoy the reception there with them. During their absence the love of mother has been characteristic of these threo soldier boyp, who never failed to write and always sent hjiiio little token to her. Honuer returned to Portland todaj , licjompaulcd by hta mother, and will come ui) with the hoys tomorrow. Price's home is at Tygh V.alloy, nnd w" have not learned aa to his reason for returning In advance of his comrades. Just as everyone was going homo to dinner today an alarm of fire sounded and from the cloud of smoke which could be plainly seen it was evident the lire was on tho bluff in the vicin ity of the high school building. It was soon determined that It was Win. Nichols' house, a few feet from the top of the Union street grade. Mr. Nichols Is building u now residence on tho lot and was living in ft email house adjoin ing. Mrs. Nichols had built a large fire with which to cook dinner and was out sido washing. When she entered the kitchen the room was all abla.e, and it is diOlcult to tell just how it ignited. It wns but a short time until the struc ture was nblHxe aud although the Mt. Hood hose company got there as soon as possible, having a fcteep hill to ciimb, they were not iu time to render much ascistanco except to the new building, Inch, with the aesietnnee of Jackson engine company, they succeeded in sav ing, although there was some damage to it. The fire plug near Prof. Gavin's residence wiib nted, but the firemen worked under difficulties as the force of water was poor. So intense was the heat aud so small the house that it was impossible to save any tiling and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols lost everything in the way of furniture and xdothim:. Kiihti-rii Siilmoii Market. Thomas McGovern, of the well-known New York house of Delafield, McGovern & Co., is visiting in Astoria in the in terest of the salmon trade. Mr. Mc Govern left New Yoik a week ago Monday, and after devoting a day each to Seattle and Portland, came direct to this city. He will remain hsro until Saturday. Mr. McGovern, in speaking of bis Urui's dealings in Pacific const products generally, s.iys: "While wo handle raisins and dried and canned fruits ex tensively, our leading Pacific coast com modity is salmon. I would estimate that our sales In this especial branch will average close to threo hundred thousand cases annually. Besides our puichases here and at Seattle, we also handle the Britieh Columbia ealmou in Canada." Mr. Me.Govein soya that tho New hastened homo Jo get her and have her York market in thu line of salmon was almost depleted at the time he left. Tho prico of Columbia river salmon showed an advance of 25 per cent, and Cockeye salmon, -10 per cent, over the figures governing last year. "Tho As sociation," said Mr. McGovern, "is a friendly institution for the fishermen. It has put into their pockets over a million dollars, which they never would havo realized had It not existed." As torian. To CIumiihu thu ByHti'in Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habit ual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or awakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by California Fig Syrup Co. XV, It. V,, Attvutluii Tho members of the Wouians Relief Corpe are requested to meet at the lodgo room at ! o'clock Saturday evening to form and march in a body to the D. P. & A. N. dock, where they will join in welcoming the returning heroes. By order. Muh, J. A. MuAitTiiun, Sen. Vice Pres. There'll be but a few speeches tomor row night and those short. Fifty littlo girls will be on the line of march nnd strew flowers in the way. Thcro hns been no Hobsonian com mittee appointed; but that'll take care of itself. People who wore there last night Eay Portland cheers were not deafening. Let's whoop 'em up here. Tho reception committee which goes down to tho locks tomorrow will carry with them a quantity of fruit for tho soldiers. "When you hear them bells begin to rinir," and those whistles to toot, get on your best attire and boon band, the boys are about to land. Four hundred was the number of volunteers who reached Portland last evening, the first section getting in a few minutes after 4 o'clock. Messrs. Moore and Stephens have done their work of soliciting well. It is a hard task at best; but they are all right and their eflorts are appreciated. We would just here suggest that the old inscription placed over the armory door when tho boys marched away, be changed from "Itememher the Maine" to "We Have Remembered tho Maine." Ernest Jeneen went down this morn ing to decorate the Regulator, and it will be a "beaut" when he finishes. Josh Hardy also was a passenger to put somejfinishing touches on some banners he had been painting. Decorating has been going on during the day. Let it continue ydntil every business house at least ehoie its patri otism. A. M. Williama' & Co. have stretched a line of thevarious flags of the nations across the street hi front of their store. Dr. Saunders telephoned this morn ing and informed the committee that about twenty-five of Company L Port land boys and others will come up with our twenty-five soldiers tomorrow to join in the final festivities. Let's make them doubly welcome. Max Vogt donated the opera house for the reception as long as it was needed, and Lieut. Spivey, witli a force of militia boys have been working day and night to decorate it. They are making splen did progress and it will be handsomely decorated, and in a new design. The lieuKnant is an untiring worker for the company and a great favorite with the boys. All the exercises of the reception including the dance will be free to all, excepting the banquet, inch will be given in the vacant store, nest door to A. M. Williams', following the parade. To this will be admitted tho volunteers and their parents Co. D, G. A. R., W. R. C, and the committees. Those who are entitle1 to tickets for the banquet should-call at the Jiall between the hours of 1 and 4 tomorrow and re ceive the same. None will be admitted without. The lino of parade as planned is too long; the boys have had too much parading already. We should consider their wishes in everything per taining to their reception, curtailing everything as mnch us possible which requires any exertion from them. The parade as it now stands is as follows: Form on First, right on Court and Second. March west on Second to Union ; south on Union to Third; west onThird to Liberty; south on Liberty to Fourth ; east on Fourth to Washington ; north on Washington to Second ; eaEt on Second to Taylor; counter march; turn to right; west on Second to Federal; south on Federal to Third; west on Third to armory. IT'S NOT WELCOME THERE. Utnutlllii Uounty 1'vuiilu Aro Much Kit t'lelfei'd Over tlm Jtulii. It is evident from the following article published in the East Urcgoniau, that the rain storm is not welcome in Uma tilla county. It seems they are having a much heavier shower than are we of this Bectlon. That paper says : "Rain is general all ovor this wheat growing region. It began late laet night and has continued today. Considerable concern is felt for tho grain. Rain at this time was tho laet thing aeked for. There can come absolutely no benefits, and if continued for any Jength of time, Immense losses will result. Farmers today state that, if the rain cease within a few hours, aud good weather prevail thereafter, the damage will be nothing of consequence. Hut, if it continue, there must inevitably bo heavy injury iu every quarter. "Harvest was in progress on almost every farm in the county. Never before were there more harvesting outfits at work ut one time than were engaged in cutting and threehiug yesterday, To day, of course, not a wheel is turning in the county. Harvesting outfits are com ing into town, waiting for tho rain to ceaee, and tho grain to dry sufficiently to permit threshing to proceed. "Rain in August in Umatilla county is almost without precedent. Scarcely anyone remembers when such a thing has happened In previous yeare, and al though many farmers have prepared themsolvc9 for almost any emeigency, there are hundreds of others who are wholly unprepared for a rainy spell. "The rain belt extends from Meacham iu the Blue mountains, to the Columbia river, and the precipitation is heavy. All day, the indications have been for considerable rainfall, and it causes dubious looks on the face of all who are interested in the crop and its preserva tion. This moans about every man, woman and child in the county, so that dubious looks wero rather fashionable hero today." "Hurrah For Old Glory!" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyppepeU because Its Ingredients are audi that it can't help doing so. "The public carr rely upon it as a mister remedy for nt disorders arising from imperfect diges tion." James M. Thnnins, M. D., in Atnericin Journal of Health, N. Y. It's a real pleasure A. M. Williams & Co. are prepared to supply tho demand for flags and flag buntiDgs for decoration in honor of to morrow's event the home-coming of our brave Eoidier boys. Three cheers and a tiger; arousing welcome "For the boys in blue, Who fought so true, In Cuba' and the Philippines." Keiiuest to Close. Inasmuch as the men of the Second Oregon regiment from Wasco county will arrive in the city on the evening of Saturday, August 12, and the citizens having arranged to tender them a re ception, all business houses aro re quested to eloBe at 5 o'clock that even ing in order that all may participate in the reception. Parties located along the line of march are also requested to decorate their premises. H. L. Kuck, Mayor. O. A. II. Notice. The members of J. W. Nesmitli Post, all visiting G. A. R. men and all old Eoldiers are requested to meet at G. A . R. Ii all on Saturday, August 12th, at 5 p. in. sharp, to participate in the reception to be given the returning Philippine soldiers. I5y order of R. L. Aike.v, P. C. The ladies who havo promised to furnish cakes or other eatables for the banquet Saturday evening are requested to send them to the armory as early as possible in the afternoon of that day. To Core a Cold Iu Olio I:iy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc, i to get the meals for tho family when you havo n complete set of needful! utensils and have a new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens and can eave you money and many steps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, traniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, raieen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish doublo oven cook stoves from $8.00 up. See tho best Rangoon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Cnll at Mnlcr t Henton's nnd seo the Antiseptic Nest IIrk. With the use ot this Nest KgR jou will hnve no more l.lce, Mitts or Vernln in your poultry houses. ScttliiR liens will fcet better eggs nnd will hntch better mid chickens will live mid grow bcttsr where Antiseptic Kgg is used. Seo them ut jttr & Beaton 167 Second St. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & Latin, 'Phone 151 Harmony" CUhiskey. 66 This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a I'UKE HAM) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. I 11 iTT ATA"! AIXTATAri A.I A- A.TJkrAnciW'ATATA1 Jkl A.TA, I A ! A?A W! JZVX rjC rATA.' rj 1 1 A.-1 Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now in shape to properly handle nil kinps of work from a punature to building a wheol. Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirohoff. MAYS & CROWE. C , AAAyv A A A A A A A AA.AA.AAAA. J