Tot a Nice Suit of Clothes. 1'antlng, Ovcrcontiug or Fancy Vesting. "Kicdly '1 nllll oxnmJne my stock of Im Tortid nnd Domestic oolens. A tine stock to tclect Irom. Suits made from the lowest prices to the high est grade. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle TI1K 1IA1,L1, OliKOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. the amount withdrawn. There wns not a brink which did not exhibit n tcmnrkably healthy increase in de posits. And there is nothing in the experience of Now York which differs from the experience of the whole country. ltutcn for O. A. It. Encanir ment. For the G. A. R. National encamp ment at Philadelphip, IM., to be held Sept. 4th-9th the O. R. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate from The Dalles ol .fSS.So, tickets on sale August 2!Mi and 30th only. Tickets will be good for return passage until Oct. Hist, stop-overs being allowe.l west of the .Missouri river. The tickets between Philadelphia and Chicago will not be good for return pas sage after Sept. 1:2th, except that ar rangement can be made at Philadelphia between the dates of Sept. oth 9th upon the payment of 50 cents and deposit of ticket with agent at Philadelphia to have the ticket between Philadelphia and Chicago extended to Sept. 30th. Call on .las. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles, for further information. augS-lod A good drug sign. BUllSCItirTION IMIICfi. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 TB1DAY AUGUST 11, 1S99 CIUTICISISG OTIS. Tracey E. Inman, of Colfax, a recent member of the volunteer signal corps, places the same estimate on General Otis that a good many others have given to the public since their return from the Philippines, says the Spokesman-Review. Mr. Inman was in a good position to observe, but it may be that he is too severe. It is a fact that whether in "praise or condemnation, the judg ment of a private or of a minor oflicer on the military worth of the commander of the arm corps is not the best in the world. If he has been poorly fed, the private is a competent judge, but, without ex ception, not a complaint as to the rations has been made. The grumbling of the privates that Otis did not give them enough fight ing, that if left to rush on by them selves they cou'd have speedily captured Aguinaldo, is a most healthy sign, and not one for the American Tagals to gloat over. There has never yet been a good soldier who did not grumble be cause the ollicers held him and his fellows in leash. The veterans of the late civil war well remember how the' laid down plans of cam paigns, gloried in the commanders' good judgment when they hit it right, and condemned him as an old dunce when an opposite policy was pursued. Men who wete at first an object of hatred after a little ac quaintance became the heroes of the men tn ranks. This war has simply developed the same traits. Take the gallant Colouel Stotsenburg, killed at the Jieatl of the Nebraskans at Quingia. At first his men detested him, the hatred was so intense that they had the Nebraska legislature pass a reso lution demanding his removal from command. Yet in a very short space of time they grew to realizo the worth of the man as a soldier and commander, and before action was taken on the legislature's resolution they had it withdrawn. "DoWitt's Little Early Risers did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain nnd a healthy appetite. Butler Drug Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEKAL BANKING BUKINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma-le at all points on fav orable terms. hi ii 4iMW r XiWf 1 Jast "What Yoa uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showintrnover by fore graced "a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects nt ordinary prices. is the patronage which is bestowed on ' Good ' l'"4;"' 'jiegaiii iiusius, molt"" wiu.M.h. . , or a small price, at our store on 1 bird You well know that a zood druj Also a full lino of house palnto. ho stnri. It In tlin tinritv nf tlm pnnds I handled and the manner of dolnir bust- for ness that makes and keens thin business, street Wu are pleased with the result of our ef- J) "W VATJSE, Third. St. forts to supply the best drugs at the I best prico. we are particular about the It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. Ami we invito your attention to our Block of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPEB. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Successor toSuipes-Kliierfily DrtiRCo. C J compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES At ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' staMaforfl Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way vnins on both tides of the Columbia river. Both ot tho nl)Ovy iteamers bavobeen rebuilt, and are in excellent thnjie for the tcaton of lbtfj. The Kcculntor I. Iiih will endeavor togivoltb patrons the best tervlce poislble. For Comfort, Kconoiny anil I'leaaure, travel by the steamers of The Kegulator I.Iiiii. The above steamers leave Tho Dalle at S o. in. and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrlvo at destina tion in Hmjil.; time for outKGiiiR trains. Portland Olllce. Hie Dalles Oflice. Oak St. Docx. Court btreet W. C. Allaway, General Aseiit. s Pullman Elegant Tourist TO Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car HTi 1'AIU. aiiNNK.vroi.J DUI.L'Tll KAltCXI ui( and run CKOOKSTON WINNIl'KO IIKI.KNA an IJL'TTK rrA.-7-A-r.c r Jk! a-i at jo-i k-A.Tjk.j'A-: AXArrAjityxri r 6 O S . STUBLING Wholosalo nnd Rotnlf Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor owsione Sour Mash Whiskey. tn JU t O or tMillon. ( lii J) yenrn old. tiKNKKAL BlaGRsmltHs K "WHISKEY fr"'' W-M l),,r "11011, l1 .lf) V.,!1,r-H -'JiivL A TMPOPTr.n fHlONAO (mm 7.l)t) t l'.l0 per jrnllnn. (H to 20 yearH old 3: ALI1PIMA PMU '.: ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. .AND. Hone is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third aui JeiTcrnu. PhllC 159 i 0LYMPIA BEER on iiraii!it, ami Vul Ulatr- and Olympiu Ueor in bottle Imported Alo mid l'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Through Tiekets C1IICAOO WAHUINGTON l'lllLAUKLl'IlIA NKIV VOItK BOSTON ANI AI.I. l'OINTS fc'AHT anil HOL'TIl New and Second Hand Furniture bought ami Hold at tlut Old Stand Pawn Broker. Money oaned on valuable?. Horses bought and gold on commission. 61 2d St. R. B. HOOD. Vor Information, time cards, maps and ticket, cal on or write to D. 25 W. C. ALL AW AY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR AKLTON, Asst. G, P. A., rriton Cor. Third. Portland Oickiii J. S. Sciienk, i'recident. 11. M. Hew. , Cashlvi Bicycle .ST. PDirS flfiiEJuY.. Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. IhU Institution in pleasantly Mtuated near tho Columbia, on tholiiif of the Union I'acillc; thence it in easy of oxces for all thorn who de tire to tecure ii comfortable homo and n prosreu tlve teat of leainlni; for their dauglitem or ward. The-location of tho Academy U ono of the mo t healthy on the 1'kcIIIo slojie, this por tion of Qrvn being proverbial for its pure WHtcr. ttrf'llif. ,ifr mm ittptfir,ibiiu. kpoti..ri. Worthy inrtCX Of industrial COmlitlOllS , th.. State to confer Academic honori.. ' . i. i. i. .1 i .i , Hoard arid million ir bcliulaillc year 1100. IS the UalailCC SllOOt Of tho Savings. Studtaulll bo rekuinci Tuetday,ptemberMlt. Tt,i i i.i i i. r'or detailed information apply to tho Hitter uankj. If times are unril the deposits j superior. MORE S1 visas. It lias often been said that n trtist- fnll nff If tllllAB firn nnnrl iiwitr tn 1 " f . ...Vi jjVUll tuuj 111 crease. When more money is being deposited than is being drawn out it is safe to assume that working peopln re generally employed, and that I Arveuic Complexion Wafers, they nre earning enough to enable' in producing uudprc.trvliik'ii beuiiui tran them to put something aside for the future. A report has just been made public which gives tho condition of the juvjngs banks of New York. It bows that sinco the first of the your there have been deposited with these iMtitulions $20,000,000 in excess of A BeantM Skin. Ladies, if von desire a traiiiiiarcnt. clear and fri)i complexion uto Dr. ilonrdon's French Arveidc Complexion Wafers. Their cll'ect Is tlmplv iiiaKlcal xjttfttliii; tho wizard touch in producing uud prcservlm; a beoiitilul trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, thapely contour of form, brilliant ccs, roft and tiuoothtKlu wlieie the raverso exists. Kven tlio coartvit and limit repulsive tkiu. marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pluipiej, vulnur ndness, rellow and inudily skin are permanent ly removed, and a delicluatly clear uud rellned complexion assured. I'tlce per small Uix.U) cents; large Uix, II, or tlx lare boxes, IS. bent Ut any auUlress lost paid ami under plain wrapper upon receipt ol the above amount. Writ for freuclrculal. The Parisian Drng Co., 131 Honlfonicry Ht.San Friucltco Cal b2 PPPaiQ cunD ptet National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Doposito received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptl; rcumieu oil (lav Ol collection. ! Stent and Telegraphic Exchange eold on I New York, San Francisco and T,ort ! land. DIRBOTOK8. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. ScniiNim. En. M. Williams, Gho. A. Likiie. a. M. KuAt.i,. THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Top, nnd wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is sueh that people go Miles to patronize us. Our priees are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. T Jfik- ln,PlllSe 4P Wheels niuiuia tIB-lnch Motor iANi'r.CTfin:i) i!Y AGENT FOB THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles Burchtorf,op!; 9 Tfie coiumDia PackinoCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFAOTUUKBB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RlF.D BEEF, ETC. ITUiKD, W.WlUiON, ? AITOHNKV-AT LAW, , . . .'fl,K UALLES, OHKOON. Oflloo ovci Klrt Nt. Sauk. For Sale. Three houses and four lots in Tho Dalles; as a whole or separately. Lo cation east of high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on investment. Property in good con dition. Address, M. F. Fitz Gerald, The Dalles, Or. Send in care of The Chronicle. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and pnrliculars furnished on application. P. S. G-UNNINGf, Agent, THE DALLES, OUKGON 11112(1 ' VS . FOR A DOM. BIS M ss;iiS. "ILLS ONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DKALKHS IN' All kinds of Funeral Supplied Grafidali & Barget UNDERTAKERS fp EMBALMERS Tho DailoB, Or. tyobes, Burial Shoes Ete.