The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 11, 1899, Image 1

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    he Dalles
NO 102
Capliirii Lctlcrs Exhort Habitants to
tlolil Out Unlit MiiiisI 31st.
MacArtlnir s I'tirces Have Cleared The
Rebels From the Country Around
.Manila lie Has Advanced to
Calitla, Six Miles From San I?er
nuiidn, With u Loss of Five Killed
mid Twenty-nine Wounded.
W.sii!N(!to.v, Aug. 1U. Tho following
cablegram has been received from
"Captured letters from n high instir
L-ont authority exhort thu inhabitants
to liold out n llttlu longer ; Hint European
recognition will bo granted by August
mid the present United States admin
istration will bo overthrown."
MacAi thur's Hard Fight.
Wahhinoto.v, Aus. 10. General Otiu
today cabled tint wnr department the fol
lowing report of yesterday's engagement :
".Manila, Aug. 10. MucArtbur's move
niunt ycstenluy was very euercaeful. Jt
served lo uleiir tbo cutintrv at tbo rear
mid loft mid right of tbo insurgents; line
itdvmicL'd north to Ciiluln, six miles from Kcruundo, whence be ie now reeon
noitoring. "MituArthur'a advance under Wlieuton
ami Liscum consists of tbo Ninth,
Twelfth, Seventeenth and part of the
Twuiity-aecond regiments, and a portion
of thu Fifty-first Iowa. Tbo movomeiit
is very dillicnlt, on nccount of mud and
Hurfaeu water. MncArthur roports in
BuroiitH' lona killed and Home ilOO
wounded. Tliey wore rapidly driven
northward, and hint livening apparently
abandoned tbo Porac lino where they
blew up thu powder worlts."
Senator Hawley Praises Otis.
Ni:w Yoiik, Aug. 10. Senator .loeoph
It. Hiiwhty, of Conneetieut, Balled for
Europe yesterday. Ho will apond six
months in rural England. Jti6t before
his departure heenid:
"I urn glad to hoc that t he army in the
I'hlllppiiio islnnds is being reinforced. I
have urged sueh nn increaeo from tho
outset, and eoino mouths ago J saw tho
president soverul times to urge upon him
the necessity of sending reinforcements
to the islands at once. Then I received
private information from Manila which
convinced mo that I was right. 1 laid
the matter before the president at once.
I "in aura that we shall get along very
well there in thu future."
la General Otis likoly to ho relieved of
command there?"
"1 don't think ao. I don't eeo why ho
should. 1 have a great deal of confidence
in him. 1 boliove bo is a good man for
the ph,ee. Of course thoro is a great
howl going up from tho colored journals.
They began with Surgeon-General
Sternberg and tried to kill him. TTioy
jheu shifted to Alger and tlioy finished
"iin ! and now thoy don't boo any one to
ko for hut Otia. They can tie a tin kottle
"1 yoll 'mad dog,' but I think tho
public Is beginning to see bohind tho
clatter and to take things more quietly."
J'aradc in Washington on Night
Dewey's Arrival There Will
Monster Affair.
Wahhinuton, Auf. 10.-"Gentlemeu,
rn plenty 0f red Are." That wu
IrwidentMoKlHfcy'i euipb.tlc admo-
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
nitinn to tho ropresantatives of tl e
citizens of thu district when called to
consult with him regarding tho arrange
ments for the reception to Admiral
Dewey upon his nrrival in Washington.
When the chief executive of the nation
views the city on the night of Dcwev day,
bo will find that his injunction line been
carried out most faithfully. Admiral
Dewey will he escorted to the capital by a
committee on the day the nation's sword
is to be presented lo him. That night
there will be a monster parade. Every
organization in the District of Columbia
will bo invited to participate in tho pro
cession. Every military body, all the
civic, fraternal, patriotic, social and
benevolent societies and the bicycle clubs
will be included.
An energetic efIort will be made to
bavo lach body in line make some dis
tinctive illumination on its own account.
There will bo elaborate illuminations
along the lino of match.
A Night iif Turror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for tho
widow of the bravo General IJurnham of
Machias, Me., when tho doctors said
she could not live till morning," writeB
Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who intended her
that tearful night. "All thought she
must pooii die from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
saying it bad more than once Bavcd her
life, and dad cured her of Consumption.
tVfter three small doses she slept easily
all night, and its further use completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed lo cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and if 1.00.
Trial botth-a free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 1
Huil Storm Kuins Crops.
Faisoo, N. D., Aug. 10. A severe bail
storm swept neroBS tho northern part
of Cum and southern part of Traill
counties today. Sixtv thousand acres of
ripe gain wero destroyed. Small per-
centage in thu storm area had been
harvested. It is reported forty thous
and acres are destroyed in Eddy county.
Passing to the east through Norman
county, thousands of acres of grain wero
damaged by tho storm.
Crtturrli Uuiiuitt lie Curt'il
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional (license, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Caturrb Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is ii regular prescription. It is composed
of thu best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritlute, acting directly
on tlio mucous surfaces. The perfect
omhlnutlon of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Ciiicnkv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrngglsts, price 7mi.
Hail's Family Pills aro tho best. 12
That llirohblnj; llriitlneho
Would.'qulckly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of HuH'ererfl have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
norves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Mouev back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
A rightful Itluuiler
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut'or bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, tho host in tho world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Curea
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and all akin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Wakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Vaab lu lour citooH.
Allcountv warrant! registered prior
to October 1,1895, will be paid at my
office. Intereat oeaaea after July 20,
189V, O. L. Phii.miii,
Gouuty Treasurer.
I . Baking
of Washington Boundary
This Construction Takes Valuable
Property Out of the Jurisdiction of
the State.
South, Wash., Aug. 9.--F. L
Illce, of this city, and J. B. Nice, of
C.ithiamet, who compose the Washing
ton state boundary commission ap
pointed by Governor Rogers to investi
gate the disputed boundary line between
Oregon mid Washington, have completed
their work from the mouth of the Col
umbia river to Tongue Point. They
find that vast and valuable tracts of tide
lands besides valuable fishing and sein
ing grounds, which are now claimed and
taxed by Oregon, are in Washington ac
cording to the law establishing trie terri
tory of Washington and defining the
boundary line between it and Oregon to
be the center of the main ship channel
of the Columbia river. The initial point
at tho mouthj ofj the Columbia ia two
miles from Fort Stevens and four miles
I from Fort Canby on a line acrosB the
river connecting these two points.
Tho lino follows tbo center of the main
ship channel, which has remained prac
tically the Bamo since the boundary was
first defined, until the confines ot
Wahkiakum county are reached, where
the commission lays claim to consider
able territory now held by Oregon.
The commission has made preliminary
inspection of the boundary line up the
river to a point above The Dalles and
from all their information it would ap
pear that Oregon claims and taxes every
thing in sight, including some islands
which have as high as 100 families living
on them. If the contention of the com
mission proves to bo correct, over 00 per
cent of gilluelting ground and nearly all
of the seining grounds on the Columbia
EacU ilay our business shows
tho people arc finding out wo
aro pushing to tbo front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tho very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for tuo people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
belong to Washington, and Oregon has
no foundation to its claim ot jurisdiction
over Sand Island, which has been the
cause even of bloodshed in years past.
Triple Tragedy.
Canton, O., Aug. 9. A terrible triple
tragedy occurred threo miles east of this
city last night, resulting in the death of
Edward Eckinger, hid wife and their 3-
yeaV-old daughter. Neighbors today
d'scovered tho dead bodies of tho three
lying upon the bed in (he Eckinger
home. Mrs. Eckinger evidently firet
shot her husband and daughter with
a shotgun, and then tried to commit sui
cide by gashing her wrist with n knife.
The iatter apparently proved too slow or
elee too painful, for tho woman put a
third chareo in the gun and eent it
throuch her body.
Eckinger was twenty-five years of aee,
and a farm laborer until lately. He
has been drinking quite hpavily, and
frequent quarrels took place between
him and his wife. The couple had agreed
to separate, commencini; today. Mrs.
Eckinger wbb twenty-three years of age.
Spain Greatest Need.
Mr. Ii. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C.
Weak nerves had caused severe pains in
the back of his head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest Blood and
Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him.
He says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri
ties the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 50 ceuts. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
The Latest, The Best,
The Most Complete,
are constantly comingup every
day inliterature,artandscience
which you wish you knew, but
you a o n ' t.
Make up your
,mind that you
are not going to
fbe caught this
way veryoften.
Whenever a
new subject is
brought to your
attentiondig in
to it and learn
all you can
about it. The
Britannica isthe reliable source
from which clergymen, profes
sional men and women, schol
ars and educators everywhere
draw information quickly. It
has been the standard for over
a hundred years. You should
not miss the opportunity of
securing the
for One Dollar
and the balance In small monthly
payments. The entire Thirty (30)
Volumes with a Guide and an ele
gant Oak Book Case will be deliv
ered when the first payment Is made.
The Complete Set (Thirty Large
Ootavo Volumoi):
No. 1. New Slyl Buckram Cloth. Marbled
Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Fin
ish Dook Paper. $45 00.
First payment, One Dollar ($1.00) and Three
Dollars ($i.oo) per month thereafter.
No. a. Halt Morocco. Marbled Edges, Extra
Quality High Machine Finish Book
Paper, $60.00.
First payment, Two Dollar ($1.00) and Four
Dollars ($4.00) per month thereafter.
No. 1. Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled Edges.
Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book
PPf 1 7 f.OO.
First payment, Thrae Dollar ( and
Five Dollar (Sj-oo) per month thereafter,
A reduction of 10 per cent I rau4 by
paying caak within o day after toe receipt
of the work. ,
Iiinen Department.
Commenging at 10 a.
closing time 5 p. m.
staple lines at these extra
OJO yards only, red on white check toweling; limit lo yards Jc
to a customer; per yard Xv J
lo dozen only, all linen Towele, values lSc, 15c and 20c -4 Jfjt
each single towel ; tomorrow each XVv
300 yards Turkey Red Table Linen, full regular width, and -t Op
better than "the usual 20c quality ; tomorrow, per yard XOly.
The limited quantity of above lines suggests us
to advise earl' purchases.
Store closes at 5 p. m.
A. M. Williams & Co.
liniinrnin nrminmmnTrTrmmmrniitriTrnn rTmnminipniiTTTnTmiTmrMinm
Wasco Ware house Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, WSl S&
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
ton FlOlir Tl)ia I'lour 18 manufactured expressly for family
use ; every sack is guaranteed to give Mtiafactioa.
Wa tell our goods lower than anv home in the trade, and if von don't think aw
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prions Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
m. and to continue until
we will sell the following
special prices.
Job Pointers.