tives in the Vnlley towns and spend some time at Newport. I Miss May Enright, of the C. S. Ry. Co. staff, line taken a holiday and left tflflt inif tintlim 01 WoiUiaailaV frit iionneville. From tliero Miss Enriijht will go for n month's visit to friends in Seattle. Moro Leader. llntes fur G. A. It. Kiicainpiucnt. ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMESJT'.; Uf n.erv. V iDATIHM tie back of "BITUAL CO1 1 twit i'iri 1 ii BUy TH GENUINE - MAN TO By (AUSvRNIApGPSYRVP For tlie G. A. It. National cnrnmp mcnt at Philadelpliip, Pa., to be held Sept. 4tb-9th the O. It. & N. Co. will make o round trip rale from The Dalles I of $SS.S5, tickets on sale August 29th (nnd 30th only. Tickets will bo good for return passage until UJt. ;iist, stop-overs being allowed west of the Missouri river. The tickets between Philadelphia and , Chicago will not be good for return pas saje after Sept. 12th, except that ar rangement can be made at Philadelphia between the dates of Sept. oth 9th upon the payment of 50 cents and deposit of ticket with agent at Philadelphia to have 1 the ticket between Philadelphia and 'Chicago extended to Sept. 30th. Call ' on Jas. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles, for further information. augS-lod NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given Hint the cl'r council of Dalles Cttv Inn oetcrmlticd to cdahll'di h (ewer system for nil Mint inrtlmi of sulci city ly ing below the bin t! ml enst of Lincoln street, ntul has fiiMhcr determined that the nut of Mich sewer svstrm shall be assessed ntfuluat the proiwrty benelltod thereby Said sewer sstem is to be of terra rotta pipe and the extent and location thereof to be ns follows: The main Hue of said sewer system hall ex tend from the low WHte lino of the Columbia ricr, where the east munilii of the tnouih of Mill creek nt said low water strikes said river; thenco iiIoiir the c.it bunk of said Mill creek tViO feet to a stake under the north ttcstle of the Oiesnit lintlroml .V Navigation Comuanv's rail road, thence at n right dellectlon of 10 dcgiees mcnelmrtn the center of the alley (or Hlxth t.) south oFblock 11, at 11 point where the went line of Wellington street crosses said alley, thenco westerly aloug the center of said alloy to a point lis feet west of the east line of Court street, thence by n convenient curvu to the rUlit 111 about '.V feet radius to a p ilot 20 feet cast of the west Hue of Court street; thence In 11 northerly dlteetlou parallel with the west line of J oint street to the south lino of fourth Mieet; thence by 11 curve to Iho left, of about a aMout radius to 11 point on thew(st llueof iMurt street, in feet north of the south Hoe of honrth ttcet; thence ......... t.. .iinno (.ninth .tri'i'i. nara el w th the south llueof .Mid Fourth street, to a point 11), feet west of the east lino of futon street, thenco connecting tv ionenlent curve to tho iMit, j ol about n ID-loot radius, with the branch Hue; of said sower system running along I'nliin st. Alo 11 branch line of said sewer system, coin r,,,..in, ,.1 1, iwiint .iimoslii' the center of the al I ley between rourth iind 1'llth stieet-, feot ( 1S1-3-10 feet ton stake -13-UiO teet north of the northwest corner of the stone wall bounding the K. M. VVIUon property: thence nt a left He llectlon from the course just described, Tii de grees nnd ,1 minutes 2feitlnn point on the west line oi union street. i, i ctnorin oifecono runulne thence In a western direction along the center of said alley to a rnlut;.M feet west oi the cut line of Court street, thence by n come nlent curve to the right of about a ID-foot radius to connect with the branch of said sewer system i ' . . ..... . street: thenco crossing fnion street to the ecu- '"" "" ter of the alley between Second and Main .Umi n tinmen line m san. seer s.u .... , street', thenco along the center of said alley, menclng at a point Greatest Need. roasAueriucr.csjis fctt so-. fiRKinr. PEIII'LK YOU ALL KNOW, Spill n Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, lends his winters at Aiken, S. C. nerves had caused sovere pains in back of ins head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Vurvo TJoniuHv all i!i ennr, lfl lit,.. , .v. v j ,.. pi... . 111.... ae says this grand medicine is what his CJimtry needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into everv muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing, you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Volunteer .deception. J. C. Baldwin mads the trip to Port land today. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slierar left the city this morning for Portland. Mr. nnd Mr. X. McLeod cune over from Guldendaie on the stage this morn ing. C. E. Loomis, who has been in The R.illes fur several days, returned to Euu'ene today. Mrs. H. L'Uiretson ami dauuhter, Miss Jac'ibsen, were aniotic the exeursiun sts bound for Portland today. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houiiliton returned last nittht from a few week's stay at the Lord cottage at tjeaview, Ilwaco beach. MUs Catharine Martin came up last night from Mosier, where she has been visiting friends. She will return tomor row. The Volunteers will arrive at Portland on Thursday, the 10th inst. and will re main in Poitland Thursday and Friday, returning to The Dalles via Steamer Regulator. Excursion rates will be as follows : Dallf s to Porttasd and return Aug. 10, Kcgu lator leaves The Dallc-s at S a. m. Itate ?1.!W. Dalles to Cascades and return Aug. 12, Dalles City leaves The Dalle at S u. m. Unto $1.00. Tickets limited to Saturday, Aug. 12. W. C. Allaway, Gen. Act. ' Dalles, Auc. 7, 1S99. aiiii7-l w Hon. Z. F. Mondv camcflp from Salem on laet night's tram ami will remain to take part in the reception Saturday evening. This morniiiz Mrs. F. Bronson and family left for Trout Lake, to pass a few weeks ttt the place which Mr. Bronson recently tuok up there. Sheriff and Mrs. Robt. Kelly went to Cascades this morning, where he will attend to the sale of the steamer "Water witch." from there they will go on to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rorden iind Misses Dorothy and Nettie Freddetwent down to Portland jesterday afternoon to meet Harry Fr-d Ion, who is returning with the volunteers. Mrs. C. F. Stephens went down on yesterday's afternoon train to Portland, where siiu will enjoy the recaption to the volunteers and afterward visit relu- ill's Little Jariv liisero did me more good than all blood medicines and other pills," writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant, never gripe, they cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to action and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. IV. 11. C,, Attention- Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those who have never had Blood Poi son can not know what a desperate con uition it can produce. This terrible The members of the V0man3' Relief Corps are requested to meet at the lodge room at '4 o'clock Saturday evening to form and march in a body to the D. P. & A. N. dock, where they will join in welcoming the returning heroes. By order. Mr.s. J. A. McAnniui:, Sen. Vice Pres. Htlll 011 Deck. Dad Butts has a lot of lots in all parts ol the city for sale; in fact Dad's head 13 full of real estate, if you don't believe it ask Parkino, the barber. Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entiro system, neyer gripe or nauseate- Dewitt's Little Early Riser: One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures o'iftiiiato summer coughs and colds. "I cansider it a most wonderful medi cine, quick and safe." W. V. Morton, JlAVhtfW, Wis. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga disease which the doctors are totally1 885-8 1,eauured with itching piles twenty unuble to cure, is communicated from -ve"rs bifor; tr.v'nS DeWitt's Witch one feneration to another, inilictinc its ' IIo5!el s-lve, two boxes of which com ' tj taint upon countless innocent ones. .11 feet north of the south llueof Hfth street, and liu feet went of the west , line of court street, miming thence In an east I crly dlrecllon to the west llueof Court street. ' thence bv a curve to the lelt, ci about a ID-foot 1 radius, to Intersect with the branch of s.ild i sower sstem running on Court street at the 1 crossing' of said Kllth and Court streets. AN) a branch line of said sewer system, com I mem lug at the center of the alloy betwten ' Fourth and Fifth streets, at 11 point 1HJ0 feet east 1 of the east line of 1 lberty street, running thence In 11 vn. tertv direction along the lino of the cen ter of said "alio-, to it point '.0 feet west of the cast line of Liberty street thence by 11 curve to the right of about n SO-toot radius, U connect with the Liberty-street branch of the said sener system. Also a branch llueof said sewer system, com mencing nt the center of the allev north of .Main street and M ftecwestof Washington st. , thence running along the center of ald alley to 11 point .110 feet west of I'nion slreet; thciiej connecting with the main sewer system near the bank of Mill creek, by a cutve to the right of about a J.j-foot Kdlus. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing nt 11 point in Fourth street, Z') feet westof Hie nest line o Liberty street, nnd I'D feet north of the south 1 no of fourth stieet, running thence in an easterly dltietlou along Fourth street, ptrillel with the south lino of sntd sinvt to the west line of Liberty stieet thence b convenient curve to the left of about from union to 1-auuhlln street: thence contin uing in n straight lino 011 the same courseaeross Latmhlln street, to a joint 011 the east Hue of said street, is feetnorth of Second street; thence continuing In 11 straight line on the same course, rcross bloik a. I-aughllu's addltton to Ddllcs Cliy.atl feet, to Jellerson street, on a Hue Us feet from, and parallel t., second street thence continuing on said straight line, in the same course, 10 leet into Jellerson street to n point 10 leet east of the west Hue of Jetl'orson street and 12S feet north of Second street. Thence at a left dclUctlon from the line last described, 24 degrees and 2 minutes, Mi-5-luO feet, to a stake 'J feet west of the cast line of Jellerson street; thence at 11 right dellectton from the Hue last decribed 23 degrees and 15 minutes, llc-17-100 feet, ton stake; thence at a right deflection from the line last described 1'7 degrees and 20 minutes 110-4-1C0 feet to a stake 17-sl' 100 feet from the southeast comer of the lawn fence west of the () It. A- X Co.'s dejiot. thence at a left dellectlon f torn said line II de grees and -II minutes, li'.V'j 10 feet to u point on the west llueof Monroe street 139 fct north of Second street and 5-7-lOOfeet north of the north west corner of M Tody's brick warehouse: thence continuing in 11 stiiiight line on the course last described 100 S7-K0 feet to a point G feet north of the north-ea-t corner of Moody's wooden ware house 132 5 10 feet north of sitrond street and 70 feet east of Mont stieet; thenco nt a right de llectlon from the last line 7-02, 'MWi-W teet, to 11 stake In Tavlor street. S'J-i',-10 fert north of .Second street and -hW-HM feet west of the west j 20-fct t radius, to conntet with the brunch ol end of the Wnscowarchome. said -ewer vtem running up and down Lib A branch of said sewer svsiem shall connect ' y street, at the ero-iig of said Fourth and with tho main line in Union street, 2) feet from i Liberty stieets. the west llueof said street, at a point 12S feet I This notice is published by order of said City norm 01 fcecona street, aim snail run alone sain . council, mane on .ugus! ,un, isy.i. Knowledge Concentrated boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get jn tlie New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author, itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find ApE3 tne information you want 1 J 1 J v.s.11 i cy upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. Union street 20 feet eat of the west lino thereof. 1 to n point VU leet souin ot tue north line 01 Tenth stieet. Another branch Hue of said sewer system snail commence in tne center 01 the alley be tween Second nnd Third streets, nt a point 40 feet west of the CJSt Hue of Lincoln stieet, and. run thenoj along the center of said alley to a 1 point 200 Pet east of the cast ine of Court street, connecting with the branch of snid sewer ssstem running up Union street hereinbefore described, from theeastnnd west, by convenient curves of about twenty.foot radius. Also ii branch of said sewer svstem commenc ing in the center of the alley 'between second and Third stieets, on tho cast lino of Washing ton street, and running thence easterly along the center of said alley, to a point where the center of said alley intersects with the present setter of Mux Vcgt A Co., where It crosses said alley. Thence northerly mid easterly along the llueof s.i d ten eras it u now located, to the point where said sewer intersects the main line of tlie sfwer hereinbefore described, nt a point where the main llueof said tever crosses Fed eral stttet, between second and Third. AKo, a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a point in tho center of s'aid alloy be tween second and Third streets, 10J ftet east of Federal street, and running thence along the center of said alley to the west lino of Lnughlin street; and thence conn ctlng with the 1 .1112I1 lin street sewer by 11 loft curve of abut a 20-fuot radius, in said Laughlin street. Also a branch lino of said teiver system, com mencing at a point on the east llueof Monroe street, CO feet north of the south line of Third strtet, running thence westerly, parallel to the south line of Third street, and 1M leet from said south line to 11 point 10 feet west of the east line of Madison street; thenco curving tu the light with n curve of about n 20-foot radius, to 11 point in said Madison s'reet 2 1 feet from the north lino of Thiid street and io feet from tho west line of said Madison street- thence northerly along s.ild Madison street on 11 Hue parallel with tho west line of said street, to a point 20 fiet from the west Hue of said street, and V) ftet south of the center line of tho allev between ond nnd Third streets; thente delkcting to tho icit uy 11 curve 01 about a 2.1-foot radius, to a point whero the west llueof MadIou street ln- icrseeis me center line 01 sa:il alley between migs ni i) 11 t, vrr.a. llecorder of Dalles I lty Pj-- - - - - 1 1 j, t. g t. m a m. u BP" ii : improved riYiJLOnifc md5d" r.uiT run 1'ast Mall I 11:50 p. tn.j timk .-ciiKnuix. H;om Dallus, Milt Lake. Denver, Kt Worth, Omaha, Kan- fas City, at. I-ouis, Chicago and East. Spokane Flyer ' 0:10 p. r.i.i S p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, st. Paul, 1)11 1 u t h, Milwaukee, Chicago anil bast. From I'ortuhp. Ocean Stoaniships. For ban Francisco January 22, nnd every live days thereafter. 8 11.. m. Kx.bundayiColumtila ftv. Steamers. ,lo AsToitiA and Way 'ituiuuj i--Il01Ilg5, 10 p. ni. fill. m. WtLMtlRTTK Kivnu sec-ondamlThitd etrecbs; Ihence in a westerly Fx suiidav t)re-',m rii? d rectlon iilouir the center lino i, - .1 m ,. s.suuiiajjreon CltJ, pletely cured him. Buware of worthies Some years ago I was Inoculated with poison ' anu UWgvrOUS COtlllterleite. ta nurse who lnf(..teil mr hnlw. win, 11.1 1 ly a nurse who infected iny babe with blood lann. too nine one was unequal to tho struggle, and Us life was yielded up to tho fearful poison. For six long years I suf fered untold misery. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot, and no language, tan exprtss my feelings of woo during those long years, 1 had the best medical treatment. Sev eral physicians succes tlvely treated me. but all 10 no purpose. The mer curv nnd potash seemed to add fuel to the awful llame which was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific. We -got two bottles, arid 1 felt hope again rerlve tn my breast hope for health and happiness gain. I Improved from the start, and a com. Iilcte and perfect euro was tho result. B. S. 8. s the only blood remedy which reaches des perate caaes. Mas. T. W. Lir. Montgomery, Ala. Of the many blood remedies, S. 8. S. is tho only one which can reach deep seated, violent cases. It never falls to cure perfectly and permanently tho most uesporate cases which are beyond the reach of other remedies. C C CEO? Tilt Bl HHI irritatin,' stings, bitea, scratches, wounds and cuts goothed and healed by uewitts'a Mtch Hazel Salve a etire and eafo application for tortmed fleeh. Beware of counterfeits. ' Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough nnd catarrhal fever. Al though wo tried many remedies she kept getting worse, until we used One Min ute Cough Cure, it relieved at onco and cured her in a few days." 1$. L. Nance, Prin.iligh School, WuiTdale, Texas. Kodol Dyspepeia Cure tboroujfh'y di gests food without aid from the stomach and at tho same time heals and restores the diteaced digestive organs. It is tlie only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to per manently cure dyspepsia. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. O, J tabling, agent, The Dalles. M17 3m. Is HtiBELV vkqmtablk, and is tho only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, puMwn, or umer mineral. Valuable book) mailed free by Swift Bpaclflc GoiBBoy , AtLmU, Gwfgia. j ,,bont JJA. 8TURDEVANT, DentiHt. OUov over French it Co.'a liank TJIK UALLK3, OHK00N 7 a. m, Tues.Thur, and sat. direction iiIouk the center line of sa d alley to a iKiiui .u ieeiei oi tne easi line ot Uiusrillu street; thence tlelleetlnir to the riaht hv of about a JO-foot iu,ilu-, to connect with the branch of said sener system running up l-ausli-lin street, in said Laughlin street. ANo n brunch llueof said -ewer svstem. mm. menclUK at u point in the center of the ullev bo twecu second and Third street!. UiO fi-.t mr of tne east line of Monroe stieet, lunnlng theneo in westerly dlrellon uloug the center of said alley ton point 1') feet west of the east line of Monroe street, thence ilcUectlng to the right by a curve of about n Iwenty-foot radius, to a ihiIiu opposliethoncrthlitoofthe nllev between sild steond and Third streets, and tM feet eaU of the west lino of Monroe street: thenco In n ninth. erly direction parallel with the we-t lino ot I.v IMparia -luniui; juivi, uu'j si leei inereiroiu, towitnlu uany u ,jt mm,, iittu ui emu eer system hereinbefore described: thenco curviug to the left with n radius of about SO feet, to comnet with said main line. Also n branch lino of said sewer svsiem, com mencing on the wet lino ot Jellerson street. I'O feetnorth of tho south Hue of fourth stuvt thence running westerly parallel with the said north lino of rourlh street, to u point W feet west of thoeast Hue f Laughlin street; thence by a cuivc to the right ot abjut tuenty feet radius, to a point feet east of the west lino of 1-nilghlln slreet and IS) feet south of tho uor'h Ine of rourlh street; thenco northerly, parallel with the west lino of Luughliu street, to con nect with tho lnulu lino of Mid soer sjstem liereinbeforudescrllx-d, by a curve to tho left of nnout iwciity leet radius, where said main line I y ... .--.rv..v, j viuncvTi jjiuKoiin meet ut tho alky betueu second and Main Htucti. Also u branch ilnoof said sewer system, com mciiclng nt u ixjliit 1, feet south of the north noof nfth street nnd a) feet east of tho west llueof I.lbertv street; thenca nlou? said Liberty street parallel with Mid nest lino of snid street, u a northerly direction, to connect with Uw brunch of sewer system htreinbefoio desoilUii. lunnlng In tho alley betueoj eecond and lliinl streets, by n convenient curve to thuright.wheie said alley tetter crostes Liberty street. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing In tho center of thunlley between Ihltd and fourth streets. 2flo fit umi nf i n ' 1. and running along tho center of said allev to a point feet east of uid Litany street, mid con nwllng with the branch ol said sewer system Pi Liberty street, from tho east and west, by con venient curves of ubuita 'JO foot radius, at tho IKilut wheto said alley crosses Liberty street. Also n brunch Una of snld sewer system, com ment: tie in thocenternr ll...ll,.i- l.Uu....,.'-i ,.l ', and f ourth streets, :) feet east of Court street, and thence running along the center of laid al ley In a westerly direction, to a point a) feet west of the eatt lino of Union ir...,. ,,..',. a curve to the right of ubout a ).foot rudlu. to connect with tuoUutou street bruuel of sai l sewer system. Ata?, h""":, t MM ewer system, commeiic lp l' Hie tenter of tho allev bet een Third and , " , , I." poiniwj lecteustoi thoeast ' llneof WashliiRtou stieet.aud tuuiiltig thenco I uloug the center of said hIIhv i,, ,. ,J.V,', 'l. ! east of Jeilersoii slreet, aud coiineclliu with the I v, ni ntr sisiuai rilllliiiiLr ,iliM,,f Liuxhllu street, bv wom-ni.-iii ,r.-..w .:; t.'.r. W-leet radius, at a point whero said alley crosscJ suld Uughlm slreet, ' ,,u"v, Also n branch lluo of said fl!U'(r live lit m ikjrt. mciicinifiitn oliit 'ij feet north of thaMutn 11 1114 til WMMhlllUrs.il Hrsu. .1V.VV ii'lSHfW ii"."0" Ir,el with ssld lint lino of Fourth street, to ei,n.-..t ,v u ...... ""! ei J curve U) the lft,0faiK,uta w-fwit ridl t , with the Uuslillu-street branch of said sewer system, at the crossing of romih and Uugmfii ft if WW Also branch lluo of Mid sewer system, com. salem & Way Land's. IWlJ.LAMITTK AS I) VaM IIILI. IttVKllS. ; Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-Ijindlngs. ! i mmmmw lit, wiiywk! Fan j n 3:13 "p m No. 4 size 31., x 4'., S3.00 I No. 5-(Bizo 4 x 5) 10.00 bixAiine I f. ' rler. fj JustArrlvod : .1:00 a. ui '5 The otil) Vag iln.t ' 1,1 fi.ilnni i'l.t. I...O. ,, v. I p. m. 7 j 4 p. m. i r IKx.hlllldul ! H LA Z ' i sse m iP Al 1:30 p. m. m Kx.sunihi L b iM p. III. IMoii.AVed 9 FOR 1899. Points to Consldor: 12 Ploturimln 12 SooontlB. hhttttiir tlulb lioliinno. Hluittur Antnmutlc. Sluittur LockH, la Aluminum Hlatoliolcloru. Sot stops. Spoclal Quick Lens, Automatic FUrfflutor. AM pat'tu Inttiroluumonulo. Expoiiticl plntou romovocl without clkiturbhuf tinuxpoutid. 1899 CataloRtio with com ploto information FHEE. M. Z. DONNELL. Ca. m. . WiLLAjiRTTi: ItiVF.n. inc.. thur.U'ortlaiid to Corviillis,;Tiie., I hur and Sat. and Wiiy.ljindlngs. nnd but. I:S0 p. m, brunt: ltivr.it. Iiip.irlu to Ixiwlstou. i Ln.tvn I.KW1STO.S dally f?'1'"11? ''"lnuK tngo to Heppner should take .So. , leaving 'Die Dallei ut o:: p. y niakliig direct cotiiicctions at Heppner Junction Kelnrulng makliigdlrectconnection at lleppner Junction with .No. 1. arriving at Tho Dalles at 1:15 p, m, No. throusht freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; untvcs -i'.U) a. m departs ):ou, in. i 'm'i"'' '"P"1 ,rc.'ht carriei jusengers, ciiit V ,", . . ' ue arii,h;i,'j p. rn. nit. a I, west bound t hroiieh fnlehi. ,u,..v u'':P I'1UMW,;r'' ""Ives h;IO . iu departs '"'l"-1 UxM t'AKM, carries pas sengers; arrives .1:1.) p. m departs :W) a. in. For full particulars call on o. It. & N. t.'o.'s ngetit The hulles. or address W. II. IIIJUI.IIL'IIT, den lus. Agt.. I'ortlaud, Or, How About Your Title? UK YOT KI'ltH it is nil rilt V Homemher it U the Ki:COKI tlmt uoveriifl. Jt iu our busnu'es to search the reuords nnd hliow whut thev uoiituin In rulution to hind titk'u. if you uontomtilntu iiuyiui: I a ml or loaiiitic; moiii-y on real uHtntu Huunrity, tttku no mini' word, but iiiHint njion knowing whut the rooord allows ri'tinrdliiK thu title. An AbHtruct is tin ussentiul usr deed. ItiHiat on liiivliii it. Wo hrtve tho only set of Abatruct Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and eutiafiiL'tlon L'tinrnnttiiid. II voti huvo nron- urty to iiiHiiri', i;ivo iih u call. We itro uutitB for four of tho hi!st firo instiiratu'ii conipnntus in thu world. If you havo property for Hale, lint it with tia nnd wu'll Hilda buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. od sti oppoalto A. M. WllllnmB & Co. k4sssTsJUVHsTH r ..GHfls. mu Butehens and Fafmefs ..Exchange.. aLTul!i? Ca&!vl! ulged ho best beer In Tho Dalles, attheusuul price. Oomoln.iry iwiiio, ic convinced. Also J0 ruiTOfc uinnus oi aud Cigars, tt'lues, Ll jiior Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. Best Wopk at beast Possible Cost ounraiiletMl to give satisfaction. AVu nro liorc to stoy ; therefore every effort will be iimde to establish it business. Jt will pay you to examine o work nnil consult our prices. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: li.ntl, ,. .V.. ...i "' ""( lor luuiii m II . .." '"I HIIIUCU . ..H'.T - JBBl liolll l'illK.. $1,00 OP e silver or alloy niHna'.'." '. .WejK feethextriieted without , ml,, " ' N HUNTINOTON HUNTINOTOH A WUMON, AT10KNKVH AT L. OOlMOTOr H WILSON I A if TIIK llAI I ii .,,.. w i tho u t pii in '. '. '. '. ' ' '. ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ', '. '. '. '. '. '. '. , '. . '. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. Itooius U. 12. Hi, Chapman Ulock, Heeond St. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle.