BUSINESS LOCALS. Acts gently on the and Bowels ClEAnses the System r- f f i- i . i izai I t hWc&N"0" 8 1 UAU PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE- MAMT D By ?RKN1A pG $VRVP(g. res sin ey iu cirjGSCTi roct sot tin ktul PEOIXE TOU ALL KNOW. J. Stewart came in from Monk land la3t evening. Prof. J. S. Landers returned Inst even ing from a trip to Portland. Wm. Glnsius returned to join liis family in camp, at Collins Landing to day. 0. E. Bnyarl left thia morninc for Portland, aul from thore will visit the seaside. Miss Genrcia Bonntjy is in from her home nt Tygh taking the teachers examination. Mrs. Hobart and her daughter, Mrs 2fttie Booth, left this morning for .Iiwaco beach. Gordon Willfon, has roturned from an outing at Wind rivor and resumed hie lutie3in the employ of H. Glenn. alias Carno Ketchum returned to Portland today. She will spend the re mninder of his vacation at Tacoma Wash. Miss Lottie Roberts is up from Hood River taking the teachers' examination and is tlioeutst of Mrs. U.J. Urandall while here. Dr. G. E. Sanders will make the trip on tue tram tomorrow to meet nis son Earle, in Portland, aa he returns with the volunteers. Mr. and Mrs. H. S.'Wilson left on the boat this morninc for Portlaud. They will also mako a trip to the seaside be fore returning. Arthur Stubling mida ..the trip to Portland today, toKreel'bfroy nn thoir jcimii luiuurruw aim xumu nouie wun tlieni Saturday. Jack Gallagher, one of the best known railroad men along the road, accompa nied by his family, left last night to mam; ins tionio at f'ocatello. Zaahary Taylor came in from Antelope yesterday and will leave this afternoon to vicit hi con who is at present in bpoKnne receiving treatment. iwre. tienry iviuuit was a passenger on tho boat this morning on her way to Ocean Park to epend the remainder of tho Hummer with her daughter, Mrs. H. xsieieen. Fred W. WINon and Ed M. Wingate went down to Portland on the .boat this morning. The forniur will return to morrow, whilo Ed will remain until eaturday. Prof. J. T. XefT who is to be principal of tho sc'iools of our city during tho coming buhnol year, arrived in Tho Dalles yesterday to fill his placo as a member oi tne examining board. Ohri Schwal e returned to hie'duties 'n the CmioMCLK uflicci laH ovenins, hav ing spent ton days in campat 8tevenson. lie says there are ulout sixty Dalles peopyj in camp there, and they are having a great time. G. B. Bmh, of tho Oregon Telephone Co., returned yesterday from Prinoville, where he has been lookinir after the interest of the company. The line to that vIhc ia now fn' splendid working order, and the aluminum wires are eald to give tho beat of satisfaction. use the the Vive Postoflice tf nre Im-Donnell'a For the best results Camera, For aale by narmacy. Latest thing in cameras proved Magazine cyclones at drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale nt nil first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale nt nil first-class bare. C. J tabling, agent, The Dalles. M173m. Try Yerba Buenn Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17.3U1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nenrlv dead with croup." Butler-Drug Co. "We have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhaner, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly Eafo and can be reiied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given tlmt tho city council of Dalles City has determined to establish sewer system for nil that portion of fnlil city ly lup below the blutr ami cast of IJnraln Mreot, ami has further determined that tho cost of such sewer system shall bo assessed ugitlust the property benctltcil thereby. Said sewer system Is to be of terra cottn plie and tho extent and location thereof to be us follows: Tho main lino of snld sower syitom ehall ex tend from the low wiite: lino of the Columbia river, where the east mamlu of the mouth of Mill creek at said low water strikes said river; thence iiIohr tho eat batik of said JIM creek C50 feet to n stake under the north trestle of the Own ltallroad it Navigation Company's rall roacMhcnco nt it right delleotlou of 10 decrees anil 10 minutes from tho course last puisueil 1S1-3-10 feet to n stake '.i-lS-KO leet north of the northwest corner of tho stone wall boundlm: tuet. n. wiiMin nrotiertv: t uenoont n Hectlon from tho courte Just ilocrlhnt mcncInK In tho center of the alley (or Sixth s t.) south ofblock 11, at n point where the west lino of Washtnpton street crosses said alloy: theijcc westcrly aloiiR the center of said alloy to a point :w feot west of tho east lino of Court street) thenco bv a convenient curve to the tight in about VO-fcet radius to a point 20 feet east of the west line of Court strrot; thenco In a iiortlicrlj direction ivirnllol with the west line of Court street to Uie south lino of Fourth stieet; theneo by a curve to tho left, of about a ai-foot radius, to a point on the west lino of Court street, l feet north otthu south line oi 1-ourtli street, thenco westerly a long Fourth street, parallel with the south Hue of said Fourth street, to n point .) feet wet of the east line of Cnlon street! Iliencu connecting by ii convenient curve to the tulit. of about a su-loot rmllus, with tho hralieh Hue of said sower system running along Union st. Krees and minutes lis fe-'tton point on the west lino of Union street, ISO fietuorlli of Kccond Also n branch line of uitd sewer system, com mencing at a iHiIntopposlte the center of the al ley between Fourth and l'llth stieets, ai feet eait of tho west Hue of Washington street, ami tuiiiiliiL- thence in u westcrll clltirtlon along . ' V . the center of said alley to a r iiit?W feet west of : t ie east line of court street; inencii oy a i w i, J nn t in i ulciit curve to the right of about a UO-loot r, ; radius EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route to connect with the branch of said sewer system street; thence ciosslngOuIon street to the cen- riui""u "". ter of the alley between Second and Main Also a branch lino of said owor system, coin street, thenco along the center of said alley, ! menclngat a point JO feet north of the south f mm Uulon to Kaughlln street! thence contln-. Hue of Hfth street, and la) feet west of the west ulug In a straight lino on tho same courseacross i Hue of Court street, running thence In an east Umghlin strctit, ton iwint on the east line of , erly direction to tho west Hue of Court streit; said street, lis fMtiiortliof.SccondstriX'ti thence thenco by a curve to the left, CI about n AMoot continuing in a straight Hue on the same courte. across blork Uitisliliu'.s addition to Dalles City, 500 feet, to Jetlersou street, on a lino liS feet from, and parallel to, heeouil street: thence continuing on said straight line, In the same course, 1U teetluto Jellei son street to a point 10 leet east of tho west line of Jtll'ersoii street and 12S fcot north of becond street. Thence at a left dcllcctlon from the lino last described, 33 degrees and 2.J minutes, Sl-S-100 ea5t lmu o Liberty street: thenco by a curve to nidlin, to ii.letsect with tho hranen in sam sewer system ruunlng on Court olivet at tho crossing of said lifth and Court streets. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com menciug at the center of the alloy between Fourth and Fifth streets, at n point ax) feet east of the east Hue of Liberty street, running thenco In a westerly direction along the lino of the cen ter of said alley, 10 a pom i .u lueiwesi oi uir -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlai. I fi:0O r. M. S:30 A. M. Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. M. OVERLAND Dress. Salem. Kose-' mirg, . ranien F'rancl; Los Angele3,Ell'aso, i New Orleans and East S Hoseburc and way stii- itions Via woodbur.i fori I M:.Angel, Silverton, i Wf3t bcio, Browns- ville.Springaeldaud I Natron J (Corvnllls and way) (stations I 0 A. M. it Daily except Suudjjys. 5:501'.il. Ask yaurl Druggist forgMfowi 10 CENT TRIAL IZK. Ely's Crui Bali iwUIm no eootiav, Mwcory nor My otter bijrtoia draff. It to quickly Abtortud. IX lleiM ftt oace. ' It opena and thui AJUjt laaaunMion CATARRH Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itmrtlflniallttrlln-asf afVia fJ.-J .u. Attire in Btramrthanincr anA rmnn. ttraotlurtbe ex&aiutod digestive or mi. ItiatbeUteAtdiKorereddlgMt ot Bod tonic. Ho other preparation on approach It in efflclenV .It In- COLDHiHEl INDEl'ENDESCE PASSENGER. Eapress train Dally (except Sunday). l!50p. ra. rLv Portland.. ..Ar.) 8:2.5 a. m ;p. m. At..i;ciiinnviue..J-.v. ,';oijc, m 8:30 p.m. (Ar.. Independence.. 4:60 a. m. Dally. tDauy, except huuaw. DINING CAKS ON OGDEN KODTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPEIIS ND 8ECOND-CUV53 SLEEPING CAr.fa Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi dental aud Oriental and Pacific mall tieamsbip Hues for JAPAN and CUINA. Sailing dates on application. Kates and tickets to Eastern point and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU unc AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive nt and depart iron1 Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irins street; YA1I1I1LL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jenerson street Leave for Sheridan, week days, t4:00p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Ijeave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesdny and Friilay at 3:40 a.m. Arrive at Portlaud, Tue dav, Thursday aud Saturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. 'E. :cpt Saturday. It. XuE.'iLEK, i, 11. JIARKHAM, ilanaer. Asst. G. P. A. Pass. Apt Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, whert through tickets to all coints in the Eastern SUtes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIKKLANI), Ticket Agent, or N. WIIEALDON. Santa Fe H Ofltirs trnvelers choice of the followinc routes east, xhey tiro all famous fur their scenic attraction. O. K. fc N. view Oplen and Denver. Shasta Ruute.viinv Sucinniento. Oirden and Denver. Shasta Itouto view Sacramento. Lob Angeles anil Alburquerque. A daily line of thruusrh PULLMAN PALACl!; and TOUKIST BLHKl'EU, from San FranctECO and Los Anirelea to Chicago. This is The Short Line the East. from southern California To Anplv to the asonts of the O. H. & X. Co. or the undereifned, for foldera nnr" descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester. BU1K. Portland, Or. feet, to n stake:! feet west oftho east line of Jellerson street; thenco at a right dellectlon from the line Inst decrlbed 'i! degrees and 13 minutes, 110-17-100 feet, ton stake; thence at a right dcllcctlon from the lino last described 27 degrees and CO minutes 110-MOO feet toji "stake 17 s2 100 feet from the i oulheast corner of the lawn fence west of the O 1". & N. Co.'s de)t, thencoat a left dellectlon fiom said lino II de grees aud li minutes, -IGo-y-lO feet ton point on the west Hue of Monroe street 130 leet north of Second street and &-7-U)fect north oi the north, west comer of -Moody's brick warehouse; thenco continuing In a straight line on the course last described 150 S7-UO feet to a point fi feet north of the north-east corner of Moody's wooden ware house K! 5 10 feet north of Second street and 70 feet cast of Monroe street; thence tit aright de llectlon from the last line 7-C. SGOSfl-lOO teet, to u stake in Taylor street, SD-6-10 feet north of Second street and -li'-7Moo feet west of the west end of the Wasco warehouse. A branch of said fewer system shall connect with the main line in Union street, Z) feet from the west line of said street, at a point l'JS feet north of Second street, and shall run along said Union street to feet east of the west Hue thereof, to a point '.V feet south of the north lino of Tenth street. Another branch Hue of said sewer yste:n s'jall commence In the center of tho allev be tween Second and Third streets, at n point 10 feet west of the cist line of Lincoln streut, and ran thenc; along the center of said allev to a uolnt "JW) feet' oast of the cast lno of Court street, connecting with tho branch of said sewer i sjstcin tunning up union street hereinbefore detctlbcd, from theenst and west, by convenient curves of about a twenty-foot radius. Also n branch of said sewer system commenc ing in the center of the alley between Second aud Thiid streets, on the east line of Washing ton street, and running thence easterly along tho center of said alley, to u point where the cenlerof said alley intersects with the pre.-ent sewer of Max Vcgt At Co., where it cro-ses said alley. Thenco northerly and easterly along the line of said j-civeras It u now located, to the point where said sewer intersects tho main Hue of tho sewer hereinbefore described, at a point where the main line of said sever crosses l-'cd- cral stieet, between second and Thlid. Also, n branch line of said sewer syslem, com mencing at a point in the center of said allev be tween Second and Third streets, loo feet east of Federal street, and running thence along the center oi sum auey in me west line ot l-augtillu street: and thenco coim.ctinir with tholau-'h lln street sewer by a left curve of about a "JO-foot radius, lnsaiu lJiugnun street. Also a branch lino of said ewer system, com mencing at ui!utoQ the east lineof Monroo street, -'0 feet norm of tho south line of Third street, tunning thenco westerly, parallel to the south line o Third street, and a) leet from said south line to a point 40 feet west of tho cast lino oi Jiaiuson street; inenee curving to the ngUt with a curve of about n 20-foot radius, to a ijlut iu said Madison s'reet W feet from the north line of Third street and 0 feet from the west line oi sam Jiaaison street; thenco northerly along said Madison street on a line parallel with theweit line of said street, ton point 20 feot ironi me wesi jme oi sum street, and JJ leet south of tho center line of theallev between Sec ond and Third streets; thence dtlleotlng to the lelt Mj a curve of about a BMoot radius, ton poiut wnere tne west iineot mmiisou street in tersects the center line of snM alluv ltun.n Second and Third streets; thenco iu a westerly direction along the center line nf ha d alley to a Ijiiuuj leciwesi oi me east niie oi Jjiugnilu street: thence deilectiiiif lo tho rlirht hv n f.nrvf, of about nJ-foot ladius, to connect with the orancn ot sam sewer system running up Laugh lin street, In said Lnughlln street. Also a branch line of said sewer svitom. on. mcm-jug ai a poim in ino center oi tno alley be tween Second and Third strt-et.. 'joo feet mr nf tne eait lino of Monroe street, running thence In n westerly dirctlon along tho center of said alley to a polut W feet west-of the east line of Monroo street, thence dcilectlng to tho right by a curve of about a twenty-foot radius, to u point opposltuthcricithllLoof the alley between said Stcond and Third stteets.nnd -JO feet east of the west lino of Monroo street; thence In a north erly direction pa'rnlM with tho west lino oi Monroe street, aud 20 feet therefrom, to within 20 feet of tho main line oi said sewer system hereinbefore described: thenco curvlug to the left with a nWius of about SO feet, to contact with said main line. the right of about a SM-font radius, to connect with the Llborty-sticet branch of tho said sewer system. Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com mencing at tho center of the alley north oi Main street and SO feot west of Washington St.: thence running along the center of said alloy to n polut 310 feet west o! futon street: thence connecting with the nialii sewer s.istcm near the bank of Mill creek, by a cut ve to the right of about a ij-foot rtdlus. Also iibraneh lino of said sewer system, com mencing at a polut In fourth street, 2"0 feet west of the west Hue of Liberty street, mid 20 feet north of tho south lino of Fourth stieet, running thence in an easterly dlicction along Fourth street, prUIel with the south Hue of said stttet to tne west Hue of Liberty slieet; thenco b) a convenient curve to the lelt of about 20-feet radius, to connect with tho branch ol said sewer system running up and down Lib erty stieet, at tho crossing of said fourth aud Liberty streets. This notice Is published by order of said City nniincll. made on AliL'llst 5tM. ISVJ. Nf I) II. OATES, augS Recorder oi Dalles City part J'Oll Ttsti: sciinnutK. Fiiost Dalles. Fast Mall 11 :W p. m. Salt Lnkr. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas 'City, St. Louis, cmcago and bast. Spokane Flyer 5:10 p. m. 5 p. m. 8 p.m. Ex.Sunday Saturday 10 p. in. Wnlla Walla, f-rmkaiic, Minneapolis. St. Paul, iJ u 1 11 1 h, Milwaukee, cmcago and J-.ast. Fuojf Por.TLANn. Ocean Steamships. For ban I'ranchco January and every live days thereafter. Columbia Uv. Steamers. To Astokia and Way landings. Akhive Fl'.OM. Fa't Mall 3:1S p Spiikano K4yer. 1:00 u. m I p. m. 4 n. m. Kx.Suuda) fia. b. illa:iktti: Iiivm:. t:30p. m. Lx.Sunday!0regon City. NewbergE.x.aiindHy j Salem i Way Ijiud's. 7 a. m. Ttics.Thur. aud bat. C a. m. Tuc.Thur, aim bat. WlLLAItTTE AND YAM HILL lilVKCS. Oregon City, Davton, and Way-Ijindliigs. 3:30 p. m. Mon.,Ved and Fri. Willametti: HiVEit. 1 4-ryir, m Portland to CorvalIis.lTiie..'1'hur and Wny-Ijindlngs. i and Sat. Lv Rlparia aany fi.VAKK I'.IVEK. Rlparia to Iyjwiston. Ljiavk Lkwisio.i dally r Also a branch lino of said sewer system, com menemg on tne west lino of Jellerson street. 20 iwiuorui oi iiiosouin into ot jourtli street; thence running westerly panillcl with the s.iid north lino of tourth street, to a point 20 feet west of tho cast lino of Laughlln street: thenco u) ciiivu hi me ngni ot about twenty fc-et radius, to u point 20 feet east of tho west line of Laughlln street mid 20 feet south of the north 'li'e ol Fourth street: thenco northerly, parallel n.iHiuvuvHiiiiuiii j'tiuHuuu street, to con nect with the main lino of said soer system Hereinbefore described, by a curve to the left of about twenty feet radius, where said main lino of said hewer system crosses Laughlln street ut me uui. Hviwicu ctcouu una nam ntrcets. AHo n branch lino of said menclng at a joInt ;) feet south of the north no of Filth street and 20 feet east of tho west Hue of Liberty street; thence along said Liberty street parallel with said west Hue of said street. in u noitiieriy direction, to connect with th-i vv ?al' jii-icniueioru acseribvu, runulng Iu tho alloy betweoa becond nnd Ihlnt "treciSj by u convenient curve to the rlght.wheio ukc wine, viuAac9 i.iuvri Bireet Also a branch lino of said owcr system, com mencing iu the center of thoalloy bctween'lhird and trourth street, 23) feet Host of Liberty st., and running along tho center of wild ullcv to u point aa) ft-ct et of said Lilwrty stieet, mid con nectlng with the branch oi said sewer system la Liberty street, from tho east and west, by con. vonieut curves of about a 20 oot radius, ut tho polut where tuld alley crosses Liberty tieet, Also a branch lino of said newer system, com mencing in tho center of theulley between Third and I'ourth streets, sao feet cast of court atreot, aud thence runnlug along the center of said al ley in u westerly direction, to a point 20 feet west of tho east Hue of Union utrect; thenco by 0 curve to the right of alxjut a 20-foot radius, to connect with the Union street branch of sail ewer system. Also a branch of said sewer system, commenc ing In the center of tho allev between Third and 1 ourtli strotu, at n point ta feet it of the Swt lineof Waihlnvtoii itrwt. ri ..ri.. Vi";. along the center of said alley to a point sou Tfeot east of JeUersim mreet. and connwflnit with the branch of said sewer system runmV uir, Z Lughlln street, by cpiifenlent curves of about 20-leet radius, at a uolnt ivimr.. .iri un..u ...Zj...'. Mid Laughlln utreet. ' """" Also a branch lino of Maid meuclujtata. polut ao fevt north of thoVou h ivillf IVJ. 'SLS 'eut ".. ' wt w. .....Bn,u nee,, i ii lining ineuce in an easterly direction parallel Willi aald iSa h Hue of fourth street, to connt liv ,.,w..i l5;54rvo., We .Wt.ofabouta 20-foot radlui, with the Laughlln stiect branch uf said iwer tyimrn, at tho crying of Fourth aud Uughlln i tree u Alw branch Hue of laid Mwr system, coin- Otto opt PP farties desiring to go to Iicppner should Si I' leuvl"K '"10 Dalles at fi:r) p. m ,.v h, ,"';'-,"uyeous in neppner iiiuntimi llctnrnlng makiiigdlrtctconiicction at Heppner Junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at ilia i. m. No. S.', throught freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 2:M) a. m departs 3:u)nm. No. 21, local freight, carrlea passengers, cast bound; arrives l:aj p. m departs 8:10 p. in. No. 21, west bound through freight, doc not u":5)p ",H'n!''',' "rrlves :)r j m departs No. 21, west bound local freight, carries pas scngers; arrives &:U p. m., rteparu, 8:30 a, in. rI Jl'.u Tartlciilnrn call nu O. Ii. & N. Co.'s Rgcnt The Dulles, or address W. II. HUP.LHUIIT, Pus. Agt Portland, Or, Knowledge Concentrate- 3 vr isT wr& boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of tho ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of hooks enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can rely upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. o (ion ..CflnS. PRAM.. Bute hers and FavmePB ..Exchange.. J0.?1l,n!,EtE,l't? cSS52S! edged tho bot beer In Tho Dalles, at tho usual price. Comoln.lry It and be convinced. Also tho dUigm. ' Wln81', U:,Uor Saoduiiehes of all Kind always on baud, Improved CYCLONE M6azine' FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider! 1 12 Plottirun In 12 SooondG. 2 Stuittur Bulb HolonHO. 3 -Shuttur Autotnutlc. 4-- Shuttor Looks, r. I a Aluminum Hlntoholcloro. 6 Sot ntopB. 7- Spuolnl Qulnk Lonn. 8 Automntio nj(rlntor. o AM iiartu Intorchnnconblo. lO Exnotmci plntiiH romovod without clluturblni? unuxpouod. No. 4 isizo 3'-4 x 4') SS.00 No. 5-(slzo4x5).. 10.00 1899 Cataloptuo with com ploto information FREE. Junt Arrived. The mily .Miir izIim C'lincrn with bulb shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. How About Your Title? , KK YOU SUltE it iH nil riglit? Kumembor it if the iU'.UUKU tlmt imvfrriH. it ta our Iiiihiiicbh to eenrcii tlio rccordH utul bIiow wliut tliov contain in nilntion to lntid tithfH. If you con tuui pinto buying hind or loaning money on runl uatatu Bouiirlty, tnku no limn' won!, but inaiat ujioii krnwini: what ttiu record uhowa rwnriliiii tint title. An AbHtntct 1h no t'Bfloniinl nsa tlued. IiiHiHt on biivinij it. Wu hnvo tho only Het ol Abstruct Hooka in the County. All work proir tl)' ex ecuted mill entlafiictlan itiiurnnti-uil. 11 vim Imvo ru, erty to iiiMiue, iilvu ua n cull. Wu uro tijrontu for four uf tbu beat ilro inauraiifo compiwiliia iu tho world. If you bnvo propurty for aalo, liat it with no und wu'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington & Co. Phono 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co. Best Work at Least Possible Cost Gimmnlccd to give sntiarnction. Wo nro Imrn tn sinw tboroforc evert effort will be mude to establish it bustneas. Jt will pay vou to cxauiino our work and consult our prices. 4- It WIUOK B B HUMTINQTON TJUNX1NOTON d W1L80N. JJ. ATIOUNKYH AT IAW, CONSIDER OUE PEICES: ssisar.f.iterk ,22k-8o,d)' per tooth ::8 Beat Gold Fillinte ' .$1.00 op Heat silver or alloy filling , , . ,60c op Teeth extracted without imln ' 8 Rooms 11-12.13, Chapman Mock, Second St. Portland Dental Parlor. Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronic