The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 09, 1899, Image 3

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    SPECIAL Just received, "Rough
Rider Ties," 50c each. See window.
White Goods, Dimities, Lawns, &c,
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
TIiIh will not niTect thn prlcoH no offered in all for
mer liiieti of Summer Wash Goods.
Special Sale in Ladies' Hosiery
and Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladles' firown ITobo, Riiaranteod fust color; regular prico IGc;
.Sale price ...,
Lndies' SenmU'SB Colored Hone, tho very bent lielo thread,
fancy drop Htitcli, Bpliccd heole nnd tooB, tun und hrown;
regular price 75c; eulo priqo
Shirt Waists Must Go. '
We enrry none over; prices cut down to n mero fraction of for
mer value, A fine Gingham or Percale VVaiut, worth $1,
Sale price
A fine 7'erculo, colored and white, Pique and Lawn Shirt
Vaiut, former price $1.25 and $1 50, Bule price
In Our Clothing
Wo have just a few left of those
BOYS' WASH SUITS at 65 Cents.
You had bettor hurry up before they are all uonc. JuBt tho thins for
title warm weather.
Crash Suits, Crash Hats
Straw Hats at half price.
Wo are determined not to carry over
All Goods Mark: 'A
In Plnln FlnuroB.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 0. 1899
Telephone No
All Changes in Advertisements must
lie lmiidtd in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no clmiiRcs will be accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, ib'oo. '
Keuulnr meeting of tho Maccabees
Gut out tiio -If h nf Jnlv Imnthif and
Lut every building bo decorated.
The right party can secure steady
employment by applying at tho Singer
BJwing machine olllco in this city, on
Second street, near Union. au(9 3t
F. C. Sexton has moved luto lts new
residence on tho hill. It isffn moit
deairublo location, commandihg a splen
did view of tho river and sconery along
its butikp, and conveniently constructed.
Two womon, or rather girlc, for they
were young, were nrrented this morning
'or Inhabiting u bawdy house. They
wore llnud $10 each and bolng unable to
Pay, wore placed in jail, where they are
now confined.
llfteon young ladies are today being
examined for county teachers' certifi
cates at tho superintendent's olliee In
fie caurt house. The examination for
toJay h jn jioniuanship, history, spell
,nK mid reading.
"uipauy ij will not mnuo tlie trip to
Portland In a body to greet tho boys,
uut many will go down of their own
accord. Capt. Bartell Jeavee on the
urly morning train. He Informs us
Hint forty will bo about tho number of
'"turning Dalles soldiers, Including, of
course, those who enlisted from the
country tributary.
Sinclair Bros., assoyers who ore here
for a short time, claim that soveral rich
samples of gold-bearing ore, taken from
I'ohits within the city limits and further,
have boen brought lu to them for assay.
They say that out of eight different lots
tested yesterday, in Ave gold was found
two samples yielding gold .values tflAO
nd 2o.8Q. Porphory ore is also said to
have been taken from a well on the
northwest tide of town, giving out gold
nl pktlna over 100 uer ton. Should
this when further investigated prove to
at less than cost.
any of our summer goods in this
Pease & Mays.
bo substantial, no little excitement will
be caused here, and these gentlemen
claim a company may be formed to
erect u smelter and work same on
custom work.
It had been planned and advertised
that the Dalles City would leave Port
land at 8 o'clock this morning with a
party of touiiets from New York, reach
ing here early in the afternoon, and
starting back at 4 o'clock, thus giving
thoBo who cleelro an opportunity to take
advantage of the excursion rateB to
Portland, reaching there at 10 o'clock.
Presumably on account of tho rainy
weather the excursionists gavo up tho
trip, and therefore tho Dalles City stayed
in Portland and the afternoon trip was
abandoned. Many who had planned to
go down were much disappointed.
The Oregon Short Line, it is an
nounced from an authoritative source,
has decided to begin tho erection of
pormanent locomotive and ropnir siiops
at Pocatello, Idaho, and the work upon
the new buildings will begin before tho
close of the present year. It is stated
in t liia connection that the Short Line
shops of Shoshone, Idaho, built many
years ago by Charles Francis Adams,
when lie was connected with the Union
Pacillc, and long einco abandoned, will
be torn down and the material brick
and stone used in their construction
moved to Pocatello for use in tho new
buildings there. Thousands of dollars
are being paid each year on these vacant
shops at Shoshone, and by using tho
material at Pocatello this item of ex
pense will be saved.
Nothing could bo more welcome (unless
itjia tho soldier boys) than the delightful
shower which mndo its appearance dur
ing the night, settling the dust, clearing
the atmosphere and making everyone
glad. In the elty we had .04 of an Inch ;
and havo been hoping all day that tho
threatening storm would materialize,
but only a few drops have deigned to
fall. From all reports the storm is gen
eral throughout the country, and far
more copious, extending out beyond
Sherar's Bridge and Bakeoven. No
damnge can result from the ruin, and a
day or two more of it would not injure
the grain, unless it was too heavy. The
campers along the river received their
share and at Casoades all the spare can
vas was brought into play, doing good
service as canopies. It will probably
not continue, but just come to take pity
on us after the dreadful dust storm we
have experienced.
Tomorrow tte eloied eeaion for fish
log begins and coutinuea until the 10th
of September. Ah far as fishing along
the river here li concerned it might aa
well bo a continued closed season this
year, for virtually no catch has been
made. At Seufert's there has been
about a fifth of the usual catch, while
others have done simply nothing In
that line. Tho fishermen along the
lower river complain that theie is alco
a shortage there, and that the combine
is 100,000 cases short of what they ex
pected. They claim the long-continued
high water is partially the cause, and
also that seals nnd ecu lions havo anni
hilated the pnlmon. They have, how
ever, hal a fair catch there. At the
Catcides tho catch has been about as
usual. We on tho middle Columbia
claim that we have worse than sea lions
to contend with, our enemy being tho
leads put out at and near tho Cascades,
which will not admit of tho fish passing.
This, our fishermen aver, is unlawful
and our legislature should protect us
against them, by prohibiting their use.
If not, tho fishing industry is a dead
letter along this part of tho river.
Tom Scott Knter the "Valley of tlio
Nliudow" mill ConiCH IlncK
Ono of the most peculiar experiences
ever recorded was that of Tom Scott, an
aged citizen cf this place, sayB the East
Oregonian. Mr. Scott is 79 years old,
and lias lived in this region for 49 years.
He has been sick with a complication of
heart and stomach troubles, and under
constant watchfulness for many days.
Mr. It. M. O'Brien has been one of the
watchers, and he relates the story, which
will appeal to everyone as remarkable.
Mr. Scott was gradually einking, and
two mornings ago at. a few minutes alter
midnight made up his mind that be was
dying. He resigned himself to his fate,
and settled himself to receive the sum
mons to travel to that mysterious realm
from which one is supposed never to ie
turn. To all intents and purposes, he
did actually travel part of the way (to
ward that realm, and literally, in the
words of the author of Thsinatopfeip,
"wrapped the drapery of his couch
about him, and lie down to pleasant
His feet nnd hands gradually grew
colder, and for a time there was a com
plete cessation of animation. II !b pulse
ceased to beat, indicating that the heart
had given up its function. The cold
ness of feet and bands crept upwards,
until there was left not a sign that life
remained within the body. He was
fcivon up for dead.
But, Death, which apparently had
decided to claim this aged traveler along
life's 'roadway, altered hie plans, and
once again life brcan to appear in the
wasted bodv, and in a few hours Mr.
Scott was in better health than he had
enjoyed for several weeks. He aroso
from the lart;u chair in which his heart
trouble had compelled him to remain,
instead of u bed, and went about the
house in his! manner. In speak
ing of the experience, Mr. Scott said :
"In a sense, I have died, and gone
through all the sensations of death. OI
course, I was not dead. But I ilrmly
believe I experienced every feeling of
ono who really dies. And, now I must
pass through these experiences again,
for I uiUBt die very soon. Having had
this experience, I now know exactly
what it is to die, and when the time
comes for me really to die, I know just
what to look forward to."
W. It. C,, Attention-
The members of tho Wotnans' Relief
Corps are teqiiested to meet at the lodge
room at 4 o'clock Saturday evening to
form and march in u body to tho D. P. &
A. N. dock, where thoy will join in
welcoming the returning heroes. By
order. Mitt). J. A, McAkthuk,
Sen. Vice Pres.
Volunteer lli'ci'jitlun.
The Volunteers will arrive at Portland
on Thursday, the 10th Inst, und will re
main in Pot Hand Thursday and Friday,
returning to Tho Dalles via Steamer
Regulator. Excursion rates will be as
Dulles to Portland mid return Auk. 10, Regu
lator lt'UVVH Thu Unlli'8 at B u, in. Utile ?1.WJ.
Dulles to L'nftCiidPH mid return--AUK'. l'- Dulles
City leaves Thu Dalles at h a. in. Kate fl.W.
Tickets limited to Saturday, Aug. 12.
V. O. Ai.i.awav, Gen. Agt.
Dalles, Aug. 7, 1899. ' nug7-lw
A Chilli Kiijoyi,
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother bo costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow Its use; so that
it is the best family remedy known and
every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by the California 1
Syrup Co.
Gun-shot wounds and powder-bums,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
ing quickly healed by DeYVltt'a Witch
Hotel Salve. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware ocounterfelts. De
Witt's is tuft und tun, Butler Drug Co.
With nprn Arm, Nolur Cannon, Mimic,
flpnechn anil a Grand Itall.
The 4th of July won't be in it with the
day the boys come marching home, and
that day, or evening, will be Saturday,
and the hour, as near as wo can tell, is
5:30 o'clock. Mr. Allaway will bend
every energy to havo tho boat hero no
later than that.
A ucetmg of tho gcnoral committee
was held last evening at the club rooms,
with Mayor Knrk presiding, when the
entire plan for tho reception was re
viewed and arrangements mado concern
ing it. While these have not as yet
taken definite shape, they will be about
as follows, and it is especially desired
that each citizen co-operate to carry
them out in every detail:
A committee of reception will meet
them at the Cascades, and as soon as
the Regulator Is sighted from this city
tho firing of anvils, tooting of whistles,
ringing of bells, and in fact every means
of announcing their coming will be em
ployed, and continued until the landing
is made, Tho committee has no desire
to interfere with the reception and wel
come which will take place on the dock,
that will take care of itself, other than
the ladies have arranged that a parade
of little children will be on hand with
flowers, and the band will also welcome
them with music. As soon as possible
the parade will take place, ending at the
armory, where a banquet will bo given
immediately afterward, followed by a
general reception.
In the evening the reception con
tinues, including a few very short
speeches, music by the band and two
vocal selections. The exerciees will
close with a ball, for which the best of
music will be engaged. The bill will be
given in deference to a request from the
boys, who Bay they have danced to keep
out of the reach of the bullets, and
would enjoy a change of program in the
dancinc line. This would indicate that
they have not left their arms ia San
Francisco after all.
There are many minor details in con
nection with the reception which will
add greatly to its effectiveness; but
those mentioned are the principal
The committee has telephoned and
also written to prominent men in our
neighboring towns requesting them to
invite their-citi.ens to join us in our cel
ebration. Word has aho been sent to
relatives of the boys.
Such is the lteijuett ut the ;Comnilttoe
Alfto Decorate In an Ainroyrl
ate Manner,
Tiie committee takes this means of re
questing tiio business houses to close on
Saturday evening at 0 o'clock, in order
to allow their employes to join in the
recaption of the volunteers. Also
particularly urges that places of busi
ness and residences along tho line of
march, and all others who may find it
convenient, bo decorated in an appro
priate manner. The line of match is its
follows :
Form on First, right on Court nnd
Second. March west on Second to
Union ; south on Union to Third; west
on Third to Liberty; south on Liberty to
Fourtli ; east on Fourth to Washington ;
north on Washington to Second ; east on
Second to Taylor; counter march ; turn
to right; west on Second to Federal;
south on Federal to Third; west on
Third to armory.
1. Mayor and Council.
2. Band.
3. Co. D, O. N. G,
4. Volunteers.
5. G. A. R.
0. W. R. C.
7. Fire Department.
8. Lodges and Societies.
9. Citizens aud Carriages.
N. Whealdou lias been appointed
marshal .of the day.
tlu lift Library Car.
Commencing August 10th a bullet
library car will be placed in service be
tween Chicago and Portland, Or,, on
trains Nos. 1 and 2. This car lias a
spacious smoking saloon furnishod with
easy chairs, writing desks, u well selected
library of standard and popular books,
guidebooks and current periodicals, a
well stocked bufl'ot, a barber shop and
an apartment for baggage. Through
dining car service will bo inaugurated on
that date between Portland und Chicago,
both via Granger and Ogden. New
chair cars of the latest pattern and new
baggage and mull cars are to be added to
the present through service of Pullman
pulace and Pullman tourist sleepers
which have recently been placed hi ser
vice, when the entire train will be vestl
billed, thus making trains Nos, 1 and 2
equal, if not superior to many of the
widely advertissd limited trains in the
East. . aug8-15d
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points; saddle marks and brand B L on
leftshonldcr with running R underneath,
and weighing about 000 pounds. Owner
can have eamo by proving property and
paying all charge?. lj84m
Cah In Your Checks.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to October 1,1895, will be paid at my
ofllce. Interest censes after Julv 20,
1809. C. L. Phillips;
Conntv Treaenrer.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing constina
tlor and liver ailments. Butler Drug
You can't cure dyspepsia by'dieting
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digesle
food without aid from tho stomach, and
is made to cure. Butler Drug Co.
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
t Offlce over French & Co.'s Hunt
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given lo surgery.
Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vogt Block
Restorti VITALITY,
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wastintr diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana indis
cretion. Anerretouicand
blood builder. Brings the
jT,r piutc glow lUjjaietuccaadm.
restores tne lire oi j-outn.
Bv mail COcner box: O boxes
for $12.50; with a written guaran
tee to euro or refund, tho money.
Clinton & Jaclison Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnnft Rpndlnff n nkffrh nnd deseiintlnn raa
quietly ascertain our opinion frco whether a-;.
Invention Is prohnbly patentable. Communlciu
tlons strictly contidoiittal. Handbook on l'ateuta
Bent free. Oldest niicnry for securing patents.
Tutents taken tbrounh Jlunn & Co. receive
tptcial notice, without charge. In tho
scientific jmienca
A handsomely lllnstratPd weekly. I-areest clr
rear: four niontbu, ku 6old by all newsdealer.
SCO.3010-New York
Offlce, ati V S-U Washington.'!. C.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
I Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in shnyio tc? proporly
A handle till kinpa of woiic
from a punoturo to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns, Sowing Machines and all
kinds of light raaohiuery, etc.
This department is under the oharge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
1.1.9 I I
iici real
tp get the meals for tho family
when you have a complete set
of needful! utensils and havo a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. Wo fur
nieli kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want nnything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
Btock of tinware, granitownre,
dell ware, table cutlery, car-'
vers, meat cutters, misen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other thing to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double oven
cook stoves from $8.00 up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware. ,
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Call nt Mnlcr A Benton's nnd seo
tlio Antiseptic Neet Egg. With the
use of this Netit Keg ou will Imve
no more I.lce, Mites or Vcrnip in
your poultry hourvs. Setting bean
will set better eggs mid will hatch
better and chlcnens will live nnd
grow better where AutiM-ptic Jigg is
used. See them at
167 Second St.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor. Scconcl & LanaMin. 'Phone 157
"What might have been" if that
little cougli hadn't been neglected, is tho
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. Ono Minuto Cough Curo cures
coughs nnd colds. Uutier Drug Co;
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for tho
teeth. tf
& Ben