I) Sidles Chronicle- vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1899. NO 100 SAYS DREYFUS IS His Counsel Talks Wiln tlie Greatest Freedom, HE WILL BE ACQUITTED Assert That The Judges Arc Already Assured of Dreyfus' Inuocencc The Accused Man Has All the Out ward Tokens of Innocence That Arc Possible of Disclosure by a Human Being. Paws, Aug. 8. Tho Jour todny says there were grave contradictions between General Mercior and former President Casiuiir-Perler before the court of casea tion, awl it is understood that counsel lor DreyfuB are preparing a dramatic con p. Counsel propose when the re susctivo depositions uro presented to the conn-martial to chargo either Mercier or Pericr with perjury. Arrest would then occur instantly, while the accused ie still in the wituesf$ox. Dreyfus Physically Weak. I'kxxus, Auk. 8. Tho condition of Dreyfus ih disquieting. His wonderful will tower ulono lending him strength to go through thepreseut ordeal. Phyei wlly, he is extremely weak. IJIb stoin ich refuses all solid food. Ills family is my anxious. It is understood today's diecuseion of the secret dossier was of a general character and more in the nature o! a preliminary -examination. Court Convenes Early. Renxes, Auk. 8. Tho police arrange ment) in the vicinity of the lyceo this nioroiriE were exactly the same as those olyeBterday, hut not more than u hun dred jiersonB hud gathered at tho early hour fixed for the opening of the day'a proceedings in the trial of Captain Dreyfus. Tho prisoner was conducted to the lycee at C :lo and exactly the same precautions were observed as on yester As soon as Dreyfus was inside the I'cee, however, the police cordons were removed nnd the few spectators were al lowed to circulate freely in tho streets onnd the building. General Chauolue was accompanied by n officer carrying a leather wallet in uich were M. Chanoine's notes and "'er papers referring to the dossier, "hitb itself remains in n strong box In a ria contiguous to the courtroom. This liroDgboxla guarded night and day by n ollirur specially detailed for this duty. Defense is Confident. New Youk, Aug. 8. A dispatch to the World from Itenues says : Maitro Labori "'ks with remarkable freedom on the ttitude of the judges. The correspond eotot the World asked him: "Do you feol quite sure of victory tbta time?" "Yes, entirely," he said confidently. The judgea are nlready assured of Drej' 'w Innocence. Only old Colonel Jouan e wuus6eiuB--Bball I By alraid, " he appear prejudiced. So he appears nnnece38Brlv imnm towftrd j)revfui Do you think the general opinion 1b im y(aB 18 100 vehement?" Put yourself in his place," answered wri, with feeling. "Naturally he la w ons to impress bia judgea. Tula hag d Joke haa already laated too ttlnk?" l0ntI Wl" U,e trUl U,t' d y0U Lohon shrugged bla ehouldera. "Any "ere from eight daya to three months, no idea what tactics the govern ment coraujlMioner loteuda to adopt. I not in u, coufldance. All tbeae fine 3! keP much from me at they a!!?.1!?." Dry'u not In court be weof the lucraaaed number of anony. threatening latura aha daily re- R AVA 4bsoluieiy Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OTt BAKIWO POWCCH CO.. HtW VOHK. coives... llor villa is now protected night and day. by an increased force of gen darmes. Do Mange, ono of Dreyfus at torneys, says that ho is convinced the ex-animation of the much-talked-about "secret dossier" the war department's mysterious budget of documents on which Droyfus was condemned flvo years ago will not require more than two sessions. He said : "As soon as they exhibit the doci ments we will puncture their famous secret dossier, and it will be ehown that there is nothing in it. Colonel Jouanste knows it." Cntnrrh Cnntiot lie Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the diecaee. Catarrh is u blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifierB, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. vF. .). Chkxey & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold hv drrugglts, price 7ic. Hall'8Family Pills are the best. 12 Converted to Christianity. Chicago, Aug. 8. A Bpecial to the Chronicle from Toledo, O., says: On the evening of August 15, in the middle of the street in front of tho Memorial United Brethren church, this city, the elegantly bound volumes which composo the library of Mershall 0. Waggoner, fonnorly one of the most pronounced agnostics in the world, will be burned. He was recently converted to Christian ity, and made a public declaration of faith a few weeks ago and became a member of the United Brethren chuich. The library is valued at several thousand dollars. A Nicht ,r Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tho widow of the brave General Burnbain of Machine, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. 6. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought sho must soon die from Pneumonia, but sho begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once .saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, nnd its further use completely cured her." This murvelouB medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung DiBeuses. Only GOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hougiiton's drug store. 1 Says There Will Ik No More War. London, Aug. S. Joseph H. Choate, United States ambassador to Great Britain, was interviewed today by a representative 'of the Associated Press in regard to the recent war or arbitration speech delivered by Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Canadian premie'r. Ho said : "There will be no war, It is sate to say no amount of political talk by poll- ticinna in other countries could occasion war in this connection." Choat added negotiations wore progressing, "but," he explained, "they are alwaye alow, and I cau aay nothing at present aa to their status." A Drlflitful lil under Will often cause a horrible burn, acald.cutor bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, tho best lu the world, will kill tliH naln and nromntly heal it. kurea old aorea, fever Borea, ulcere, bolls,corna, Mnim and all akin eruptions. Host pile cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggiate. a.v vnnr rocer for Clarke & Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf I Baking Powder Hjbe Peculiar Accident. MoxnoE, Or., Aug. 7. John Fergu son, an old resident of this vicinity , is lying at his home above town in a pre cariouB condition, caused by liver trouble. Being quite old ft is thought that he cannot recover from the attack. A curious accident happened to Chas. Dennr, head miller,, at the Liverpool mills, recently. In hiB work at the mill, a splinter caught in his shoe-sole, and. his foot was raised so that the splinter could bo removed. Upon en deavoring to return tho foot to its nor mal position, Mr. Denny was surprised to find it "stuck fast." Much patience and time was used before the refactory member could be induced to return to its natural place. Tho hip and leg are both still stiffened as a result of the mishap. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, uest.oya the nervous system, and predisposes to ins .nity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, It has cured thousands of cases aud is curing them every day. ItB ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Twelve Cents for Steelhcads. Astouia, Aug. 7. The fight for steel- heads is still in progress, and the buyers for Treecott and Alter were reported to be paying 12 cents last night, and will ing to go as high as 15 cents. Very few are being caught, so not much money is being paid out. The run of Chinook salmon has fallen off considerably, and the quality is not as good as it has been. Thomas Khoads, Centerfield, 0., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Bewan of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. That Throbbing Headache Wouldjquickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchlesn merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves aud build up your health. Easy to take. Try- them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf The Busy Store; EncU day our business shows tho people arc finding out we are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople tho very best, and last,but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. AGUINALDO'S Is Matins Simons Efforts to tar Recoaiilioii, CHINA HELPS THE REBELS By Declaring Horses Bought By Amcri cans as Controband War Must Be Ended Quickly Or the Bellig erency of the Filipinos Is Likely to Be Recognized by Foreign Govern tncnt. Manila, Ann. 8. Aguinaldo has ap pealed to the powers lor recognition of "Filipino independence" in a document dated Tarlac, July 27, and Eigned by Buencamihio. It has been received by a'l tho foreign consuls in Manila with he request that they forward it to their respective governments. New Youk, Aug. 8. A special to tho Herald, from Washington says: Some uneasiness prevails in military circles relative to the attitude of China with re spect to the Filipinos, as the result of her refusal to permit the shipment of horses purchased by agents of General Otis to Manila on the ground that they are "contraband of war." While the Peking government has not formally recognized the belligerency of Aguinaldo, her announcement- that horses are contraband is regarded as dangerously near her recognition. Officials interpret their action to mean that China holds that this government, instead of being engaged in the suppres sion of an insurrection, is involved in a war, and that goods purchased by it In her empire for the use of the American army are consequently contraband. This government has taken no diplo matic notice of China's declaration that horses are contraband. Reports received here have shown the desperate efforts made by tho Filipinos to secure recognition of Aguinaldo's gov eminent. They have gone so far as to refuse to permit the release of Spanish prisoners unless Spain ilrst recognized their belligerency. Because of the great change which would occur In the status of the Filipinos by recognition of their belligerency by any nation, this govern ment is doing everything possible to prevent it. It is believed these efforts will be successful at least until the re sult of the next campaign is apparent. Should the dry season end with the insurgents still in the Held, tho difficulty of preventing foreign recognition will be materially increased. 18 IT KIUIIT For ail Killtor to ltecommencl Patent Medleluei? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. C. It may bo a question whether the editor of a newspaper has tho right to publicly recommend any of tho various proptietary medicines which flood the tnnrket, yot us a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Wo have known and used this medicine in our family ior twenty years and haye always found it reliable. In many cases a doso of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. Wo do not beliovo iu depoudlng implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy waa kept on hand and administered at the Inception of an attack, much suffering might bo avoided and In very many eases the presence of a physician would not be required, At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years, For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists. To Vur a Void lu On Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggiata refund the money if it faila to cure. 25c, Cap Special. Men's and Boys' White Duck and Crash Caps, Suitable to wear when welcoming our returning heroes. These Caps are nicely trimmed in embroi dered letters bearing the names of our naval heroes. Every one a beauty and worthy the attention of every man and boy in The Dalles. For three days only, 23c. A. M. Williams & Co. j s 5 4 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot &11 kinds, Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Twiu feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr Tn'8 'our a manufactured expressly for family .7. . . UB8 ' "VBrV ck hi guaranteed to give aatiafaotion. Vie i ae!l our goods lower than any houae in the trade, and if you don't ttuuk aa all aud get our prioea aud be couvinood. Highest Prioeg Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oati, The Chronicle, Tho Dalles, Of. Job Printers m