I;' " lllll I tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court hoaee in The ( Dalles, Oregon, beginning at 0 o'clock n. m. Wednesday, August 9, 1899. Dated this 29th dav of Julr, 1899. C. L. GlLBEBT, County School Superintendent, Wnsco County, Oregon. Accordine to law, the following pro (tram has been prepared by the state . board of education : Ton STATE TAPEUS. j Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, boofckeening, physics. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. I Saturdaj Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy Acts gently on the iy"a l WEi-k chology. S. E L? F$ C T O j Ul V imtt ror. cocxtv iwrEits. B Wednesday Penmanship, historv, OWELS gelling reading. ' Cctciv ' TunradaJ' ritten arithmetic, theory . pAVj5ES TrlE jYcTEM , of teaching, grammar. t-r-r-MrirtTt7TI IA1 IV 1 Friday Geography, mental arith- ... ' ineuc, pnysioiogy. ron rKisiAUY certificates. Wednesday Reading, penmanship, orthography, the art of questioning, methods of teaching. GRADUATES. j All persons who have gradnated from I chartered institutions, this June, may ' take examination upon the sis brunches, even though they may have failed in June. 29-lld LM nrnxaurKinv PERMANENTLY BUr THE GENUINE- M&HT'D By (aus?rn!aTgiSyrvp(2. ..fl -' i cr i . . v. run. rci sau tr iii ciussiiTi fki sot. fw acniu PEOPLE TOD ALL KNOTT. MisR Carrie Butler has returned from a visit in camp at Cascades. L. E. Crowe made a trip to Portland yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. W. A. Johnston are spending a few days in Portland. Gov. A. H. Burkf is in the city in specting the land office at this place. JHes Djisy Disine left yesterday to ept-nd some time in camp nt Cascades. Mrs. J. M. Fitloon and eon returned last night from u week't: stay in Port land. Miss EfDe Divia went down to Hood Itixvr this morning to vieit with her eieier. Airs. 11. Gourhiyand Miss Tesaie Kelly left thi' morning to epend their vacation at Ooeuii Park. Mrs. J. C. O'Leary and daughter, ilins Edith, were passeimers on the boat this morning for Portlaud. Mr. nud Mrs. K. F. McRae, who have been gncf-ts :;t the home of J. T. Petere, luft today for their home at Dayville. Lily Ulezen. wlio has been visiting at the borne of E 1. IJek, returned yester day to Portland, accompanied by Esther Beck. W. S. Bver3, of the Goldendaie Sen tinel, is in the city today on his way to Portland to participate in the reception given to the boys. H. Purdoin, who has filled the position of night operator at tiieO. K. & K. office during Mr Swart's absence, will leave today fur Athena. The family of Uev. J. H. Wood left this morning to join the campers at fitevenpon, where tney will remain until it is decided where Mr. Wood will be (stationed for the next ear. G. T. Parr, of the Eastern Oregon Land Co., left this afternoon for Port land, where he will meet his family and accmipunv them to this city. They will occupy the ilapes house on Fourth Street. Dr. C. H. Mehenlmuch, of St. Louie, nn old friend of Dr. Geieendorffer, came up lrom t'ortinnn lat evening and re uiainutl ovt him. They ovei nine pleasantly epent Mr. H. E. Mason, of Dob Moinep, Iown, has spent today in The Dalles looking about the city, aud although he lias bsen unfortunate in encountering one of our heavy wind storms, he i much pleased with the surroundings. Mr. Ma3on has traveled a great deal, and Ins verdict is that the ecenerv com ing up the Columbia is ahead of any he hue j ot teen. BUSINESS LOCALS. For the best results use Camera. For sale by the harmacy. Latest thing in cameras the Vive Postoffice are proved Magazine cyclones at Dounell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublinc, agent, The Dalles. Ml" -3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J j tubling, agent, The DalleB. M17-3m. Try Yerba Bnena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. A irienttul Blunder Will often ciuse a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, coma, felons and all skin eruptions. Beit -pile ! cure on earth. Only 5 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, l To Dure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drnggiets refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. point 200 foot cast of Iho cnt 'Ine of Court street, connecting with tho branch ot said Sewer jstcm running up Union Mreet hereinbefore described, from the east and wct. by convenient curves of about a twentr-foot radius. AIko a branch of tnld sewer system eoramenc llip in tlic center of the alley between Second nnd Third streets, on the east line of Washing ton street, nd running tlience easterly alone the center of said alley, to a point where the renter of said alley Intersect with tho present sewer of Max Vcgt A Co., where It crosses snld allev. Thcuee northerly huiI easterly along the llne'of said sewer ns it It now located, to the point where said sewer intellects the main line of the sower hereinbefore described, at n point where the rnain line of sHld sever crosses fed eral btrect, between fiecoud and Third. Also, a branch line of taid sewer system, com mencing at u Hlut In the center of said alley be tween Second and Thinl streets, 103 feet east of Federnl street, and running thence along the center of said allev to the west line of Laughlln street; nnd thence coiimctlng with the 1 augli lln street sewer by a left curve of about a aMoot radius, in said Laughlin street. Also a branch line of sold sewer system, com mencing at a point orr'tho cast line of Monroe street, VX) feet north of the south line of Third street, running tneuce westerly, iianiuci to inc south line of Third street, and a) ieot from said ' south line to n point 40 feet west of the east line I of Madison street; thence curving to the light with a curve of about a 20-foot radius, to a point in said Mnnlson s'teet 20 feet from the north line of Third street and CO feet from the west 1 Hue of said Madison street; thence northerly I along said Madison street on a line parallel with 1 the west line of said street, ton iolnt20feot from the west line of said street, and 20 feet south of the center Hue of thoalley between bee- I ond and Third streets; thence dellectlng to the 1 left by n curve of about a 2ft-foot radius, ton point where the west Hue of Madisou Btrect in tersects the renter line of said alley between second and Third streets; thcuee in a westerly . direction along the center line of s.i d alley to a Iilnt20 feet west of the cast line of Lnuchlln ! street; thence dellectlng to th right by a curve I of about a 20-foot radius, to connect with the branch of said sewer system running up Laugh- Lin street, in said Laughlin street. Aho a branch line of said sewer system, com- i menelug at a point In the center nl th( alley be tween fcecnnd and Third streets, 200 feet e lit of toe east line of Monroe street, running thence 1 in a westerly ulreuon along me center ot sum alley to a point 40 feet west of the east line of Monroe street, thenee dellectlng to the right by a curve of about n twenty-fwt Tadlus, to a point opposite the north lit e of the alley between said second and Third streets, and 20 leet east of the west Hue of Mouroo street; thence In a north erly direction parallel with the west Hue o! Monroe street, and 20 feet therefrom, towlthiu 20 feet of the main Hue of said sewer system hereinbefore described, thenee curving to the left with a radius of about 20 feet, to connect with &ald main Hue. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing on the west line of .leil'erson street. 20 f feetiioria of the south line of Kourth strtct: j thence running westerly parallel with the said Itn-! north line of Fourth street, to a point 20 feet wesi in uie eas, nuc 01 uiugnuu street; meucc by a curve to the right ot about twentv feet melius to a poiut 20 feet east of the west hue of Laughlin stnot aud 20 fnet south of the north llne'of fourth street, theiiro northerly, parallel with the west line of Jughllu street, to con nect with the main liueofsafd i-uer system hereinbefore described, by a curve to the left of about twenty feet radius, where said main Hue ol said sewer system crosses Laughlin street at the alky between second and Malu Streute. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a point ESU feet south of the north line of l-'ifth street and 20 feet east of the west line of Liberty street; thence along said Liberty street parallel with said west line of stdd street, in a northerly direction, to connect with the brnnch of sewer system hereiulwfoio described, running in the alley betweea second and l'ldid The Busy Store. Eacb day our business shows tho people nrc finding out we arc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for luc people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. & lie r.vr.T ror. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the cly council of Dulles City has determined to establish a sewer sjstem for all that portion of said city Iv ing below the bluff and east of Lincoln street, and has farther determined that the C(t of sncn sewer system shall De assessed agaluot the property benefited thereby. Said sewer system Is to be of terra cotta piix; and the extent and kcatlon thereof to t its follows: The main line of said sewer svstem shall ex tend from the low wate.- line of the Columbia river, where the cast margin of the mouih of juiicrueit hi sum row water striees said river, Fast Mall 11:50 p. m. time scitnnuix. Fkom Uau.es. ,3alt Lais Denver. Ft., Worth, Omaha, Kan . sas City, St. Louis, I Chicago and East. Ar.r.tvic Fbom. Fat Mail 3:15 p m Spokane Flyer 5:i'J p. m, ! Walla Walla, BpoSanc,, Minneapolis, m. ram, iHiluth, Milwaukee, Chicago unu .Last. 8 p. m. TnoK Portland. Ocean PtcuuishipJ. For San Franclvo January 22, aud every hvu days thereafter. S p. in. ! Ex.suudayiColumbla Rv. Pteamcrs. To Astoria and Wcy Saturday Uiudlugs. 10 p. m. Spokane Flyer. r.:l)0 a. m 4 p. m. 4 p. in. nn.Sutidu; 6n.m. I WitLAitETTE Kiver. i4:20n.m. Lx.Suudayj Oregon City. New berg, Ex.eunday Buicm u ay mua c. 7 a. m, WlLLAJIFTTK AND V.VJI Tuw.Thur., hill KtVEBS. and eat. j Oregon City, Dayton, I and Way-ljindingn. 3:20 p. m. Mon.,Wed und Fri. strtels, by a convenient curve to thcright.wheie saltfalley sewer crosses Liberty street. Also a brunch line of sold sewer svstem, com mencingln the center of thealleybetweenlhlrd aud Fourth streets, 230 feet west of Llbertv at., und running along the center of said allev to n point 2i0 feet cast of said Liberty street, and con necting with the brunch of said sewer system in Liberty street, irom the east and west, by con VHnient curves of about a 20-f uot radius, at the poiut where said alley crosses Liberty street. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing in the center of the alley between Third and Fourth streets, 200 feet east of Court strtet, and thence running ulong the center of suld al ley iu a westerly direction, to u point 20 feel west of the east line of fnlon street; thence bv a curve to the right of about a 20-foot-radIus, tb connect with the Union street branch of suld sewer system. Also a branch of said sewer system, commenc ing in the center of tue alley between Third and Fourth streets, at a point 50 feet ast of the east Une of Washington street, and miiniiir tlmnw ulong the center of said nllej to a point 20 feet east oi Jelle.-sou street, and Connecting with the branch of said sewer system running i.loug Laughlin street, by convenient curves of rtuut 20-leet radius, at a point Where said uilev crosses suld Laughlin street. Also a branch line of said sewer aystenj, com mencing at a point 2,J feet north of me south line of fourth street und So feet east of the east Hue of Wasnlngtou street: running thenee in uu eusterly direction parallel with ssld south line of Fourth stiees, to connect by a conveni ent curve to the left, of about a 2u-foot radius, with the Laughlin-atreet branch of suld sewer system, ut the crowing of Fourth and Luughliu streets. Also a branch line of said sewer system, com menciug in tue center of the alley (or eixth t.l south ol block II. at a mint u-.irri- -in. v....i 11, ... of Washington street do: snldulley; thenee westerly uloug the center of said alley to a ladut a1! feet west of the enst Hub nf i!nnrt mf 1 thence by a convenient curve in tin- rh.i.r ,,i 1 3:Mu. m. about 20-ftet radius to a jsjlnt 20 feet eust of the L No-'-1 '"cal freight, carries imssengers, east et Hue ot Court street; thenco in a northerly bound; urrlves 4:ao p. m departs 815 p. m. direction parallel wltn the west line of woutt s- 21, west bound through freight, does not j,..nuiuaiiuiuiuisui rourinstieet; thence 1 rry pHsseiigers; arrives 6:15 p :u.. deiarts to 11 pUnt on the w.st line of Court street. 20 l;t west bou Cu. m. I Willamkttk IlIVKU. 4:80 p. m. Tue..Thur,tPortlund to Corvalllt, Tue., Ihur und Bat. and Way-Landings, i and I-at. Lv Kiparlai any Snake Ittvr.r.. Riparla to Lewlston. Leave Lewistok dally SW" Farties desiring to go to Ueppner should late No. 4, Uaving 'Die Dalles at 6:20 p. m niBking direct connections at Heppner Junction Keturnlng rnaklngdlrectconncction nt Heppner Junction with No. 1, arriving nt The Dalles at i:15 ii. ra. No. 22, throught freight, east bound, docs not carry jidssengers; arrives 2:10 a. in., departs t bound local freight, Carrie pas ves 5-15 ji. m., aeparts 8:S0 a. m. nurtu of tne south line of lourth street; thenee ' cn?ers; urri Kcstor r iilnn Vt.i.tl, , ...... t . , south of said iuth streJ 7to a ii,,t a FoI wrtlcntan call on 0 leet west of the east Hue of Union street ; thenee i lne address tuu TOuiid "i a eouvenieni curve to tlierl'ht. K. it N. Gen W. II. llUKLHUnT, Fas. Act., 1'ortltud, Or, ana 10 minutes from the couVse li pu.TuW 'e'y SS . l-'ourth Z d n il 21 ." .. .. b.wiiv null utiuuulOK the L. M. Wilson proicriy; thence ut u ieft ot lleotlon from the conne just described, 70 do grtes und S3 rcinu ei 12s fe ttoa jKdnton the west Hue of L'lilon street. 13C f ct north of Second tor TitJonZ '...ine?.".: i ""ni8 ""g Court street ktieets. 20 it-rt ushlnetnn k?rr ui.H i running thenee in a westerlj direction along ' the center ot tald alley to u j oiut feet west of 1 the east line of Court street; thenco by a come-1 nleut curve to the riant of H)u,ot 'si. .r,i 1 to conueut with the branch of said sewer system . ruillline ulnlitr Crmpf kt.t 4 .ST. DHBT'S I street-, thenee along the center of said allor. A1"? " brunch line of said sewer system, com .from Iniouto laughlin street; thence contin-' n"-'"","?.'."." 1,olut M 'e!, thesoutl uiug lii a straight line on the same course ucross uiugiiiiii sirtei, 10 a line of J-if th-street, aud 120 feet went ot the west tmlnt mi thmxiar ne ' line of :ourt street, runuinrr thene.- in ,,n e,..,."' TT3"T7l ATT "mc-i the Columbia is ahead of any- 1 'ald street, lis feet north of Second atreet; thenee '. direction to the west Hue of Court stre-t; -iJ-'-LJ-L-"-'; , vuiiitiiuuii, iu Dirui);ui line ou inc s'irne cuurse, ucross oioik b. l-augnilu'h addition to tnmc II W Swart the Grover Cleveland of P11:" Tl V (eet' tJeiIeron street, ou a line .1 o i. i v' tneurover uieveianu oi (cot ,(im,eutS ,mniHul to, Second street: the O. II. & X. oflica here, nttumed yes- thence continuing on suid straight Hue, In the terdnv from a fSriiiuir trip, not to Gray " iu feetmto Jenerson street to a . . . c - I .. ?. ' Ti.ilMt ill leer ..ad, i.i .. m..., ..r t..u- inrrs eirrrtUMr" I . . . .. . unw u, juiicrsuu Gal)!iif,l)iit Dinchatu Sprint's. "Grover repor's fishing tine in the stream about Bintiliam. and cays that nut only the "speckled" bentitie". but other beauties wereeimuch in evidence as to convert him into a protectionist. To toy the least he wns in the ewim. Miss Annie Coffin, who formerly lived in Tho Dalles, Knd baa aleo taught tchoul in several diatricts near here, etine np from Soatlle Friday evening and after visiting friends here, left this niornini; to return home. For the past ten years hIib ha" been a snceeMfol teacher in the Seiittle schools, and feel ing a longing lo ewe The Dalles and her friends here, made a short trip to her old iiome. She expresses herself as much pleated with the improvements in the city. Taaehera' Ksamlnatioo. Kotlce is berebj jsJyen that for the parpute of uakjaj; a examination of 11 persons who Mf sTr tbcelvss m MdidsUs for taaeitera ot tkeebools of tbit oounty, tbe eoemtjr aebexil MBeris- km-t mm ij uortu oi eecouu street. Ihenceuta left dellectlon from the lino last described, S3 degrees nd a mlnutea, Bl-s-iuo feot, to a stake 2 feet west of the east line of Jefferson street; thence at a right dellectlon from the line last de-erlbod 23 degree and 13 minutes, 11C-17-100 feet, to a stake; thenco at a right dellectlon from the Hue last describe 27 degrees und 20 minutes 110-4-100 feet to a stake 17-82 100 fee: from the southeast corner of the lawn fence west of the O J(, & N Co.'a dupot; thenco at a left deflectlou fioin suld llneli de crees and 4 minutes, 465-9-10 feet to a point ou the west line of Monroe atreet 13U feat north of becond street and 6-7-100 feet north of fhe north west corner of Moody's brick warehouse; thence continuing iu a straight hue on the course lust dtacribed 150 87-100 feet to a point 6 feet north of the uortli-out corner of Moody's wooden ware house 132-6 10 feet north of Second street and 70 feet east of Monroe treet; thence ut a right do lUsctioufrim the list line 7-VJ, tWrgG-UX) feet, to stake in Joy lor street, Wo-io feet north of Second street and 4C-7.V100 feet west of the weat end of the Wasco warehouse. A branch of said fewer system shall connect with the main line In Union atreet, ) feet frora the west line of ild street, at a point 128 feet iiort'i of fceeond .trout, aud .hall run along Mid Union street 20 feet east of the weat Hue thereof, to a poiut 20 tot outh of thejiortti Hue of lenth street. Another branch line of said aewer system sbaU egaaaaeace inthseeulcr ot Ike alley be twfa UtwoBdadd Third iMU, pulut 40 tet ataat of ska aaat Una nt I Ju-r.ln 5,ii ' .J!S nis UwjBeealoaf ta eanisr of aaM allty to a Under the dirc-ction of tho Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. - OR. thenee bv a curve, tn the let, e ,.v,.. .. rudius, uj li.U:rsect with the branch ol tula . .T1'.1 Institution is plcusautly situated near Metier Hv.loin i,in,1i .... ...-.... . The. I Snlnmlilr. ,n ,1... II .. " -w r-",..i,t""b m vuun nrusi ui ine I .......... .... uv i 1 111011 j acinc: uivui-u ii in cusy oi excess lor all those who do- croaslug ol said Filth and Court streets. Alto a branch line of said sower system, com me auey Delwi-cn meneiuc at the center ul sire U secure a comfortable home and a progres. slve seat of leumirig for their ilmiite, n, Wlirds. The locution of tho Academe U p,...h :n.7 vii.h . "."11. "-'-.' ivurus. ine loeul of llneof uSyr1'rm,gei?ee ' MVS5 ju a westerly direction along the line of the fen- water. faraciV i ternf Haid alley, to a point '0 fee east lino of Liberty street- thenee the rluht of uh-mtn eii.rnnt rni,, with tho Liberty-street brauch of the said sev.er Also a branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at the ceuter of the alley north of Main street and 50 feeiweatof Wushlncton St.; thence runnlug ulong the ceuter of said allay to a point 310 feet weat of Union street: thenco couneeUiig with the main aewr system near :i.T.a"Kr"5 M."1 c'ekl by cu,ve t0 ritfbt of about a 25-foot radius. Also u branch line of said sewer system, com mencing at a point in Fourth street, 250 leet jvejt of the weal Hue c.f Liberty street, aud 20 feet liorth ot the south line of Fourth atieet, runnlug thence in an easterly dliectlon along Fourth street, par illel with the south line ot aid street to the went line ol Liberty street: thence by a conyenlent curve to the left cf about A)-fet radius, to connect with the branch ot aid sewer astern runnlug up aud down Lib crty street, ot the cro-slufc of said Fourth aud Liberty streou. This notice Is published br order ofaaldC'llr Council, made ou August 5ln, isttj, ' . tiV.u, II. (MTK3, aug8 Recorder ol Dalles city. ZD. W.W1LHOK, AlTOst.NEY.AT LAW, TIIK D1I IVJ liuwr-m, OMse o?erirt Nat Italic. o,T,Hi.ir.,i,i ' " .i """"ic year iw. Studies will be resumed Tuesday. Hepteuiher 6th. lor detullcd iuformaUou apply to the Hister d u pcrior FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANBACTA KKEKALBANKINO BUtlNKH letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. bight Exchange and TeWraphit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, bt. LouIb, Bap Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points In Oregon and Waahington. Collections made at all points on fay. oraule terms. at s W1U0M a s MoTiaoTo TT If MTt MriTfU? 1- Wllunu IX ATTOMklKYM AT LAW, ' TIIK 111 1.1 no..,,.. ntKat W Knowledge Concentrated boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can rely upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. Improved QYCLOME Mjgaz'"e- j ' ' - .'.'3 No. No FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 12 Pictures In 12 Seconds, bhuttur Bulb Roloase. Shuttr Automatic. Shuttor Locks, Vi Aluminum I'latoholciera. Sot stonn. 7- Spoclnl Quick Lens. 8 Automatic Heplator. G - A'l ports Intorchnnjrenble. 10 Exposuid platos removed without disturbing unoxposod. 4 1 size 3'A x 4l4) SS.OO 5 (size4xo) . 10.00 1899 Catalogue with com plete Information FREE. Just Arrived. 1 ne wily yuiMzln CumtTu with Imlb Khuttcr. r J 1 III' I ' - n n r M. Z. DONNELL. 1' How About YourTitle? r A ISE YOU SUKE it ie nil right? Remember it is the H KKC0KI) thnt k'oveniH. It ie our Imsir.i'FH to eearuli thu n uordg and hhow wlmt tliev contuin in relntioii to liitid titles. K you eoutumplute buyinc lnnd or loiinini; money 011 reul etutu cecurlty, take no man' word, but iiisiet upon knowiiiK what tho record dhows ret-nrditi the title. An ALuruut ie an eBeentlal as o deed. Innist on having It. We have the only set of Abstract HookH in the Oounty. All work promptly ex ecuted nnd tutipfuutlon irtiarunteed. II vou have nrop- ertv to iiiMure, cive 11 b a call. Wo are agent for four of the bent fire itiHuratii o companies in tho world. If you have property for Bale, list it with us und we'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. Phone 81. 2d St., opposite A. M, Williams & Co. SeaVSaSvXsiy.asXsnrslJNarH! fJssStvavaNJaTSvasaSMrBrsSa 66 Harmony 99 LUhiskey. This braud of Whiskey is Ktiarunteed to the consumer as a PURE HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. t ..GflAS. FRAM. Butehepg and Fattmefs ..Exchange.. lKl the beat U Tlu l lul at the usual prlci.. Uand U roovlucJ, Alio the Saaduilehts ofallKJUlr.rionbwi(! F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop. Horseshoeing. Dealer in BlacksmttN Suffti"' Cor, Seuofil & LuiMii. 'Ptione If A arA I A A 'l.. aala tit f WU J.IW IV. f.A cbwp. JhqdUm at Frer'