The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 08, 1899, Image 3

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    SPECIAL : Just received, "Rough
Rider Ties," 50c each. See window.
White Goods, Dimities, Lawns, &c,
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
This will not affect tho priceo ns offered in nil for
mer lines of Summer WiihIi GockIb.
Special Sale in Ladies' Hosiery
and Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Liulii'.s' Urown Iloto, guaranteed fust color; regular prico lCc;
Sale price
Ladies' Sramlees Colored Hose, the very best lisle thrend,
fancy drop Htitoli, spliced, heels and toes, tan and brown;
regular price 75n; Bale price.
Shirt Waists Must Go.
We carry none over; prices cut down ton mere fraction of for
mar" value. A fine Gingham or Percale Waist, worth $1,
Suit.' price
A fine IVrrale, colored and white, Pique and Lawn Ehirt
Waist, former price $1.25 nnd $1 50, gale price
In Our Clothing Department.
We have just a few left of thoBe
BOYS' WASH SUITS at 65 Cents.
You had bettor hurry np before they nre all tone. Just the thing for
this warm weather.
Crash Suits, Crash Hats at less than cost.
Straw Hats at half price.
We are determined not to carry over any of oar eumtnor goods in this
All Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TUESDAY - - AUGUST 8. 1809
Telephone No. J.
All Chaises in Advertisements must
lf handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will lie accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January to, 1800.
The latoHt word received from En
Rineer KvuiiB was that he ia Retting
!oii' nicely ; in fuct better than was ex-i-ectni.
Just received, at Pease & Mays, n large
"sortinent of " Rough Kidor" ties,
which are being Hold nt the extremely
low price of 00c each.
Edward Dekum, who has many
"Main The Dallen.and who has been
n business in IIouolulu for the past
three years, will return with the soldier
tu Portland, where It is Bald ho will
One hundred and sixty acres of the
"nest cjuulity of wheat on John Ban
a place, on KuBsel creek, uveraged
D'y bushels. This is another urgument
ffliiot tho cry of "poor crop?, poor
nP."-W. W. Union.
Sunday t :t o'clock a Blight shock of
Wfthquako waB experienced in Portland.
v doubt itsBllglitnesB, for it takes
pethliiK heavy to shock Portland. It
18 Wd, however, that the shock was not
Sliced by Observer Paguo.
Old Dad Butts has h vuluublo band of
e bred horses, from one to seven
olJ Plwotl in his hands to trade
lor nl in .
- -v 1'iuperiy. Tins Is a line bargain
J oinU one who Lrh city property to
ai8P08oof. Call and aeo old Dad. 2t
A number of diphtheria cases are re
Kl ;i,?0rtUnd' Principally In the
S ,H,?,Iow d,etr,ct' O' th two
Med diseases, smallpox li preferable,
u yet the appearance of the former
ver causes one-half the excitement as
"OMthaio! the latter.
ell? B' Wl,Uw"n Walla Walla'e first
Svy, n,?rB,B at 7:30 o'clock, of
o'eff n i rh" '0Mr' i00k P,IM 10
', tMt moruiolB Wall. Walla.
M'MM.Uil O'Brien, of Dufur, oloHd
Pease & Mays.
uer urst term oi school at Outer Kidjre
a few days eince. An entertainment
was L'iven by the pupils, from which
f20 was realized, a splendid showing for
a Bection so sparsely settled. The
proceeds will bo uted for the organ fund
of tho school.
J-ast night tuo o. '1, east-uouilu pas
senger train had tho bad ta6te t6 got in
to a tuesle with a sand bank ojt the track
below Kowena, and in ifonsequetice
leached hero about twohoura lute.
When she stopped it wasot long before
aiie wub surrounded witti sand and it
wub neceBsary to send for a untig of
section hands who shoveled her out.
Tho contest in tho flro department's
election was not so great last evening as
to open the "poles," aB tho Ciuionicle
carelessly said in yesterday' issue, but
the pollB opened at 0 o'clocu at any rate,
and twenty-nine votes were cast for a
chief and assistant chief. The result
was that Chas. Lauer is now chief of
the flro department, and I S. Gunning
Tho Lostino Hotel Company has as
sumed corporate shape by filing articles
of incorporation in the ftate department.
Tho company will construct and operate
n hotel in Lostiue, Wallowa county.
The company has a capital slock of
$2,000, divided into eighty shares of the
par value of $25 each. O. F. Slays,
JO. M. Smith and J. L. Garner are the
incorporators of record.
Every day the CiiuoNin.i: receives
papors from all over the United States
containing the most complimentary
noticus of the recent trip of tho editors
through Oregon and of tho welcome
given them in this city. If any think
their visit was not an advertisement far
reachlm! in its effects they should read
tho column after column devoted to our
resources and Oregon in general.
Messrs. Sinclair llros., the well known
assayers and milling experts of Victoria,
11, C. and Seattle, Wash., uro inspect
ing the rocks around The Dalles. They
report that free gold platinum and
silver have beeu discovered within the
city limits. They have opened un ofllce
temporary at Mr. F. Drew's barber shop
on Second streot, where they may be
consulted for a few days. Several as
says have already beeu made giving
satisfactory results.
Would it not be a eplended idea for
every business douce and residence in
tho city to be decorated in honor of the
bome-comlng of our boys. Wu will per
haps never live to see such an occasion
celebrated again, Let's make the most
of It. Then, too, it Beeim only right
that the business houses should elofce at
about the time the boat will arrive and
remain so for a few hours at least, so
that all may have tho privilege of greet
ing them as thpyland at the D. P. & A.
N. wharf. Saturday, of course, is a bad
day on which to closo the doors of busi
ness houses, but an hour or so can surely
bo given on this exceptional occasion.
Tho fearful dust storm today has
caused everyone to turn their thoughts
toward the street sprinkler and won
der where it is "at." Tho reporter
ran across tho much-eought-after article
this afternoon and propounded tho ones-
tion as toils whereabouts this morning,
and as to why the "cross walks" were
not dampened. The driver mado
answer that it had nnfortunately broken
down, and that it took tho most of the
morning to repair it. He also said :
"Tell people, especially tho ladles, to
cease looking at me in such a cross tone
of voice. I'm doing tho best I can."
Surely tho angels could do nothing
J. N. and L. B. Russell, of Woodstock
wore interested in tho sawmill which
was recently destroyed at Cascades,
with a lot of lumber. It has proven a
severe loss. J. N. Kueecll said yesterday
that tho owners wero uncertain whether
the mill would be rebuilt or not. The
insurance was only for a small amount,
and tho owners had been putting a good
deal of cash into the mill. They had
been disposing of their railway ties, but
up to the time the firo occurred they
bad not been able to sell their lumber,
but had jnst made arrangements for die
posing of it. They were just in a shape
to get some money out of their enter-
prize when the fire came and made a
complete sweep of the entire plant.
Commencing August 10th a buffet
library car will bo placed in service be
tween Chicago and Portland, Or., on
trains Nob. 1 and 2. This car has a
spacious smoking saloon furnished with
easy chairs, writing desks, a well selected
library of standard and popular books,
guidebooks and current periodicals, a
well stocked buffet, a barber Ehop and
an apartment for baggage. Through
dining car service will be inaugurated on
that date between Portland and Chicago,
both via Granger and Ogden. New
chair cars of the lateet pattern and new
baggage and mail cars are to be added to
the present through service of Pullman
palace and Pullman tourist eleepers
which have recently been placed in ser
vice, when the entire train will be vesti-
buled, tiius making trains Nos. 1 and
equal, if not superior to many of tiie
widely advertised limited trains in the
To Ki-celvri the Hultller Ladx.
The number which attended the meet
ing called by the mayor at tho court
house last night was small, considering
the object for which it was called.
Mayor Kuck presided, and stated the
purpose for which they hud met to
arrange n reception for our soldier boyB
Saturday evening.
G. C. Blakeley suggested that a com
mittee of ten from tho various organiza
tions in the city be appointed, who shall
meet and appoint sub-committees. The
following were chosen: G. C. IJlakeley,
of the D. C. & A. C, chairman; Mrs
Belle jflierger, W. K. C; Mrs. T. S.
Lang, Emergency Corps; It. L.Aiken,
G. A. K. ; Capt. G. Bartell, O. N.G.;
C. F. Stephens, city council; Citizens
M. A. Moody, L. K. Crowe, G. E. San
ders and M. T. Nolan.
A meeting of the committee wafl
called this morning in the parlorB of the
Commercial Club, at which Chairman
BlaLcley presided, and appointed tho
following sub-committees:
On program Mayor Kuck, G. C.
Blakeley, Dr. G. F. Sanders, John
Hampshire, Mies Lang and Miss Jtoeo
On finance C. F. Stephens, II. W.
French and J. F. Moore.
On Parade Capt. G. C. Bartell, F. S.
Gunning and C. II. Brown.
The decorutions were delegated to tho
ladies of the Emergency Corp? and the
militia company. Tho Woman's Belief
Corps was given charge of tho banquet,
and the selection of a reception eoui-
uiittee was referred to the committee on
progra in.
The meeting then adjournod subject
to tho call of the chairman.
KlttuM for (1. A. II. Kuciiiiiiuiioiit.
For tho G. A. It. National encamp
ment at Philadelphia Pa., to he held
Sept. 4th-9th the O. it. & N. Co. will
make a round trip rate from The Dalles
of (88.85, tickets on sale August 20th
and UOth only. Tickets will bo good for
return passage until Oct. 31st, stop-overs
belnu allowed west of the Missouri river.
The tickets between Philadelphia and
Chicago will not be good for return pas
sage after Sent. 12th, except that ar
rangement can be made at Philadelphia
between the dates of Sept. 5th Oth upon
the payment ot ou cents ana deposit oi
ticket with agent at Philadelphia to have
the ticket between Philadelphia and
Chicago extended to Sept. 30th. Call
ou J t. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles, for
further information. aug8-18d
Neither tVaa Thorn Anything Worth
Hearing There A four Kxcu.e
for n Mlnatrnl.
It Is safo to say that it would bo im
possible to find a half dozen persons in
the city who would acknowledge they
attended the minstrel show last night,
and vet, while tho company lost inonoy
on the performance, thero was n fairly
pood Bitilicnco in attendance; fully oh
largo as that which greeted Ward and
Ellen Beacli Yaw upon their appearance
After seeing tho performots on our
streets and hearing the band, most
everyone had an Idea what to expect,
and still nono really imagined that a
75-cent performance could bo quito so
devoid of merit or of a singto feature
which would recommend it. If any
should choose to tako issue, however,
we might, for the sake of argument,
make an exception of the mulatto, whose
singing might bo tolotated in a 25-cent
show; or perhaps tho two tiombone
solos. As to the remainder of the
music, (if music it is called) it complete
ly overthrew tho argument that darkies
can always sing. The same old chestnut
jokes were cracked about the Dalles
police, tho way The Dalles girls kiss,
and the epitaph on the grave of u
mother-in-law. The indistinct manner
in which they were given prevented
much of them being heard, and it would
have been much tnoie to the liking of
the audience had the rest been in
audible. The programs were valuable enough
to be sold with a song book composed of
such late selections as "I Don't Like
No Cheap Man," containing beautiful
sentiment at best.
It is time people were beginning to
realize that negroes never make good
minstrels, and if you want to hear a
genuine minstrel show always pick out
a company composed of white men. If
anything of that kind is to be dreaded
it is a minstrel show devoid of merit,
and there are few on the road which are
worth 75 or even 50 cents ; certainly not
the "Georgia Up-to-Date," nor out of
date either.
John I'arent Attempted to Tako a Life
Which tu Illm Has liecotne
a liurdm.
It 18 not surprising that some un
fortunate persons grow tired of life,
particularly when some incurable disease
has fastened itself upon them and there
seems to be no hope of escape; the
wonder is that more do not attempt to
take the short road which leads to the
inevitable end. Were it not for that in
surmountable barrier tho divinity
which Bttra within us and intimates
eternity to man wo would be compelled
to chronicle the death ot more of the
class who give up in despair.
Such a case is that of John Parent,
who at 0 o'clock last night attempted to
tako his life, by shooting himself nt his
home near tho reservoir. For the past
three years he has beeu .suffering with
consumption, with no hope of recovery,
and although everything has been done
for him that a devoted wife and son,
struggling with poverty, could do, he
grew to consider himself a burden and
decided to end tho struggle. IIIh wife
and son being absent for a short time
about 6 o'clock last evening, lie got hold
of a 22-rille which belonged to tho boy,
and lying down on the bed, placed the
muzzle in his mouth nnd shot. He,
however, threw hie head too far back and
the bullet ranged upward through the
upper part of tho noso to tho center of
the forehead, escaping the brain. Drp.
Geieendorfler and Logan wero called,
but did not succeed in finding whoro it
had made a lodgment. The patient is
too weak to undergo an operation, li is
lungs being almost gone, and develop
ments mutt ho awaited. Strange to say
lie slept fairly well last night ; as lie Bays
better than for some time, and is utill
alivo as wo go to preSH.
Mr. Parent is a man about 00 years of
age, a member ot tno ii. a. it. and one
who has always been highly respected.
Those who understand his case, while
regretting tho deed, scarcely daro to
censure; but have only pity for one who
has struggled so long against tlio inevita
ble mid circumstances so discouraging.
A Warning to the tteafit.
For some time past some beast (for wo
will not call him a man) has chosen to
use our show windows aa a Bpittoon in
preference to the street, thoreby dis
figuring tho glass and causing us no
little trouble. That it is done malicious
ly is n self evident fact; and further wo
wish it understood that wo are cognizant
of tho party who has perpetrated the
insult, and take this means of warning
him as to the result should he continue
Ita practice,
F. Van Nojidkn,
Daut Oi'ticai. & Jkwki.uv Co,
"Uaraiouy" WhWkey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
pedal use, sold by Ben Wilson, The
Volunteer Iteceptlon,
Tho Volunteers will arrive at Portland
on Thursday, tho 10th Inst, and will re
main in Pottland Thursday and Friday,
returning to Tho Dalles via Steamer
Regulator. Excursion rates will be as
Dulles to Portland nnd return Mig. 0. Dalles
City leaves The Dulles lit 4 p. m. Jluto 11. CO.
Ditllm to Portland Mini return Auk. 10. Kegu
Intor leaves Tho Dulles nt 8 a. in. Unto $1.00.
Dulles to Cncn(lc.i nnd return Aug. 12, Dulles
City leaves The Dalles nt 8 n. in. itntc ?I.W.
Tickets limited to Saturday, Aug. 12.
Regulator leaves nt 9 n. in, on Aug, otli,
W. O AmiAway, Gen. Agt.
Dalles, Aug. 7, 1809. aug7-lw
A Chlhl ICnJoy.
The pleasant flavor, gentlo action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Fig, when In
need of a laxative, and if tho father or
mother bo costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is tho best family remedy known and
every family should have n bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
V omul.
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July Oth, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points ; saddle marks and brand B L on
leftsiioulder with runninglt underneath,
and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner
can have same by proving property and
paying oil charges. jly8-lm
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys the nervous system,
and predisposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cured by Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of cases aud is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co.
Thomas Rhoads, Centerfleld, O.,
writes : "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy gave me relief
until DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, less
than a bos of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm
less. Bewan of counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Commencing Saturday, July 29th, the
O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip
tickets to Cascade Locks and return for
$1.50. Tickets will be honored going on
train No. 1, Saturday, and returning
on trains Nob. 4 and 2 the following
Sunday. Jas. Ibeland, Agent. aug9
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nnils, insects stings and Ivy poison
ingquickly Pealed by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De
Witt's is safe and stirs. Butler Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel
from the system all poieonoua accumu
lations, regulate the stomach, bowels
and liver, and purify the blood. They
drive awav disease, diseipato melancholy
and givo health and vicor for the daily
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler
Drug Co.
A white arrow head, stick pin, be
tween Washington and Federal streets
on Second. A reward will bo given to
the person who will leave It at tho store
of II. O. Liobe. 4-3t
You can't euro dyspepsia by dieting
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without aid from the stomach, and
is mado to cure. Butler Drug Co.
DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers heneilt
permanently. Tlioy lend gentlo assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing constipa
tion and liver ailments, Butler Drug
You need have no boilfi if you will
buy Clarko & Falk's sure cure for boils.
: Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in Bhnpo to properly
handle all ltinps of work
from a puncture to building a
E' Also repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
"What might have beon" if that
little cough hadn't been neglected, is tho
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. Ono Minute Cough Cum cures
coughs nnd olds. Hutlcr Drug Co.
Use Clarko A Fallen Rosofoam for tho
teetn. tf
It's a real
to got tho meals for the family
when you have a complete sot
of needlull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. Wo fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in tho
way" of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, uraniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, taieen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can famish double oven
cook stoves from $8.00 up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Call nt Slater & Benton's nnd see
tho Antiseptic Nest Kgg. With the
use of this Nest Kpg jou will have
no nioro Lice, Mites or Vernin. in
your iKHiltry houses, setting hens
will set hatter eggs and will hatch
better ami chickens will live and
grow better where Anthcptlc Egg is
used. See them at
167 Second St.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sus. Regulator S Dalles City
Diiily (except Sunday) between
Tho Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way poin's on both bides of tho
Columbia river.
lloth of tlionbovj steamers hnvobeen rebuilt,
and are In oxcellenc shape for tho season of IhiW.
Tli lli-KUliitor l.lim will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Kcmioiny uuil I'lonsurt',
travel by tho steamers of The llf (juhitor
Tliu above steamers leave Tho Dalles at S a. in.
and i'ortland at 7 a. in,, aud arrivo at destina
tion in umpU- time for outgoing trains.
Portland Olllce. l'ho Dalles Ofllce,
Oalc St. Hock. Court btitct
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
Sewing Machines and all
inaohinery, etc.
the oharge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
per & sen
tu.rr.i. iiMMBa