Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnses the System .v?j55 F FF F CTI I ALLY ' UMU PERMANENTLY PERMANENTLY , Buy THE GENUINE - MArt'F D BX (AUSvRNIA fTG SjVRVP(g. tv.1- res au 6Y4u cw.-u.iTi trxr sot rusemt. PEOl'LE TOD ALL KNOW J. Sherar is in from his home at Shernr's Bridge. Mrs. Frank Fulton came down from Biggs this morning. James Warrick arrived on this morn ing's etaae from Antelope. Georce Joies left this morning for the Sand Gulch m:nes near Antoue, Or. Win. Smith and family were visitors in the city from Arlington yesterday. Bert Holiiater, of C. F. Stephens' store, is spending a few days in Port land. R. H. Lonsdale left this morning to spend liia vacation at Portland and the seaside. Emily Crossen went to Portland todav, where she will be the guest of Mrs. E. E. Lytle. Misses Grace and Lizzie Lauer left on the boat this morning to visit friends in Portland. Mr?. John Michell and daughter, Miss Maude, were passengers on the boat this miruing bound for Portland. Mrs. J. K. Scott and two sons arrived from Corvtilii Saturday night and will make The Dalles their future home. Miss Irene Adams, of The Dalles, is j visiting at me noine oi .sister, mrs. . UT. j . . .viereuiin. saiera otaiesman Miss Edna Glenn will spend the next three weeks at their cottage at Seaview, Ilwaco beach, having left this morning. Mrs. A. Joslyn has returned from a visit with friends in Portland, and also with the family of Z. F. Moody in Salem. Mrs. Isaac Joles and daughter. Miss Pearl, were passengers ou the boat this morning bound for Portland, where they will visit Mrs. C. Alden. Mrs. P. Cram went down on the boat this morning to meet her daughter, Mrs. G. W. McNumara. who is on her way from California to visit in this city. Mrs. M. Wilkerson, of Portland, and her friend, Mrs. Dr. Heflernau, of Uina, Arizona, came up from Portland Satur day and spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley, returning this morning. Mrs. J. A. Donthit and family and Mrs. J. A. Geieemlorfler went down to Cascades today to spend some time in camp. Mr. Douthit accompanied thorn to arrange their tents and see them well settled there. Teacher' Examination. Notice i heroby -tvon that for the purpose of making an examination of: all persons who may offer themselves us candidates for teacliora of the schools of , this county, the county school Btiperin-I tendeut thereof will hold a pntjlicex-! !. . It... l,,.n.. in TI.aI HI11UJULIUII LiiD I.UUI HUIIBD III AIIT7 Dalles, Orepon, beginninu nt 0 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, August 9, 1699. Dated this 29;h dav of Julv, 1899. C. L. Giliieut, County School Superintendent, V6co County, Oregon. Aiuordina to law, the following pro. gram n leen prepared by the state board of education : tOll (STATE. PATEB8. "Wednesday FeumaDsblp, history, epelline, algebra, reading. Thursday-WrUten arlthoietic, theory of teaching, unuumar, bookkeeping physics. Friday Physiology, Keogrnphy, inen tHt arithiuettc, coinporiition, physical grioyrttpby. Satiinlat Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, pay. choloiy, , FOB COUKTV I'AI'JSUH. Wedii"ilny Penmanihlp, biitory, polling, reading. Thursday V ritten arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. FOB PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Heading, penmanship, orthography, the art oi questioning, methods of teaching. GRADUATES. All persons who have graduated from chartered iustitutione, this June, mar take examination upon the six branches, , even though they may have failed in j June. 29-lld "What might have been" if that' little cough hadn't been neglected, iB the , sad reflection of thousands of coneump- ; tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures ' coughs and olds. Butler Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ask your grocer for Clarke A Folk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf For the best results use the Vive Camera. For sale by the Postoffice harmacy. tf Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Macazine cyclones at Donnell's ! drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the t Wascu warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mclr25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For Bale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stnblinc, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-Sm ! Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, j For sale at all first-class bars. C. J j tnbling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Try Yerba Bneua Bitters, the best' tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalies, j MIT-Urn ! Mr. and Mrs. Bi Lackamp, Elston, Mo., wriics : "One Minute Cough Cure ' saved the life of our little boy when j nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug j Co. A irlgiitfal isluniler Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucblen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drnirgists. 1 A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, rtestroya tha nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Is has cured thousands of cases aud is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drus: Co. Notice. .Notice is hereby given to all property owners in Dalles City to immediately ont down 3nd ae9trov all thistles grow ing on their property; and if said thistles are not immediately cut down, I will proceed to remove them at the expense of the property on which they are located, and the property owner will also be liable to a fine. Dalles City, August 1, 1899. l-3t N.-D. Hugiiks, Marshal. DeWitt'e Little JEarly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing constipa tion and liver ailments. Butler Drng Co. Cuh In Your CbecK. All countv warrants registered prior to October 1,1895, will be paid at mv ' office. Interest ceases after Julv 20, 1S90. C. L. Philui-s! O'inntv Treaciirf-r. Uoises loi Sals 11 head of Good Work Horses. For terms apply to WM. WATERMAN, At M. M. Waterman's, on S-iuile. Notice of Filing Final Account Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, the assignee of J. W. Moore, II. K. Moure, mid J. V. and 11. K. Moore. Insnlvmit ilihtirM. Iia j filed with the clerk of the circuit court, of tuc. niaie ui uregon, lor rt Htco county, nis linn I ac count as such assignee; the same will be hcuid and pasted upon by said circuit court ou the 1st day of the- noxt regular term of nald circuit 1 court, to-wlt, the November, lfeOT.term thereof, at Kitui inutYe'r ch t!. 'u..K UTU:. A.signeo. iue nour oi leu u ciih.-s a, n., or as toon wcre- NOTICE OF FIXAL 6ETTLEMENT. JotIfo Is hftrohv irlvm that thn nrirIorilfiiPii has filed hi. Hnaf MUMUtor o tho" taw of riarau McAtee with ttiu clerk of the county court of ihesbito of Oreirou, for Wasco 1WU. ut the hour nf 1ft n'n'lVik h. ,n 1i. l Ilxed as the tlmo and the county c mrt room Hi II. , Dalles Ultv es the. u'ace lor uie neariuir oi ou-' Jecilons to said Uualaecouut oud settlement of aid estate. IMted July 13, m. Junll-1 TII08. NOKVAL. Executor, T3 It's a real pleasure WW to cot the meals for the family when yon have a complete sot of needfutl utensils and have a new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want anything in the way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, grnnitewnre, delf ware, table cutlery, car verp, meat cutters, taisnii seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from ?S.OO up. See Um best Kaugeon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. 1 Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Call at Mnicr & liontnirs mid pec the Antiseptic est Ess. With the use of this Net Ess ou will have tin mote Lice, Mites or Veruln In your poultry houses', riettinc liens will set better egvs ami will hatch butter mill chicken will live nnd crow better whore Antiseptic i'.gs is used, see them nt piaiei & seni 167 Second St. He Dalles, Portland and. Astoria Navigation Co.' ini - Regulator (S Dalles City Sit; Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way iin on both sides of the Columbia river. Both nt the above steamers have been rebuilt, aud are in excellent shape for the season of lt'J. The llt-ciilutcir I.nn- will endeavor to give Its patrons the beat service osaible. For dim fort, Kconomy nnd l'lfamire, travel by the steamers of The Itrgulutur tilnn. The above steamers leave Th Pallet nt S n. m. and i'ortlnnd at T a. in , and arrive at destina Hon in nipl' time for outg&lns tralni. Portland Otllec. The Kulles Ofiice. Oulc et. Duet. Court Street w. c. Allaway, (Jencral Agent. i Beautiful Skin, i Indies, it you desln; n trxii.itnrciit, cienr unit , irwb complexion m I)r Ilourrlon'u French ! i Arx-nle Complexion Wmcr. Their ctlect Is slmplv muglciil p.isteMng the wizard touch I in producing aiidiireservlngn bexutllut traiif I IMrLTlcy and iwllucid niearnwis of romnldYlim. ishaiiel)- contour oi form, brilliant ejes, toft nud smooth SKin where the reverse exists. Kven me corniest iinn mmi repu sive sglu, marred by i fieckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar r dne, vellow und muddy skin nrcjiermanent I ly removed, und a dellciously clear und relintd . complexion ussured. ! I'rlce ptr snmll lx, ro cents: large box, ?I, or , sis luige boxes, 15. hent to uny iiddlres tKit It. 11 lilif, llliillt. i.l. n ........ ... 1 theuUiveaciouut. Write for free circular. Tlio Pimicint, linn,, V. J llfi rflrlSlilll ll'Ilff l.fl.. 131 MonlTomi-rr Ht.,n v..wl r-.i " ' - v.. .w Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. ItftrtlflclftllSrllc'Pstjit.tiofft.oiJn Watnro In Bnn?rrT,7n7;V , . rtrani the eXSgHiiWCon llWihelfc ant and tonic. No other nrenarnt lnn ItSSh it in 2i?e.r PrePt'on 8!ght Exchance and Telegraphic EviVnH enCyM Jt ln'' Transfers sold ori New YorkiWaSo relieve and Permanently cure St. Louis, Ban Francisco, I'ort land oS n'oV &:lDJ,mi Wash,, and 'various" poinu man ca nnnnl 1 l ma i . w . . rtantiy relieve and pBrmaneul TlvanAnatu Tnr1lffAolAn tt FtaftlenS Sour aSriT kL.,1D' niMrWiriif Nausea. , BlMHeaaache.GMtralK a.Cramps.ana i"Vr'iT.riwVJ.""ilf'0 ' """" CQ'cagQ. 171HED. W.iVllON. T ATTOUi.KY.AT . . . ,T,,K UALLE&, OKEOON. Otwo ovtt Fint .St, Dane. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people arc finding out wc nrc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business niul buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. OR&N 1 M Iff PACT TIME SCHEDULE. AlSMVS for Knou Dalles. Fiiom. Fust Salt I.ak' , Denver. Ft. Fat Jlnil Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall 11:00 p.m. s:i City, St. 1-ouiSn 3:15 p in Chicago and East. j Spokane ; Walla Walla, Epnbane,; Spokane Fiver 1 .Minneapolis. St. I'atil,, r'ljer. 5: 1'J p. ru.! i r. 1 u t h, Milwaukee, fi:0O a. 111 I Chicago and East. ( ! 1 8 p. ei. F1.0M Portland. i p. m. Oceau .Steamship!. For San Friiclco January '-M, nud every live days thereafter. 8 p. m. i p. m. Ks.isuuday Columbia Rv. Stramers.iEx.aundit) To Astoria imd Way Saturday J-audlnirs. 10 p. m. 1 C. ci. ! Willamette I'.ivek. 4:C0p. m. Ex.SundayjOrcKon City, Kewberg, Ex.nuuduj 1 balem i Way Land's.. "a.m.. 'Willamette and Yam- 3:3) p. m. Tues.Thur.' hill Kivr.ns. .Mon.,Ved and eat. Orepon City. Dayton, 1 and Frl. and Way.ljindinj;s. C a. m. WlLLAlIETTE IlIVER. i 4:Z0 11. m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvalli,Tue., lhut and Sat.; and Wny-Luiiiiiiigs. and hat. i , . ! S.:ake Kiver. Leave Lv Ulparini Kiparia to Lcwiston. Lewiston doliy I daily ! i ' I - 1'drtie? desinnff to L'n to llprmnivr shnnM iav..n. -i, leuvmg I no UHiics tit i-..9 J. in muniiiB direct (.'Oiiiiections nt Ili-tipncr junction lictnrnliiR rnHklrigdirt-ctcoiinection nt Hciipiicr Junction nltU.No. 1. arriving at The Dalles ut 1:15 m. No. 'i.', throusht IrclRht, eaxt bound, dries not I3:i0u. ra. 1 I CilfrV lmoriifra: nrrivcw iVi ii rn rl..t..i.,fa i o, si, local irclRbt, carries passcngem, cut bound; urrlvei, iVM p, in., depart b:15 p. m. No. m, weitt bound through Ireigtit, does not carry passengers; arrives r.15 p in., deimrts 0::i p. m. No. SJ. west bound local freight, curries pas teiiKcns; arrives 5:15 p. m ReiMrts 8:U) u. ro. ! For full particulars call on o. 1!. & N. Co.' ; asunt The VMkh. or address W. II. IIL'tiLIlUUT. lien Van. Ak:., I'ortland. Or. i .st. rain Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR .i.71.1.1". I,,fc,,!t,,,ion. Pleftsantly situated near iwwiuiiiiimmi wio line oi trie l nlon racillu; "'enee easy of excess for all those who do-, ' sire lotecuruacnmrnrtHlilf hmm. i.i u JL"1 . lea'uiK . lJ laughters or i.urua. i no iwauon oi inn ACuuem Hoard and tutltion i btt.aIe!! V1!! Wunfl Tueji(Uy(bcituiiiUir bU. 1 lur rteUilK-a Informutiou apjtly to the HUtcr french & co., BANKERS ' TUansacta KNEUALBANKINU HUHINEd r . , Eastern fitntcH. f0a,l Beattle ra9b' ond la Oregon and WashlDBt CollectlonH mdh i " ui poinu on. all points on fav P S IIUMTINOTON K I WIUOJ TTUMT1NUT0K & WIL80.V AT10KNEYH AT LAW, IN.t.lakE1'AtUC,''0BWUN Ofioeovr RGflDEITlY 1 'e m'i neaituy on me 1'acllic sloiio, this inir -- ,,T ...... ... w..M..M iMi'tuiuuu jor us litlie i ' ' water, braciuz air and iilniiiri-smni ,Mt ,..,. i " I i The Academy is incorporated and authorized by , 9 1 Ihehtiite In confer Amili'iiiln Inn ' 9 W Knowledge Concentrated upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete In' thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKSLSEN, - The Dalles, Or. Improved CYCLONE Mgazine- 'WK.-'-sA 3 Sli.VO'- TKShf' tszsrr-s 7 8 9 10 No. 4-. size 34 x 4'4 1 SS.00 No. 5 vslze 4 x 5) 10.00 Just Arrlvod Tilt only MiikhzIii Camera with bulb Hhuttur. How About YourTitle? t relation to hind titles. If vou contuiitnlnt bn vine land or loaning money on real estnttt hfi-urity, take "no nmn' word, but Insist upon ktiowiui; what the record hliows r'urdini: tlio title. An AbHtrnct is us ehfleiitial as deed. InniHt on hnvinu it. We huvo the only fet of Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satlefactlon fuuriinteed. Ii you have prop erty to insure, ulve us a cull. We are agents for four of the best lire insurance compauies in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 81. 2d 2 H 2 T, ,',..! ?."(1.of ' uuarantccd to the consumer as a I'l'Kfc HAM) .MAUI; SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Uhc. Sold ,y Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. ..GUfis. mu- Butchers and Fspmefs ..Exchange.. M the best Uer 1 The lXi It and be couvlneed, Alio tlio aarrr' "Vor" Ssndrjuiehes ofullKluaiBlifay.oii hand. boiled down, pressed to . gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of book's enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you -can rely FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 12 PIcturoH In 12 Seconds. Shutter Automatic. Shutter Locku, I- Aluminum Hlateho sot stops. . . . bhuttwr Unit) Relontso. Idors. Suoclal Quick Lons. Automatic HuK'ftor. AM parts IntorchanKonblo. Expound pliitoB removed without c'.lsturblni; unocpoBoci. 1899 Catnloftue with com plete information FREE. M. Z. DONNELLj HE YOV Sl'KE it is all right? Kt'inetnbnr it i tlio UKC01UJ thut tovi-riiH. It iH our bueluecs to tearch the n-cords nnd kIiow what tliev contain in St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co. CClhiskey. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor, Second & LamlUo. W W A good feed yard lor aale or rH cheap. . Jnqulru at Jarmertt' eea The Dal 1m,