The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 07, 1899, Image 3

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we wilt: offer
White Goods, Dimities, Lawns, &c,
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
This will not n fleet the pricou us offered in nil for- ,
mcr lint s of Suiiuuur Wash Goods.
Special Sale in Ladies Hosiery
I and Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladies' Brown Hose, guaranteed fast color; regular price 15c;
Silo prico t ,
IidiiV Seamleps Colored Hose, tho vrrv best lisle, thread,
fancy drofi stitch, spliced heels nod toes, tan and brown;
regular pricu 75c; salt? prico
Shirt Waists Must Go.
We c rry none over; prices cut down to a mere fraction of for
iiiit" value. A tine Gingham ur I'ercalo Waist, worth $1,
alo pricu
A fine Percale, colored and white, Pique nnd Lawn Shirt
Waist, former price $1.25 nnd $1 50, sale price
In Our Clothing Department. .
Wo have just a few left of those
BOYS' WASH SUITS at 65 Cents.
Von had bettor hurry up before they nre all gone. Just tho thing for
tliis warm weather.
Crash Suits, Crash. Hats at less than cost.
Straw Hats at half price.
We nre determined not to curry over any of our eummer goods in this
depart in en t.
All Good o Marked
In Plain Figures.
Pease & Mays.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
AUGUST 7, 1699
Telephone .Vo. i.
All Chances in Advertisements tri'st
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M.. as
no changes will he accepted in the aft
ernoun This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1809.
Attend Hie meeting nt the courthouse
Georgia Up-to-Dit) minstrels tonight
at Hie VoRt.
Wd you hear about it Tho boys 'li
w homo (Saturday on t0 boat.
ue lT. S. geological purvey, which
Wsedthrmn.h ti,iu,.!.v
is now in Pendleton and have found the
elevation of that city to be 1074 feet.
Word reei!v1 fm..i v. m wmi.iiiia
when at New York, says he will arrive
"""IB aujut the 10th of this month.
. Wiiliu,8 v;i ,,rob(vbly remain nnd
visit relutlves InVlnsaachusetts.
It's always darkest jus: before day.
jo the fanners who have begun to
'"vest nre finding out, und they hnvo
alo come to tho conclusion that the
"age is not so bud as expected.
. flie attention of 'hemon is called to
' 'act that an election of chief und as-
aiatant chief will be held this evening.
. ,,c,1(") will bo open at tho engine
"owe this evening at 0 o'clock and close
at 1.
Yi-ettirdny in San Francisco, Rev. 0,
Locke, formerly of Taylor street
1, 1,1 Portland, preached to the
wiunleew in tt lorKO tent wIli(.h ,md
cainpireUlC(1 t0T BWh PurI'0l!e8 eur t,ie
Fnn" LfviD' 'ho KRVB "A Summer'
ncy with tho amateurs of The Dalles
MJ 0 time since, I. ,,ow at Long Beach,
JM will put it on the boards there
IZT witb Bo,uu Jwrtln(1
tifZ'J'J' 'Klo'd. who has been
Jin . r tl'e Cath0,,,3 Sentinel of l'ort-
nmiiU l Uratureat Mount Augel col
in this state,
iVotL?nOUr c,,uch,, "
"move ?i !Ut nuuiU,r ot
ovbd their h.u lurlBg the .ervlet.
Oh, we're coming to it, und soon it will
not be an uncommon thing to pee the
Indies minus hats altogether.
A special train on which were Mrs
Leland Stanford and party und c
number of Southern Pacific officials
camo up from Portland Inst evening
and most of them left on the boat this
morning to inaku tho river trip. They
camo up solely for tho purpose of view
ing the river scenery.
Tho Georgia Up-to-Dnto Jlinetrel
Company arrived m the city yesterday
anu is composed 01 twenty-two genuine
darkies, under the management of Mre
James. ThU afternoon thoy paraded on
our streets and gave a concert on Second
which drew an immeuEh crowd. Seats
on sale at the Duller Drug Co.'s. Prices
25, 50 and 75 cents.
Tiio members of tho Shaw Dramatic
Company left on the late tram Saturdav
for Pendleton, whero thoy commence u
week's engagement tonight. Dalies
people were greatly pleased with them
and will be glad to learn that they
expect to play 11 return engagement
nerhaps inside of a year. Wo trust our
friends at Pendleton will enjoy them us
much as did the people here.
On Tuesday of last week during a
heavy thunder storm nt lluv Creek.
lightning struck tho new telephone lino
near the McPherson place and demol
ished eleven poles, broke the wire und
threw it to the ground for u distance of
one-fourth of a mile thereby severing
connections between Hay Creek und Tho
Dalles which had just been established n
few hours previous. Crook Co. Journal.
Tho prico of steelhoads was fixed by
Trescott & Co. at 30 cents a pound yes
terday, which is tho highest rate ever
paid on the river. A few years ago this
Bpocles of salmon sold for two anil throo
cents, with but a limited demand. The
advent of the cold storago bueiucss has
enhanced their value, as they are prefer
able for shipment by reason of their
firmer meat and senntness of oil. In
some Eastorn markets they are a more
desirable commodity than tho royal
chinook. Steelheads are running light
in tho river now. Chinooks were fairly
in evidence Inst night, but none too
plentiful for the vigilant fishermen
While very much pleased to again see
Bupt. Gilbert in hie accustomed office at
the court house todav. iotue of liia
friends expressed a fear hat something.
erloui might befall the bulldiog on c- J
count of his presence, contending that ,
b hat proven himself a veritable hoo
doo. However, as hit mUfortunet have
never extended further than; to himself,
they rett contented and sincerely hope
from this timo forth ho will never bo
missed from, his office on account of
accident or sickness. Ho expects to be
down every day from this on, though
for n time hn must bo bronuht in a
The bowling team of thn Astoria Foot
ball Club visited Tho Dalles last .May,
and woro royally entertained by tho
sporting fraternity of that city. To
properly reciprocito tho hospitality,
The Dalles team has now been invittd
by tho Astorians, an 1 will arrive hero
next Monday, when a return match
game will bo piayed. following tho
contest, n banquet will be served nt tho
Palnco restaurant Astorian. Yester
day Mr. Nolan received a telegram say
ing that Houghton, Bradshaw, llaldwin
and Ogdon would play and wanted him
and Vic Schmidt to co down. As
neither of them could leave, it is a ques
tion as to how they will manago to secure
a team, unless some strny Dalles bowlers
may bo found at ono of tho beaches.
Saturday ovening a special meetin g of
tho council was held to further consider
matters regarding the proposed sewer
system. Beside the mayor, Councilmen
Keller, dough, Stephens, Johnston,
Shackelford und Kelly were present and
the further instructions and recommen
dations given by VV. J. Huberts were
considered. Stephens then introduced a
resolution which was passed by the
council determining toprocred with the
sewor and ordering tho recorder to pub
lish notice to that effect. On account
of certain changes which arc to be made
in the plan as before published, it is
necessary to republish the notice. The
principal changes are that instead of the
pipe leading directly down Union past
the Umatilla House, it will turn direct
ly west from the Columbia Hotel alley,
then turn in a northerly direction and
proceed along the east bank of Mill
creek to the mouth of tho creek. Also
instead of passing through block ten, on
Fourth street, between Court and Union
it will be placed on Fourth street. Fur
ther notice will be published tomorrow.
Vt'to?-Otir Brvldler liny, or Ciinne-A
Itrcrptlcin Will He Olven Tlicm
Ijfit ILveryboily Join.
Concn-nlrig Bicycling.
Following is the bicycle oidinacce
which was ordered strictly enforced by
the council at its last meeting. We
publish it for the benefit of all con
cerned, nnd to prevent any of our
readers getting into difficulty from
ignorance thereof : .
"That no person shall ride, drive or
propel any bicycle or velocipede along
or across any of tho public streets of
Dalles City at night time, unless such
person shall havo displayed in a con
spicuous place a lighted lantern or hand
light, snch lii:ht to bo sufficient to warn
all pereonB within a reasonable distance
of the approach of such bicycle or veloci
pede ; anil any pereon who shall violate
the provisions of this ordinance shall
be deemed guilty of n mitdemeanor, und
upon conviction before the recorder
shall bo fined not less than live dollars
nor more than ten dollars, or impiison
merit in tho city jail not less thau three
duvs nor more than five davs.
"That no person shall rido a bicycle,
velocipede, cart, wagon, or coast or ride
any sled or other thing upon nny side
walk within tho limits of Dalles City,
under penalty, upon conviction before
the recorder, of not loss than five dollars
nor more than ten dollars."
VllltlUtM.T KfVfltlUll.
Tho Volunteers will arrive at Portland
on Thursday, tho 10th Inst, and will re
main in Portland Thursday and Friday,
returning to The Dalles via Steamer
Regulator. Kxcureion rates will be as
Dalle to Portland imil rcturn--Aue. 3. Dalles
City K'tivfs Hie Dulles ut 1 J. in. Hutu 11.60.
Dnllfh to I'ortlHiid nnd return- -Autr. 10. Hiiro
lnlor lriuc.i Thu Millies nt b u. m. Jtntu f l.W.
Mullen to CiiM'iidi'N and returnAuir. 12. Dalles
City leuvea -j lie Dulles at M u. in. Hutu I l.W.
Tickets limited to Saturday, Aug. 12.
W. C. AUiAWAV, Gen. Agt.
Dalles, Aug. 7, 1899. aug7-l w
A Child ICiiJdj ,
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of u laxative, and if tho father or
mother bo costive or bilious, tho most
gratifying results follow Its use; so that
it is thu best family remedy known nnd
every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
Will llu))iuii TnuiKlit.
What? Well, n meeting at tho court
louse to arrange for the reception of our
soldier boys on Saturday evening.
All citizens and those interested aie re
quested to be present at 8 o'clock. 15y
order of II. L. Kucic. Mayor,
A white arrow head, stick pin, be
tween Washington and Federal streets
on Second. A roward will bo given to
the peraju who will leave it at the store
of II. O. Llehe.
'Uimouy" Wbukojr.
Harmony whiskey for family
special use, sold by lieu Wilson,
Up till today tho home-coming of tho
soldier boys and their reception, has
been a c'tchlcdly muddled uffalr all
around, nnd DaIIcs people, with those of
other cities, have been in tho datkre
gard'ng tho part they wero to take in
receiving them. Learning that they
wero expected to roach Portland Thnrs
day, Agent AUaway, of the D. P. & A.
N., sent a teleginm to Sargeant Dartell,
offering transportation up tho river to
Dalles boys, and others who must come
this way. This morning ho received
this answer:
San Fkancisco, Aug. 7, '99.
W. C. Albtway,
The Dalles. Or. :
Hoys accept. Ktmly Saturday. Many
thanks, llahl Hah! Huh!
Soon the nowa was being spread
throughout the city, .'Tho boys will bu
home Saturday evening," and plans
were soon being concocted to receive
them in n royal manner, Wo have
no desiro to confine tho celebration of
their return to our citizens alone, but
&incerely hope as many from the neigh
boring country (particularly thoEe who
have relatives among the boys) will join
us as can possibly reach the city.
They will spend Thursday and Friday
in Portland, coming up on the Regulator
Saturday, and reaching here at nbout
5 o'clock. Mayor Knck has called a
meeting nt the court house tonight to
plan their reception, and the ladies of the
W. R. C. are also arranging for a recep
tion in tbo evening at tho armory, con
sisting of music, speeches, etc. A
banquet will also be given to them.
A speech or two will be all right, but
we would eucgest that a general in
formal reception and banquet with
music will probably be more to the
boys' liking than much speaking. The
hall is being caily decorated nnd wiit be
made as attractive as possible.
Company D will leave the city either
Wednesday or Thursday to be in Port
land when tho boys reach there and re
turn witii them to this city.
For those who desire to mal:o the trip
to that city to receivs them, the D. P. &
A. N. Co. have made an extra schedule
and special rates from this place, whinh
will be found in another column. On
Wednesday tho Dalles City will make
the trio from Portland to this city,
bringing up an excursion party consist
ing of the Arion Society of New York.
She will reach hero early in the after
noon and leace tor I'ortland at 4 p. m.,
getting into that city about 10. On
Thursday those desiring can go down on
the Regulator, spend Friday in the city
and return Saturday, or go down on
Friday and return Saturday. On Satur
day It will be pleasant to leave on the
morning boat and meet them at the
Cascades, returning with them.
The boat which brings them up will
be decorated to tho queen's taste and
they will bo treated as they deserve
in a right royal manner.
Let us cull out a holiday, put on our
best attire, nnd receive them as none
ever wero received hero hefjre. There'll
be no luck of enthusiasm.
with tho company is proof of tho esteom
In which ho is held. His family now
resides nt Albino. His friends hero
deeply regret the accident and sincerely
hope he will Improve rapidly.
Thomas RIioikIp, Centcrfleld, 0.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy gnve me relief
until DoWIU'b Witch Hazel Salvo, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm
less. Ilewati of counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co. .
Commencing Saturday, July 29th, the
0. R. &. N. Co. will sell round-trip
tickets to Cascade Locks nnd return for
$1.50. Tickets will bo honored going on
train No. , Saturday, and rcturn'ng
on trains Nos. 4 and 2 the following
Sunday. Jam. Ikklaxd, Agent. augO
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wouuds from
rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
ing quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De
Witt's is safe nnd sure. Butler Drug Co.
In East F.tul Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about
fourtevn liandn high between 10 or 12
years old j white stnr on forohoad, black
points; saddle mark' and brtnd B L on,
left shoulder with running R underneath,
and weighing nbout 900 pounds. Owner
can have same by prpvlng property and
paying all chnrgep. jly8-lm
DoWltt's, Little Early Risers expel
from the system nil poisonous accumu
lations, regulate tho stomach, bowels
and liver, nnd purify tho blood. Thoy
drive nwiivdiscase, dissipate melancholy
and give health and vliior for tho daily
routine. Do no gripo or sicken. Butler
Drug Co.
You can't euro dyspepsi.i by dieting
E.itgood, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without aid from tho stomach, and
is made to cure. Butler Drug Co.
You need havo no boils if you will
buy Clarke it Falk'e pure euro for boils.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for tho
teetn. tf
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
s now in shape to properly
handle all kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
E" This department is under the charge of, Mr. J. Kirchoff.
The New Werner Edition
U In K7k a
If A
So ccmpkie that it covers the cr.trrs rr-nje of human kncvIedg;.
An Acclriuut tin llui K ;it Hound I'mufn
Kvr Train tli Chunii.
In most of the railroad accidents which
have occurred along the line of the O. R.
& X. Co. the victims havo chanced to
bo young men and In several instances
those who had been connected with the
company but a short time. However, an
accident which happened Saturday
night chose as its victim ono of tho old
est engineers on thu road Chas. Evan?.
Ilia engine, No. 72 was pulling passen
ger train No. i, which reaches this city
at 5:25 p. in. When about mile this
side of Arlington at 7:20 p.m., when
the train was going at a high rate of
speed, the sldo rod broke, und etiuck
Mr. Evans full force on the right leg be
low the knee. Ono who saw him claims
that ho bravely crawled up und shut ofT
tho steam after tho accident occurred.
No further domngo was dono and
putting on another engine, ho was taken
on to Arlington whero Ids wound was
dressed temporarily. Word was theu
telephoned to Dr. Logan at this place to
meot them, us he would be brought
ou No. a, on ids wav to Portland, Tho
Dr. accompanied him to that city, where
ho wan taken 'to Ht. Vincent hospital,
It was found necessary to am potato the
leg about seven Inches below thn knee,
and at 10 o'clock Dr. K. A.J. McKeu.le,
assisted by A. D. McKenzle and Dr.
Logan, performed the operation. The
latter returned to this city on the after
noon train and tells us the operation
was successful and no doubt Mr. Evans
will come through all right as no further
Injury was received,
Mr. Evans ia very well known in this
city, having made it hht home some
yean since. He it a man of about 40
year and the many yean he has beeu
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