Sl)HEH SflliE Of garmonts for warm days and sultry nights. Such is tho sale now in progress at our store in the form of light-weight under garments for tho ladies. They range in price from a 25c garment at 17c to an 85c garment at 59c in all styles, all prices, ali shades. Why swoltor now and dread j'our state When garments light as foather weight Can ho had in lots galore At Peaso fc Mays' dry goods store. These garmonts you will find the thing In pink and blue, ecru and cream. For afternoons when crowds en masse Turn out to view the band go past; When evening zephyrs 'round you plar, You feel content to go and stay To see Shaw's people try their best To please and entertain their guests. If you, dear friends, could only see How nice these garments fit and please, You'd come at once to our great store And buy theso garments by the score. -(Jouijuln) Miller. J5 Leaders for the Warm Weather in our Clothing Department. Bargain 1st Boys' Wash Suits, all sizes $ .G5 each Bargain 2d Crash Suits for Boys, ages from 7 W 15 years 1.15 each Bargain od Men's Crash Suits, reg. $4.50, reduced to 2.85 each First loss tint best. Wo do not intend to carry these goods over. THEY MUST GO. Bargain 4th Men's and Boys'-Crash Hats; all tho newest styles and colors at Actual Cost Bargain 5th Straw Hats at Half Price in our Gents' Furnishings Department you can find a splendid assortment of Madras, Oxford and Per cale Shirts at prices that will astonish you. SEE OUR WINDOWS. All Goods Marked In Plain Flguron. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY AUGUST 5, 180!) Telephone No. J. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no chances will be accepted in the aft "noon This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 181)9. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Shaw Company 1" "The Phcunlx" Tonight at the Baldwin. Look out for the Georgia Minstrel Pariulo at 2 o'clock Monday. Beats now o sale at the Butlor Drug Co.'e store. 1 rices "5, GO and 75 cents. goring Harry Llebe'a absence J. K. A(lcox will have charge of his jewelry tore, llort Truyne keening store in . the Bust End. Morning service tomorrow in the Uongregatlanal church. Subject, "Ac- n Inspiration." The male choir U ilng the offertory. fAroRUlar "Hag 'the ElkB Is culled 1 ., t0Dfc"ut. b1 it is the last Meting until Separator 10th, it li "oped there will be a fall atteodtnea. tJlT wUl b ProtlK t the Tint wwittan church tomorrow moralng and venlng at the usual houn, by the Pease & Mays. pastor, Eev. G. Rushing. All are cor diully Invited to atteud While out ridint: Saturday evenim? with another young lady. Um Prudence Patterson severely wreucheu her wriet by her horse shying, eaueinglicr much faiti. It is about well again, however. Wasco News. The Butler Drug Cohave tilled one of their windows with a bright new stock of puru prepared paint. If you are thinking of building a new houeo, or repairing your old oue, it rlll bo well to Bee this stock before buying your paint. I Uapt. Jiarten lias received transporta tion to Portland for company D. How ever, no positive arraugotueute have been made as yet in regard to their going. It is likely though that they will make the trip and assist in receiving their returning comradoe. Tho Shaw Company has afforded the people of The Dalles much pleasure dur ing the week and leaves the city for Pendleton. Monday night we are to have another bIiow, the "Georgia Up-to-Date" company. They have received some splendid press noticos und ure no doubt good. Gov. Goer bus received a letter from Missoula, Mont., asking hlui to appoint seven delegates to attend the sessions of the national irrigation congress next month. lie will take time in making selections, and no doubt auy citizen who is Interested in irrigation can secure an appointment. Postmaster Mddell hied himself to the Jayue-Dufur camp on a fishing ex pedition today, leaving his baggage be hind him, for it sat peacefully on the dock when be had gotten way out in tho stream. If the campers don't take pity on him, he'll do without blankets, and judging from the large box of pro visions, something to eat as well. Tho campors at the various places alone; the river's bank are thicker thnn bees in a hive. Beside Cascades and other reports, at Stevenson thero are about 100 campers, mostly from Trio Dalits and Hood River; while at tho hot springs at tho mouth of Wind rivor.are 150 campers and fifty boarders at the hotel. Oregon people are beginning to real!Z3 the vttluo of a few weeks outing during tho summer months. The usual sorvlces will bo held in the Methodist church tomorrow, Rev. J. II. Wood having returned from his trip to the mountains. There will be but five more Sundays until Mr. vVood will leave for conference and according to the rules of tho church this being his fifth year at Tho Dalles, must of necessity be the last. It is therefore fitting that as many members as are in tho city bo present during tho remainder of his Btay with the church here.- Another proof of Portland's bungling regarding Tho Dalles and Dallas was furnished ub this morning when the long-distanco tulephonu rang and upon answering it and endeavoring in vain to catch the drift of conversation carried on by the one who had called us, we at length found that some man in Portland had asked for a printing office at Dallas and was given The Dalles. It's time now for Dallas to kick, for even the telephone people don't recognize her existence. In commenting on the ball accepted in the caeo of Frank Collins, who was ar rested for appropriating property belong ing to Willis Hendricks near Dufur, the Dispatch says: "It was indeed a Bhock to this community, for Frank Collins waB sure of a job at Salem for Beveral years. The property he dis posed of belonging to Mr. Hendricks would reach the $1000 mark in valae, and why the authorities in The Dalles turned such a man loose on so small a bail is something we can't understand." Regarding the new ctfptaiu of the Regulator, tho Uregonian says: "Cap tain Charles W. Alden, formerly mate on the steamer Dalles City, of Tho Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, has been appointed roaster of the Itegulator. Captain Alden has been in the employ of the company live years, and is considered one of the best men on the upper river. He was feinted for the captaincy of the Inland Flyer, but aa that boat has not yet proved satis factory, another place was found for him. Captain Sherman, whom he suc ceeds, is now on a towboat on the lower river." The Hwppner Gazette Is justly indig nant at the reports which some of their neighboring pHpershave been circulating regarding the emallpox situation there, and after denying some exaggerated statement! cays: "The emullpor situa tion lie re, as we go to prees, is that the Driskell family Lave removed to their ranch, witti no other eases developed out6idethe family. Mr. Shutt is con valescent, and the mem hers of his house hold three women and two childien show no symptoms of the (xrntagion, and the feare Of the community are at rest. So negligence of precautions will be allowed. All farmers coming to town are unriliariziijg themselves with the true situation, and returning to their homes., branding the outrageous reports und the unreasonable scare in the country the work ol the agents of eatau.1' A'U AL'fil t'jclUt. Oliver Cromwell IJartnieEs, -of Hood River, spent yesterday in this city, en route to Kugeno where he goes to visit two nieces who reeido in that city. Mr. Bartmess expects to cover tie major part of the trip uwhetl, having on Wednesday ridden from Portland to this city, a distance ot over fifty miles, in less than niue hours. He Wit the metrojKjlis at 7 :IW o'clock that morning and reached tho Capital City about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Tho fact that Mr. Bartmess covered this distauee awlieel in the time specified would not appear uuusual or arouse any particular notice, were it not (hut tho rider will celebrate his eightieth birthday on October 1st., next. Although so nearly an octogenarian, Mr. Bartmess is in tiie best of health and his faculties ure not impaired In the least, lu fact he ia a very active person for one of ids years. He was, naturally, quite exhausted after his long bicycle ride and decided to remain lu this city yesterday for rest, expecting to resume his journey this morning, although, when seen yesterday afternoon, he had not decided whether ho would continue up the valley awheel or abandon that mode of travel for the more comfortable and expeditious pas senger train. Salem Statesman. "Uariuuuy" Wblnbajr. Harmony whiskey for family and peclal use, sold by Beu Wilton, The Dalles. jl FARMER 8TEBBIN8 WAS THERE. And lift Krpt the AudlfincA In ft Hoar or Laughter A Typical flayteeil. Packed does not express It when re ferring to the house which greeted the Shaw company last night In "Farmer Stebbins." Tho people were crowded in like sardines, and it was tho quietest, most orderly audience of the engage ment, giving all an opportunity io enjoy every part of tho play and tho delight ful music by tho orchestra. "Cavalloria Kusticana" was especially pleasing, as was also the selection "Nigger in the Barnyard," the work in the latter being most novel. "Farmer Stebbins," which was written by Shaw himself, is virtually a one-part play, but with such an actor aa Sam Shaw in the lead, is as much appre ciated as if the best acting of each character on the fctago were called into play. Never haB n Dalles audience seen such a hayseed role played. He teat Stebbins, and none could detect Shaw in the whole play. In tho first place, the conception of tho character as true to life, and carried out in a perfect man ner. His unsophisticated manner and odd remarks kept the audience In a roar of laughter. As to the make-up, it could not be beat; and one lady who had not seen them before was heard to remark that she had heard Shaw was a handsome man, but no one could make her believe there was anything even good looking about him after seeing him in last night's play, While it was really a one-part play, tho requirements of tho other characters . were well met and some clever acting was done. In the last act come good speciality work was introduced, partic ularly the dancing, for they, make no pretention as to singing. There are, however, some splendid dancers in the company, and one seldom sees a more what might be termed versatile dancer than Miss Kelton. When Mr. Shaw stepped out to make bis usual announcements (not about the matinee) he waB presented with a hand some bouquet from the Elks of the city, which he accepted very gracefully. It was an immense bouquet tied with ElkB colors. Tonight will be the last opportunity to see the company for some time to come. Mr. Shaw has selected "The Phoenix" as his farewell bill. The play is too well known to need an intro duction, as it has been seen here before. One Edltor'H Opinion. Here's what a Carlinvillo, 111., editor ?ays about The Dalles, and one thing is certain, none'' of the exaggerated stories which were told some of the editors reached his curs, for he has, if anything, underestimated his figures concerning our commercial value. He says : "The first city of importance wo reached in the Columbia valley waB The Dalles, which looked stately with its magnificent trees, large brick blocks, mammoth warehouses, beautiful resi dences and well kept lawns. We were surprised to learn that The Dalles, where Generals Grant and Sheridan learned the rudiments of warfare, is one of tho chief commercial cities of the Northwest. The surrounding country is noted for its magnificent fruit lands, broad plateaus with their waving grain and a great expanse of growing country that producec meat to feed an empire and clothe a nation. "The Dalles is the head of navigation on tho Middle Columbia; owns its own waterworks at a cost of $150,000, has tho best water, beiug brought from tho foothills of Mt. Hood ; the center of the best fruit belt on tho coast; tho greatest original shipping point iu the United States, it ships annually 2500 tons of canned salmon, $75,000 worth of fresh fish, 000,000 buthda of wheat, 5000 head of cattle, 100,000 head of sheep, 0,000, 000 pounds of wool. The country sends $50,000 worth of strawberries to the Eastern markets, and ships $50,000 worth of other fruit. SHAW'S COMPANY Tonight's Play, Change of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedians, POPULAR PRICES Adrartlted Lettcri. Following is the list of letters remain Ing in tho postofilco at The Dalles un called for August 5, 1800. Persons calling for tho eamo will give date on which they wero advertised: Bychmon, Harry Tryon, Perl Bphmont, J W Van Camp, Perry Compton, J G Waggett,'G Fidlcr, Geo Williams, Walt Johnson, Peter Mavberrv, W S McCoy, J P Philbroo'k, E B -2 Rolston, Alhott Room, Frank Turner, A W Tybron, A Cooley Graco Lucas, Viola BIssoll, Flora Rope, Lena Taylor. Anno Wolds, Eunice Wright, W W Wright, Dally. H. II. Riddki.Ij, P. M. Klcctlun Notice, By virtue of an order made by the Board of Fire Delegates of Dalled City fire department on the 18th day of July, 1899, notice is hereby given that there will be an election held for the purpose ot electing a chief engineer and an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de partment, said election to be held on the first Monday in August, said day being tho 7th of August, 1899. The polling place of said election shall be at the fire engine house, situated on Third street, Dalles City, and the polls of said election shall open at 5 o'clock p. m. and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. on said day. Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th day of July, 1899. E. M. WlXGATE, Secretary Board of Fire Delegates. Jly 24-2wk J A Child Enjoyn. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Manufactured by " the California Fig Syrup Co. That Throbbing OcRdache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchlesR merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try ,them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Lost. ' A white arrow head, stick pin, be tween Washington and Federal streets on Second. A reward will bo given to the person who will leave it at the store of II. C. Liebe. 4-3t Commencing Saturday, July 29th, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Cascade Locks and return for $1.50. Tickets will be honored going on train No. 1, Saturday, and returning on trains Nos. 4 and 2 the following Sunday. Jas. Ireland, Agent. aug9 V V V w vVvvvVVV I Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now in shape to properly A hnndlo all kinps of work from a puncturo to building a wheel. Alao repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. MAYS & CROWE. Baldwin Opera House O.NK WEKK, 1IKH1NN1.NO MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31st. MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players. Positively tho strongest aggregation of lie kind in tho woat, The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra. Concert ami purmleoueli day nt 2:00 o'clock, 6eti on sale at llUkeley A Houghton's It's a real pleasure to get the meals for the family when you have a complete set of needful! utcnsllB and have n new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens and can uavo you money and mnny steps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laisen seed ers, pots, irons, roaptmg pans hundreds of other thing to make the kitchen complete. Wo can fiirninh double oven cook stoves from $S.OO up. See tho best Range on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Call at Mnler & Benton's and see the Antiseptic Nest Egg. WitU tbe use o this sett Kgg jou will have no more Lice, Mites or Vernlit in your poultry houses. Setting hens will set better eggs and will hatch better and chickens will live and grow better wheie Antiseptic Kgg is UEcd. Sec them nt Pier & Beaton 167 Second St. ft Klsinarck'n Iron Serve Was tbe result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain nnd body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's "drug store. 2 Thomas Rhoade, Centerfiold, O., writes : "I suffered from piles seven or eifiht years. No remedy cave mo relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel , Salve, less than a bos of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm lees. Bewau of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on tho market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. . tf T3 A-rpA-T-A-p prrA-TOTCJW "THE PHCENIX." gongs and Dances. l5o, 25o and 35o Drugstore. 3 1 a a a