The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XII
NO 97
IBtricaiis Mast Fight tor Every Fool
of Ground Tocy Hold.
Tlicj Arc Co'minK from Japan and
Australia, and Cartridges Bear
Trade Mark of United States Firm.
Ciiicaoo, Aug. 4. The Tribune's epe
cial eorreHpoinlunco from Manila under
dutuof JuiioliO.eayH: The next cnmpnign
can hunlly liecin auonur thnu November,
ill though the country may dry up enough
tov;inln tiie middle of October to permit
tin; American troops to take the field
than. The American urmy during the
rainy aeiiBou can hardly be expected to
do imytliiiiR more than hold what it lino
gained nml prepure fur the next cam
paign. The ground to defund 1b not
very cront.
On the Knuth of Manila wo have Iiuub
niimit fliteon miles rwhv, where the
Fourth and Fourteenth infantry, with
several gunH from the Sixth nrtillery, aro
stationed. This territory was gained
only n-Ithin the last two weeks by the
hnrd lighting ut l'arnnunue, at which
even tlio ruttlu of the rifles can be heurd
in Manila.
Northward the farthest point In the
control of our ooldiorH in San Fernando,
forty-one tniluH from Manila, on ttio
railroad. The railroad in 149 miles in
length in till, but the insurgents control
11 tilts track between San Fernando and
Dacupan, the northern terminal of the
road. The Amoricnns hold Canadalm,
aat of San Femundo ten miles. They
hold all the towns along the railroad, of
courto, to Sun Fernando and Ualiuag,
tevon miles east of Pnlllun.
Iteporte continually come from linliuuB
tliat the town is entirely surrounded by
the enemy and is about to bo carried by
assault. But Colonel Page and the Third
infantry huvo so far driven the rebels
wick with disastrous Iobs evory time
they have assaulted the town, and he de
clares lie can hold it for an indellnite
time, although his position thero is by no
means nn easy one. Supplies and mall
can only bo curried over to Ualiung from
the railroad undor an escort of not less
than 150 men, who are invariably nt
tacked Bomowhoro along the road, both
doing and coming.
Heavy shipments of arms nre said to
be coiistautly nrriving from Japan and
Australia and, it is said, even from our
wn country. Cartridges picked up in
Hio ineurgent trenuhes bear tun trado
ark of a big manufacturing firm in the
United States. The Insurgents hnvo
three factories where they manufacture
cartridges and other munitions of war.
If they were kept on the run they would
have notimosotoequlp themselves that
"ley could returu after defeat, bettor
"bio to fight than they were before.
They are learning things every encoun
ter with the Americans. The papers In
Manila have continually referred to the
act that the rebels were prone to shoot
too high, and they adorned finally to
"nve learned the lesson and now they
a getting their shots well down and
raansl" lK greftt im)rovement In awku-
Ausqvutewv tout?.?
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
irom urazli. They wont to Brazil to
Htudy geological formations near Pernam-
buco, but the authorities thought they
were spies seeking information concern
ing Brazilian fortifications. The stu
dents, however, were not prevented from
returning to the Unitod States.
For an Editor to ltconinintil
ill ll c I n kiiT
Yellow lack is Downed.
Wabiunqton, Aub. 4. The Marine
nospUai received word today that several
mndred tents and a quantity of cots
e been turned over to the Hampton
"otne from Fort Monroe to allow the
camping out of 1600 of the inmates on
' home grounds while tbe barracks
re being defected. There .were no
"ports of new cases. , Tills ii taken to
indicate that the,epWemic la at a stand-
Thought Tfcej Were Spies.
JJJ 1 Harold Havea.,ptud.nt- of Lelaud
HUnfordunWeHy,a,Ttd here today
From Sylvan Vullev News. Brevrad.
N. 0.
It may bo a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as a preventive of Buffering
we feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. Wo have known und
used this medicine in our family lor
twenty yours and have always found it
reliuble. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would saVo hours of suffering
while n physician is awaited. We do
not bolicvo in depending implicitly on
any medicine lor a cure, but we do
believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Keuiedy was kept on hand
and administered ut the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided
und iu very many cuees the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
I no Bt this litis been our experience
during the past twenty years. For sale
by Illakoley & Houghton, DruggistB.
Robbery Was a Fake.
Taooma, Aug. I!. Anna Steiger, a 16-year-old
girl, who claimed to have been
bound and gagged while her home was
robbed of $60 by two masked men a few
days ago, has been arrested. She con
fessed thut she stolo the money and con
cocted the story.
Cuturrh. Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the scut of the dieeuse. Catarrh
is u blood or constitutional dieense, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It wns wus prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is n regulnr prescription. It is compoBed
of the beet tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciikney & Co., PropB., Toledo O.
Sold bv drruggintB, price 7e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Op it tbc Nineties ani Also Fast tie
nniilrei Mart,
Reports of Intense Heat Conie From
Many Eastern Cities Orccon Is
All Right.
Omaha, Aug. S. This is the third in
a Berles of very hot days in Nebraska.
The maximum temperature at Omaha
was DO on Tuesday, 93 yesterday, and 92
today. High winds make the conditions
very uncomfortable. In the south part
of the state, even higher temperature is
reported. At Sytacuee, the thermome
ter recorded a maximum of 102 in the
shade today, with only a little less than
the two preceding days. Wymore re
ports 107 in the shade for toduy. Along
the line oi the Burlington, temperutureB
have ranged from 90 to 100.
The corn crop is now in a critical con
dition, and some damage is likely to re
sult if the extreme heat continues.
Copious rains are reported in the north
ern half of the state, with temperatures
much lower than further south.
Hoy Drowned Near Junction City.
Junction City, Aug. 3. Vernon Ut
linger, aged thirteen, son of Thomas
Uttinger, wus drownod in the Willamette
river today, u mile and a quarter east of
Junction City. He was swimming with
a crowd of small boys. The body wus
recovered by II. C. Muhon and Mr.
Volcanic Kruptlou
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Buoklen'e Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers,, Bolls, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and acheB.
Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley a Houghton, drug
gists. 2
Will Prospect iu tbe Cascades.
Junction City, Aug. 3. L. Lawrence,
a miner at Denver, Colo., late of Cripple
Creek, and B. Parker started for the
Bobemo mines today. They will pros
pect north over the Cascades and to
Baker City. They have good prospects
in view.
Our m Cola In !
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tab-
eta. Ail druggists refund the money u
t falls to cure. 20c.
Chaplain Milburn Overcome.
Lincoln, Aug. S. Dr. W. H. Milburn,
the blind chapluin of the United States
senate, was prostrated by euuBtroke and
fell unconBciouB this afternoon, while
delivering a lecture at the Nebraska
Epworth assembly, at Lincoln Park. He
was brought to the city and revived
under the care ot a physician. Tonight
he is much improved, and doctors look
for an almost complete recovery in time.
Springfield, III., Aug. 3. Today waB
the hottest day of the year, tbe govern
ment thermometer registering a max
imum of 97 degrees, while the ther
mometers on the Btreet registered
higher in the ehado.
St. Louis, Aug. 3. According to the
weather bureau, St Louis was the hot
test city iu the Uuited States today. The
maximum temperature was reached at
4 o'clock this afternoon, when the ther
mometer at tho weather bureau office,
on top of the custom-house, tegtetered
99 degrees. At the same time, several
thermometers in the street showed the
morcury at 105.
Kansas City, Aug. 3. rue govern
ment observatory iu Kausas City regis
tered 96 for two hours this afternoon.
Webb City, Mo., reports 106, aud Joplin,
Cincinnati, Aug. 3. The weather bu
reau reports a temperature of Qd dog.,
here this afternoon, the highest for
twelve years. Seven persons were pros
trated by heat.
Dib Moines, la., Aug. 3. Today was
the hottest of the year, the official tem
perature being 92 degrees, Iowa points
report as high as 100 degrees.
Pxobia, 111., Aug. 3, This was the
hottest day of the year. The official
thermometer marked OS degree i at 2
Going to Camas Prairie.
Lswiston, Ang. 3. The special train
of President Mallet), of the northern
Pacific, arrived here tbls morning, and
attached to the train was tbe private oar
of Pmldeut Moblor, of the O. R. & N.
Probidents Mclen and Mobler did not
come to the city, however, but left tbe
train at Spaulding, taking private con
veyances for an inspection of the Camas
Prairie country. They are exp.ctcd
hero tomorrow evening.
You need have no boils if you will
buy Clarke & Fnlk'e sure cure for bolls
Use Clarke & Falks Ttosofoam for the
Opera House
Special engagement
introducing the latest eongs,
dances and specialties.
30 Colored Stars.
10 Vaudeville Novelties.
See theCake Walk Contest.
Grand Concert and Street Parade at
2 o'clock p. in.
Admission - 25c, 50c, 75c
Seats on sale at tbe Butler Drug Co.'s.
Santa Fe We
Offers travelers choice of the following
routes east. They are all famous for
their scenic attraction.
O. R. & N. view Ogden and Denver.
Shasta Route view Saciomento, Ogden
and Denver.
Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lis
Angeles aud Alberquerque.
A dailv Hue of through PULLMAN
from Sp.u FranciFCo and Los Angeles to
Chicago. This is
The Short Line
from Bouthern California
To the East.
Applv to the acents of the O. R. & N.
Co. or the undersigned, for folders anr
descriptive literature.
Gen. Agt. Worcester. Bide. Portland, Or.
pes i sale
11 head of Good Work
Horses. For terms apply
At M. M. Waterman's, on 8-mlle.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notleo Is hereby given that the undersigned,
the iissisnco of J. V. Moore, II. K, Moure, it ml
J. W, mid II. K. Moore, Insolvent debtor, hiss
Mod with tho clerk nf the circuit court, of tut!
mute oi ureKon, tor wasoo county, uis nuoi nc
count its such Htfclicuee: the sniue will bo heard
mid juissed uoii by mid circuit court ou the Ut
any oi mo nvxi rcKumr lenu oi tuiu circuit
court, to-wit, the November, lSl9,ti'rm thereof, at
the hour of ten o'clock n, in,, or s noon there
after us the mutter can be readied.
Jlj lS it VOIK BUTLKK, Assignee.
While Sojourning
in the Country
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been duly minoluted by the honorable
County Court of the Bute of Oickou, for Wasco
county, us executor of tho estate of fhebeJ.
HulKht, deceased. All perrons having claims
against suld estate ure hereby notified to pre
tent the same, properly veiltled. to mo at my
olllcu in Dulles City. Oiegou, within six mouths
from the date of this uotloe.
Dated tun otu any ot Juiy, itw.
Kxccutor of tho estate of l'hube J. lialirbt.
deceased. Jly -il
Notleo is hereby given that tho undersigned
has tiled his tlnuf account us executor of the es
tate of Hsriih McAtoo with tue clerk of tho
count court of the state ot Oregon, for Wasco
county, snd that Thursday, the filth duyof July,
low, at mo aour oi iu o ciocx a. iu, nas oeuu
tlxed as the time and the county court room in
Dalles City as the n'aoe for the hearing of ob
jections to said ilual oocouut aud settlement of
Mia osutif.
Dated July 13. 1890. TUGS. NOKVAL.
jun M i liieeutor.
You will not want time to hang heavy on your
hands. We shall be glad to fill all mail orders for
i& ji-raDroiuery Materials, otampea Linen, iLmuroiaery
and Knitting Silks, Patterns and Braids for Lace
making. Books and Magazines are not in our line, but
any order -ou might send us for such will be care
fully attended to, just the same.
Take our Catalogue with you, for convenience
in ordering.
A. M. Williams & Co.
Job Printers.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SiiSo
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr N'8 t,our 18 mnufactnred expressly for family
w ' use; everriack li Kuaranteed to iflve Mtiafcetlasn
W eell our goods lower than any house iu tbe trade, and if you don't tbiaksw
eall aud get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Priow Paid for Wtoat, Barley and Oata.