The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 04, 1899, Image 1

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in oil Soldier Who Visited Santiago
Brongbt I!.
Cot Well and Left Before Disease was
Discovered Now at Columbus
City, Washington.
Wahiiimiton, Aug. 3. Marino hos
pital ollicinlfi ut Ilnmpton have suc
ceeded in tr.ici ut: nnd locating n former
Inmate of tho soldiers' homo, who is bo
liuvcd to have brought yellow fevor to
that place. Ilia nntuo is William
Thomas. Ho arrived at the homo on a
transport from SnnthiRO, whero ho had
been vieltiiiK from July 2 to 5 Inst. lie
km admitted to tho homo as a veteran
and Bonn after developed chills and
fever. In the light of Bubiequent events
experts believe there is little doubt ho
was afft'eti'd with u mild enso of yellow
fever, tiltlionch he was not diagnosed as
each at the time. When well enough to
travel he left tho homo and his baggage
was eent to I'heehuB. The man him
elf went to Columbus City, WubIi.,
where he now is.
Surgeon-General Wyman regards it as
fortuuate that Thomas went to such a
liigli altitude, ne it greatly lessened the
danger of infection. Another change
was inndo toduy in tiie destination of
troops at Fort Monroe. General Mor
rltt telegraphed tho war department
tliat in defurenee to the earnest recom
mendation of Surgeou-Ueneral Wyman,
he would direct that the troops bo sent
to Plum inland, in Long island sound.
Hoot Will Do Right.
Nkw Youk, Aug. 3. A special to the
Herald from Washington says: Mr.
Koot spent his first day as secretary of
wp.r in dealing with tho yellow fever
problem, asking Information and en
deavoring to promoto harmony. He de
clared Hint he did not purpose to be in
fluenced by factious, but would do wiiat
he thought was right for the service and
the country.
No New Cases.
Newroitr Nkwb, Va., Aug. 3. The
Soldier)' Home situated at Hampton Is
practically unchanged. Gov. WoodOn
reported "no new cases; no deaths" this
morning. One of the quarantined sus
pect caeca in Phoebus has developed the
Npuln'M UrNtf!t Niil.
Mr. I. p. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
ependa hie winters nt Aiken, S. C.
Week norves hud caused severe pains in
tho back of his head. On using Electric
Iilttere, America's greatest blood and
nerve remedy, all pain soon left him.
He Bays this grand medicine is whot his
wnntry needs. All America knows that
Ucurea liver and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
IrengtlieiiH the nerves, puts vim, vigor
nil now life into every muscle, nerve
aid organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing you n0od it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only Doc. Sold by Blnkeley
Houghton, druggists. 1
A Quantity of Stores Hurtled Great
Damage Done.
6mu:, Aug. 2.-The new of the de-
uction, hy lire, of the United States
"'Wary post at Dyoa, on 1-Viday of last
ta brouht lw U'l" city tody by
H I ,'f l)BI"'e"Kers on the ateuiuihip
"omboldt. Military stores to the vtlu.
",m "ro deitroysd , About $80,000
AVAl Baking
Absomjiev Ihjre
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovn oKina powder
of Btores wore saved by the prompt woik
of tho soldiers, under the commad of
Captain Hubby. Tho fire started in the
brnsh back on the hflls, and swept down
on the fort. Tho soldiers, with their re
maining supplies, have been moved to
Skagway, and are now quartered in ono
of the largo warehouses near tho water
front. Forest fires arc said to be raging
along the line of Canodu. The Glacier
station roundhouse, outbuilding!! and
water tank, of tho Whito Pass & Yukon
Railway Co., are reported destroyed.
The firo coneumed the wharf of the
Dyeu-KIondiko Tramway Co., at Dyea.
The total damage thus far dene is esti
mated at $125,000. Atone time it was
feured the entire town of Dyea would bo
destroyed, but fortunately the wind
changed. Tho passengers of tho Hum
boldt say that, when they left Skngway
last Sunday, the country fifteen miles to
the south was lit up by tho burning
is ir in uiiT
For un Editor to Iteeoinineiid I'atcnt
Mrdlciiif ?
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be n question whether the
editor of a newBpnper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood tho
market, yet as a preventive of suffering
wh feel it a duty to Bay a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar
rhoea Remedy. We have known and
used tliiB medicine in our family lor
twenty years and huye always found it
reliable. In many caeca a dose of this
remedy would Bave hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited. Wo do
not believe iu depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, but we do
believe ttiat if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept; on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering might he avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during the past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
A Irlelitrul Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
eeald.cutor bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the beet in the world, will kill
the nuin and promptly heal it. Cures
old soree, fever sores, ulcere, boils, corne,
felons and all skin eruptions. Beet pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Threo horses Juno 10, 1899, described
as follows: two weighing about 1400
each. One n light' chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Bluck horse branded
f! nn left shoulder. Ono bald faced
sorrel weighing ubout 1200; roached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts, or the return of
same. A. Mabo.v, J. Bays, Contractors,
Viento, Or., or E. V., MoBler,
Or. i2S'lin
VoU unlo Kruptloim
Ar ..rand, but Bkln eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklou's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever sores,
illnr. Bolls. Felons, Uorns, vt arvs,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
n..,l. flhilbla ns. Beet mo euro on
earth. Drlvos out pains and aches.
Only 20 cts. ft box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley iiougiuou, um.k-
DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel
from tho system all poisonous accuniU'
latiotiH, regulate tho stomach, bowels
nnd liver, and purify tho blood. They
drive nwuy disunite, dissipato melancholy
and give health and vigor for tho du .y
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler
DoWittV Little JKurly UUerH benefit
permanently. They lend gentle aeslst
inco to nature, causing no pains or
weaklier, permanently curing Ra
tion aud liver ailment". Butler JJrug
co., ntw yotik.
Norlhcrn Pacific and O.R.&N. Have a
President Mellon Returns to Portland to
Meet Mr. Hartman Portland the
Fighting Ground.
Portland, Aug. 3. Northern Pacific
ofllciule, head men of the O. R. & N. and
the chairman of the Union Pacific direc
tory havo been in conference over the
ultimatum of the Northern Pacific to the
O. R. & N. must promise to keep out of
the Nez Perces country and must give
the Northern Pacific full trackage rights
down the Columbia from Lewiston to
Portland, or have its line paralleled down
the Columbia. The situation may be
set down as tense.
No hint of what transpired among
them has been allowed to escape, but
ono result of the meeting is that a spec
ial train wbb made up hastily yeeterday
afternoon and left at 5 o'clock over the
O. R. & N. for Lewiston. In addition to
the heads of the three roads interested
were: B. Campbell, general traffic man
ager, and W. H. Kennedy, chief engi
neer of tho O. R. & N., and J. II. Kend
rick, general manager; J. M. Hannaford,
general traffic manager; E. H. Mcllenry
chief engineer, and M. C. Kimberly,
general superintendent of the Northern
Evidently the object of the trip is to
go over the physical aspects of the situa
tion. It is given out that the party will
be absent four or five days.
Sentiment in Portland is unanimous
against the O. R. & N. agreeing to with
draw from any part of the Columbia riv
er basin, or of promising to keep out in
future. If the O. R. & N. were an inde
pendent concern, it certainly would re
fuse to eutertain the N. P.'s claim
Idaho, east of Lewiston, is natural
Northern Pacific territory ; but tho O. R.
& N, ie controlled by tboOiegou Short
Liue and Union Pacific and what action
these roads will take must be awaited
with patience. As to tho matter of
trackage rights, best opinion holds that
tho O. R. & N. will give them, provided
terms can be arranged, the natural as
sumption being that the Northern Paci
fic will holdout for the lowest reasonable
charge, and that tho O. R. & N. will de
mand the highest it thinks tho Northern
Pacific will pay in preference to building
down the Columbia.
It looks as if a crisis must be reached
very soon. Portland will view with de
light a failure of the two roads to como
to teruiBandthe Northern Pacific put
ting into effect its threat to build a
short, down grade line to Portland.
J1 ulind.
Iu East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horso, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points ; saddle marks nnd brand B L on
left shoulder with running R underneath,
and weighing about 000 pounds. Owner
can have same by proving property and
paying all charges. Jl)8-lm
Gun-shot wounds nnd powder-burns,
cute, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings aud Ivy poison,
ing-qnlckly healed by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beworoof counterfeits. De
Witt's is tuft aud ur. Butler Drug Co.
Went Into Deep Water.
Ckntrama, Aug. 2. Miss Vera War
ren, tho 17 year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Warren, was drowned this
afternoon in the Skookumchucl: river nt
this place. Miss Wnrrcn, hor sister
Nellie nnd Miss Hazel Twife were bath
ing. Misa Warren and her sister got in
to deep water. Miss Twiss went to their
assistance and got tho younger one to
tho bank. Both girls clung to a limb
until help arrived, but Vera was drown
ed. The body was recovered three
quarters of an hour later in 15 feet of
water. -The father of the drowned girl
is in Alaska.
Election Notice,
By virtue of an order made by the
Board of Fire Delegates of Dalled City
firo department on the 18th day of
July, 1899, notice is hereby given that
there will bo an election held for the
purpose cf electing a chief engineer and
an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de
partment, said election to bo held on
tho first Monday in August, said day
being the 7th of August, 1899. The
polling place of said election shall be at
the firo engine house, situated on Third
street, Dalles City, and the polls of said
election shall open at 5 o'clock p. m.
and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. on eaid
Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th
day of July, 1899.
E. M. Wing ate,
Secretary Board of Fire Delegates.
Jly 2i 2.vk J
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys tin nervous system,
and predisposes to insanity nnd fatal
diBeaees. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cured by Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure.
It line cured thousands of cases aud is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Notice is hereby given to all property
owners in Dalles City to immediately
out down and destroy all thistles grow
ing on their property; and if said
thistles are not immediately cut down,
I will proceed to remove them at the
expense of tho property on which they
are located, end the property owner will
also be liable to n fine.
Dalles City, August 1, 18U9.
l-3t N. D. Hughes, Marshal.
You need have no boils if you will
buy Clarke & Fnlk's sure cure for boils.
Opera House
Special engagement
Introducing tho latest songs,
dances and specialties.
30 Colored Stars.
10 Vaudeville Novelties.
See the Cake Walk Contest.
Grand Concert nnd Street Parade at
2 o'clock p. m.
Admission - 25c, 50c, 75c
Seats on s:le nt tho Butler Drug Co.'h.
t-frulU, jollies, ptcklca orcntsup art
rife moro easily, tuora quickly, mora
3k7 houlthfully oeulod with UettntKj
I'uruiline w iiiHii py noy uiuw
method. Dozeutor other uses will be
touudtorp fi d
(4) Dmffin.1 VfY
In every household. It It clean,
uwvnvo fii.u wuwiiv-.-""!
. i . .... . i ... u .uMi.iil r.uAnf
with m Hat of IU uway UWM
fA from your druggtet or sroour,
iwj Moia every wunre. wun vr
While sojourning
in the Country
You will not want time to hang heavy on your
hands." We shall be glad to fill all mail orders for
Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linen, Embroidery
and Knitting Silks, Patterns and Braids for Lace
making. Books and Magazines are not in our line, but
any order you might send us for such will be care
fully attended to, just the same.
Take our Catalogue with you, for convenience
in ordering.
f A. M. Williams & Co. I
Wtfr -M- Jr -Jr Sir -ifr i?i
-V "V
mtTTTi mil nirmuMtrnn rimirTri7int i n n m 1 1 iinrtn
( i ( ii
Land Officii at Vancouvhii. Wash.. I
Julys, Ibiw. j
Katlco is liciuby utven Hint, the follciwliiir
liuml (-cUlus have lllt'tt notleo of their ilitmi
tlim Id mtiki! limit tuuof In MiMimt of their
claims ami that biijit proofs will hu iiuulc li.'foro
w, ii. rreuy, I'niU'U Hiaien LommifMouer tor
l)ltiiel of WntliiiiKlon. at Ills ollleu In (lolileu.
dale, Wublilngtoii, on Monday, August 11, ltW,
Sti')lie ainrlctt.
)loim.toaii Kntry No.'JO'JI. for tho 8. K N. 1C.
N. K. H. H. !i Het'llou I'J, anil K, W. N. W. 1 1
ot Section aj, Ton iishl) ti North, of Itancu U
r.ini, in, silt.
llu names thu followlne wltne.v-Cb to urovo his
ronlliiuous rcslilenco upon iiiul cultlvaliou
talU laud, viz:
Can I'ranzon, I'nriMiiin f raiuen, roner I.,
llardlsou, Murlou Solium, all of l.ylu 1', 0,,Vush,
I'urter I.. Ilitnllson.
Iloinesteail Kntrv No. for thu 8. K. Mat
H, IC. Ji of Heellon 111; Ihu . W. A of H. V. !,
teotlou -Mi K, lA of N. K. of Heetlon !l), Town
thlii 3 North, of itniiiio :i limt, Will, Mer.
lid imiiies iiiu lonowiUK witutws to irnvu
lits e.iiillnuims rvklUvnco u noil, mid vultlvutlon
of said laud, vti.;
tan rruiizeii, i.nruusu rrMiuxil, Hteiiiivn
JUrlelt, Marlon bpUwii, nil of l.yltt 1'. O , VYusli,
Jly It W, U. UUNIUlt, Htyittor.
Job Printers.
xtuTixt u in llu m l It ill u .14 1 u j u u u txi i uVt
U. S. Land Omru, Tho Dalles, Ore. I
July M, lh.'J.
Not lee is hereby given that thu order ol Do
eoiiilier ii, IMil, tumporarlly ulthdtawiut; fttm
Uliiusal, for tho purposies of a hout railway, thu
laiidb on tho south sldo ami within six miles ot
thu Columbia river, between Thu Dulles iui
tvlilu, has been revoked hy thu president, ex
cept as to thu following ileseribed parcels; ono in
thu NW'H of Seo Ill.Ta N, K1IK, coutiiiiiliiK
about four and miu-half aerus, and thu other In
tho NWU, Keo'Jl, T -' N, It 15 K, eoutaiiilug utwut
Imlf an ai're.
On aud after September 1, IhQO, we will recuivu
iipplleatlons lor uuy vacant lands Included
theielu. J, V, I.IH'AS,
lteeelver. Jly.ti t
Noribi-r oi'F inaTTbet tlem entT
Nullcu Is lieieby kIycii that thu tinilersUneit
lias tiled his Itiial account as executor of thu us
tutu of Kurali MuAtuj with thu clerk of tho
t'ouiit; court of thuktuto of ()reoii, for Wco
county, unit tliut Thuikdiiy, thu VM iluyul July,
lhW, ut the hour of 10 o'clock u, in, lias bunt
llxcil as thu time aud tho county o.mrt room In
Dalles City us thu p'ucu for thu liuarlnir ofttb
Jcellous tobiild llnal uecouiit and seltlemuut ol
Miitl entitle.
Juu H I b'xvvulor,