Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CUAN5ES THE YSTEM I EFFECTUALLY 2' 8 UrAD' rrxfcKr OVFRCOMFS rr 4BITUALC0NST''T'0N 1 UAU PERMANENTLY ,TSBFC.AUCTS "RUV THE ftfNUINE-MN'F"0 BV (uivRlSIAFrG,SYIM,(S Friday Physiology, geography, men til arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. ron county iwi'kks. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spoiling, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. FOE riUJIAKV CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Heading, penmanship, orthography, the art of questioning, methods ot teaching. GRADUATES. All persons who have graduated from chartered institutions, this June, may take examination upon thesis branches, even though they may have failed in June. 29-lld WILL HAVE MEDALS- The Bate FoiHani ni Astoria Navigation Co.' Governor Gecr rraponrs to Kciranl the Volunteers. rca sau 6t 4u cruowts f--a an ra tent. I'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. W. II. P.Uteoa is in from Dufur. Rose C. Finlev, of Corvallia, arrived in the city last night. F. C. Savape, reprenenting the North western, is in liie city today. U. F. Woodcock, of Wamie, returned last night from a trip to Portland. li. B. Sinnott, who has spent some time in Portland and Salem, returned on last evening's train. G. L. Irehind, v;ho has been m the cily for several days, returned to Moro on lust evening's train. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McRae came in from the. r ranch nearD.tyviIIeye3ter day, and 1 tit t. for Portland this morning Mrs. Geo. Johnston is spending a few days with Mrs. A. S. MacAHister, dur ing the absence of Mr. Johnston in Portland. Ernest Laeddeman returned last tiveuins to his dative in French & Co bank, hnving spent ten days in Portland and at heariew, llwaco beach. Major and Mrs. Cowan and E. W BijiKS and wife came in from Warm Spring in private conveyance yesterday, and leU tuts morning tor rortlauri. Rev. and Mrs. Wm, Ilo'kins, of Prine ville arrived in the city yesterday on ttieir wav to attend the Mitthodiet con ference, and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Parkins. lion. John Sommervllle and son, -John, came up from Portland last night on their way to Hay Creek. The former is contemplating removing his family to this city in the fall and is looking about tor a suitable residence. J. S. and Mrs. Schenck, jiiie. Alice Sheldon end Mrs. Hugh Loan left the city last night hound fnr Bingham Springs, near Pendieton.This is a de lightful resort nnd very populur with the people of that section. A. Erskine, of Ersuineville. who is so well known in Sherman rind Wasco counties, called at the. Ciihoxiole office today. Mr. Erskine says the grain has received same injury, but there will yet be a generous yield. He is proud of Sherman county, and save he knpw what it would ba' when he Settled there tuneteen years ago. Jiulgo A. S. Bennett and family are today moving into their handsorrie new residence on west Fourth street. Situ ated on a knoll, from which A" splendid view of Mt. Adams and thuTiver can be obtained, it is a most desirable resi dence properly, whiletho residence itself is not only hnndome in appear ttnee, but replete in very detail. Care lias been taken to leave not an iota un done toward modern convenience. Such domes are a credit to the city. Teachrra' Kxamltiatlon. Notice U hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may ofiur theineelves as candidates for toachera of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will bold a public ex amination at the court house in The Dalles, Oregon, beginning at 0 o'clock a. in. Wednesday, August 9, 1809. Dated this 29th day of July, 1890. C. L. GlI.llKET, County School Superintendent, Wbeco County, Oregon. ftocordiug to law, the following pro ran has been prepared by the state txxrd of fducaf ion : JOB STATE HAI'KBS. Wednesday Peniuastbip, history, vptMiug, algebra, reading. Gov. T. T. Geer has conceived the idea of giving each volunteer of the Second Oregon regiment a memento of their campaign, and one which will be cherished by every soldier as a keepsake during life, and an heirloom to band down to posterity, ine governor pro poses to secure, from General Shafter, n bronze cannon, captured in the Philip pines, to be made up into medals, and ever member of the regiment is to re ceive one of the medals from the state For the purpose of having the medals as soon ns possible, the governor Tuesday addressed the following to General Shafter, at the Presidio, San Francisco, and he will doubtless hear from that officer in a few days. " "My Dear Sir: I havo decided to have made, for each of the returning Oregon volunteers, n bronze medal ns a memento of the appreciation we have of their heroic services in the Philippine war. It has occurred to mo that it would be a very appropriate thing to secure, if possible, a captured cannon (captured at the Philippine islands) from which to make the medalB. "1 write to know if vou could aid me in securing such cannon, ns it is de sired to have the work done as soon bb possible. "Again thanking you lor the many kindnesses shown myself and staff, dur ing our recent stay in your city, end to our soldier boys since, I am, very sin cerely yours, (Signed) T. T. Geer, governor." Immediately upon the receipt of a favorable answer, Bteps will be taken by the governor to have the cannon brought to this state, and the medals made for distribution among the soldiers entitled to tliem. Statesman. Petroleum in Lincoln County. Toledo, Ok., Aug. 1. A Frenchman named Bancourt has discovered on his ranch, about four miles below Toledo, what he pronounces to be crude petro leum. He recently brought a bottle of the liquid to town, and those who ex amined it believe It is netroleum. The sample mentioned was taken out of a prospect hole at a depth of 1-16 feet. A Night or Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the djctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that iearfnl night. "All thouuht Bhe must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for J)r. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured iter of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $l.U0 Trial bottles frcu at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. st4epIator fi Dalles City Dally (caccpt Sund.iT) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way points nn both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, nnd iuc in excellent shupe for the season of 1WJ. The llefrnlator I.Iiip will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Comrnrt, Kcniininj iinil I'lpnsnro, travel by the steamers of The lieculator l.lni). The aliove simmers leave Tho llrtllcs at 8 n. m nnd Portland at 7 a. in., and arrive at destlita tlou In am put time lor outgoing trains. l'ortland Ofllce. The Dulles OGlce, Oak St. Docfc. Court Street W. C. Allaway, General Agent, y.R.alL time schedule. Fbon Dalles. Ar.r.iVE Fkoh. Fast ISalt Lafcr. Denver, Ft. Mail ! Worth, Omahn, Knn 11:10 p. m. sns City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Fat Mull 3:15 p tii Epokane Flyer 5:J p. m. S p. in. 8 r. m. Ex.sundny Saturday j 10 p. m. 1 Walla Wnlla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. l'aul.i i u 1 u t h, Milwaukee,! Chicago and East. i Spokane Flyer. 5:00 a. m Fbosc Portland. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco Jacuary and every live days thereafter. 4 p. m. Columbia P.v. Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 p. m. Ex.buudaj Ca. m. 1 Willamette Rivep.. I 4."Jn m. Ex.auuUayiOreson City, Kewberg,'Ex.3unda I auiem & ay i-and t. 'a.m. Kvili. AMv-rrr isn Va lues.Thur.' hill Uiveiv;. Mnn and cat. i Oregon City, Imvton, and Fri. I and Way-Ijindingi. 3:30 p. m. ..Wed 6 a.m. IVirAAHFTTv Rivitp l-rYin m Tue..Thur..Portlaud to Corvallis.'Tue., Ihur and Sat. and w ay-Landings. . and Sat. J.ndt. Last Thursday, in this city, a cold watch. Waltham movement. A liberal reward is offered to the finder if returned to this oflice or to . J. Collins. 25-3t You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting Lit good, wholesomo food, and plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to cure. Butler Drug Co. Thuradav Writlaa arUhmotto then , , j ikhwjiq million iHjr acuouutic year llw of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, ptncUea win reauwirf . . , ' I Kor totalled Informatiou apply to the HUfei ..ST. Mf'S flfiflOEiBL Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution li pleasantly situated near the Columbia on tho line of the Union I'ucltic; thence it is easy of excess for all thoso who do. ire to secure a comfortable home and progres sive teat ot leainiur lor their daughteis or wards. The location of tho Acadesnv is one of the most healtnyon the Pacific slope, this por tion of Or. fun being proverbial for Its pine water, embraclua air.and i.leturunoue aconerv. The Academy la Incorporated and authorized by toe niase u center Academic uonois. uaumjum luution per acuouutic year llw, co i uesaay. aepiemticr ct,, aallou auulr to the Hlstsr I auperior, l I.v Riparla duliy Snake I'iveb. Kiparia to Iswiston. ; Leave ; Lewictos daily Panics deslrinir to 2n to Ilennnprkhniilit mkoii. i, leaving ine unites ni o::xi p. in making direct connections at Heppner junction lieturtilng mulingdirectcoiiucction at Heppiier junction Hlth.No. I, arriving ut The Dalles at i:15 p. m. Xo. S2, throusht freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 'J:0 a. m depart 3:Oa. in. .N'o. -'), local freight, carries passengers, east bound; urrives 4:au p. m., departs B:15 p. in. No. 2t, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives b:15 p in., departs 0:30 p. m. No. 23. west bonnd local freight, carries pas eengers; arrives 6:15 p. in., Ccimrts &:30 a. m. For full particulars call on o. K. A v. i!n' ngeiu me iiaiies. or uuarcss W. H. IIUF.LBURT. Ocn Pas. Act.. Portland, Or, The Busy Store. Eacli (lay our business shows the people are finding out wc nrc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd inst, but not least, buyers who know their business nnd buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Best Work at beast Possible Cost Giinruntecd to give satisfaction. We nrc liorc to stny ; therefore over effort will be made to establish a business. It will pay yon to examine our work nnd consult our prices. r ..CflflS. mu- Batehcps and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated OOl.UMltlA IIKER, nckumrl edged the best beer In Tho Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Ai'o the Finest brands of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Sandwiches of all ICiuds always on hnud. "I si 1 CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Host Crown and Uridgo work '22k. gold), pur tooth. Itest set teeth, guaranteed Host Gold Fillimr Best silver or alloy lllllng Teeth extracted without pain ... M.50 15.00 11.00 np f0c up . . 50c Koonis 11-12 Kl, Chapman Illuck, Second St Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or this Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'orthu o:oo r. si. 3:30 A. 31 Daily except Sundays OVKULA.N'I) KX-1 i ress. balcm. Hose-1 , unr. Ashland. Sac-1 ramcnto, Ogdcn.San I Francisco, ilojave, ( j .ob a n kl'ics , L i raso, Mir Orleans and I East Host-buie and nay shi-i itlons . ' fVla Woodbura fori I lit.Aiigel, Silvurton, , West facto, Ilrowns- ' villcdprlngUeld aud I, Natron J 9 A. 31. 31 Dally excpt Suudays. Improved CYCLONE Magazine- r.i;4' r.- a u FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 1 12 Plcttiron In 12 Seconds. 2 bhutter Bulb Rolonso. 3 Shutter Automatic. ttor locks, . . . mlnum piatenoiaora. 6- Sot Htops. 7 Spocinl Quick Lons. 8 Automatic Heplstor. 9 AM parts IntorchanBoablfi. 10 ExpoHod plntos removed without disturblnB unoxposod. No. 4i sino 3'., x 4'4) $8.00 No. 5 (size 4 x 5) 10.00 1899 Catalogue with com ploto Information FREE. Just Arrived The only VagnziiM Camera with bulb shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. How About YourTitle? INDKmNDESCE 1'ASSENGEK. Express train l:JOr. m. (Lr I'nrllHiirt ...1m R'Ka m 7:yjp.ra. Ai.,i:c3linnvllle..Lv. 6;a)a,m iAr..inaci.ndeuce..Lv. 8:30 p. in. i;r) a. m. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LantbliQ. TJione 167 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUAHBACTA XNEKALBANKINO BUH1HK8 Lettm of Cradit UHd TaiIkble la the .Mtern HUtet, Slabt EkebaoM and Telrrnhw Trauifert told on New York, dliicauo, St. Looia, Sun Fntneitoo, Portland Ore gon, oetuie wmo,, aad vertoua Mtata In Oregoa m4 WMblagtoB. GolleetioM auie at all poioU on fav ornbU terau. Daily. t Dally, except buuaay. DINING CAKS ON OGDEN KOUTE. PUUJIAN BUFFET SLEEI'EKB AND BKCOND-CLAS8 HLEEl'ING CAUe Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection nt fenn KrniiclKnn ulili rwx.i duutdl aud Orlental'and Pacific mull steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. finHlne- rtiiti nn a pucaiiuii. r.aies anil tlcKcts to Eastern poinU and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU an( MJSTIi.VIJA. All huovk irHinn nrrivn fit nun nnnorr irnm uruuu ucutrai utation, rum nnd Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Fatsenger Depot, loot of Jerterson street. U-ave for Bhcrldan, week days, t 1:30 p. ro Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave lor aiklik on ilonuny, Wednesday and rrniBT niM-.viR, m. Arnv at Portland, Tu dav, Thursday nnd Baturdaj u 3:05 n. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday, K. KX E.-.1.EH, G, It. MAUKHAM, Mnniucr. Aist, U, F. 4 Pass. Azt Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, whcit uiruugu uckcu 10 an points in the Kastern States, Canada and Euroe can to obtained at A Beautiful Skin. Ladlea, If you desire a twnspsrent, clear and Arsenic Complexion Wufers. Their effect is ,,imi,ilu4. iniiuK ,nC wizara touch iu producing and preserving a bcdutllul trans parency nd pellucid clearness of complexion. .Imiuil. .unit f.i.v .. f ,- . ' .? vwmwui ut luiui, ur,ii,mii wits, sou and smooth skIii where the reverse exiiU. Even the coarsest and inoit repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar nduess, yellow uud muddy skin ro permanent- IV ntlYlhVNl 11 .1 H Hnllitlnn.l.. l. . .1 complexion assured. Price per small box, 50 cents; large box, II, or six large boxes, 15. Bent to any addreis tist null! lllirl lin,lr tilaln wMiiMi. the above amount. Write for free circular The Parisian Drug Co., 131 !oiitoniery 8t,Sn Francisco Cal , moobc. JoimoAvin M00EE & GAVIN, ATTOBNEVB AT LAW. KooBis S9 Md 40,'ovcr V. ti, Und Ollcc. r KE YOU SURE it ifi nil rilit? Remeinbor it i? tho H RECORD that covltdb. It is our huBlneBB to K-nrch the reuorda nnd chow wlmt thev contain in relation to html titles. If you contuuiplutu iiuyinc land or lonnini; innnoy on reul estuto neenrity, ttkii no mini' word, hut insist upon knowing whnt tho record nhowa rfpardiii? the title. An Abstrnct in as eaeentlal nan deed. Inniet on Imvinc it. We have tho only Hot of Abstract Iiooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted nnd eatlEfuutlon Kimriintciod. It you huvo prop erty to insure, ijive ub n call. We uro ngentn for four of tho beat fire iiiBiirance companies in tho world. If you have property for sale, list it with ua nnd we'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phone 61. 2d St., opposite A. M. Wllllama &. Co. "Harmony" dlhiskey. This brand of Whiskey is Riiarantccd to the consumer as a PUKE HANI) MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain nf 11 kinds. Headquarters for Rolled araiti an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ;?iSL'p Headquarters for "Byertf Beat" Pendle ton Flour. This Hour manufactured txpreMly for family Wa tell onr uoodi lowr thUH9'' erv ,,ck ' W"WMrt uiitUetio Hif hert Prices Paid for What, Barloj and Oats.