The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 03, 1899, Image 3

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Wns such a grand succoss that wo havo reluctantly decided to con
tinue tin) sale fr (lfly or two longer, as so many are unublo to attend
tliPse eides owing to tho fnct thnt on this dny there, is a double amount of
work to lii! performed nt homo which prevents mnny from doing their
riioppiiiR. It is for their benuflt that wo have decided upon this plnn.
If you will look at our corner window you will bo immediately con
vinced that wo uro sacrificing some elegant goods ut wonderfully low
nrircs. Our "ullent saloslady" (tho window) has on her best "bib and
tucker" and is nt homo to her friends at nil times,
Swiss Underwear
Finest cotton, also flno sheer
Iielo in ecru r white, low neck,
sleeveless, silk taped; regular 50c,
ipcciul ptiro
Three for $1.00.
Swiss Ribbed Vests
Mmlo from the finest corned cot
ton; regular price 29c,
Speoial 19c.
Ribbed Union Suits
The regular price is !!5c,
Special 23c.
Ladies' and Misses'
Sunbonnets, special 19c
All Goods Markud
In Plnln FliiureB.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
THURSDAY - - AUG 3, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be banded in before to o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Slmw Company
"Tho Lust Stroke"
Tonight at thu Baldwin.
The first peach plums wore shipped
'Mtnlnlit, whun Judge Bennett sent u
tarloa-1 to New York.
We understand thnt G. T. Purr, of the
Eastern Oregon Land Company, has
'eased tho Mugee property on Fourth
"'eet whicn is now occupied by the
hmlijr of Leslie Butler.
, The attention of the Rathbone Sisters
""lied to tho meeting which will be
this evening. As few meeings
wvebeon held recently, nil aro os
P:talljr requested to be present.
Italpl, :. Moody, tl well known nt-
, im "eoti honored with appoint
to the ollko of district deputy
Z 1 xil,tcd ru,l!r of thu Benevolent
pfotectivo Order of Elks for the
"tool Oregon. Mr. Moody is a moui-
' of Portland lodge, No. 142, and the
cal ld Is well pleased with this
,ecinlt.ori shown them.
Laetnlt at their home on tho Mill
cCJ "boul two ra,le8 ttom Uy
van' 1 7-J'ettr-ld n of Albert
hi S movod Uom Valley laet
i y&ld ml " nver been well
557 :m tokB p,,ice ,o-
. , JO o'clock from the retidence.
UlirfiTe?,,,lu "ud 11 thereitof
jourimii, Titie Oiikonjcx
hZlTT from "'orsand
0 on
arreat of
"said Ji
choke t
tould ha
01 John u 7 " ,UUIU aata the ton
U,.,, "J1 ". Frd objocta to
tttti.i' d th,t arrntod for
-"y 01 hi, owu MiUon,(
Women's Strong
Fast Black and Tan
With double heels and toes ;
Special 19c.
Strong Cotton Hosiery
In black or tan colors ;
Special 12ic.
Our entire stock of 25c and 50c
values in Men's Hand and Shield
Reduced to 15c.
Buy while the assortment is
Pease Mays.
there were such n boy) although he says
he'd shake them up if they needed it.
The Daily Astorinn has been sold ton
corporation called the Astorian Publish
ing Company. John Adums, .John T.
Lighter and George Gray are named ns
thu incorporators, and a cash consider
ation was paid for tiie paper and Hb
plant. It is understood the new com
pany has ample financial backing, and
the Astorian will bo immediately im
proved and enlarged.
List night Mr. Shaw promised the
audience at tho Baldwin that if possible
he would have a number of raised feu Is
placed in the back of the hall for the
convenience of thoso who have general
admission tickets, lie now announces
that benches have been put in which
will accommodate 200 persons, und add
greatly to their comfort, while it does
much to preserve quiet in tho building.
The horso canning business must be
on the boom at Linntou. Three thous
aut head have recently been bought up
on the Simcou Indian icservation, and
are being brought here und shipped to
thnt preserver of horse flesh. They are
floe looking animals, too. Last year
among those that wero bought for that
purpose, a gentleman saved out a team,
for which he has since been offered $150.
In speaking of u trip made by the
Ora, tho steamer of which O. S. Wand
is captain, tho Nugget, a newspaper
published at Dawson, says: "The pas-
leengers who nimo on tho 'Ora' speak In
tiie highest terms of tho skill shown by
Captain Waud in biinglng tho boat
safely through the dangerous wuters of
Thirty-Mile." Tho captain is nil right
whether on Alaekan waters or those of
our owu Columbia..
New forms of mortgages and notes,
adopted by tho lund board recently, to
take the place of tho forms used in the
poet, have been sent to the attorneys of
the board located In the various counties
of tho state, and tho uew forms will
hereafter be uied In the new loans made
by the board. The new forms were
adopted for the reason that in all old
blanks the old name of the board ap
peared printed, na did the rate per cent
of interest then charged by tho slate,
both of which were changed by the leg
Ulatureat the last leseion. J. W. Con
don, of tnhf city, is attorney for Wasco
Burglars seem to have chosen that
portion of the hill near Mays residence
at their favorite reudevous, and last
night ou of them hid In a dry goods
box in Mr. Wm. Gates' yard and after
that gentleman had gone to bed called
npon him, without tho usual ceremonies.
After ho had gained entrance, however,
Mr. Catoa hoard him and got up to
rocolve him with open revolver; but
he was not so sociably inclined and not
only backed out, but ran out before ho
was accosted. Mr. Cates' family is
away, and no valuables wero left around,
eo his visit was fruitless.
La9t night about 8:20 President Mel
leu's special train passed through this
city from Portland. On board was also
Profident Mohlcr, of tho 0. R. &, N.
There has been much stir in railroad
circles since tho arrival of President
Mellen, and his visit is said to relate to
tho future trafllc arrangements between
the 0. R. & N. and tho Northern Pacific.
During hie visit Mr. Mcllen declared
that unless tho Union Pacific gave tho
Northern Pacific traffic arrangements
over thoO. R. & N. to Portland Iub
road would build a direct lino there.
The result of his visit is not yet known.
As proof of tho condition of our side
walks an accident which happened to
an old lady 011 Third street this morn
ing is sufficient. When coming leisure
ly along, she ran up against one of thoee
ever-present spikes known as nails, and
stumbling, fell to tho ground. Luckily
she escaped injury, but 'twas not be
cause any condition of our sidewalks
prevented it. The sidewalk question is
an old one, but it cannot be as ojd as
some of the walks. Among others
which are tottering and broken down
with age are two which lead to the
bluff, one on Fifth street, going up from
Washington, and the other in front of
the old Fulton property. Either one of
these might be responsible for any num
ber of broken legs were the pedestrians
not aware of their terrible condition and
failed to step carefully.
Regarding the Georgia Minstrels,
which appear at the Vogt Monday, an
exchange says: "Far superior to the
ordinary farce-comedy is that of tho
Georgia Up-to-Date Co. bb teen last
night for the first time at Love's opera
house. They are the cleverest of dark
comedianB, and aro so well drilled that
it is n pleasure to note the thorough
system that characterizes all their work
Tho opera house was packed and jam
med to its utmost capacity and the
laughter and applause were almost con
tinuous. The vocalization was fine, the
dancing simply wondeiful, and all the
gaga and songs were new. From
the first rise of the curtain to tho last
drop the audience is assailed with the
finest singing ever heard here by any
company. Tho first act opens down in
Georgia before tho war and carries you
up to the swell upper-ten of the colored
100, to close with a grand medley of the
late comic operas.
Some of the boys of our city, between
the ages of 8 and 15, fail to remember
that "tis a sin to steal a pin," or any
thing however small, and therefore sev
eral in thu West End of town have been
in tho habit of swiping everything ly
ing loose about their neighbors' prem
ises garden hose, liammers, tools of all
kinds. Yesterday two or three of them
went into a yard und uuecrewing a new
brass faucet from a hydrant, walked
away with it, leaving the water running
It was afterward found by the owner in
a boy's pocket. The gentleman had
compassion on the boy and refrained
from having him punisbed as he de
served ; but if these petty thefts cdu
tinue "someihin' must-drap." Parents
should give more heed to their boys' ac
tions and when anything is found in
their pockets unaccounted for, investi
gate the matter. Such small thieves are
but fitting themselves to fill a cell in the
penitentiaries, "for great trees from lit
tle acorns grow." Really they should
be sent to our reform schools.
All claims against Dalles City must
i hereafter presented to the recorder
1 or before the day nreceeding tho day
fixed for tho regular meeting of tho
council, which day is the 'M day of
each month; if presented thereafter they
mil be laid over to the next succeeu-
ing regular meeting.
By oider of llnunce committee.
Aug. 1, 181)1).
Ned If, Gati:,
;;t Ri enrder of Dalles City.
Commencing Saturdaj , July 29th, the
0. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip
tickets 10 Cascade Locks and return for
$1.50. Tickets will be honored going on
train No. 1, Saturday, and returning
on train No. 4 and 2 the following
Sunday. Jab Ireland, Agent. augO
There will be no mid-week evening
service conducted iu the Congregational
church during the mouth of Auguet.
I), V. Ponsq, Paitor.
Vali iu Vuur VtavoK.
All couutv warranto registered prior
to October 1,1B6, will be paid at niy
office. Inter" caaea after July 5iO,
m. l" Vintuvt,
County Treasurer.
And Mors Than Fair Wm the Shaw
Company I. ant Night.
"Love and Law" which was put on
the boards by tho Shaw Company laet
night was perhaps tho strongest yet
given, from the fact that it required so
much character work, which always
tests tho strength of a cast. Wo must
say. however, that thoy stood the test
well, for 'tis not often a company is
found containing so many artists in the
character line; one that can put seven
almost faultless character artists on in
one play, each one Booming to thorough
ly undsrstand the part and enter into
the spirit of it, from tho Italian organ
grinder, which wo consider an extreme
ly difficult rolo and perfectly taken by
Al. II. Haliett, to tho Dutch policeman.
In make-up, dialect, manner and act
ing Mr. Ilallett was certainly immense,
and succeeded in making all despise
him. In Mrs. Shuw, as "Old Rosa," he
had support none tho less perfect. The
conscientious work of the lady in every
character she assumes is apparent, and
in laBt night's performance it would be
difficult to imagine one who could sur
pass her.
Of Mr. Shaw aB "Felix O'Paff," an
Irish attorney, we can but reiterate
what was said of his first performance.
So perfect is his understanding of every
character he has bo far appeared in here,
that his audience is at once charmed
with him and then led to study his
rendition of each character. He is one
of the most fascinating actors Dalles
people have ever heard.
"Cockney Jim" was a splendid role
when in the hands of M. J. Hooley,
who played it for all there was in it.
He ie all right and such was the verdict
of the audience. Jennie Kelton also
had a difficult part in Retta, the street
singer, but she met every requirement
and showed herself equal to a heavy
part as well as lighter ones, in which
she had prevously appeared. As Kittie
O'Rourke, the Irish servant, Louise
Carter waB"too cute for anything" as
a young lady was heard to remark.
While her brogue might have been im
proved upon, her make-up and her act
ing were the "real thing." The au
dience did not blame her for admiring
Policeman Hoffmeier.for Dan Dougherty
was "one of the Guest", and is also a
high stepper.
Stanley Ross had the thankless part
of a villian, and it was hard to make tiie
audience believe be was tiio same per
son' who assumed tho roll of the charm
ing lover the first night, so much of a
villian was he.
Although it would not seem so, II. W.
Gilbert had a role difficult to take, as
much depends on ttie eaee with which a
lover's part is carried out, and ho was
perfectly at home as Sir Randall Burns.
Albert Watson as "Septimus Sawyr"
aleo acted the part of the lawyer well.
Those who have heard Miss Myer in
the previous performances were better
pleased with her in last night'd play, for
sho Ecemed more at home. Due allow
ance niUBt be made for her, however,
as this is her fiiBt appearance in thh
repertoire, having just joined tho
company here, end being compelled to
learn a new role each day. She is said
to be a first class actress when at her
best. Her make-up was also better last
night, she being inclined to use too
much make-up for this stage. A little
less rouge, as well as powder, would add
to her appearance.
The play which Mr. Shaw has selected
for this evening Is the story of Cuba's
struggle for freedom, "The Last Stroke."
It can hBrdly bo called a war drama.
"A dramatic incident in a war sotting"
would bo a more accurate description of
it. But what's in a name r A play by
any other name would no as good (11
presented by the Shaw company) so get
your seats early and you will not be
compelled to stand up.
Try Verba Buena Bitters, thu best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
0. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles,
Tonight's Play,
Change of piny nightly, Special Scenery. Funny Comedians.
Catarrh Cannot he Cared
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho sent of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tnkn inter
nal remedies. IIbII'b Catarrh Curo is
'taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
phyeicianB in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cm:xKY & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drriiggists, price 7nc.t
Hall's Family Pills are tho best. 12
A C'lillil Knjoya.
The plcaeant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Fig, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costivo or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its uee; so that
it is the best family remedy known nnd
every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
That Throbbing tlcailnche
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their raatchlesR
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They mako pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under
the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus
will continue the business, and will col
lect all bills due said firm and pay all
accounts against the same.
Dated July 1, 1899.
C. .7. Cathcart,
J. D. Stkaus.
On account of business interests call
ing me to Portland for some time at
least, my household furniture and car
pete are now for sale. Any who may
desire to purchase may examine them
by calling at my residence on the corner
of Fourth and Union streets. The house
is also for lease.
29-lw ' Leslie Butlek.
To Cure u Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 2uc.
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskoy for family and
special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
I Our Bicycle
I Repairing Department
Ts now iu shapo to properly
A handle nil kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Aleo repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
This department is under the charge of Mr. J. KirchoiT.
Baldwin Opera House
MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by n talented company of players.
Positively the strongest aggregation of its kind in thu west.
The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra.
Concert and parade each day at 2:00 o'clock.
Heati on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore,
It's a real
to get the ineala for the family,
when you havo a complete set
of nccdtull utensils and have n
new Garland stovo or steel
range to cook upon. Wo fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
Btock of tinware, t'rnniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, laisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other thingd to
mako the kilchen complete.
Wo mn furnish double oven
cook stoves from -t8.00 up.
See tiie best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Call at Mnlcr & Benton's mid tce
tho Antiseptic Nest Egg. With the
Use of this Hot Kkk jou will have
110 more Lice, Jlitts or Vernli' In
your poultry lioutcs. Setting hens
will set better eggs and will hutch
better mid chickens will live nnd
grow better where Antfceptio Kgg is
used. Bsc them at
piaiei & Benton
167 Second St.
ltlHinarck'x Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c nt Blakeley
& Houghton's "drug store. ti
Thomas Rhoadp, Centerfield, O.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy cave me relief
until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less,
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm
less. Bewan of counterfeits. Butlers
Drug Co.
For Five Dollars you can bay a Camem'
that will take larger pictures than' any
other Camera on the market. For sale
bv Clarke & Falk. tt
nrwrsrakt va rx wata rxrxrrxrxrKrxrjcim
Songs und Dances,
15o, S6o and 35o