She Hulks VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1899. NO 95 BISGIIACEFUI ji TO BACK DOWN loriclllo EiiElaM's DtBiauis Wonltl Be a Crime. PERKINS AND HULL TALK Hudson I Jay Company Paid Russia o Stated Sum for Ten Years' Lease on Same Laud Now in Dispute. San Fkanoisco, Aug 2 United StntcB Senator George C. Perkins hns jiiBt ro turned (rain Alaska. Spouklng of tho boundary dispute, tho senator eaid : "I think thi) matter will bo nmieahly settled without arbitrate. It would bu just us reasonable for ub to innlat upon tikiiig up thu old boundary question bu tfecn tlio United Status it mi Canada a;ain and declare our dissntifaction with the forty-ninth degree o( latitude. Eng land long ago recognized thu boundary lor which wo aro contending. Shu did this when thu MikIboii Day Company (which win! practically Cumula at that time;, executed ti loosed for 10 year from Russia of the territory alio ia now con tending for. "Tins lease was renewed for a eecond terai, so what bettur proof could any one ask of our ownership. These lauds which tho Hudson Hay Company leased from Ktissin, nud England now seeks to lay claim to, we purchased from Huaaiu." The senator said that high license has proven u success in Alueku. Hull's Opinions. Ciuc.uio, Auc. 2. A Bpeciul to tho Chrouiclu from Dch Moinos today, buv fog returned from hi trip to Alaeka to investigato thu boundary question. "To yield to the demands of Great Britain in tho Alaskan boundary ques tion would ho nothing short of crime," be said. "Tho boundary is all one hears inAlaakA. It would bo disgraceful for the United Stutos to backdown In the mattor ni:d allow Groat Britain to huve Blwgway. Skagway is thu key to all tho trade in iho gold regions. "If we allow England to have its way in tlile boundary matter, wo virtually tarnovor tho Alaskan trade to England; 11 e assert our rights in tho matter and retain Skagway, wo aro assured of per petual control of tho Alaskan trade. The trado belongs to the United States. Most of thu minors In that ouutryare Americans and desire to buy Atneriuun Products." Hulti'N Urantsat Nued. Mr. It. I'. Olivia, ol Barcelona, Spain, penda his winters at Alkun, S. 0. week norves hud causod eovero pains in the back of his hoad. On using Electric Ji"tere, America's greatest blood und ave remedy, all pain soon left hiui. Heaa this grand medicine is what his untry needs. All America knows that " cures liver and kidnoy trouble, purl fie the blood, tones up tho stomach, 'wngtlienB the nervoH, puts vim, vigor M now Hfu into every rauiole, norve Morgan of tho body. If weak, tired filing you neoij lt, Evory bottle Ijwjanteed, only Goc. Bold by Blakeley ouoogbton, druggists. 1 FRUIT TREES ARE DYING Losses Among Those Winter. Frozen Last ilr1U',, 0k, Ao l.-Ootnplalnti JJ Mining t1(,t nai the fruit trees uy lMlwl"r'. freese nredylug. tol,i, y h M to RP'T Ptloularly JJS p,uM- In the McKlroy orchard, ,our eree that eomtaiu more Royal RSftLUTFIV thiol? Makes the food more delicious and wholesome than COO trees, tho donth of trees on the entire four acres will live. After the winter's freeze tho bark on these trees wob loose all round tho trunk. Tho trees budded, leaved and blosnmed as usual, and many of them had cotmldi'Mihln quantity of fruit. They appeared prom, ising until about three or four weckango, when thov began to languish. In the Tavenor orchard of five acres, where there is a lurge body of potits a similar, though u lose marked condition exists. The fatality in this orchard ib not eo great. A few of tho Italiun iu the Mc EIroy and tho Tavenor orchards aro deud. 18 IT KIHIIT For uu Editor to Keonmmoud MiullcliionV I'utvnt From Sylvan Valley News, Brcvrad. N. C. It may bo a question whether tho oditor of a newspnper has the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yot us a preventive of eufleriug we feel it a duty to sav a good word for Chamborluin'e Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used tli'.R medicine in our family for twenty years and haye always found it reliable. In many casee a dose of this remedy would save hours of eufleriug while a physician 1b awaited. We do not believe in (It-pending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do helievo ttiat if a bottlo of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Itemedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an uttnek, much Buffering might bo avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physiciun would not be required. At loi'Ht this has been our experience during tho past twenty yoara. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Senator Clark Is Not Sure. Los, Auk. 1. Senator V. A. Clark, who Is in the city, stated in on interview today that in his opinion there is nothing sure about William J. Bryan's nomination by the Democratic party at its next national convention. The sena tor also said that he is not euro about silver being the great issue for the next campaign, though lie still cans nnnseii a blmotalist. He believes to a certain extent in expansion, and feels that the war In thu Philippines most be carried on until tho Filipinos surrender. A Jrlgntful Illundrr Will .often causo a horrible burn, Bcald.cutor bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beet in tho world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, uleors, boils, come, felons and all skin eruptions. Boat pile cure on eartn. uniy -o cie. u uux. Curo guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 LciHt. Three horses Juno 10, 185W, described ... . .,.! i. i jon as loiiows: two wuigiiiui; buuui iiu each. One a light chostnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded on left shoulder. Ono bald faced sorrel welghlug about 1200; roacned mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return oi same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento.Or., or E. V. Hubhanu, Mosler, Or. i28-lm Volcanic Kruiitlun Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cures them ; also old, running and fever soreB, Uleors, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Outs, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, ChllblalnB. Beet Pile curo on eartli. Drives out pains and aches, Only 25 etc ft box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakoley & Houghton, drug gists, Gun-ahot wounds and powder-buniB, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insocts stings and Ivy poison-mg-qulckly healed by DeWlU'n Witch Hasal Salve, Positively prevents bjqod poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De Witt's ! tuft nd r. Sutler Drug Co. Baking Powder Election Notice, By virtue ot an order made by the Board of Fire Delegates of Dallcd City lire department on the 18th day of July, 1890, notice is hereby given that there will be an election held for the purpose cf electing a chief engineer and an assistant chief of Dallos City fire de partment, said election to bo held on tho first Monday in Aucuet. said dav being tho 7th of August, 1899. The polling place of eaid eloction fdiall be at tho fire engine house, situated on Third street, Dalles City, and the polls of said election ehall open at 5 o'clock p. in. and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. on eaid day. Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th day of July, 1899. E. M. Wl.NGATK, Secretary Board of Firn Delegates. Jly 24-2wk Cupid Caused the Change. New Yor.K, Aug. 2, A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from London says; It is generally believed that tho act of Mr. ABtor in becoming a British sulject will be followed before long by tho announcement of hie engagement to Lady Randolph Churchill, formerly Mies Jennie Jerome, of New York, hav ing been naturalized nndcr thegtneial act of 1870, Mr. Aator's children Wal dorf Astor, John Jacob Astor's and Mies Pauline Astor become British subjects also. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all property ownois In Dalles City to immediately cut down and destroy all thistles grow ing on their proporty; and if eaid thistles are not immediately cut down, I will proceed to remove them at the expeuse of tho proporty on which they aro located, and tho property owner will uleo be liable to a fine, Dalles City, August 1, 1899. 1 St N. D. Hugiiks, Marshal. Skirmish On Cebu. Manila, Aug. 2. Mail odvlcjs from the i8lauu of ueuu announces that a company of Americans last week at' tacked tho Filipino trenches, situated two kilometers from the town of El pardo. Tiio rebels were commanded by the brothers Climace, who are promi nent and wealthy persons. The Charles ton shelled tho enemy and the Filipinos retreated. American casualties were plight. Tho presence of tho Climaces with tho rebels la eaid to have been due to rebel orders from Luzon. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tlia nervous system, and predisposes to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, lt has cured thousands of cafes aud is curing them every day. Its ingredients aro such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. F omul. InEust End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 6th, a bay horse, about fourteen hands high between 10 or 12 years old ; white star on forehoad, black points ; saddle marks and brand B L on loft shoulder with running R underneath, and weighing about 000 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. jly8-lm DeWltt'a Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melancholy and givo health aud vigor for the daily routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co. DoWltl's Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, cauilng no palm or weakneis, permanently curing constipa and liver ailments. Butler B 1 tloc Co. TWELVE MORE OREGON BOYS Arrived at 'Frisco u Hospital Slii Relief. ARE SICK AND WOUNDED Relief Carried 320 and Had Only Two Deaths En Route Fight With Rebels iu Cebu. San Fhancisco, Aug. 2. The hospita emp iteiief arnveu early this morning from the Philippines. The Relief had u-'u men on board, most ot whom are Kick and wounded soldiers. Among them are twelve Oregon boys. Lccal health officers ordered the vessel to quarantine station at Anel island, where examination of paseengers took place. A clean bill of health being ie- sued, the Relief proceeded to a point off the Presidio, where the government vessels McDowell and Caroline were utilized in the transferring of the sick and wounded to the shore. Invalided men will be confined in the recently completed post hospital. Chris Kaus, a private of Wyoming, died at Yokahoma July 7 of malaria At Nagasaki June 28, Frank A. Duval bu ecu tubed to meningitis. Both bodies were embalmed. Duval was shot in the right leg and was laid up witii hie wound when he contracted the fatal ailment. "What might have been" if that little cough hadn't been neglected, ia the sad reflection of thousand's of consump tives. Une Minute Uougn Uure cureB coughs aud colds. Butler Drug Co. You need have no boils if you will buy Clarke & Falk's euro cure for boils. VOBT Opera House ONE NIOlIT ONLY, MONDAY. AUGUST 7th Special engagement GEORGIA UP-TO-DATE MINSTRELS introducing the latest songs, dances and specialties. 30 Colored Stars. 10 Vaudeville Novelties. See the Cake Walk Contest. Grand Concert and Street Parade at 2 o'clock p. m. Admission - 25o, 50o,.75o Seats on sale at the Butler Drug Co.'s. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artlloltlly digests tbe food and aids sature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the Jatet discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation van approacn iv in emciencr. it in' SlokHaadaohe.Oaatcahria.Granns.ana iJV sunuy relieve ana permanently cures Pspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Costs Nothing To have tho little sewed up if you buy them HERE. We employ a practical cobbler to do that work. Not only the finer grades, but any and every shoe we sell is entitled to free treatment for these minor ills. A. M. Williams & Co. I :iM f. if i imrmi , m in M.tiii. i .i iV.Ti i i.T. Ff i fill' ?,i In i ii f 'A f f f f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornce at Vakcouvbu, Wash,, I July 5, 1WJ. I Notice is hereby elveu that the fnllnwliia- uamtxi octtlcrH linve Hleil notice of their Inten tion to iiihWo llual proof In kupiiort of their Inline. miJ (bat Mild uroofa will bo inudo bi-foru W. 11. l'reittir. United titates Commissioner for DUtiict of Washington, at hU oflico in Golden dale, Washington, ou Monday, August 11, lb'J'J, viz. : Stitieu Marlett. Hoinettcad Entry No. 9091, for tho 8. ( N. K. i, N. JC. H 8. K. M Section l, and 8. W. Vx N. V. of Section ), Towiuhip 3 North, of Itango 13 Ku-t, Will. Mer. Ho uainva the following ultncMiri to prove bin continuous residence upon und cultivuiiou suid laud, vli: Curl, Christian Franzcn, 1'orter 1;. HaidUou, Marion 8iluwu,all of Kyle I'. 0,,Wnli, 1'urter I. llwrdUou. Homestead Entry No. 0051, for the 8. E. 1 of 8, K. ) of Bec'tiou 19; tho 8. W. i of 8. W. H, fcectlon !W! K. H of N. K. W of Beotlon at), Towa .hlii 3 North, oflUuge. 13 Kut, Will. Mer. luitamea the following wltuenkva to prove .hU ooiitiuuous residence upon, aud cultivation of mild land, viz.: Carl Kraiuen, Christian, Stophcn Marlett, Marion Splawn, all of l.yU if. 0., Wash. Jl)8 lt W. K. DUNBAK, lleister. rips and tears to vour shoes iinl rrrti'i 1 1 1 1 i'lS i'fV rt f fftiti iTifniTTntifll The Chronicle, The Dalles, Op. Job Prnntefs. NOTICE. u. 8. 1.iND OrrirE, Tho Duller, Ore.) Notlco is hereby given that thu order of De cembers, IbUI, temporarily withdrawing from disposal, for Hie purposes i lands on the south side and within six miles of tho Columbia river, between The Dulles aud Ol u boat railway, tho Celllo, has been revoked by thu presideut, ex cept us to the following described parcels; one in the MVflol Sec HI, 1' 2 N, K 11 E, containing; ubout four and one-hiilf nerei, aud the other in tho NWJi, Seoul, T 2 N, it 16 K, containing about half uu acre. Uu und after September 1, ISO'J, we will reeaivs uppllcullons tor any vacant lauds included Ihuieiu. j, V. I.UCArt, OTJ8 I'ATTEKSOK, lleglstor. Iteceiver. jlyO t NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notlco is hereby given thut the undersigned ha II led his llual account us executor of the es tate of Sarah McAteu with tlie clerk ol the count court of ihestuto of Oregon, for Wasco county, aud that Thursday, Iho Uth day ol July, 181W, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been rlxcd as the time aud thooouuty o mrt room in Dalle City a the u'aoe for the hearing ol ob jections to said llnul acoouut und kottleuieut oi said estate. Datel July 13, lt, TliOS. NOKVAU juu HI Exeoutur.