1 Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels riEAN55 THE YSTEM rI EFFECTUALLY ui 1 UAU PERMANENTLY n p.uv th? r.eMuiNf-MiH'F'D By orthography, the art of qnesticnlnp, nelhods of teaching. GHADCATES. 1 All persons who have grnduated from chartered institutions, this June, may take f saminstioa npcxi thesis branches, even though they may have failed in June. " 29 lid . Root Takes Oath of Office. Wa&kikgto.v, Aug. 1 Mr. Elthn I! oct took the oath of t-fiice as secre tary of war at 10 :45 this morninjr. The ceremony ocurred in the large office of the secretary of war, in the presence of Secretaries Alger, G-ice, Hitchcock, sistant Secretary Meifclfjobn, a larg number of army offiiera in uniform and other employee and the official oath was administered by Jndge Cole, of the Dis-; Tiie DallQS met supreme court, uuer wiiiuu aiffr, advanced and shook hands with the new j secretary, and said, with evident feelin : ' "With all my heart. I congratulate' i The Dalles. Portlanfl and AM a Navigation Co.' IB ?i stis, KeffuTator Dall&s City Pally (except ?und.v) between ' you and the administration. Yon will j , find nrcuud yon here men who will help i in the arduous duties of your position. Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. May God bless yon end sriveyon strength. I Touching at wav wiin'.s nn both sides of the BUSINESS LOCALS. rt- ,.. ,... (. -l '- Vol"-' pnre concentrated Savoring extracts tor the nest results use Columbia river. i Roth of the above steamer-' have been rebuilt, j mid are In excelled: shape tor the a.on ot lsW. i i The Itpculrttur l.lut- will endeavor :o pre Its I patrons the beat service possible. I S 8 For Comfort, Ecminmy "nil riraanre, tj navel oy me sieauicis ui mo L. I n II the Vive The above steamers leave The Dalle nt 6 o. m. . . . ' anu XOIUUIIU at t u. III., filiu aiuir . ;4tnnr.t. rnr flHlo by the I'OStomce tlon in ampl-.- time for outgoing trains. f Portland Orllce. The Dalles Offic:. OaS at. Dots. Court street Latest thing in cameras are Im narmacy. The Busy Store. Enc'j day our business shows the people are finding out we arc ptiihmc to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Best Work at Lieast Possible Cost Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wc arc here to stay; therefore every t will be made to establish n business. It will pay you to examine our ! effort i work and consult our prices CONSIDER QUE PRICES: llesi Crown nml Hriilae work ;'J2k. cold'., per tooth iiect st teeth, guaranteed Ilea: Gold Filliuz ! Bent silver or alloy llliiti: ; Teeth extracted without puin . H50 t-voo $1.00 np oOctiD ..50c ( Rooms 11 -12 Ki, j Chapman lituel:, Second St Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S., Manager. ine cvclunes at Donnell'a W. C. Allaway, i General Aijent. l'i:ori.E TI1C ALL, KNOW. .1. C. Ward, of Kingsley, is in the city. C. E. Fish was tn the city last nisht from Heppner. Will Crossen went down to Lyle by boat this morninz. Thoe. Balfour came up from Lyle cn the boat yeMerJrty. .1. E. Adc.ck returned last night from a business trip to Portland. W. Lord left this rnorr.inc for bis cot tage at Seaview, Ilwaco beach. A. A. .layce returned thia morciiiR to their camping place near 6 prague. J. C. and C. G. Abbott, farmers from Wapinitta, arrived in town today. A. I.. Phillip and wife wore visitors in the city from Hood Kriver today. Mrs. C. O. Bunker went down to Stevenson tbie morning to join the campers there. Mrs. Isaheile Gray left this niorninp to spend a short time visiting friends in Independence, Or. Mies Carrie Kelchum onie up from Portland !aft night and will spend tier V-ication at heme. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinton end family, who hisvn spent a wi:ek at usw port,Ynruin& tcich, returneil la3t night on the boat. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glasius were pas sengers on iht) boat this morning hound for Collins' Landing to apend a few weeks in ramp. Ed. Michell came up from Stevenson last evmurrf and will be employed in the Timei-Mountaincer office for the ensuing month. Miss Ida Foss, who haB bean attend ing the teacherb' institute at Goldt-ndale, came over todav and spent the after-no- n with Mrs. M. Parking on her way to I d River. Misses Lela Goddard and Hannah Coi.ley, of Portland, who are Rpm i g their vacation in camp down the river, catiio up !:i-t niuht to remain a few (layt wilh J'l.-arl .loles. Tc.ichtra' ITxamlualmn. ! Fresh cracked 2obraika corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcl.25-tf ! Driiik Warren's Pure Ginpcr Brandy, ' fej ! For snip nt nil first. plaas l.:iri. C .1. , Stnhlinz, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m j Drink Warren'g Pnre Ginger Brandy. I For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tabling, ajrent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Try Yerba Bueua Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. Stubhn?, n"ent, The Dalles. MI7-3tn Verba Buena Bitters, tlio best F'or sale at all firat-class bars. Stubliug, a'ent, The Dalles. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes : ''One Minute Couh Cure saved the life of our httie boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drm Co. Lout. Last Thursday, in this city, a cold watch. Waltham movement. A liberal reward is offered to the finder if returned to tiiis office or to E. J. Collins. 25 ot J-'ul Itent. Two tenement houses; fine location. Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk A good fted yard for sale or rent cheap. Ii. quire at Farmers' Feed Yard, Tne Dalles. 24dl-w2 ..CBiis. mu- CT'ir'n n r r i " " " " n rt fl lit) Improved QY aras mm s Ml mm. Butehers and Farmers c. J. Try tonic. C. i. Mr. rAirr roa TtltE fCIIKDCLE. AP.r.:vs Kant JI.ill !I:ap. m. Salt I-itr, Denver. Ft.' Ytt Worth. Omaha, Kan-, MI1 sas City, Kt. Ijjuh, 3:15 p m Chicago and East. hrokar.e , Wulla V.'alU, Rroianc,' Spoiane Flyer 1 Minneapolis. 5-t. J'nul, Fljer. 5:t0 p. m.1 i) u 1 u : h, illlnauSee,' fi:CO a. id I Chlcaso and E:Ut. s p. m. Sp. m. Ei.sunday Saturday 10 p. ra. FEOK FOETL2!J). i 4 p. in. Ocean Steamships, i For &an Franslsco ! January '21, , cud every live days thereafter. j I i 1 b. n. Columbia Uv. 3tearaers.!Ez.aunda To A3TOEIA and Way; Use Clarke & Falks Rosnfnnm for the teetn. tf Cures Impotency, Kipht Emissions ar.d wasting diseases, all effects of Eclf- ft abuse, or excesn and indis V crction. Anerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glor to pale cheeks am" restores the fire of youth. By mail fiOc per bo::; (J boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to euro or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jacitscn Sts., CHICAGO, IVU 6 a. m. Willamette Uiveb. i 4:J0 p. m. Ei.sunday Oregon City. Kewters, Ei.sunday Ha;em i Way Lund's. ti m. Tucs.lhur. niu isivEEs. .iloa.,vi anil rHt. Orevoti City, Dayton, aud r rl. and Way-Ijindings. . .Exchange. . Keeps on draught the celebrated COLl'MRIA HEKK. r.cklioiv: edittl th. tot heor In The Dalles, nttheuiual price. Come In, try It and be coi.vitired. AIo the Flns.1t brands of Wiaea, l.ijuor cud Ciirars. Sandtaiehes of stl Kinds alvrays on hand. J! CLONE sum I asm. No. 4 No. 5- - sizo 3'., x 4'4 -(size 4 x 5; Juat Arrived Thf mill Mas.izin Ciiniera v.llh bull, shatter. Ciinie FOR 1899. Ton Points io Consider: I- 12 Pictures In 12 Soconds. 2 fahuttr Bull) Rolonse. 3- Shutter Automatic. t Stiuttor Locks, r. vi Aluminum Plateholders. Sot stopn. Spoclnl Quick Lons. Automatic RujTiator. Ail nnrtd IntnrclinnirenMln. IO Exponod pliitea romovcel vlthout disturuint; unoxpoaou. SS.00 I 1899 Catalofrun with com 10.00 pleto Information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tnt i I Southern Pacific Comp'yJ Trains leave and are due tn arrive at l'ortlai j How About YourTitle? i 'i-xo r.Ji. OVEUUtKD KX-Vi Eress, fealem, Koss-1 ' u:k, Ashland, Sac-1 J ramento, Ogden.Han I 1 Fraucikto, Jlojave, ( i un .ngeics,t.i riuo, i ! New urltana and ' 9 A. It. C n. m. Wiu.iMr.TTR Hi vise. I:3) p. m. TucTliur, i'ortiaud to Corvallh, Tue., Ihiii and cat. uud Way-Landings. aiid fcat. !.v Rlparla dal.y Fvake Rivee. I'.lparla to Lcwlaton. I.EAVS Lewicto.v dally "N.itice i3 hereby given that for the purpiHO of making an esamiuation ol all personb who may tfiVsr themselves as candidates for teachorn of the schools of this county, the ciunty school snperir. tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court homo in The Dalles, Oregon, h-ninning at 0 o'clock a. in. Wednesday, AuyuU 9, 1E99. Dated this 9:h day of Julv, 1899. C. I. GiniKirr. County School Superintendent, Wasco OiDiily, Oregon. According to law, the following pro (;ram lias been prepared by tho state beard of education : IOU BTATK IMI'JSRS. Wednesday Penmanship, history, epelliny, nliehra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, pbvHicj. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, pliyilcal geography. fiaturda) Botany, plane geometry, general history, Kngliih literaturt", psy choloj)', FOIl COUtiTV I'AI'KB8. Wednciiday 1'enmanihlp, history, falling, reading. Tharsdy Written aritbaaetic, theory srf leaching, grammar. ' Friday Geography, mental ariUi- attic, physiology. WOU PBIMAKr OMTiriCATBS. Preserves SI t frults.Jelllea, pIcUe3orcauup an M S more eatlly, mora quickly, mora jMk PanlBne Wax than by any other mtlbnl. Doieaiof other Ui3 WW bo round tor , j nciincu Paraffine Wax In erer7 booMbold. It U clean, uutelesa and odorlesi air, water and acid proof. Uetapouod cake of it mm a iui or iu many utm E2& I'nr.lea rtcirinRtOKO to llcppfcr i-liouM taVe.Vo. I, leaving ihe PhIU at 6:3) p. m rnaliltiK tllreet Cfiniiecilonx ut lleppner Junction ICetUrilltltr tn.-lLin.-illr,pntintiMn nt lfori,ior Junction lth:.-o. 1. arriving at The Luileaat t:13 p. ni. i No. sm, throusht freiKht, cant bound, tlfx-i not PeiiKe; arrives a. in., deparu 3:10a. m. .Vo tit, local frelsrbt, carries pasfengcrs, eist bound: arrive i. -a ) p. m., depart 8:15 p. rn. , No. 'Jl.vreit bouim throuirh frelsht, rl(s not ; carry pa&sciigers; arrives S:15 p m., departs l-.1V. rn. 1 No. 23, r.eat Ijound local freiKht, carries pav ! leiwers; arrln.-5:I.jp. m.,deparua:S0a. m. i For full partlcularn call nn O. K. & N. Co.'i ngen; iue Danes, or address I Ka.it A. Jl. "05eour3 ami way t f"Vla V.'wxlburr fori i McAnKel, ailvcrton, IMily eicept iuudnyi Vi'et scio. Hrown- vllle.Sprlngtieldaud Natron J 11 Pally except tiuudayt. i-.-n x y (Corvallis and wayl ,, .. 1..JJA. j.. j,tatons 'j.o.Wl.l. INUEl'E.VDENCE I'AHSE.VGElt. Express train lially (eicept Sunday). I;i0p.m. rLv. ...Portland.... Ar.i 8:2ia.rn 7:y)p.rn. Al..M(!3Iinnvllle..I.v. b:U)n.m 8:30 p.m. (Ar.. Independence.. Lv.) i:Oa. m. 1 r rt UK YOU PURE it is all riht? Iteniembur it i? the W RECORD that fuverns. It is our butinefcs to f.earch the n-cords and fhow what thov cuutain in relntion to land titles. If jon conteinplale hnyinu' laml or loan in ir niuney on real estate H'curity, take no ninn' word, nut insist upon knowing what the. record ehmve regardim; the titifi. An A be tract is as essential as a deed, limist on having it. Wo have tho only sot ot Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction ctiarnutrcd. II you hitvn prop erty to inniire, irjvu us a call. We are njiente for four of the heat fire iusuraure companies in tlio world. Ifynu have property for sale, list it with ua and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 81. 2d St., oppoalto A. M. Willlamo &. Co. Oca W.1I. Hl'fll.IiL'P.T, I'm. A lit., Portland. Or. from roar drnzzlit or Krocer. uoia everywnerc. uaaeuy MTAXDABD OIL CO. Notice of Filing Final Account Notice U hereby plvcn that Ihc urilertLpied, the asiignee of J. W. Moore, If. E. MiKire, and J. W. and II. K. Moore. lmoWent debtira. has filed with tlieclerk of tho circuit court, of tne DMHiuiuHKuiifi." ,,avij vifuntj , ilia iiiiai count ns such ilgnc..; the rame will bo heard and patted upon by Mid circuit court on lliu lit day of tho next rt-KUlir term of Mill circuit court, to uir, the November, 16tO,tvriu thereof, at tho hour of ten o'clock a, m or a noon thert after at the matter un be reached. JlyU II i'uI.K ItUTLKft, Atslgnec. Executor's Notice. Notice U hereby Rlrsn tint the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable County Court of thoHUIe of Oreiron, for Wawo cnuntr. ai oxreutor of tho Mia to of PhcbeJ. UaiKht, dtccaieif. All peroiu harioK claims acaltist aaid citato are hereby uotlflul to pre eat Iho sainf, proirly verlrJerl. to me at my nMA 4,i UmIIum f'ltt tMH.-ht urlllilri llr lnr.,ilfiia , i.mvv ... i'..ti. f ", '"I ......... ... w .. i from tne date or uu nouoe. P. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LaogoiiD. THone 157 Pally. f Pauy, except buiidar, PINING CAUS ON OGUEN ItOUTE. VCLUIAN BUFFET HI. EFEItS AND HECONP-CLAS3 bl.EEI'INO CAKe Attached to all Through Trnlas. Hirect connection at fean rrnncbco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific mall teainshic lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Balling dates on a plication. Hates and tickets to Eastern point and Ku rotjf. Alio JAPAN, (J1HNA, HONOLULU ant AUSTUALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron Grand Central Btatinn, Filth and Irvine atreeU YAMHILL DIVISION, l'astenger Pep.it, foot of Jeacrsou street. Leave for Sheridan, week dsn. t hsi n. n Arrive at Portland, 0:M a. m. j Ieave for AIItLIE on Monday, Wednesday uud j Friony at 9: (0 a.m. Arrlv- rt I'oitland, Tne- , day, Thurtday and rinturdaj U3:ap. m. I Except Sunday. :sfKBSLT3awsssEJrKv. 66 Except Saturday, I'.. KcE'.i.EH, vUriaier. (, II. MARKIIAM, Asst. G. F. A l'utn. Atrt Throusb Ticket Ofllcc, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in tho F.astcm HUtea, Canada and Europe can bo obtained al lonest rate from x.m,i!JiM.lt"!ift "" Harmony" CXlhiskey. This brain! of Whiskey is Riiarantceil to the consumer as a I'UKE HANI) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family ami Medical Use. Suld by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. liatcil IhU fith dav of July. IHO. FRANK MKNKFEK, Wadaaaday KdiBg, pasmaaafalp, 1 dctid. Jiym FRENCH k CO., BANKERS. TUANHACT A KNEUAL BANKING IJUiilNES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Efccbanuw and Telaorauhif. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Ht, Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland On f on, Seattle Wash,, and various points n Oregon and Washington. Collesti&fls aute at all einU on fav orable tarau. A Beautiful Skin. Ladles, If you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr bourdon' French Arxenlc Complexion Wafers. Their etlect is slmplv magical, possessing the wizard touch In producing and preserving a beautilul trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant oies, soft and smooth tkln where the reverse exists. Even tho coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar r.dness, yellow and muddy skin are permanent ly removed, and a dellclously clear and refined complexion assured. Price per snull box, 0 cent.! lance box, II, or six large boxes, IJ. Heat U any aiMreu tit paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of the above amount. Write for frtj circular, The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery 8t,3an Francisco Cal r, Mooas. joiik oavih MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNEYo AT LAW. Boom 39 and 40, over U, ti, Und Offlcc. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of u kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byer Beet" Pendle tOn FlOUr. T,,lB Flour manufactured exprewly totUafo WMii .. u,e: Yrv sack la guarautad to give tUcJ" call and get cur ST ,D " yU Highest Prices Paid for Whaat, Barley and Oats.