The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 02, 1899, Image 3

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Wiib such ft Brand success that wo havo reluctantly decided to con
tinue: tlio enli) lor day or two loiiKor, tie ho many are unable to attend
thesii sales owiiif? to the fuct Hint on this day there is a double nmoutit of
tforlc to lit" performed at homo which prevents many from doing tlioir
shopping- U la 'or tliuir bonulH that wo have decided ujion this plan.
If you will look nt our fornyr window you will ho immediately con
vinced tlmt wn am tmurlflohiK some elegant p;ooda at wonderfully low
prlcuH. "iir "eilent mtluilady" (tho window) hue on hor bust "bib nnd
tucker" mid 1 llt b" to hur friends at all timet).
Swiss Underwear
Finest cotton, iiIho Hun cheer
llslu in L-i;ru or white, low neck,
lleevi'li-ss, Hills taped; regular fiOo,
special pi leu
Three for $1.00.
Swiss Ribbed Vests
Made from I hu finest corned cot
ton; rt'Huhtr price UOu,
Special 19c.
Ribbed Union Suits
The ri'nular price is !15r,
Special 23c.
Ladies' and Misses'
Sunbonnets, special 19c
All UckkIh Markoct
In Plnln I'liuirctH.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
niiiJ.M'.bUAi - auj a, ihun
Telephone No. J.
All Clinucs in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will lie accepted in the aft
trnoon This rule will he positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Sliaw Company
"I.ovonud Law"
ToniKlitiU tliu Baldwin.
Hollar meetliif! of the Hook and
I'i'Jder company tonight.
An ndjourm.'d mcutini; of tlio boaid of
"re depute- IH called (or tonight at the
Cl'y tall at 8 o'clock.
C. Si! v(
w Et Mn.l t aims. Payette, of Con
'"ville, who took possession yesterday.
The attention of tlio Rathbone Sistero
lUd to t,u meetlnj,' which will bo
MWtomonow evening. As few meol
' lavo liituii hold recently, all nro
specially requested to be present.
We'iriileratuud that 8. Wilkinson lips
Pircmsl thu Lusher property in
""'Hi street. This is a very deairnblo
Ji of property and when tho house ia
K'uoimtiui and improved, it will
Bwavery pretty 0ni0.
Jwof tlits U,Mu nK orehnrdiats of our
nH 1,L'"rtl 10 lo8tlon young
b n rna" l("'"y U0'"-erninK what com
wnttlon o( fruit Ito thought best. Tho
LuT 'Ua"' who 18 know b'
dii. !u.qu,!kly ""Bwored "I prefer n
hlS? 15lru'r-ur "lttuy "
win i i y" k"uwn 1,1 TlioDallw, Iwn
i 0,,lltt,,,,o,l,lw ft patrolman in
Ji u HOU,,,a t0 1,0 fftvorito as
il?T,a win aM that place
wiactorlly for , number of years
J" lwh, who is n our city
nnrpo.o.,1 0buillg recruits for
I'Mlmi rt?l,l,Ut. U. K. Volunteera,
. , 'inya"l'llcH,,t' 80' ' whom
t,, y l1Nlw1''''rl.Pl Eight were
know whetier Uu,y p,,
Women's Strong
Fast Black and Tan
With double heels and toes ;
Special 19c.
Strong Cotton Hosiery
In black or tan colors ;
Special 12hc.
Our entire Block of L'5o and 00o
values in Mtsn't) Bund and Shield
Reduced to 15c.
Uny while the assortment in
Pease & Mays.
The lieutenant attended the drill of
company I) last nittlit.
W. J. Kotierts is down from Pullman
and will spend a few days in tlio city on
business connected with tho propostd
sewer system, and to consult nith Judge
llonnott, who baa been t'iit!Ht;oda as at
torney. Soon the property will be taxed
and thu new sewer system be a sure 140.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany has appealed to tho supremo court
from tho judgment rendered in .ltule
Sears' court, May 15, 189!), in favor of S.
W. Aldrich for ubout flOOO. Tho suit
was to recover on a contract for building
road, and the defendants concede that
about S'JOOO of tho amount sued for is
Nest Monday evening the Georgia
Minstrels will make their first appear
ance in tho city at tho Vot. This is
not tlio same company which visited
The Dalles some time since. It is com
posed of colored people, who aro noted
for their harmonious sinizini;. Tho way
they ship tho old Southern melodies is
said to win them ureat favor. Ten
comedians help pass tho evening.
W. P. Clayton, of Provo, Utah, J. G.
Workman and W. L. Flint, of Parker,
Idaho, and A. T. Flinders, of Oden,
Utah, are Morman elders, who have
been i" tho city for several days
making arrangements to hold meetings
hero. , With the consent of tho mayor
they will hold servlcos on tho corner of
Second and Washington streets each
evening, presumably commencing to
morrow night.
It is again Salem vs. Portland. This
time it Is a question of receiving tho
returning soldier boys. Salem people
aro planiiing to raise money to liasiBt in
bringing them to tho capital city, where
a big reception would bo given them
and tho expenses of tho boys whoso
homes aro in Southern Oregon rM t
return thither. This will no doubt wivko
Portland up and renewed cflbrta along
that lino bo commenced.
Yesterday we called attention to the
thistle notice published by tlisf marshal,
who Intends to rigidly eiiforc tho same.
This will probably iuteres those who
have property which is iiot occupied
more than any one else, frfr there la the
pltce to find a good croil. If, however,
owners could raise a crp of their own
and not distribute tlyblr harvest over
other peoplo'e lawns and gardens, it
would not lie bo badjAmt not only those
who sow are the one to reap. If pride
In vour own properw doea not prompt
voutoueed the miftiuul' warning, bo
unselfish onougho consider yoor neigh
bor and tho trouble which you are
causing him.
Gov. T. T. Gecr, hns received n letter
from Hrigadier-Genoral Howe, of New
Yotk slate, inviting the Oregon National
Guard and Naval Militia to attend the
reception to Admiral George Dewey,
upon his arrival in New York about
October 1st, and participte in tho
parade on tlmt occasion. As tho ex
pense of transportation etc. is to be
borne by the state, it is not likely that
the militia will bo ordered to go to Now
Tho Oreeonian says that if this
weather continues, Portland will bo a
favoritu summer retort. And it will
have a formidable rival in The Dalles,
where tho weather could not bo im
proved on. If 'twero not that an entire
change is necessary u hen one txpects
to receive benefit from a vacation, it
would not bo necessary to leave homo
ttiis year, for while the heat will bo op-pref-Mvo
for a few days, along comes
jiiEt as many cool days, when the uir
cools off and the weather is perfect.
In the West it is quito tiie proper
thing for rejected tuitors to end the lives
of those who dare to refuse them. These
are generally white men, however; but
tho East goes us one better and does not
permit a white woman to refuse her
hand to even an Indian. A dispatch
tells of a graduate from the Indian
school at Carlisle, Pa., who Bhot and
killed a girl in Amherst, Mass. The
Indian had been employed on tbe farm
for about a year, and during that time
he had paid much attention to the girl.
Tlio murder, without doubt, was the
result of her refusal of his attentions.
Mrs. E. 15. Crtjcker has conveyed as a
gift to the local lodge of the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks, of Sacra
mento, her mansion in that city,
which, with the surrounding grounds,
is valued at $90,000. Tho property is
tho old home of E. 13. Crocker and is
connected by a covered passage with the
Crocker art gallery, presented some
years ago by the widow of Judge Crocker
to tlio city. The building is spacious
and well built and the grounds are ex
tensive and highly improved. It is
mideretio.l that tho gift iB absolute,
and tho only requirements nro that the
mansion nnil grounds shall be kept in
good (onditiou.
IJ.ibies are all right in their place,
and it is a strange pereon who does not
love a child, be it ever so small ; but
there are places where babies are 111 tiie
"urong pew," and one is at the theater
or other large gatherings where it is uu
comfortabie itself; fc hares that feeling
with its parentE, and when it gets
enough of the performance, proceeds to
let everyoiiH present know such is the
case by announcing the fact in any
thing but a pleasaut tone of voice. Wo
realize that it sometimes seems neces
sary for parents to takej the bubo or
miss the bIiow themselves; but when
Buch is the ca'.o they should know
just when to oiiso, take up their babe
and walk ; or in other words, when it
ciies, leave thu hall until it is again
At rinlil Hy Mr. Mnlleu.
President Charles S. Mellon of the
Northern Pacitlc has made mblic the
terms of tho offer his road' lists made to
the 0. It. & N. and Union A'acitic. To
tlio Tiicoma Ledger he said
"Wo are unite willing and ready to
ullow tho Union Pacific to nse our tracks
from Portland to Tacoia. They can
have the nso of our terminals here. In
exchange for tills wo wnut the 0. It. &
N. to allo-v us the use dl its tracks from
Wallula junction to Portland. This
would be about an evufti exchange. The
distance from Tacoiia to Portland by
the Northern Pacifuis 185 miles, while
tho distance from AValluhi junction to
'orlland is 210 mill's?, but tho Northern
Pacific runs thruuh a most prolific
country, while thfe O. It. & N. doea not,
so that the diil'eyvnco in mileage will be
more than offseby this fact."
All claimsagainst 'Dalles City must
bo hereafte presented to tho recordor
on or before the day proceeding tho day
fixed for the regular meeting of the
council, which day ia tho 3d day of
each month; if presented thereafter they
shall bo laid over to tho next succeed
ing regular moetirig.
Bv order of finance committee.
Aug. 1, IBM.
Nkd II. Gates,
3t Recorder of Dalles City.
Commencing Saturday, July 29lh, the
0. H. & N. Co. will sell round-trip
tickets to Cascade Looks and return for
fl.GO. Tickets will be honored going 011
train No. 1, Saturday, and returning
on trains Noa. 4 and 2 the following
Sunday. Jah. Iukland, Agent. augl)
There will bo no mid-week evening
service conducted in the Congregatloual
church dining tho month of August.
D. V. Poi.inu, Paitor.
The fihaw Cumpuny .AgAln Pleaae Their
Aiiillriico I.Bdt Night,
The coming of the Shaw cjmpnny to
our city just at this lime has proven a
forlnnnte oconrrenco to those of U9 who
are compelled to remain nt homo while
our mcro fortunate neighbors enjoy
their outings. As it is, wo can now
spend the evening most pleasantly in a
comfortable opera house listening to
first class plays by good actors.
As wo have said before, Dalles people
may not live in a large city where the
opportunity is often afforded to witness
iho best actors, but they know good
acting wheu they tee it, and when a
company gets full houses like the Shaw
company had last night, it is a sure
sign they deserve them.
Many who heard tho Milton Nobles'
Compnny play "Fiom Siro to Son" ex
press their opinion that the company
last night dif-countwl tbe former pro
duction. While Nobles himself is an
actor of undisputed merit, and his wife
as pleasing an actress, tho character of
Alfred Armitage was not so well suited
to fiia stylo as was it to Mr. Shaw.
Then the entire cast was much stronger.
Indeed, were it not that each character
was so deserving of special mention, we
might single out a few and comment
upon their acting; but the play was so
well balanced that to do eo would be un
just. .
Those who ware not in attendance
the first night were astonished that a
company whoso prices are so reasonable
carried such a splendid orchestra. Their
work was up to the standard estab
lished Monday night, and as much ap
preciated. Especially fine are the
xylophone solos.
Tonight the company will go back to
comedy once more and produce Milton
Noble's masterpiece, "Love and Law."
The play is in lealitya melo-drama of
New York life, but the humorous Eide
ol the picture predominates and it ip
always classed as comedy. As Felix
O'Paff, the Irish attorney, with ono
hand in his pockets ready to aEBiet the
needy, and tho other outstretched to
uphold virtue or punish vice and over
all that irrepressible sense of Irish wit
and humor, Sam Shaw has a character
which the Salem papers detcribed as
"fitting him so perfectly that it was
difficult to determine where Shaw left
off and O'Paff began."
She stood upon tliu Vullmtm platform, rapt
Jn wonder us thu t:itin 'llu upuuiil creep
'Neuth puakb by grand otenuil mow crowns
Through canyons deep.
"Grunt tccnery," to brenl: the Ice, I Miid,
"Iiicoinprchfiiiibk', lmiJuHlc, yraud!"
Arm bhe replied, with noa of queenly head:
"Jt ticatb the b:intl!"
"Those towering pines, how graceful in their
"Suied by the pii'blng breeze from tops to
roots ;
Are not they kingly?" and she soft lepllcd:
"Hay, ain't they beauts!"
"What mighty power nerved the hand that split
These mighty locks apart, and hurled them
With upuirncd eves she answered "Wasn't it
A crackerjitck!
"These rugged canyon walls on either tide,
Present they not u most Imposing front!"
Shu turned her exes upon them unU icpiied:
"Well, 1 shtild grunt
"Didst note the golden huze which dieamlly
Spread o'er the liliu when day began todawn?"
She thought a moment and then answered mc:
"Yes, 1 caught on."
"How lublgnlllcant we mortals seem
snimmudud by the woiks of Nature, such
Asthls,"fchesoltieplIed: "Will, 1 thoulddreim'
We ain't to much!"
"Suppose, these gieat walls towering overhead
Should close upon us in this awful chttsm!"
Shu shruggtil her shoulders once or twice and
"I'd 1ihu a spasinl"
"Arevou from Denver, may 1 ask'." and she
Liavumu a glume that caused my hair to curl
And said: "Well, 1 should mu.niur '.Nitl' 1 bo
A Huston gyuill''
DdWitt's Little Eaily Kisers expel
from the system nit poisonous accumu
lations, regulate the stomach, bowels
and liver, and purify the blood. They
drive awav disease, dissipate melancholy
aud give health and vigor for tlio daily
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Putltr
Drug Co.
Tonight's Play,
Change of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedians.
Cntnrrli Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
Is a blood or constitutional disease, and
In order to cure it you must lako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and nets directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular picscription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect
I combination of tho two ingredients is
j what produces such wonderful results in
, curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Prop?., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggifte, price 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho herd. 12
A Clilltl ICnJuyft.
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
eoothiiiK effect of Syrup of Fig, when in
need of a laxative, and if tiie fathei or
mother be costivo or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is the best family remedy known and
every family should have a tiottlp.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
That Throltlilnfr Ilcmlaclio
. Would qivckly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchlesR
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 centa.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore exieting between
C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under
the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus
will continue Iho business, and will col
lect all bills dne said firm nnd pay all
accounts against the same.
Dated July 1, 1899.
C. J. Catiicaut,
J. D. Sthaus.
On account of business interests call
ing me to Portland for some time at
leabt, my household furniture and car
pets are now for Eale. Any who may
desire to purchase, may examine them
by calling at my residence on the corner
of Fourth and Union streets. The house
is also for lease.
29-1 w Lksme BuTi.nn.
To Cure h Cold m One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25e.
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whitkey for family and
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The
Dalles. ' jl
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in shape to proporly
handle all kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
Baldwin Opera House
MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players.
Positively the strongest aggregation of its kind in the weet.
The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra.
Concert and parade each day at 2 ;00 o'clock.
Seats ou sale at Blukeley & Houghton's
It's a real
to get the meals for tho family
when you havo a complete set
of needful u'enella and have a
new Garland stove or steel
rango to cook upon. Wo fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, cat
vers, meat cutter?, raiseri seed
erp, pots, irons, roasting pnns
hundreds of other thing to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double own
cook stoves from !fS 00 up.
See tho best Ranee on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
IU.ce to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Call at Maicr A- Benton's and see
the Antiseptic Nest Kgg. With the
use of this Nest Kgg ou will have
no more l.lce, Miks or Vernlf in
your poultry houses. Setting hens
will set better eggs and will hutch
better nud chickens will live and
grow better wheie Antiseptic JCgg is
used. See them at
) if
1 1
167 Second St.
lllHinarck'8 Iron -Nine
Was the result of hie splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Lifo
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drug store. 2
Thomas Ithoadr, Centertield, 0.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy cave me relief
until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, ferfectly harm
less. Bewait of counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
bv Clarke & Falk. tf
Sewing Machines and
machinery, etc.
the charge of Mr. J. KirchofF.
Her & mm
Songs and Dances.
15c, 86c and 36c